Add support for planner support functions in PostgreSQL 12+ functions. Fixes #4333

Khushboo Vashi 2019-07-25 16:09:37 +01:00 committed by Dave Page
parent 108af5c10b
commit adb5cd34bf
16 changed files with 560 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ function:
The default assumption is 1000 rows.
* Move the *Leak proof?* switch to indicate whether the function has side
effects. The default is *No*. This option can only be set by the superuser.
* Use the *Support function* field to specify a planner support function to
use for the function.
Click the *Arguments* tab to continue.

docs/en_US/images/function_options.png Executable file → Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 61 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 98 KiB

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ This release contains a number of bug fixes and new features since the release o
New features
| `Issue #4333 <>`_ - Add support for planner support functions in PostgreSQL 12+ functions.

View File

@ -208,7 +208,9 @@ class FunctionView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
'get_languages': [{'get': 'get_languages'}, {'get': 'get_languages'}],
'vopts': [{}, {'get': 'variable_options'}],
'select_sql': [{'get': 'select_sql'}],
'exec_sql': [{'get': 'exec_sql'}]
'exec_sql': [{'get': 'exec_sql'}],
'get_support_functions': [{'get': 'get_support_functions'},
{'get': 'get_support_functions'}]
@ -1158,7 +1160,7 @@ class FunctionView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
fun_change_args = ['lanname', 'prosrc', 'probin', 'prosrc_c',
'provolatile', 'proisstrict', 'prosecdef',
'proparallel', 'procost', 'proleakproof',
'arguments', 'prorows']
'arguments', 'prorows', 'prosupportfunc']
data['change_func'] = False
for arg in fun_change_args:
@ -1390,6 +1392,36 @@ class FunctionView(PGChildNodeView, DataTypeReader):
return revoke_all
def get_support_functions(self, gid, sid, did, scid):
This function will return list of available support functions.
res = [{'label': '', 'value': ''}]
SQL = render_template(
status, rset = self.conn.execute_2darray(SQL)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
for row in rset['rows']:
{'label': row['sfunctions'],
'value': row['sfunctions']}
return make_json_response(
except Exception as e:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
def dependents(self, gid, sid, did, scid, fnid):

