Handle sized time/timestamp columns correctly. Fixes #2076
@ -655,13 +655,13 @@ class TableView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader, VacuumSettings):
# If we have length & precision both
matchObj = re.search(r'(\d+),(\d+)', fulltype)
if matchObj:
column['attlen'] = int(matchObj.group(1))
column['attprecision'] = int(matchObj.group(2))
column['attlen'] = matchObj.group(1)
column['attprecision'] = matchObj.group(2)
# If we have length only
matchObj = re.search(r'(\d+)', fulltype)
if matchObj:
column['attlen'] = int(matchObj.group(1))
column['attlen'] = matchObj.group(1)
column['attprecision'] = None
column['attlen'] = None
@ -695,21 +695,7 @@ class TableView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader, VacuumSettings):
column['edit_types'] = edit_types_list
# Manual Data type formatting
# If data type has () with them then we need to remove them
# eg bit(1) because we need to match the name with combobox
isArray = False
if column['cltype'].endswith('[]'):
isArray = True
column['cltype'] = column['cltype'].rstrip('[]')
idx = column['cltype'].find('(')
if idx and column['cltype'].endswith(')'):
column['cltype'] = column['cltype'][:idx]
if isArray:
column['cltype'] += "[]"
column['cltype'] = DataTypeReader.parse_type_name(column['cltype'])
if 'indkey' in column:
# Current column
@ -1317,6 +1303,24 @@ class TableView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader, VacuumSettings):
return data_type, False
def convert_length_precision_to_string(data):
This function is used to convert length & precision to string
to handle case like when user gives 0 as length
data: Data from client
Converted data
if 'attlen' in data and data['attlen'] is not None:
data['attlen'] = str(data['attlen'])
if 'attprecision' in data and data['attprecision'] is not None:
data['attprecision'] = str(data['attprecision'])
return data
def _parse_format_columns(self, data, mode=None):
@ -1344,6 +1348,8 @@ class TableView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader, VacuumSettings):
# check type for '[]' in it
c['cltype'], c['hasSqrBracket'] = self._cltype_formatter(c['cltype'])
c = self.convert_length_precision_to_string(c)
data['columns'][action] = final_columns
# We need to exclude all the columns which are inherited from other tables
@ -1364,6 +1370,8 @@ class TableView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader, VacuumSettings):
# check type for '[]' in it
c['cltype'], c['hasSqrBracket'] = self._cltype_formatter(c['cltype'])
c = self.convert_length_precision_to_string(c)
data['columns'] = final_columns
return data
@ -2200,6 +2208,7 @@ class TableView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader, VacuumSettings):
old_data = res['rows'][0]
old_data['cltype'], old_data['hasSqrBracket'] = self._cltype_formatter(old_data['cltype'])
old_data = self.convert_length_precision_to_string(old_data)
fulltype = self.get_full_type(
old_data['typnspname'], old_data['typname'],
@ -2221,20 +2230,7 @@ class TableView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader, VacuumSettings):
old_data['attlen'] = None
old_data['attprecision'] = None
# Manual Data type formatting
# If data type has () with them then we need to remove them
# eg bit(1) because we need to match the name with combobox
isArray = False
if old_data['cltype'].endswith('[]'):
isArray = True
old_data['cltype'] = old_data['cltype'].rstrip('[]')
idx = old_data['cltype'].find('(')
if idx and old_data['cltype'].endswith(')'):
old_data['cltype'] = old_data['cltype'][:idx]
if isArray:
old_data['cltype'] += "[]"
old_data['cltype'] = DataTypeReader.parse_type_name(old_data['cltype'])
# Sql for alter column
if 'inheritedfrom' not in c:
@ -2251,6 +2247,9 @@ class TableView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader, VacuumSettings):
if 'attacl' in c:
c['attacl'] = parse_priv_to_db(c['attacl'],
c = self.convert_length_precision_to_string(c)
if 'inheritedfrom' not in c:
column_sql += render_template("/".join(
[self.column_template_path, 'create.sql']),
@ -436,20 +436,7 @@ class ColumnsView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
data['edit_types'] = edit_types_list
