jaime 4746f47282
feat: management WebUI homepage (#36822)
issue: #36784
1. Implement an embedded web server for WebUI access.  
2. Complete the homepage development.

Home page demo:
<img width="2177" alt="iShot_2024-10-10_17 57 34"

Signed-off-by: jaime <>
2024-10-23 11:29:28 +08:00
_helm enhance: open mmap on standalone-kafka in ci-e2e (#36688) 2024-10-09 19:03:19 +08:00
benchmark test: fix vulnerability of python lib (#32109) 2024-04-10 17:53:18 +08:00
docker [automated] Update Pytest image changes (#36845) 2024-10-14 19:11:23 +08:00
go_client enhance: [GoSDK] Use variadic params for options (#36912) 2024-10-16 19:33:23 +08:00
integration feat: management WebUI homepage (#36822) 2024-10-23 11:29:28 +08:00
java_client Replace sdk source and merge tests and tests20 (#7182) 2021-08-20 11:00:56 +08:00
python_client test: Add full-text search test cases (#36998) 2024-10-23 09:51:27 +08:00
restful_client test:fix retry for network error (#32804) 2024-05-07 14:01:29 +08:00
restful_client_v2 test: add restful param check testcases (#36931) 2024-10-19 19:13:25 +08:00
scripts enhance: open mmap on standalone-kafka in ci-e2e (#36688) 2024-10-09 19:03:19 +08:00
OWNERS [skip ci]Update OWNERS files (#11898) 2021-11-16 15:41:11 +08:00 enhance: use docker compose instead of docker-compose (#35208) 2024-08-02 19:32:32 +08:00 enhance: use docker compose instead of docker-compose (#35208) 2024-08-02 19:32:32 +08:00


E2E Test

Configuration Requirements

Operating System
Operating System Version
Amazon Linux 2023 or above
Ubuntu 20.04 or above
Mac 10.14 or above
Hardware Type Recommended Configuration
CPU x86_64 architecture
Intel CPU Sandy Bridge or above
CPU Instruction Set
- SSE4_2
- AVX2
- AVX512 or arm64 Linux/MacOS
Memory 16 GB or more
Software Name Version
Docker 19.05 or above
Docker Compose 1.25.5 or above
jq 1.3 or above
kubectl 1.14 or above
helm 3.0 or above
kind 0.10.0 or above

Installing Dependencies

Troubleshooting Docker and Docker Compose
  1. Confirm that Docker Daemon is running
$ docker info
  • Ensure that Docker is installed. Refer to the official installation instructions for Docker CE/EE.

  • Start the Docker Daemon if it is not already started.

  • To run Docker without root privileges, create a user group labeled docker, then add a user to the group with sudo usermod -aG docker $USER. Log out and log back into the terminal for the changes to take effect. For more information, see the official Docker documentation for Managing Docker as a Non-Root User.

  1. Check the version of Docker-Compose
$ docker compose version

docker compose version 1.25.5, build 8a1c60f6
docker-py version: 4.1.0
CPython version: 3.7.5
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1f  31 Mar 2020
Install jq
Install kubectl
Install helm
Install kind

Run E2E Tests

$ cd tests/scripts
$ ./

Getting help

You can get help with the following command:

$ ./ --help