mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
207 lines
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207 lines
8.6 KiB
import datetime
import pytest
from pymilvus import connections, MilvusException
from base.collection_wrapper import ApiCollectionWrapper
from common.common_type import CaseLabel
from customize.milvus_operator import MilvusOperator
from scale import constants
from common import common_func as cf
from common import common_type as ct
from utils.util_k8s import read_pod_log, wait_pods_ready
from utils.util_log import test_log as log
from utils.util_pymilvus import get_latest_tag
nb = 10000
default_index_params = {"index_type": "IVF_SQ8", "metric_type": "L2", "params": {"nlist": 128}}
class TestIndexNodeScale:
def test_expand_index_node(self):
target: test expand indexNode from 1 to 2
method: 1.deploy two indexNode
2.create index with two indexNode
3.expand indexNode from 1 to 2
4.create index with one indexNode
expected: The cost of one indexNode is about twice that of two indexNodes
release_name = "expand-index"
image_tag = get_latest_tag()
image = f'{constants.IMAGE_REPOSITORY}:{image_tag}'
init_replicas = 1
expand_replicas = 2
data_config = {
'metadata.namespace': constants.NAMESPACE,
'spec.mode': 'cluster',
'metadata.name': release_name,
'spec.components.image': image,
'spec.components.proxy.serviceType': 'LoadBalancer',
'spec.components.indexNode.replicas': init_replicas,
'spec.components.dataNode.replicas': 2,
'spec.config.common.retentionDuration': 60
mic = MilvusOperator()
if mic.wait_for_healthy(release_name, constants.NAMESPACE, timeout=1800):
host = mic.endpoint(release_name, constants.NAMESPACE).split(':')[0]
# If deploy failed and want to uninsatll mic
# log.warning(f'Deploy {release_name} timeout and ready to uninstall')
# mic.uninstall(release_name, namespace=constants.NAMESPACE)
raise MilvusException(message=f'Milvus healthy timeout 1800s')
# connect
connections.add_connection(default={"host": host, "port": 19530})
# create collection
c_name = "index_scale_one"
collection_w = ApiCollectionWrapper()
collection_w.init_collection(name=c_name, schema=cf.gen_default_collection_schema())
# insert data
data = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb)
loop = 100
for i in range(loop):
collection_w.insert(data, timeout=60)
assert collection_w.num_entities == nb * loop
# create index
# Note that the num of segments and the num of indexNode are related to indexing time
start = datetime.datetime.now()
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
t0 = datetime.datetime.now() - start
log.info(f'Create index on {init_replicas} indexNode cost t0: {t0}')
# drop index
assert not collection_w.has_index()[0]
# expand indexNode
mic.upgrade(release_name, {'spec.components.indexNode.replicas': expand_replicas}, constants.NAMESPACE)
mic.wait_for_healthy(release_name, constants.NAMESPACE)
wait_pods_ready(constants.NAMESPACE, f"app.kubernetes.io/instance={release_name}")
# create index again
start = datetime.datetime.now()
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
t1 = datetime.datetime.now() - start
log.info(f'Create index on {expand_replicas} indexNode cost t1: {t1}')
start = datetime.datetime.now()
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
t2 = datetime.datetime.now() - start
log.info(f'Create index on {expand_replicas} indexNode cost t2: {t2}')
log.debug(f't2 is {t2}, t0 is {t0}, t0/t2 is {t0 / t2}')
# assert round(t0 / t2) == 2
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
label = f"app.kubernetes.io/instance={release_name}"
log.info('Start to export milvus pod logs')
read_pod_log(namespace=constants.NAMESPACE, label_selector=label, release_name=release_name)
mic.uninstall(release_name, namespace=constants.NAMESPACE)
def test_shrink_index_node(self):
target: test shrink indexNode from 2 to 1
method: 1.deploy two indexNode
2.create index with two indexNode
3.shrink indexNode from 2 to 1
4.create index with 1 indexNode
expected: The cost of one indexNode is about twice that of two indexNodes
release_name = "shrink-index"
image_tag = get_latest_tag()
image = f'{constants.IMAGE_REPOSITORY}:{image_tag}'
data_config = {
'metadata.namespace': constants.NAMESPACE,
'metadata.name': release_name,
'spec.mode': 'cluster',
'spec.components.image': image,
'spec.components.proxy.serviceType': 'LoadBalancer',
'spec.components.indexNode.replicas': 2,
'spec.components.dataNode.replicas': 2,
'spec.config.common.retentionDuration': 60
mic = MilvusOperator()
if mic.wait_for_healthy(release_name, constants.NAMESPACE, timeout=1800):
host = mic.endpoint(release_name, constants.NAMESPACE).split(':')[0]
raise MilvusException(message=f'Milvus healthy timeout 1800s')
# connect
connections.add_connection(default={"host": host, "port": 19530})
data = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb)
# create
c_name = "index_scale_one"
collection_w = ApiCollectionWrapper()
# collection_w.init_collection(name=c_name)
collection_w.init_collection(name=c_name, schema=cf.gen_default_collection_schema())
# insert
loop = 10
for i in range(loop):
assert collection_w.num_entities == nb * loop
# create index on collection one and two
start = datetime.datetime.now()
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
t0 = datetime.datetime.now() - start
log.info(f'Create index on 2 indexNode cost t0: {t0}')
assert not collection_w.has_index()[0]
# shrink indexNode from 2 to 1
mic.upgrade(release_name, {'spec.components.indexNode.replicas': 1}, constants.NAMESPACE)
mic.wait_for_healthy(release_name, constants.NAMESPACE)
wait_pods_ready(constants.NAMESPACE, f"app.kubernetes.io/instance={release_name}")
start = datetime.datetime.now()
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params, timeout=60)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
t1 = datetime.datetime.now() - start
log.info(f'Create index on 1 indexNode cost t1: {t1}')
assert not collection_w.has_index()[0]
start = datetime.datetime.now()
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
t2 = datetime.datetime.now() - start
log.info(f'Create index on 1 indexNode cost t2: {t2}')
log.debug(f'one indexNode: {t2}')
log.debug(f't2 is {t2}, t0 is {t0}, t2/t0 is {t2 / t0}')
# assert round(t2 / t0) == 2
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
label = f"app.kubernetes.io/instance={release_name}"
log.info('Start to export milvus pod logs')
read_pod_log(namespace=constants.NAMESPACE, label_selector=label, release_name=release_name)
mic.uninstall(release_name, namespace=constants.NAMESPACE)