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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datacoord
import (
// ROChannelStore is a read only channel store for channels and nodes.
//go:generate mockery --name=ROChannelStore --structname=ROChannelStore --output=./ --filename=mock_ro_channel_store.go --with-expecter
type ROChannelStore interface {
// GetNode returns the channel info of a specific node.
// Returns nil if the node doesn't belong to the cluster
GetNode(nodeID int64) *NodeChannelInfo
// GetNodesChannels returns the channels that are assigned to nodes.
// without bufferID node
GetNodesChannels() []*NodeChannelInfo
// GetBufferChannelInfo gets the unassigned channels.
GetBufferChannelInfo() *NodeChannelInfo
// GetNodes gets all node ids in store.
GetNodes() []int64
// GetNodeChannels for given collection
GetNodeChannelsByCollectionID(collectionID UniqueID) map[UniqueID][]string
GetNodeChannelsBy(nodeSelector NodeSelector, channelSelectors ...ChannelSelector) []*NodeChannelInfo
// RWChannelStore is the read write channel store for channels and nodes.
//go:generate mockery --name=RWChannelStore --structname=RWChannelStore --output=./ --filename=mock_channel_store.go --with-expecter
type RWChannelStore interface {
// Reload restores the buffer channels and node-channels mapping form kv.
Reload() error
// Add creates a new node-channels mapping, with no channels assigned to the node.
AddNode(nodeID int64)
// Delete removes nodeID and returns its channels.
RemoveNode(nodeID int64)
// Update applies the operations in ChannelOpSet.
Update(op *ChannelOpSet) error
// UpdateState is used by StateChannelStore only
UpdateState(isSuccessful bool, nodeID int64, channel RWChannel, opID int64)
// SegLegacyChannelByNode is used by StateChannelStore only
SetLegacyChannelByNode(nodeIDs ...int64)
HasChannel(channel string) bool
// ChannelOpTypeNames implements zap log marshaller for ChannelOpSet.
var ChannelOpTypeNames = []string{"Add", "Delete", "Watch", "Release"}
const (
bufferID = math.MinInt64
delimiter = "/"
maxOperationsPerTxn = 64
maxBytesPerTxn = 1024 * 1024
var errUnknownOpType = errors.New("unknown operation type")
type ChannelOpType int8
const (
Add ChannelOpType = iota
// ChannelOp is an individual ADD or DELETE operation to the channel store.
type ChannelOp struct {
Type ChannelOpType
NodeID int64
Channels []RWChannel
func NewChannelOp(ID int64, opType ChannelOpType, channels ...RWChannel) *ChannelOp {
return &ChannelOp{
Type: opType,
NodeID: ID,
Channels: channels,
func (op *ChannelOp) Append(channels ...RWChannel) {
op.Channels = append(op.Channels, channels...)
func (op *ChannelOp) GetChannelNames() []string {
return lo.Map(op.Channels, func(c RWChannel, _ int) string {
return c.GetName()
func (op *ChannelOp) BuildKV() (map[string]string, []string, error) {
var (
saves = make(map[string]string)
removals = []string{}
for _, ch := range op.Channels {
k := buildNodeChannelKey(op.NodeID, ch.GetName())
switch op.Type {
case Add, Watch, Release:
tmpWatchInfo := proto.Clone(ch.GetWatchInfo()).(*datapb.ChannelWatchInfo)
tmpWatchInfo.Vchan = reduceVChanSize(tmpWatchInfo.GetVchan())
info, err := proto.Marshal(tmpWatchInfo)
if err != nil {
return saves, removals, err
saves[k] = string(info)
case Delete:
removals = append(removals, k)
return saves, removals, errUnknownOpType
return saves, removals, nil
// TODO: NIT: ObjectMarshaler -> ObjectMarshaller
// MarshalLogObject implements the interface ObjectMarshaler.
func (op *ChannelOp) MarshalLogObject(enc zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
enc.AddString("type", ChannelOpTypeNames[op.Type])
enc.AddInt64("nodeID", op.NodeID)
cstr := "["
if len(op.Channels) > 0 {
for _, s := range op.Channels {
cstr += s.GetName()
cstr += ", "
cstr = cstr[:len(cstr)-2]
cstr += "]"
enc.AddString("channels", cstr)
return nil
// ChannelOpSet is a set of channel operations.