# Manual Data type formatting
# If data type has () with them then we need to remove them
# eg bit(1) because we need to match the name with combobox
isArray = False
if data['cltype'].endswith('[]'):
isArray = True
data['cltype'] = data['cltype'].rstrip('[]')
idx = data['cltype'].find('(')
if idx and data['cltype'].endswith(')'):
data['cltype'] = data['cltype'][:idx]
if isArray:
data['cltype'] += "[]"
data['cltype'] = DataTypeReader.parse_type_name(data['cltype'])
return data
@ -511,6 +498,24 @@ class ColumnsView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
return type
def convert_length_precision_to_string(data):
This function is used to convert length & precision to string
to handle case like when user gives 0 as length
data: Data from client
Converted data
if 'attlen' in data and data['attlen'] is not None:
data['attlen'] = str(data['attlen'])
if 'attprecision' in data and data['attprecision'] is not None:
data['attprecision'] = str(data['attprecision'])
return data
def create(self, gid, sid, did, scid, tid):
@ -560,6 +565,7 @@ class ColumnsView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
# check type for '[]' in it
data['cltype'] = self._cltype_formatter(data['cltype'])
data['hasSqrBracket'] = self.hasSqrBracket
data = self.convert_length_precision_to_string(data)
SQL = render_template("/".join([self.template_path,
@ -733,6 +739,8 @@ class ColumnsView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
This function will genrate sql from model data
data = self.convert_length_precision_to_string(data)
if clid is not None:
SQL = render_template("/".join([self.template_path,
'properties.sql']), tid=tid, clid=clid
@ -746,6 +754,11 @@ class ColumnsView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
# We will add table & schema as well
old_data = self._formatter(scid, tid, clid, old_data)
# check type for '[]' in it
if 'cltype' in old_data:
old_data['cltype'] = self._cltype_formatter(old_data['cltype'])
old_data['hasSqrBracket'] = self.hasSqrBracket
# If name is not present in data then
# we will fetch it from old data, we also need schema & table name
if 'name' not in data:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{% import 'column/macros/security.macros' as SECLABEL %}
{% import 'column/macros/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% import 'macros/variable.macros' as VARIABLE %}
{% import 'type/macros/get_full_type_sql_format.macros' as GET_TYPE %}
{### Rename column name ###}
{% if data.name and data.name != o_data.name %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.table)}}
@ -8,11 +9,9 @@ ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.table)}}
{% endif %}
{### Alter column type and collation ###}
{% if (data.cltype and data.cltype != o_data.cltype) or (data.attlen and data.attlen != o_data.attlen) or (data.attprecision or data.attprecision != o_data.attprecision) %}
{% if (data.cltype and data.cltype != o_data.cltype) or (data.attlen and data.attlen != o_data.attlen) or (data.attprecision and data.attprecision != o_data.attprecision) %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.table)}}
ALTER COLUMN {% if data.name %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(data.name)}}{% else %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(o_data.name)}}{% endif %} TYPE {% if data.cltype %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(data.cltype)}} {% elif o_data.typnspname != 'pg_catalog' %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(o_data.typnspname, o_data.cltype)}}{% else %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(o_data.cltype)}} {% endif %}
{% if data.attlen and data.attlen != 'None' %}({{data.attlen}}{% if data.attlen != 'None' and data.attprecision %}, {{data.attprecision}}){% elif (data.cltype is defined and not data.cltype) %}, {{o_data.attprecision}}){% elif data.attlen %}){% endif %}{% endif %}{% if data.hasSqrBracket %}
[]{% endif %}{% if data.collspcname and data.collspcname != o_data.collspcname %}
ALTER COLUMN {% if data.name %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(data.name)}}{% else %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(o_data.name)}}{% endif %} TYPE {{ GET_TYPE.UPDATE_TYPE_SQL(conn, data, o_data) }}{% if data.collspcname and data.collspcname != o_data.collspcname %}
