
426 lines
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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// limitations under the License.
package datacoord
import (
// getQuotaMetrics returns DataCoordQuotaMetrics.
func (s *Server) getQuotaMetrics() *metricsinfo.DataCoordQuotaMetrics {
info := s.meta.GetQuotaInfo()
// Just generate the metrics data regularly
_ = s.meta.SetStoredIndexFileSizeMetric()
return info
func (s *Server) getCollectionMetrics(ctx context.Context) *metricsinfo.DataCoordCollectionMetrics {
totalNumRows := s.meta.GetAllCollectionNumRows()
ret := &metricsinfo.DataCoordCollectionMetrics{
Collections: make(map[int64]*metricsinfo.DataCoordCollectionInfo, len(totalNumRows)),
for collectionID, total := range totalNumRows {
if _, ok := ret.Collections[collectionID]; !ok {
ret.Collections[collectionID] = &metricsinfo.DataCoordCollectionInfo{
NumEntitiesTotal: 0,
IndexInfo: make([]*metricsinfo.DataCoordIndexInfo, 0),
ret.Collections[collectionID].NumEntitiesTotal = total
indexInfo, err := s.DescribeIndex(ctx, &indexpb.DescribeIndexRequest{
CollectionID: collectionID,
IndexName: "",
Timestamp: 0,
if err := merr.CheckRPCCall(indexInfo, err); err != nil {
log.Ctx(ctx).Warn("failed to describe index, ignore to report index metrics",
zap.Int64("collection", collectionID),
for _, info := range indexInfo.GetIndexInfos() {
ret.Collections[collectionID].IndexInfo = append(ret.Collections[collectionID].IndexInfo, &metricsinfo.DataCoordIndexInfo{
NumEntitiesIndexed: info.GetIndexedRows(),
IndexName: info.GetIndexName(),
FieldID: info.GetFieldID(),
return ret
func (s *Server) getChannelsJSON(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest) (string, error) {
channels, err := getMetrics[*metricsinfo.Channel](s, ctx, req)
// fill checkpoint timestamp
channel2Checkpoints := s.meta.GetChannelCheckpoints()
for _, channel := range channels {
if cp, ok := channel2Checkpoints[channel.Name]; ok {
channel.CheckpointTS = tsoutil.PhysicalTimeFormat(cp.GetTimestamp())
} else {
log.Warn("channel not found in meta cache", zap.String("channel", channel.Name))
return metricsinfo.MarshalGetMetricsValues(channels, err)
// mergeChannels merges the channel metrics from data nodes and channel watch infos from channel manager
// dnChannels: a slice of Channel metrics from data nodes
// dcChannels: a map of channel watch infos from the channel manager, keyed by node ID and channel name
func mergeChannels(dnChannels []*metricsinfo.Channel, dcChannels map[int64]map[string]*datapb.ChannelWatchInfo) []*metricsinfo.Channel {
mergedChannels := make([]*metricsinfo.Channel, 0)
// Add or update channels from data nodes
for _, dnChannel := range dnChannels {
if dcChannelMap, ok := dcChannels[dnChannel.NodeID]; ok {
if dcChannel, ok := dcChannelMap[dnChannel.Name]; ok {
dnChannel.WatchState = dcChannel.State.String()
delete(dcChannelMap, dnChannel.Name)
mergedChannels = append(mergedChannels, dnChannel)
// Add remaining channels from channel manager
for nodeID, dcChannelMap := range dcChannels {
for _, dcChannel := range dcChannelMap {
mergedChannels = append(mergedChannels, &metricsinfo.Channel{
Name: dcChannel.Vchan.ChannelName,
CollectionID: dcChannel.Vchan.CollectionID,
WatchState: dcChannel.State.String(),
NodeID: nodeID,
return mergedChannels
func (s *Server) getSegmentsJSON(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest, jsonReq gjson.Result) (string, error) {
v := jsonReq.Get(metricsinfo.MetricRequestParamINKey)
if !v.Exists() {
// default to get all segments from datanode
return s.getDataNodeSegmentsJSON(ctx, req)
in := v.String()
if in == metricsinfo.MetricsRequestParamsInDN {
return s.getDataNodeSegmentsJSON(ctx, req)
if in == metricsinfo.MetricsRequestParamsInDC {
collectionID := metricsinfo.GetCollectionIDFromRequest(jsonReq)
segments := s.meta.getSegmentsMetrics(collectionID)
for _, seg := range segments {
isIndexed, indexedFields := s.meta.indexMeta.GetSegmentIndexedFields(seg.CollectionID, seg.SegmentID)
seg.IndexedFields = indexedFields
seg.IsIndexed = isIndexed
bs, err := json.Marshal(segments)
