
1534 lines
59 KiB

import time
import random
import pdb
import threading
import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool, Process
import pytest
from milvus import IndexType, MetricType
from utils import *
import ujson
dim = 128
index_file_size = 10
nprobe = 1
top_k = 1
tag = "1970-01-01"
nb = 6000
class TestCacheConfig:
The following cases are used to test `get_config` function
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def skip_http_check(self, args):
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
def reset_configs(self, connect):
reset configs so the tests are stable
status, reply = connect.set_config("cache", "cache_size", '4GB')
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", "cache_size")
assert config_value == '4GB'
status, reply = connect.set_config("cache", "insert_buffer_size", '1GB')
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", "insert_buffer_size")
assert config_value == '1GB'
def test_get_cache_size_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid parent key
method: call get_config without parent_key: cache
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = gen_invalid_cache_config()
invalid_configs.extend(["Cache_config", "cache config", "cache_Config", "cacheconfig"])
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config(config, "cache_size")
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_cache_size_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: cache_size
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = gen_invalid_cache_config()
invalid_configs.extend(["Cpu_cache_size", "cpu cache_size", "cpucachecapacity"])
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_cache_size_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get cache_size
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", "cache_size")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_insert_buffer_size_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid parent key
method: call get_config without parent_key: cache
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = gen_invalid_cache_config()
invalid_configs.extend(["Cache_config", "cache config", "cache_Config", "cacheconfig"])
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config(config, "insert_buffer_size")
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_insert_buffer_size_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: insert_buffer_size
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = gen_invalid_cache_config()
invalid_configs.extend(["Insert_buffer_size", "insert buffer_size", "insertbuffersize"])
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_insert_buffer_size_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get insert_buffer_size
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", "insert_buffer_size")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_preload_collection_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: preload_collection
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["preloadtable", "preload_collection "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_preload_collection_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get preload_collection
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", "preload_collection")
assert status.OK()
The following cases are used to test `set_config` function
def get_memory_available(self, connect):
_, info = connect._cmd("get_system_info")
mem_info = ujson.loads(info)
mem_total = int(mem_info["memory_total"])
mem_used = int(mem_info["memory_used"])
mem_available = mem_total - mem_used
return int(mem_available / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
def get_memory_total(self, connect):
_, info = connect._cmd("get_system_info")
mem_info = ujson.loads(info)
mem_total = int(mem_info["memory_total"])
return int(mem_total / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
def test_set_cache_size_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid parent key
method: call set_config without parent_key: cache
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = gen_invalid_cache_config()
invalid_configs.extend(["Cache_config", "cache config", "cache_Config", "cacheconfig"])
for config in invalid_configs:
status, reply = connect.set_config(config, "cache_size", '4GB')
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_cache_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid child key
method: call set_config with invalid child_key
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = gen_invalid_cache_config()
for config in invalid_configs:
status, reply = connect.set_config("cache", config, '4GB')
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_cache_size_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set cache_size
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
status, reply = connect.set_config("cache", "cache_size", '8GB')
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", "cache_size")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == '8GB'
def test_set_cache_size_valid_multiple_times(self, connect, collection):
target: set cache_size
method: call set_config correctly and repeatedly
expected: status ok
for i in range(20):
status, reply = connect.set_config("cache", "cache_size", '4GB')
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", "cache_size")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == '4GB'
for i in range(20):
status, reply = connect.set_config("cache", "cache_size", '8GB')
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", "cache_size")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == '8GB'
def test_set_insert_buffer_size_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid parent key
method: call set_config without parent_key: cache
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = gen_invalid_cache_config()
invalid_configs.extend(["Cache_config", "cache config", "cache_Config", "cacheconfig"])
for config in invalid_configs:
status, reply = connect.set_config(config, "insert_buffer_size", '1GB')
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_insert_buffer_size_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set insert_buffer_size
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
status, reply = connect.set_config("cache", "insert_buffer_size", '2GB')
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", "insert_buffer_size")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == '2GB'
def test_set_insert_buffer_size_valid_multiple_times(self, connect, collection):
target: set insert_buffer_size
method: call get_config correctly and repeatedly
expected: status ok
for i in range(20):
status, reply = connect.set_config("cache", "insert_buffer_size", '1GB')
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", "insert_buffer_size")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == '1GB'
for i in range(20):
status, reply = connect.set_config("cache", "insert_buffer_size", '2GB')
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", "insert_buffer_size")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == '2GB'
def test_set_cache_out_of_memory_value_A(self, connect, collection):
target: set cache_size / insert_buffer_size to be out-of-memory
method: call set_config with child values bigger than current system memory
expected: status not ok (cache_size + insert_buffer_size < system memory)
mem_total = self.get_memory_total(connect)
status, reply = connect.set_config("cache", "cache_size", str(int(mem_total + 1))+'GB')
assert not status.OK()
status, reply = connect.set_config("cache", "insert_buffer_size", str(int(mem_total + 1))+'GB')
