mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
289 lines
12 KiB
289 lines
12 KiB
import os
import logging
import pdb
import time
import random
from multiprocessing import Process
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import sklearn.preprocessing
from client import MilvusClient
import utils
import parser
logger = logging.getLogger("milvus_benchmark.runner")
MAX_NQ = 10001
FILE_PREFIX = "binary_"
# FOLDER_NAME = 'ann_1000m/source_data'
SRC_BINARY_DATA_DIR = '/test/milvus/raw_data/random/'
SIFT_SRC_DATA_DIR = '/test/milvus/raw_data/sift1b/'
DEEP_SRC_DATA_DIR = '/test/milvus/raw_data/deep1b/'
JACCARD_SRC_DATA_DIR = '/test/milvus/raw_data/jaccard/'
HAMMING_SRC_DATA_DIR = '/test/milvus/raw_data/jaccard/'
STRUCTURE_SRC_DATA_DIR = '/test/milvus/raw_data/jaccard/'
"1000000": "idx_1M.ivecs",
"2000000": "idx_2M.ivecs",
"5000000": "idx_5M.ivecs",
"10000000": "idx_10M.ivecs",
"20000000": "idx_20M.ivecs",
"50000000": "idx_50M.ivecs",
"100000000": "idx_100M.ivecs",
"200000000": "idx_200M.ivecs",
"500000000": "idx_500M.ivecs",
"1000000000": "idx_1000M.ivecs",
def gen_file_name(idx, dimension, data_type):
s = "%05d" % idx
fname = FILE_PREFIX + str(dimension) + "d_" + s + ".npy"
if data_type == "random":
fname = SRC_BINARY_DATA_DIR+fname
elif data_type == "sift":
fname = SIFT_SRC_DATA_DIR+fname
elif data_type == "deep":
fname = DEEP_SRC_DATA_DIR+fname
elif data_type == "jaccard":
fname = JACCARD_SRC_DATA_DIR+fname
elif data_type == "hamming":
fname = HAMMING_SRC_DATA_DIR+fname
elif data_type == "sub" or data_type == "super":
return fname
def get_vectors_from_binary(nq, dimension, data_type):
# use the first file, nq should be less than VECTORS_PER_FILE
if nq > MAX_NQ:
raise Exception("Over size nq")
if data_type == "random":
file_name = SRC_BINARY_DATA_DIR+'query_%d.npy' % dimension
elif data_type == "sift":
file_name = SIFT_SRC_DATA_DIR+'query.npy'
elif data_type == "deep":
file_name = DEEP_SRC_DATA_DIR+'query.npy'
elif data_type == "jaccard":
file_name = JACCARD_SRC_DATA_DIR+'query.npy'
elif data_type == "hamming":
file_name = HAMMING_SRC_DATA_DIR+'query.npy'
elif data_type == "sub" or data_type == "super":
file_name = STRUCTURE_SRC_DATA_DIR+'query.npy'
data = np.load(file_name)
vectors = data[0:nq].tolist()
return vectors
class Runner(object):
def __init__(self):
def normalize(self, metric_type, X):
if metric_type == "ip":
logger.info("Set normalize for metric_type: %s" % metric_type)
X = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(X, axis=1, norm='l2')
X = X.astype(np.float32)
elif metric_type == "l2":
X = X.astype(np.float32)
elif metric_type in ["jaccard", "hamming", "sub", "super"]:
tmp = []
for index, item in enumerate(X):
new_vector = bytes(np.packbits(item, axis=-1).tolist())
X = tmp
return X
def generate_combinations(self, args):
if isinstance(args, list):
args = [el if isinstance(el, list) else [el] for el in args]
return [list(x) for x in product(*args)]
elif isinstance(args, dict):
flat = []
for k, v in args.items():
if isinstance(v, list):
flat.append([(k, el) for el in v])
flat.append([(k, v)])
return [dict(x) for x in product(*flat)]
raise TypeError("No args handling exists for %s" % type(args).__name__)
def do_insert(self, milvus, collection_name, data_type, dimension, size, ni):
mivlus: server connect instance
dimension: collection dimensionn
# index_file_size: size trigger file merge
size: row count of vectors to be insert
ni: row count of vectors to be insert each time
# store_id: if store the ids returned by call add_vectors or not
total_time: total time for all insert operation
qps: vectors added per second
ni_time: avarage insert operation time
bi_res = {}
total_time = 0.0
qps = 0.0
ni_time = 0.0
if data_type == "random":
if dimension == 512:
vectors_per_file = VECTORS_PER_FILE
elif dimension == 4096:
vectors_per_file = 100000
elif dimension == 16384:
vectors_per_file = 10000
elif data_type == "sift":
vectors_per_file = SIFT_VECTORS_PER_FILE
elif data_type in ["jaccard", "hamming", "sub", "super"]:
vectors_per_file = JACCARD_VECTORS_PER_FILE
raise Exception("data_type: %s not supported" % data_type)
if size % vectors_per_file or ni > vectors_per_file:
raise Exception("Not invalid collection size or ni")
file_num = size // vectors_per_file
for i in range(file_num):
file_name = gen_file_name(i, dimension, data_type)
# logger.info("Load npy file: %s start" % file_name)
data = np.load(file_name)
# logger.info("Load npy file: %s end" % file_name)
loops = vectors_per_file // ni
