
1442 lines
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(function(root, factory) {
// Set up Backform appropriately for the environment. Start with AMD.
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
'sources/gettext', 'underscore', 'jquery', 'backbone', 'backform', 'backgrid', 'alertify',
'moment', 'bignumber', 'bootstrap.datetimepicker', 'bootstrap.switch'
function(gettext, _, $, Backbone, Backform, Backgrid, Alertify, moment, BigNumber) {
// Export global even in AMD case in case this script is loaded with
// others that may still expect a global Backform.
return factory(root, gettext, _, $, Backbone, Backform, Backgrid, Alertify, moment, BigNumber);
// Next for Node.js or CommonJS. jQuery may not be needed as a module.
} else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
var gettext = require('sources/gettext'),
_ = require('underscore') || root._,
$ = root.jQuery || root.$ || root.Zepto || root.ender,
Backbone = require('backbone') || root.Backbone,
Backform = require('backform') || root.Backform,
Backgrid = require('backgrid') || root.Backgrid,
Alertify = require('alertify') || root.Alertify,
moment = require('moment') || root.moment;
factory(root, gettext, _, $, Backbone, Backform, Backgrid, Alertify, moment);
// Finally, as a browser global.
} else {
factory(root, root.gettext, root._, (root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender || root.$), root.Backbone, root.Backform, root.Alertify, root.moment);
} (this, function(root, gettext, _, $, Backbone, Backform, Backgrid, Alertify, moment, BigNumber) {
* Add mechanism in backgrid to render different types of cells in
* same column;
// Add new property cellFunction in Backgrid.Column.
_.extend(Backgrid.Column.prototype.defaults, {cellFunction: undefined});
// Add tooltip to cell if cell content is larger than
// cell width
_.extend(, {
'mouseover': function(e) {
var $el = $(this.el);
if($el.text().length > 0 && !$el.attr('title') &&
($el.innerWidth() + 1) < $el[0].scrollWidth
) {
$el.attr('title', $.trim($el.text()));
/* Overriding backgrid sort method.
* As we are getting numeric, integer values as string
* from server side, but on client side javascript truncates
* large numbers automatically due to which backgrid was unable
* to sort numeric values properly in the grid.
* To fix this issue, now we check if cell type is integer/number
* convert it into BigNumber object and make comparison to perform sorting.
_.extend(Backgrid.Body.prototype, {
sort: function (column, direction) {
if (!_.contains(["ascending", "descending", null], direction)) {
throw new RangeError('direction must be one of "ascending", "descending" or `null`');
if (_.isString(column)) column = this.columns.findWhere({name: column});
var collection = this.collection;
var order;
if (direction === "ascending") order = -1;
else if (direction === "descending") order = 1;
else order = null;
// Get column type and pass it to comparator.
var col_type = column.get('cell').prototype.className || 'string-cell',
comparator = this.makeComparator(column.get("name"), order,
order ?
column.sortValue() :
function (model) {
return model.cid.replace('c', '') * 1;
}, col_type);
if (Backbone.PageableCollection &&
collection instanceof Backbone.PageableCollection) {
collection.setSorting(order && column.get("name"), order,
{sortValue: column.sortValue()});
if (collection.fullCollection) {
// If order is null, pageable will remove the comparator on both sides,
// in this case the default insertion order comparator needs to be
// attached to get back to the order before sorting.
if (collection.fullCollection.comparator == null) {
collection.fullCollection.comparator = comparator;
collection.trigger("backgrid:sorted", column, direction, collection);
else collection.fetch({reset: true, success: function () {
collection.trigger("backgrid:sorted", column, direction, collection);
else {
collection.comparator = comparator;
collection.trigger("backgrid:sorted", column, direction, collection);
column.set("direction", direction);
return this;
makeComparator: function (attr, order, func, type) {
return function (left, right) {
// extract the values from the models
var l = func(left, attr), r = func(right, attr), t;
var types = ['number-cell', 'integer-cell'];
if (_.include(types, type)) {
var _l, _r;
// NaN if invalid number
try {
_l = new BigNumber(l);
} catch(err) {
_l = NaN;
try {
_r = new BigNumber(r);
} catch(err) {
_r = NaN;
// if descending order, swap left and right
if (order === 1) t = _l, _l = _r, _r = t;
if (_l.eq(_r)) // If both are equals
return 0;
else if ( // If left is less than right
return -1;
return 1;
else {
// if descending order, swap left and right
if (order === 1) t = l, l = r, r = t;
// compare as usual
if (l === r) return 0;
else if (l < r) return -1;
return 1;
_.extend(Backgrid.Row.prototype, {
makeCell: function (column) {
return new (this.getCell(column))({
column: column,
model: this.model
* getCell function will check and execute user given cellFunction to get
* appropriate cell class for current cell being rendered.
