
1245 lines
37 KiB

// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package sessionutil
import (
v3rpc ""
clientv3 ""
kvfactory ""
const (
// DefaultServiceRoot default root path used in kv by Session
DefaultServiceRoot = "session/"
// DefaultIDKey default id key for Session
DefaultIDKey = "id"
// SessionEventType session event type
type SessionEventType int
func (t SessionEventType) String() string {
switch t {
case SessionAddEvent:
return "SessionAddEvent"
case SessionDelEvent:
return "SessionDelEvent"
case SessionUpdateEvent:
return "SessionUpdateEvent"
return ""
// Rewatch defines the behavior outer session watch handles ErrCompacted
// it should process the current full list of session
// and returns err if meta error or anything else goes wrong
type Rewatch func(sessions map[string]*Session) error
const (
// SessionNoneEvent place holder for zero value
SessionNoneEvent SessionEventType = iota
// SessionAddEvent event type for a new Session Added
// SessionDelEvent event type for a Session deleted
// SessionUpdateEvent event type for a Session stopping
type IndexEngineVersion struct {
MinimalIndexVersion int32 `json:"MinimalIndexVersion,omitempty"`
CurrentIndexVersion int32 `json:"CurrentIndexVersion,omitempty"`
// SessionRaw the persistent part of Session.
type SessionRaw struct {
ServerID int64 `json:"ServerID,omitempty"`
ServerName string `json:"ServerName,omitempty"`
Address string `json:"Address,omitempty"`
Exclusive bool `json:"Exclusive,omitempty"`
Stopping bool `json:"Stopping,omitempty"`
TriggerKill bool
Version string `json:"Version"`
IndexEngineVersion IndexEngineVersion `json:"IndexEngineVersion,omitempty"`
LeaseID *clientv3.LeaseID `json:"LeaseID,omitempty"`
HostName string `json:"HostName,omitempty"`
EnableDisk bool `json:"EnableDisk,omitempty"`
func (s *SessionRaw) GetAddress() string {
return s.Address
func (s *SessionRaw) GetServerID() int64 {
return s.ServerID
func (s *SessionRaw) IsTriggerKill() bool {
return s.TriggerKill
// Session is a struct to store service's session, including ServerID, ServerName,
// Address.
// Exclusive indicates that this server can only start one.
type Session struct {
ctx context.Context
// When outside context done, Session cancels its goroutines first, then uses
// keepAliveCancel to cancel the etcd KeepAlive
keepAliveLock sync.Mutex
keepAliveCancel context.CancelFunc
keepAliveCtx context.Context
Version semver.Version `json:"Version,omitempty"`
liveChOnce sync.Once
liveCh chan struct{}
etcdCli *clientv3.Client
watchSessionKeyCh clientv3.WatchChan
watchCancel atomic.Pointer[context.CancelFunc]
wg sync.WaitGroup
metaRoot string
registered atomic.Value
disconnected atomic.Value
isStandby atomic.Value
enableActiveStandBy bool
activeKey string
sessionTTL int64
sessionRetryTimes int64
reuseNodeID bool
isStopped atomic.Bool // set to true if stop method is invoked
type SessionOption func(session *Session)
func WithTTL(ttl int64) SessionOption {
return func(session *Session) { session.sessionTTL = ttl }
func WithRetryTimes(n int64) SessionOption {
return func(session *Session) { session.sessionRetryTimes = n }
func WithResueNodeID(b bool) SessionOption {
return func(session *Session) { session.reuseNodeID = b }
// WithIndexEngineVersion should be only used by querynode.
func WithIndexEngineVersion(minimal, current int32) SessionOption {
return func(session *Session) {
session.IndexEngineVersion.MinimalIndexVersion = minimal
session.IndexEngineVersion.CurrentIndexVersion = current
func WithEnableDisk(enableDisk bool) SessionOption {
return func(s *Session) {
s.EnableDisk = enableDisk
func (s *Session) apply(opts ...SessionOption) {
for _, opt := range opts {
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshal bytes to Session.
func (s *Session) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &s.SessionRaw)
if err != nil {
return err
if s.SessionRaw.Version != "" {
s.Version, err = semver.Parse(s.SessionRaw.Version)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// MarshalJSON marshals session to bytes.
func (s *Session) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
s.SessionRaw.Version = s.Version.String()
return json.Marshal(s.SessionRaw)
// Create a new Session object. Will use global etcd client
func NewSession(ctx context.Context, opts ...SessionOption) *Session {
client, path := kvfactory.GetEtcdAndPath()
return NewSessionWithEtcd(ctx, path, client, opts...)
