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// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
// is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
// or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package server
import (
rocksdbkv "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/kv/rocksdb"
// UniqueID is the type of message ID
type UniqueID = typeutil.UniqueID
// RmqState Rocksmq state
type RmqState = int64
// RocksmqPageSize is the size of a message page, default 256MB
// RocksDB cache size limitation(TODO config it)
var RocksDBLRUCacheMinCapacity = uint64(1 << 29)
var RocksDBLRUCacheMaxCapacity = uint64(4 << 30)
// Const variable that will be used in rocksmqs
const (
DefaultMessageID UniqueID = -1
kvSuffix = "_meta_kv"
// topic_begin_id/topicName
// topic begin id record a topic is valid, create when topic is created, cleaned up on destroy topic
TopicIDTitle = "topic_id/"
// message_size/topicName record the current page message size, once current message size > RocksMq size, reset this value and open a new page
// TODO should be cached
MessageSizeTitle = "message_size/"
// page_message_size/topicName/pageId record the endId of each page, it will be purged either in retention or the destroy of topic
PageMsgSizeTitle = "page_message_size/"
// page_ts/topicName/pageId, record the page last ts, used for TTL functionality
PageTsTitle = "page_ts/"
// acked_ts/topicName/pageId, record the latest ack ts of each page, will be purged on retention or destroy of the topic
AckedTsTitle = "acked_ts/"
RmqNotServingErrMsg = "Rocksmq is not serving"
const (
// RmqStateStopped state stands for just created or stopped `Rocksmq` instance
RmqStateStopped RmqState = 0
// RmqStateHealthy state stands for healthy `Rocksmq` instance
RmqStateHealthy RmqState = 1
* Construct current id
func constructCurrentID(topicName, groupName string) string {
return groupName + "/" + topicName
* Combine metaname together with topic
func constructKey(metaName, topic string) string {
// Check metaName/topic
return metaName + topic
func parsePageID(key string) (int64, error) {
stringSlice := strings.Split(key, "/")
if len(stringSlice) != 3 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Invalid page id %s ", key)
return strconv.ParseInt(stringSlice[2], 10, 64)
func checkRetention() bool {
params := paramtable.Get()
return params.RocksmqCfg.RetentionSizeInMB.GetAsInt64() != -1 || params.RocksmqCfg.RetentionTimeInMinutes.GetAsInt64() != -1
var topicMu = sync.Map{}
type rocksmq struct {
store *gorocksdb.DB
kv kv.BaseKV
idAllocator allocator.Interface
storeMu *sync.Mutex
consumers sync.Map
consumersID sync.Map
retentionInfo *retentionInfo
readers sync.Map
state RmqState
// NewRocksMQ step:
// 1. New rocksmq instance based on rocksdb with name and rocksdbkv with kvname
// 2. Init retention info, load retention info to memory
// 3. Start retention goroutine
func NewRocksMQ(name string, idAllocator allocator.Interface) (*rocksmq, error) {
// TODO we should use same rocksdb instance with different cfs
maxProcs := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
parallelism := 1
if maxProcs > 32 {
parallelism = 4
} else if maxProcs > 8 {
parallelism = 2
memoryCount := hardware.GetMemoryCount()
// default rocks db cache is set with memory
rocksDBLRUCacheCapacity := RocksDBLRUCacheMinCapacity
if memoryCount > 0 {
params := paramtable.Get()
ratio := params.RocksmqCfg.LRUCacheRatio.GetAsFloat()
calculatedCapacity := uint64(float64(memoryCount) * ratio)
if calculatedCapacity < RocksDBLRUCacheMinCapacity {
rocksDBLRUCacheCapacity = RocksDBLRUCacheMinCapacity
} else if calculatedCapacity > RocksDBLRUCacheMaxCapacity {
rocksDBLRUCacheCapacity = RocksDBLRUCacheMaxCapacity
} else {
rocksDBLRUCacheCapacity = calculatedCapacity
log.Debug("Start rocksmq ", zap.Int("max proc", maxProcs),
zap.Int("parallism", parallelism), zap.Uint64("lru cache", rocksDBLRUCacheCapacity))
bbto := gorocksdb.NewDefaultBlockBasedTableOptions()
optsKV := gorocksdb.NewDefaultOptions()
// by default there are only 1 thread for flush compaction, which may block each other.