View File

@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ define('pgadmin.node.function', [
procost: undefined, /* Estimated execution Cost */
prorows: undefined, /* Estimated number of rows */
proleakproof: undefined,
prosupportfunc: undefined, /* Support function */
arguments: [],
prosrc: undefined,
prosrc_c: undefined,
@ -312,6 +313,12 @@ define('pgadmin.node.function', [
id: 'proleakproof', label: gettext('Leak proof?'),
group: gettext('Options'), cell:'boolean', type: 'switch', min_version: 90200,
disabled: 'isDisabled', deps: ['lanname'],
id: 'prosupportfunc', label: gettext('Support function'),
type: 'text', disabled: 'isDisabled',
group: gettext('Options'), visible: 'isVisible',
control: 'node-ajax-options', url: 'get_support_functions',
cache_node: 'function', min_version: 120000,
id: 'proacl', label: gettext('Privileges'), type: 'text',
mode: ['properties'], group: gettext('Security'),
@ -440,6 +447,11 @@ define('pgadmin.node.function', [
return false;
return true;
case 'prosupportfunc':
var item = pgAdmin.Browser.tree.selected();
return false;
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
{% import 'macros/functions/security.macros' as SECLABEL %}
{% import 'macros/functions/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% import 'macros/functions/variable.macros' as VARIABLE %}
{% set is_columns = [] %}
{% if data %}
{% if query_for == 'sql_panel' and func_def is defined %}
CREATE{% if query_type is defined %}{{' OR REPLACE'}}{% endif %} FUNCTION {{func_def}}
{% else %}
CREATE{% if query_type is defined %}{{' OR REPLACE'}}{% endif %} FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(data.pronamespace, }}({% if data.arguments %}
{% for p in data.arguments %}{% if p.argmode %}{{p.argmode}} {% endif %}{% if p.argname %}{{ conn|qtIdent(p.argname) }} {% endif %}{% if p.argtype %}{{ p.argtype }}{% endif %}{% if p.argdefval %} DEFAULT {{p.argdefval}}{% endif %}
{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% endif %}
RETURNS{% if data.proretset and (data.prorettypename.startswith('SETOF ') or data.prorettypename.startswith('TABLE')) %} {{ data.prorettypename }} {% elif data.proretset %} SETOF {{ data.prorettypename }}{% else %} {{ data.prorettypename }}{% endif %}
LANGUAGE {{ data.lanname|qtLiteral }}
{% if data.procost %}
COST {{data.procost}}
{% endif %}
{% if data.provolatile %}{% if data.provolatile == 'i' %}IMMUTABLE{% elif data.provolatile == 's' %}STABLE{% else %}VOLATILE{% endif %} {% endif %}{% if data.proleakproof %}LEAKPROOF {% endif %}
{% if data.proisstrict %}STRICT {% endif %}
{% if data.prosecdef %}SECURITY DEFINER {% endif %}
{% if data.proiswindow %}WINDOW {% endif %}
{% if data.proparallel and (data.proparallel == 'r' or data.proparallel == 's') %}
{% if data.proparallel == 'r' %}PARALLEL RESTRICTED{% elif data.proparallel == 's' %}PARALLEL SAFE{% endif %}{% endif -%}
{% if data.prorows and (data.prorows | int) > 0 %}
ROWS {{data.prorows}}{% endif %}
{% if data.prosupportfunc %}SUPPORT {{ data.prosupportfunc }}{% endif -%}{% if data.variables %}{% for v in data.variables %}
SET {{ conn|qtIdent( }}={{ v.value|qtLiteral }}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
AS {% if data.lanname == 'c' %}
{{ data.probin|qtLiteral }}, {{ data.prosrc_c|qtLiteral }}
{% else %}
$BODY${{ data.prosrc }}$BODY${% endif -%};
{% if data.funcowner %}
ALTER FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(data.pronamespace, }}({{data.func_args_without}})
OWNER TO {{ conn|qtIdent(data.funcowner) }};
{% endif -%}
{% if data.acl %}
{% for p in data.acl %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.SET(conn, "FUNCTION", p.grantee,, p.without_grant, p.with_grant, data.pronamespace, data.func_args_without)}}
{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% if data.revoke_all %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.UNSETALL(conn, "FUNCTION", "PUBLIC",, data.pronamespace, data.func_args_without)}}
{% endif %}
{% if data.description %}
COMMENT ON FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(data.pronamespace, }}({{data.func_args_without}})
IS {{ data.description|qtLiteral }};
{% endif -%}
{% if data.seclabels %}
{% for r in data.seclabels %}
{% if r.label and r.provider %}
{{ SECLABEL.SET(conn, 'FUNCTION',, r.provider, r.label, data.pronamespace, data.func_args_without) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% endif %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
SELECT quote_ident(nspname) || '.' || quote_ident(proname) AS sfunctions
FROM pg_proc p, pg_namespace n, pg_language l
WHERE p.pronamespace = n.oid
AND p.prolang = l.oid
AND p.prorettype = 'internal'::regtype::oid
AND pg_catalog.array_to_string(p.proargtypes, ',') = 'internal'::regtype::oid::text
AND (l.lanname = 'internal' or l.lanname = 'c' )
-- -- If Show SystemObjects is not true
{% if not show_system_objects %}
AND (nspname NOT LIKE 'pg\_%' AND nspname NOT in ('information_schema'))
{% endif %}
ORDER BY nspname ASC, proname ASC