// NewSessionWithEtcd is a helper to build a Session object.
// ServerID, ServerName, Address, Exclusive will be assigned after Init().
// metaRoot is a path in etcd to save session information.
// etcdEndpoints is to init etcdCli when NewSession
func NewSessionWithEtcd(ctx context.Context, metaRoot string, client *clientv3.Client, opts ...SessionOption) *Session {
hostName, hostNameErr := os.Hostname()
if hostNameErr != nil {
log.Error("get host name fail", zap.Error(hostNameErr))
session := &Session{
ctx: ctx,
metaRoot: metaRoot,
Version: common.Version,
SessionRaw: SessionRaw{
HostName: hostName,
// options
sessionTTL: paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.SessionTTL.GetAsInt64(),
sessionRetryTimes: paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.SessionRetryTimes.GetAsInt64(),
reuseNodeID: true,
isStopped: *atomic.NewBool(false),
// integration test create cluster with different nodeId in one process
if paramtable.Get().IntegrationTestCfg.IntegrationMode.GetAsBool() {
session.reuseNodeID = false
connectEtcdFn := func() error {
log.Debug("Session try to connect to etcd")
ctx2, cancel2 := context.WithTimeout(session.ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel2()
if _, err := client.Get(ctx2, "health"); err != nil {
return err
session.etcdCli = client
return nil
err := retry.Do(ctx, connectEtcdFn, retry.Attempts(100))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to initialize session",
return nil
log.Debug("Session connect to etcd success")
return session
// Init will initialize base struct of the Session, including ServerName, ServerID,
// Address, Exclusive. ServerID is obtained in getServerID.
func (s *Session) Init(serverName, address string, exclusive bool, triggerKill bool) {
s.ServerName = serverName
s.Address = address
s.Exclusive = exclusive
s.TriggerKill = triggerKill
serverID, err := s.getServerID()
if err != nil {
s.ServerID = serverID
log.Info("start server", zap.String("name", serverName), zap.String("address", address), zap.Int64("id", s.ServerID))
// String makes Session struct able to be logged by zap
func (s *Session) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Session:<ServerID: %d, ServerName: %s, Version: %s>", s.ServerID, s.ServerName, s.Version.String())
// Register will process keepAliveResponse to keep alive with etcd.
func (s *Session) Register() {
ch, err := s.registerService()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Register failed", zap.Error(err))
s.liveCh = make(chan struct{})
var serverIDMu sync.Mutex
func (s *Session) getServerID() (int64, error) {
defer serverIDMu.Unlock()
log.Debug("getServerID", zap.Bool("reuse", s.reuseNodeID))
if s.reuseNodeID {
// Notice, For standalone, all process share the same nodeID.
