1) Run the uninstaller first only if the v8 version is already installed.

2) Delete the MyAppVersion key from the Windows registry during the installation or upgrade.
3) Remove the logic that checks if a 32-bit or 64-bit version of the installer is already installed.
Akshay Joshi 2025-02-05 10:17:46 +05:30 committed by GitHub
parent 2f495006ea
commit b90a390d5c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
1 changed files with 67 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -8,9 +8,8 @@
#define MyAppArchitecturesMode "x64" #define MyAppArchitecturesMode "x64"
#define MyAppVCDist MYAPP_VCDIST #define MyAppVCDist MYAPP_VCDIST
#define MyAppInvalidPath "Please provide a valid path." #define MyAppInvalidPath "Please provide a valid path."
#define MyAppErrorMsgIsWin32 "You already have a 32 bit installation of pgAdmin 4. Please uninstall this before installing the 64 bit version."
#define MyAppErrorMsgIsWin64 "You already have a 64 bit installation of pgAdmin 4. Please uninstall this before installing the 32 bit version."
#define MinimumWindowsVer "6.2.9200" #define MinimumWindowsVer "6.2.9200"
#define CheckOldInstallerVersion "v8"
[Setup] [Setup]
AppId={#MyAppName}{#MyAppVersion} AppId={#MyAppName}{#MyAppVersion}
@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ english.NewerVersionExists=A newer version of {#MyAppName}
english.InvalidPath={#MyAppInvalidPath} english.InvalidPath={#MyAppInvalidPath}
[Icons] [Icons]
Name: {group}\{#MyAppName} {#MyAppVersion}; Filename: {app}\runtime\{#MyAppExeName}; IconFilename: {app}\pgAdmin4.ico; WorkingDir: {app}\runtime; Name: {group}\{#MyAppName}; Filename: {app}\runtime\{#MyAppExeName}; IconFilename: {app}\pgAdmin4.ico; WorkingDir: {app}\runtime;
[Files] [Files]
Source: "..\..\win-build\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs; Source: "..\..\win-build\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs;
@ -60,10 +59,10 @@ Source: "..\..\win-build\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdi
Filename: "{app}\installer\{#MyAppVCDist}"; StatusMsg: "VC runtime redistributable package"; Parameters: "/passive /verysilent /norestart"; Check: InstallVC; Filename: "{app}\installer\{#MyAppVCDist}"; StatusMsg: "VC runtime redistributable package"; Parameters: "/passive /verysilent /norestart"; Check: InstallVC;
[Registry] [Registry]
Root: HKA; Subkey: "Software\{#MyAppName}\{#MyAppVersion}"; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty Root: HKA; Subkey: "Software\{#MyAppName}"; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty
Root: HKA; Subkey: "Software\{#MyAppName}\{#MyAppVersion}"; Flags: uninsdeletekey Root: HKA; Subkey: "Software\{#MyAppName}"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKA; Subkey: "Software\{#MyAppName}\{#MyAppVersion}"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "InstallPath"; ValueData: "{app}" Root: HKA; Subkey: "Software\{#MyAppName}"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "InstallPath"; ValueData: "{app}"
Root: HKA; Subkey: "Software\{#MyAppName}\{#MyAppVersion}"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: "{#MyAppFullVersion}" Root: HKA; Subkey: "Software\{#MyAppName}"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: "{#MyAppFullVersion}"
[Code] [Code]
var var
@ -145,68 +144,77 @@ begin
Result := 0; Result := 0;
end; end;
// This function is invoked only when the V8 version is already installed.
// It retrieves the path of the uninstaller to remove the installed V8 version.
function GetUninstallerPath(): String;
sUnInstRegKey: String;
sUnInstPath: String;
sUnInstRegKey := 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{#MyAppName}{#CheckOldInstallerVersion}_is1';
sUnInstPath := '';
if not RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, sUnInstRegKey, 'UninstallString', sUnInstPath) then
RegQueryStringValue(HKCU, sUnInstRegKey, 'UninstallString', sUnInstPath);
Result := sUnInstPath;
// This function is invoked only when the V8 version is already installed.
// It is used to uninstall the installed V8 version.
// Return Values:
// 1 - Uninstaller path is empty.
// 2 - Error executing the Uninstaller.
// 3 - Successfully executed the Uninstaller
function UnInstallOldVersion(): Integer;
sUnInstallerPath: String;
iResultCode: Integer;
// default return value
Result := 0;
// get the uninstall path of the old app
sUnInstallerPath := GetUninstallerPath();
if sUnInstallerPath <> '' then begin
sUnInstallerPath := RemoveQuotes(sUnInstallerPath);
if Exec(sUnInstallerPath, '/SILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES','', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, iResultCode) then
Result := 3
Result := 2;
end else
Result := 1;
function CheckPgAdminAlreadyInstalled: Boolean; function CheckPgAdminAlreadyInstalled: Boolean;
var var
Version: String; Version: String;
InstallationFound: Boolean;
begin begin
InstallationFound := False; if RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'Software\{#MyAppName}\{#CheckOldInstallerVersion}') then
// Check the installation mode 64 or 32 bit of installer
if Is64BitInstallMode then
begin begin
if UnInstallOldVersion() < 3 then
// Check if pgAdmin 32 bit is already installed
RegQueryStringValue(HKLM32,'Software\{#MyAppName}\{#MyAppVersion}', 'Version', Version);
// If version is found then shouldn't install 64bit - abort
if Length(Version) > 0 then
begin begin
MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{#MyAppErrorMsgIsWin32}'), mbCriticalError, MB_OK); Result := False;
Result := False;
InstallationFound := True;
end; end;
// Suppose system is running a 32-bit version of Windows then no need to check HKLM64 in RegQueryStringValue
// So IsWin64 - will make sure its should only execute on 64-bit version of windows.
if IsWin64 then
// Check if pgAdmin 64 bit is already installed
RegQueryStringValue(HKLM64,'Software\{#MyAppName}\{#MyAppVersion}', 'Version', Version);
// If version is found the shouldn't install 32bit - abort
if Length(Version) > 0 then
MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{#MyAppErrorMsgIsWin64}'), mbCriticalError, MB_OK);
Result := False;
InstallationFound := True;
if not (InstallationFound) then
if RegValueExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'Software\{#MyAppName}\{#MyAppVersion}', 'Version') then
UpgradeMode := True;
RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'Software\{#MyAppName}\{#MyAppVersion}', 'Version', Version);
if CompareVersions(Version, '{#MyAppFullVersion}') = 1 then
MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{cm:NewerVersionExists}' + '(v' + Version + ') is already installed' ), mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := False;
Result := True;
end; end;
if ( not (InstallationFound) and not (UpgradeMode) ) then if RegValueExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'Software\{#MyAppName}', 'Version') then
begin begin
// This is required as it will be passed on to the InitializeSetup function UpgradeMode := True;
Result := True; RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'Software\{#MyAppName}', 'Version', Version);
if CompareVersions(Version, '{#MyAppFullVersion}') = 1 then
MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{cm:NewerVersionExists}' + '(v' + Version + ') is already installed' ), mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := False;
Result := True;
if ( not (UpgradeMode) ) then
// This is required as it will be passed on to the InitializeSetup function
Result := True;
end; end;
end; end;