* User provided cellFunction must return valid cell class.
* cellFunction will be called with context (this) as column and model as
* argument.
getCell: function (column) {
var cf = column.get("cellFunction");
if (_.isFunction(cf)){
var cell = cf.apply(column, [this.model]);
try {
return Backgrid.resolveNameToClass(cell, "Cell");
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ReferenceError) {
// Fallback to column cell.
return column.get("cell");
} else {
throw e; // Let other exceptions bubble up
} else {
return column.get("cell");
var ObjectCellEditor = Backgrid.Extension.ObjectCellEditor = Backgrid.CellEditor.extend({
modalTemplate: _.template([
'<div class="subnode-dialog" tabindex="1">',
' <div class="subnode-body"></div>',
stringTemplate: _.template([
'<div class="form-group">',
' <label class="control-label col-sm-4"><%=label%></label>',
' <div class="col-sm-8">',
' <input type="text" class="form-control" name="<%=name%>" value="<%=value%>" placeholder="<%=placeholder%>" />',
' </div>',
extendWithOptions: function(options) {
_.extend(this, options);
render: function () {
return this;
postRender: function(model, column) {
var editor = this,
el = this.el,
columns_length = this.columns_length;
if (column != null && column.get("name") != this.column.get("name"))
return false;
if (!_.isArray(this.schema)) throw new TypeError("schema must be an array");
// Create a Backbone model from our object if it does not exist
var $dialog = this.createDialog(columns_length);
// Add the Bootstrap form
var $form = $('<form class="form-dialog"></form>');
// Call Backform to prepare dialog
var back_el = $dialog.find('form.form-dialog');
this.objectView = new Backform.Dialog({
el: back_el, model: this.model, schema: this.schema,
tabPanelClassName: function() {
return 'sub-node-form col-sm-12';
return this;
createDialog: function(noofcol) {
var $dialog = this.$dialog = $(this.modalTemplate({title: ""})),
tr = $("<tr>"),
noofcol = noofcol || 1,
td = $("<td>", {class: 'editable sortable renderable', style: 'height: auto', colspan: noofcol+2}).appendTo(tr); = tr;
// Show the Bootstrap modal dialog
td.append($dialog.css('display', 'block'));
return $dialog;
save: function() {
// Retrieve values from the form, and store inside the object model
this.model.trigger("backgrid:edited", this.model, this.column, new Backgrid.Command({keyCode:13}));
if ( {;
return this;
remove: function() {
Backgrid.CellEditor.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
if ( {;
return this;
var PGSelectCell = Backgrid.Extension.PGSelectCell = Backgrid.SelectCell.extend({
// It's possible to render an option group or use a
// function to provide option values too.
optionValues: function() {
var res = [],
opts = _.result(this.column.attributes, 'options');
_.each(opts, function(o) {
res.push([o.label, o.value]);
return res;
var ObjectCell = Backgrid.Extension.ObjectCell = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
editorOptionDefaults: {
schema: []
className: "edit-cell",
editor: ObjectCellEditor,
initialize: function(options) {
Backgrid.Cell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
// Pass on cell options to the editor
var cell = this,
editorOptions = {};
_.each(this.editorOptionDefaults, function(def, opt) {
if (!cell[opt]) cell[opt] = def;
if (options && options[opt]) cell[opt] = options[opt];
editorOptions[opt] = cell[opt];
editorOptions['el'] = $(this.el);
editorOptions['columns_length'] = this.column.collection.length;
editorOptions['el'].attr('tabindex' , 1);
this.listenTo(this.model, "backgrid:edit", function (model, column, cell, editor) {
if (column.get("name") == this.column.get("name"))
enterEditMode: function () {
// Notify that we are about to enter in edit mode for current cell.
