Add support for viewing/editing procedural languages.

Akshay Joshi 2016-02-23 10:07:14 +00:00 committed by Dave Page
parent 3b7886e61e
commit 7ffbb8c039
14 changed files with 922 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
# pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016, The pgAdmin Development Team
# This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
"""Implements Language Node"""
import json
from functools import wraps
from flask import render_template, make_response, request
from flask.ext.babel import gettext
import pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.databases as databases
from config import PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER
from pgadmin.browser.collection import CollectionNodeModule
from pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.utils import parse_priv_from_db, \
from pgadmin.browser.utils import PGChildNodeView
from pgadmin.utils.ajax import make_json_response, \
make_response as ajax_response, internal_server_error
from pgadmin.utils.ajax import precondition_required
from pgadmin.utils.driver import get_driver
class LanguageModule(CollectionNodeModule):
class LanguageModule(CollectionNodeModule)
A module class for Language node derived from CollectionNodeModule.
* __init__(*args, **kwargs)
- Method is used to initialize the LanguageModule and it's base module.
* get_nodes(gid, sid, did)
- Method is used to generate the browser collection node.
* node_inode()
- Method is overridden from its base class to make the node as leaf node.
* script_load()
- Load the module script for language, when any of the database node is
NODE_TYPE = 'language'
COLLECTION_LABEL = gettext("Languages")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Method is used to initialize the LanguageModule and it's base module.
self.min_ver = None
self.max_ver = None
super(LanguageModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_nodes(self, gid, sid, did):
Method is used to generate the browser collection node
gid: Server Group ID
sid: Server ID
did: Database Id
yield self.generate_browser_collection_node(did)
def node_inode(self):
Override this property to make the node a leaf node.
Returns: False as this is the leaf node
return False
def script_load(self):
Load the module script for language, when any of the database nodes are initialized.
Returns: node type of the server module.
return databases.DatabaseModule.NODE_TYPE
blueprint = LanguageModule(__name__)
class LanguageView(PGChildNodeView):
class LanguageView(PGChildNodeView)
A view class for Language node derived from PGChildNodeView. This class is
responsible for all the stuff related to view like updating language
node, showing properties, showing sql in sql pane.
* __init__(**kwargs)
- Method is used to initialize the LanguageView and it's base view.
* module_js()
- This property defines (if javascript) exists for this node.
Override this property for your own logic
* check_precondition()
- This function will behave as a decorator which will checks
database connection before running view, it will also attaches
manager,conn & template_path properties to self
* list()
- This function is used to list all the language nodes within that collection.
* nodes()
- This function will used to create all the child node within that collection.
Here it will create all the language node.
* properties(gid, sid, did, lid)
- This function will show the properties of the selected language node
* update(gid, sid, did, lid)
- This function will update the data for the selected language node
* msql(gid, sid, did, lid)
- This function is used to return modified SQL for the selected language node
* get_sql(data, lid)
- This function will generate sql from model data
* get_functions(gid, sid, did)
- This function returns the handler and inline functions for the selected language node
* sql(gid, sid, did, lid):
- This function will generate sql to show it in sql pane for the selected language node.
* dependents(gid, sid, did, lid):
- This function get the dependents and return ajax response for the language node.
* dependencies(self, gid, sid, did, lid):
- This function get the dependencies and return ajax response for the language node.
node_type = blueprint.node_type
parent_ids = [
{'type': 'int', 'id': 'gid'},
{'type': 'int', 'id': 'sid'},
{'type': 'int', 'id': 'did'}
ids = [
{'type': 'int', 'id': 'lid'}
operations = dict({
'obj': [
{'get': 'properties', 'put': 'update'},
{'get': 'list'}
'nodes': [{'get': 'node'}, {'get': 'nodes'}],
'sql': [{'get': 'sql'}],
'msql': [{'get': 'msql'}, {'get': 'msql'}],
'stats': [{'get': 'statistics'}],
'dependency': [{'get': 'dependencies'}],
'dependent': [{'get': 'dependents'}],
'module.js': [{}, {}, {'get': 'module_js'}],
'get_functions': [{}, {'get': 'get_functions'}]
def _init_(self, **kwargs):
Method is used to initialize the LanguageView and its base view.
