mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
1275 lines
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1275 lines
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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package segments
#cgo pkg-config: milvus_segcore
#include "segcore/collection_c.h"
#include "segcore/plan_c.h"
#include "segcore/reduce_c.h"
import "C"
import (
milvus_storage "github.com/milvus-io/milvus-storage/go/storage"
typeutil_internal "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/util/typeutil"
type SegmentType = commonpb.SegmentState
const (
SegmentTypeGrowing = commonpb.SegmentState_Growing
SegmentTypeSealed = commonpb.SegmentState_Sealed
var ErrSegmentUnhealthy = errors.New("segment unhealthy")
// IndexedFieldInfo contains binlog info of vector field
type IndexedFieldInfo struct {
FieldBinlog *datapb.FieldBinlog
IndexInfo *querypb.FieldIndexInfo
type baseSegment struct {
segmentID int64
partitionID int64
shard string
collectionID int64
typ SegmentType
level datapb.SegmentLevel
version *atomic.Int64
startPosition *msgpb.MsgPosition // for growing segment release
bloomFilterSet *pkoracle.BloomFilterSet
func newBaseSegment(id, partitionID, collectionID int64, shard string, typ SegmentType, level datapb.SegmentLevel, version int64, startPosition *msgpb.MsgPosition) baseSegment {
return baseSegment{
segmentID: id,
partitionID: partitionID,
collectionID: collectionID,
shard: shard,
typ: typ,
level: level,
version: atomic.NewInt64(version),
startPosition: startPosition,
bloomFilterSet: pkoracle.NewBloomFilterSet(id, partitionID, typ),
// ID returns the identity number.
func (s *baseSegment) ID() int64 {
return s.segmentID
func (s *baseSegment) Collection() int64 {
return s.collectionID
func (s *baseSegment) Partition() int64 {
return s.partitionID
func (s *baseSegment) Shard() string {
return s.shard
func (s *baseSegment) Type() SegmentType {
return s.typ
func (s *baseSegment) Level() datapb.SegmentLevel {
return s.level
func (s *baseSegment) StartPosition() *msgpb.MsgPosition {
return s.startPosition
func (s *baseSegment) Version() int64 {
return s.version.Load()
func (s *baseSegment) CASVersion(old, newVersion int64) bool {
return s.version.CompareAndSwap(old, newVersion)
func (s *baseSegment) UpdateBloomFilter(pks []storage.PrimaryKey) {
// MayPkExist returns true if the given PK exists in the PK range and being positive through the bloom filter,
// false otherwise,
// may returns true even the PK doesn't exist actually
func (s *baseSegment) MayPkExist(pk storage.PrimaryKey) bool {
return s.bloomFilterSet.MayPkExist(pk)
var _ Segment = (*LocalSegment)(nil)
// Segment is a wrapper of the underlying C-structure segment.
type LocalSegment struct {
ptrLock sync.RWMutex // protects segmentPtr
ptr C.CSegmentInterface
// cached results, to avoid too many CGO calls
memSize *atomic.Int64
rowNum *atomic.Int64
insertCount *atomic.Int64
lastDeltaTimestamp *atomic.Uint64
fieldIndexes *typeutil.ConcurrentMap[int64, *IndexedFieldInfo]
space *milvus_storage.Space
func NewSegment(ctx context.Context,
collection *Collection,
segmentID int64,
partitionID int64,
collectionID int64,
shard string,
segmentType SegmentType,
version int64,
startPosition *msgpb.MsgPosition,
deltaPosition *msgpb.MsgPosition,
level datapb.SegmentLevel,
) (Segment, error) {
log := log.Ctx(ctx)
NewSegment(CCollection collection, uint64_t segment_id, SegmentType seg_type, CSegmentInterface* newSegment);
if level == datapb.SegmentLevel_L0 {
return NewL0Segment(collection, segmentID, partitionID, collectionID, shard, segmentType, version, startPosition, deltaPosition)
var cSegType C.SegmentType
switch segmentType {
case SegmentTypeSealed:
cSegType = C.Sealed
case SegmentTypeGrowing:
cSegType = C.Growing