// We will check if this row is editable first
var canEditRow = (!_.isUndefined(this.column.get('canEditRow')) &&
_.isFunction(this.column.get('canEditRow'))) ?
this.column, this.model) : true;
if (canEditRow) {
// Notify that we are about to enter in edit mode for current cell.
this.model.trigger("enteringEditMode", [this]);
Backgrid.Cell.prototype.enterEditMode.apply(this, arguments);
/* Make sure - we listen to the click event */
var editable = Backgrid.callByNeed(this.column.editable(), this.column, this.model);
if (editable) {
"<i class='fa fa-pencil-square subnode-edit-in-process'></i>"
"pg-sub-node:opened", this.model, this
} else {
Alertify.alert("This object is not editable by user",
return true;
render: function(){
this.$el.html("<i class='fa fa-pencil-square-o'></i>");
if (this.grabFocus)
return this;
exitEditMode: function() {
var index = $(this.currentEditor.objectView.el)
.find('.nav-tabs > .active > a[data-toggle="tab"]').first()
Backgrid.Cell.prototype.exitEditMode.apply(this, arguments);
"pg-sub-node:closed", this, index
this.grabFocus = true;
events: {
'click': function(e) {
if (this.$el.find('i').first().hasClass('subnode-edit-in-process')) {
// Need to redundantly undelegate events for Firefox
} else {, []);
var DeleteCell = Backgrid.Extension.DeleteCell = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
defaults: _.defaults({
defaultDeleteMsg: gettext('Are you sure you wish to delete this row?'),
defaultDeleteTitle: gettext('Delete Row')
}, Backgrid.Cell.prototype.defaults),
/** @property */
className: "delete-cell",
events: {
"click": "deleteRow"
deleteRow: function (e) {
var that = this;
// We will check if row is deletable or not
var canDeleteRow = (!_.isUndefined(this.column.get('canDeleteRow')) &&
_.isFunction(this.column.get('canDeleteRow')) ) ?
this.column, this.model) : true;
if (canDeleteRow) {
var delete_msg = !_.isUndefined(this.column.get('customDeleteMsg')) ?
this.column.get('customDeleteMsg'): that.defaults.defaultDeleteMsg;
var delete_title = !_.isUndefined(this.column.get('customDeleteTitle')) ?
this.column.get('customDeleteTitle'): that.defaults.defaultDeleteTitle;
function(evt) {
function(evt) {
return true;
} else {
Alertify.alert("This object cannot be deleted",
return true;
initialize: function () {
Backgrid.Cell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
render: function () {
this.$el.html("<i class='fa fa-trash'></i>");
return this;
var CustomHeaderCell = Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderCell = Backgrid.HeaderCell.extend({
initialize: function () {
// Here, we will add custom classes to header cell
Backgrid.HeaderCell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
var getClassName = this.column.get('cellHeaderClasses');
if (getClassName) {
SwitchCell renders a Bootstrap Switch in backgrid cell
$.fn.bootstrapSwitch = jQuery.fn.bootstrapSwitch;
var SwitchCell = Backgrid.Extension.SwitchCell = Backgrid.BooleanCell.extend({
defaults: {
options: _.defaults({
onText: 'True',
offText: 'False',
onColor: 'success',
offColor: 'default',
size: 'mini'
}, $.fn.bootstrapSwitch.defaults)
className: 'switch-cell',
initialize: function() {
Backgrid.BooleanCell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this);
enterEditMode: function() {
exitEditMode: function() {
events: {
'switchChange.bootstrapSwitch': 'onChange'
onChange: function () {
var model = this.model,
column = this.column,
val = this.formatter.toRaw(this.$input.prop('checked'), model);
// on bootstrap change we also need to change model's value
model.set(column.get("name"), val);
render: function () {
var self = this, col = _.defaults(this.column.toJSON(), this.defaults),
attributes = this.model.toJSON(),
attrArr ='.'),
name = attrArr.shift(),
path = attrArr.join('.'),
model = this.model, column = this.column,
rawValue = this.formatter.fromRaw(
model.get(column.get("name")), model
editable = Backgrid.callByNeed(col.editable, column, model);
$("<input>", {
tabIndex: -1,
type: "checkbox"
}).prop('checked', rawValue).prop('disabled', !editable));
this.$input = this.$el.find('input[type=checkbox]').first();
// Override BooleanCell checkbox with Bootstrapswitch
{'state': rawValue, 'disabled': !editable}, col.options,
// Listen for Tab key
this.$el.on('keydown', function(e) {
var gotoCell;
if(e.keyCode == 9) {
// go to Next Cell & if Shift is also pressed go to Previous Cell
gotoCell = e.shiftKey ? self.$el.prev() : self.$;
if(gotoCell) {
setTimeout(function() {
if(gotoCell.hasClass('editable')) {
var command = new Backgrid.Command({
key: "Tab", keyCode: 9,
which: 9, shiftKey: e.shiftKey
self.model.trigger("backgrid:edited", self.model,
self.column, command);
}, 20);
return this;
* Select2Cell for backgrid.