if err != nil {
log.Ctx(ctx).Warn("marshal segment value failed", zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID), zap.String("err", err.Error()))
return "", nil
return string(bs), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid param value in=[%s], it should be dc or dn", in)
func (s *Server) getDistJSON(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest) string {
segments := s.meta.getSegmentsMetrics(-1)
var channels []*metricsinfo.DmChannel
for nodeID, ch := range s.channelManager.GetChannelWatchInfos() {
for _, chInfo := range ch {
dmChannel := metrics.NewDMChannelFrom(chInfo.GetVchan())
dmChannel.NodeID = nodeID
dmChannel.WatchState = chInfo.State.String()
dmChannel.StartWatchTS = typeutil.TimestampToString(uint64(chInfo.GetStartTs()))
channels = append(channels, dmChannel)
dist := &metricsinfo.DataCoordDist{
Segments: segments,
DMChannels: channels,
bs, err := json.Marshal(dist)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("marshal dist value failed", zap.String("err", err.Error()))
return ""
return string(bs)
func (s *Server) getDataNodeSegmentsJSON(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest) (string, error) {
ret, err := getMetrics[*metricsinfo.Segment](s, ctx, req)
return metricsinfo.MarshalGetMetricsValues(ret, err)
func (s *Server) getSyncTaskJSON(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest) (string, error) {
ret, err := getMetrics[*metricsinfo.SyncTask](s, ctx, req)
return metricsinfo.MarshalGetMetricsValues(ret, err)
// getSystemInfoMetrics composes data cluster metrics
func (s *Server) getSystemInfoMetrics(
ctx context.Context,
req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest,
) (string, error) {
// TODO(dragondriver): add more detail metrics
// get datacoord info
nodes := s.cluster.GetSessions()
clusterTopology := metricsinfo.DataClusterTopology{
Self: s.getDataCoordMetrics(ctx),
ConnectedDataNodes: make([]metricsinfo.DataNodeInfos, 0, len(nodes)),
ConnectedIndexNodes: make([]metricsinfo.IndexNodeInfos, 0),
// for each data node, fetch metrics info
for _, node := range nodes {
infos, err := s.getDataNodeMetrics(ctx, req, node)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("fails to get DataNode metrics", zap.Error(err))
clusterTopology.ConnectedDataNodes = append(clusterTopology.ConnectedDataNodes, infos)
indexNodes := s.indexNodeManager.GetAllClients()
for _, node := range indexNodes {
infos, err := s.getIndexNodeMetrics(ctx, req, node)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("fails to get IndexNode metrics", zap.Error(err))
clusterTopology.ConnectedIndexNodes = append(clusterTopology.ConnectedIndexNodes, infos)
// compose topolgoy struct
coordTopology := metricsinfo.DataCoordTopology{
Cluster: clusterTopology,
Connections: metricsinfo.ConnTopology{
Name: metricsinfo.ConstructComponentName(typeutil.DataCoordRole, paramtable.GetNodeID()),
// TODO(dragondriver): fill ConnectedComponents if necessary
ConnectedComponents: []metricsinfo.ConnectionInfo{},
ret, err := metricsinfo.MarshalTopology(coordTopology)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return ret, nil
// getDataCoordMetrics composes datacoord infos
func (s *Server) getDataCoordMetrics(ctx context.Context) metricsinfo.DataCoordInfos {
used, total, err := hardware.GetDiskUsage(paramtable.Get().LocalStorageCfg.Path.GetValue())
if err != nil {
log.Ctx(ctx).Warn("get disk usage failed", zap.Error(err))
ioWait, err := hardware.GetIOWait()
if err != nil {
log.Ctx(ctx).Warn("get iowait failed", zap.Error(err))
ret := metricsinfo.DataCoordInfos{
BaseComponentInfos: metricsinfo.BaseComponentInfos{
Name: metricsinfo.ConstructComponentName(typeutil.DataCoordRole, paramtable.GetNodeID()),
HardwareInfos: metricsinfo.HardwareMetrics{
IP: s.session.GetAddress(),
CPUCoreCount: hardware.GetCPUNum(),
CPUCoreUsage: hardware.GetCPUUsage(),
Memory: hardware.GetMemoryCount(),
MemoryUsage: hardware.GetUsedMemoryCount(),
Disk: total,
DiskUsage: used,
IOWaitPercentage: ioWait,
SystemInfo: metricsinfo.DeployMetrics{},
CreatedTime: paramtable.GetCreateTime().String(),