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal segment type %d when create segment %d", segmentType, segmentID)
var newPtr C.CSegmentInterface
_, err := GetDynamicPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
status := C.NewSegment(collection.collectionPtr, cSegType, C.int64_t(segmentID), &newPtr)
err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "NewSegmentFailed",
zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID),
zap.Int64("partitionID", partitionID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID),
zap.String("segmentType", segmentType.String()))
return nil, err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Info("create segment",
zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID),
zap.Int64("partitionID", partitionID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID),
zap.String("segmentType", segmentType.String()),
zap.String("level", level.String()),
segment := &LocalSegment{
baseSegment: newBaseSegment(segmentID, partitionID, collectionID, shard, segmentType, level, version, startPosition),
ptr: newPtr,
lastDeltaTimestamp: atomic.NewUint64(0),
fieldIndexes: typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, *IndexedFieldInfo](),
memSize: atomic.NewInt64(-1),
rowNum: atomic.NewInt64(-1),
insertCount: atomic.NewInt64(0),
return segment, nil
func NewSegmentV2(
ctx context.Context,
collection *Collection,
segmentID int64,
partitionID int64,
collectionID int64,
shard string,
segmentType SegmentType,
version int64,
startPosition *msgpb.MsgPosition,
deltaPosition *msgpb.MsgPosition,
storageVersion int64,
level datapb.SegmentLevel,
) (Segment, error) {
NewSegment(CCollection collection, uint64_t segment_id, SegmentType seg_type);
if level == datapb.SegmentLevel_L0 {
return NewL0Segment(collection, segmentID, partitionID, collectionID, shard, segmentType, version, startPosition, deltaPosition)
var segmentPtr C.CSegmentInterface
var status C.CStatus
switch segmentType {
case SegmentTypeSealed:
status = C.NewSegment(collection.collectionPtr, C.Sealed, C.int64_t(segmentID), &segmentPtr)
case SegmentTypeGrowing:
status = C.NewSegment(collection.collectionPtr, C.Growing, C.int64_t(segmentID), &segmentPtr)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal segment type %d when create segment %d", segmentType, segmentID)
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "NewSegmentFailed"); err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Info("create segment",
zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID),
zap.Int64("partitionID", partitionID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID),
zap.String("segmentType", segmentType.String()))
url, err := typeutil_internal.GetStorageURI(paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StorageScheme.GetValue(), paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.GetValue(), segmentID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
space, err := milvus_storage.Open(url, options.NewSpaceOptionBuilder().SetVersion(storageVersion).Build())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
segment := &LocalSegment{
baseSegment: newBaseSegment(segmentID, partitionID, collectionID, shard, segmentType, level, version, startPosition),
ptr: segmentPtr,
lastDeltaTimestamp: atomic.NewUint64(deltaPosition.GetTimestamp()),
fieldIndexes: typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, *IndexedFieldInfo](),
space: space,
memSize: atomic.NewInt64(-1),
rowNum: atomic.NewInt64(-1),
insertCount: atomic.NewInt64(0),
return segment, nil
func (s *LocalSegment) isValid() bool {
return s.ptr != nil
// RLock acquires the `ptrLock` and returns true if the pointer is valid
// Provide ONLY the read lock operations,
// don't make `ptrLock` public to avoid abusing of the mutex.
