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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package meta
import (
var ErrNodeNotEnough = errors.New("nodes not enough")
type ResourceManager struct {
incomingNode typeutil.UniqueSet // incomingNode is a temporary set for incoming hangup node,
// after node is assigned to resource group, it will be removed from this set.
groups map[string]*ResourceGroup // primary index from resource group name to resource group
nodeIDMap map[int64]string // secondary index from node id to resource group
catalog metastore.QueryCoordCatalog
nodeMgr *session.NodeManager // TODO: ResourceManager is watch node status with service discovery, so it can handle node up and down as fast as possible.
// All function can get latest online node without checking with node manager.
// so node manager is a redundant type here.
rwmutex sync.RWMutex
rgChangedNotifier *syncutil.VersionedNotifier // used to notify that resource group has been changed.
// resource_observer will listen this notifier to do a resource group recovery.
nodeChangedNotifier *syncutil.VersionedNotifier // used to notify that node distribution in resource group has been changed.
// replica_observer will listen this notifier to do a replica recovery.
// NewResourceManager is used to create a ResourceManager instance.
func NewResourceManager(catalog metastore.QueryCoordCatalog, nodeMgr *session.NodeManager) *ResourceManager {
groups := make(map[string]*ResourceGroup)
// Always create a default resource group to keep compatibility.
groups[DefaultResourceGroupName] = NewResourceGroup(DefaultResourceGroupName, newResourceGroupConfig(0, defaultResourceGroupCapacity))
return &ResourceManager{
incomingNode: typeutil.NewUniqueSet(),
groups: groups,
nodeIDMap: make(map[int64]string),
catalog: catalog,
nodeMgr: nodeMgr,
rwmutex: sync.RWMutex{},
rgChangedNotifier: syncutil.NewVersionedNotifier(),
nodeChangedNotifier: syncutil.NewVersionedNotifier(),
// Recover recover resource group from meta, other interface of ResourceManager can be only called after recover is done.
func (rm *ResourceManager) Recover() error {
defer rm.rwmutex.Unlock()
rgs, err := rm.catalog.GetResourceGroups()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to recover resource group from store")
// Resource group meta upgrade to latest version.
upgrades := make([]*querypb.ResourceGroup, 0)
for _, meta := range rgs {
needUpgrade := meta.Config == nil
rg := NewResourceGroupFromMeta(meta)
rm.groups[rg.GetName()] = rg
for _, node := range rg.GetNodes() {
if _, ok := rm.nodeIDMap[node]; ok {
// unreachable code, should never happen.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("dirty meta, node has been assign to multi resource group, %s, %s", rm.nodeIDMap[node], rg.GetName()))
rm.nodeIDMap[node] = rg.GetName()
log.Info("Recover resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rg.GetName()),
zap.Int64s("nodes", rm.groups[rg.GetName()].GetNodes()),
zap.Any("config", rg.GetConfig()),
if needUpgrade {
upgrades = append(upgrades, rg.GetMeta())
if len(upgrades) > 0 {
log.Info("upgrade resource group meta into latest", zap.Int("num", len(upgrades)))
return rm.catalog.SaveResourceGroup(upgrades...)
return nil
// AddResourceGroup create a new ResourceGroup.
// Do no changed with node, all node will be reassign to new resource group by auto recover.
func (rm *ResourceManager) AddResourceGroup(rgName string, cfg *rgpb.ResourceGroupConfig) error {
if len(rgName) == 0 {
return merr.WrapErrParameterMissing("resource group name couldn't be empty")
if cfg == nil {
// Use default config if not set, compatible with old client.
cfg = newResourceGroupConfig(0, 0)
defer rm.rwmutex.Unlock()
if rm.groups[rgName] != nil {
// Idempotent promise.
