mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
1128 lines
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1128 lines
36 KiB
// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package segments
#cgo pkg-config: milvus_segcore milvus_common
#include "segcore/collection_c.h"
#include "segcore/segment_c.h"
#include "segcore/segcore_init_c.h"
#include "common/init_c.h"
import "C"
import (
const (
UsedDiskMemoryRatio = 4
var ErrReadDeltaMsgFailed = errors.New("ReadDeltaMsgFailed")
type Loader interface {
// Load loads binlogs, and spawn segments,
// NOTE: make sure the ref count of the corresponding collection will never go down to 0 during this
Load(ctx context.Context, collectionID int64, segmentType SegmentType, version int64, segments ...*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo) ([]Segment, error)
LoadDeltaLogs(ctx context.Context, segment *LocalSegment, deltaLogs []*datapb.FieldBinlog) error
// LoadBloomFilterSet loads needed statslog for RemoteSegment.
LoadBloomFilterSet(ctx context.Context, collectionID int64, version int64, infos ...*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo) ([]*pkoracle.BloomFilterSet, error)
// LoadIndex append index for segment and remove vector binlogs.
LoadIndex(ctx context.Context, segment *LocalSegment, info *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, version int64) error
type LoadResource struct {
MemorySize uint64
DiskSize uint64
WorkNum int
func (r *LoadResource) Add(resource LoadResource) {
r.MemorySize += resource.MemorySize
r.DiskSize += resource.DiskSize
r.WorkNum += resource.WorkNum
func (r *LoadResource) Sub(resource LoadResource) {
r.MemorySize -= resource.MemorySize
r.DiskSize -= resource.DiskSize
r.WorkNum -= resource.WorkNum
func NewLoader(
manager *Manager,
cm storage.ChunkManager,
) *segmentLoader {
cpuNum := hardware.GetCPUNum()
ioPoolSize := cpuNum * 8
// make sure small machines could load faster
if ioPoolSize < 32 {
ioPoolSize = 32
// limit the number of concurrency
if ioPoolSize > 256 {
ioPoolSize = 256
if configPoolSize := paramtable.Get().QueryNodeCfg.IoPoolSize.GetAsInt(); configPoolSize > 0 {
ioPoolSize = configPoolSize
log.Info("SegmentLoader created", zap.Int("ioPoolSize", ioPoolSize))
loader := &segmentLoader{
manager: manager,
cm: cm,
loadingSegments: typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, *loadResult](),
return loader
type loadStatus = int32
const (
loading loadStatus = iota + 1
type loadResult struct {
status *atomic.Int32
cond *sync.Cond
func newLoadResult() *loadResult {
return &loadResult{
status: atomic.NewInt32(loading),
cond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),
func (r *loadResult) SetResult(status loadStatus) {
r.status.CompareAndSwap(loading, status)
// segmentLoader is only responsible for loading the field data from binlog
type segmentLoader struct {
manager *Manager
cm storage.ChunkManager
mut sync.Mutex
// The channel will be closed as the segment loaded
loadingSegments *typeutil.ConcurrentMap[int64, *loadResult]
committedResource LoadResource
var _ Loader = (*segmentLoader)(nil)
func (loader *segmentLoader) Load(ctx context.Context,
collectionID int64,
segmentType SegmentType,
version int64,
segments ...*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo,
) ([]Segment, error) {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID),
zap.String("segmentType", segmentType.String()),
if len(segments) == 0 {
log.Info("no segment to load")
return nil, nil
// Filter out loaded & loading segments
infos := loader.prepare(segmentType, version, segments...)
defer loader.unregister(infos...)