if nodeID := paramtable.GetNodeID(); nodeID != 0 {
return nodeID, nil
nodeID, err := s.getServerIDWithKey(DefaultIDKey)
if err != nil {
return nodeID, err
if s.reuseNodeID {
return nodeID, nil
func (s *Session) checkIDExist() {
clientv3.Version(path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, DefaultIDKey)),
Then(clientv3.OpPut(path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, DefaultIDKey), "1")).Commit()
func (s *Session) getServerIDWithKey(key string) (int64, error) {
for {
getResp, err := s.etcdCli.Get(s.ctx, path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, key))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Session get etcd key error", zap.String("key", key), zap.Error(err))
return -1, err
if getResp.Count <= 0 {
log.Warn("Session there is no value", zap.String("key", key))
value := string(getResp.Kvs[0].Value)
valueInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Session ParseInt error", zap.String("value", value), zap.Error(err))
txnResp, err := s.etcdCli.Txn(s.ctx).If(
clientv3.Value(path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, key)),
Then(clientv3.OpPut(path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, key), strconv.FormatInt(valueInt+1, 10))).Commit()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Session Txn failed", zap.String("key", key), zap.Error(err))
return -1, err
if !txnResp.Succeeded {
log.Warn("Session Txn unsuccessful", zap.String("key", key))
log.Debug("Session get serverID success", zap.String("key", key), zap.Int64("ServerId", valueInt))
return valueInt, nil
func (s *Session) getCompleteKey() string {
key := s.ServerName
if !s.Exclusive || (s.enableActiveStandBy && s.isStandby.Load().(bool)) {
key = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", key, s.ServerID)
return path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, key)
func (s *Session) getSessionKey() string {
key := s.ServerName
if !s.Exclusive {
key = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", key, s.ServerID)
return path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, key)
func (s *Session) initWatchSessionCh(ctx context.Context) error {
var (
err error
getResp *clientv3.GetResponse
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
err = retry.Do(ctx, func() error {
getResp, err = s.etcdCli.Get(ctx, s.getSessionKey())
return err
}, retry.Attempts(uint(s.sessionRetryTimes)))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("fail to get the session key from the etcd", zap.Error(err))
return err
s.watchSessionKeyCh = s.etcdCli.Watch(ctx, s.getSessionKey(), clientv3.WithRev(getResp.Header.Revision))
return nil
// registerService registers the service to etcd so that other services
// can find that the service is online and issue subsequent operations
// RegisterService will save a key-value in etcd
// key: metaRootPath + "/services" + "/ServerName-ServerID"
// value: json format
// {
// ServerID int64 `json:"ServerID,omitempty"`
// ServerName string `json:"ServerName,omitempty"`
// Address string `json:"Address,omitempty"`
// Exclusive bool `json:"Exclusive,omitempty"`
// }
// Exclusive means whether this service can exist two at the same time, if so,
// it is false. Otherwise, set it to true.
func (s *Session) registerService() (<-chan *clientv3.LeaseKeepAliveResponse, error) {
if s.enableActiveStandBy {
completeKey := s.getCompleteKey()
var ch <-chan *clientv3.LeaseKeepAliveResponse
log.Debug("service begin to register to etcd", zap.String("serverName", s.ServerName), zap.Int64("ServerID", s.ServerID))
registerFn := func() error {
resp, err := s.etcdCli.Grant(s.ctx, s.sessionTTL)
if err != nil {
log.Error("register service", zap.Error(err))
return err
s.LeaseID = &resp.ID
sessionJSON, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
return err
txnResp, err := s.etcdCli.Txn(s.ctx).If(
Then(clientv3.OpPut(completeKey, string(sessionJSON), clientv3.WithLease(resp.ID))).Commit()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("register on etcd error, check the availability of etcd ", zap.Error(err))
return err
if txnResp != nil && !txnResp.Succeeded {
return fmt.Errorf("function CompareAndSwap error for compare is false for key: %s", s.ServerName)
log.Info("put session key into etcd", zap.String("key", completeKey), zap.String("value", string(sessionJSON)))
keepAliveCtx, keepAliveCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
s.keepAliveCtx = keepAliveCtx
s.keepAliveCancel = keepAliveCancel
ch, err = s.etcdCli.KeepAlive(keepAliveCtx, resp.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("go error during keeping alive with etcd", zap.Error(err))
return err
log.Info("Service registered successfully", zap.String("ServerName", s.ServerName), zap.Int64("serverID", s.ServerID))
return nil
err := retry.Do(s.ctx, registerFn, retry.Attempts(uint(s.sessionRetryTimes)))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ch, nil
// Handle restart is fast path to handle node restart.