// If resource group already exist, check if configuration is the same,
if proto.Equal(rm.groups[rgName].GetConfig(), cfg) {
return nil
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupAlreadyExist(rgName)
maxResourceGroup := paramtable.Get().QuotaConfig.MaxResourceGroupNumOfQueryNode.GetAsInt()
if len(rm.groups) >= maxResourceGroup {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupReachLimit(rgName, maxResourceGroup)
if err := rm.validateResourceGroupConfig(rgName, cfg); err != nil {
return err
rg := NewResourceGroup(rgName, cfg)
if err := rm.catalog.SaveResourceGroup(rg.GetMeta()); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to add resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
zap.Any("config", cfg),
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupServiceAvailable()
rm.groups[rgName] = rg
log.Info("add resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
zap.Any("config", cfg),
// notify that resource group config has been changed.
return nil
// UpdateResourceGroups update resource group configuration.
// Only change the configuration, no change with node. all node will be reassign by auto recover.
func (rm *ResourceManager) UpdateResourceGroups(rgs map[string]*rgpb.ResourceGroupConfig) error {
if len(rgs) == 0 {
return nil
defer rm.rwmutex.Unlock()
return rm.updateResourceGroups(rgs)
// updateResourceGroups update resource group configuration.
func (rm *ResourceManager) updateResourceGroups(rgs map[string]*rgpb.ResourceGroupConfig) error {
modifiedRG := make([]*ResourceGroup, 0, len(rgs))
updates := make([]*querypb.ResourceGroup, 0, len(rgs))
for rgName, cfg := range rgs {
if _, ok := rm.groups[rgName]; !ok {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNotFound(rgName)
if err := rm.validateResourceGroupConfig(rgName, cfg); err != nil {
return err
// Update with copy on write.
mrg := rm.groups[rgName].CopyForWrite()
rg := mrg.ToResourceGroup()
updates = append(updates, rg.GetMeta())
modifiedRG = append(modifiedRG, rg)
if err := rm.catalog.SaveResourceGroup(updates...); err != nil {
for rgName, cfg := range rgs {
log.Warn("failed to update resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
zap.Any("config", cfg),
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupServiceAvailable()
// Commit updates to memory.
for _, rg := range modifiedRG {
log.Info("update resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rg.GetName()),
zap.Any("config", rg.GetConfig()),
rm.groups[rg.GetName()] = rg
// notify that resource group config has been changed.
return nil
// go:deprecated TransferNode transfer node from source resource group to target resource group.
// Deprecated, use Declarative API `UpdateResourceGroups` instead.
func (rm *ResourceManager) TransferNode(sourceRGName string, targetRGName string, nodeNum int) error {
if sourceRGName == targetRGName {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("source resource group and target resource group should not be the same, resource group: %s", sourceRGName)
if nodeNum <= 0 {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("NumNode > 0", fmt.Sprintf("invalid NumNode %d", nodeNum))
defer rm.rwmutex.Unlock()
if rm.groups[sourceRGName] == nil {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNotFound(sourceRGName)
if rm.groups[targetRGName] == nil {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNotFound(targetRGName)
sourceRG := rm.groups[sourceRGName]
targetRG := rm.groups[targetRGName]
// Check if source resource group has enough node to transfer.
if len(sourceRG.GetNodes()) < nodeNum {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNodeNotEnough(sourceRGName, len(sourceRG.GetNodes()), nodeNum)
// Compatible with old version.
sourceCfg := sourceRG.GetConfigCloned()
targetCfg := targetRG.GetConfigCloned()
sourceCfg.Requests.NodeNum -= int32(nodeNum)
if sourceCfg.Requests.NodeNum < 0 {
sourceCfg.Requests.NodeNum = 0
// Special case for compatibility with old version.
if sourceRGName != DefaultResourceGroupName {
sourceCfg.Limits.NodeNum -= int32(nodeNum)
if sourceCfg.Limits.NodeNum < 0 {
sourceCfg.Limits.NodeNum = 0
targetCfg.Requests.NodeNum += int32(nodeNum)
if targetCfg.Requests.NodeNum > targetCfg.Limits.NodeNum {
targetCfg.Limits.NodeNum = targetCfg.Requests.NodeNum
return rm.updateResourceGroups(map[string]*rgpb.ResourceGroupConfig{
sourceRGName: sourceCfg,
targetRGName: targetCfg,
// RemoveResourceGroup remove resource group.