func (s *LocalSegment) RLock() error {
if !s.isValid() {
return merr.WrapErrSegmentNotLoaded(s.ID(), "segment released")
return nil
func (s *LocalSegment) RUnlock() {
func (s *LocalSegment) InsertCount() int64 {
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
return s.insertCount.Load()
func (s *LocalSegment) RowNum() int64 {
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if !s.isValid() {
return 0
rowNum := s.rowNum.Load()
if rowNum < 0 {
var rowCount C.int64_t
GetDynamicPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
rowCount = C.GetRealCount(s.ptr)
return nil, nil
rowNum = int64(rowCount)
return rowNum
func (s *LocalSegment) MemSize() int64 {
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if !s.isValid() {
return 0
memSize := s.memSize.Load()
if memSize < 0 {
var cMemSize C.int64_t
GetDynamicPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
cMemSize = C.GetMemoryUsageInBytes(s.ptr)
return nil, nil
memSize = int64(cMemSize)
return memSize
func (s *LocalSegment) LastDeltaTimestamp() uint64 {
return s.lastDeltaTimestamp.Load()
func (s *LocalSegment) addIndex(fieldID int64, info *IndexedFieldInfo) {
s.fieldIndexes.Insert(fieldID, info)
func (s *LocalSegment) GetIndex(fieldID int64) *IndexedFieldInfo {
info, _ := s.fieldIndexes.Get(fieldID)
return info
func (s *LocalSegment) ExistIndex(fieldID int64) bool {
fieldInfo, ok := s.fieldIndexes.Get(fieldID)
if !ok {
return false
return fieldInfo.IndexInfo != nil && fieldInfo.IndexInfo.EnableIndex
func (s *LocalSegment) HasRawData(fieldID int64) bool {
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if !s.isValid() {
return false
ret := C.HasRawData(s.ptr, C.int64_t(fieldID))
return bool(ret)
func (s *LocalSegment) Indexes() []*IndexedFieldInfo {
var result []*IndexedFieldInfo
s.fieldIndexes.Range(func(key int64, value *IndexedFieldInfo) bool {
result = append(result, value)
return true
return result
func (s *LocalSegment) Type() SegmentType {
return s.typ
func (s *LocalSegment) Search(ctx context.Context, searchReq *SearchRequest) (*SearchResult, error) {
Search(void* plan,
void* placeholder_groups,
uint64_t* timestamps,
int num_groups,
long int* result_ids,
float* result_distances);
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
zap.String("segmentType", s.typ.String()),
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if s.ptr == nil {
return nil, merr.WrapErrSegmentNotLoaded(s.segmentID, "segment released")
span := trace.SpanFromContext(ctx)
traceID := span.SpanContext().TraceID()
spanID := span.SpanContext().SpanID()
traceCtx := C.CTraceContext{
traceID: (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&traceID[0])),
spanID: (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&spanID[0])),
flag: C.uchar(span.SpanContext().TraceFlags()),
hasIndex := s.ExistIndex(searchReq.searchFieldID)
log = log.With(zap.Bool("withIndex", hasIndex))
log.Debug("search segment...")
var searchResult SearchResult
var status C.CStatus
GetSQPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("cgoSearch")
status = C.Search(s.ptr,
metrics.QueryNodeSQSegmentLatencyInCore.WithLabelValues(fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID()), metrics.SearchLabel).Observe(float64(tr.ElapseSpan().Milliseconds()))
return nil, nil
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "Search failed",
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
zap.String("segmentType", s.typ.String())); err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debug("search segment done")
return &searchResult, nil
func (s *LocalSegment) Retrieve(ctx context.Context, plan *RetrievePlan) (*segcorepb.RetrieveResults, error) {
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if s.ptr == nil {
return nil, merr.WrapErrSegmentNotLoaded(s.segmentID, "segment released")
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
zap.Int64("msgID", plan.msgID),
zap.String("segmentType", s.typ.String()),
span := trace.SpanFromContext(ctx)
traceID := span.SpanContext().TraceID()
spanID := span.SpanContext().SpanID()
traceCtx := C.CTraceContext{
traceID: (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&traceID[0])),
spanID: (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&spanID[0])),
flag: C.uchar(span.SpanContext().TraceFlags()),
maxLimitSize := paramtable.Get().QuotaConfig.MaxOutputSize.GetAsInt64()
var retrieveResult RetrieveResult
var status C.CStatus
GetSQPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
ts := C.uint64_t(plan.Timestamp)
tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("cgoRetrieve")
status = C.Retrieve(s.ptr,
log.Debug("cgo retrieve done", zap.Duration("timeTaken", tr.ElapseSpan()))
return nil, nil
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "Retrieve failed",
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
zap.Int64("msgID", plan.msgID),
zap.String("segmentType", s.typ.String())); err != nil {
return nil, err
result := new(segcorepb.RetrieveResults)
if err := HandleCProto(&retrieveResult.cRetrieveResult, result); err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debug("retrieve segment done",
zap.Int("resultNum", len(result.Offset)),
// Sort was done by the segcore.