// increase to a reasonable thread numbers
// enable back ground flush
// finish rocks KV
kvName := name + kvSuffix
kv, err := rocksdbkv.NewRocksdbKVWithOpts(kvName, optsKV)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// finish rocks mq store initialization, rocks mq store has to set the prefix extractor
optsStore := gorocksdb.NewDefaultOptions()
// share block cache with kv
// by default there are only 1 thread for flush compaction, which may block each other.
// increase to a reasonable thread numbers
// enable back ground flush
db, err := gorocksdb.OpenDb(optsStore, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var mqIDAllocator allocator.Interface
// if user didn't specify id allocator, init one with kv
if idAllocator == nil {
allocator := allocator.NewGlobalIDAllocator("rmq_id", kv)
err = allocator.Initialize()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mqIDAllocator = allocator
} else {
mqIDAllocator = idAllocator
rmq := &rocksmq{
store: db,
kv: kv,
idAllocator: mqIDAllocator,
storeMu: &sync.Mutex{},
consumers: sync.Map{},
readers: sync.Map{},
ri, err := initRetentionInfo(kv, db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rmq.retentionInfo = ri
if checkRetention() {
atomic.StoreInt64(&rmq.state, RmqStateHealthy)
// TODO add this to monitor metrics
go func() {
for {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Minute)
log.Info("Rocksmq stats",
zap.String("cache", kv.DB.GetProperty("rocksdb.block-cache-usage")),
zap.String("rockskv memtable ", kv.DB.GetProperty("rocksdb.size-all-mem-tables")),
zap.String("rockskv table readers", kv.DB.GetProperty("rocksdb.estimate-table-readers-mem")),
zap.String("rockskv pinned", kv.DB.GetProperty("rocksdb.block-cache-pinned-usage")),
zap.String("store memtable ", db.GetProperty("rocksdb.size-all-mem-tables")),
zap.String("store table readers", db.GetProperty("rocksdb.estimate-table-readers-mem")),
zap.String("store pinned", db.GetProperty("rocksdb.block-cache-pinned-usage")),
zap.String("store l0 file num", db.GetProperty("rocksdb.num-files-at-level0")),
zap.String("store l1 file num", db.GetProperty("rocksdb.num-files-at-level1")),
zap.String("store l2 file num", db.GetProperty("rocksdb.num-files-at-level2")),
zap.String("store l3 file num", db.GetProperty("rocksdb.num-files-at-level3")),
zap.String("store l4 file num", db.GetProperty("rocksdb.num-files-at-level4")),
return rmq, nil
func (rmq *rocksmq) isClosed() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&rmq.state) != RmqStateHealthy
// Close step:
// 1. Stop retention
// 2. Destroy all consumer groups and topics
// 3. Close rocksdb instance
func (rmq *rocksmq) Close() {
atomic.StoreInt64(&rmq.state, RmqStateStopped)
rmq.consumers.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
// TODO what happened if the server crashed? who handled the destroy consumer group? should we just handled it when rocksmq created?
// or we should not even make consumer info persistent?
