Correct display of RE-SQL for partitioned tables in Greenplum. Fixes #3050
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
{% import 'table/sql/macros/constraints.macro' as CONSTRAINTS %}
{### CREATE TABLE STATEMENT FOR partitions ###}
CREATE {% if data.relpersistence %}UNLOGGED {% endif %}TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema,}}{% if data.relispartition is defined and data.relispartition %} PARTITION OF {{conn|qtIdent(data.parent_schema, data.partitioned_table_name)}}{% endif %}
{# Macro to render for constraints #}
{% if data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or data.foreign_key|length > 0 or data.check_constraint|length > 0 or data.exclude_constraint|length > 0 %}
( {% endif %}
{% if data.primary_key|length > 0 %}{{CONSTRAINTS.PRIMARY_KEY(conn, data.primary_key[0])}}{% endif %}{% if data.unique_constraint|length > 0 %}{% if data.primary_key|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
{{CONSTRAINTS.UNIQUE(conn, data.unique_constraint)}}{% endif %}{% if data.foreign_key|length > 0 %}{% if data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
{{CONSTRAINTS.FOREIGN_KEY(conn, data.foreign_key)}}{% endif %}{% if data.check_constraint|length > 0 %}{% if data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or data.foreign_key|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
{{CONSTRAINTS.CHECK(conn, data.check_constraint)}}{% endif %}{% if data.exclude_constraint|length > 0 %}{% if data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or data.foreign_key|length > 0 or data.check_constraint|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
{{CONSTRAINTS.EXCLUDE(conn, data.exclude_constraint)}}{% endif %}
{% if data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or data.foreign_key|length > 0 or data.check_constraint|length > 0 or data.exclude_constraint|length > 0 %}
{% endif %}
{{ data.partition_value }}{% if data.is_partitioned is defined and data.is_partitioned %}
PARTITION BY {{ data.partition_scheme }}{% endif %}
{### SQL for Tablespace ###}
{% if data.spcname %}
TABLESPACE {{ conn|qtIdent(data.spcname) }};
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{### Alter SQL for Owner ###}
{% if data.relowner %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema,}}
OWNER to {{conn|qtIdent(data.relowner)}};
{% endif %}
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ SELECT rel.oid, rel.relname AS name, rel.reltablespace AS spcoid,rel.relacl AS r
NULL AS seclabels,
(CASE WHEN rel.oid <= {{ datlastsysoid}}::oid THEN true ElSE false END) AS is_sys_table,
-- Added for partition table
(CASE WHEN rel.relkind = 'p' THEN true ELSE false END) AS is_partitioned,
(CASE WHEN partitions.number_of_partitions > 0 THEN true ELSE false END) AS is_partitioned,
'' AS partition_scheme,
{% if ptid %}
(CASE WHEN partitions.number_of_partitions > 0 THEN partitions.expression ELSE '' END) AS partition_value,
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ CREATE {% if data.relpersistence %}UNLOGGED {% endif %}TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data
{{CONSTRAINTS.EXCLUDE(conn, data.exclude_constraint)}}{% endif %}
{% if data.like_relation or data.coll_inherits or data.columns|length > 0 or data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or data.foreign_key|length > 0 or data.check_constraint|length > 0 or data.exclude_constraint|length > 0 %}
){% endif %}{% if data.relkind is defined and data.relkind == 'p' %} PARTITION BY {{ data.partition_scheme }} {% endif %}
){% endif %}
{### If we are inheriting it from another table(s) ###}
{% if data.coll_inherits %}
@ -91,10 +91,11 @@ TABLESPACE {{ conn|qtIdent(data.spcname) }}
{% endif %}
{### SQL for Distribution ###}
{% if data.distribution %}
DISTRIBUTED BY ({% for attrnum in data.distribution %}{% if loop.index != 1 %}, {% endif %}{{ data.columns[attrnum-1].name }}{% endfor %});
DISTRIBUTED BY ({% for attrnum in data.distribution %}{% if loop.index != 1 %}, {% endif %}{{ data.columns[attrnum-1].name }}{% endfor %})
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if data.is_partitioned %} PARTITION BY {{ data.partition_scheme }}; {% endif %}
{### Alter SQL for Owner ###}
{% if data.relowner %}
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(CASE when pre_coll_inherits is NULL then ARRAY[]::varchar[] else pre_coll_inherits END) as coll_inherits
{% if tid %}, (CASE WHEN is_partitioned THEN (SELECT substring(pg_get_partition_def({{ tid }}::oid, true) from 14)) ELSE '' END) AS partition_scheme {% endif %}
SELECT rel.oid, rel.relname AS name, rel.reltablespace AS spcoid,rel.relacl AS relacl_str,
(CASE WHEN length(spc.spcname) > 0 THEN spc.spcname ELSE
@ -67,7 +68,9 @@ FROM (
ARRAY[]::varchar[] AS seclabels,
(CASE WHEN rel.oid <= {{ datlastsysoid}}::oid THEN true ElSE false END) AS is_sys_table,
gdp.attrnums AS distribution
gdp.attrnums AS distribution,
(CASE WHEN (SELECT count(*) from pg_partition where parrelid = rel.oid) > 0 THEN true ELSE false END) AS is_partitioned
FROM pg_class rel
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_tablespace spc on spc.oid=rel.reltablespace
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ FROM
WHERE aclcontains(nc.nspacl, makeaclitem(grantee.oid, u_grantor.oid, pr.type, false))
AND (pg_has_role(u_grantor.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR pg_has_role(grantee.oid, 'USAGE'::text)
OR grantee.rolname = 'PUBLIC'::name)
AND nsp.oid = {{ scid|qtLiteral }}::OID
AND nc.oid = {{ scid|qtLiteral }}::OID
) a
) b
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles g ON (b.grantor = g.oid)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ FROM
WHERE aclcontains(nc.nspacl, makeaclitem(grantee.oid, u_grantor.oid, pr.type, false))
AND (pg_has_role(u_grantor.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR pg_has_role(grantee.oid, 'USAGE'::text)
OR grantee.rolname = 'PUBLIC'::name)
AND nsp.oid = {{ scid|qtLiteral }}::OID
AND nc.oid = {{ scid|qtLiteral }}::OID
) a
) b
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles g ON (b.grantor = g.oid)
Reference in New Issue