zap.Int64s("requestSegments", lo.Map(segments, func(s *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, _ int) int64 { return s.GetSegmentID() })),
zap.Int64s("preparedSegments", lo.Map(infos, func(s *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, _ int) int64 { return s.GetSegmentID() })),
// continue to wait other task done
log.Info("start loading...", zap.Int("segmentNum", len(segments)), zap.Int("afterFilter", len(infos)))
// Check memory & storage limit
resource, concurrencyLevel, err := loader.requestResource(ctx, infos...)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("request resource failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
defer loader.freeRequest(resource)
newSegments := typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, *LocalSegment]()
loaded := typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, *LocalSegment]()
defer func() {
newSegments.Range(func(_ int64, s *LocalSegment) bool {
return true
for _, info := range infos {
segmentID := info.SegmentID
partitionID := info.PartitionID
collectionID := info.CollectionID
shard := info.InsertChannel
collection := loader.manager.Collection.Get(collectionID)
if collection == nil {
err := merr.WrapErrCollectionNotFound(collectionID)
log.Warn("failed to get collection", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
segment, err := NewSegment(collection, segmentID, partitionID, collectionID, shard, segmentType, version, info.GetStartPosition(), info.GetDeltaPosition())
if err != nil {
log.Warn("load segment failed when create new segment",
zap.Int64("partitionID", partitionID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID),
return nil, err
newSegments.Insert(segmentID, segment)
loadSegmentFunc := func(idx int) error {
loadInfo := infos[idx]
partitionID := loadInfo.PartitionID
segmentID := loadInfo.SegmentID
segment, _ := newSegments.Get(segmentID)
tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("loadDurationPerSegment")
err := loader.loadSegment(ctx, segment, loadInfo)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("load segment failed when load data into memory",
zap.Int64("partitionID", partitionID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID),
return err
loader.manager.Segment.Put(segmentType, segment)
loaded.Insert(segmentID, segment)
log.Info("load segment done", zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID))
return nil
// Start to load,
// Make sure we can always benefit from concurrency, and not spawn too many idle goroutines
log.Info("start to load segments in parallel",
zap.Int("segmentNum", len(infos)),
zap.Int("concurrencyLevel", concurrencyLevel))
err = funcutil.ProcessFuncParallel(len(infos),
concurrencyLevel, loadSegmentFunc, "loadSegmentFunc")
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to load some segments", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
// Wait for all segments loaded
if err := loader.waitSegmentLoadDone(ctx, segmentType, lo.Map(segments, func(info *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, _ int) int64 { return info.GetSegmentID() })...); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to wait the filtered out segments load done", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
log.Info("all segment load done")
var result []Segment
loaded.Range(func(_ int64, s *LocalSegment) bool {
result = append(result, s)
return true
return result, nil
func (loader *segmentLoader) prepare(segmentType SegmentType, version int64, segments ...*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo) []*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo {
defer loader.mut.Unlock()
// filter out loaded & loading segments
infos := make([]*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, 0, len(segments))
for _, segment := range segments {
// Not loaded & loading
if len(loader.manager.Segment.GetBy(WithType(segmentType), WithID(segment.GetSegmentID()))) == 0 &&
!loader.loadingSegments.Contain(segment.GetSegmentID()) {
infos = append(infos, segment)
loader.loadingSegments.Insert(segment.GetSegmentID(), newLoadResult())
} else {
// try to update segment version before skip load operation
WithType(segmentType), WithID(segment.SegmentID))
log.Info("skip loaded/loading segment", zap.Int64("segmentID", segment.GetSegmentID()),
zap.Bool("isLoaded", len(loader.manager.Segment.GetBy(WithType(segmentType), WithID(segment.GetSegmentID()))) > 0),
zap.Bool("isLoading", loader.loadingSegments.Contain(segment.GetSegmentID())),
return infos
func (loader *segmentLoader) unregister(segments ...*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo) {
defer loader.mut.Unlock()
for i := range segments {
result, ok := loader.loadingSegments.GetAndRemove(segments[i].GetSegmentID())
if ok {
func (loader *segmentLoader) notifyLoadFinish(segments ...*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo) {
for _, loadInfo := range segments {
result, ok := loader.loadingSegments.Get(loadInfo.GetSegmentID())
if ok {
// requestResource requests memory & storage to load segments,
// returns the memory usage, disk usage and concurrency with the gained memory.