var Select2Cell = Backgrid.Extension.Select2Cell =
className: "select2-cell",
/** @property */
editor: null,
defaults: _.defaults({
select2: {},
opt: {
label: null,
value: null,
selected: false
}, Backgrid.SelectCell.prototype.defaults),
enterEditMode: function() {
if (!this.$el.hasClass('editor'))
this.$select.on('blur', this.exitEditMode);
exitEditMode: function() {
this.$'blur', this.exitEditMode);
events: {
"select2:open": "enterEditMode",
"select2:close": "exitEditMode",
"change": "onSave",
"select2:unselect": "onSave"
/** @property {function(Object, ?Object=): string} template */
template: _.template([
'<option value="<%- value %>" ',
'<%= selected ? \'selected="selected"\' : "" %>>',
'<%- label %></option>'].join(''),
variable: null
initialize: function() {
Backgrid.SelectCell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.onSave = this.onSave.bind(this);
this.enterEditMode = this.enterEditMode.bind(this);
this.exitEditMode = this.exitEditMode.bind(this);
render: function () {
var col = _.defaults(this.column.toJSON(), this.defaults),
model = this.model, column = this.column,
editable = Backgrid.callByNeed(col.editable, column, model),
optionValues = _.clone(this.optionValues ||
(_.isFunction(this.column.get('options')) ?
(this.column.get('options'))(this) :
if (this.$select) {
if ( this.$'select2')) {
delete this.$select;
this.$select = null;
if (!_.isArray(optionValues))
throw new TypeError("optionValues must be an array");
* Add empty option as Select2 requires any empty '<option><option>' for
* some of its functionality to work.
var optionText = null,
optionValue = null,
self = this,
model = this.model,
selectedValues = model.get(this.column.get("name")),
select2_opts = _.extend(
{openOnEnter: false, multiple:false}, self.defaults.select2,
(col.select2 || {})
selectTpl = _.template('<select <%=multiple ? "multiple" : "" %>></select>');
var $select = self.$select = $(selectTpl({
multiple: select2_opts.multiple
for (var i = 0; i < optionValues.length; i++) {
var opt = optionValues[i];
if (_.isArray(opt)) {
optionText = opt[0];
optionValue = opt[1];
label: optionText,
value: optionValue,
selected: (selectedValues == optionValue) ||
(select2_opts.multiple && _.indexOf(selectedValues, optionValue) > -1)
} else {
opt = _.defaults({}, opt, {
selected: ((selectedValues == opt.value) ||
(select2_opts.multiple && _.indexOf(selectedValues, opt.value) > -1)),
}, self.defaults.opt);
if(col && _.has(col.disabled)) {
_.extend(select2_opts, {
disabled: evalF(col.disabled, col, model)
} else {
_.extend(select2_opts, {disabled: !editable});
// If disabled then no need to show placeholder
if(!editable || col.mode === 'properties') {
select2_opts['placeholder'] = '';
// Initialize select2 control.
this.$sel = this.$select.select2(select2_opts);
// Select the highlighted item on Tab press.
if (this.$sel) {
this.$'select2').on("keypress", function(ev) {
var self = this;
// keycode 9 is for TAB key
if (ev.which === 9 && self.isOpen()) {
self.trigger('results:select', {});
return this;
Saves the value of the selected option to the model attribute.
onSave: function (e) {
var model = this.model;
var column = this.column;
model.set(column.get("name"), this.$select.val());
remove: function() {
this.$'change', this.onSave);
if (this.$'select2')) {
Backgrid.SelectCell.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
2016-03-16 14:48:09 +00:00
TextareaCellEditor the cell editor renders a textarea multi-line text input
box as its editor.
