- Test framework support API testing with multiple server for this we need to modify test_config.json(for user it’s test_config.json.in) and test_advanced_config.json(for user it’s test_advanced_config.json.in). Server details of PG and PPAS are included in both .in files.
- Removed the logic of logging in the test client on each test scenario(As per Khushboo's comment in previous email). We need this logic in test cases under ‘browser/tests/’ as for test scenarios like change password and invalid login test cases as test client should be logged out first. So, as per this the code is slightly modified in ‘browser/tests/’.
Without quotes, the property can be mistakenly treated as a regex:
e.g.: URL: /pgadmin/browser/,
When that happens, JS engine throws "SyntaxError: invalid regular expression flag b" and the whole web interface freezes.
This problem usually occurs when pgadmin is hosted inside a subdirectory (https://host/pgadmin/ instead of https://host/).
Root cause:-
When user change schema of already created fdw extension then while creating the new fdw we should append the <schema_name>.<fdw_handler_name>.
Previously we added only <fdw_handler_name> so while executing the query it will not be able to find fdw handler name without schema name.
e.g. If user changed the fdw handler 'postgres_fdw_handler' under schema 'test' then we should display the handler name under fdw as "test. postgres_fdw_handler".
With this patch, we have added <schema_name>.<fdw_handler_name> so while creating or updating the fdw, proper sql will be generated.
1. RM#1293 - SQL pane is not displaying GRANT queries in functions node
2. RM#1294 - Comments are not visible in sql pane for trigger functions and functions
Previously we we using 'get_defintion.sql' template to generate SQL for SQL pane for functions, procedure & trigger functions node.
but GRANT statements and COMMENTS changes were missing. In order to fix that, now we have used both 'create.sql' and 'get_definition.sql' templates to generate full SQL query for SQL pane.
- Opening a file should set the tab name to the filename
- Editing a file should add a * to the tab name to indicate the file is dirty
- Saving changes to a file should clear the *
- The Save button should have a drop-down menu, with a Save As option.
1. Altered variable control to make its UI consistent with privileges and Security labels.
2. Changed datamodel.js to handle duplicate rows at datamodel level and not UI/Control level. (See variable control for example)
- Double click on file/folder icon or name will navigate to the folder/file.
- Selected file/folder can be renamed by Rename button only. Double click rename is removed.
- Filename text box will not hide on smaller screen. Setting minimum width of File Browser fixed it.
- Path at top will only show directory name, not the file name and it is greyed out
To make it work, we need to explicitly set -webkit-animation property to 'none' for classes "sql-editor-busy-icon.fa-pulse" and ".debugger-container fa-pulse".
'fa-pulse' class is responsible to spin the busy icon, but setting its -webkit-animation property to none will not spin icon but icon and message will be shown.
return correct information from a script, but works well on interactive
shell. Used a more proper check for Python > 2 instead of the current
Thanks Vishal for the report.
children node. This implementation will allow to add new nodes at server
level without modifying the dashboard code. I found the issue during the
pgAgent Jobs node implementation.
optimized to work from multiple threads. It has too many frequent
transaction from multiple threads, and that tends to result into the
'database is locked' error of sqlite.
With the new implemenation, we're using the caching mechanism, which
keep the data in the memory all the time, and saves it on request
completion, and loads it only for the first time. Also, it will storage
the data using pickle, which will be faster than accessing sqlite.