for _, consumer := range v.([]*Consumer) {
err := rmq.destroyConsumerGroupInternal(consumer.Topic, consumer.GroupName)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to destroy consumer group in rocksmq!", zap.Any("topic", consumer.Topic), zap.Any("groupName", consumer.GroupName), zap.Any("error", err))
return true
defer rmq.storeMu.Unlock()
log.Info("Successfully close rocksmq")
// print rmq consumer Info
func (rmq *rocksmq) Info() bool {
rtn := true
rmq.consumers.Range(func(key, vals interface{}) bool {
topic, _ := key.(string)
consumerList, _ := vals.([]*Consumer)
minConsumerPosition := UniqueID(-1)
minConsumerGroupName := ""
for _, consumer := range consumerList {
consumerKey := constructCurrentID(consumer.Topic, consumer.GroupName)
consumerPosition, ok := rmq.consumersID.Load(consumerKey)
if !ok {
log.Error("some group not regist", zap.String("topic", consumer.Topic), zap.String("groupName", consumer.GroupName))
if minConsumerPosition == UniqueID(-1) || consumerPosition.(UniqueID) < minConsumerPosition {
minConsumerPosition = consumerPosition.(UniqueID)
minConsumerGroupName = consumer.GroupName
pageTsSizeKey := constructKey(PageTsTitle, topic)
pages, _, err := rmq.kv.LoadWithPrefix(pageTsSizeKey)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Rocksmq get page num failed", zap.String("topic", topic))
rtn = false
return false
msgSizeKey := MessageSizeTitle + topic
msgSizeVal, err := rmq.kv.Load(msgSizeKey)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Rocksmq get last page size failed", zap.String("topic", topic))
rtn = false
return false
log.Info("Rocksmq Info",
zap.String("topic", topic),
zap.Int("consumer num", len(consumerList)),
zap.String("min position group names", minConsumerGroupName),
zap.Int64("min positions", minConsumerPosition),
zap.Int("page sum", len(pages)),
zap.String("last page size", msgSizeVal),
return true
return rtn
func (rmq *rocksmq) stopRetention() {
if rmq.retentionInfo != nil {
// CreateTopic writes initialized messages for topic in rocksdb
func (rmq *rocksmq) CreateTopic(topicName string) error {
if rmq.isClosed() {
return errors.New(RmqNotServingErrMsg)
start := time.Now()
// Check if topicName contains "/"
if strings.Contains(topicName, "/") {
log.Warn("rocksmq failed to create topic for topic name contains \"/\"", zap.String("topic", topicName))
return retry.Unrecoverable(fmt.Errorf("topic name = %s contains \"/\"", topicName))
// topicIDKey is the only identifier of a topic
topicIDKey := TopicIDTitle + topicName
val, err := rmq.kv.Load(topicIDKey)
if err != nil {
return err
if val != "" {
log.Warn("rocksmq topic already exists ", zap.String("topic", topicName))
return nil
if _, ok := topicMu.Load(topicName); !ok {
topicMu.Store(topicName, new(sync.Mutex))
// msgSizeKey -> msgSize
// topicIDKey -> topic creating time
kvs := make(map[string]string)
// Initialize topic message size to 0
msgSizeKey := MessageSizeTitle + topicName
kvs[msgSizeKey] = "0"
// Initialize topic id to its creating time, we don't really use it for now
nowTs := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
kvs[topicIDKey] = nowTs
if err = rmq.kv.MultiSave(kvs); err != nil {
return retry.Unrecoverable(err)
defer rmq.retentionInfo.mutex.Unlock()
rmq.retentionInfo.topicRetetionTime.Store(topicName, time.Now().Unix())
log.Debug("Rocksmq create topic successfully ", zap.String("topic", topicName), zap.Int64("elapsed", time.Since(start).Milliseconds()))
return nil
// DestroyTopic removes messages for topic in rocksmq
func (rmq *rocksmq) DestroyTopic(topicName string) error {
start := time.Now()
ll, ok := topicMu.Load(topicName)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("topic name = %s not exist", topicName)
lock, ok := ll.(*sync.Mutex)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("get mutex failed, topic name = %s", topicName)
defer lock.Unlock()
// clean the topic data it self
fixTopicName := topicName + "/"
err := rmq.kv.RemoveWithPrefix(fixTopicName)