func (rm *ResourceManager) RemoveResourceGroup(rgName string) error {
defer rm.rwmutex.Unlock()
if rm.groups[rgName] == nil {
// Idempotent promise: delete a non-exist rg should be ok
return nil
// validateResourceGroupIsDeletable will check if rg is deletable.
if err := rm.validateResourceGroupIsDeletable(rgName); err != nil {
return err
// Nodes may be still assign to these group,
// recover the resource group from redundant status before remove it.
if rm.groups[rgName].NodeNum() > 0 {
if err := rm.recoverRedundantNodeRG(rgName); err != nil {
log.Info("failed to recover redundant node resource group before remove it",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
return err
// Remove it from meta storage.
if err := rm.catalog.RemoveResourceGroup(rgName); err != nil {
log.Info("failed to remove resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupServiceAvailable()
// After recovering, all node assigned to these rg has been removed.
// no secondary index need to be removed.
delete(rm.groups, rgName)
log.Info("remove resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
// notify that resource group has been changed.
return nil
// GetNodesOfMultiRG return nodes of multi rg, it can be used to get a consistent view of nodes of multi rg.
func (rm *ResourceManager) GetNodesOfMultiRG(rgName []string) (map[string]typeutil.UniqueSet, error) {
defer rm.rwmutex.RUnlock()
ret := make(map[string]typeutil.UniqueSet)
for _, name := range rgName {
if rm.groups[name] == nil {
return nil, merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNotFound(name)
ret[name] = typeutil.NewUniqueSet(rm.groups[name].GetNodes()...)
return ret, nil
// GetNodes return nodes of given resource group.
func (rm *ResourceManager) GetNodes(rgName string) ([]int64, error) {
defer rm.rwmutex.RUnlock()
if rm.groups[rgName] == nil {
return nil, merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNotFound(rgName)
return rm.groups[rgName].GetNodes(), nil
// GetResourceGroupByNodeID return whether resource group's node match required node count
func (rm *ResourceManager) VerifyNodeCount(requiredNodeCount map[string]int) error {
defer rm.rwmutex.RUnlock()
for rgName, nodeCount := range requiredNodeCount {
if rm.groups[rgName] == nil {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNotFound(rgName)
if rm.groups[rgName].NodeNum() != nodeCount {
return ErrNodeNotEnough
return nil
// GetOutgoingNodeNumByReplica return outgoing node num on each rg from this replica.
func (rm *ResourceManager) GetOutgoingNodeNumByReplica(replica *Replica) map[string]int32 {
defer rm.rwmutex.RUnlock()
if rm.groups[replica.GetResourceGroup()] == nil {
return nil
rg := rm.groups[replica.GetResourceGroup()]
ret := make(map[string]int32)
replica.RangeOverRONodes(func(node int64) bool {
// if rgOfNode is not equal to rg of replica, outgoing node found.
if rgOfNode := rm.getResourceGroupByNodeID(node); rgOfNode != nil && rgOfNode.GetName() != rg.GetName() {
return true
return ret
// getResourceGroupByNodeID get resource group by node id.
func (rm *ResourceManager) getResourceGroupByNodeID(nodeID int64) *ResourceGroup {
if rgName, ok := rm.nodeIDMap[nodeID]; ok {
return rm.groups[rgName]
return nil
// ContainsNode return whether given node is in given resource group.
func (rm *ResourceManager) ContainsNode(rgName string, node int64) bool {
defer rm.rwmutex.RUnlock()
if rm.groups[rgName] == nil {
return false
return rm.groups[rgName].ContainNode(node)
// ContainResourceGroup return whether given resource group is exist.
func (rm *ResourceManager) ContainResourceGroup(rgName string) bool {
defer rm.rwmutex.RUnlock()
return rm.groups[rgName] != nil
// GetResourceGroup return resource group snapshot by name.
func (rm *ResourceManager) GetResourceGroup(rgName string) *ResourceGroup {
defer rm.rwmutex.RUnlock()
if rm.groups[rgName] == nil {
return nil
return rm.groups[rgName].Snapshot()
// ListResourceGroups return all resource groups names.
func (rm *ResourceManager) ListResourceGroups() []string {
defer rm.rwmutex.RUnlock()
return lo.Keys(rm.groups)
// MeetRequirement return whether resource group meet requirement.
