Created a url_for function module to be used by different javascript
modules to use the same functionality of flask at client side.
A python module can expose the list of endpoints, used by its
javascripts, by overriding the 'get_exposed_url_endpoints(self)'
In this patch, we have modified all the browser modules to use this
function. It will allow us to move the majority of the javascript
modules of browser nodes from templates directory to the static
- Move these javascripts modules to the static directory.
- Use this function in all the applicable javascript modules.
e.g. tools, miscellaneous modules
Windows 2008 R2 (32 bit), while running the pgAdmin 4 as runtime for
the PostgreSQL one click installers.
- Found a typo in runtime code, we were appending the path using ';' on
*nix systems too. We should have used ':', and that did not allow the
os.environ['PATH'] to identify the correct path of the python
interpreter under the 'venv' directory.
- On Windows 2008, it was not honouring the environment variables, set
under the Qt application (e.g. pgAdmin4.exe runtime), in the python
application. (e.g. We will need to assume that - the
python interpreter resides under the 'venv' directory outside the
'bin' directory.
- Also, on windows 2008, it was setting PYTHONHOME environment variable
to the full path of the pgAdmin4.exe, we need to reset it to 'venv'
directory, if we find the python interpreter under it.
Thanks Murtuza Zabuawala for tips, and help.
Changes done by Ashesh in file for setting up PYTHONHOME variable to sys.prefix was applicable only for windows only.
Additionally I have also added exception handling for file provided by user for Backup/Restore/Import/Export.
In order to resolve the non-ascii characters in path (in user directory,
storage path, etc) on windows, we have converted the path into the
short-path, so that - we don't need to deal with the encoding issues
(specially with Python 2).
We've resolved majority of the issues with this patch.
We still need couple issues to resolve after this in the same area.
* Add better support for non-ascii characters in the database name on
windows with Python 3
* Improve the messages created after the background processes by
different modules (such as Backup, Restore, Import/Export, etc.),
which does not show short-paths, and xml representable characters for
non-ascii characters, when found in the database objects, and the file
Fixes#2174, #1797, #2166, #1940
Initial patch by: Surinder Kumar
Reviewed by: Murtuza Zabuawala
Re-engineer the background process executor, to avoid using sqlite as some builds of
components it relies on do not support working in forked children.
When a File Manager is closed by clicking cancel button. Its dom element not destroyed.. So on traversing into directories, when it tries to get currently selected file type, it looks into the dom element but it gets dom of previous dialogs not of currently dialog.
Now whenever an instance of File Manager is closed. its dom elements are also destroyed.
Issues fixed:
1) In Python 3, parameter "cmp" is removed from sorted method. So File Manager won't open.
As we are sorting data on JS side using Natural sort, so on server side sorting is not required.
2) Improvement in Exception handling.
When clicked on upload icon while saving a file prompt user to leave page. It is because the icon is a button and its type is set to submit which makes it to prompt, instead it should be 'button'
Storage Manager's menu items depends on capabilities list set by the module using it. If capabilities doesn't have 'upload' in it, It won't work. Upload button is bound to click event only when it is in capabilities.
As upload button is being added only when it is in capabilities, so upload button html is removed from html file. It will not shown on UI untill it is in capabilities list.
This patch takes care of:
* Consistent behaviour during create, update operation on any node.
- It should return the node data during creating a new object, or
updating the existing one.
* Now that - we have consistent behaviour during these operations, we
can consistently move, update the tree item based the node data from
the server.
* Implemented the methods for each node to get the information about
that particular node only.
* Using the above changes to implement the 'refresh' operation on tree
node properly.
I must thank Surinder, and Harshal for helping me implement the 'node'
method, and also changed the behaviour of create & update methods to
return the node data for most of the nodes.
Made backend changes for:
* Taking care of the connection status in the psycopg2 driver. And, when
the connection is lost, it throws a exception with 503 http status
message, and connection lost information in it.
* Allowing the flask application to propagate the exceptions even in the
release mode.
* Utilising the existing password (while reconnection, if not
disconnected explicitly).
* Introduced a new ajax response message 'service_unavailable' (http
status code: 503), which suggests temporary service unavailable.
Client (front-end) changes:
* To handle the connection lost of a database server for different
operations by generating proper events, and handle them properly.
Removed the connection status check code from different nodes, so that
- it generates the proper exception, when accessing the non-alive
- Double click on file/folder icon or name will navigate to the folder/file.
- Selected file/folder can be renamed by Rename button only. Double click rename is removed.
- Filename text box will not hide on smaller screen. Setting minimum width of File Browser fixed it.
- Path at top will only show directory name, not the file name and it is greyed out