mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
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303 lines
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package balancer
import (
// RecoverBalancer recover the balancer working.
func RecoverBalancer(
ctx context.Context,
policy string,
incomingNewChannel ...string, // Concurrent incoming new channel directly from the configuration.
// we should add a rpc interface for creating new incoming new channel.
) (Balancer, error) {
// Recover the channel view from catalog.
manager, err := channel.RecoverChannelManager(ctx, incomingNewChannel...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "fail to recover channel manager")
b := &balancerImpl{
lifetime: lifetime.NewLifetime(lifetime.Working),
logger: log.With(zap.String("policy", policy)),
channelMetaManager: manager,
policy: mustGetPolicy(policy),
reqCh: make(chan *request, 5),
backgroundTaskNotifier: syncutil.NewAsyncTaskNotifier[struct{}](),
go b.execute()
return b, nil
// balancerImpl is a implementation of Balancer.
type balancerImpl struct {
lifetime lifetime.Lifetime[lifetime.State]
logger *log.MLogger
channelMetaManager *channel.ChannelManager
policy Policy // policy is the balance policy, TODO: should be dynamic in future.
reqCh chan *request // reqCh is the request channel, send the operation to background task.
backgroundTaskNotifier *syncutil.AsyncTaskNotifier[struct{}] // backgroundTaskNotifier is used to conmunicate with the background task.
// WatchChannelAssignments watches the balance result.
func (b *balancerImpl) WatchChannelAssignments(ctx context.Context, cb func(version typeutil.VersionInt64Pair, relations []types.PChannelInfoAssigned) error) error {
if b.lifetime.Add(lifetime.IsWorking) != nil {
return status.NewOnShutdownError("balancer is closing")
defer b.lifetime.Done()
return b.channelMetaManager.WatchAssignmentResult(ctx, cb)
func (b *balancerImpl) MarkAsUnavailable(ctx context.Context, pChannels []types.PChannelInfo) error {
if b.lifetime.Add(lifetime.IsWorking) != nil {
return status.NewOnShutdownError("balancer is closing")
defer b.lifetime.Done()
return b.sendRequestAndWaitFinish(ctx, newOpMarkAsUnavailable(ctx, pChannels))
// Trigger trigger a re-balance.
func (b *balancerImpl) Trigger(ctx context.Context) error {
if b.lifetime.Add(lifetime.IsWorking) != nil {
return status.NewOnShutdownError("balancer is closing")
defer b.lifetime.Done()
return b.sendRequestAndWaitFinish(ctx, newOpTrigger(ctx))
// sendRequestAndWaitFinish send a request to the background task and wait for it to finish.
func (b *balancerImpl) sendRequestAndWaitFinish(ctx context.Context, newReq *request) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case b.reqCh <- newReq:
return newReq.future.Get()
// Close close the balancer.
func (b *balancerImpl) Close() {
// execute the balancer.
func (b *balancerImpl) execute() {
b.logger.Info("balancer start to execute")
defer func() {
b.logger.Info("balancer execute finished")
balanceTimer := typeutil.NewBackoffTimer(&backoffConfigFetcher{})
nodeChanged, err := resource.Resource().StreamingNodeManagerClient().WatchNodeChanged(b.backgroundTaskNotifier.Context())
if err != nil {
b.logger.Error("fail to watch node changed", zap.Error(err))
for {
// Wait for next balance trigger.
// Maybe trigger by timer or by request.
nextTimer, nextBalanceInterval := balanceTimer.NextTimer()
b.logger.Info("balance wait", zap.Duration("nextBalanceInterval", nextBalanceInterval))
select {
case <-b.backgroundTaskNotifier.Context().Done():
case newReq := <-b.reqCh:
case <-nextTimer:
// balance triggered by timer.
case _, ok := <-nodeChanged:
if !ok {
return // nodeChanged is only closed if context cancel.
// in other word, balancer is closed.
// balance triggered by new streaming node changed.
if err := b.balance(b.backgroundTaskNotifier.Context()); err != nil {
if b.backgroundTaskNotifier.Context().Err() != nil {
// balancer is closed.
b.logger.Warn("fail to apply balance, start a backoff...", zap.Error(err))
b.logger.Info("apply balance success")
// applyAllRequest apply all request in the request channel.
func (b *balancerImpl) applyAllRequest() {
for {
select {
case newReq := <-b.reqCh:
// Trigger a balance of layout.