// sort.Sort(&byPK{result})
return result, nil
func (s *LocalSegment) GetFieldDataPath(index *IndexedFieldInfo, offset int64) (dataPath string, offsetInBinlog int64) {
offsetInBinlog = offset
for _, binlog := range index.FieldBinlog.Binlogs {
if offsetInBinlog < binlog.EntriesNum {
dataPath = binlog.GetLogPath()
} else {
offsetInBinlog -= binlog.EntriesNum
return dataPath, offsetInBinlog
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- interfaces for growing segment
func (s *LocalSegment) preInsert(ctx context.Context, numOfRecords int) (int64, error) {
long int
PreInsert(CSegmentInterface c_segment, long int size);
var offset int64
cOffset := (*C.int64_t)(&offset)
var status C.CStatus
GetDynamicPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
status = C.PreInsert(s.ptr, C.int64_t(int64(numOfRecords)), cOffset)
return nil, nil
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "PreInsert failed"); err != nil {
return 0, err
return offset, nil
func (s *LocalSegment) Insert(ctx context.Context, rowIDs []int64, timestamps []typeutil.Timestamp, record *segcorepb.InsertRecord) error {
if s.Type() != SegmentTypeGrowing {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected segmentType when segmentInsert, segmentType = %s", s.typ.String())
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if s.ptr == nil {
return merr.WrapErrSegmentNotLoaded(s.segmentID, "segment released")
offset, err := s.preInsert(ctx, len(rowIDs))
if err != nil {
return err
insertRecordBlob, err := proto.Marshal(record)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal insert record: %s", err)
numOfRow := len(rowIDs)
cOffset := C.int64_t(offset)
cNumOfRows := C.int64_t(numOfRow)
cEntityIdsPtr := (*C.int64_t)(&(rowIDs)[0])
cTimestampsPtr := (*C.uint64_t)(&(timestamps)[0])
var status C.CStatus
GetDynamicPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
status = C.Insert(s.ptr,
return nil, nil
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "Insert failed"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *LocalSegment) Delete(ctx context.Context, primaryKeys []storage.PrimaryKey, timestamps []typeutil.Timestamp) error {
Delete(CSegmentInterface c_segment,
long int reserved_offset,
long size,
const long* primary_keys,
const unsigned long* timestamps);
if len(primaryKeys) == 0 {
return nil
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if s.ptr == nil {
return merr.WrapErrSegmentNotLoaded(s.segmentID, "segment released")
cOffset := C.int64_t(0) // depre
cSize := C.int64_t(len(primaryKeys))
cTimestampsPtr := (*C.uint64_t)(&(timestamps)[0])
ids := &schemapb.IDs{}
pkType := primaryKeys[0].Type()
switch pkType {
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
int64Pks := make([]int64, len(primaryKeys))
for index, pk := range primaryKeys {
int64Pks[index] = pk.(*storage.Int64PrimaryKey).Value
ids.IdField = &schemapb.IDs_IntId{
IntId: &schemapb.LongArray{
Data: int64Pks,
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
varCharPks := make([]string, len(primaryKeys))
for index, entity := range primaryKeys {
varCharPks[index] = entity.(*storage.VarCharPrimaryKey).Value
ids.IdField = &schemapb.IDs_StrId{
StrId: &schemapb.StringArray{
Data: varCharPks,
return fmt.Errorf("invalid data type of primary keys")
dataBlob, err := proto.Marshal(ids)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal ids: %s", err)
var status C.CStatus
GetDynamicPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
status = C.Delete(s.ptr,
return nil, nil
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "Delete failed"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- interfaces for sealed segment
func (s *LocalSegment) LoadMultiFieldData(ctx context.Context, rowCount int64, fields []*datapb.FieldBinlog) error {
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if s.ptr == nil {
return merr.WrapErrSegmentNotLoaded(s.segmentID, "segment released")
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
loadFieldDataInfo, err := newLoadFieldDataInfo(ctx)