func (loader *segmentLoader) requestResource(ctx context.Context, infos ...*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo) (LoadResource, int, error) {
resource := LoadResource{}
// we need to deal with empty infos case separately,
// because the following judgement for requested resources are based on current status and static config
// which may block empty-load operations by accident
if len(infos) == 0 {
return resource, 0, nil
segmentIDs := lo.Map(infos, func(info *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, _ int) int64 {
return info.GetSegmentID()
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64s("segmentIDs", segmentIDs),
defer loader.mut.Unlock()
memoryUsage := hardware.GetUsedMemoryCount()
totalMemory := hardware.GetMemoryCount()
diskUsage, err := GetLocalUsedSize(paramtable.Get().LocalStorageCfg.Path.GetValue())
if err != nil {
return resource, 0, errors.Wrap(err, "get local used size failed")
diskCap := paramtable.Get().QueryNodeCfg.DiskCapacityLimit.GetAsUint64()
poolCap := hardware.GetCPUNum() * paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.HighPriorityThreadCoreCoefficient.GetAsInt()
if poolCap > 256 {
poolCap = 256
if loader.committedResource.WorkNum >= poolCap {
return resource, 0, merr.WrapErrServiceRequestLimitExceeded(int32(poolCap))
} else if loader.committedResource.MemorySize+memoryUsage >= totalMemory {
return resource, 0, merr.WrapErrServiceMemoryLimitExceeded(float32(loader.committedResource.MemorySize+memoryUsage), float32(totalMemory))
} else if loader.committedResource.DiskSize+uint64(diskUsage) >= diskCap {
return resource, 0, merr.WrapErrServiceDiskLimitExceeded(float32(loader.committedResource.DiskSize+uint64(diskUsage)), float32(diskCap))
concurrencyLevel := funcutil.Min(hardware.GetCPUNum(), len(infos))
for _, info := range infos {
for _, field := range info.GetBinlogPaths() {
resource.WorkNum += len(field.GetBinlogs())
for _, index := range info.GetIndexInfos() {
resource.WorkNum += len(index.IndexFilePaths)
for ; concurrencyLevel > 1; concurrencyLevel /= 2 {
_, _, err := loader.checkSegmentSize(ctx, infos, concurrencyLevel)
if err == nil {
mu, du, err := loader.checkSegmentSize(ctx, infos, concurrencyLevel)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("no sufficient resource to load segments", zap.Error(err))
return resource, 0, err
resource.MemorySize += mu
resource.DiskSize += du
toMB := func(mem uint64) float64 {
return float64(mem) / 1024 / 1024
log.Info("request resource for loading segments (unit in MiB)",
zap.Int("workerNum", resource.WorkNum),
zap.Int("committedWorkerNum", loader.committedResource.WorkNum),
zap.Float64("memory", toMB(resource.MemorySize)),
zap.Float64("committedMemory", toMB(loader.committedResource.MemorySize)),
zap.Float64("disk", toMB(resource.DiskSize)),
zap.Float64("committedDisk", toMB(loader.committedResource.DiskSize)),
return resource, concurrencyLevel, nil
// freeRequest returns request memory & storage usage request.
func (loader *segmentLoader) freeRequest(resource LoadResource) {
defer loader.mut.Unlock()
func (loader *segmentLoader) waitSegmentLoadDone(ctx context.Context, segmentType SegmentType, segmentIDs ...int64) error {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.String("segmentType", segmentType.String()),
zap.Int64s("segmentIDs", segmentIDs),
for _, segmentID := range segmentIDs {
if loader.manager.Segment.GetWithType(segmentID, segmentType) != nil {
result, ok := loader.loadingSegments.Get(segmentID)
if !ok {
log.Warn("segment was removed from the loading map early", zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID))
return errors.New("segment was removed from the loading map early")
log.Info("wait segment loaded...", zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID))
signal := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-signal:
case <-ctx.Done():
for result.status.Load() == loading && ctx.Err() == nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
log.Warn("failed to wait segment loaded due to context done", zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID))
return ctx.Err()
if result.status.Load() == failure {
log.Warn("failed to wait segment loaded", zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID))
return merr.WrapErrSegmentLack(segmentID, "failed to wait segment loaded")
log.Info("segment loaded...", zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID))
return nil
func (loader *segmentLoader) LoadBloomFilterSet(ctx context.Context, collectionID int64, version int64, infos ...*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo) ([]*pkoracle.BloomFilterSet, error) {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID),
zap.Int64s("segmentIDs", lo.Map(infos, func(info *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, _ int) int64 {
return info.GetSegmentID()
segmentNum := len(infos)
if segmentNum == 0 {
log.Info("no segment to load")
return nil, nil
collection := loader.manager.Collection.Get(collectionID)
if collection == nil {
err := merr.WrapErrCollectionNotFound(collectionID)
log.Warn("failed to get collection while loading segment", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
pkField := GetPkField(collection.Schema())
log.Info("start loading remote...", zap.Int("segmentNum", segmentNum))
loadedBfs := typeutil.NewConcurrentSet[*pkoracle.BloomFilterSet]()
// TODO check memory for bf size
loadRemoteFunc := func(idx int) error {
loadInfo := infos[idx]
partitionID := loadInfo.PartitionID
segmentID := loadInfo.SegmentID
bfs := pkoracle.NewBloomFilterSet(segmentID, partitionID, commonpb.SegmentState_Sealed)
log.Info("loading bloom filter for remote...")
