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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datanode
import (
// flushManager defines a flush manager signature
type flushManager interface {
// notify flush manager insert buffer data
flushBufferData(data *BufferData, segmentID UniqueID, flushed bool, dropped bool, pos *internalpb.MsgPosition) error
// notify flush manager del buffer data
flushDelData(data *DelDataBuf, segmentID UniqueID, pos *internalpb.MsgPosition) error
// injectFlush injects compaction or other blocking task before flush sync
injectFlush(injection *taskInjection, segments ...UniqueID)
// startDropping changes flush manager into dropping mode
// notifyAllFlushed tells flush manager there is not future incoming flush task for drop mode
// close handles resource clean up
// segmentFlushPack contains result to save into meta
type segmentFlushPack struct {
segmentID UniqueID
insertLogs map[UniqueID]*datapb.Binlog
statsLogs map[UniqueID]*datapb.Binlog
deltaLogs []*datapb.Binlog
pos *internalpb.MsgPosition
flushed bool
dropped bool
err error // task execution error, if not nil, notify func should stop datanode
// notifyMetaFunc notify meta to persistent flush result
type notifyMetaFunc func(*segmentFlushPack)
// flushAndDropFunc notifies meta to flush current state and drop virtual channel
type flushAndDropFunc func([]*segmentFlushPack)
// taskPostFunc clean up function after single flush task done
type taskPostFunc func(pack *segmentFlushPack, postInjection postInjectionFunc)
// postInjectionFunc post injection pack process logic
type postInjectionFunc func(pack *segmentFlushPack)
// make sure implementation
var _ flushManager = (*rendezvousFlushManager)(nil)
// orderFlushQueue keeps the order of task notifyFunc execution in order
type orderFlushQueue struct {
segmentID UniqueID
injectCh chan *taskInjection
// MsgID => flushTask
working sync.Map
notifyFunc notifyMetaFunc
tailMut sync.Mutex
tailCh chan struct{}
injectMut sync.Mutex
runningTasks int32
postInjection postInjectionFunc
// newOrderFlushQueue creates an orderFlushQueue
func newOrderFlushQueue(segID UniqueID, f notifyMetaFunc) *orderFlushQueue {
q := &orderFlushQueue{
segmentID: segID,
notifyFunc: f,
injectCh: make(chan *taskInjection, 100),
return q
// init orderFlushQueue use once protect init, init tailCh
func (q *orderFlushQueue) init() {
q.Once.Do(func() {
// new queue acts like tailing task is done
q.tailCh = make(chan struct{})
func (q *orderFlushQueue) getFlushTaskRunner(pos *internalpb.MsgPosition) *flushTaskRunner {
actual, loaded := q.working.LoadOrStore(string(pos.MsgID), newFlushTaskRunner(q.segmentID, q.injectCh))
t := actual.(*flushTaskRunner)
// not loaded means the task runner is new, do initializtion
if !loaded {
// take over injection if task queue is handling it
// add task to tail
t.init(q.notifyFunc, q.postTask, q.tailCh)
q.tailCh = t.finishSignal
return t
// postTask handles clean up work after a task is done
func (q *orderFlushQueue) postTask(pack *segmentFlushPack, postInjection postInjectionFunc) {
// delete task from working map
// after descreasing working count, check whether flush queue is empty
// set postInjection function if injection is handled in task
if postInjection != nil {
q.postInjection = postInjection
if q.postInjection != nil {
// if flush queue is empty, drain all injection from injectCh
if q.runningTasks == 0 {
for i := 0; i < len(q.injectCh); i++ {
inject := <-q.injectCh
go q.handleInject(inject)
// enqueueInsertBuffer put insert buffer data into queue
func (q *orderFlushQueue) enqueueInsertFlush(task flushInsertTask, binlogs, statslogs map[UniqueID]*datapb.Binlog, flushed bool, dropped bool, pos *internalpb.MsgPosition) {
q.getFlushTaskRunner(pos).runFlushInsert(task, binlogs, statslogs, flushed, dropped, pos)
// enqueueDelBuffer put delete buffer data into queue
func (q *orderFlushQueue) enqueueDelFlush(task flushDeleteTask, deltaLogs *DelDataBuf, pos *internalpb.MsgPosition) {