defer deleteFieldDataInfo(loadFieldDataInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, field := range fields {
fieldID := field.FieldID
err = loadFieldDataInfo.appendLoadFieldInfo(ctx, fieldID, rowCount)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, binlog := range field.Binlogs {
err = loadFieldDataInfo.appendLoadFieldDataPath(ctx, fieldID, binlog)
if err != nil {
return err
var status C.CStatus
GetLoadPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
if paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
uri, err := typeutil_internal.GetStorageURI(paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StorageScheme.GetValue(), paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.GetValue(), s.segmentID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
status = C.LoadFieldDataV2(s.ptr, loadFieldDataInfo.cLoadFieldDataInfo)
} else {
status = C.LoadFieldData(s.ptr, loadFieldDataInfo.cLoadFieldDataInfo)
return nil, nil
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "LoadMultiFieldData failed",
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID())); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("load mutil field done",
zap.Int64("row count", rowCount),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()))
return nil
func (s *LocalSegment) LoadFieldData(ctx context.Context, fieldID int64, rowCount int64, field *datapb.FieldBinlog, mmapEnabled bool) error {
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
ctx, sp := otel.Tracer(typeutil.QueryNodeRole).Start(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("LoadFieldData-%d-%d", s.segmentID, fieldID))
defer sp.End()
if s.ptr == nil {
return merr.WrapErrSegmentNotLoaded(s.segmentID, "segment released")
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID),
zap.Int64("rowCount", rowCount),
log.Info("start loading field data for field")
loadFieldDataInfo, err := newLoadFieldDataInfo(ctx)
defer deleteFieldDataInfo(loadFieldDataInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
err = loadFieldDataInfo.appendLoadFieldInfo(ctx, fieldID, rowCount)
if err != nil {
return err
if field != nil {
for _, binlog := range field.Binlogs {
err = loadFieldDataInfo.appendLoadFieldDataPath(ctx, fieldID, binlog)
if err != nil {
return err
loadFieldDataInfo.enableMmap(fieldID, mmapEnabled)
var status C.CStatus
GetLoadPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
log.Info("submitted loadFieldData task to dy pool")
if paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
uri, err := typeutil_internal.GetStorageURI(paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StorageScheme.GetValue(), paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.GetValue(), s.segmentID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
status = C.LoadFieldDataV2(s.ptr, loadFieldDataInfo.cLoadFieldDataInfo)
} else {
status = C.LoadFieldData(s.ptr, loadFieldDataInfo.cLoadFieldDataInfo)
return nil, nil
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "LoadFieldData failed",
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID)); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("load field done")
return nil
func (s *LocalSegment) LoadDeltaData2(ctx context.Context, schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema) error {
deleteReader, err := s.space.ScanDelete()
if err != nil {
return err
if !deleteReader.Schema().HasField(common.TimeStampFieldName) {
return fmt.Errorf("can not read timestamp field in space")
pkFieldSchema, err := typeutil.GetPrimaryFieldSchema(schema)
if err != nil {
return err
ids := &schemapb.IDs{}
var pkint64s []int64
var pkstrings []string
var tss []int64
for deleteReader.Next() {
rec := deleteReader.Record()
indices := rec.Schema().FieldIndices(common.TimeStampFieldName)
tss = append(tss, rec.Column(indices[0]).(*array.Int64).Int64Values()...)
indices = rec.Schema().FieldIndices(pkFieldSchema.Name)
switch pkFieldSchema.DataType {
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
pkint64s = append(pkint64s, rec.Column(indices[0]).(*array.Int64).Int64Values()...)