pkStatsBinlogs, logType := loader.filterPKStatsBinlogs(loadInfo.Statslogs, pkField.GetFieldID())
err := loader.loadBloomFilter(ctx, segmentID, bfs, pkStatsBinlogs, logType)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("load remote segment bloom filter failed",
zap.Int64("partitionID", partitionID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID),
return err
return nil
err := funcutil.ProcessFuncParallel(segmentNum, segmentNum, loadRemoteFunc, "loadRemoteFunc")
if err != nil {
// no partial success here
log.Warn("failed to load remote segment", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
return loadedBfs.Collect(), nil
func (loader *segmentLoader) loadSegment(ctx context.Context,
segment *LocalSegment,
loadInfo *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo,
) error {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", segment.Collection()),
zap.Int64("partitionID", segment.Partition()),
zap.String("shard", segment.Shard()),
zap.Int64("segmentID", segment.ID()),
log.Info("start loading segment files",
zap.Int64("rowNum", loadInfo.GetNumOfRows()),
zap.String("segmentType", segment.Type().String()))
collection := loader.manager.Collection.Get(segment.Collection())
if collection == nil {
err := merr.WrapErrCollectionNotFound(segment.Collection())
log.Warn("failed to get collection while loading segment", zap.Error(err))
return err
pkField := GetPkField(collection.Schema())
// TODO(xige-16): Optimize the data loading process and reduce data copying
// for now, there will be multiple copies in the process of data loading into segCore
defer debug.FreeOSMemory()
if segment.Type() == SegmentTypeSealed {
fieldID2IndexInfo := make(map[int64]*querypb.FieldIndexInfo)
for _, indexInfo := range loadInfo.IndexInfos {
if len(indexInfo.GetIndexFilePaths()) > 0 {
fieldID := indexInfo.FieldID
fieldID2IndexInfo[fieldID] = indexInfo
indexedFieldInfos := make(map[int64]*IndexedFieldInfo)
fieldBinlogs := make([]*datapb.FieldBinlog, 0, len(loadInfo.BinlogPaths))
for _, fieldBinlog := range loadInfo.BinlogPaths {
fieldID := fieldBinlog.FieldID
// check num rows of data meta and index meta are consistent
if indexInfo, ok := fieldID2IndexInfo[fieldID]; ok {
fieldInfo := &IndexedFieldInfo{
FieldBinlog: fieldBinlog,
IndexInfo: indexInfo,
indexedFieldInfos[fieldID] = fieldInfo
} else {
fieldBinlogs = append(fieldBinlogs, fieldBinlog)
log.Info("load fields...",
zap.Int64s("indexedFields", lo.Keys(indexedFieldInfos)),
if err := loader.loadFieldsIndex(ctx, collection.Schema(), segment, loadInfo.GetNumOfRows(), indexedFieldInfos); err != nil {
return err
if err := loader.loadSealedSegmentFields(ctx, segment, fieldBinlogs, loadInfo.GetNumOfRows()); err != nil {
return err
if err := segment.AddFieldDataInfo(loadInfo.GetNumOfRows(), loadInfo.GetBinlogPaths()); err != nil {
return err
// https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/23654
// legacy entry num = 0
if err := loader.patchEntryNumber(ctx, segment, loadInfo); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := segment.LoadMultiFieldData(loadInfo.GetNumOfRows(), loadInfo.BinlogPaths); err != nil {
return err
// load statslog if it's growing segment
if segment.typ == SegmentTypeGrowing {
log.Info("loading statslog...")