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
pr.oid, pr.xmin, pr.*, pr.prosrc AS prosrc_c,
pr.proname AS name, pg_get_function_result(pr.oid) AS prorettypename,
typns.nspname AS typnsp, lanname, proargnames, oidvectortypes(proargtypes) AS proargtypenames,
pg_get_expr(proargdefaults, 'pg_catalog.pg_class'::regclass) AS proargdefaultvals,
pronargdefaults, proconfig, pg_get_userbyid(proowner) AS funcowner, description,
CASE WHEN pr.prokind = 'w' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END AS proiswindow,
CASE WHEN prosupport = 0::oid THEN ''
SELECT quote_ident(nspname) || '.' || quote_ident(proname) AS tfunctions
FROM pg_proc p, pg_namespace n
WHERE p.pronamespace = n.oid
AND p.oid = pr.prosupport::OID
) END AS prosupportfunc,
array_agg(provider || '=' || label)
pg_seclabel sl1
sl1.objoid=pr.oid) AS seclabels
pg_proc pr
pg_type typ ON typ.oid=prorettype
pg_namespace typns ON typns.oid=typ.typnamespace
pg_language lng ON lng.oid=prolang
pg_description des ON (des.objoid=pr.oid AND des.classoid='pg_proc'::regclass)
pr.prokind IN ('f', 'w')
{% if fnid %}
AND pr.oid = {{fnid}}::oid
{% else %}
AND pronamespace = {{scid}}::oid
{% endif %}
AND typname NOT IN ('trigger', 'event_trigger')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
{% import 'macros/functions/security.macros' as SECLABEL %}
{% import 'macros/functions/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% import 'macros/functions/variable.macros' as VARIABLE %}{% if data %}
{% set name = %}
{% if %}
{% if != %}
ALTER FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.pronamespace, }}({{
o_data.proargtypenames }})
RENAME TO {{ conn|qtIdent( }};
{% set name = %}
{% endif %}
{% endif -%}
{% if data.change_func %}
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.pronamespace, name) }}({% if data.arguments %}
{% for p in data.arguments %}{% if p.argmode %}{{p.argmode}} {% endif %}{% if p.argname %}{{ conn|qtIdent(p.argname) }} {% endif %}{% if p.argtype %}{{ p.argtype }}{% endif %}{% if p.argdefval %} DEFAULT {{p.argdefval}}{% endif %}
{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
RETURNS {{ o_data.prorettypename }}
{% if 'lanname' in data %}
LANGUAGE {{ data.lanname|qtLiteral }} {% else %}
LANGUAGE {{ o_data.lanname|qtLiteral }}
{% endif %}{% if 'provolatile' in data and data.provolatile %}{{ data.provolatile }} {% elif 'provolatile' not in data and o_data.provolatile %}{{ o_data.provolatile }}{% endif %}
{% if ('proleakproof' in data and data.proleakproof) or ('proleakproof' not in data and o_data.proleakproof) %} LEAKPROOF{% elif 'proleakproof' in data and not data.proleakproof %} NOT LEAKPROOF{% endif %}
{% if ('proisstrict' in data and data.proisstrict) or ('proisstrict' not in data and o_data.proisstrict) %} STRICT{% endif %}
{% if ('prosecdef' in data and data.prosecdef) or ('prosecdef' not in data and o_data.prosecdef) %} SECURITY DEFINER{% endif %}
{% if ('proiswindow' in data and data.proiswindow) or ('proiswindow' not in data and o_data.proiswindow) %} WINDOW{% endif %}
{% if 'proparallel' in data and data.proparallel %}PARALLEL {{ data.proparallel }}{% elif 'proparallel' not in data and o_data.proparallel %}PARALLEL {{ o_data.proparallel }}{% endif %}
{% if data.procost %}COST {{data.procost}}{% elif o_data.procost %}COST {{o_data.procost}}{% endif %}{% if data.prorows %}
ROWS {{data.prorows}}{% elif data.prorows is not defined and o_data.prorows and o_data.prorows != '0' %} ROWS {{o_data.prorows}} {%endif %}
{% if data.prosupportfunc %}SUPPORT {{ data.prosupportfunc }}{% elif data.prosupportfunc is not defined and o_data.prosupportfunc %}SUPPORT {{ o_data.prosupportfunc }}{% endif -%}{% if data.merged_variables %}{% for v in data.merged_variables %}
SET {{ conn|qtIdent( }}={{ v.value|qtLiteral }}{% endfor -%}
{% endif %}
AS {% if 'probin' in data or 'prosrc_c' in data %}
{% if 'probin' in data %}{{ data.probin|qtLiteral }}{% else %}{{ o_data.probin|qtLiteral }}{% endif %}, {% if 'prosrc_c' in data %}{{ data.prosrc_c|qtLiteral }}{% else %}{{ o_data.prosrc_c|qtLiteral }}{% endif %}{% elif 'prosrc' in data %}
$BODY${{ data.prosrc }}$BODY${% elif o_data.lanname == 'c' %}
{{ o_data.probin|qtLiteral }}, {{ o_data.prosrc_c|qtLiteral }}{% else %}