q.getFlushTaskRunner(pos).runFlushDel(task, deltaLogs)
// inject performs injection for current task queue
// send into injectCh in there is running task
// or perform injection logic here if there is no injection
func (q *orderFlushQueue) inject(inject *taskInjection) {
defer q.injectMut.Unlock()
// check if there are running task(s)
// if true, just put injection into injectCh
// in case of task misses an injection, the injectCh shall be drained in `postTask`
if q.runningTasks > 0 {
q.injectCh <- inject
// otherwise just handle injection here
go q.handleInject(inject)
func (q *orderFlushQueue) handleInject(inject *taskInjection) {
// notify one injection done
ok := <-inject.injectOver
// apply injection
if ok {
defer q.injectMut.Unlock()
q.postInjection = inject.postInjection
// injectionHandler handles injection for empty flush queue
type injectHandler struct {
once sync.Once
wg sync.WaitGroup
done chan struct{}
// newInjectHandler create injection handler for flush queue
func newInjectHandler(q *orderFlushQueue) *injectHandler {
h := &injectHandler{
done: make(chan struct{}),
go h.handleInjection(q)
return h
func (h *injectHandler) handleInjection(q *orderFlushQueue) {
defer h.wg.Done()
for {
select {
case inject := <-q.injectCh:
q.tailMut.Lock() //Maybe double check
injectDone := make(chan struct{})
q.tailCh = injectDone
case <-h.done:
func (h *injectHandler) close() {
h.once.Do(func() {
type dropHandler struct {
dropFlushWg sync.WaitGroup
flushAndDrop flushAndDropFunc
allFlushed chan struct{}
packs []*segmentFlushPack
// rendezvousFlushManager makes sure insert & del buf all flushed
type rendezvousFlushManager struct {
// segment id => flush queue
dispatcher sync.Map
notifyFunc notifyMetaFunc
dropping atomic.Bool
dropHandler dropHandler
// getFlushQueue gets or creates an orderFlushQueue for segment id if not found
func (m *rendezvousFlushManager) getFlushQueue(segmentID UniqueID) *orderFlushQueue {
newQueue := newOrderFlushQueue(segmentID, m.notifyFunc)
actual, _ := m.dispatcher.LoadOrStore(segmentID, newQueue)
// all operation on dispatcher is private, assertion ok guaranteed
queue := actual.(*orderFlushQueue)
return queue
func (m *rendezvousFlushManager) handleInsertTask(segmentID UniqueID, task flushInsertTask, binlogs, statslogs map[UniqueID]*datapb.Binlog, flushed bool, dropped bool, pos *internalpb.MsgPosition) {
// in dropping mode
if m.dropping.Load() {
r := &flushTaskRunner{
WaitGroup: sync.WaitGroup{},
segmentID: segmentID,
r.WaitGroup.Add(1) // insert and delete are not bound in drop mode
r.runFlushInsert(task, binlogs, statslogs, flushed, dropped, pos)
defer m.dropHandler.Unlock()
m.dropHandler.packs = append(m.dropHandler.packs, r.getFlushPack())
// normal mode
m.getFlushQueue(segmentID).enqueueInsertFlush(task, binlogs, statslogs, flushed, dropped, pos)
func (m *rendezvousFlushManager) handleDeleteTask(segmentID UniqueID, task flushDeleteTask, deltaLogs *DelDataBuf, pos *internalpb.MsgPosition) {
// in dropping mode
if m.dropping.Load() {
// preventing separate delete, check position exists in queue first
q := m.getFlushQueue(segmentID)
_, ok := q.working.Load(string(pos.MsgID))
// if ok, means position insert data already in queue, just handle task in normal mode
// if not ok, means the insert buf should be handle in drop mode
if !ok {
r := &flushTaskRunner{
WaitGroup: sync.WaitGroup{},
segmentID: segmentID,
r.WaitGroup.Add(1) // insert and delete are not bound in drop mode
r.runFlushDel(task, deltaLogs)
defer m.dropHandler.Unlock()
m.dropHandler.packs = append(m.dropHandler.packs, r.getFlushPack())
// normal mode
m.getFlushQueue(segmentID).enqueueDelFlush(task, deltaLogs, pos)
// notify flush manager insert buffer data
func (m *rendezvousFlushManager) flushBufferData(data *BufferData, segmentID UniqueID, flushed bool,
dropped bool, pos *internalpb.MsgPosition) error {
// empty flush