// Return error with reason if not meet requirement.
func (rm *ResourceManager) MeetRequirement(rgName string) error {
defer rm.rwmutex.RUnlock()
if rm.groups[rgName] == nil {
return nil
return rm.groups[rgName].MeetRequirement()
// CheckIncomingNodeNum return incoming node num.
func (rm *ResourceManager) CheckIncomingNodeNum() int {
defer rm.rwmutex.RUnlock()
return rm.incomingNode.Len()
// HandleNodeUp handle node when new node is incoming.
func (rm *ResourceManager) HandleNodeUp(node int64) {
defer rm.rwmutex.Unlock()
// Trigger assign incoming node right away.
// error can be ignored here, because `AssignPendingIncomingNode`` will retry assign node.
rgName, err := rm.assignIncomingNodeWithNodeCheck(node)
log.Info("HandleNodeUp: add node to resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
zap.Int64("node", node),
// HandleNodeDown handle the node when node is leave.
func (rm *ResourceManager) HandleNodeDown(node int64) {
defer rm.rwmutex.Unlock()
// for stopping query node becomes offline, node change won't be triggered,
// cause when it becomes stopping, it already remove from resource manager
// then `unassignNode` will do nothing
rgName, err := rm.unassignNode(node)
// trigger node changes, expected to remove ro node from replica immediately
log.Info("HandleNodeDown: remove node from resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
zap.Int64("node", node),
func (rm *ResourceManager) HandleNodeStopping(node int64) {
defer rm.rwmutex.Unlock()
rgName, err := rm.unassignNode(node)
log.Info("HandleNodeStopping: remove node from resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
zap.Int64("node", node),
// ListenResourceGroupChanged return a listener for resource group changed.
func (rm *ResourceManager) ListenResourceGroupChanged() *syncutil.VersionedListener {
return rm.rgChangedNotifier.Listen(syncutil.VersionedListenAtEarliest)
// ListenNodeChanged return a listener for node changed.
func (rm *ResourceManager) ListenNodeChanged() *syncutil.VersionedListener {
return rm.nodeChangedNotifier.Listen(syncutil.VersionedListenAtEarliest)
// AssignPendingIncomingNode assign incoming node to resource group.
func (rm *ResourceManager) AssignPendingIncomingNode() {
defer rm.rwmutex.Unlock()
for node := range rm.incomingNode {
rgName, err := rm.assignIncomingNodeWithNodeCheck(node)
log.Info("Pending HandleNodeUp: add node to resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
zap.Int64("node", node),
// AutoRecoverResourceGroup auto recover rg, return recover used node num
func (rm *ResourceManager) AutoRecoverResourceGroup(rgName string) error {
defer rm.rwmutex.Unlock()
rg := rm.groups[rgName]
if rg == nil {
return nil
if rg.MissingNumOfNodes() > 0 {
return rm.recoverMissingNodeRG(rgName)
// DefaultResourceGroup is the backup resource group of redundant recovery,
// So after all other resource group is reach the `limits`, rest redundant node will be transfer to DefaultResourceGroup.
if rg.RedundantNumOfNodes() > 0 {
return rm.recoverRedundantNodeRG(rgName)
return nil
// recoverMissingNodeRG recover resource group by transfer node from other resource group.
func (rm *ResourceManager) recoverMissingNodeRG(rgName string) error {
for rm.groups[rgName].MissingNumOfNodes() > 0 {
rg := rm.groups[rgName]
sourceRG := rm.selectMissingRecoverSourceRG(rg)
if sourceRG == nil {
log.Warn("fail to select source resource group", zap.String("rgName", rg.GetName()))
return ErrNodeNotEnough
nodeID, err := rm.transferOneNodeFromRGToRG(sourceRG, rg)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to recover missing node by transfer node from other resource group",
zap.String("sourceRG", sourceRG.GetName()),
zap.String("targetRG", rg.GetName()),
return err
log.Info("recover missing node by transfer node from other resource group",
zap.String("sourceRG", sourceRG.GetName()),
zap.String("targetRG", rg.GetName()),
zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID),
return nil
// selectMissingRecoverSourceRG select source resource group for recover missing resource group.