@class Backgrid.TextareaCellEditor
@extends Backgrid.InputCellEditor
var TextareaCellEditor = Backgrid.TextareaCellEditor = Backgrid.InputCellEditor.extend({
/** @property */
tagName: "textarea",
events: {
"blur": "saveOrCancel",
"keydown": ""
TextareaCell displays multiline HTML strings.
@class Backgrid.Extension.TextareaCell
@extends Backgrid.Cell
var TextareaCell = Backgrid.Extension.TextareaCell = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
/** @property */
className: "textarea-cell",
editor: TextareaCellEditor
2016-04-14 20:36:04 +00:00
* Custom header icon cell to add the icon in table header.
var CustomHeaderIconCell = Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderIconCell = Backgrid.HeaderCell.extend({
/** @property */
className: "header-icon-cell",
events: {
"click": "addHeaderIcon"
addHeaderIcon: function (e) {
var self = this,
2016-04-14 20:36:04 +00:00
m = new (this.collection.model);
render: function () {
//this.$el.html("<i class='fa fa-plus-circle'></i>");
2016-07-21 16:18:15 +00:00
this.$el.html("<label><a><span style='font-weight:normal;'>Array Values</a></span></label> <button class='btn-sm btn-default add'>Add</button>");
2016-04-14 20:36:04 +00:00
return this;
var arrayCellModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
value: undefined
Custom InputArrayCellEditor for editing user input array for debugger.
var InputArrayCellEditor = Backgrid.Extension.InputArrayCellEditor =
tagName: "div",
events: {
'blur': 'lostFocus'
render: function () {
var self = this,
arrayValuesCol = this.model.get(this.column.get("name")),
tbl = $("<table></table>").appendTo(this.$el),
gridCols = [
{name: 'value', label:'Array Values', type: 'text', cell:'string', headerCell: Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderIconCell, cellHeaderClasses: 'width_percent_100'},
gridBody = $("<div class='pgadmin-control-group backgrid form-group col-xs-12 object subnode'></div>");
this.$el.attr('tabindex', '1');
name: "pg-backform-delete", label: "",
cell: Backgrid.Extension.DeleteCell,
//headerCell: Backgrid.Extension.CustomHeaderIconCell,
editable: false, cell_priority: -1
var grid = self.grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: gridCols,
return this;
* Call back function when the grid lost the focus
lostFocus: function(ev) {
var self = this,
* Function to determine whether one dom element is descendant of another
* dom element.
isDescendant = function (parent, child) {
var node = child.parentNode;
while (node != null) {
if (node == parent) {
return true;
node = node.parentNode;
return false;
* Between leaving the old element focus and entering the new element focus the
* active element is the document/body itself so add timeout to get the proper
* focused active element.
setTimeout(function() {
if (self.$el[0] != document.activeElement && !isDescendant(self.$el[0], document.activeElement)){
var m = self.model,
column = self.column;
m.trigger('backgrid:edited', m, column, new Backgrid.Command(ev));
if (self.grid) {
self.grid = null;
}, 10);
} },10);
2016-04-14 20:36:04 +00:00
* This will help us transform the user input string array values in proper format to be
* displayed in the cell.
var InputStringArrayCellFormatter = Backgrid.Extension.InputStringArrayCellFormatter =
function () {};
_.extend(InputStringArrayCellFormatter.prototype, {
* Takes a raw value from a model and returns an optionally formatted
* string for display.
fromRaw: function (rawData, model) {
var values = []
var val = m.get('value');
if (_.isUndefined(val)) {
} else {
return values.toString();
toRaw: function (formattedData, model) {
return formattedData;
* This will help us transform the user input integer array values in proper format to be
* displayed in the cell.
var InputIntegerArrayCellFormatter = Backgrid.Extension.InputIntegerArrayCellFormatter =
function () {};
_.extend(InputIntegerArrayCellFormatter.prototype, {
* Takes a raw value from a model and returns an optionally formatted
* string for display.