if data == nil || data.buffer == nil {
// map[UniqueID]string{}, map[UniqueID]string{}, flushed, dropped, pos)
m.handleInsertTask(segmentID, &flushBufferInsertTask{}, map[UniqueID]*datapb.Binlog{}, map[UniqueID]*datapb.Binlog{},
flushed, dropped, pos)
return nil
collID, partID, meta, err := m.getSegmentMeta(segmentID, pos)
if err != nil {
return err
// encode data and convert output data
inCodec := storage.NewInsertCodec(meta)
binLogs, statsBinlogs, err := inCodec.Serialize(partID, segmentID, data.buffer)
if err != nil {
return err
start, _, err := m.allocIDBatch(uint32(len(binLogs)))
if err != nil {
return err
field2Insert := make(map[UniqueID]*datapb.Binlog, len(binLogs))
kvs := make(map[string]string, len(binLogs))
field2Logidx := make(map[UniqueID]UniqueID, len(binLogs))
for idx, blob := range binLogs {
fieldID, err := strconv.ParseInt(blob.GetKey(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Flush failed ... cannot parse string to fieldID ..", zap.Error(err))
return err
logidx := start + int64(idx)
// no error raise if alloc=false
k := JoinIDPath(collID, partID, segmentID, fieldID, logidx)
key := path.Join(Params.DataNodeCfg.InsertBinlogRootPath, k)
kvs[key] = string(blob.Value[:])
field2Insert[fieldID] = &datapb.Binlog{
EntriesNum: data.size,
TimestampFrom: 0, //TODO
TimestampTo: 0, //TODO,
LogPath: key,
LogSize: int64(len(blob.Value)),
field2Logidx[fieldID] = logidx
field2Stats := make(map[UniqueID]*datapb.Binlog)
// write stats binlog
for _, blob := range statsBinlogs {
fieldID, err := strconv.ParseInt(blob.GetKey(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Flush failed ... cannot parse string to fieldID ..", zap.Error(err))
return err
logidx := field2Logidx[fieldID]
// no error raise if alloc=false
k := JoinIDPath(collID, partID, segmentID, fieldID, logidx)
key := path.Join(Params.DataNodeCfg.StatsBinlogRootPath, k)
kvs[key] = string(blob.Value)
field2Stats[fieldID] = &datapb.Binlog{
EntriesNum: 0,
TimestampFrom: 0, //TODO
TimestampTo: 0, //TODO,
LogPath: key,
LogSize: int64(len(blob.Value)),
m.handleInsertTask(segmentID, &flushBufferInsertTask{
BaseKV: m.BaseKV,
data: kvs,
}, field2Insert, field2Stats, flushed, dropped, pos)
return nil
// notify flush manager del buffer data
func (m *rendezvousFlushManager) flushDelData(data *DelDataBuf, segmentID UniqueID,
pos *internalpb.MsgPosition) error {
// del signal with empty data
if data == nil || data.delData == nil {
m.handleDeleteTask(segmentID, &flushBufferDeleteTask{}, nil, pos)
return nil
collID, partID, err := m.getCollectionAndPartitionID(segmentID)
if err != nil {
return err
delCodec := storage.NewDeleteCodec()
blob, err := delCodec.Serialize(collID, partID, segmentID, data.delData)
if err != nil {
return err
logID, err := m.allocID()
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to alloc ID", zap.Error(err))
return err
blobKey := JoinIDPath(collID, partID, segmentID, logID)
blobPath := path.Join(Params.DataNodeCfg.DeleteBinlogRootPath, blobKey)
kvs := map[string]string{blobPath: string(blob.Value[:])}
data.LogSize = int64(len(blob.Value))
data.LogPath = blobPath
log.Debug("delete blob path", zap.String("path", blobPath))
m.handleDeleteTask(segmentID, &flushBufferDeleteTask{
BaseKV: m.BaseKV,
data: kvs,
}, data, pos)
return nil
// injectFlush inject process before task finishes
func (m *rendezvousFlushManager) injectFlush(injection *taskInjection, segments ...UniqueID) {
go injection.waitForInjected()
for _, segmentID := range segments {
// fetch meta info for segment
func (m *rendezvousFlushManager) getSegmentMeta(segmentID UniqueID, pos *internalpb.MsgPosition) (UniqueID, UniqueID, *etcdpb.CollectionMeta, error) {
if !m.hasSegment(segmentID, true) {
return -1, -1, nil, fmt.Errorf("no such segment %d in the replica", segmentID)
// fetch meta information of segment
collID, partID, err := m.getCollectionAndPartitionID(segmentID)
if err != nil {
return -1, -1, nil, err