type ChannelOpSet struct {
ops []*ChannelOp
func NewChannelOpSet(ops ...*ChannelOp) *ChannelOpSet {
if ops == nil {
ops = []*ChannelOp{}
return &ChannelOpSet{ops}
func (c *ChannelOpSet) Insert(ops ...*ChannelOp) {
c.ops = append(c.ops, ops...)
func (c *ChannelOpSet) Collect() []*ChannelOp {
if c == nil {
return []*ChannelOp{}
return c.ops
func (c *ChannelOpSet) Len() int {
if c == nil {
return 0
return len(c.ops)
// Add a new Add channel op, for ToWatch and ToRelease
func (c *ChannelOpSet) Add(ID int64, channels ...RWChannel) {
c.Append(ID, Add, channels...)
func (c *ChannelOpSet) Delete(ID int64, channels ...RWChannel) {
c.Append(ID, Delete, channels...)
func (c *ChannelOpSet) Append(ID int64, opType ChannelOpType, channels ...RWChannel) {
c.ops = append(c.ops, NewChannelOp(ID, opType, channels...))
func (c *ChannelOpSet) GetChannelNumber() int {
if c == nil {
return 0
uniqChannels := typeutil.NewSet[string]()
for _, op := range c.ops {
uniqChannels.Insert(lo.Map(op.Channels, func(ch RWChannel, _ int) string {
return ch.GetName()
return uniqChannels.Len()
func (c *ChannelOpSet) SplitByChannel() map[string]*ChannelOpSet {
perChOps := make(map[string]*ChannelOpSet)
for _, op := range c.Collect() {
for _, ch := range op.Channels {
if _, ok := perChOps[ch.GetName()]; !ok {
perChOps[ch.GetName()] = NewChannelOpSet()
perChOps[ch.GetName()].Append(op.NodeID, op.Type, ch)
return perChOps
// TODO: NIT: ArrayMarshaler -> ArrayMarshaller
// MarshalLogArray implements the interface of ArrayMarshaler of zap.
func (c *ChannelOpSet) MarshalLogArray(enc zapcore.ArrayEncoder) error {
for _, o := range c.Collect() {
return nil
// NodeChannelInfo stores the nodeID and its channels.
type NodeChannelInfo struct {
NodeID int64
Channels map[string]RWChannel
// ChannelsSet typeutil.Set[string] // map for fast channel check
// AddChannel appends channel info node channel list.
func (info *NodeChannelInfo) AddChannel(ch RWChannel) {
info.Channels[ch.GetName()] = ch
// RemoveChannel removes channel from Channels.
func (info *NodeChannelInfo) RemoveChannel(channelName string) {
delete(info.Channels, channelName)
func NewNodeChannelInfo(nodeID int64, channels ...RWChannel) *NodeChannelInfo {
info := &NodeChannelInfo{
NodeID: nodeID,
Channels: make(map[string]RWChannel),
for _, channel := range channels {
info.Channels[channel.GetName()] = channel
return info
func (info *NodeChannelInfo) GetChannels() []RWChannel {
if info == nil {
return nil
return lo.Values(info.Channels)
// buildNodeChannelKey generates a key for kv store, where the key is a concatenation of ChannelWatchSubPath, nodeID and channel name.
// ${WatchSubPath}/${nodeID}/${channelName}
func buildNodeChannelKey(nodeID int64, chName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%d%s%s", Params.CommonCfg.DataCoordWatchSubPath.GetValue(), delimiter, nodeID, delimiter, chName)
// buildKeyPrefix generates a key *prefix* for kv store, where the key prefix is a concatenation of ChannelWatchSubPath and nodeID.
func buildKeyPrefix(nodeID int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%d", Params.CommonCfg.DataCoordWatchSubPath.GetValue(), delimiter, nodeID)
// parseNodeKey validates a given node key, then extracts and returns the corresponding node id on success.
