Use options on the *Preferences* dialog to customize the behavior of the client. To open the *Preferences* dialog, select *Preferences* from the *File* menu. The left pane of the *Preferences* dialog displays a tree control; each node of the tree control provides access to options that are related to the node under which they are displayed.
* When the *Show system objects* switch is set to *True*, the client will display system objects such as system schemas (for example, *pg_temp*) or system columns (for example, *xmin* or *ctid*) in the tree control.
* The panel displays a list of database objects; slide the switch located next to each object to *Show* or *Hide* the database object. When querying system catalogs, you can reduce the number of object types displayed to increase speed.
Use fields on the *Properties* panel to specify browser properties:
* Include a value in the *Count rows if estimated less than* field to perform a SELECT count(*) if the estimated number of rows in a table (as read from the table statistics) is below the specified limit. After performing the SELECT count(*), pgAdmin will display the row count. The default is 2000.
**The Dashboards Node**
Expand the *Dashboards* node to specify your dashboard display preferences.
Use the fields on the *Binary paths* panel to specify the path to the directory that contains the utility programs (pg_dump, pg_restore, and pg_dumpall) for monitored databases:
* Use the *EDB Advanced Server Binary Path* field to specify the location of the EDB Postgres Advanced Server utility programs. If this path is not set, pgAdmin will attempt to find the utilities in standard locations used by EnterpriseDB.
* Use the *Greenplum Database Binary Path* field to specify the location of the Greenplum database utility programs. If this path is not set, pgAdmin will attempt to find the utilities in standard locations used by Greenplum.
* Use the *PostgreSQL Binary Path* field to specify the location of the PostgreSQL utility programs. If this path is not set, pgAdmin will attempt to find the utilities in standard locations used by PostgreSQL.
Use the fields on the *Display* panel to specify your preferences for the SQL Editor display.
* When the *Open in new browser tab* switch is set to *True*, each new instance of the SQL Editor will open in a new browser tab.
* Use the *Query info notifier timeout* field to control the behaviour of the notifier that is displayed when query execution completes. A value of *-1* will disable the notifier, and a value of 0 will display it until clicked. If a positive value above zero is specified, the notifier will be displayed for the specified number of seconds. The default is *5*.
..image:: images/preferences_sql_explain.png
Use the fields on the *Explain* panel to specify the level of detail included in a graphical EXPLAIN.
* When the *Show Costs?* switch is set to *True*, graphical explain details will include information about the estimated startup and total cost of each plan, as well as the estimated number of rows and the estimated width of each row.
* When the *Prompt to save unsaved data changes?* switch is set to *True*, the editor will prompt the user to saved unsaved data when exiting the data editor.
* When the *Prompt to save unsaved query changes?* switch is set to *True*, the editor will prompt the user to saved unsaved query modifications when exiting the query tool.
Use the fields on the *Options* panel to specify storage preferences.
* Use the *File dialog view* drop-down listbox to select the style of icons and display format that will be displayed when you open the file manager; select *List* to display a list view, or *Grid* to display folder icons.
* Use the *Last directory visited* field to specify the name of the folder in which the file manager will open.
* Use the *Maximum file upload size(MB)* field on the *Options* panel of the **Storage** node to specify the maximum file size for an upload.
* When the *Show hidden files and folders?* switch is set to *True*, the file manager will display hidden files and folders.