fromRaw: function (rawData, model) {
var values = []
var val = m.get('value');
if (_.isUndefined(val)) {
} else {
return values.toString();
toRaw: function (formattedData, model) {
m.set("value", parseInt(m.get('value')), {silent: true});
return formattedData;
* InputStringArrayCell for rendering and taking input for string array type in debugger
var InputStringArrayCell = Backgrid.Extension.InputStringArrayCell = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
className: "width_percent_25",
formatter: InputStringArrayCellFormatter,
editor: InputArrayCellEditor,
initialize: function() {
Backgrid.Cell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
// set value to empty array.
var m = arguments[0].model;
2016-04-14 20:36:04 +00:00
if (_.isUndefined(this.collection)) {
this.collection = new (Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: arrayCellModel}))(m.get('value'));
2016-04-14 20:36:04 +00:00
this.model.set(this.column.get('name'), this.collection);
this.listenTo(this.collection, "remove", this.render);
* InputIntegerArrayCell for rendering and taking input for integer array type in debugger
var InputIntegerArrayCell = Backgrid.Extension.InputIntegerArrayCell = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
className: "width_percent_25",
formatter: InputIntegerArrayCellFormatter,
editor: InputArrayCellEditor,
initialize: function() {
Backgrid.Cell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
// set value to empty array.
var m = arguments[0].model;
2016-04-14 20:36:04 +00:00
if (_.isUndefined(this.collection)) {
this.collection = new (Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: arrayCellModel}))(m.get('value'));
2016-04-14 20:36:04 +00:00
this.listenTo(this.collection, "remove", this.render);
* DependentCell functions can be used with the different cell type in order
* to setup the callback for the depedent attribute change in the model.
* Please implement the 'dependentChanged' as the callback in the used cell.
* @class Backgrid.Extension.DependentCell
var DependentCell = Backgrid.Extension.DependentCell = function() {};
DependentCell.prototype, {
initialize: function(){
// Listen to the dependent fields in the model for any change
var deps = this.column.get('deps');
var self = this;
if (deps && _.isArray(deps)) {
_.each(deps, function(d) {
var attrArr = d.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift();
self.listenTo(self.model, "change:" + name, self.dependentChanged);
remove: function() {
// Remove the events for the dependent fields in the model
var self = this,
deps = self.column.get('deps');
if (deps && _.isArray(deps)) {
_.each(deps, function(d) {
var attrArr = d.split('.'),
name = attrArr.shift();
self.stopListening(self.model, "change:" + name, self.dependentChanged);
2016-06-03 10:43:42 +00:00
Formatter for PasswordCell.
@class Backgrid.PasswordFormatter
@extends Backgrid.CellFormatter
var PasswordFormatter = Backgrid.PasswordFormatter = function () {};
PasswordFormatter.prototype = new Backgrid.CellFormatter();
_.extend(PasswordFormatter.prototype, {
fromRaw: function (rawValue, model) {
if (_.isUndefined(rawValue) || _.isNull(rawValue)) return '';
var pass = '';
for(var i = 0; i < rawValue.length; i++) {
pass += '*';
return pass;
var PasswordCell = Backgrid.Extension.PasswordCell = Backgrid.StringCell.extend({
formatter: PasswordFormatter,
editor: Backgrid.InputCellEditor.extend({
attributes: {
type: "password"
render: function () {
var model = this.model;
return this;
* Override NumberFormatter to support NaN, Infinity values.
* On client side, JSON do not directly support NaN & Infinity,
* we explicitly converted it into string format at server side
* and we need to parse it again in float at client side.
_.extend(Backgrid.NumberFormatter.prototype, {
fromRaw: function (number, model) {
if (_.isNull(number) || _.isUndefined(number)) return '';
number = parseFloat(number).toFixed(~~this.decimals);
var parts = number.split('.');
var integerPart = parts[0];
var decimalPart = parts[1] ? (this.decimalSeparator || '.') + parts[1] : '';
return integerPart.replace(this.HUMANIZED_NUM_RE, '$1' + this.orderSeparator) + decimalPart;
2016-07-04 09:05:59 +00:00
* JSONBCell Formatter.
var JSONBCellFormatter = Backgrid.Extension.JSONBCellFormatter =
function () {};
_.extend(JSONBCellFormatter.prototype, {
fromRaw: function (rawData, model) {
// json data
if(_.isArray(rawData)) {
var converted_data = '';
converted_data =, function(data) {
return JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(data));
return '{' + converted_data.join() + '}';
} else if(_.isObject(rawData)) {
return JSON.stringify(rawData);
} else {
return rawData;
toRaw: function (formattedData, model) {
return formattedData;
* JSONBCell for backgrid.