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_preload_collection_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set preload_collection
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
status, reply = connect.set_config("cache", "preload_collection", "")
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("cache", "preload_collection")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == ""
class TestGPUConfig:
The following cases are used to test `get_config` function
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def skip_http_check(self, args):
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
def test_get_gpu_search_threshold_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid parent key
method: call get_config without parent_key: gpu
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Engine_config", "engine config"]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config(config, "gpu_search_threshold")
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_gpu_search_threshold_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: gpu_search_threshold
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Gpu_search_threshold", "gpusearchthreshold"]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_gpu_search_threshold_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get gpu_search_threshold
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "gpu_search_threshold")
assert status.OK()
The following cases are used to test `set_config` function
def test_set_gpu_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid child key
method: call set_config with invalid child_key
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = gen_invalid_gpu_config()
for config in invalid_configs:
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", config, 1000)
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_gpu_search_threshold_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid parent key
method: call set_config without parent_key: gpu
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = gen_invalid_gpu_config()
invalid_configs.extend(["Engine_config", "engine config"])
for config in invalid_configs:
status, reply = connect.set_config(config, "gpu_search_threshold", 1000)
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_gpu_search_threshold_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set gpu_search_threshold
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "gpu_search_threshold", 2000)
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "gpu_search_threshold")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == '2000'
def test_set_gpu_invalid_values(self, connect, collection):
target: set gpu
method: call set_config with invalid child values
expected: status not ok
for i in [-1, "1000\n", "1000\t", "1000.0", 1000.35]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "use_blas_threshold", i)
assert not status.OK()
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "GPU":
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "gpu_search_threshold", i)
assert not status.OK()
def reset_configs(self, connect):
reset configs so the tests are stable
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "enable", "true")
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "enable")
assert config_value == "true"
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "cache_size", 1)
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "cache_size")
assert config_value == '1'
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "search_devices", "gpu0")
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "search_devices")
assert config_value == 'gpu0'
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "build_index_devices", "gpu0")
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "build_index_devices")
assert config_value == 'gpu0'
def test_get_gpu_enable_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid parent key
method: call get_config without parent_key: gpu
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Gpu_resource_config", "gpu resource config", \
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config(config, "enable")
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_gpu_enable_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: enable
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Enable", "enable ", "disable", "true"]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_gpu_enable_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get enable status
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "enable")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == "true" or config_value == "false"
def test_get_cache_size_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid parent key
method: call get_config without parent_key: gpu
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Gpu_resource_config", "gpu resource config", \
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config(config, "cache_size")
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_cache_size_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: cache_size
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Cache_capacity", "cachecapacity"]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_cache_size_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get cache_size
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "cache_size")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_search_devices_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid parent key
method: call get_config without parent_key: gpu
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Gpu_resource_config", "gpu resource config", \
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config(config, "search_devices")
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_search_devices_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: search_devices
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Search_resources"]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_search_devices_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get search_devices
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "search_devices")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_build_index_devices_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid parent key
method: call get_config without parent_key: gpu
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Gpu_resource_config", "gpu resource config", \
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config(config, "build_index_devices")
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_build_index_devices_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: build_index_devices
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Build_index_resources"]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_build_index_devices_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get build_index_devices
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "build_index_devices")
assert status.OK()
The following cases are used to test `set_config` function
def test_set_gpu_enable_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid parent key
method: call set_config without parent_key: gpu
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Gpu_resource_config", "gpu resource config", \
for config in invalid_configs:
status, reply = connect.set_config(config, "enable", "true")
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_gpu_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid child key
method: call set_config with invalid child_key
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Gpu_resource_config", "gpu resource config", \
for config in invalid_configs:
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", config, "true")