Initialize all the variables create/used dynamically like conn, template_path.
self.conn = None
self.template_path = None
self.manager = None
super(LanguageView, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def module_js(self):
This property defines whether javascript exists for this node.
return make_response(
200, {'Content-Type': 'application/x-javascript'}
def check_precondition(f):
This function will behave as a decorator which will check the
database connection before running the view. It also attaches
manager, conn & template_path properties to self
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
# Here args[0] will hold self & kwargs will hold gid,sid,did
self = args[0]
self.driver = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER)
self.manager = self.driver.connection_manager(kwargs['sid'])
self.conn = self.manager.connection(did=kwargs['did'])
# If DB not connected then return error to browser
if not self.conn.connected():
return precondition_required(
"Connection to the server has been lost!"
ver = self.manager.version
# we will set template path for sql scripts
if ver >= 90300:
self.template_path = 'languages/sql/9.3_plus'
self.template_path = 'languages/sql/9.1_plus'
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrap
def list(self, gid, sid, did):
This function is used to list all the language nodes within that collection.
gid: Server Group ID
sid: Server ID
did: Database ID
sql = render_template("/".join([self.template_path, 'properties.sql']))
status, res = self.conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
return ajax_response(
def nodes(self, gid, sid, did):
This function is used to create all the child nodes within the collection.
Here it will create all the language nodes.
gid: Server Group ID
sid: Server ID
did: Database ID
res = []
sql = render_template("/".join([self.template_path, 'properties.sql']))
status, result = self.conn.execute_2darray(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=result)
for row in result['rows']:
return make_json_response(
def properties(self, gid, sid, did, lid):
This function will show the properties of the selected language node.
gid: Server Group ID
sid: Server ID
did: Database ID
lid: Language ID
sql = render_template("/".join([self.template_path, 'properties.sql']), lid=lid)
status, res = self.conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
sql = render_template("/".join([self.template_path, 'acl.sql']), lid=lid)
status, result = self.conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=result)
# if no acl found then by default add public
if res['rows'][0]['acl'] is None:
res['rows'][0]['lanacl'] = dict()
res['rows'][0]['lanacl']['grantee'] = 'public'
res['rows'][0]['lanacl']['grantor'] = res['rows'][0]['lanowner']
res['rows'][0]['lanacl']['privileges'] = [{'privilege_type': 'U', 'privilege': True, 'with_grant': False}]
for row in result['rows']:
priv = parse_priv_from_db(row)
if row['deftype'] in res['rows'][0]:
res['rows'][0][row['deftype']] = [priv]
return ajax_response(
def update(self, gid, sid, did, lid):
This function will update the data for the selected language node.
gid: Server Group ID
sid: Server ID
did: Database ID
lid: Language ID
data = request.form if request.form else json.loads(
sql = self.get_sql(data, lid)
if sql and sql.strip('\n') and sql.strip(' '):
status, res = self.conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
return make_json_response(
info="Language updated",
'id': lid,
'did': did,
'sid': sid,
'gid': gid
return make_json_response(
info="Nothing to update",
'id': lid,
'did': did,
'sid': sid,
'gid': gid
except Exception as e:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
def msql(self, gid, sid, did, lid=None):
This function is used to return modified SQL for the selected language node.
gid: Server Group ID
sid: Server ID
did: Database ID
lid: Language ID
data = {}
for k, v in request.args.items():
data[k] = json.loads(v)
except ValueError:
data[k] = v
sql = self.get_sql(data, lid)
if sql and sql.strip('\n') and sql.strip(' '):
return make_json_response(
return make_json_response(
data='-- Modified SQL --',
def get_sql(self, data, lid=None):
This function will generate sql from model data.
data: Contains the data of the selected language node.