$BODY${{ o_data.prosrc }}$BODY${% endif -%};
{% endif -%}
{% if data.funcowner %}
ALTER FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.pronamespace, name) }}({{o_data.proargtypenames }})
OWNER TO {{ conn|qtIdent(data.funcowner) }};
{% endif -%}
{# The SQL generated below will change priviledges #}
{% if data.acl %}
{% if 'deleted' in data.acl %}
{% for priv in data.acl.deleted %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.UNSETALL(conn, 'FUNCTION', priv.grantee, name, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if 'changed' in data.datacl %}
{% for priv in data.acl.changed %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.UNSETALL(conn, 'FUNCTION', priv.grantee, name, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{{ PRIVILEGE.SET(conn, 'FUNCTION', priv.grantee, name, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if 'added' in data.acl %}
{% for priv in data.acl.added %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.SET(conn, 'FUNCTION', priv.grantee, name, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endfor %}{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if data.change_func == False %}
{% if data.variables %}
{% if 'deleted' in data.variables and data.variables.deleted|length > 0 %}
{{ VARIABLE.UNSET(conn, 'FUNCTION', name, data.variables.deleted, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endif -%}
{% if 'merged_variables' in data and data.merged_variables|length > 0 %}
{{ VARIABLE.SET(conn, 'FUNCTION', name, data.merged_variables, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set seclabels = data.seclabels %}
{% if 'deleted' in seclabels and seclabels.deleted|length > 0 %}
{% for r in seclabels.deleted %}
{{ SECLABEL.UNSET(conn, 'FUNCTION', name, r.provider, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if 'added' in seclabels and seclabels.added|length > 0 %}
{% for r in seclabels.added %}
{{ SECLABEL.SET(conn, 'FUNCTION', name, r.provider, r.label, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if 'changed' in seclabels and seclabels.changed|length > 0 %}
{% for r in seclabels.changed %}
{{ SECLABEL.SET(conn, 'FUNCTION', name, r.provider, r.label, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if data.description is defined and data.description != o_data.description%}
COMMENT ON FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.pronamespace, name) }}({{o_data.proargtypenames }})
IS {{ data.description|qtLiteral }};
{% endif -%}
{% if data.pronamespace %}
ALTER FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.pronamespace, name) }}({{o_data.proargtypenames }})
SET SCHEMA {{ conn|qtIdent(data.pronamespace) }};
{% endif -%}
{% endif %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
{% import 'macros/functions/security.macros' as SECLABEL %}
{% import 'macros/functions/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% import 'macros/functions/variable.macros' as VARIABLE %}
{% set is_columns = [] %}
{% if data %}
{% if query_for == 'sql_panel' and func_def is defined %}
CREATE{% if query_type is defined %}{{' OR REPLACE'}}{% endif %} FUNCTION {{func_def}}
{% else %}
CREATE{% if query_type is defined %}{{' OR REPLACE'}}{% endif %} FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(data.pronamespace, }}({% if data.arguments %}
{% for p in data.arguments %}{% if p.argmode %}{{p.argmode}} {% endif %}{% if p.argname %}{{ conn|qtIdent(p.argname) }} {% endif %}{% if p.argtype %}{{ p.argtype }}{% endif %}{% if p.argdefval %} DEFAULT {{p.argdefval}}{% endif %}
{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
RETURNS{% if data.proretset and (data.prorettypename.startswith('SETOF ') or data.prorettypename.startswith('TABLE')) %} {{ data.prorettypename }} {% elif data.proretset %} SETOF {{ data.prorettypename }}{% else %} {{ data.prorettypename }}{% endif %}
LANGUAGE {{ data.lanname|qtLiteral }}
{% if data.provolatile %}{% if data.provolatile == 'i' %}IMMUTABLE{% elif data.provolatile == 's' %}STABLE{% else %}VOLATILE{% endif %} {% endif %}{% if data.proleakproof %}LEAKPROOF {% endif %}
{% if data.proisstrict %}STRICT {% endif %}
{% if data.prosecdef %}SECURITY DEFINER {% endif %}
{% if data.proiswindow %}WINDOW {% endif %}