// This should be only a fast path for coordinator
// If we find previous session have same address as current , simply purge the old one so the recovery can be much faster
func (s *Session) handleRestart(key string) {
resp, err := s.etcdCli.Get(s.ctx, key)
log := log.With(zap.String("key", key))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to read old session from etcd, ignore", zap.Error(err))
for _, kv := range resp.Kvs {
session := &Session{}
err = json.Unmarshal(kv.Value, session)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to unmarshal old session from etcd, ignore", zap.Error(err))
if session.Address == s.Address && session.ServerID < s.ServerID {
log.Warn("find old session is same as current node, assume it as restart, purge old session", zap.String("key", key),
zap.String("address", session.Address))
_, err := s.etcdCli.Delete(s.ctx, key)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to unmarshal old session from etcd, ignore", zap.Error(err))
// processKeepAliveResponse processes the response of etcd keepAlive interface
// If keepAlive fails for unexpected error, it will send a signal to the channel.
func (s *Session) processKeepAliveResponse(ch <-chan *clientv3.LeaseKeepAliveResponse) {
go func() {
defer s.wg.Done()
for {
select {
case <-s.ctx.Done():
log.Warn("keep alive", zap.Error(errors.New("context done")))
case resp, ok := <-ch:
if !ok {
log.Warn("session keepalive channel closed")
// if keep alive is canceled, keepAliveCtx.Err() will return a non-nil error
if s.keepAliveCtx.Err() != nil {
log.Info("keepAlive channel close caused by etcd, try to KeepAliveOnce", zap.String("serverName", s.ServerName))
defer s.keepAliveLock.Unlock()
// have to KeepAliveOnce before KeepAlive because KeepAlive won't throw error even when lease OT
var keepAliveOnceResp *clientv3.LeaseKeepAliveResponse
s.keepAliveCtx, s.keepAliveCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
err := retry.Do(s.ctx, func() error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(s.keepAliveCtx, time.Second*10)
defer cancel()
resp, err := s.etcdCli.KeepAliveOnce(ctx, *s.LeaseID)
keepAliveOnceResp = resp
return err
}, retry.Attempts(3))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("fail to retry keepAliveOnce", zap.String("serverName", s.ServerName), zap.Int64("LeaseID", int64(*s.LeaseID)), zap.Error(err))
log.Info("succeed to KeepAliveOnce", zap.String("serverName", s.ServerName), zap.Int64("LeaseID", int64(*s.LeaseID)), zap.Any("resp", keepAliveOnceResp))
var chNew <-chan *clientv3.LeaseKeepAliveResponse
keepAliveFunc := func() error {
var err1 error
chNew, err1 = s.etcdCli.KeepAlive(s.keepAliveCtx, *s.LeaseID)
return err1
err = fnWithTimeout(keepAliveFunc, time.Second*10)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("fail to retry keepAlive", zap.Error(err))
go s.processKeepAliveResponse(chNew)
if resp == nil {
log.Warn("session keepalive response failed")
func fnWithTimeout(fn func() error, d time.Duration) error {
if d != 0 {
resultChan := make(chan bool)
var err1 error
go func() {
err1 = fn()
resultChan <- true
select {
case <-resultChan:
log.Debug("retry func success")
case <-time.After(d):
return fmt.Errorf("func timed out")
return err1
return fn()
// GetSessions will get all sessions registered in etcd.
// Revision is returned for WatchServices to prevent key events from being missed.
func (s *Session) GetSessions(prefix string) (map[string]*Session, int64, error) {
res := make(map[string]*Session)
key := path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, prefix)
resp, err := s.etcdCli.Get(s.ctx, key, clientv3.WithPrefix(),
clientv3.WithSort(clientv3.SortByKey, clientv3.SortAscend))
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
for _, kv := range resp.Kvs {
session := &Session{}
err = json.Unmarshal(kv.Value, session)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
_, mapKey := path.Split(string(kv.Key))
log.Debug("SessionUtil GetSessions",
zap.String("prefix", prefix),
zap.String("key", mapKey),
zap.String("address", session.Address))
res[mapKey] = session
return res, resp.Header.Revision, nil
// GetSessionsWithVersionRange will get all sessions with provided prefix and version range in etcd.
