|`Issue #6295 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/6295>`_ - Remove Bootstrap and jQuery from authentication pages and rewrite them in ReactJS.
|`Issue #6499 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/6499>`_ - Ensure that Backup, Restore, and Maintenance should work properly when pgpass file is used.
|`Issue #6509 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/6509>`_ - Fix the reconnecton issue if the PostgreSQL server is restarted from the backend.
|`Issue #6514 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/6514>`_ - Fix the connection and stability issues since v7, possibly related to background schema changes.
|`Issue #6515 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/6515>`_ - Fixed an issue where the query tool is unable to execute a query on Postgres 10 and below versions.
|`Issue #6537 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/6537>`_ - Fixed an issue where filters are not working and query history shows empty queries.
|`Issue #6544 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/6544>`_ - Fix an issue where adding a sub-folder inside a folder is not working as expected in File Manager.
|`Issue #6556 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/6556>`_ - Fix an error 'list' object has no attribute 'strip' while attempting to populate auto-complete manually the first time.
|`Issue #6558 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/6558>`_ - Fixed an issue where ERD Tool can't load the saved pgerd file from Shared Storage.