COLLATE {{data.collspcname}}{% endif %};
{% endif %}
{### Alter column default value ###}
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
{% import 'column/macros/security.macros' as SECLABEL %}
{% import 'column/macros/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% import 'macros/variable.macros' as VARIABLE %}
{% import 'type/macros/get_full_type_sql_format.macros' as GET_TYPE %}
{### Add column ###}
{% if data.name and data.cltype %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.table)}}
ADD COLUMN {{conn|qtIdent(data.name)}} {{conn|qtTypeIdent(data.cltype)}}{% if data.attlen %}
({{data.attlen}}{% if data.attprecision%}, {{data.attprecision}}{% endif %}){% endif %}{% if data.hasSqrBracket %}
[]{% endif %}{% if data.collspcname %}
ADD COLUMN {{conn|qtIdent(data.name)}} {{ GET_TYPE.CREATE_TYPE_SQL(conn, data.cltype, data.attlen, data.attprecision, data.hasSqrBracket) }}{% if data.collspcname %}
COLLATE {{data.collspcname}}{% endif %}{% if data.attnotnull %}
NOT NULL{% endif %}{% if data.defval %}
DEFAULT {{data.defval}}{% endif %};
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{% import 'column/macros/security.macros' as SECLABEL %}
{% import 'column/macros/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% import 'macros/variable.macros' as VARIABLE %}
{% import 'type/macros/get_full_type_sql_format.macros' as GET_TYPE %}
{### Rename column name ###}
{% if data.name and data.name != o_data.name %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.table)}}
@ -8,11 +9,9 @@ ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.table)}}
{% endif %}
{### Alter column type and collation ###}
{% if (data.cltype and data.cltype != o_data.cltype) or (data.attlen and data.attlen != o_data.attlen) or (data.attprecision or data.attprecision != o_data.attprecision) %}
{% if (data.cltype and data.cltype != o_data.cltype) or (data.attlen and data.attlen != o_data.attlen) or (data.attprecision and data.attprecision != o_data.attprecision) %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.table)}}
ALTER COLUMN {% if data.name %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(data.name)}}{% else %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(o_data.name)}}{% endif %} TYPE {% if data.cltype %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(data.cltype)}} {% elif o_data.typnspname != 'pg_catalog' %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(o_data.typnspname, o_data.cltype)}}{% else %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(o_data.cltype)}} {% endif %}
{% if data.attlen and data.attlen != 'None' %}({{data.attlen}}{% if data.attlen != 'None' and data.attprecision %}, {{data.attprecision}}){% elif (data.cltype is defined and not data.cltype) %}, {{o_data.attprecision}}){% elif data.attlen %}){% endif %}{% endif %}{% if data.hasSqrBracket %}
[]{% endif %}{% if data.collspcname and data.collspcname != o_data.collspcname %}
ALTER COLUMN {% if data.name %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(data.name)}}{% else %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(o_data.name)}}{% endif %} TYPE {{ GET_TYPE.UPDATE_TYPE_SQL(conn, data, o_data) }}{% if data.collspcname and data.collspcname != o_data.collspcname %}
COLLATE {{data.collspcname}}{% endif %};
{% endif %}
{### Alter column default value ###}
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
{% import 'column/macros/security.macros' as COLUMN_SECLABEL %}
{% import 'column/macros/privilege.macros' as COLUMN_PRIVILEGE %}
{% import 'table/sql/macros/constraints.macro' as CONSTRAINTS %}
{% import 'type/macros/get_full_type_sql_format.macros' as GET_TYPE %}
@ -43,9 +44,7 @@ CREATE {% if data.relpersistence %}UNLOGGED {% endif %}TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data
{% if c.name and c.cltype %}
{% if loop.index != 1 %},
{% endif %}
{{conn|qtIdent(c.name)}} {{conn|qtTypeIdent(c.cltype)}}{% if c.attlen %}
({{c.attlen}}{% if c.attprecision%}, {{c.attprecision}}{% endif %}){% endif %}{% if c.hasSqrBracket %}