pkStatsBinlogs, logType := loader.filterPKStatsBinlogs(loadInfo.Statslogs, pkField.GetFieldID())
err := loader.loadBloomFilter(ctx, segment.segmentID, segment.bloomFilterSet, pkStatsBinlogs, logType)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info("loading delta...")
return loader.LoadDeltaLogs(ctx, segment, loadInfo.Deltalogs)
func (loader *segmentLoader) filterPKStatsBinlogs(fieldBinlogs []*datapb.FieldBinlog, pkFieldID int64) ([]string, storage.StatsLogType) {
result := make([]string, 0)
for _, fieldBinlog := range fieldBinlogs {
if fieldBinlog.FieldID == pkFieldID {
for _, binlog := range fieldBinlog.GetBinlogs() {
_, logidx := path.Split(binlog.GetLogPath())
// if special status log exist
// only load one file
switch logidx {
case storage.CompoundStatsType.LogIdx():
return []string{binlog.GetLogPath()}, storage.CompoundStatsType
result = append(result, binlog.GetLogPath())
return result, storage.DefaultStatsType
func (loader *segmentLoader) loadSealedSegmentFields(ctx context.Context, segment *LocalSegment, fields []*datapb.FieldBinlog, rowCount int64) error {
collection := loader.manager.Collection.Get(segment.Collection())
if collection == nil {
return merr.WrapErrCollectionNotLoaded(segment.Collection(), "failed to load segment fields")
runningGroup, _ := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for _, field := range fields {
fieldBinLog := field
fieldID := field.FieldID
runningGroup.Go(func() error {
return segment.LoadFieldData(fieldID,
common.IsFieldMmapEnabled(collection.Schema(), fieldID),
err := runningGroup.Wait()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Ctx(ctx).Info("load field binlogs done for sealed segment",
zap.Int64("collection", segment.collectionID),
zap.Int64("segment", segment.segmentID),
zap.Int("len(field)", len(fields)),
zap.String("segmentType", segment.Type().String()))
return nil
func (loader *segmentLoader) loadFieldsIndex(ctx context.Context,
schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema,
segment *LocalSegment,
numRows int64,
vecFieldInfos map[int64]*IndexedFieldInfo,
) error {
schemaHelper, _ := typeutil.CreateSchemaHelper(schema)
for fieldID, fieldInfo := range vecFieldInfos {
indexInfo := fieldInfo.IndexInfo
err := loader.loadFieldIndex(ctx, segment, indexInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info("load field binlogs done for sealed segment with index",
zap.Int64("collection", segment.collectionID),
zap.Int64("segment", segment.segmentID),
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID),
zap.Any("binlog", fieldInfo.FieldBinlog.Binlogs),
zap.Int32("current_index_version", fieldInfo.IndexInfo.GetCurrentIndexVersion()),
segment.AddIndex(fieldID, fieldInfo)
// set average row data size of variable field
field, err := schemaHelper.GetFieldFromID(fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
if typeutil.IsVariableDataType(field.GetDataType()) {
err = segment.UpdateFieldRawDataSize(numRows, fieldInfo.FieldBinlog)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (loader *segmentLoader) loadFieldIndex(ctx context.Context, segment *LocalSegment, indexInfo *querypb.FieldIndexInfo) error {
filteredPaths := make([]string, 0, len(indexInfo.IndexFilePaths))
for _, indexPath := range indexInfo.IndexFilePaths {
if path.Base(indexPath) != storage.IndexParamsKey {
filteredPaths = append(filteredPaths, indexPath)
indexInfo.IndexFilePaths = filteredPaths
fieldType, err := loader.getFieldType(segment.Collection(), indexInfo.FieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
collection := loader.manager.Collection.Get(segment.Collection())
if collection == nil {
return merr.WrapErrCollectionNotLoaded(segment.Collection(), "failed to load field index")
return segment.LoadIndex(indexInfo, fieldType, common.IsFieldMmapEnabled(collection.Schema(), indexInfo.GetFieldID()))
func (loader *segmentLoader) loadBloomFilter(ctx context.Context, segmentID int64, bfs *pkoracle.BloomFilterSet,