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_gpu_enable_invalid_values(self, connect, collection):
target: set "enable" param
method: call set_config with invalid child values
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
for i in [-1, -2, 100]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "enable", i)
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_gpu_enable_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set "enable" param
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
valid_configs = ["off", "False", "0", "nO", "on", "True", 1, "yES"]
for config in valid_configs:
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "enable", config)
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "enable")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == str(config)
def test_set_cache_size_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid parent key
method: call set_config without parent_key: gpu
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Gpu_resource_config", "gpu resource config", \
for config in invalid_configs:
status, reply = connect.set_config(config, "cache_size", 2)
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_cache_size_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set cache_size
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "cache_size", 2)
assert status.OK()
def test_set_cache_size_invalid_values(self, connect, collection):
target: set cache_size
method: call set_config with invalid child values
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
for i in [-1, "1\n", "1\t"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "cache_size", i)
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_search_devices_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid parent key
method: call set_config without parent_key: gpu
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Gpu_resource_config", "gpu resource config", \
for config in invalid_configs:
status, reply = connect.set_config(config, "search_devices", "gpu0")
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_search_devices_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set search_devices
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "search_devices", "gpu0")
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "search_devices")
assert config_value == "gpu0"
def test_set_search_devices_invalid_values(self, connect, collection):
target: set search_devices
method: call set_config with invalid child values
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
for i in [-1, "10", "gpu-1", "gpu0, gpu1", "gpu22,gpu44","gpu10000","gpu 0","-gpu0"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "search_devices", i)
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_build_index_devices_invalid_parent_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid parent key
method: call set_config without parent_key: gpu
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
invalid_configs = ["Gpu_resource_config", "gpu resource config", \
for config in invalid_configs:
status, reply = connect.set_config(config, "build_index_devices", "gpu0")
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_build_index_devices_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set build_index_devices
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "build_index_devices", "gpu0")
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("gpu", "build_index_devices")
assert config_value == "gpu0"
def test_set_build_index_devices_invalid_values(self, connect, collection):
target: set build_index_devices
method: call set_config with invalid child values
expected: status not ok
if str(connect._cmd("mode")[1]) == "CPU":
pytest.skip("Only support GPU mode")
for i in [-1, "10", "gpu-1", "gpu0, gpu1", "gpu22,gpu44","gpu10000","gpu 0","-gpu0"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("gpu", "build_index_devices", i)
assert not status.OK()
class TestNetworkConfig:
The following cases are used to test `get_config` function
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def skip_http_check(self, args):
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
def test_get_address_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: address
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["Address", "addresses", "address "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("network", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_address_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get address
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("network", "bind.address")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_port_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: port
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["Port", "PORT", "port "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("network", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_port_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get port
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("network", "http.port")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_http_port_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: http.port
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["webport", "Web_port", "http.port "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("network", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_http_port_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get http.port
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("network", "http.port")
assert status.OK()
The following cases are used to test `set_config` function
def gen_valid_timezones(self):
timezones = []
for i in range(0, 13):
timezones.append("UTC+" + str(i))
timezones.append("UTC-" + str(i))
timezones.extend(["UTC+13", "UTC+14"])
return timezones
def test_set_network_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid child key
method: call set_config with invalid child_key
expected: status not ok
status, reply = connect.set_config("network", "child_key", 19530)
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_address_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set address
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
status, reply = connect.set_config("network", "bind.address", '')
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("network", "bind.address")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == ''
def test_set_port_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set port
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
for valid_port in [1025, 65534, 12345, "19530"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("network", "http.port", valid_port)
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("network", "http.port")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == str(valid_port)
def test_set_port_invalid(self, connect, collection):
target: set port
method: call set_config with port number out of range(1024, 65535)
expected: status not ok
for invalid_port in [1024, 65535, "0", "True", "19530 ", "100000"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("network", "http.port", invalid_port)
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_http_port_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set http.port
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
for valid_http_port in [1025, 65534, "12345", 19121]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("network", "http.port", valid_http_port)
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("network", "http.port")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == str(valid_http_port)