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
columnData := rec.Column(indices[0]).(*array.String)
for i := 0; i < columnData.Len(); i++ {
pkstrings = append(pkstrings, columnData.Value(i))
return fmt.Errorf("unknown data type %v", pkFieldSchema.DataType)
if err := deleteReader.Err(); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
switch pkFieldSchema.DataType {
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
ids.IdField = &schemapb.IDs_IntId{
IntId: &schemapb.LongArray{
Data: pkint64s,
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
ids.IdField = &schemapb.IDs_StrId{
StrId: &schemapb.StringArray{
Data: pkstrings,
return fmt.Errorf("unknown data type %v", pkFieldSchema.DataType)
idsBlob, err := proto.Marshal(ids)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(tss) == 0 {
return nil
loadInfo := C.CLoadDeletedRecordInfo{
timestamps: unsafe.Pointer(&tss[0]),
primary_keys: (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&idsBlob[0])),
primary_keys_size: C.uint64_t(len(idsBlob)),
row_count: C.int64_t(len(tss)),
LoadDeletedRecord(CSegmentInterface c_segment, CLoadDeletedRecordInfo deleted_record_info)
var status C.CStatus
GetDynamicPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
status = C.LoadDeletedRecord(s.ptr, loadInfo)
return nil, nil
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "LoadDeletedRecord failed"); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("load deleted record done",
zap.Int("rowNum", len(tss)),
zap.String("segmentType", s.Type().String()))
return nil
func (s *LocalSegment) AddFieldDataInfo(ctx context.Context, rowCount int64, fields []*datapb.FieldBinlog) error {
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if s.ptr == nil {
return merr.WrapErrSegmentNotLoaded(s.segmentID, "segment released")
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
zap.Int64("row count", rowCount),
loadFieldDataInfo, err := newLoadFieldDataInfo(ctx)
defer deleteFieldDataInfo(loadFieldDataInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, field := range fields {
fieldID := field.FieldID
err = loadFieldDataInfo.appendLoadFieldInfo(ctx, fieldID, rowCount)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, binlog := range field.Binlogs {
err = loadFieldDataInfo.appendLoadFieldDataPath(ctx, fieldID, binlog)
if err != nil {
return err
var status C.CStatus
GetLoadPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
status = C.AddFieldDataInfoForSealed(s.ptr, loadFieldDataInfo.cLoadFieldDataInfo)
return nil, nil
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "AddFieldDataInfo failed",
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID())); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("add field data info done")
return nil
func (s *LocalSegment) LoadDeltaData(ctx context.Context, deltaData *storage.DeleteData) error {
pks, tss := deltaData.Pks, deltaData.Tss
rowNum := deltaData.RowCount
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if s.ptr == nil {
return merr.WrapErrSegmentNotLoaded(s.segmentID, "segment released")
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
pkType := pks[0].Type()
ids := &schemapb.IDs{}
switch pkType {
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
int64Pks := make([]int64, len(pks))
for index, pk := range pks {
int64Pks[index] = pk.(*storage.Int64PrimaryKey).Value
ids.IdField = &schemapb.IDs_IntId{
IntId: &schemapb.LongArray{
Data: int64Pks,
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
varCharPks := make([]string, len(pks))
for index, pk := range pks {
varCharPks[index] = pk.(*storage.VarCharPrimaryKey).Value
ids.IdField = &schemapb.IDs_StrId{
StrId: &schemapb.StringArray{
Data: varCharPks,
return fmt.Errorf("invalid data type of primary keys")
idsBlob, err := proto.Marshal(ids)
if err != nil {
return err
loadInfo := C.CLoadDeletedRecordInfo{
timestamps: unsafe.Pointer(&tss[0]),
primary_keys: (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&idsBlob[0])),
primary_keys_size: C.uint64_t(len(idsBlob)),
row_count: C.int64_t(rowNum),
LoadDeletedRecord(CSegmentInterface c_segment, CLoadDeletedRecordInfo deleted_record_info)
var status C.CStatus
GetDynamicPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
status = C.LoadDeletedRecord(s.ptr, loadInfo)
return nil, nil
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "LoadDeletedRecord failed",
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID())); err != nil {
return err
log.Info("load deleted record done",
zap.Int64("rowNum", rowNum),
zap.String("segmentType", s.Type().String()))
return nil
func (s *LocalSegment) LoadIndex(ctx context.Context, indexInfo *querypb.FieldIndexInfo, fieldType schemapb.DataType) error {
ctx, sp := otel.Tracer(typeutil.QueryNodeRole).Start(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("LoadIndex-%d-%d", s.segmentID, indexInfo.GetFieldID()))
defer sp.End()
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