func parseNodeKey(key string) (int64, error) {
s := strings.Split(key, delimiter)
if len(s) < 2 {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("wrong node key in etcd %s", key)
return strconv.ParseInt(s[len(s)-2], 10, 64)
type StateChannelStore struct {
store kv.TxnKV
channelsInfo map[int64]*NodeChannelInfo // A map of (nodeID) -> (NodeChannelInfo).
var _ RWChannelStore = (*StateChannelStore)(nil)
var errChannelNotExistInNode = errors.New("channel doesn't exist in given node")
func NewChannelStoreV2(kv kv.TxnKV) RWChannelStore {
return NewStateChannelStore(kv)
func NewStateChannelStore(kv kv.TxnKV) *StateChannelStore {
c := StateChannelStore{
store: kv,
channelsInfo: make(map[int64]*NodeChannelInfo),
c.channelsInfo[bufferID] = &NodeChannelInfo{
NodeID: bufferID,
Channels: make(map[string]RWChannel),
return &c
func (c *StateChannelStore) Reload() error {
record := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("datacoord")
keys, values, err := c.store.LoadWithPrefix(context.TODO(), Params.CommonCfg.DataCoordWatchSubPath.GetValue())
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
k := keys[i]
v := values[i]
nodeID, err := parseNodeKey(k)
if err != nil {
return err
info := &datapb.ChannelWatchInfo{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal([]byte(v), info); err != nil {
return err
channel := NewStateChannelByWatchInfo(nodeID, info)
log.Info("channel store reload channel",
zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID), zap.String("channel", channel.Name))
metrics.DataCoordDmlChannelNum.WithLabelValues(strconv.FormatInt(nodeID, 10)).Set(float64(len(c.channelsInfo[nodeID].Channels)))
log.Info("channel store reload done", zap.Duration("duration", record.ElapseSpan()))
return nil
func (c *StateChannelStore) AddNode(nodeID int64) {
if _, ok := c.channelsInfo[nodeID]; ok {
c.channelsInfo[nodeID] = &NodeChannelInfo{
NodeID: nodeID,
Channels: make(map[string]RWChannel),
func (c *StateChannelStore) UpdateState(isSuccessful bool, nodeID int64, channel RWChannel, opID int64) {
channelName := channel.GetName()
if cInfo, ok := c.channelsInfo[nodeID]; ok {
if stateChannel, ok := cInfo.Channels[channelName]; ok {
if isSuccessful {
} else {
func (c *StateChannelStore) SetLegacyChannelByNode(nodeIDs ...int64) {
lo.ForEach(nodeIDs, func(nodeID int64, _ int) {
if cInfo, ok := c.channelsInfo[nodeID]; ok {
for _, ch := range cInfo.Channels {
func (c *StateChannelStore) Update(opSet *ChannelOpSet) error {
// Split opset into multiple txn. Operations on the same channel must be executed in one txn.
perChOps := opSet.SplitByChannel()
// Execute a txn for every 64 operations.
count := 0
operations := make([]*ChannelOp, 0, maxOperationsPerTxn)
for _, opset := range perChOps {
if !c.sanityCheckPerChannelOpSet(opset) {
log.Error("unsupported ChannelOpSet", zap.Any("OpSet", opset))
if opset.Len() > maxOperationsPerTxn {
log.Error("Operations for one channel exceeds maxOperationsPerTxn",
zap.Any("opset size", opset.Len()),
zap.Int("limit", maxOperationsPerTxn))
if count+opset.Len() > maxOperationsPerTxn {
if err := c.updateMeta(NewChannelOpSet(operations...)); err != nil {
return err
count = 0
operations = make([]*ChannelOp, 0, maxOperationsPerTxn)
count += opset.Len()
operations = append(operations, opset.Collect()...)
if count == 0 {
return nil
return c.updateMeta(NewChannelOpSet(operations...))