{% if data.proparallel and (data.proparallel == 'r' or data.proparallel == 's') %}
{% if data.proparallel == 'r' %}PARALLEL RESTRICTED{% elif data.proparallel == 's' %}PARALLEL SAFE{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% if data.procost %}
COST {{data.procost}}{% endif %}{% if data.prorows and (data.prorows | int) > 0 %}
ROWS {{data.prorows}}{% endif %}
{% if data.prosupportfunc %}SUPPORT {{ data.prosupportfunc }}{% endif -%}{% if data.variables %}{% for v in data.variables %}
SET {{ conn|qtIdent( }}={{ v.value|qtLiteral }}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
AS {% if data.lanname == 'c' %}
{{ data.probin|qtLiteral }}, {{ data.prosrc_c|qtLiteral }}
{% else %}
$BODY${{ data.prosrc }}$BODY${% endif -%};
{% if data.funcowner %}
ALTER FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(data.pronamespace, }}({{data.func_args_without}})
OWNER TO {{ conn|qtIdent(data.funcowner) }};
{% endif -%}
{% if data.acl %}
{% for p in data.acl %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.SET(conn, "FUNCTION", p.grantee,, p.without_grant, p.with_grant, data.pronamespace, data.func_args_without)}}
{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% if data.revoke_all %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.UNSETALL(conn, "FUNCTION", "PUBLIC",, data.pronamespace, data.func_args_without)}}
{% endif %}
{% if data.description %}
COMMENT ON FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(data.pronamespace, }}({{data.func_args_without}})
IS {{ data.description|qtLiteral }};
{% endif -%}
{% if data.seclabels %}
{% for r in data.seclabels %}
{% if r.label and r.provider %}
{{ SECLABEL.SET(conn, 'FUNCTION',, r.provider, r.label, data.pronamespace, data.func_args_without) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% endif %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
pr.oid, pr.xmin, pr.*, pr.prosrc AS prosrc_c,
pr.proname AS name, pg_get_function_result(pr.oid) AS prorettypename,
typns.nspname AS typnsp, lanname, proargnames, oidvectortypes(proargtypes) AS proargtypenames,
pg_get_expr(proargdefaults, 'pg_catalog.pg_class'::regclass) AS proargdefaultvals,
pronargdefaults, proconfig, pg_get_userbyid(proowner) AS funcowner, description,
CASE WHEN prosupport = 0::oid THEN '' ELSE prosupport::text END AS prosupportfunc,
array_agg(provider || '=' || label)
pg_seclabel sl1
sl1.objoid=pr.oid) AS seclabels
pg_proc pr
pg_type typ ON typ.oid=prorettype
pg_namespace typns ON typns.oid=typ.typnamespace
pg_language lng ON lng.oid=prolang
pg_description des ON (des.objoid=pr.oid AND des.classoid='pg_proc'::regclass)
pr.prokind IN ('f', 'w')
AND typname NOT IN ('trigger', 'event_trigger')
{% if fnid %}
AND pr.oid = {{fnid}}::oid
{% else %}
AND pronamespace = {{scid}}::oid
{% endif %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
{% import 'macros/functions/security.macros' as SECLABEL %}
{% import 'macros/functions/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% import 'macros/functions/variable.macros' as VARIABLE %}{% if data %}
{% set name = %}
{% if %}
{% if != %}
ALTER FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.pronamespace, }}({{
o_data.proargtypenames }})
RENAME TO {{ conn|qtIdent( }};
{% set name = %}
{% endif %}
{% endif -%}
{% if data.change_func %}
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.pronamespace, name) }}({% if data.arguments %}
{% for p in data.arguments %}{% if p.argmode %}{{p.argmode}} {% endif %}{% if p.argname %}{{ conn|qtIdent(p.argname) }} {% endif %}{% if p.argtype %}{{ p.argtype }}{% endif %}{% if p.argdefval %} DEFAULT {{p.argdefval}}{% endif %}
{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
RETURNS {{ o_data.prorettypename }}
{% if 'lanname' in data %}
LANGUAGE {{ data.lanname|qtLiteral }} {% else %}
LANGUAGE {{ o_data.lanname|qtLiteral }}
{% endif %}{% if 'provolatile' in data and data.provolatile %}{{ data.provolatile }} {% elif 'provolatile' not in data and o_data.provolatile %}{{ o_data.provolatile }}{% endif %}
{% if ('proleakproof' in data and data.proleakproof) or ('proleakproof' not in data and o_data.proleakproof) %} LEAKPROOF{% elif 'proleakproof' in data and not data.proleakproof %} NOT LEAKPROOF{% endif %}