if err != nil {
return err
// clean page size info
pageMsgSizeKey := constructKey(PageMsgSizeTitle, topicName)
err = rmq.kv.RemoveWithPrefix(pageMsgSizeKey)
if err != nil {
return err
// clean page ts info
pageMsgTsKey := constructKey(PageTsTitle, topicName)
err = rmq.kv.RemoveWithPrefix(pageMsgTsKey)
if err != nil {
return err
// cleaned acked ts info
ackedTsKey := constructKey(AckedTsTitle, topicName)
err = rmq.kv.RemoveWithPrefix(ackedTsKey)
if err != nil {
return err
// topic info
topicIDKey := TopicIDTitle + topicName
// message size of this topic
msgSizeKey := MessageSizeTitle + topicName
var removedKeys []string
removedKeys = append(removedKeys, topicIDKey, msgSizeKey)
// Batch remove, atomic operation
err = rmq.kv.MultiRemove(removedKeys)
if err != nil {
return err
// clean up retention info
log.Debug("Rocksmq destroy topic successfully ", zap.String("topic", topicName), zap.Int64("elapsed", time.Since(start).Milliseconds()))
return nil
// ExistConsumerGroup check if a consumer exists and return the existed consumer
func (rmq *rocksmq) ExistConsumerGroup(topicName, groupName string) (bool, *Consumer, error) {
key := constructCurrentID(topicName, groupName)
_, ok := rmq.consumersID.Load(key)
if ok {
if vals, ok := rmq.consumers.Load(topicName); ok {
for _, v := range vals.([]*Consumer) {
if v.GroupName == groupName {
return true, v, nil
return false, nil, nil
// CreateConsumerGroup creates an nonexistent consumer group for topic
func (rmq *rocksmq) CreateConsumerGroup(topicName, groupName string) error {
if rmq.isClosed() {
return errors.New(RmqNotServingErrMsg)
start := time.Now()
key := constructCurrentID(topicName, groupName)
_, ok := rmq.consumersID.Load(key)
if ok {
return fmt.Errorf("RMQ CreateConsumerGroup key already exists, key = %s", key)
rmq.consumersID.Store(key, DefaultMessageID)
log.Debug("Rocksmq create consumer group successfully ", zap.String("topic", topicName),
zap.String("group", groupName),
zap.Int64("elapsed", time.Since(start).Milliseconds()))
return nil
// RegisterConsumer registers a consumer in rocksmq consumers
func (rmq *rocksmq) RegisterConsumer(consumer *Consumer) error {
if rmq.isClosed() {
return errors.New(RmqNotServingErrMsg)
start := time.Now()
if vals, ok := rmq.consumers.Load(consumer.Topic); ok {
for _, v := range vals.([]*Consumer) {
if v.GroupName == consumer.GroupName {
return nil
consumers := vals.([]*Consumer)
consumers = append(consumers, consumer)
rmq.consumers.Store(consumer.Topic, consumers)
} else {
consumers := make([]*Consumer, 1)
consumers[0] = consumer
rmq.consumers.Store(consumer.Topic, consumers)
log.Debug("Rocksmq register consumer successfully ", zap.String("topic", consumer.Topic), zap.Int64("elapsed", time.Since(start).Milliseconds()))
return nil
func (rmq *rocksmq) GetLatestMsg(topicName string) (int64, error) {
if rmq.isClosed() {
return DefaultMessageID, errors.New(RmqNotServingErrMsg)
msgID, err := rmq.getLatestMsg(topicName)
if err != nil {
return DefaultMessageID, err
return msgID, nil
// DestroyConsumerGroup removes a consumer group from rocksdb_kv
func (rmq *rocksmq) DestroyConsumerGroup(topicName, groupName string) error {
if rmq.isClosed() {
return errors.New(RmqNotServingErrMsg)
return rmq.destroyConsumerGroupInternal(topicName, groupName)
// DestroyConsumerGroup removes a consumer group from rocksdb_kv
func (rmq *rocksmq) destroyConsumerGroupInternal(topicName, groupName string) error {
start := time.Now()
ll, ok := topicMu.Load(topicName)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("topic name = %s not exist", topicName)
lock, ok := ll.(*sync.Mutex)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("get mutex failed, topic name = %s", topicName)
defer lock.Unlock()
key := constructCurrentID(topicName, groupName)
if vals, ok := rmq.consumers.Load(topicName); ok {
consumers := vals.([]*Consumer)
for index, v := range consumers {
if v.GroupName == groupName {
consumers = append(consumers[:index], consumers[index+1:]...)