func (rm *ResourceManager) selectMissingRecoverSourceRG(rg *ResourceGroup) *ResourceGroup {
// First, Transfer node from most redundant resource group first. `len(nodes) > limits`
if redundantRG := rm.findMaxRGWithGivenFilter(
func(sourceRG *ResourceGroup) bool {
return rg.GetName() != sourceRG.GetName() && sourceRG.RedundantNumOfNodes() > 0
func(sourceRG *ResourceGroup) int {
return sourceRG.RedundantNumOfNodes()
); redundantRG != nil {
return redundantRG
// Second, Transfer node from most oversized resource group. `len(nodes) > requests`
// `TransferFrom` configured resource group at high priority.
return rm.findMaxRGWithGivenFilter(
func(sourceRG *ResourceGroup) bool {
return rg.GetName() != sourceRG.GetName() && sourceRG.OversizedNumOfNodes() > 0
func(sourceRG *ResourceGroup) int {
if rg.HasFrom(sourceRG.GetName()) {
// give a boost if sourceRG is configured as `TransferFrom` to set as high priority to select.
return sourceRG.OversizedNumOfNodes() * resourceGroupTransferBoost
return sourceRG.OversizedNumOfNodes()
// recoverRedundantNodeRG recover resource group by transfer node to other resource group.
func (rm *ResourceManager) recoverRedundantNodeRG(rgName string) error {
for rm.groups[rgName].RedundantNumOfNodes() > 0 {
rg := rm.groups[rgName]
targetRG := rm.selectRedundantRecoverTargetRG(rg)
if targetRG == nil {
log.Info("failed to select redundant recover target resource group, please check resource group configuration if as expected.",
zap.String("rgName", rg.GetName()))
return errors.New("all resource group reach limits")
nodeID, err := rm.transferOneNodeFromRGToRG(rg, targetRG)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to recover redundant node by transfer node to other resource group",
zap.String("sourceRG", rg.GetName()),
zap.String("targetRG", targetRG.GetName()),
return err
log.Info("recover redundant node by transfer node to other resource group",
zap.String("sourceRG", rg.GetName()),
zap.String("targetRG", targetRG.GetName()),
zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID),
return nil
// selectRedundantRecoverTargetRG select target resource group for recover redundant resource group.
func (rm *ResourceManager) selectRedundantRecoverTargetRG(rg *ResourceGroup) *ResourceGroup {
// First, Transfer node to most missing resource group first.
if missingRG := rm.findMaxRGWithGivenFilter(
func(targetRG *ResourceGroup) bool {
return rg.GetName() != targetRG.GetName() && targetRG.MissingNumOfNodes() > 0
func(targetRG *ResourceGroup) int {
return targetRG.MissingNumOfNodes()
); missingRG != nil {
return missingRG
// Second, Transfer node to max reachLimit resource group.
// `TransferTo` configured resource group at high priority.
if selectRG := rm.findMaxRGWithGivenFilter(
func(targetRG *ResourceGroup) bool {
return rg.GetName() != targetRG.GetName() && targetRG.ReachLimitNumOfNodes() > 0
func(targetRG *ResourceGroup) int {
if rg.HasTo(targetRG.GetName()) {
// give a boost if targetRG is configured as `TransferTo` to set as high priority to select.
return targetRG.ReachLimitNumOfNodes() * resourceGroupTransferBoost
return targetRG.ReachLimitNumOfNodes()
); selectRG != nil {
return selectRG
// Finally, Always transfer node to default resource group.
if rg.GetName() != DefaultResourceGroupName {
return rm.groups[DefaultResourceGroupName]
return nil
// transferOneNodeFromRGToRG transfer one node from source resource group to target resource group.
func (rm *ResourceManager) transferOneNodeFromRGToRG(sourceRG *ResourceGroup, targetRG *ResourceGroup) (int64, error) {
if sourceRG.NodeNum() == 0 {
return -1, ErrNodeNotEnough
// TODO: select node by some load strategy, such as segment loaded.