{% if ('proisstrict' in data and data.proisstrict) or ('proisstrict' not in data and o_data.proisstrict) %} STRICT{% endif %}
{% if ('prosecdef' in data and data.prosecdef) or ('prosecdef' not in data and o_data.prosecdef) %} SECURITY DEFINER{% endif %}
{% if ('proiswindow' in data and data.proiswindow) or ('proiswindow' not in data and o_data.proiswindow) %} WINDOW{% endif %}
{% if 'proparallel' in data and data.proparallel %}PARALLEL {{ data.proparallel }}{% elif 'proparallel' not in data and o_data.proparallel %}PARALLEL {{ o_data.proparallel }}{% endif %}
{% if data.procost %}COST {{data.procost}}{% elif o_data.procost %}COST {{o_data.procost}}{% endif %}{% if data.prorows %}
ROWS {{data.prorows}}{% elif data.prorows is not defined and o_data.prorows and o_data.prorows != '0' %} ROWS {{o_data.prorows}} {%endif %}
{% if data.prosupportfunc %}SUPPORT {{ data.prosupportfunc }}{% elif data.prosupportfunc is not defined and o_data.prosupportfunc %}SUPPORT {{ o_data.prosupportfunc }}{% endif -%}{% if data.merged_variables %}{% for v in data.merged_variables %}
SET {{ conn|qtIdent( }}={{ v.value|qtLiteral }}{% endfor -%}
{% endif %}
AS {% if 'probin' in data or 'prosrc_c' in data %}
{% if 'probin' in data %}{{ data.probin|qtLiteral }}{% else %}{{ o_data.probin|qtLiteral }}{% endif %}, {% if 'prosrc_c' in data %}{{ data.prosrc_c|qtLiteral }}{% else %}{{ o_data.prosrc_c|qtLiteral }}{% endif %}{% elif 'prosrc' in data %}
$BODY${{ data.prosrc }}$BODY${% elif o_data.lanname == 'c' %}
{{ o_data.probin|qtLiteral }}, {{ o_data.prosrc_c|qtLiteral }}{% else %}
$BODY${{ o_data.prosrc }}$BODY${% endif -%};
{% endif -%}
{% if data.funcowner %}
ALTER FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.pronamespace, name) }}({{o_data.proargtypenames }})
OWNER TO {{ conn|qtIdent(data.funcowner) }};
{% endif -%}
{# The SQL generated below will change priviledges #}
{% if data.acl %}
{% if 'deleted' in data.acl %}
{% for priv in data.acl.deleted %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.UNSETALL(conn, 'FUNCTION', priv.grantee, name, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if 'changed' in data.datacl %}
{% for priv in data.acl.changed %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.UNSETALL(conn, 'FUNCTION', priv.grantee, name, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{{ PRIVILEGE.SET(conn, 'FUNCTION', priv.grantee, name, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if 'added' in data.acl %}
{% for priv in data.acl.added %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.SET(conn, 'FUNCTION', priv.grantee, name, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endfor %}{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if data.change_func == False %}
{% if data.variables %}
{% if 'deleted' in data.variables and data.variables.deleted|length > 0 %}
{{ VARIABLE.UNSET(conn, 'FUNCTION', name, data.variables.deleted, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endif -%}
{% if 'merged_variables' in data and data.merged_variables|length > 0 %}
{{ VARIABLE.SET(conn, 'FUNCTION', name, data.merged_variables, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set seclabels = data.seclabels %}
{% if 'deleted' in seclabels and seclabels.deleted|length > 0 %}
{% for r in seclabels.deleted %}
{{ SECLABEL.UNSET(conn, 'FUNCTION', name, r.provider, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if 'added' in seclabels and seclabels.added|length > 0 %}
{% for r in seclabels.added %}
{{ SECLABEL.SET(conn, 'FUNCTION', name, r.provider, r.label, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if 'changed' in seclabels and seclabels.changed|length > 0 %}
{% for r in seclabels.changed %}
{{ SECLABEL.SET(conn, 'FUNCTION', name, r.provider, r.label, o_data.pronamespace, o_data.proargtypenames) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if data.description is defined and data.description != o_data.description%}
COMMENT ON FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.pronamespace, name) }}({{o_data.proargtypenames }})
IS {{ data.description|qtLiteral }};
{% endif -%}
{% if data.pronamespace %}
ALTER FUNCTION {{ conn|qtIdent(o_data.pronamespace, name) }}({{o_data.proargtypenames }})
SET SCHEMA {{ conn|qtIdent(data.pronamespace) }};
{% endif -%}
{% endif %}