[]{% endif %}{% if c.collspcname %} COLLATE {{c.collspcname}}{% endif %}{% if c.attnotnull %} NOT NULL{% endif %}{% if c.defval %} DEFAULT {{c.defval}}{% endif %}
{{conn|qtIdent(c.name)}} {{ GET_TYPE.CREATE_TYPE_SQL(conn, c.cltype, c.attlen, c.attprecision, c.hasSqrBracket) }}{% if c.collspcname %} COLLATE {{c.collspcname}}{% endif %}{% if c.attnotnull %} NOT NULL{% endif %}{% if c.defval %} DEFAULT {{c.defval}}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
@ -347,6 +347,43 @@ class TypeView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
def _cltype_formatter(self, type):
data: Type string
We need to remove [] from type and append it
after length/precision so we will set flag for
sql template
if '[]' in type:
type = type.replace('[]', '')
self.hasSqrBracket = True
self.hasSqrBracket = False
return type
def convert_length_precision_to_string(data):
This function is used to convert length & precision to string
to handle case like when user gives 0 as length
data: Data from client
Converted data
if 'tlength' in data and data['tlength'] is not None:
data['tlength'] = str(data['tlength'])
if 'precision' in data and data['precision'] is not None:
data['precision'] = str(data['precision'])
return data
def additional_properties(self, copy_dict, tid):
We will use this function to add additional properties according to type
@ -412,11 +449,17 @@ class TypeView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
is_tlength = True if t_len else False
is_precision = True if t_prec else False
type_name = DataTypeReader.parse_type_name(row['typname'])
row['type'] = self._cltype_formatter(type_name)
row['hasSqrBracket'] = self.hasSqrBracket
row = self.convert_length_precision_to_string(row)
'attnum': row['attnum'], 'member_name': row['attname'], 'type': row['typname'],
'collation': full_collate,
'attnum': row['attnum'], 'member_name': row['attname'], 'type': type_name,
'collation': full_collate, 'cltype': row['type'],
'tlength': t_len, 'precision': t_prec,
'is_tlength': is_tlength, 'is_precision': is_precision})
'is_tlength': is_tlength, 'is_precision': is_precision,
'hasSqrBracket': row['hasSqrBracket']})
# Adding both results
res['member_list'] = ', '.join(properties_list)
@ -900,6 +943,12 @@ class TypeView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
data = self._convert_for_sql(data)
if 'composite' in data and len(data['composite']) > 0:
for each_type in data['composite']:
each_type = self.convert_length_precision_to_string(each_type)
each_type['cltype'] = self._cltype_formatter(each_type['type'])
each_type['hasSqrBracket'] = self.hasSqrBracket
SQL = render_template("/".join([self.template_path, 'create.sql']),
data=data, conn=self.conn)
status, res = self.conn.execute_dict(SQL)
@ -1118,6 +1167,15 @@ class TypeView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
if 'deleted' in data[key]:
data[key]['deleted'] = parse_priv_to_db(data[key]['deleted'], self.acl)
if 'composite' in data and len(data['composite']) > 0:
for key in ['added', 'changed', 'deleted']:
if key in data['composite']:
for each_type in data['composite'][key]:
each_type = self.convert_length_precision_to_string(each_type)
if 'type' in each_type:
each_type['cltype'] = self._cltype_formatter(each_type['type'])
each_type['hasSqrBracket'] = self.hasSqrBracket
SQL = render_template("/".join([self.template_path,
scid=scid, tid=tid,
@ -1169,7 +1227,15 @@ class TypeView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
# Privileges
if 'typacl' in data and data['typacl'] is not None:
data['typacl'] = parse_priv_to_db(data['typacl'], self.acl)
data = self._convert_for_sql(data)
if 'composite' in data and len(data['composite']) > 0:
for each_type in data['composite']:
each_type = self.convert_length_precision_to_string(each_type)
each_type['cltype'] = self._cltype_formatter(each_type['type'])
each_type['hasSqrBracket'] = self.hasSqrBracket
SQL = render_template("/".join([self.template_path,
data=data, conn=self.conn)
@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ function($, _, S, pgAdmin, pgBrowser, alertify, Backgrid) {
m.set('is_tlength', true, {silent: true});
m.set('min_val', o.min_val, {silent: true});