binlogPaths []string, logType storage.StatsLogType,
) error {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID),
if len(binlogPaths) == 0 {
log.Info("there are no stats logs saved with segment")
return nil
startTs := time.Now()
values, err := loader.cm.MultiRead(ctx, binlogPaths)
if err != nil {
return err
blobs := []*storage.Blob{}
for i := 0; i < len(values); i++ {
blobs = append(blobs, &storage.Blob{Value: values[i]})
var stats []*storage.PrimaryKeyStats
if logType == storage.CompoundStatsType {
stats, err = storage.DeserializeStatsList(blobs[0])
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to deserialize stats list", zap.Error(err))
return err
} else {
stats, err = storage.DeserializeStats(blobs)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to deserialize stats", zap.Error(err))
return err
var size uint
for _, stat := range stats {
pkStat := &storage.PkStatistics{
PkFilter: stat.BF,
MinPK: stat.MinPk,
MaxPK: stat.MaxPk,
size += stat.BF.Cap()
log.Info("Successfully load pk stats", zap.Duration("time", time.Since(startTs)), zap.Uint("size", size))
return nil
func (loader *segmentLoader) LoadDeltaLogs(ctx context.Context, segment *LocalSegment, deltaLogs []*datapb.FieldBinlog) error {
dCodec := storage.DeleteCodec{}
var blobs []*storage.Blob
for _, deltaLog := range deltaLogs {
for _, bLog := range deltaLog.GetBinlogs() {
// the segment has applied the delta logs, skip it
if bLog.GetTimestampTo() > 0 && // this field may be missed in legacy versions
bLog.GetTimestampTo() < segment.LastDeltaTimestamp() {
value, err := loader.cm.Read(ctx, bLog.GetLogPath())
if err != nil {
return err
blob := &storage.Blob{
Key: bLog.GetLogPath(),
Value: value,
blobs = append(blobs, blob)
if len(blobs) == 0 {
log.Info("there are no delta logs saved with segment, skip loading delete record", zap.Any("segmentID", segment.segmentID))
return nil
_, _, deltaData, err := dCodec.Deserialize(blobs)
if err != nil {
return err
err = segment.LoadDeltaData(deltaData)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (loader *segmentLoader) patchEntryNumber(ctx context.Context, segment *LocalSegment, loadInfo *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo) error {
var needReset bool
segment.fieldIndexes.Range(func(fieldID int64, info *IndexedFieldInfo) bool {
for _, info := range info.FieldBinlog.GetBinlogs() {
if info.GetEntriesNum() == 0 {
needReset = true
return false
return true
if !needReset {
return nil
log.Warn("legacy segment binlog found, start to patch entry num", zap.Int64("segmentID", segment.segmentID))
rowIDField := lo.FindOrElse(loadInfo.BinlogPaths, nil, func(binlog *datapb.FieldBinlog) bool {
return binlog.GetFieldID() == common.RowIDField
if rowIDField == nil {
return errors.New("rowID field binlog not found")
counts := make([]int64, 0, len(rowIDField.GetBinlogs()))
for _, binlog := range rowIDField.GetBinlogs() {
bs, err := loader.cm.Read(ctx, binlog.LogPath)
if err != nil {
return err
// get binlog entry num from rowID field
// since header does not store entry numb, we have to read all data here
reader, err := storage.NewBinlogReader(bs)
if err != nil {
return err
er, err := reader.NextEventReader()
if err != nil {
return err
rowIDs, err := er.GetInt64FromPayload()
if err != nil {
return err
counts = append(counts, int64(len(rowIDs)))
var err error
segment.fieldIndexes.Range(func(fieldID int64, info *IndexedFieldInfo) bool {
if len(info.FieldBinlog.GetBinlogs()) != len(counts) {
err = errors.New("rowID & index binlog number not matched")
return false
for i, binlog := range info.FieldBinlog.GetBinlogs() {
binlog.EntriesNum = counts[i]
return true
return err
// JoinIDPath joins ids to path format.
func JoinIDPath(ids ...int64) string {
idStr := make([]string, 0, len(ids))
for _, id := range ids {
idStr = append(idStr, strconv.FormatInt(id, 10))
return path.Join(idStr...)