lid: Language ID
required_args = [
'name', 'lanowner', 'description'
sql = ''
if lid is not None:
sql = render_template("/".join([self.template_path, 'properties.sql']), lid=lid)
status, res = self.conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
for key in ['lanacl']:
if key in data and data[key] is not None:
if 'added' in data[key]:
data[key]['added'] = parse_priv_to_db(data[key]['added'])
if 'changed' in data[key]:
data[key]['changed'] = parse_priv_to_db(data[key]['changed'])
if 'deleted' in data[key]:
data[key]['deleted'] = parse_priv_to_db(data[key]['deleted'])
old_data = res['rows'][0]
for arg in required_args:
if arg not in data:
data[arg] = old_data[arg]
sql = render_template("/".join([self.template_path, 'update.sql']), data=data,
o_data=old_data, conn=self.conn)
return sql
except Exception as e:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
def get_functions(self, gid, sid, did):
This function returns the handler and inline functions for the selected language node.
gid: Server Group ID
sid: Server ID
did: Database ID
sql = render_template("/".join([self.template_path, 'functions.sql']))
status, result = self.conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=result)
return make_json_response(
def sql(self, gid, sid, did, lid):
This function will generate sql to show in the sql pane for the selected language node.
gid: Server Group ID
sid: Server ID
did: Database ID
lid: Language ID
sql = render_template("/".join([self.template_path, 'properties.sql']), lid=lid)
status, res = self.conn.execute_dict(sql)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
# Making copy of output for future use
old_data = dict(res['rows'][0])
sql = render_template("/".join([self.template_path, 'sqlpane.sql']), data=old_data, conn=self.conn)
return ajax_response(response=sql)
def dependents(self, gid, sid, did, lid):
This function gets the dependents and returns an ajax response
for the language node.
gid: Server Group ID
sid: Server ID
did: Database ID
lid: Language ID
dependents_result = self.get_dependents(self.conn, lid)
return ajax_response(
def dependencies(self, gid, sid, did, lid):
This function gets the dependencies and returns an ajax response
for the language node.
gid: Server Group ID
sid: Server ID
did: Database ID
lid: Language ID
dependencies_result = self.get_dependencies(self.conn, lid)
return ajax_response(

Binary file not shown.


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View File

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
['jquery', 'underscore', 'underscore.string', 'pgadmin', 'pgadmin.browser',
'alertify', 'pgadmin.browser.collection', 'pgadmin.browser.server.privilege'],
function($, _, S, pgAdmin, pgBrowser, alertify) {
// Extend the browser's node model class to create a security model
var SecurityModel = Backform.SecurityModel = pgAdmin.Browser.Node.Model.extend({
defaults: {
provider: null,
security_label: null
// Define the schema for the Security Label
schema: [{
id: 'provider', label: '{{ _('Provider') }}',
type: 'text', disabled: false
id: 'security_label', label: '{{ _('Security Label') }}',
type: 'text', disabled: false
/* validate function is used to validate the input given by
* the user. In case of error, message will be displayed on
* the GUI for the respective control.
validate: function() {
var errmsg = null;
if (_.isUndefined(this.get('security_label')) ||
_.isNull(this.get('security_label')) ||
String(this.get('security_label')).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') == '') {
errmsg = '{{ _('Please specify the value for all the security providers.')}}';
this.errorModel.set('security_label', errmsg);
return errmsg;
} else {
return null;
// Extend the browser's collection class for languages collection
if (!pgBrowser.Nodes['coll-language']) {
var languages = pgAdmin.Browser.Nodes['coll-language'] =
node: 'language',
label: '{{ _('Languages') }}',
type: 'coll-language',
columns: ['name', 'lanowner', 'description']
// Extend the browser's node class for language node
if (!pgBrowser.Nodes['language']) {
pgAdmin.Browser.Nodes['language'] = pgAdmin.Browser.Node.extend({
parent_type: 'database',
type: 'language',
label: '{{ _('language') }}',
hasSQL: true,
hasDepends: true,
Init: function() {
// Avoid multiple registration of menus
if (this.initialized)
this.initialized = true;
// Define the model for language node
model: pgAdmin.Browser.Node.Model.extend({
defaults: {
name: undefined,
lanowner: undefined,
comment: undefined,
lanacl: [],
// Define the schema for the language node
schema: [{
id: 'name', label: '{{ _('Name') }}', cell: 'string',
type: 'text',
id: 'oid', label:'{{ _('Oid') }}', cell: 'string',
type: 'text', disabled: true
id: 'lanowner', label:'{{ _('Owner') }}', type: 'text',
control: Backform.NodeListByNameControl, node: 'role',
mode: ['edit', 'properties'], select2: { allowClear: false }
id: 'description', label:'{{ _('Comment') }}', cell: 'string',
type: 'multiline'
id: 'trusted', label:'{{ _('Trusted?') }}', type: 'switch', options: { onText: 'Yes', offText: 'No',
onColor: 'success', offColor: 'default', size: 'small'},
group: 'Definition', mode: ['edit', 'properties'],
disabled: function(m) {
return !(m.isNew());
id: 'lanproc', label:'{{ _('Handler Function') }}', type: 'text', control: 'node-ajax-options',
group: 'Definition', mode: ['edit', 'properties'], url:'get_functions',
/* This function is used to populate the handler function
* for the selected language node. It will check if the property
* type is 'handler' then push the data into the result array.