// Revision is returned for WatchServices to prevent missing events.
func (s *Session) GetSessionsWithVersionRange(prefix string, r semver.Range) (map[string]*Session, int64, error) {
res := make(map[string]*Session)
key := path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, prefix)
resp, err := s.etcdCli.Get(s.ctx, key, clientv3.WithPrefix(),
clientv3.WithSort(clientv3.SortByKey, clientv3.SortAscend))
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
for _, kv := range resp.Kvs {
session := &Session{}
err = json.Unmarshal(kv.Value, session)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
if !r(session.Version) {
log.Debug("Session version out of range", zap.String("version", session.Version.String()), zap.Int64("serverID", session.ServerID))
_, mapKey := path.Split(string(kv.Key))
log.Debug("SessionUtil GetSessions ", zap.String("prefix", prefix),
zap.String("key", mapKey),
zap.String("address", session.Address))
res[mapKey] = session
return res, resp.Header.Revision, nil
func (s *Session) GoingStop() error {
if s == nil || s.etcdCli == nil || s.LeaseID == nil {
return errors.New("the session hasn't been init")
if s.Disconnected() {
return errors.New("this session has disconnected")
completeKey := s.getCompleteKey()
resp, err := s.etcdCli.Get(s.ctx, completeKey, clientv3.WithCountOnly())
if err != nil {
log.Error("fail to get the session", zap.String("key", completeKey), zap.Error(err))
return err
if resp.Count == 0 {
return nil
s.Stopping = true
sessionJSON, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
log.Error("fail to marshal the session", zap.String("key", completeKey))
return err
_, err = s.etcdCli.Put(s.ctx, completeKey, string(sessionJSON), clientv3.WithLease(*s.LeaseID))
if err != nil {
log.Error("fail to update the session to stopping state", zap.String("key", completeKey))
return err
return nil
// SessionEvent indicates the changes of other servers.
// if a server is up, EventType is SessAddEvent.
// if a server is down, EventType is SessDelEvent.
// Session Saves the changed server's information.
type SessionEvent struct {
EventType SessionEventType
Session *Session
type sessionWatcher struct {
s *Session
rch clientv3.WatchChan
eventCh chan *SessionEvent
prefix string
rewatch Rewatch
validate func(*Session) bool
func (w *sessionWatcher) start() {
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-w.s.ctx.Done():
case wresp, ok := <-w.rch:
if !ok {
log.Warn("session watch channel closed")
// WatchServices watches the service's up and down in etcd, and sends event to
// eventChannel.
// prefix is a parameter to know which service to watch and can be obtained in
// typeutil.type.go.
// revision is a etcd reversion to prevent missing key events and can be obtained
// in GetSessions.
// If a server up, an event will be add to channel with eventType SessionAddType.
// If a server down, an event will be add to channel with eventType SessionDelType.
func (s *Session) WatchServices(prefix string, revision int64, rewatch Rewatch) (eventChannel <-chan *SessionEvent) {
w := &sessionWatcher{
s: s,
eventCh: make(chan *SessionEvent, 100),
rch: s.etcdCli.Watch(s.ctx, path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, prefix), clientv3.WithPrefix(), clientv3.WithPrevKV(), clientv3.WithRev(revision)),
prefix: prefix,
rewatch: rewatch,
validate: func(s *Session) bool { return true },
return w.eventCh
// WatchServicesWithVersionRange watches the service's up and down in etcd, and sends event to event Channel.
// Acts like WatchServices but with extra version range check.
// prefix is a parameter to know which service to watch and can be obtained in type util.type.go.
// revision is a etcd reversion to prevent missing key events and can be obtained in GetSessions.
// If a server up, an event will be add to channel with eventType SessionAddType.