func GetIndexResourceUsage(indexInfo *querypb.FieldIndexInfo) (uint64, uint64, error) {
indexType, err := funcutil.GetAttrByKeyFromRepeatedKV(common.IndexTypeKey, indexInfo.IndexParams)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("index type not exist in index params")
if indexType == indexparamcheck.IndexDISKANN {
neededMemSize := indexInfo.IndexSize / UsedDiskMemoryRatio
neededDiskSize := indexInfo.IndexSize - neededMemSize
return uint64(neededMemSize), uint64(neededDiskSize), nil
return uint64(indexInfo.IndexSize), 0, nil
// checkSegmentSize checks whether the memory & disk is sufficient to load the segments with given concurrency,
// returns the memory & disk usage while loading if possible to load,
// otherwise, returns error
func (loader *segmentLoader) checkSegmentSize(ctx context.Context, segmentLoadInfos []*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, concurrency int) (uint64, uint64, error) {
if len(segmentLoadInfos) == 0 || concurrency == 0 {
return 0, 0, nil
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collectionID", segmentLoadInfos[0].GetCollectionID()),
toMB := func(mem uint64) float64 {
return float64(mem) / 1024 / 1024
memUsage := hardware.GetUsedMemoryCount() + loader.committedResource.MemorySize
totalMem := hardware.GetMemoryCount()
if memUsage == 0 || totalMem == 0 {
return 0, 0, errors.New("get memory failed when checkSegmentSize")
localDiskUsage, err := GetLocalUsedSize(paramtable.Get().LocalStorageCfg.Path.GetValue())
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, errors.Wrap(err, "get local used size failed")
diskUsage := uint64(localDiskUsage) + loader.committedResource.DiskSize
maxSegmentSize := uint64(0)
predictMemUsage := memUsage
predictDiskUsage := diskUsage
mmapFieldCount := 0
for _, loadInfo := range segmentLoadInfos {
collection := loader.manager.Collection.Get(loadInfo.GetCollectionID())
oldUsedMem := predictMemUsage
vecFieldID2IndexInfo := make(map[int64]*querypb.FieldIndexInfo)
for _, fieldIndexInfo := range loadInfo.IndexInfos {
if fieldIndexInfo.EnableIndex {
fieldID := fieldIndexInfo.FieldID
vecFieldID2IndexInfo[fieldID] = fieldIndexInfo
for _, fieldBinlog := range loadInfo.BinlogPaths {
fieldID := fieldBinlog.FieldID
mmapEnabled := common.IsFieldMmapEnabled(collection.Schema(), fieldID)
if fieldIndexInfo, ok := vecFieldID2IndexInfo[fieldID]; ok {
neededMemSize, neededDiskSize, err := GetIndexResourceUsage(fieldIndexInfo)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to get index size",
zap.Int64("collectionID", loadInfo.CollectionID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", loadInfo.SegmentID),
zap.Int64("indexBuildID", fieldIndexInfo.BuildID),
return 0, 0, err
if mmapEnabled {
predictDiskUsage += neededMemSize + neededDiskSize
} else {
predictMemUsage += neededMemSize
predictDiskUsage += neededDiskSize
} else {
if mmapEnabled {
predictDiskUsage += uint64(getBinlogDataSize(fieldBinlog))
} else {
predictMemUsage += uint64(getBinlogDataSize(fieldBinlog))
if mmapEnabled {
// get size of stats data
for _, fieldBinlog := range loadInfo.Statslogs {
predictMemUsage += uint64(getBinlogDataSize(fieldBinlog))
// get size of delete data
for _, fieldBinlog := range loadInfo.Deltalogs {
predictMemUsage += uint64(getBinlogDataSize(fieldBinlog))
if predictMemUsage-oldUsedMem > maxSegmentSize {
maxSegmentSize = predictMemUsage - oldUsedMem
log.Info("predict memory and disk usage while loading (in MiB)",
zap.Float64("maxSegmentSize", toMB(maxSegmentSize)),
zap.Int("concurrency", concurrency),
zap.Float64("committedMemSize", toMB(loader.committedResource.MemorySize)),
zap.Float64("memUsage", toMB(memUsage)),
zap.Float64("committedDiskSize", toMB(loader.committedResource.DiskSize)),
zap.Float64("diskUsage", toMB(diskUsage)),
zap.Float64("predictMemUsage", toMB(predictMemUsage)),