UpdatedTime: paramtable.GetUpdateTime().String(),
Type: typeutil.DataCoordRole,
ID: paramtable.GetNodeID(),
SystemConfigurations: metricsinfo.DataCoordConfiguration{
SegmentMaxSize: Params.DataCoordCfg.SegmentMaxSize.GetAsFloat(),
QuotaMetrics: s.getQuotaMetrics(),
CollectionMetrics: s.getCollectionMetrics(ctx),
return ret
// getDataNodeMetrics composes DataNode infos
// this function will invoke GetMetrics with DataNode specified in NodeInfo
func (s *Server) getDataNodeMetrics(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest, node *session.Session) (metricsinfo.DataNodeInfos, error) {
infos := metricsinfo.DataNodeInfos{
BaseComponentInfos: metricsinfo.BaseComponentInfos{
HasError: true,
ID: int64(uniquegenerator.GetUniqueIntGeneratorIns().GetInt()),
if node == nil {
return infos, errors.New("DataNode is nil")
cli, err := node.GetOrCreateClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
return infos, err
metrics, err := cli.GetMetrics(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("invalid metrics of DataNode was found",
infos.BaseComponentInfos.ErrorReason = err.Error()
// err handled, returns nil
return infos, nil
infos.BaseComponentInfos.Name = metrics.GetComponentName()
if metrics.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
log.Warn("invalid metrics of DataNode was found",
zap.Any("error_code", metrics.GetStatus().GetErrorCode()),
zap.Any("error_reason", metrics.GetStatus().GetReason()))
infos.BaseComponentInfos.ErrorReason = metrics.GetStatus().GetReason()
return infos, nil
err = metricsinfo.UnmarshalComponentInfos(metrics.GetResponse(), &infos)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("invalid metrics of DataNode found",
infos.BaseComponentInfos.ErrorReason = err.Error()
return infos, nil
infos.BaseComponentInfos.HasError = false
return infos, nil
func (s *Server) getIndexNodeMetrics(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest, node types.IndexNodeClient) (metricsinfo.IndexNodeInfos, error) {
infos := metricsinfo.IndexNodeInfos{
BaseComponentInfos: metricsinfo.BaseComponentInfos{
HasError: true,
ID: int64(uniquegenerator.GetUniqueIntGeneratorIns().GetInt()),
if node == nil {
return infos, errors.New("IndexNode is nil")
metrics, err := node.GetMetrics(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("invalid metrics of IndexNode was found",
infos.BaseComponentInfos.ErrorReason = err.Error()
// err handled, returns nil
return infos, nil
infos.BaseComponentInfos.Name = metrics.GetComponentName()
if metrics.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
log.Warn("invalid metrics of DataNode was found",
zap.Any("error_code", metrics.GetStatus().GetErrorCode()),
zap.Any("error_reason", metrics.GetStatus().GetReason()))
infos.BaseComponentInfos.ErrorReason = metrics.GetStatus().GetReason()
return infos, nil
err = metricsinfo.UnmarshalComponentInfos(metrics.GetResponse(), &infos)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("invalid metrics of IndexNode found",
infos.BaseComponentInfos.ErrorReason = err.Error()
return infos, nil
infos.BaseComponentInfos.HasError = false
return infos, nil
// getMetrics retrieves and aggregates the metrics of the datanode to a slice
func getMetrics[T any](s *Server, ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest) ([]T, error) {
var metrics []T
var mu sync.Mutex
errorGroup, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
nodes := s.cluster.GetSessions()
for _, node := range nodes {
errorGroup.Go(func() error {
cli, err := node.GetOrCreateClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
resp, err := cli.GetMetrics(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to get metric from DataNode", zap.Int64("nodeID", node.NodeID()))
return err
if resp.Response == "" {
return nil
var infos []T
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(resp.Response), &infos)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("invalid metrics of data node was found", zap.Error(err))
return err
metrics = append(metrics, infos...)
return nil
err := errorGroup.Wait()
return metrics, err