
433 lines
16 KiB

// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package milvusclient
import (
type WriteSuite struct {
schema *entity.Schema
schemaDyn *entity.Schema
func (s *WriteSuite) SetupSuite() {
s.schema = entity.NewSchema().
s.schemaDyn = entity.NewSchema().WithDynamicFieldEnabled(true).
func (s *WriteSuite) TestInsert() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
s.Run("success", func() {
collName := fmt.Sprintf("coll_%s", s.randString(6))
partName := fmt.Sprintf("part_%s", s.randString(6))
s.setupCache(collName, s.schema)
s.mock.EXPECT().Insert(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, ir *milvuspb.InsertRequest) (*milvuspb.MutationResult, error) {
s.Equal(collName, ir.GetCollectionName())
s.Equal(partName, ir.GetPartitionName())
s.Require().Len(ir.GetFieldsData(), 4)
s.EqualValues(3, ir.GetNumRows())
return &milvuspb.MutationResult{
Status: merr.Success(),
InsertCnt: 3,
IDs: &schemapb.IDs{
IdField: &schemapb.IDs_IntId{
IntId: &schemapb.LongArray{
Data: []int64{1, 2, 3},
}, nil
result, err := s.client.Insert(ctx, NewColumnBasedInsertOption(collName).
WithFloatVectorColumn("vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithFloat16VectorColumn("fp16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithBFloat16VectorColumn("bf16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithInt64Column("id", []int64{1, 2, 3}).WithPartition(partName))
s.EqualValues(3, result.InsertCount)
s.Run("dynamic_schema", func() {
collName := fmt.Sprintf("coll_%s", s.randString(6))
partName := fmt.Sprintf("part_%s", s.randString(6))
s.setupCache(collName, s.schemaDyn)
s.mock.EXPECT().Insert(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, ir *milvuspb.InsertRequest) (*milvuspb.MutationResult, error) {
s.Equal(collName, ir.GetCollectionName())
s.Equal(partName, ir.GetPartitionName())
s.Require().Len(ir.GetFieldsData(), 5)
s.EqualValues(3, ir.GetNumRows())
return &milvuspb.MutationResult{
Status: merr.Success(),
InsertCnt: 3,
IDs: &schemapb.IDs{
IdField: &schemapb.IDs_IntId{
IntId: &schemapb.LongArray{
Data: []int64{1, 2, 3},
}, nil
result, err := s.client.Insert(ctx, NewColumnBasedInsertOption(collName).
WithFloatVectorColumn("vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithFloat16VectorColumn("fp16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithBFloat16VectorColumn("bf16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithVarcharColumn("extra", []string{"a", "b", "c"}).
WithInt64Column("id", []int64{1, 2, 3}).WithPartition(partName))
s.EqualValues(3, result.InsertCount)
s.Run("bad_input", func() {
collName := fmt.Sprintf("coll_%s", s.randString(6))
s.setupCache(collName, s.schema)
type badCase struct {
tag string
input InsertOption
cases := []badCase{
tag: "row_count_not_match",
input: NewColumnBasedInsertOption(collName).WithInt64Column("id", []int64{1}).
WithFloatVectorColumn("vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
tag: "duplicated_columns",
input: NewColumnBasedInsertOption(collName).
WithInt64Column("id", []int64{1}).
WithInt64Column("id", []int64{2}).
WithFloatVectorColumn("vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(1, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithFloat16VectorColumn("fp16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithBFloat16VectorColumn("bf16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
tag: "different_data_type",
input: NewColumnBasedInsertOption(collName).
WithVarcharColumn("id", []string{"1"}).
WithFloatVectorColumn("vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(1, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithFloat16VectorColumn("fp16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithBFloat16VectorColumn("bf16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
for _, tc := range cases {
s.Run(tc.tag, func() {
_, err := s.client.Insert(ctx, tc.input)
s.Run("failure", func() {
collName := fmt.Sprintf("coll_%s", s.randString(6))
s.setupCache(collName, s.schema)
s.mock.EXPECT().Insert(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil, merr.WrapErrServiceInternal("mocked")).Once()
_, err := s.client.Insert(ctx, NewColumnBasedInsertOption(collName).
WithFloatVectorColumn("vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithFloat16VectorColumn("fp16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithBFloat16VectorColumn("bf16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithInt64Column("id", []int64{1, 2, 3}))
func (s *WriteSuite) TestUpsert() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
s.Run("success", func() {
collName := fmt.Sprintf("coll_%s", s.randString(6))
partName := fmt.Sprintf("part_%s", s.randString(6))
s.setupCache(collName, s.schema)
s.mock.EXPECT().Upsert(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, ur *milvuspb.UpsertRequest) (*milvuspb.MutationResult, error) {
s.Equal(collName, ur.GetCollectionName())
s.Equal(partName, ur.GetPartitionName())
s.Require().Len(ur.GetFieldsData(), 4)
s.EqualValues(3, ur.GetNumRows())
return &milvuspb.MutationResult{
Status: merr.Success(),
UpsertCnt: 3,
IDs: &schemapb.IDs{
IdField: &schemapb.IDs_IntId{
IntId: &schemapb.LongArray{
Data: []int64{1, 2, 3},
}, nil
result, err := s.client.Upsert(ctx, NewColumnBasedInsertOption(collName).