var JSONBCell = Backgrid.Extension.JSONBCell =
className: "jsonb-cell",
formatter: JSONBCellFormatter
var DatepickerCell = Backgrid.Extension.DatepickerCell = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
editor: DatepickerCellEditor
var DatepickerCellEditor = Backgrid.InputCellEditor.extend({
initialize:function() {
Backgrid.InputCellEditor.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
var input = this;
$(this.el).prop('readonly', true);
onClose: function(newValue){
var command = new Backgrid.Command({});
input.model.set(input.column.get("name"), newValue);
"backgrid:edited", input.model, input.column, command
command = input = null;
// Reference:
MomentFormatter converts bi-directionally any datetime values in any format
supported by [moment()]( to any
datetime format
@class Backgrid.Extension.MomentFormatter
@extends Backgrid.CellFormatter
var MomentFormatter = Backgrid.Extension.MomentFormatter = function (options) {
_.extend(this, this.defaults, options);
MomentFormatter.prototype = new Backgrid.CellFormatter;
_.extend(MomentFormatter.prototype, {
@cfg {Object} options
@cfg {boolean} [options.modelInUnixOffset=false] Whether the model values
should be read/written as the number of milliseconds since UNIX Epoch.
@cfg {boolean} [options.modelInUnixTimestamp=false] Whether the model
values should be read/written as the number of seconds since UNIX Epoch.
@cfg {boolean} [options.modelInUTC=true] Whether the model values should
be read/written in UTC mode or local mode.
@cfg {string} [options.modelLang=moment.locale() moment>=2.8.0 |
moment.lang() moment<2.8.0] The locale the model values should be
read/written in.
@cfg {string} [options.modelFormat=moment.defaultFormat] The format this
moment formatter should use to read/write model values. Only meaningful if
the values are strings.
@cfg {boolean} [options.displayInUnixOffset=false] Whether the display
values should be read/written as the number of milliseconds since UNIX
@cfg {boolean} [options.displayInUnixTimestamp=false] Whether the display
values should be read/written as the number of seconds since UNIX Epoch.
@cfg {boolean} [options.displayInUTC=true] Whether the display values
should be read/written in UTC mode or local mode.
@cfg {string} [options.displayLang=moment.locale() moment>=2.8.0 |
moment.lang() moment<2.8.0] The locale the display values should be
read/written in.
@cfg {string} [options.displayFormat=moment.defaultFormat] The format
this moment formatter should use to read/write dislay values.
defaults: {
modelInUnixOffset: false,
modelInUnixTimestamp: false,
modelInUTC: true,
modelLang: moment.locale(),
modelFormat: moment.defaultFormat,
displayInUnixOffset: false,
displayInUnixTimestamp: false,
displayInUTC: true,
displayLang: moment.locale(),
displayFormat: moment.defaultFormat,
allowEmpty: false
Converts datetime values from the model for display.
@member Backgrid.Extension.MomentFormatter
@param {*} rawData
@return {string}
fromRaw: function (rawData) {
if (rawData == null) return '';
var m = this.modelInUnixOffset ? moment(rawData) :
this.modelInUnixTimestamp ? moment.unix(rawData) :
this.modelInUTC ?
moment.utc(rawData, this.modelFormat, this.modelLang) :
moment(rawData, this.modelFormat, this.modelLang);
if (this.displayInUnixOffset) return +m;
if (this.displayInUnixTimestamp) return m.unix();
if (this.displayLang) m.locale(this.displayLang);
if (this.displayInUTC) m.utc(); else m.local();
if (this.displayFormat != moment.defaultFormat) {
return m.format(this.displayFormat);
return m.format();
Converts datetime values from user input to model values.