// If a server down, an event will be add to channel with eventType SessionDelType.
func (s *Session) WatchServicesWithVersionRange(prefix string, r semver.Range, revision int64, rewatch Rewatch) (eventChannel <-chan *SessionEvent) {
w := &sessionWatcher{
s: s,
eventCh: make(chan *SessionEvent, 100),
rch: s.etcdCli.Watch(s.ctx, path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, prefix), clientv3.WithPrefix(), clientv3.WithPrevKV(), clientv3.WithRev(revision)),
prefix: prefix,
rewatch: rewatch,
validate: func(s *Session) bool { return r(s.Version) },
return w.eventCh
func (w *sessionWatcher) handleWatchResponse(wresp clientv3.WatchResponse) {
if wresp.Err() != nil {
err := w.handleWatchErr(wresp.Err())
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to handle watch session response", zap.Error(err))
for _, ev := range wresp.Events {
session := &Session{}
var eventType SessionEventType
switch ev.Type {
case mvccpb.PUT:
log.Debug("watch services",
zap.Any("add kv", ev.Kv))
err := json.Unmarshal(ev.Kv.Value, session)
if err != nil {
log.Error("watch services", zap.Error(err))
if !w.validate(session) {
if session.Stopping {
eventType = SessionUpdateEvent
} else {
eventType = SessionAddEvent
case mvccpb.DELETE:
log.Debug("watch services",
zap.Any("delete kv", ev.PrevKv))
err := json.Unmarshal(ev.PrevKv.Value, session)
if err != nil {
log.Error("watch services", zap.Error(err))
if !w.validate(session) {
eventType = SessionDelEvent
log.Debug("WatchService", zap.Any("event type", eventType))
w.eventCh <- &SessionEvent{
EventType: eventType,
Session: session,
func (w *sessionWatcher) handleWatchErr(err error) error {
// if not ErrCompacted, just close the channel
if err != v3rpc.ErrCompacted {
// close event channel
log.Warn("Watch service found error", zap.Error(err))
return err
sessions, revision, err := w.s.GetSessions(w.prefix)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("GetSession before rewatch failed", zap.String("prefix", w.prefix), zap.Error(err))
return err
// rewatch is nil, no logic to handle
if w.rewatch == nil {
log.Warn("Watch service with ErrCompacted but no rewatch logic provided")
} else {
err = w.rewatch(sessions)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("WatchServices rewatch failed", zap.String("prefix", w.prefix), zap.Error(err))
return err
w.rch = w.s.etcdCli.Watch(w.s.ctx, path.Join(w.s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, w.prefix), clientv3.WithPrefix(), clientv3.WithPrevKV(), clientv3.WithRev(revision))
return nil
// LivenessCheck performs liveness check with provided context and channel
// ctx controls the liveness check loop
// ch is the liveness signal channel, ch is closed only when the session is expired
// callback must be called before liveness check exit, to close the session's owner component
func (s *Session) LivenessCheck(ctx context.Context, callback func()) {
err := s.initWatchSessionCh(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get session for liveness check", zap.Error(err))
if callback != nil {
go callback()
go func() {
defer s.wg.Done()
if callback != nil {
// before exit liveness check, callback to exit the session owner
defer func() {
// the callback method will not be invoked if session is stopped.
if ctx.Err() == nil && !s.isStopped.Load() {
go callback()
defer s.SetDisconnected(true)
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-s.liveCh:
// ok, still alive
if ok {
// not ok, connection lost
log.Warn("connection lost detected, shuting down")
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Warn("liveness exits due to context done")
// cancel the etcd keepAlive context
case resp, ok := <-s.watchSessionKeyCh:
if !ok {
log.Warn("watch session key channel closed")
if resp.Err() != nil {
// if not ErrCompacted, just close the channel
if resp.Err() != v3rpc.ErrCompacted {
// close event channel
log.Warn("Watch service found error", zap.Error(resp.Err()))
log.Warn("Watch service found compacted error", zap.Error(resp.Err()))
err := s.initWatchSessionCh(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to get session during reconnecting", zap.Error(err))
for _, event := range resp.Events {
switch event.Type {
case mvccpb.PUT:
log.Info("register session success", zap.String("role", s.ServerName), zap.String("key", string(event.Kv.Key)))
case mvccpb.DELETE:
log.Info("session key is deleted, exit...", zap.String("role", s.ServerName), zap.String("key", string(event.Kv.Key)))
func (s *Session) cancelKeepAlive() {
defer s.keepAliveLock.Unlock()
if s.keepAliveCancel != nil {
func (s *Session) Stop() {
// Revoke revokes the internal LeaseID for the session key
func (s *Session) Revoke(timeout time.Duration) {
if s == nil {
log.Info("start to revoke session", zap.String("sessionKey", s.activeKey))
if s.etcdCli == nil || s.LeaseID == nil {
log.Warn("skip remove session",
zap.String("sessionKey", s.activeKey),
zap.Bool("etcdCliIsNil", s.etcdCli == nil),
zap.Bool("LeaseIDIsNil", s.LeaseID == nil),
if s.Disconnected() {
log.Warn("skip remove session, connection is disconnected", zap.String("sessionKey", s.activeKey))
// can NOT use s.ctx, it may be Done here
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
// ignores resp & error, just do best effort to revoke
_, err := s.etcdCli.Revoke(ctx, *s.LeaseID)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to revoke session", zap.String("sessionKey", s.activeKey), zap.Error(err))
log.Info("revoke session successfully", zap.String("sessionKey", s.activeKey))
// UpdateRegistered update the state of registered.