def test_set_http_port_invalid(self, connect, collection):
target: set http.port
method: call set_config with http.port number out of range(1024, 65535)
expected: status not ok
for invalid_http_port in [1024, 65535, "0", "True", "19530 ", "1000000"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("network", "http.port", invalid_http_port)
assert not status.OK()
class TestGeneralConfig:
The following cases are used to test `get_config` function
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def skip_http_check(self, args):
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
def test_get_meta_uri_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: meta_uri
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["backend_Url", "backend-url", "meta_uri "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("general", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_meta_uri_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get meta_uri
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("general", "meta_uri")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_timezone_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: timezone
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["time", "timezone "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("general", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_timezone_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get timezone
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("general", "timezone")
assert status.OK()
assert "UTC" in config_value
The following cases are used to test `set_config` function
def test_set_timezone_invalid(self, connect, collection):
target: set timezone
method: call set_config with invalid timezone
expected: status not ok
for invalid_timezone in ["utc+8", "UTC++8", "GMT+8"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("general", "timezone", invalid_timezone)
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_general_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid child key
method: call set_config with invalid child_key
expected: status not ok
status, reply = connect.set_config("general", "child_key", 1)
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_meta_uri_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set meta_uri
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
status, reply = connect.set_config("general", "meta_uri", 'sqlite://:@:/')
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("general", "meta_uri")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == 'sqlite://:@:/'
class TestStorageConfig:
The following cases are used to test `get_config` function
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def skip_http_check(self, args):
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
def test_get_path_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: path
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["Primary_path", "primarypath", "path "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("storage", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_path_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get path
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("storage", "path")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_auto_flush_interval_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: auto_flush_interval
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["autoFlushInterval", "auto_flush", "auto_flush_interval "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("storage", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_auto_flush_interval_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get auto_flush_interval
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("storage", "auto_flush_interval")
assert status.OK()
The following cases are used to test `set_config` function
def test_set_storage_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid child key
method: call set_config with invalid child_key
expected: status not ok
status, reply = connect.set_config("storage", "child_key", "")
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_path_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set path
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
status, reply = connect.set_config("storage", "path", '/var/lib/milvus')
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("storage", "path")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == '/var/lib/milvus'
def test_set_auto_flush_interval_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set auto_flush_interval
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
for valid_auto_flush_interval in [2, 1]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("storage", "auto_flush_interval", valid_auto_flush_interval)
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("storage", "auto_flush_interval")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == str(valid_auto_flush_interval)
def test_set_auto_flush_interval_invalid(self, connect, collection):
target: set auto_flush_interval
method: call set_config with invalid auto_flush_interval
expected: status not ok
for invalid_auto_flush_interval in [-1, "1.5", "invalid", "1+2"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("storage", "auto_flush_interval", invalid_auto_flush_interval)
assert not status.OK()
class TestMetricConfig:
The following cases are used to test `get_config` function
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def skip_http_check(self, args):
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
def test_get_enable_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: enable
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["enablemonitor", "Enable_monitor", "enable "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("metric", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_enable_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get enable
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("metric", "enable")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_address_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: address
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["Address", "addresses", "address "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("metric", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_address_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get address
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("metric", "address")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_port_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: port
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["Port", "PORT", "port "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("metric", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_port_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get port
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("metric", "port")
assert status.OK()
The following cases are used to test `set_config` function
def test_set_metric_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid child key
method: call set_config with invalid child_key
expected: status not ok
status, reply = connect.set_config("metric", "child_key", 19530)
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_enable_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set enable
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
for valid_enable in ["Off", "false", 0, "yes", "On", "true", "1", "NO"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("metric", "enable", valid_enable)
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("metric", "enable")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == str(valid_enable)