rmq.consumers.Store(topicName, consumers)
log.Debug("Rocksmq destroy consumer group successfully ", zap.String("topic", topicName),
zap.String("group", groupName),
zap.Int64("elapsed", time.Since(start).Milliseconds()))
return nil
// Produce produces messages for topic and updates page infos for retention
func (rmq *rocksmq) Produce(topicName string, messages []ProducerMessage) ([]UniqueID, error) {
if rmq.isClosed() {
return nil, errors.New(RmqNotServingErrMsg)
start := time.Now()
ll, ok := topicMu.Load(topicName)
if !ok {
return []UniqueID{}, fmt.Errorf("topic name = %s not exist", topicName)
lock, ok := ll.(*sync.Mutex)
if !ok {
return []UniqueID{}, fmt.Errorf("get mutex failed, topic name = %s", topicName)
defer lock.Unlock()
getLockTime := time.Since(start).Milliseconds()
msgLen := len(messages)
idStart, idEnd, err := rmq.idAllocator.Alloc(uint32(msgLen))
if err != nil {
return []UniqueID{}, err
allocTime := time.Since(start).Milliseconds()
if UniqueID(msgLen) != idEnd-idStart {
return []UniqueID{}, errors.New("Obtained id length is not equal that of message")
// Insert data to store system
batch := gorocksdb.NewWriteBatch()
defer batch.Destroy()
msgSizes := make(map[UniqueID]int64)
msgIDs := make([]UniqueID, msgLen)
for i := 0; i < msgLen && idStart+UniqueID(i) < idEnd; i++ {
msgID := idStart + UniqueID(i)
key := path.Join(topicName, strconv.FormatInt(msgID, 10))
batch.Put([]byte(key), messages[i].Payload)
properties, err := json.Marshal(messages[i].Properties)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("properties marshal failed",
zap.Int64("msgID", msgID),
zap.String("topicName", topicName),
return nil, err
pKey := path.Join(common.PropertiesKey, topicName, strconv.FormatInt(msgID, 10))
batch.Put([]byte(pKey), properties)
msgIDs[i] = msgID
msgSizes[msgID] = int64(len(messages[i].Payload))
opts := gorocksdb.NewDefaultWriteOptions()
defer opts.Destroy()
err = rmq.store.Write(opts, batch)
if err != nil {
return []UniqueID{}, err
writeTime := time.Since(start).Milliseconds()
if vals, ok := rmq.consumers.Load(topicName); ok {
for _, v := range vals.([]*Consumer) {
select {
case v.MsgMutex <- struct{}{}:
// Update message page info
err = rmq.updatePageInfo(topicName, msgIDs, msgSizes)
if err != nil {
return []UniqueID{}, err
// TODO add this to monitor metrics
getProduceTime := time.Since(start).Milliseconds()
if getProduceTime > 200 {
log.Warn("rocksmq produce too slowly", zap.String("topic", topicName),
zap.Int64("get lock elapse", getLockTime),
zap.Int64("alloc elapse", allocTime-getLockTime),
zap.Int64("write elapse", writeTime-allocTime),
zap.Int64("updatePage elapse", getProduceTime-writeTime),
zap.Int64("produce total elapse", getProduceTime),
return msgIDs, nil
func (rmq *rocksmq) updatePageInfo(topicName string, msgIDs []UniqueID, msgSizes map[UniqueID]int64) error {
params := paramtable.Get()
msgSizeKey := MessageSizeTitle + topicName
msgSizeVal, err := rmq.kv.Load(msgSizeKey)
if err != nil {
return err
curMsgSize, err := strconv.ParseInt(msgSizeVal, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
fixedPageSizeKey := constructKey(PageMsgSizeTitle, topicName)
fixedPageTsKey := constructKey(PageTsTitle, topicName)
nowTs := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
mutateBuffer := make(map[string]string)
for _, id := range msgIDs {
msgSize := msgSizes[id]
if curMsgSize+msgSize > params.RocksmqCfg.PageSize.GetAsInt64() {
// Current page is full
newPageSize := curMsgSize + msgSize
pageEndID := id
// Update page message size for current page. key is page end ID
pageMsgSizeKey := fixedPageSizeKey + "/" + strconv.FormatInt(pageEndID, 10)
mutateBuffer[pageMsgSizeKey] = strconv.FormatInt(newPageSize, 10)
pageTsKey := fixedPageTsKey + "/" + strconv.FormatInt(pageEndID, 10)