for j in range(loops):
vectors = data[j*ni:(j+1)*ni].tolist()
if vectors:
ni_start_time = time.time()
# start insert vectors
start_id = i * vectors_per_file + j * ni
end_id = start_id + len(vectors)
logger.info("Start id: %s, end id: %s" % (start_id, end_id))
ids = [k for k in range(start_id, end_id)]
status, ids = milvus.insert(vectors, ids=ids)
# milvus.flush()
ni_end_time = time.time()
total_time = total_time + ni_end_time - ni_start_time
qps = round(size / total_time, 2)
ni_time = round(total_time / (loops * file_num), 2)
bi_res["total_time"] = round(total_time, 2)
bi_res["qps"] = qps
bi_res["ni_time"] = ni_time
return bi_res
def do_query(self, milvus, collection_name, top_ks, nqs, run_count=1, search_param=None):
bi_res = []
(data_type, collection_size, index_file_size, dimension, metric_type) = parser.collection_parser(collection_name)
base_query_vectors = get_vectors_from_binary(MAX_NQ, dimension, data_type)
for nq in nqs:
tmp_res = []
vectors = base_query_vectors[0:nq]
for top_k in top_ks:
avg_query_time = 0.0
min_query_time = 0.0
logger.info("Start query, query params: top-k: {}, nq: {}, actually length of vectors: {}".format(top_k, nq, len(vectors)))
for i in range(run_count):
logger.info("Start run query, run %d of %s" % (i+1, run_count))
start_time = time.time()
query_res = milvus.query(vectors, top_k, search_param=search_param)
interval_time = time.time() - start_time
if (i == 0) or (min_query_time > interval_time):
min_query_time = interval_time
logger.info("Min query time: %.2f" % min_query_time)
tmp_res.append(round(min_query_time, 2))
return bi_res
def do_query_qps(self, milvus, query_vectors, top_k, search_param):
start_time = time.time()
result = milvus.query(query_vectors, top_k, search_param)
end_time = time.time()
return end_time - start_time
def do_query_ids(self, milvus, collection_name, top_k, nq, search_param=None):
(data_type, collection_size, index_file_size, dimension, metric_type) = parser.collection_parser(collection_name)
base_query_vectors = get_vectors_from_binary(MAX_NQ, dimension, data_type)
vectors = base_query_vectors[0:nq]
logger.info("Start query, query params: top-k: {}, nq: {}, actually length of vectors: {}".format(top_k, nq, len(vectors)))
query_res = milvus.query(vectors, top_k, search_param=search_param)
result_ids = []
result_distances = []
for result in query_res:
tmp = []
tmp_distance = []
for item in result:
return result_ids, result_distances
def do_query_acc(self, milvus, collection_name, top_k, nq, id_store_name, search_param=None):
(data_type, collection_size, index_file_size, dimension, metric_type) = parser.collection_parser(collection_name)
base_query_vectors = get_vectors_from_binary(MAX_NQ, dimension, data_type)
vectors = base_query_vectors[0:nq]
logger.info("Start query, query params: top-k: {}, nq: {}, actually length of vectors: {}".format(top_k, nq, len(vectors)))
query_res = milvus.query(vectors, top_k, search_param=None)
# if file existed, cover it
if os.path.isfile(id_store_name):
with open(id_store_name, 'a+') as fd:
for nq_item in query_res:
for item in nq_item:
# compute and print accuracy
def compute_accuracy(self, flat_file_name, index_file_name):
flat_id_list = []; index_id_list = []
logger.info("Loading flat id file: %s" % flat_file_name)
with open(flat_file_name, 'r') as flat_id_fd:
for line in flat_id_fd:
tmp_list = line.strip("\n").strip().split("\t")
logger.info("Loading index id file: %s" % index_file_name)
with open(index_file_name) as index_id_fd:
for line in index_id_fd:
tmp_list = line.strip("\n").strip().split("\t")
if len(flat_id_list) != len(index_id_list):
raise Exception("Flat index result length: <flat: %s, index: %s> not match, Acc compute exiting ..." % (len(flat_id_list), len(index_id_list)))
# get the accuracy
return self.get_recall_value(flat_id_list, index_id_list)
def get_recall_value(self, true_ids, result_ids):
Use the intersection length
sum_radio = 0.0
for index, item in enumerate(result_ids):
# tmp = set(item).intersection(set(flat_id_list[index]))
tmp = set(true_ids[index]).intersection(set(item))
sum_radio = sum_radio + len(tmp) / len(item)
# logger.debug(sum_radio)
return round(sum_radio / len(result_ids), 3)
Implementation based on:
def get_groundtruth_ids(self, collection_size):
fname = GROUNDTRUTH_MAP[str(collection_size)]
fname = SIFT_SRC_GROUNDTRUTH_DATA_DIR + "/" + fname
a = np.fromfile(fname, dtype='int32')
d = a[0]
true_ids = a.reshape(-1, d + 1)[:, 1:].copy()
return true_ids