Message clarification and improvement.

Dave Page 2020-05-26 15:02:53 +01:00
parent 1347c89d61
commit 65fb0f901c
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -70,20 +70,20 @@ fi
APACHE_STATUS=`ps cax | grep ${APACHE}`
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
read -p "The Apache web server is running. A restart is required for the pgAdmin 4 installation to complete. Would you like to continue (y/n)? " RESPONSE
read -p "The Apache web server is running and must be restarted for the pgAdmin 4 installation to complete. Continue (y/n)? " RESPONSE
case ${RESPONSE} in
y|Y )
systemctl restart ${APACHE}
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "Error restarting ${APACHE}. Please check the systemd logs"
echo "Apache successfully restarted. You can now start using pgAdmin 4 in web mode"
echo "Apache successfully restarted. You can now start using pgAdmin 4 in web mode at"
* )
exit 1;;
read -p "The Apache web server is not running. We can enable and start the web server for you to finish pgAdmin 4 installation. Would you like to continue (y/n)? " RESPONSE
read -p "The Apache web server is not running. We can enable and start the web server for you to finish pgAdmin 4 installation. Continue (y/n)? " RESPONSE
case ${RESPONSE} in
y|Y )
systemctl enable ${APACHE}