// Return a nil chan to avoid
// Return a channel to notify the balance trigger again.
func (b *balancerImpl) balance(ctx context.Context) error {
b.logger.Info("start to balance")
pchannelView := b.channelMetaManager.CurrentPChannelsView()
b.logger.Info("collect all status...")
nodeStatus, err := resource.Resource().StreamingNodeManagerClient().CollectAllStatus(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fail to collect all status")
// call the balance strategy to generate the expected layout.
currentLayout := generateCurrentLayout(pchannelView, nodeStatus)
expectedLayout, err := b.policy.Balance(currentLayout)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fail to balance")
b.logger.Info("balance policy generate result success, try to assign...", zap.Any("expectedLayout", expectedLayout))
// bookkeeping the meta assignment started.
modifiedChannels, err := b.channelMetaManager.AssignPChannels(ctx, expectedLayout.ChannelAssignment)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fail to assign pchannels")
if len(modifiedChannels) == 0 {
b.logger.Info("no change of balance result need to be applied")
return nil
return b.applyBalanceResultToStreamingNode(ctx, modifiedChannels)
// applyBalanceResultToStreamingNode apply the balance result to streaming node.
func (b *balancerImpl) applyBalanceResultToStreamingNode(ctx context.Context, modifiedChannels map[string]*channel.PChannelMeta) error {
b.logger.Info("balance result need to be applied...", zap.Int("modifiedChannelCount", len(modifiedChannels)))
// different channel can be execute concurrently.
g, _ := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
// generate balance operations and applied them.
for _, channel := range modifiedChannels {
channel := channel
g.Go(func() error {
// all history channels should be remove from related nodes.
for _, assignment := range channel.AssignHistories() {
if err := resource.Resource().StreamingNodeManagerClient().Remove(ctx, assignment); err != nil {
b.logger.Warn("fail to remove channel", zap.Any("assignment", assignment), zap.Error(err))
return err
b.logger.Info("remove channel success", zap.Any("assignment", assignment))
// assign the channel to the target node.
if err := resource.Resource().StreamingNodeManagerClient().Assign(ctx, channel.CurrentAssignment()); err != nil {
b.logger.Warn("fail to assign channel", zap.Any("assignment", channel.CurrentAssignment()))
return err
b.logger.Info("assign channel success", zap.Any("assignment", channel.CurrentAssignment()))
// bookkeeping the meta assignment done.
if err := b.channelMetaManager.AssignPChannelsDone(ctx, []string{channel.Name()}); err != nil {
b.logger.Warn("fail to bookkeep pchannel assignment done", zap.Any("assignment", channel.CurrentAssignment()))
return err
return nil
return g.Wait()
// generateCurrentLayout generate layout from all nodes info and meta.
func generateCurrentLayout(channelsInMeta map[string]*channel.PChannelMeta, allNodesStatus map[int64]*types.StreamingNodeStatus) (layout CurrentLayout) {
activeRelations := make(map[int64][]types.PChannelInfo, len(allNodesStatus))
incomingChannels := make([]string, 0)
channelsToNodes := make(map[string]int64, len(channelsInMeta))
assigned := make(map[int64][]types.PChannelInfo, len(allNodesStatus))
for _, meta := range channelsInMeta {
if !meta.IsAssigned() {
incomingChannels = append(incomingChannels, meta.Name())
// dead or expired relationship.
log.Warn("channel is not assigned to any server",
zap.String("channel", meta.Name()),
zap.Int64("term", meta.CurrentTerm()),
zap.Int64("serverID", meta.CurrentServerID()),
zap.String("state", meta.State().String()),
if nodeStatus, ok := allNodesStatus[meta.CurrentServerID()]; ok && nodeStatus.IsHealthy() {
// active relationship.
activeRelations[meta.CurrentServerID()] = append(activeRelations[meta.CurrentServerID()], types.PChannelInfo{
Name: meta.Name(),
Term: meta.CurrentTerm(),
channelsToNodes[meta.Name()] = meta.CurrentServerID()
assigned[meta.CurrentServerID()] = append(assigned[meta.CurrentServerID()], meta.ChannelInfo())
} else {
incomingChannels = append(incomingChannels, meta.Name())
// dead or expired relationship.
log.Warn("channel of current server id is not healthy or not alive",
zap.String("channel", meta.Name()),
zap.Int64("term", meta.CurrentTerm()),
zap.Int64("serverID", meta.CurrentServerID()),
allNodesInfo := make(map[int64]types.StreamingNodeInfo, len(allNodesStatus))
for serverID, nodeStatus := range allNodesStatus {
// filter out the unhealthy nodes.
if nodeStatus.IsHealthy() {
allNodesInfo[serverID] = nodeStatus.StreamingNodeInfo
return CurrentLayout{
IncomingChannels: incomingChannels,
ChannelsToNodes: channelsToNodes,
AssignedChannels: assigned,
AllNodesInfo: allNodesInfo,
type backoffConfigFetcher struct{}
func (f *backoffConfigFetcher) BackoffConfig() typeutil.BackoffConfig {
return typeutil.BackoffConfig{
InitialInterval: paramtable.Get().StreamingCfg.WALBalancerBackoffInitialInterval.GetAsDurationByParse(),
Multiplier: paramtable.Get().StreamingCfg.WALBalancerBackoffMultiplier.GetAsFloat(),
MaxInterval: paramtable.Get().StreamingCfg.WALBalancerTriggerInterval.GetAsDurationByParse(),
func (f *backoffConfigFetcher) DefaultInterval() time.Duration {
return paramtable.Get().StreamingCfg.WALBalancerTriggerInterval.GetAsDurationByParse()