@member Backgrid.Extension.MomentFormatter
@param {string} formattedData
@return {string}
toRaw: function (formattedData) {
var m = this.displayInUnixOffset ? moment(+formattedData) :
this.displayInUnixTimestamp ? moment.unix(+formattedData) :
this.displayInUTC ?
moment.utc(formattedData, this.displayFormat, this.displayLang) :
moment(formattedData, this.displayFormat, this.displayLang);
if (!m || !m.isValid()) return (this.allowEmpty && formattedData === '') ? null : undefined;
if (this.modelInUnixOffset) return +m;
if (this.modelInUnixTimestamp) return m.unix();
if (this.modelLang) m.locale(this.modelLang);
if (this.modelInUTC) m.utc(); else m.local()
if (this.modelFormat != moment.defaultFormat) {
return m.format(this.modelFormat);
return m.format();
var MomentCell = Backgrid.Extension.MomentCell = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
editor: Backgrid.InputCellEditor,
/** @property */
className: "datetime-cell",
/** @property {Backgrid.CellFormatter} [formatter=Backgrid.Extension.MomentFormatter] */
formatter: MomentFormatter,
Initializer. Accept Backgrid.Extension.MomentFormatter.options and
Backgrid.Cell.initialize required parameters.
initialize: function (options) {
MomentCell.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
var formatterDefaults = MomentFormatter.prototype.defaults;
var formatterDefaultKeys = _.keys(formatterDefaults);
var classAttrs = _.pick(this, formatterDefaultKeys);
var formatterOptions = _.pick(options, formatterDefaultKeys);
var columnsAttrs = _.pick(this.column.toJSON(), formatterDefaultKeys);
// Priority of the options for the formatter, from highest to lowerest
// 1. MomentCell instance options
// 2. MomentCell class attributes
// 3. MomentFormatter defaults
// this.formatter will have been instantiated now
_.extend(this.formatter, formatterDefaults, classAttrs, formatterOptions, columnsAttrs);
this.editor = this.editor.extend({
attributes: _.extend({}, this.editor.prototype.attributes || this.editor.attributes || {}, {
placeholder: this.formatter.displayFormat
options: this.column.get('options')
var DatetimePickerEditor = Backgrid.Extension.DatetimePickerEditor = Backgrid.InputCellEditor.extend({
postRender: function() {
var self = this,
evalF = function() {
var args = [];
Array.prototype.push.apply(args, arguments);
var f = args.shift();
if (typeof(f) === 'function') {
return f.apply(self, args);
return f;
options = _.extend({
format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z",
showClear: true,
showTodayButton: true,
toolbarPlacement: 'top'
}, evalF(this.column.get('options')), {
keyBinds: {
"shift tab": function(widget) {
if (widget) {
// blur the input
function() {
self.closeIt({keyCode: 9, shiftKey: true});
}, 10
tab: function(widget) {
if (widget) {
// blur the input
function() {
self.closeIt({keyCode: 9});
}, 10
this.picker = this.$'DateTimePicker');
events: {
'dp.hide': 'closeIt'
closeIt: function(ev) {
var formatter = this.formatter,
model = this.model,
column = this.column,
val = this.$el.val(),
newValue = formatter.toRaw(val, model);
if (this.is_closing)
this.is_closing = true;
this.is_closing = false;
var command = new Backgrid.Command(ev);
if (_.isUndefined(newValue)) {
model.trigger("backgrid:error", model, column, val);
} else {
model.set(column.get("name"), newValue);
model.trigger("backgrid:edited", model, column, command);
_.extend(MomentCell.prototype, MomentFormatter.prototype.defaults);
Backgrid.Extension.StringDepCell = Backgrid.StringCell.extend({
initialize: function() {
Backgrid.StringCell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Backgrid.Extension.DependentCell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
dependentChanged: function () {
var self = this,
model = this.model,
column = this.column,
editable = this.column.get("editable");
var is_editable = _.isFunction(editable) ? !!editable.apply(column, [model]) : !!editable;
setTimeout(function() {
if (is_editable){ self.$el.addClass("editable"); }
else { self.$el.removeClass("editable"); }
}, 10);
return this;
remove: Backgrid.Extension.DependentCell.prototype.remove
Backgrid.Extension.Select2DepCell = Backgrid.Extension.Select2Cell.extend({
initialize: function() {
Backgrid.Extension.Select2Cell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Backgrid.Extension.DependentCell.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
dependentChanged: function () {
var model = this.model;
var column = this.column;
editable = this.column.get("editable");
is_editable = _.isFunction(editable) ? !!editable.apply(column, [model]) : !!editable;
if (is_editable){ this.$el.addClass("editable"); }
else { this.$el.removeClass("editable"); }
return this;
remove: Backgrid.Extension.DependentCell.prototype.remove
return Backgrid;