sch, err := m.getCollectionSchema(collID, pos.GetTimestamp())
if err != nil {
return -1, -1, nil, err
meta := &etcdpb.CollectionMeta{
ID: collID,
Schema: sch,
return collID, partID, meta, nil
// waitForAllTaskQueue waits for all flush queues in dispatcher become empty
func (m *rendezvousFlushManager) waitForAllFlushQueue() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
m.dispatcher.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
queue := v.(*orderFlushQueue)
go func() {
return true
// startDropping changes flush manager into dropping mode
func (m *rendezvousFlushManager) startDropping() {
m.dropHandler.allFlushed = make(chan struct{})
go func() {
<-m.dropHandler.allFlushed // all needed flush tasks are in flush manager now
m.waitForAllFlushQueue() // waits for all the normal flush queue done
m.dropHandler.dropFlushWg.Wait() // waits for all drop mode task done
defer m.dropHandler.Unlock()
// apply injection if any
for _, pack := range m.dropHandler.packs {
q := m.getFlushQueue(pack.segmentID)
// queue will never be nil, sincde getFlushQueue will initialize one if not found
if q.postInjection != nil {
m.dropHandler.flushAndDrop(m.dropHandler.packs) // invoke drop & flush
func (m *rendezvousFlushManager) notifyAllFlushed() {
// close cleans up all the left members
func (m *rendezvousFlushManager) close() {
m.dispatcher.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
//assertion ok
queue := v.(*orderFlushQueue)
for i := 0; i < len(queue.injectCh); i++ {
go queue.handleInject(<-queue.injectCh)
return true
type flushBufferInsertTask struct {
data map[string]string
// flushInsertData implements flushInsertTask
func (t *flushBufferInsertTask) flushInsertData() error {
if t.BaseKV != nil && len(t.data) > 0 {
return t.MultiSave(t.data)
return nil
type flushBufferDeleteTask struct {
data map[string]string
// flushDeleteData implements flushDeleteTask
func (t *flushBufferDeleteTask) flushDeleteData() error {
if len(t.data) > 0 && t.BaseKV != nil {
return t.MultiSave(t.data)
return nil
// NewRendezvousFlushManager create rendezvousFlushManager with provided allocator and kv
func NewRendezvousFlushManager(allocator allocatorInterface, kv kv.BaseKV, replica Replica, f notifyMetaFunc, drop flushAndDropFunc) *rendezvousFlushManager {
fm := &rendezvousFlushManager{
allocatorInterface: allocator,
BaseKV: kv,
notifyFunc: f,
Replica: replica,
dropHandler: dropHandler{
flushAndDrop: drop,
// start with normal mode
return fm
func getFieldBinlogs(fieldID UniqueID, binlogs []*datapb.FieldBinlog) *datapb.FieldBinlog {
for _, binlog := range binlogs {
if fieldID == binlog.GetFieldID() {
return binlog
return nil
func dropVirtualChannelFunc(dsService *dataSyncService, opts ...retry.Option) flushAndDropFunc {
return func(packs []*segmentFlushPack) {
req := &datapb.DropVirtualChannelRequest{
Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{
MsgType: 0, //TODO msg type
MsgID: 0, //TODO msg id
Timestamp: 0, //TODO time stamp
SourceID: Params.DataNodeCfg.NodeID,
ChannelName: dsService.vchannelName,
segmentPack := make(map[UniqueID]*datapb.DropVirtualChannelSegment)
for _, pack := range packs {
segment, has := segmentPack[pack.segmentID]
if !has {
segment = &datapb.DropVirtualChannelSegment{
SegmentID: pack.segmentID,
CollectionID: dsService.collectionID,
segmentPack[pack.segmentID] = segment
for k, v := range pack.insertLogs {
fieldBinlogs := getFieldBinlogs(k, segment.Field2BinlogPaths)
if fieldBinlogs == nil {
segment.Field2BinlogPaths = append(segment.Field2BinlogPaths, &datapb.FieldBinlog{
FieldID: k,
Binlogs: []*datapb.Binlog{v},
} else {
fieldBinlogs.Binlogs = append(fieldBinlogs.Binlogs, v)
for k, v := range pack.statsLogs {
fieldStatsLogs := getFieldBinlogs(k, segment.Field2StatslogPaths)
if fieldStatsLogs == nil {
segment.Field2StatslogPaths = append(segment.Field2StatslogPaths, &datapb.FieldBinlog{
FieldID: k,
Binlogs: []*datapb.Binlog{v},
} else {
fieldStatsLogs.Binlogs = append(fieldStatsLogs.Binlogs, v)