mutateBuffer[pageTsKey] = nowTs
curMsgSize = 0
} else {
curMsgSize += msgSize
mutateBuffer[msgSizeKey] = strconv.FormatInt(curMsgSize, 10)
err = rmq.kv.MultiSave(mutateBuffer)
return err
// Consume steps:
// 1. Consume n messages from rocksdb
// 2. Update current_id to the last consumed message
// 3. Update ack informations in rocksdb
func (rmq *rocksmq) Consume(topicName string, groupName string, n int) ([]ConsumerMessage, error) {
if rmq.isClosed() {
return nil, errors.New(RmqNotServingErrMsg)
start := time.Now()
ll, ok := topicMu.Load(topicName)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("topic name = %s not exist", topicName)
lock, ok := ll.(*sync.Mutex)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("get mutex failed, topic name = %s", topicName)
defer lock.Unlock()
getLockTime := time.Since(start).Milliseconds()
metaKey := constructCurrentID(topicName, groupName)
currentID, ok := rmq.consumersID.Load(metaKey)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("currentID of topicName=%s, groupName=%s not exist", topicName, groupName)
readOpts := gorocksdb.NewDefaultReadOptions()
defer readOpts.Destroy()
prefix := topicName + "/"
iter := rocksdbkv.NewRocksIteratorWithUpperBound(rmq.store, typeutil.AddOne(prefix), readOpts)
defer iter.Close()
var dataKey string
if currentID == DefaultMessageID {
dataKey = prefix
} else {
dataKey = path.Join(topicName, strconv.FormatInt(currentID.(int64), 10))
consumerMessage := make([]ConsumerMessage, 0, n)
offset := 0
for ; iter.Valid() && offset < n; iter.Next() {
key := iter.Key()
val := iter.Value()
strKey := string(key.Data())
msgID, err := strconv.ParseInt(strKey[len(topicName)+1:], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
askedProperties := path.Join(common.PropertiesKey, topicName, strconv.FormatInt(msgID, 10))
opts := gorocksdb.NewDefaultReadOptions()
defer opts.Destroy()
propertiesValue, err := rmq.store.GetBytes(opts, []byte(askedProperties))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
properties := make(map[string]string)
if len(propertiesValue) != 0 {
// before 2.2.0, there have no properties in ProducerMessage and ConsumerMessage in rocksmq
// when produce before 2.2.0, but consume in 2.2.0, propertiesValue will be []
if err = json.Unmarshal(propertiesValue, &properties); err != nil {
return nil, err
msg := ConsumerMessage{
MsgID: msgID,
origData := val.Data()
dataLen := len(origData)
if dataLen == 0 {
msg.Payload = nil
msg.Properties = nil
} else {
msg.Payload = make([]byte, dataLen)
msg.Properties = properties
copy(msg.Payload, origData)
consumerMessage = append(consumerMessage, msg)
// if iterate fail
if err := iter.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
iterTime := time.Since(start).Milliseconds()
// When already consume to last mes, an empty slice will be returned
if len(consumerMessage) == 0 {
// log.Debug("RocksMQ: consumerMessage is empty")
return consumerMessage, nil
newID := consumerMessage[len(consumerMessage)-1].MsgID
moveConsumePosTime := time.Since(start).Milliseconds()
err := rmq.moveConsumePos(topicName, groupName, newID+1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO add this to monitor metrics
getConsumeTime := time.Since(start).Milliseconds()
if getConsumeTime > 200 {
log.Warn("rocksmq consume too slowly", zap.String("topic", topicName),
zap.Int64("get lock elapse", getLockTime),
zap.Int64("iterator elapse", iterTime-getLockTime),
zap.Int64("moveConsumePosTime elapse", moveConsumePosTime-iterTime),
zap.Int64("total consume elapse", getConsumeTime))
return consumerMessage, nil
// seek is used for internal call without the topicMu
func (rmq *rocksmq) seek(topicName string, groupName string, msgID UniqueID) error {