zap.Float64("predictDiskUsage", toMB(predictDiskUsage)),
zap.Int("mmapFieldCount", mmapFieldCount),
if predictMemUsage > uint64(float64(totalMem)*paramtable.Get().QueryNodeCfg.OverloadedMemoryThresholdPercentage.GetAsFloat()) {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("load segment failed, OOM if load, maxSegmentSize = %v MB, concurrency = %d, memUsage = %v MB, predictMemUsage = %v MB, totalMem = %v MB thresholdFactor = %f",
if predictDiskUsage > uint64(float64(paramtable.Get().QueryNodeCfg.DiskCapacityLimit.GetAsInt64())*paramtable.Get().QueryNodeCfg.MaxDiskUsagePercentage.GetAsFloat()) {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("load segment failed, disk space is not enough, diskUsage = %v MB, predictDiskUsage = %v MB, totalDisk = %v MB, thresholdFactor = %f",
return predictMemUsage - memUsage, predictDiskUsage - diskUsage, nil
func (loader *segmentLoader) getFieldType(collectionID, fieldID int64) (schemapb.DataType, error) {
collection := loader.manager.Collection.Get(collectionID)
if collection == nil {
return 0, merr.WrapErrCollectionNotFound(collectionID)
for _, field := range collection.Schema().GetFields() {
if field.GetFieldID() == fieldID {
return field.GetDataType(), nil
return 0, merr.WrapErrFieldNotFound(fieldID)
func (loader *segmentLoader) LoadIndex(ctx context.Context, segment *LocalSegment, loadInfo *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, version int64) error {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("collection", segment.Collection()),
zap.Int64("segment", segment.ID()),
// Filter out LOADING segments only
// use None to avoid loaded check
infos := loader.prepare(commonpb.SegmentState_SegmentStateNone, version, loadInfo)
defer loader.unregister(infos...)
indexInfo := lo.Map(infos, func(info *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, _ int) *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo {
info = typeutil.Clone(info)
info.BinlogPaths = nil
info.Deltalogs = nil
info.Statslogs = nil
return info
resource, _, err := loader.requestResource(ctx, indexInfo...)
if err != nil {
return err
defer loader.freeRequest(resource)
log.Info("segment loader start to load index", zap.Int("segmentNumAfterFilter", len(infos)))
for _, loadInfo := range infos {
fieldIDs := typeutil.NewSet(lo.Map(loadInfo.GetIndexInfos(), func(info *querypb.FieldIndexInfo, _ int) int64 { return info.GetFieldID() })...)
fieldInfos := lo.SliceToMap(lo.Filter(loadInfo.GetBinlogPaths(), func(info *datapb.FieldBinlog, _ int) bool { return fieldIDs.Contain(info.GetFieldID()) }),
func(info *datapb.FieldBinlog) (int64, *datapb.FieldBinlog) { return info.GetFieldID(), info })
for _, info := range loadInfo.GetIndexInfos() {
if len(info.GetIndexFilePaths()) == 0 {
log.Warn("failed to add index for segment, index file list is empty, the segment may be too small")
return merr.WrapErrIndexNotFound("index file list empty")
fieldInfo, ok := fieldInfos[info.GetFieldID()]
if !ok {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("index info with corresponding field info", "missing field info", strconv.FormatInt(fieldInfo.GetFieldID(), 10))
err := loader.loadFieldIndex(ctx, segment, info)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to load index for segment", zap.Error(err))
return err
segment.AddIndex(info.FieldID, &IndexedFieldInfo{
IndexInfo: info,
FieldBinlog: fieldInfo,
return loader.waitSegmentLoadDone(ctx, commonpb.SegmentState_SegmentStateNone, loadInfo.GetSegmentID())
func getBinlogDataSize(fieldBinlog *datapb.FieldBinlog) int64 {
fieldSize := int64(0)
for _, binlog := range fieldBinlog.Binlogs {
fieldSize += binlog.LogSize
return fieldSize
func getIndexEngineVersion() (minimal, current int32) {
cMinimal, cCurrent := C.GetMinimalIndexVersion(), C.GetCurrentIndexVersion()
return int32(cMinimal), int32(cCurrent)