segment.Deltalogs = append(segment.Deltalogs, &datapb.FieldBinlog{
Binlogs: pack.deltaLogs,
updates, _ := dsService.replica.getSegmentStatisticsUpdates(pack.segmentID)
segment.NumOfRows = updates.GetNumRows()
if pack.pos != nil {
if segment.CheckPoint == nil || pack.pos.Timestamp > segment.CheckPoint.Timestamp {
segment.CheckPoint = pack.pos
// start positions for all new segments
for _, pos := range dsService.replica.listNewSegmentsStartPositions() {
segment, has := segmentPack[pos.GetSegmentID()]
if !has {
segment = &datapb.DropVirtualChannelSegment{
SegmentID: pos.GetSegmentID(),
CollectionID: dsService.collectionID,
segmentPack[pos.GetSegmentID()] = segment
segment.StartPosition = pos.GetStartPosition()
err := retry.Do(context.Background(), func() error {
rsp, err := dsService.dataCoord.DropVirtualChannel(context.Background(), req)
// should be network issue, return error and retry
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(err.Error())
// TODO should retry only when datacoord status is unhealthy
if rsp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
return fmt.Errorf("data service DropVirtualChannel failed, reason = %s", rsp.GetStatus().GetReason())
return nil
}, opts...)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to DropVirtualChannel", zap.String("channel", dsService.vchannelName), zap.Error(err))
for segID := range segmentPack {
func flushNotifyFunc(dsService *dataSyncService, opts ...retry.Option) notifyMetaFunc {
return func(pack *segmentFlushPack) {
if pack.err != nil {
log.Error("flush pack with error, DataNode quit now", zap.Error(pack.err))
// TODO silverxia change to graceful stop datanode
var (
fieldInsert = []*datapb.FieldBinlog{}
fieldStats = []*datapb.FieldBinlog{}
deltaInfos = make([]*datapb.FieldBinlog, 1)
checkPoints = []*datapb.CheckPoint{}
for k, v := range pack.insertLogs {
fieldInsert = append(fieldInsert, &datapb.FieldBinlog{FieldID: k, Binlogs: []*datapb.Binlog{v}})
for k, v := range pack.statsLogs {
fieldStats = append(fieldStats, &datapb.FieldBinlog{FieldID: k, Binlogs: []*datapb.Binlog{v}})
deltaInfos[0] = &datapb.FieldBinlog{Binlogs: pack.deltaLogs}
// only current segment checkpoint info,
updates, _ := dsService.replica.getSegmentStatisticsUpdates(pack.segmentID)
checkPoints = append(checkPoints, &datapb.CheckPoint{
SegmentID: pack.segmentID,
NumOfRows: updates.GetNumRows(),
Position: pack.pos,
startPos := dsService.replica.listNewSegmentsStartPositions()
zap.Int64("SegmentID", pack.segmentID),
zap.Int64("CollectionID", dsService.collectionID),
zap.Any("startPos", startPos),
zap.Int("Length of Field2BinlogPaths", len(fieldInsert)),
zap.Int("Length of Field2Stats", len(fieldStats)),
zap.Int("Length of Field2Deltalogs", len(deltaInfos[0].GetBinlogs())),
zap.String("vChannelName", dsService.vchannelName),
req := &datapb.SaveBinlogPathsRequest{
Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{
MsgType: 0, //TODO msg type
MsgID: 0, //TODO msg id
Timestamp: 0, //TODO time stamp
SourceID: Params.DataNodeCfg.NodeID,
SegmentID: pack.segmentID,
CollectionID: dsService.collectionID,
Field2BinlogPaths: fieldInsert,
Field2StatslogPaths: fieldStats,
Deltalogs: deltaInfos,
CheckPoints: checkPoints,
StartPositions: startPos,
Flushed: pack.flushed,
Dropped: pack.dropped,
err := retry.Do(context.Background(), func() error {
rsp, err := dsService.dataCoord.SaveBinlogPaths(context.Background(), req)
// should be network issue, return error and retry
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(err.Error())
// TODO should retry only when datacoord status is unhealthy
if rsp.ErrorCode != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
return fmt.Errorf("data service save bin log path failed, reason = %s", rsp.Reason)
return nil
}, opts...)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to SaveBinlogPaths", zap.Error(err))
// TODO change to graceful stop
if pack.flushed || pack.dropped {