node := sourceRG.GetNodes()[0]
if err := rm.transferNode(targetRG.GetName(), node); err != nil {
return -1, err
return node, nil
// assignIncomingNodeWithNodeCheck assign node to resource group with node status check.
func (rm *ResourceManager) assignIncomingNodeWithNodeCheck(node int64) (string, error) {
// node is on stopping or stopped, remove it from incoming node set.
if rm.nodeMgr.Get(node) == nil {
return "", errors.New("node is not online")
if ok, _ := rm.nodeMgr.IsStoppingNode(node); ok {
return "", errors.New("node has been stopped")
rgName, err := rm.assignIncomingNode(node)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// node assignment is finished, remove the node from incoming node set.
return rgName, nil
// assignIncomingNode assign node to resource group.
func (rm *ResourceManager) assignIncomingNode(node int64) (string, error) {
// If node already assign to rg.
rg := rm.getResourceGroupByNodeID(node)
if rg != nil {
log.Info("HandleNodeUp: node already assign to resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rg.GetName()),
zap.Int64("node", node),
return rg.GetName(), nil
// select a resource group to assign incoming node.
rg = rm.mustSelectAssignIncomingNodeTargetRG()
if err := rm.transferNode(rg.GetName(), node); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "at finally assign to default resource group")
return rg.GetName(), nil
// mustSelectAssignIncomingNodeTargetRG select resource group for assign incoming node.
func (rm *ResourceManager) mustSelectAssignIncomingNodeTargetRG() *ResourceGroup {
// First, Assign it to rg with the most missing nodes at high priority.
if rg := rm.findMaxRGWithGivenFilter(
func(rg *ResourceGroup) bool {
return rg.MissingNumOfNodes() > 0
func(rg *ResourceGroup) int {
return rg.MissingNumOfNodes()
); rg != nil {
return rg
// Second, assign it to rg do not reach limit.
if rg := rm.findMaxRGWithGivenFilter(
func(rg *ResourceGroup) bool {
return rg.ReachLimitNumOfNodes() > 0
func(rg *ResourceGroup) int {
return rg.ReachLimitNumOfNodes()
); rg != nil {
return rg
// Finally, add node to default rg.
return rm.groups[DefaultResourceGroupName]
// findMaxRGWithGivenFilter find resource group with given filter and return the max one.
// not efficient, but it's ok for low nodes and low resource group.
func (rm *ResourceManager) findMaxRGWithGivenFilter(filter func(rg *ResourceGroup) bool, attr func(rg *ResourceGroup) int) *ResourceGroup {
var maxRG *ResourceGroup
for _, rg := range rm.groups {
if filter == nil || filter(rg) {
if maxRG == nil || attr(rg) > attr(maxRG) {
maxRG = rg
return maxRG
// transferNode transfer given node to given resource group.
// if given node is assigned in given resource group, do nothing.
// if given node is assigned to other resource group, it will be unassigned first.
func (rm *ResourceManager) transferNode(rgName string, node int64) error {
if rm.groups[rgName] == nil {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupNotFound(rgName)
updates := make([]*querypb.ResourceGroup, 0, 2)
modifiedRG := make([]*ResourceGroup, 0, 2)
originalRG := "_"
// Check if node is already assign to rg.
if rg := rm.getResourceGroupByNodeID(node); rg != nil {
if rg.GetName() == rgName {
// node is already assign to rg.
log.Info("node already assign to resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
zap.Int64("node", node),
return nil
// Apply update.
mrg := rg.CopyForWrite()
rg := mrg.ToResourceGroup()
updates = append(updates, rg.GetMeta())
modifiedRG = append(modifiedRG, rg)
originalRG = rg.GetName()
// assign the node to rg.
mrg := rm.groups[rgName].CopyForWrite()
rg := mrg.ToResourceGroup()
updates = append(updates, rg.GetMeta())
modifiedRG = append(modifiedRG, rg)
// Commit updates to meta storage.
if err := rm.catalog.SaveResourceGroup(updates...); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to transfer node to resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
zap.String("originalRG", originalRG),
zap.Int64("node", node),
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupServiceAvailable()
// Commit updates to memory.