def test_set_address_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set address
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
status, reply = connect.set_config("metric", "address", '')
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("metric", "address")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == ''
def test_set_port_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set port
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
for valid_port in [1025, 65534, "19530", "9091"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("metric", "port", valid_port)
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("metric", "port")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == str(valid_port)
def test_set_port_invalid(self, connect, collection):
target: set port
method: call set_config with port number out of range(1024, 65535), or same as http.port number
expected: status not ok
for invalid_port in [1024, 65535, "0", "True", "19530 ", "100000"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("metric", "port", invalid_port)
assert not status.OK()
# class TestTracingConfig:
# """
# ******************************************************************
# The following cases are used to test `get_config` function
# ******************************************************************
# """
# @pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
# def skip_http_check(self, args):
# if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
# pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
# @pytest.mark.timeout(CONFIG_TIMEOUT)
# def test_get_json_config_path_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# target: get invalid child key
# method: call get_config without child_key: json_config_path
# expected: status not ok
# '''
# invalid_configs = ["json_config", "jsonconfigpath", "json_config_path "]
# for config in invalid_configs:
# status, config_value = connect.get_config("tracing_config", config)
# assert not status.OK()
# @pytest.mark.timeout(CONFIG_TIMEOUT)
# def test_get_json_config_path_valid(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# target: get json_config_path
# method: call get_config correctly
# expected: status ok
# '''
# status, config_value = connect.get_config("tracing_config", "json_config_path")
# assert status.OK()
# """
# ******************************************************************
# The following cases are used to test `set_config` function
# ******************************************************************
# """
# @pytest.mark.timeout(CONFIG_TIMEOUT)
# def test_set_tracing_config_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# target: set invalid child key
# method: call set_config with invalid child_key
# expected: status not ok
# '''
# status, reply = connect.set_config("tracing_config", "child_key", "")
# assert not status.OK()
# @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Currently not supported")
# def test_set_json_config_path_valid(self, connect, collection):
# '''
# target: set json_config_path
# method: call set_config correctly
# expected: status ok, set successfully
# '''
# status, reply = connect.set_config("tracing_config", "json_config_path", "")
# assert status.OK()
# status, config_value = connect.get_config("tracing_config", "json_config_path")
# assert status.OK()
# assert config_value == ""
class TestWALConfig:
The following cases are used to test `get_config` function
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def skip_http_check(self, args):
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
def test_get_enable_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: enable
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["enabled", "Enable", "enable "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("wal", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_enable_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get enable
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("wal", "enable")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_recovery_error_ignore_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: recovery_error_ignore
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["recovery-error-ignore", "Recovery_error_ignore", "recovery_error_ignore "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("wal", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_recovery_error_ignore_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get recovery_error_ignore
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("wal", "recovery_error_ignore")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_buffer_size_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: buffer_size
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["buffersize", "Buffer_size", "buffer_size "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("wal", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_buffer_size_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get buffer_size
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("wal", "buffer_size")
assert status.OK()
def test_get_wal_path_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: get invalid child key
method: call get_config without child_key: wal_path
expected: status not ok
invalid_configs = ["wal", "Wal_path", "wal_path "]
for config in invalid_configs:
status, config_value = connect.get_config("wal", config)
assert not status.OK()
def test_get_wal_path_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: get wal_path
method: call get_config correctly
expected: status ok
status, config_value = connect.get_config("wal", "path")
assert status.OK()
The following cases are used to test `set_config` function
def test_set_wal_invalid_child_key(self, connect, collection):
target: set invalid child key
method: call set_config with invalid child_key
expected: status not ok
status, reply = connect.set_config("wal", "child_key", 256)
assert not status.OK()
def test_set_enable_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set enable
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
for valid_enable in ["Off", "false", 0, "no", "On", "true", "1", "YES"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("wal", "enable", valid_enable)
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("wal", "enable")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == str(valid_enable)
def test_set_recovery_error_ignore_valid(self, connect, collection):
target: set recovery_error_ignore
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
for valid_recovery_error_ignore in ["Off", "false", "0", "no", "On", "true", "1", "YES"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("wal", "recovery_error_ignore", valid_recovery_error_ignore)
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("wal", "recovery_error_ignore")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == valid_recovery_error_ignore
def test_set_buffer_size_valid_A(self, connect, collection):
target: set buffer_size
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
for valid_buffer_size in ["64MB", "128MB", "4096MB", "1000MB", "256MB"]:
status, reply = connect.set_config("wal", "buffer_size", valid_buffer_size)
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("wal", "buffer_size")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == str(valid_buffer_size)
def test_set_wal_path_valid(self, connect, collection, args):
target: set wal_path
method: call set_config correctly
expected: status ok, set successfully
status, reply = connect.set_config("wal", "path", "/var/lib/milvus/wal")
assert status.OK()
status, config_value = connect.get_config("wal", "path")
assert status.OK()
assert config_value == "/var/lib/milvus/wal"