// remove from the assignments
func (c *StateChannelStore) removeAssignment(nodeID int64, channelName string) {
if cInfo, ok := c.channelsInfo[nodeID]; ok {
delete(cInfo.Channels, channelName)
func (c *StateChannelStore) addAssignment(nodeID int64, channel RWChannel) {
if cInfo, ok := c.channelsInfo[nodeID]; ok {
cInfo.Channels[channel.GetName()] = channel
} else {
c.channelsInfo[nodeID] = &NodeChannelInfo{
NodeID: nodeID,
Channels: map[string]RWChannel{
channel.GetName(): channel,
// updateMeta applies the WATCH/RELEASE/DELETE operations to the current channel store.
// DELETE + WATCH ---> from bufferID to nodeID
// DELETE + WATCH ---> from lagecyID to nodeID
// DELETE + WATCH ---> from deletedNode to nodeID/bufferID
// DELETE + WATCH ---> from releasedNode to nodeID/bufferID
// RELEASE ---> release from nodeID
// WATCH ---> watch to a new channel
// DELETE ---> remove the channel
func (c *StateChannelStore) sanityCheckPerChannelOpSet(opSet *ChannelOpSet) bool {
if opSet.Len() == 2 {
ops := opSet.Collect()
return (ops[0].Type == Delete && ops[1].Type == Watch) || (ops[1].Type == Delete && ops[0].Type == Watch)
} else if opSet.Len() == 1 {
t := opSet.Collect()[0].Type
return t == Delete || t == Watch || t == Release
return false
func (c *StateChannelStore) updateMetaMemoryForPairOp(chName string, opSet *ChannelOpSet) error {
if !c.sanityCheckPerChannelOpSet(opSet) {
return errUnknownOpType
ops := opSet.Collect()
op1 := ops[1]
op2 := ops[0]
if ops[0].Type == Delete {
op1 = ops[0]
op2 = ops[1]
cInfo, ok := c.channelsInfo[op1.NodeID]
if !ok {
return errChannelNotExistInNode
var ch *StateChannel
if channel, ok := cInfo.Channels[chName]; ok {
ch = channel.(*StateChannel)
c.addAssignment(op2.NodeID, ch)
c.removeAssignment(op1.NodeID, chName)
} else {
if cInfo, ok = c.channelsInfo[op2.NodeID]; ok {
if channel2, ok := cInfo.Channels[chName]; ok {
ch = channel2.(*StateChannel)
// update channel
if ch != nil {
if op2.NodeID == bufferID {
} else {
return nil
func (c *StateChannelStore) getChannel(nodeID int64, channelName string) *StateChannel {
if cInfo, ok := c.channelsInfo[nodeID]; ok {
if storedChannel, ok := cInfo.Channels[channelName]; ok {
return storedChannel.(*StateChannel)
log.Ctx(context.TODO()).Debug("Channel doesn't exist in Node", zap.String("channel", channelName), zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID))
} else {
log.Ctx(context.TODO()).Error("Node doesn't exist", zap.Int64("NodeID", nodeID))
return nil
func (c *StateChannelStore) updateMetaMemoryForSingleOp(op *ChannelOp) error {
lo.ForEach(op.Channels, func(ch RWChannel, _ int) {
switch op.Type {
case Release: // release an already exsits storedChannel-node pair
if channel := c.getChannel(op.NodeID, ch.GetName()); channel != nil {
case Watch:
storedChannel := c.getChannel(op.NodeID, ch.GetName())
if storedChannel == nil { // New Channel
// set the correct assigment and state for NEW stateChannel
newChannel := NewStateChannel(ch)
if op.NodeID != bufferID {
// add channel to memory
c.addAssignment(op.NodeID, newChannel)
} else { // assign to the original nodes
case Delete: // Remove Channel
c.removeAssignment(op.NodeID, ch.GetName())
log.Ctx(context.TODO()).Error("unknown opType in updateMetaMemoryForSingleOp", zap.Any("type", op.Type))
return nil
func (c *StateChannelStore) updateMeta(opSet *ChannelOpSet) error {
// Update ChannelStore's kv store.
if err := c.txn(opSet); err != nil {
return err
// Update memory
chOpSet := opSet.SplitByChannel()
for chName, ops := range chOpSet {
if ops.Len() == 2 {
c.updateMetaMemoryForPairOp(chName, ops)
} else if ops.Len() == 1 {
} else {
log.Ctx(context.TODO()).Error("unsupported ChannelOpSet", zap.Any("OpSet", ops))
return nil
// txn updates the channelStore's kv store with the given channel ops.