defer rmq.storeMu.Unlock()
key := constructCurrentID(topicName, groupName)
_, ok := rmq.consumersID.Load(key)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("ConsumerGroup %s, channel %s not exists", groupName, topicName)
storeKey := path.Join(topicName, strconv.FormatInt(msgID, 10))
opts := gorocksdb.NewDefaultReadOptions()
defer opts.Destroy()
val, err := rmq.store.Get(opts, []byte(storeKey))
if err != nil {
return err
defer val.Free()
if !val.Exists() {
log.Warn("RocksMQ: trying to seek to no exist position, reset current id",
zap.String("topic", topicName), zap.String("group", groupName), zap.Int64("msgId", msgID))
err := rmq.moveConsumePos(topicName, groupName, DefaultMessageID)
//skip seek if key is not found, this is the behavior as pulsar
return err
/* Step II: update current_id */
err = rmq.moveConsumePos(topicName, groupName, msgID)
return err
func (rmq *rocksmq) moveConsumePos(topicName string, groupName string, msgID UniqueID) error {
key := constructCurrentID(topicName, groupName)
oldPos, ok := rmq.consumersID.Load(key)
if !ok {
return errors.New("move unknown consumer")
if msgID < oldPos.(UniqueID) {
log.Warn("RocksMQ: trying to move Consume position backward",
zap.String("key", key), zap.Int64("oldPos", oldPos.(UniqueID)), zap.Int64("newPos", msgID))
panic("move consume position backward")
//update ack if position move forward
err := rmq.updateAckedInfo(topicName, groupName, oldPos.(UniqueID), msgID-1)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to update acked info ", zap.String("topic", topicName),
zap.String("groupName", groupName), zap.Error(err))
return err
rmq.consumersID.Store(key, msgID)
return nil
// Seek updates the current id to the given msgID
func (rmq *rocksmq) Seek(topicName string, groupName string, msgID UniqueID) error {
if rmq.isClosed() {
return errors.New(RmqNotServingErrMsg)
/* Step I: Check if key exists */
ll, ok := topicMu.Load(topicName)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Topic %s not exist, %w", topicName, mqwrapper.ErrTopicNotExist)
lock, ok := ll.(*sync.Mutex)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("get mutex failed, topic name = %s", topicName)
defer lock.Unlock()
err := rmq.seek(topicName, groupName, msgID)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debug("successfully seek", zap.String("topic", topicName), zap.String("group", groupName), zap.Uint64("msgId", uint64(msgID)))
return nil
// Only for test
func (rmq *rocksmq) ForceSeek(topicName string, groupName string, msgID UniqueID) error {
log.Warn("Use method ForceSeek that only for test")
if rmq.isClosed() {
return errors.New(RmqNotServingErrMsg)
/* Step I: Check if key exists */
ll, ok := topicMu.Load(topicName)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Topic %s not exist, %w", topicName, mqwrapper.ErrTopicNotExist)
lock, ok := ll.(*sync.Mutex)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("get mutex failed, topic name = %s", topicName)
defer lock.Unlock()
defer rmq.storeMu.Unlock()
key := constructCurrentID(topicName, groupName)
_, ok = rmq.consumersID.Load(key)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("ConsumerGroup %s, channel %s not exists", groupName, topicName)
rmq.consumersID.Store(key, msgID)
log.Debug("successfully force seek", zap.String("topic", topicName),
zap.String("group", groupName), zap.Uint64("msgID", uint64(msgID)))
return nil
// SeekToLatest updates current id to the msg id of latest message + 1
func (rmq *rocksmq) SeekToLatest(topicName, groupName string) error {
if rmq.isClosed() {
return errors.New(RmqNotServingErrMsg)
defer rmq.storeMu.Unlock()
key := constructCurrentID(topicName, groupName)