transform: function(data) {
var res = [];
if (data && _.isArray(data)) {
_.each(data, function(d) {
if (d.prop_type == 'handler') {
res.push({label: d.label, value: d.label});
return res;
}, disabled: function(m) {
return !(m.isNew());
id: 'laninl', label:'{{ _('Inline Function') }}', type: 'text', control: 'node-ajax-options',
group: 'Definition', mode: ['edit', 'properties'], url:'get_functions',
/* This function is used to populate the inline function
* for the selected language node. It will check if the property
* type is 'inline' then push the data into the result array.
transform: function(data) {
var res = [];
if (data && _.isArray(data)) {
_.each(data, function(d) {
if (d.prop_type == 'inline') {
res.push({label: d.label, value: d.label});
return res;
}, disabled: function(m) {
return !(m.isNew());
id: 'lanval', label:'{{ _('Validator Function') }}', type: 'text', control: 'node-ajax-options',
group: 'Definition', mode: ['edit', 'properties'], url:'get_functions',
/* This function is used to populate the validator function
* for the selected language node. It will check if the property
* type is 'validator' then push the data into the result array.
transform: function(data) {
var res = [];
if (data && _.isArray(data)) {
_.each(data, function(d) {
if (d.prop_type == 'validator') {
res.push({label: d.label, value: d.label});
return res;
}, disabled: function(m) {
return !(m.isNew());
id: 'lanacl', label: '{{ _('Privileges') }}', type: 'collection', group: '{{ _('Security') }}',
model: pgAdmin.Browser.Node.PrivilegeRoleModel.extend({privileges: ['U']}), control: 'unique-col-collection',
mode: ['properties', 'edit'], canAdd: true, canDelete: true, uniqueCol : ['grantee']
id: 'seclabels', label: '{{ _('Security Labels') }}',
model: SecurityModel, editable: false, type: 'collection',
group: '{{ _('Security') }}', mode: ['edit'],
min_version: 90200, canAdd: true,
canEdit: false, canDelete: true, control: 'unique-col-collection'
/* validate function is used to validate the input given by
* the user. In case of error, message will be displayed on
* the GUI for the respective control.