m.set('max_val', o.max_val, {silent: true});
} else {
// set the values in model
m.set('is_tlength', false, {silent: true});
@ -140,6 +143,9 @@ function($, _, S, pgAdmin, pgBrowser, alertify, Backgrid) {
m.set('is_precision', true, {silent: true});
m.set('min_val', o.min_val, {silent: true});
m.set('max_val', o.max_val, {silent: true});
} else {
// set the values in model
m.set('is_precision', false, {silent: true});
@ -166,7 +172,7 @@ function($, _, S, pgAdmin, pgBrowser, alertify, Backgrid) {
if (flag) {
m.set('collspcname', "");
m.set('collspcname', "", {silent: true});
}, 10);
return flag;
@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
{% macro CREATE_TYPE_SQL(conn, type_name, type_length, type_precision, is_type_array) %}
{% if type_name.startswith('time') and type_length %}
{###### Need to check against separate time types - START ######}
{% if type_name == "timestamp without time zone" %}
timestamp({{ type_length }}) without time zone{% elif type_name == "timestamp with time zone" %}
timestamp({{ type_length }}) with time zone{% elif type_name == "time without time zone" %}
time({{ type_length }}) without time zone{% elif type_name == "time with time zone" %}
time({{ type_length }}) with time zone{% endif %}{% if is_type_array %}
[]{% endif %}
{###### Need to check against separate time types - END ######}
{% else %}
{{ conn|qtTypeIdent(type_name) }}{% if type_length %}
({{ type_length }}{% if type_precision%}, {{ type_precision }}{% endif %}){% endif %}{% if is_type_array %}
@ -19,45 +23,41 @@ time({{ type_length }}) with time zone{% endif %}{% if is_type_array %}
{% macro UPDATE_TYPE_SQL(conn, data, o_data) %}
{% if data.cltype and data.cltype.startswith('time') and data.attlen %}
{###### Need to check against separate time types - START ######}
{% if data.cltype == "timestamp without time zone" %}
timestamp({{ data.attlen }}) without time zone
{% elif data.cltype == "timestamp with time zone" %}
timestamp({{ data.attlen }}) with time zone
{% elif data.cltype == "time without time zone" %}
time({{ data.attlen }}) without time zone
{% elif data.cltype == "time with time zone" %}
time({{ data.attlen }}) with time zone
{% endif %}{% if data.hasSqrBracket %}
[]{% endif %}
timestamp({{ data.attlen }}) without time zone {% elif data.cltype == "timestamp with time zone" %}
timestamp({{ data.attlen }}) with time zone {% elif data.cltype == "time without time zone" %}
time({{ data.attlen }}) without time zone {% elif data.cltype == "time with time zone" %}
time({{ data.attlen }}) with time zone {% endif %}{% if data.hasSqrBracket %}[]{% endif %}
{# if only type changes, we need to give previous length to current type#}
{% elif data.cltype and data.cltype.startswith('time') and o_data.attlen != 'None' %}
{% if data.cltype == "timestamp without time zone" %}
timestamp({{ o_data.attlen }}) without time zone
{% elif data.cltype == "timestamp with time zone" %}
timestamp({{ o_data.attlen }}) with time zone
{% elif data.cltype == "time without time zone" %}
time({{ o_data.attlen }}) without time zone
{% elif data.cltype == "time with time zone" %}
time({{ o_data.attlen }}) with time zone
{% endif %}{% if data.hasSqrBracket %}
[]{% endif %}
timestamp({{ o_data.attlen }}) without time zone {% elif data.cltype == "timestamp with time zone" %}
timestamp({{ o_data.attlen }}) with time zone {% elif data.cltype == "time without time zone" %}
time({{ o_data.attlen }}) without time zone {% elif data.cltype == "time with time zone" %}
time({{ o_data.attlen }}) with time zone {% endif %}{% if data.hasSqrBracket %}[]{% endif %}
{# if only length changes, we need to give previous length to current type#}
{% elif data.attlen and o_data.cltype.startswith('time') %}
{% if o_data.cltype == "timestamp without time zone" %}
timestamp({{ data.attlen }}) without time zone
{% elif o_data.cltype == "timestamp with time zone" %}
timestamp({{ data.attlen }}) with time zone
{% elif o_data.cltype == "time without time zone" %}
time({{ data.attlen }}) without time zone
{% elif o_data.cltype == "time with time zone" %}
time({{ data.attlen }}) with time zone
{% endif %}{% if o_data.hasSqrBracket %}
[]{% endif %}
timestamp({{ data.attlen }}) without time zone {% elif o_data.cltype == "timestamp with time zone" %}
timestamp({{ data.attlen }}) with time zone {% elif o_data.cltype == "time without time zone" %}
time({{ data.attlen }}) without time zone {% elif o_data.cltype == "time with time zone" %}
time({{ data.attlen }}) with time zone {% endif %}{% if o_data.hasSqrBracket %}[]{% endif %}
{###### Need to check against separate time types - END ######}
{% else %}
{% if data.cltype %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(data.cltype)}} {% elif o_data.typnspname != 'pg_catalog' %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(o_data.typnspname, o_data.cltype)}}{% else %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(o_data.cltype)}} {% endif %}
{% if data.attlen and data.attlen != 'None' %}({{data.attlen}}{% if data.attlen != 'None' and data.attprecision %}, {{data.attprecision}}){% elif (data.cltype is defined and not data.cltype) %}, {{o_data.attprecision}}){% elif data.attlen %}){% endif %}{% endif %}{% if data.hasSqrBracket %}
[]{% endif %}
{% elif (data.cltype and not data.cltype.startswith('time')) or not o_data.cltype.startswith('time') %}
{########## We will create SQL for other types here ##########}
{% if data.cltype %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(data.cltype)}} {% elif o_data.typnspname != 'pg_catalog' %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(o_data.typnspname, o_data.cltype)}}{% else %}{{conn|qtTypeIdent(o_data.cltype)}} {% endif %}{% if (data.attlen and data.attlen != 'None') or (data.attprecision and data.attprecision != 'None') %}
{% if data.attlen and data.attlen != 'None' %}
({{ data.attlen }}{% elif data.attprecision and data.attprecision != 'None' %}({{ o_data.attlen }}{% endif %}{% if data.attprecision and data.attprecision != 'None' %}
, {{ data.attprecision }}){% elif o_data.attprecision and o_data.attprecision != 'None' %}, {{ o_data.attprecision }}){% else %}){% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{% import 'macros/schemas/security.macros' as SECLABEL %}
{% import 'macros/schemas/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% import 'type/macros/get_full_type_sql_format.macros' as GET_TYPE %}
{## If user selected shell type then just create type template ##}
{% if data and data.typtype == 'p' %}
CREATE TYPE {{ conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name) }};
@ -7,7 +8,7 @@ CREATE TYPE {{ conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name) }};
{### Composite Type ###}
{% if data and data.typtype == 'c' %}
CREATE TYPE {% if data.schema %}{{ conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name) }}{% else %}{{ conn|qtIdent(data.name) }}{% endif %} AS
({{"\n\t"}}{% if data.composite %}{% for d in data.composite %}{% if loop.index != 1 %},{{"\n\t"}}{% endif %}{{ conn|qtIdent(d.member_name) }} {{ d.type }}{% if d.is_tlength and d.tlength %}({{d.tlength}}{% if d.is_precision and d.precision %},{{d.precision}}{% endif %}){% endif %}{% if d.collation %} COLLATE {{d.collation}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{{"\n"}});
({{"\n\t"}}{% if data.composite %}{% for d in data.composite %}{% if loop.index != 1 %},{{"\n\t"}}{% endif %}{{ conn|qtIdent(d.member_name) }} {{ GET_TYPE.CREATE_TYPE_SQL(conn, d.cltype, d.tlength, d.precision, d.hasSqrBracket) }}{% if d.collation %} COLLATE {{d.collation}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{{"\n"}});
{% endif %}
{### Enum Type ###}
{% if data and data.typtype == 'e' %}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% import 'macros/schemas/security.macros' as SECLABEL %}
{% import 'macros/schemas/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% if data %}
{% import 'type/macros/get_full_type_sql_format.macros' as GET_TYPE %}
{# Below will change object owner #}
{% if data.typeowner and data.typeowner != o_data.typeowner %}
@ -28,28 +28,47 @@ ALTER TYPE {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.schema, o_data.name) }}
{% if 'added' in composite and composite.added|length > 0 %}
{% for r in composite.added %}
ALTER TYPE {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.schema, o_data.name) }}
ADD ATTRIBUTE {{conn|qtIdent(r.member_name)}} {{conn|qtTypeIdent(r.type)}}{% if r.is_tlength and r.tlength %}
({{r.tlength}}{% if r.is_precision and r.precision %},{{r.precision}}{% endif %}){% endif %}{% if r.collation %}
ADD ATTRIBUTE {{conn|qtIdent(r.member_name)}} {{ GET_TYPE.CREATE_TYPE_SQL(conn, r.cltype, r.tlength, r.precision, r.hasSqrBracket) }}{% if r.collation %}
COLLATE {{r.collation}}{% endif %};
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'changed' in composite and composite.changed|length > 0 %}
{% for r in composite.changed %}
{% for o in o_data.composite %}
{% if o.attnum == r.attnum and r.member_name and o.member_name != r.member_name %}
{##### Variables for the loop #####}
{% set member_name = o.member_name %}
{% set cltype = o.cltype %}
{% set tlength = o.tlength %}
{% set precision = o.precision %}
{% set hasSqrBracket = o.hasSqrBracket %}
{##### If member name changed #####}
{% if o.attnum == r.attnum %}
{% if r.member_name and o.member_name != r.member_name %}
ALTER TYPE {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.schema, o_data.name) }}
RENAME ATTRIBUTE {{o.member_name}} TO {{r.member_name}};
{% if r.type and o.type != r.type %}
{% set member_name = r.member_name %}
{% endif %}
{##### If type changed #####}
{% if r.cltype and cltype != r.cltype %}
{% set cltype = r.cltype %}
{% set hasSqrBracket = r.hasSqrBracket %}
{##### If length is not allowed on type #####}
{% if not r.is_tlength %}
{% set tlength = 0 %}
{% set precision = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{##### If length changed #####}
{% if r.tlength and tlength != r.tlength %}
{% set tlength = r.tlength %}
{% endif %}
{##### If precision changed #####}
{% if tlength and r.precision and precision != r.precision %}
{% set precision = r.precision %}
{% endif %}
ALTER TYPE {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.schema, o_data.name) }}
ALTER ATTRIBUTE {{conn|qtIdent(r.member_name)}} SET DATA TYPE {{conn|qtTypeIdent(r.type)}}{% if r.is_tlength and r.tlength %}
({{r.tlength}}{% if r.is_precision and r.precision %},{{r.precision}}{% endif %}){% endif %}{% if r.collation %}
ALTER ATTRIBUTE {{conn|qtIdent(member_name)}} SET DATA TYPE {{ GET_TYPE.CREATE_TYPE_SQL(conn, cltype, tlength, precision, hasSqrBracket) }}{% if r.collation %}
COLLATE {{r.collation}}{% endif %};
{% else %}
ALTER TYPE {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.schema, o_data.name) }}
ALTER ATTRIBUTE {{conn|qtIdent(r.member_name)}} SET DATA TYPE {{conn|qtTypeIdent(o.type)}}{% if o.is_tlength and o.tlength %}
({{o.tlength}}{% if o.is_precision and o.precision %},{{o.precision}}{% endif %}){% endif %}{% if o.collation %}
COLLATE {{r.collation}}{% endif %};
{% endif%}
{% endif%}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
@ -135,5 +154,4 @@ ALTER TYPE {% if data.name and data.name != o_data.name %}{{ conn|qtIdent(o_data
{% else %}{{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.schema, o_data.name) }}
{% endif %}
SET SCHEMA {{ conn|qtIdent(data.schema) }};
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
@ -234,6 +234,44 @@ class DataTypeReader:
return name + length + array
def parse_type_name(cls, type_name):
Returns prase type name without length and precision
so that we can match the end result with types in the select2.
self: self
type_name: Type name
# Manual Data type formatting
# If data type has () with them then we need to remove them
# eg bit(1) because we need to match the name with combobox
is_array = False
if type_name.endswith('[]'):
is_array = True
type_name = type_name.rstrip('[]')
idx = type_name.find('(')
if idx and type_name.endswith(')'):
type_name = type_name[:idx]
# We need special handling of timestamp types as
# variable precision is between the type
elif idx and type_name.startswith("time"):
end_idx = type_name.find(')')
# If we found the end then form the type string
if end_idx != 1:
from re import sub as sub_str
pattern = r'(\(\d+\))'
type_name = sub_str(pattern, '', type_name)
if is_array:
type_name += "[]"
return type_name
def trigger_definition(data):
Reference in New Issue