_, ok := rmq.consumersID.Load(key)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("ConsumerGroup %s, channel %s not exists", groupName, topicName)
msgID, err := rmq.getLatestMsg(topicName)
if err != nil {
return err
// current msgID should not be included
err = rmq.moveConsumePos(topicName, groupName, msgID+1)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debug("successfully seek to latest", zap.String("topic", topicName),
zap.String("group", groupName), zap.Uint64("latest", uint64(msgID+1)))
return nil
func (rmq *rocksmq) getLatestMsg(topicName string) (int64, error) {
readOpts := gorocksdb.NewDefaultReadOptions()
defer readOpts.Destroy()
iter := rocksdbkv.NewRocksIterator(rmq.store, readOpts)
defer iter.Close()
prefix := topicName + "/"
// seek to the last message of thie topic
// if iterate fail
if err := iter.Err(); err != nil {
return DefaultMessageID, err
// should find the last key we written into, start with fixTopicName/
// if not find, start from 0
if !iter.Valid() {
return DefaultMessageID, nil
iKey := iter.Key()
seekMsgID := string(iKey.Data())
if iKey != nil {
// if find message is not belong to current channel, start from 0
if !strings.Contains(seekMsgID, prefix) {
return DefaultMessageID, nil
msgID, err := strconv.ParseInt(seekMsgID[len(topicName)+1:], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return DefaultMessageID, err
return msgID, nil
// Notify sends a mutex in MsgMutex channel to tell consumers to consume
func (rmq *rocksmq) Notify(topicName, groupName string) {
if vals, ok := rmq.consumers.Load(topicName); ok {
for _, v := range vals.([]*Consumer) {
if v.GroupName == groupName {
select {
case v.MsgMutex <- struct{}{}:
// updateAckedInfo update acked informations for retention after consume
func (rmq *rocksmq) updateAckedInfo(topicName, groupName string, firstID UniqueID, lastID UniqueID) error {
// 1. Try to get the page id between first ID and last ID of ids
pageMsgPrefix := constructKey(PageMsgSizeTitle, topicName) + "/"
readOpts := gorocksdb.NewDefaultReadOptions()
defer readOpts.Destroy()
pageMsgFirstKey := pageMsgPrefix + strconv.FormatInt(firstID, 10)
iter := rocksdbkv.NewRocksIteratorWithUpperBound(rmq.kv.(*rocksdbkv.RocksdbKV).DB, typeutil.AddOne(pageMsgPrefix), readOpts)
defer iter.Close()
var pageIDs []UniqueID
for iter.Seek([]byte(pageMsgFirstKey)); iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
key := iter.Key()
pageID, err := parsePageID(string(key.Data()))
if key != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
if pageID <= lastID {
pageIDs = append(pageIDs, pageID)
} else {
if err := iter.Err(); err != nil {
return err
if len(pageIDs) == 0 {
return nil
fixedAckedTsKey := constructKey(AckedTsTitle, topicName)
// 2. Update acked ts and acked size for pageIDs
if vals, ok := rmq.consumers.Load(topicName); ok {
consumers, ok := vals.([]*Consumer)
if !ok || len(consumers) == 0 {
return nil
// find min id of all consumer
var minBeginID UniqueID = lastID
for _, consumer := range consumers {
if consumer.GroupName != groupName {
key := constructCurrentID(consumer.Topic, consumer.GroupName)
beginID, ok := rmq.consumersID.Load(key)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("currentID of topicName=%s, groupName=%s not exist", consumer.Topic, consumer.GroupName)
if beginID.(UniqueID) < minBeginID {
minBeginID = beginID.(UniqueID)
nowTs := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
ackedTsKvs := make(map[string]string)
// update ackedTs, if page is all acked, then ackedTs is set
for _, pID := range pageIDs {
if pID <= minBeginID {
// Update acked info for message pID
pageAckedTsKey := path.Join(fixedAckedTsKey, strconv.FormatInt(pID, 10))
ackedTsKvs[pageAckedTsKey] = nowTs
err := rmq.kv.MultiSave(ackedTsKvs)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil