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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package grpcrootcoord
import (
ot "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware/tracing/opentracing"
pnc "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/distributed/proxy/client"
clientv3 "go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3"
dcc "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/distributed/datacoord/client"
icc "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/distributed/indexcoord/client"
qcc "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/distributed/querycoord/client"
var Params paramtable.GrpcServerConfig
// Server grpc wrapper
type Server struct {
rootCoord types.RootCoordComponent
grpcServer *grpc.Server
grpcErrChan chan error
wg sync.WaitGroup
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
etcdCli *clientv3.Client
dataCoord types.DataCoord
indexCoord types.IndexCoord
queryCoord types.QueryCoord
newIndexCoordClient func(string, *clientv3.Client) types.IndexCoord
newDataCoordClient func(string, *clientv3.Client) types.DataCoord
newQueryCoordClient func(string, *clientv3.Client) types.QueryCoord
closer io.Closer
// CreateAlias creates an alias for specified collection.
func (s *Server) CreateAlias(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.CreateAliasRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.rootCoord.CreateAlias(ctx, request)
// DropAlias drops the specified alias.
func (s *Server) DropAlias(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.DropAliasRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.rootCoord.DropAlias(ctx, request)
// AlterAlias alters the alias for the specified collection.
func (s *Server) AlterAlias(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.AlterAliasRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.rootCoord.AlterAlias(ctx, request)
// NewServer create a new RootCoord grpc server.
func NewServer(ctx context.Context, factory msgstream.Factory) (*Server, error) {
ctx1, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
s := &Server{
ctx: ctx1,
cancel: cancel,
grpcErrChan: make(chan error),
var err error
s.rootCoord, err = rootcoord.NewCore(s.ctx, factory)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return s, err
func (s *Server) setClient() {
s.newDataCoordClient = func(etcdMetaRoot string, etcdCli *clientv3.Client) types.DataCoord {
dsClient, err := dcc.NewClient(s.ctx, etcdMetaRoot, etcdCli)
if err != nil {
return dsClient
s.newIndexCoordClient = func(metaRootPath string, etcdCli *clientv3.Client) types.IndexCoord {
isClient, err := icc.NewClient(s.ctx, metaRootPath, etcdCli)
if err != nil {
return isClient
s.newQueryCoordClient = func(metaRootPath string, etcdCli *clientv3.Client) types.QueryCoord {
qsClient, err := qcc.NewClient(s.ctx, metaRootPath, etcdCli)
if err != nil {
return qsClient
// Run initializes and starts RootCoord's grpc service.
func (s *Server) Run() error {
if err := s.init(); err != nil {
return err
log.Debug("RootCoord init done ...")
if err := s.start(); err != nil {
return err
log.Debug("RootCoord start done ...")
return nil
func (s *Server) init() error {
rootcoord.Params.RootCoordCfg.Address = Params.GetAddress()
rootcoord.Params.RootCoordCfg.Port = Params.Port
log.Debug("init params done..")
closer := trace.InitTracing("root_coord")
s.closer = closer
etcdCli, err := etcd.GetEtcdClient(&Params.EtcdCfg)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("RootCoord connect to etcd failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
s.etcdCli = etcdCli
log.Debug("etcd connect done ...")
err = s.startGrpc(Params.Port)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debug("grpc init done ...")
log.Debug("RootCoord", zap.Any("State", internalpb.StateCode_Initializing))
func(se *sessionutil.Session) (types.Proxy, error) {
cli, err := pnc.NewClient(s.ctx, se.Address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cli.Init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cli.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return cli, nil
if s.newDataCoordClient != nil {
log.Debug("RootCoord start to create DataCoord client")
dataCoord := s.newDataCoordClient(rootcoord.Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath, s.etcdCli)
if err := s.rootCoord.SetDataCoord(s.ctx, dataCoord); err != nil {
s.dataCoord = dataCoord
if s.newIndexCoordClient != nil {
log.Debug("RootCoord start to create IndexCoord client")
indexCoord := s.newIndexCoordClient(rootcoord.Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath, s.etcdCli)
if err := s.rootCoord.SetIndexCoord(indexCoord); err != nil {
s.indexCoord = indexCoord
if s.newQueryCoordClient != nil {
log.Debug("RootCoord start to create QueryCoord client")
queryCoord := s.newQueryCoordClient(rootcoord.Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath, s.etcdCli)
if err := s.rootCoord.SetQueryCoord(queryCoord); err != nil {
s.queryCoord = queryCoord
return s.rootCoord.Init()
func (s *Server) startGrpc(port int) error {
go s.startGrpcLoop(port)
// wait for grpc server loop start
err := <-s.grpcErrChan
return err
func (s *Server) startGrpcLoop(port int) {
defer s.wg.Done()
var kaep = keepalive.EnforcementPolicy{
MinTime: 5 * time.Second, // If a client pings more than once every 5 seconds, terminate the connection
PermitWithoutStream: true, // Allow pings even when there are no active streams
var kasp = keepalive.ServerParameters{
Time: 60 * time.Second, // Ping the client if it is idle for 60 seconds to ensure the connection is still active
Timeout: 10 * time.Second, // Wait 10 second for the ping ack before assuming the connection is dead
log.Debug("start grpc ", zap.Int("port", port))
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":"+strconv.Itoa(port))
if err != nil {
log.Error("GrpcServer:failed to listen", zap.String("error", err.Error()))
s.grpcErrChan <- err
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(s.ctx)
defer cancel()
opts := trace.GetInterceptorOpts()
s.grpcServer = grpc.NewServer(
rootcoordpb.RegisterRootCoordServer(s.grpcServer, s)
go funcutil.CheckGrpcReady(ctx, s.grpcErrChan)
if err := s.grpcServer.Serve(lis); err != nil {
s.grpcErrChan <- err
func (s *Server) start() error {
log.Debug("RootCoord Core start ...")
if err := s.rootCoord.Start(); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.rootCoord.Register(); err != nil {
log.Error("RootCoord registers service failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
func (s *Server) Stop() error {
log.Debug("Rootcoord stop", zap.String("Address", Params.GetAddress()))
if s.closer != nil {
if err := s.closer.Close(); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to close opentracing", zap.Error(err))
if s.etcdCli != nil {
defer s.etcdCli.Close()
if s.indexCoord != nil {
if err := s.indexCoord.Stop(); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to close indexCoord client", zap.Error(err))
if s.dataCoord != nil {
if err := s.dataCoord.Stop(); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to close dataCoord client", zap.Error(err))
if s.queryCoord != nil {
if err := s.queryCoord.Stop(); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to close queryCoord client", zap.Error(err))
if s.rootCoord != nil {
if err := s.rootCoord.Stop(); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to close close rootCoord", zap.Error(err))
log.Debug("Rootcoord begin to stop grpc server")
if s.grpcServer != nil {
log.Debug("Graceful stop grpc server...")
return nil
// GetComponentStates gets the component states of RootCoord.
func (s *Server) GetComponentStates(ctx context.Context, req *internalpb.GetComponentStatesRequest) (*internalpb.ComponentStates, error) {
return s.rootCoord.GetComponentStates(ctx)
// GetTimeTickChannel receiver time tick from proxy service, and put it into this channel
func (s *Server) GetTimeTickChannel(ctx context.Context, req *internalpb.GetTimeTickChannelRequest) (*milvuspb.StringResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.GetTimeTickChannel(ctx)
// GetStatisticsChannel just define a channel, not used currently
func (s *Server) GetStatisticsChannel(ctx context.Context, req *internalpb.GetStatisticsChannelRequest) (*milvuspb.StringResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.GetStatisticsChannel(ctx)
// CreateCollection creates a collection
func (s *Server) CreateCollection(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.CreateCollectionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.rootCoord.CreateCollection(ctx, in)
// DropCollection drops a collection
func (s *Server) DropCollection(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.DropCollectionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.rootCoord.DropCollection(ctx, in)
// HasCollection checks whether a collection is created
func (s *Server) HasCollection(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.HasCollectionRequest) (*milvuspb.BoolResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.HasCollection(ctx, in)
// DescribeCollection gets meta info of a collection
func (s *Server) DescribeCollection(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.DescribeCollectionRequest) (*milvuspb.DescribeCollectionResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.DescribeCollection(ctx, in)
// ShowCollections gets all collections
func (s *Server) ShowCollections(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.ShowCollectionsRequest) (*milvuspb.ShowCollectionsResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.ShowCollections(ctx, in)
// CreatePartition creates a partition in a collection
func (s *Server) CreatePartition(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.CreatePartitionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.rootCoord.CreatePartition(ctx, in)
// DropPartition drops the specified partition.
func (s *Server) DropPartition(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.DropPartitionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.rootCoord.DropPartition(ctx, in)
// HasPartition checks whether a partition is created.
func (s *Server) HasPartition(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.HasPartitionRequest) (*milvuspb.BoolResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.HasPartition(ctx, in)
// ShowPartitions gets all partitions for the specified collection.
func (s *Server) ShowPartitions(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.ShowPartitionsRequest) (*milvuspb.ShowPartitionsResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.ShowPartitions(ctx, in)
// CreateIndex index builder service
func (s *Server) CreateIndex(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.CreateIndexRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.rootCoord.CreateIndex(ctx, in)
// DropIndex drops the index.
func (s *Server) DropIndex(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.DropIndexRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.rootCoord.DropIndex(ctx, in)
// DescribeIndex get the index information for the specified index name.
func (s *Server) DescribeIndex(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.DescribeIndexRequest) (*milvuspb.DescribeIndexResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.DescribeIndex(ctx, in)
// AllocTimestamp global timestamp allocator
func (s *Server) AllocTimestamp(ctx context.Context, in *rootcoordpb.AllocTimestampRequest) (*rootcoordpb.AllocTimestampResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.AllocTimestamp(ctx, in)
// AllocID allocates an ID
func (s *Server) AllocID(ctx context.Context, in *rootcoordpb.AllocIDRequest) (*rootcoordpb.AllocIDResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.AllocID(ctx, in)
// UpdateChannelTimeTick used to handle ChannelTimeTickMsg
func (s *Server) UpdateChannelTimeTick(ctx context.Context, in *internalpb.ChannelTimeTickMsg) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.rootCoord.UpdateChannelTimeTick(ctx, in)
// DescribeSegment gets meta info of the segment
func (s *Server) DescribeSegment(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.DescribeSegmentRequest) (*milvuspb.DescribeSegmentResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.DescribeSegment(ctx, in)
// ShowSegments gets all segments
func (s *Server) ShowSegments(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.ShowSegmentsRequest) (*milvuspb.ShowSegmentsResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.ShowSegments(ctx, in)
// ReleaseDQLMessageStream notifies RootCoord to release and close the search message stream of specific collection.
func (s *Server) ReleaseDQLMessageStream(ctx context.Context, in *proxypb.ReleaseDQLMessageStreamRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.rootCoord.ReleaseDQLMessageStream(ctx, in)
// SegmentFlushCompleted notifies RootCoord that specified segment has been flushed.
func (s *Server) SegmentFlushCompleted(ctx context.Context, in *datapb.SegmentFlushCompletedMsg) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
return s.rootCoord.SegmentFlushCompleted(ctx, in)
// GetMetrics gets the metrics of RootCoord.
func (s *Server) GetMetrics(ctx context.Context, in *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest) (*milvuspb.GetMetricsResponse, error) {
return s.rootCoord.GetMetrics(ctx, in)