WithFloatVectorColumn("vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithFloat16VectorColumn("fp16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithBFloat16VectorColumn("bf16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithInt64Column("id", []int64{1, 2, 3}).WithPartition(partName))
s.EqualValues(3, result.UpsertCount)
s.Run("dynamic_schema", func() {
collName := fmt.Sprintf("coll_%s", s.randString(6))
partName := fmt.Sprintf("part_%s", s.randString(6))
s.setupCache(collName, s.schemaDyn)
s.mock.EXPECT().Upsert(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, ur *milvuspb.UpsertRequest) (*milvuspb.MutationResult, error) {
s.Equal(collName, ur.GetCollectionName())
s.Equal(partName, ur.GetPartitionName())
s.Require().Len(ur.GetFieldsData(), 5)
s.EqualValues(3, ur.GetNumRows())
return &milvuspb.MutationResult{
Status: merr.Success(),
UpsertCnt: 3,
IDs: &schemapb.IDs{
IdField: &schemapb.IDs_IntId{
IntId: &schemapb.LongArray{
Data: []int64{1, 2, 3},
}, nil
result, err := s.client.Upsert(ctx, NewColumnBasedInsertOption(collName).
WithFloatVectorColumn("vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithFloat16VectorColumn("fp16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithBFloat16VectorColumn("bf16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithVarcharColumn("extra", []string{"a", "b", "c"}).
WithInt64Column("id", []int64{1, 2, 3}).WithPartition(partName))
s.EqualValues(3, result.UpsertCount)
s.Run("bad_input", func() {
collName := fmt.Sprintf("coll_%s", s.randString(6))
s.setupCache(collName, s.schema)
type badCase struct {
tag string
input UpsertOption
cases := []badCase{
tag: "row_count_not_match",
input: NewColumnBasedInsertOption(collName).WithInt64Column("id", []int64{1}).
WithFloatVectorColumn("vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithFloat16VectorColumn("fp16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithBFloat16VectorColumn("bf16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
tag: "duplicated_columns",
input: NewColumnBasedInsertOption(collName).
WithInt64Column("id", []int64{1}).
WithInt64Column("id", []int64{2}).
WithFloatVectorColumn("vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(1, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithFloat16VectorColumn("fp16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithBFloat16VectorColumn("bf16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
tag: "different_data_type",
input: NewColumnBasedInsertOption(collName).
WithVarcharColumn("id", []string{"1"}).
WithFloatVectorColumn("vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(1, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithFloat16VectorColumn("fp16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithBFloat16VectorColumn("bf16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
for _, tc := range cases {
s.Run(tc.tag, func() {
_, err := s.client.Upsert(ctx, tc.input)
s.Run("failure", func() {
collName := fmt.Sprintf("coll_%s", s.randString(6))
s.setupCache(collName, s.schema)
s.mock.EXPECT().Upsert(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil, merr.WrapErrServiceInternal("mocked")).Once()
_, err := s.client.Upsert(ctx, NewColumnBasedInsertOption(collName).
WithFloatVectorColumn("vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithFloat16VectorColumn("fp16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithBFloat16VectorColumn("bf16_vector", 128, lo.RepeatBy(3, func(i int) []float32 {
return lo.RepeatBy(128, func(i int) float32 { return rand.Float32() })
WithInt64Column("id", []int64{1, 2, 3}))
func (s *WriteSuite) TestDelete() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
s.Run("success", func() {
collName := fmt.Sprintf("coll_%s", s.randString(6))
partName := fmt.Sprintf("part_%s", s.randString(6))
type testCase struct {
tag string
input DeleteOption
expectExpr string
cases := []testCase{
tag: "raw_expr",
input: NewDeleteOption(collName).WithPartition(partName).WithExpr("id > 100"),
expectExpr: "id > 100",
tag: "int_ids",
input: NewDeleteOption(collName).WithPartition(partName).WithInt64IDs("id", []int64{1, 2, 3}),
expectExpr: "id in [1,2,3]",
tag: "str_ids",
input: NewDeleteOption(collName).WithPartition(partName).WithStringIDs("id", []string{"a", "b", "c"}),
expectExpr: `id in ["a","b","c"]`,
for _, tc := range cases {
s.Run(tc.tag, func() {
s.mock.EXPECT().Delete(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, dr *milvuspb.DeleteRequest) (*milvuspb.MutationResult, error) {
s.Equal(collName, dr.GetCollectionName())
s.Equal(partName, dr.GetPartitionName())
s.Equal(tc.expectExpr, dr.GetExpr())
return &milvuspb.MutationResult{
Status: merr.Success(),
DeleteCnt: 100,
}, nil
result, err := s.client.Delete(ctx, tc.input)
s.EqualValues(100, result.DeleteCount)
func TestWrite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(WriteSuite))