View File

@ -67,6 +67,18 @@ class FunctionAddTestCase(BaseTestGenerator):
data['pronamespace'] = self.schema_id
self.schema_id = data['pronamespace']
if self.server_version >= 120000:
support_function_name = 'supportfunc_%s' % str(uuid.uuid4())[1:8]
support_func = funcs_utils.create_support_internal_function(
data['prosupportfuc'] = support_function_name
response =
self.url + str(utils.SERVER_GROUP) + '/' +
str(self.server_id) + '/' + str(self.db_id) +

View File

@ -42,6 +42,17 @@ class FunctionPutTestCase(BaseTestGenerator):
"id": func_id
if self.server_version >= 120000:
support_function_name = 'supportfunc_%s' % str(uuid.uuid4())[1:8]
support_func = funcs_utils.create_support_internal_function(
data['prosupportfuc'] = support_function_name
put_response = self.tester.put(
self.url + str(utils.SERVER_GROUP) +
'/' + str(self.server_id) + '/' + str(self.db_id) + '/' +

View File

@ -171,6 +171,34 @@ def create_function(server, db_name, schema_name, func_name):
def create_support_internal_function(server, db_name, schema_name, func_name):
"""Add the function to schema which will be used as support function for
another function."""
connection = utils.get_db_connection(db_name,
pg_cursor = connection.cursor()
query = "CREATE FUNCTION " + schema_name + "." + func_name + \
"(internal)" \
" RETURNS internal LANGUAGE 'internal'" \
" AS $BODY$cidr_abbrev$BODY$;"
# Get 'oid' from newly created function
pg_cursor.execute("SELECT pro.oid, pro.proname FROM"
" pg_proc pro WHERE pro.proname='%s'" %
functions = pg_cursor.fetchone()
return functions
except Exception:
def verify_procedure(server, db_name, proc_name):
"""This function verifies the procedure in db"""
connection = utils.get_db_connection(db_name,

View File

@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ class TriggerView(PGChildNodeView):
status, result = self.conn.execute_dict(SQL)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
return internal_server_error(errormsg=result)
# Update the trigger function which we have fetched with schema
# name