for _, rg := range modifiedRG {
rm.groups[rg.GetName()] = rg
rm.nodeIDMap[node] = rgName
log.Info("transfer node to resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rgName),
zap.String("originalRG", originalRG),
zap.Int64("node", node),
// notify that node distribution has been changed.
return nil
// unassignNode remove a node from resource group where it belongs to.
func (rm *ResourceManager) unassignNode(node int64) (string, error) {
if rg := rm.getResourceGroupByNodeID(node); rg != nil {
mrg := rg.CopyForWrite()
rg := mrg.ToResourceGroup()
if err := rm.catalog.SaveResourceGroup(rg.GetMeta()); err != nil {
log.Fatal("unassign node from resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rg.GetName()),
zap.Int64("node", node),
// Commit updates to memory.
rm.groups[rg.GetName()] = rg
delete(rm.nodeIDMap, node)
log.Info("unassign node to resource group",
zap.String("rgName", rg.GetName()),
zap.Int64("node", node),
// notify that node distribution has been changed.
return rg.GetName(), nil
return "", errors.Errorf("node %d not found in any resource group", node)
// validateResourceGroupConfig validate resource group config.
// validateResourceGroupConfig must be called after lock, because it will check with other resource group.
func (rm *ResourceManager) validateResourceGroupConfig(rgName string, cfg *rgpb.ResourceGroupConfig) error {
if cfg.GetLimits() == nil || cfg.GetRequests() == nil {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupIllegalConfig(rgName, cfg, "requests or limits is required")
if cfg.GetRequests().GetNodeNum() < 0 || cfg.GetLimits().GetNodeNum() < 0 {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupIllegalConfig(rgName, cfg, "node num in `requests` or `limits` should not less than 0")
if cfg.GetLimits().GetNodeNum() < cfg.GetRequests().GetNodeNum() {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupIllegalConfig(rgName, cfg, "limits node num should not less than requests node num")
for _, transferCfg := range cfg.GetTransferFrom() {
if transferCfg.GetResourceGroup() == rgName {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupIllegalConfig(rgName, cfg, fmt.Sprintf("resource group in `TransferFrom` %s should not be itself", rgName))
if rm.groups[transferCfg.GetResourceGroup()] == nil {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupIllegalConfig(rgName, cfg, fmt.Sprintf("resource group in `TransferFrom` %s not exist", transferCfg.GetResourceGroup()))
for _, transferCfg := range cfg.GetTransferTo() {
if transferCfg.GetResourceGroup() == rgName {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupIllegalConfig(rgName, cfg, fmt.Sprintf("resource group in `TransferTo` %s should not be itself", rgName))
if rm.groups[transferCfg.GetResourceGroup()] == nil {
return merr.WrapErrResourceGroupIllegalConfig(rgName, cfg, fmt.Sprintf("resource group in `TransferTo` %s not exist", transferCfg.GetResourceGroup()))
return nil
// validateResourceGroupIsDeletable validate a resource group is deletable.
func (rm *ResourceManager) validateResourceGroupIsDeletable(rgName string) error {
// default rg is not deletable.
if rgName == DefaultResourceGroupName {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("not default resource group", rgName, "default resource group is not deletable")
// If rg is not empty, it's not deletable.
if rm.groups[rgName].GetConfig().GetLimits().GetNodeNum() != 0 {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("not empty resource group", rgName, "resource group's limits node num is not 0")
// If rg is used by other rg, it's not deletable.
for _, rg := range rm.groups {
for _, transferCfg := range rg.GetConfig().GetTransferFrom() {
if transferCfg.GetResourceGroup() == rgName {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("not `TransferFrom` of resource group", rgName, fmt.Sprintf("resource group %s is used by %s's `TransferFrom`, remove that configuration first", rgName, rg.name))
for _, transferCfg := range rg.GetConfig().GetTransferTo() {
if transferCfg.GetResourceGroup() == rgName {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("not `TransferTo` of resource group", rgName, fmt.Sprintf("resource group %s is used by %s's `TransferTo`, remove that configuration first", rgName, rg.name))
return nil