zap.Int64("fieldID", indexInfo.GetFieldID()),
zap.Int64("indexID", indexInfo.GetIndexID()),
old := s.GetIndex(indexInfo.GetFieldID())
// the index loaded
if old != nil && old.IndexInfo.GetIndexID() == indexInfo.GetIndexID() {
log.Warn("index already loaded")
return nil
loadIndexInfo, err := newLoadIndexInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer deleteLoadIndexInfo(loadIndexInfo)
if paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
uri, err := typeutil_internal.GetStorageURI(paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StorageScheme.GetValue(), paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.GetValue(), s.segmentID)
if err != nil {
return err
loadIndexInfo.appendStorageInfo(uri, indexInfo.IndexStoreVersion)
err = loadIndexInfo.appendLoadIndexInfo(ctx, indexInfo, s.collectionID, s.partitionID, s.segmentID, fieldType)
if err != nil {
if loadIndexInfo.cleanLocalData(ctx) != nil {
log.Warn("failed to clean cached data on disk after append index failed",
zap.Int64("buildID", indexInfo.BuildID),
zap.Int64("index version", indexInfo.IndexVersion))
return err
if s.Type() != SegmentTypeSealed {
errMsg := fmt.Sprintln("updateSegmentIndex failed, illegal segment type ", s.typ, "segmentID = ", s.ID())
return errors.New(errMsg)
err = s.UpdateIndexInfo(ctx, indexInfo, loadIndexInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
if !typeutil.IsVectorType(fieldType) || s.HasRawData(indexInfo.GetFieldID()) {
return nil
s.WarmupChunkCache(ctx, indexInfo.GetFieldID())
return nil
func (s *LocalSegment) UpdateIndexInfo(ctx context.Context, indexInfo *querypb.FieldIndexInfo, info *LoadIndexInfo) error {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
zap.Int64("fieldID", indexInfo.FieldID),
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if s.ptr == nil {
return merr.WrapErrSegmentNotLoaded(s.segmentID, "segment released")
var status C.CStatus
GetDynamicPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
status = C.UpdateSealedSegmentIndex(s.ptr, info.cLoadIndexInfo)
return nil, nil
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "UpdateSealedSegmentIndex failed",
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
zap.Int64("fieldID", indexInfo.FieldID)); err != nil {
return err
s.addIndex(indexInfo.GetFieldID(), &IndexedFieldInfo{
FieldBinlog: &datapb.FieldBinlog{
FieldID: indexInfo.GetFieldID(),
IndexInfo: indexInfo,
log.Info("updateSegmentIndex done")
return nil
func (s *LocalSegment) WarmupChunkCache(ctx context.Context, fieldID int64) {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.Partition()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID),
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if s.ptr == nil {
var status C.CStatus
warmingUp := strings.ToLower(paramtable.Get().QueryNodeCfg.ChunkCacheWarmingUp.GetValue())
switch warmingUp {
case "sync":
GetLoadPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
cFieldID := C.int64_t(fieldID)
status = C.WarmupChunkCache(s.ptr, cFieldID)
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "warming up chunk cache failed"); err != nil {
log.Warn("warming up chunk cache synchronously failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
log.Info("warming up chunk cache synchronously done")
return nil, nil
case "async":
GetLoadPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
defer s.ptrLock.RUnlock()
if s.ptr == nil {
return nil, nil
cFieldID := C.int64_t(fieldID)
status = C.WarmupChunkCache(s.ptr, cFieldID)
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, ""); err != nil {
log.Warn("warming up chunk cache asynchronously failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
log.Info("warming up chunk cache asynchronously done")
return nil, nil
// no warming up
func (s *LocalSegment) UpdateFieldRawDataSize(ctx context.Context, numRows int64, fieldBinlog *datapb.FieldBinlog) error {
var status C.CStatus
fieldID := fieldBinlog.FieldID
fieldDataSize := int64(0)
for _, binlog := range fieldBinlog.GetBinlogs() {
fieldDataSize += binlog.LogSize
GetDynamicPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
status = C.UpdateFieldRawDataSize(s.ptr, C.int64_t(fieldID), C.int64_t(numRows), C.int64_t(fieldDataSize))
return nil, nil
if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "updateFieldRawDataSize failed"); err != nil {
return err
log.Ctx(ctx).Info("updateFieldRawDataSize done", zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()))
return nil
func (s *LocalSegment) Release() {
deleteSegment(CSegmentInterface segment);
// wait all read ops finished
var ptr C.CSegmentInterface
ptr = s.ptr
s.ptr = nil
if ptr == nil {
strconv.FormatInt(int64(len(s.Indexes())), 10),
log.Info("delete segment from memory",
zap.Int64("collectionID", s.collectionID),
zap.Int64("partitionID", s.partitionID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", s.ID()),
zap.String("segmentType", s.typ.String()),
zap.Int64("insertCount", s.InsertCount()),