validate: function() {
var name = this.get('name');
if (_.isUndefined(name) || _.isNull(name) ||
String(name).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') == '') {
var msg = '{{ _('Name can not be empty!') }}';
this.errorModel.set('name', msg);
return msg;
} else {
return null;
return pgBrowser.Nodes['coll-language'];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
SELECT 'lanacl' as deftype, COALESCE(gt.rolname, 'public') grantee, g.rolname grantor,
array_agg(privilege_type) as privileges, array_agg(is_grantable) as grantable
d.grantee, d.grantor, d.is_grantable,
CASE d.privilege_type
END AS privilege_type
(SELECT lanacl FROM pg_language lan
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_shdescription descr ON (lan.oid=descr.objoid AND descr.classoid='pg_language'::regclass)
WHERE lan.oid = {{ lid|qtLiteral }}::OID
) acl,
(SELECT (d).grantee AS grantee, (d).grantor AS grantor, (d).is_grantable AS is_grantable,
(d).privilege_type AS privilege_type
FROM (SELECT aclexplode(lanacl) as d FROM pg_language lan1
WHERE lan1.oid = {{ lid|qtLiteral }}::OID ) a
) d
) d
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles g ON (d.grantor = g.oid)
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles gt ON (d.grantee = gt.oid)
GROUP BY g.rolname, gt.rolname

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
CASE WHEN nspname != 'pg_catalog' THEN quote_ident(nspname) || '.' || quote_ident(proname)
ELSE quote_ident(proname)
END AS label,
WHEN prorettype = 2280 THEN 'handler'
WHEN proargtypes[0] = 2281 THEN 'inline'
ELSE 'validator'
END AS prop_type
pg_proc p JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON nsp.oid=pronamespace
prorettype=2280 OR
(prorettype=2278 AND proargtypes[0]=26) OR
(prorettype=2278 AND proargtypes[0]=2281)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
SELECT lan.oid as oid, lanname as name, lanpltrusted as trusted, lanacl as acl, hp.proname as lanproc,
vp.proname as lanval, description, pg_get_userbyid(lan.lanowner) as lanowner, ip.proname as laninl,
(SELECT array_agg(label) FROM pg_seclabels sl1 WHERE sl1.objoid=lan.oid) AS labels,
(SELECT array_agg(provider) FROM pg_seclabels sl2 WHERE sl2.objoid=lan.oid) AS providers
FROM pg_language lan JOIN pg_proc hp on hp.oid=lanplcallfoid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_proc ip on ip.oid=laninline
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_proc vp on vp.oid=lanvalidator
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description des ON (des.objoid=lan.oid AND des.objsubid=0 AND des.classoid='pg_language'::regclass)
{% if lid %}
AND lan.oid={{lid}}::int
{% endif %}
ORDER BY lanname

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
-- Language: {{}}
-- DROP LANGUAGE {{ conn|qtIdent( }}
{# ============= CREATE LANGUAGE Query ============= #}
CREATE {% if data.trusted %}TRUSTED{% endif %} PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE {{ conn|qtIdent( }}
{% if data.lanproc %}
HANDLER {{ conn|qtIdent(data.lanproc) }}
{% endif %}
{% if data.laninl %}
INLINE {{ conn|qtIdent(data.laninl) }}
{% endif %}
{% if data.lanval %}
VALIDATOR {{ conn|qtIdent(data.lanval) }}
{% endif %};
{# ============= ALTER LANGUAGE Query ============= #}
{% if data.lanowner %}
ALTER LANGUAGE {{ conn|qtIdent( }}
OWNER TO {{ conn|qtIdent(data.lanowner) }};
{% endif %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
{% import 'macros/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% if data %}
{# ============= Update language name ============= #}
{% if != %}
ALTER LANGUAGE {{ conn|qtIdent( }}
RENAME TO {{ conn|qtIdent( }};
{% endif %}
{# ============= Update language user ============= #}
{% if data.lanowner and data.lanowner != o_data.lanowner %}
ALTER LANGUAGE {{ conn|qtIdent( }}
OWNER TO {{ conn|qtIdent(data.lanowner) }};
{% endif %}
{# ============= Update language comments ============= #}
{% if data.description and data.description != o_data.description %}
COMMENT ON LANGUAGE {{ conn|qtIdent( }}
IS '{{ data.description }}';
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# Change the privileges #}
{% if data.lanacl %}
{% if 'deleted' in data.lanacl %}
{% for priv in data.lanacl.deleted %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.RESETALL(conn, 'LANGUAGE', priv.grantee, }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'changed' in data.lanacl %}
{% for priv in data.lanacl.changed %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.RESETALL(conn, 'LANGUAGE', priv.grantee, }}