func (s *Session) UpdateRegistered(b bool) {
// Registered check if session was registered into etcd.
func (s *Session) Registered() bool {
b, ok := s.registered.Load().(bool)
if !ok {
return false
return b
func (s *Session) SetDisconnected(b bool) {
func (s *Session) Disconnected() bool {
b, ok := s.disconnected.Load().(bool)
if !ok {
return false
return b
func (s *Session) SetEnableActiveStandBy(enable bool) {
s.enableActiveStandBy = enable
func (s *Session) updateStandby(b bool) {
func (s *Session) safeCloseLiveCh() {
s.liveChOnce.Do(func() {
if s.watchCancel.Load() != nil {
// ProcessActiveStandBy is used by coordinators to do active-standby mechanism.
// coordinator enabled active-standby will first call Register and then call ProcessActiveStandBy.
// steps:
// 1, Enter STANDBY mode
// 2, Try to register to active key.
// 3, If 2. return true, this service becomes ACTIVE. Exit STANDBY mode.
// 4, If 2. return false, which means an ACTIVE service already exist.
// Start watching the active key. Whenever active key disappears, STANDBY node will go backup to 2.
// activateFunc is the function to re-active the service.
func (s *Session) ProcessActiveStandBy(activateFunc func() error) error {
s.activeKey = path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, s.ServerName)
// try to register to the active_key.
// return
// 1. doRegistered: if registered the active_key by this session or by other session
// 2. revision: revision of the active_key
// 3. err: etcd error, should retry
registerActiveFn := func() (bool, int64, error) {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("try to register as ACTIVE %v service...", s.ServerName))
sessionJSON, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
log.Error("json marshal error", zap.Error(err))
return false, -1, err
txnResp, err := s.etcdCli.Txn(s.ctx).If(
Then(clientv3.OpPut(s.activeKey, string(sessionJSON), clientv3.WithLease(*s.LeaseID))).Commit()
if err != nil {
log.Error("register active key to etcd failed", zap.Error(err))
return false, -1, err
doRegistered := txnResp.Succeeded
if doRegistered {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("register ACTIVE %s", s.ServerName))
} else {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("ACTIVE %s has already been registered", s.ServerName))
revision := txnResp.Header.GetRevision()
return doRegistered, revision, nil
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("serverName: %v enter STANDBY mode", s.ServerName))
go func() {
for s.isStandby.Load().(bool) {
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("serverName: %v is in STANDBY ...", s.ServerName))
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
for {
registered, revision, err := registerActiveFn()
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
if registered {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%s start to watch ACTIVE key %s", s.ServerName, s.activeKey))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(s.ctx)
watchChan := s.etcdCli.Watch(ctx, s.activeKey, clientv3.WithPrevKV(), clientv3.WithRev(revision))
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case wresp, ok := <-watchChan:
if !ok {
if wresp.Err() != nil {
for _, event := range wresp.Events {
switch event.Type {
case mvccpb.PUT:
log.Debug("watch the ACTIVE key", zap.Any("ADD", event.Kv))
case mvccpb.DELETE:
log.Debug("watch the ACTIVE key", zap.Any("DELETE", event.Kv))
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("stop watching ACTIVE key %v", s.activeKey))
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("serverName: %v quit STANDBY mode, this node will become ACTIVE, ID: %d", s.ServerName, s.ServerID))
if activateFunc != nil {
return activateFunc()
return nil
func (s *Session) ForceActiveStandby(activateFunc func() error) error {
s.activeKey = path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, s.ServerName)
// force register to the active_key.
forceRegisterActiveFn := func() error {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("try to register as ACTIVE %v service...", s.ServerName))
sessionJSON, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
log.Error("json marshal error", zap.Error(err))
return err
// try to release old session first
sessions, _, err := s.GetSessions(s.ServerName)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(sessions) != 0 {
activeSess := sessions[s.ServerName]
if activeSess == nil || activeSess.LeaseID == nil {
// force delete all old sessions
s.etcdCli.Delete(s.ctx, s.activeKey)
for _, sess := range sessions {
if sess.ServerID != s.ServerID {
key := path.Join(s.metaRoot, DefaultServiceRoot, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", sess.ServerName, sess.ServerID))
s.etcdCli.Delete(s.ctx, key)
} else {
// force release old active session
_, _ = s.etcdCli.Revoke(s.ctx, *activeSess.LeaseID)
// then try to register as active
resp, err := s.etcdCli.Txn(s.ctx).If(
Then(clientv3.OpPut(s.activeKey, string(sessionJSON), clientv3.WithLease(*s.LeaseID))).Commit()
if err != nil || !resp.Succeeded {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("failed to force register ACTIVE %s", s.ServerName)
log.Error(msg, zap.Error(err), zap.Any("resp", resp))
return errors.New(msg)
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("force register ACTIVE %s", s.ServerName))
return nil
err := retry.Do(s.ctx, forceRegisterActiveFn, retry.Attempts(uint(s.sessionRetryTimes)))
if err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("failed to force register ACTIVE %s", s.ServerName))
return err
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("serverName: %v quit STANDBY mode, this node will become ACTIVE, ID: %d", s.ServerName, s.ServerID))
if activateFunc != nil {
return activateFunc()
return nil
func filterEmptyStrings(s []string) []string {
var filtered []string
for _, str := range s {
if str != "" {
filtered = append(filtered, str)
return filtered
func GetSessions(pid int) []string {
fileFullName := GetServerInfoFilePath(pid)
if _, err := os.Stat(fileFullName); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
log.Warn("not found server info file path", zap.String("filePath", fileFullName), zap.Error(err))
return []string{}
v, err := storage.ReadFile(fileFullName)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("read server info file path failed", zap.String("filePath", fileFullName), zap.Error(err))
return []string{}
return filterEmptyStrings(strings.Split(string(v), "\n"))
func RemoveServerInfoFile(pid int) {
fullPath := GetServerInfoFilePath(pid)
_ = os.Remove(fullPath)
// GetServerInfoFilePath get server info file path, eg: /tmp/milvus/server_id_123456789
// Notes: this method will not support Windows OS
// return file path
func GetServerInfoFilePath(pid int) string {
tmpDir := "/tmp/milvus"
_ = os.Mkdir(tmpDir, os.ModePerm)
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("server_id_%d", pid)
filePath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, fileName)
return filePath
func saveServerInfoInternal(role string, serverID int64, pid int) {
fileFullPath := GetServerInfoFilePath(pid)
fd, err := os.OpenFile(fileFullPath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0o664)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("open server info file fail", zap.String("filePath", fileFullPath), zap.Error(err))
defer fd.Close()
data := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d\n", role, serverID)
_, err = fd.WriteString(data)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("write server info file fail", zap.String("filePath", fileFullPath), zap.Error(err))
log.Info("save server info into file", zap.String("content", data), zap.String("filePath", fileFullPath))
func SaveServerInfo(role string, serverID int64) {
saveServerInfoInternal(role, serverID, os.Getpid())
// GetSessionPrefixByRole get session prefix by role
func GetSessionPrefixByRole(role string) string {
return path.Join(paramtable.Get().EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath.GetValue(), DefaultServiceRoot, role)