func (c *StateChannelStore) txn(opSet *ChannelOpSet) error {
var (
saves = make(map[string]string)
removals []string
for _, op := range opSet.Collect() {
opSaves, opRemovals, err := op.BuildKV()
if err != nil {
return err
saves = lo.Assign(opSaves, saves)
removals = append(removals, opRemovals...)
return c.store.MultiSaveAndRemove(context.TODO(), saves, removals)
func (c *StateChannelStore) RemoveNode(nodeID int64) {
delete(c.channelsInfo, nodeID)
func (c *StateChannelStore) HasChannel(channel string) bool {
for _, info := range c.channelsInfo {
if _, ok := info.Channels[channel]; ok {
return true
return false
type (
ChannelSelector func(ch *StateChannel) bool
NodeSelector func(ID int64) bool
func WithAllNodes() NodeSelector {
return func(ID int64) bool {
return true
func WithoutBufferNode() NodeSelector {
return func(ID int64) bool {
return ID != int64(bufferID)
func WithNodeIDs(IDs ...int64) NodeSelector {
return func(ID int64) bool {
return lo.Contains(IDs, ID)
func WithoutNodeIDs(IDs ...int64) NodeSelector {
return func(ID int64) bool {
return !lo.Contains(IDs, ID)
func WithChannelName(channel string) ChannelSelector {
return func(ch *StateChannel) bool {
return ch.GetName() == channel
func WithCollectionIDV2(collectionID int64) ChannelSelector {
return func(ch *StateChannel) bool {
return ch.GetCollectionID() == collectionID
func WithChannelStates(states ...ChannelState) ChannelSelector {
return func(ch *StateChannel) bool {
return lo.Contains(states, ch.currentState)
func (c *StateChannelStore) GetNodeChannelsBy(nodeSelector NodeSelector, channelSelectors ...ChannelSelector) []*NodeChannelInfo {
var nodeChannels []*NodeChannelInfo
for nodeID, cInfo := range c.channelsInfo {
if nodeSelector(nodeID) {
selected := make(map[string]RWChannel)
for chName, channel := range cInfo.Channels {
var sel bool = true
for _, selector := range channelSelectors {
if !selector(channel.(*StateChannel)) {
sel = false
if sel {
selected[chName] = channel
nodeChannels = append(nodeChannels, &NodeChannelInfo{
NodeID: nodeID,
Channels: selected,
return nodeChannels
func (c *StateChannelStore) GetNodesChannels() []*NodeChannelInfo {
ret := make([]*NodeChannelInfo, 0, len(c.channelsInfo))
for id, info := range c.channelsInfo {
if id != bufferID {
ret = append(ret, info)
return ret
func (c *StateChannelStore) GetNodeChannelsByCollectionID(collectionID UniqueID) map[UniqueID][]string {
nodeChs := make(map[UniqueID][]string)
for id, info := range c.channelsInfo {
if id == bufferID {
var channelNames []string
for name, ch := range info.Channels {
if ch.GetCollectionID() == collectionID {
channelNames = append(channelNames, name)
nodeChs[id] = channelNames
return nodeChs
func (c *StateChannelStore) GetBufferChannelInfo() *NodeChannelInfo {
return c.GetNode(bufferID)
func (c *StateChannelStore) GetNode(nodeID int64) *NodeChannelInfo {
if info, ok := c.channelsInfo[nodeID]; ok {
return info
return nil
func (c *StateChannelStore) GetNodeChannelCount(nodeID int64) int {
if cInfo, ok := c.channelsInfo[nodeID]; ok {
return len(cInfo.Channels)
return 0
func (c *StateChannelStore) GetNodes() []int64 {
return lo.Filter(lo.Keys(c.channelsInfo), func(ID int64, _ int) bool {
return ID != bufferID
// remove deletes kv pairs from the kv store where keys have given nodeID as prefix.
func (c *StateChannelStore) remove(nodeID int64) error {
k := buildKeyPrefix(nodeID)
return c.store.RemoveWithPrefix(context.TODO(), k)