{{ PRIVILEGE.APPLY(conn, 'LANGUAGE', priv.grantee,, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'added' in data.lanacl %}
{% for priv in data.lanacl.added %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.APPLY(conn, 'LANGUAGE', priv.grantee,, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
SELECT 'lanacl' as deftype, COALESCE(gt.rolname, 'public') grantee, g.rolname grantor,
array_agg(privilege_type) as privileges, array_agg(is_grantable) as grantable
d.grantee, d.grantor, d.is_grantable,
CASE d.privilege_type
END AS privilege_type
(SELECT lanacl FROM pg_language lan
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_shdescription descr ON (lan.oid=descr.objoid AND descr.classoid='pg_language'::regclass)
WHERE lan.oid = {{ lid|qtLiteral }}::OID
) acl,
aclexplode(lanacl) d
) d
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles g ON (d.grantor = g.oid)
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles gt ON (d.grantee = gt.oid)
GROUP BY g.rolname, gt.rolname

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
CASE WHEN nspname != 'pg_catalog' THEN quote_ident(nspname) || '.' || quote_ident(proname)
ELSE quote_ident(proname)
END AS label,
WHEN prorettype = 2280 THEN 'handler'
WHEN proargtypes[0] = 2281 THEN 'inline'
ELSE 'validator'
END AS prop_type
pg_proc p JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON nsp.oid=pronamespace
prorettype=2280 OR
(prorettype=2278 AND proargtypes[0]=26) OR
(prorettype=2278 AND proargtypes[0]=2281)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
SELECT lan.oid as oid, lanname as name, lanpltrusted as trusted, lanacl as acl, hp.proname as lanproc,
vp.proname as lanval, description, pg_get_userbyid(lan.lanowner) as lanowner, ip.proname as laninl,
(SELECT array_agg(label) FROM pg_seclabels sl1 WHERE sl1.objoid=lan.oid) AS labels,
(SELECT array_agg(provider) FROM pg_seclabels sl2 WHERE sl2.objoid=lan.oid) AS providers
FROM pg_language lan JOIN pg_proc hp on hp.oid=lanplcallfoid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_proc ip on ip.oid=laninline
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_proc vp on vp.oid=lanvalidator
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description des ON (des.objoid=lan.oid AND des.objsubid=0 AND des.classoid='pg_language'::regclass)
{% if lid %}
AND lan.oid={{lid}}::int
{% endif %}
ORDER BY lanname

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
-- Language: {{}}
-- DROP LANGUAGE {{ conn|qtIdent( }}
{# ============= CREATE LANGUAGE Query ============= #}
CREATE {% if data.trusted %}TRUSTED{% endif %} PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE {{ conn|qtIdent( }}
{% if data.lanproc %}
HANDLER {{ conn|qtIdent(data.lanproc) }}
{% endif %}
{% if data.laninl %}
INLINE {{ conn|qtIdent(data.laninl) }}
{% endif %}
{% if data.lanval %}
VALIDATOR {{ conn|qtIdent(data.lanval) }}
{% endif %};
{# ============= ALTER LANGUAGE Query ============= #}
{% if data.lanowner %}
ALTER LANGUAGE {{ conn|qtIdent( }}
OWNER TO {{ conn|qtIdent(data.lanowner) }};
{% endif %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
{% import 'macros/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% if data %}
{# ============= Update language name ============= #}
{% if != %}
ALTER LANGUAGE {{ conn|qtIdent( }}
RENAME TO {{ conn|qtIdent( }};
{% endif %}
{# ============= Update language user ============= #}
{% if data.lanowner and data.lanowner != o_data.lanowner %}
ALTER LANGUAGE {{ conn|qtIdent( }}
OWNER TO {{ conn|qtIdent(data.lanowner) }};
{% endif %}
{# ============= Update language comments ============= #}
{% if data.description and data.description != o_data.description %}
COMMENT ON LANGUAGE {{ conn|qtIdent( }}
IS '{{ data.description }}';
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# Change the privileges #}
{% if data.lanacl %}
{% if 'deleted' in data.lanacl %}
{% for priv in data.lanacl.deleted %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.RESETALL(conn, 'LANGUAGE', priv.grantee, }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'changed' in data.lanacl %}
{% for priv in data.lanacl.changed %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.RESETALL(conn, 'LANGUAGE', priv.grantee, }}
{{ PRIVILEGE.APPLY(conn, 'LANGUAGE', priv.grantee,, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'added' in data.lanacl %}
{% for priv in data.lanacl.added %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.APPLY(conn, 'LANGUAGE', priv.grantee,, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}