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# Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Related configuration of etcd, used to store Milvus metadata & service discovery.
endpoints: localhost:2379
rootPath: by-dev # The root path where data is stored in etcd
metaSubPath: meta # metaRootPath = rootPath + '/' + metaSubPath
kvSubPath: kv # kvRootPath = rootPath + '/' + kvSubPath
level: info # Only supports debug, info, warn, error, panic, or fatal. Default 'info'.
# path is one of:
# - "default" as os.Stderr,
# - "stderr" as os.Stderr,
# - "stdout" as os.Stdout,
# - file path to append server logs to.
# please adjust in embedded Milvus: /tmp/milvus/logs/etcd.log
path: stdout
enabled: false # Whether to support ETCD secure connection mode
tlsCert: /path/to/etcd-client.pem # path to your cert file
tlsKey: /path/to/etcd-client-key.pem # path to your key file
tlsCACert: /path/to/ca.pem # path to your CACert file
# TLS min version
# Optional values: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3。
# We recommend using version 1.2 and above.
tlsMinVersion: 1.3
embed: false # Whether to enable embedded Etcd (an in-process EtcdServer).
dir: default.etcd # Embedded Etcd only. please adjust in embedded Milvus: /tmp/milvus/etcdData/
# Default value: etcd
# Valid values: [etcd, mysql]
type: etcd
# Related configuration of mysql, used to store Milvus metadata.
username: root
password: 123456
address: localhost
port: 3306
dbName: milvus_meta
maxOpenConns: 20
maxIdleConns: 5
path: /var/lib/milvus/data/ # please adjust in embedded Milvus: /tmp/milvus/data/
# Related configuration of MinIO/S3/GCS or any other service supports S3 API, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
# We refer to the storage service as MinIO/S3 in the following description for simplicity.
address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
bucketName: a-bucket # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
rootPath: files # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3
# Whether to useIAM role to access S3/GCS instead of access/secret keys
# For more information, refer to
# aws: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_use.html
# gcp: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/iam
useIAM: false
# Cloud Provider of S3. Supports: "aws", "gcp".
# You can use "aws" for other cloud provider supports S3 API with signature v4, e.g.: minio
# You can use "gcp" for other cloud provider supports S3 API with signature v2
# When useIAM enabled, only "aws" & "gcp" is supported for now
cloudProvider: aws
# Custom endpoint for fetch IAM role credentials. when useIAM is true & cloudProvider is "aws".
# Leave it empty if you want to use AWS default endpoint
# Milvus supports three MQ: rocksmq(based on RockDB), Pulsar and Kafka, which should be reserved in config what you use.
# There is a note about enabling priority if we config multiple mq in this file
# 1. standalone(local) mode: rocksmq(default) > Pulsar > Kafka
# 2. cluster mode: Pulsar(default) > Kafka (rocksmq is unsupported)
# Related configuration of pulsar, used to manage Milvus logs of recent mutation operations, output streaming log, and provide log publish-subscribe services.
address: localhost # Address of pulsar
port: 6650 # Port of Pulsar
webport: 80 # Web port of pulsar, if you connect direcly without proxy, should use 8080
maxMessageSize: 5242880 # 5 * 1024 * 1024 Bytes, Maximum size of each message in pulsar.
tenant: public
namespace: default
# If you want to enable kafka, needs to comment the pulsar configs
# kafka:
# brokerList:
# saslUsername:
# saslPassword:
# saslMechanisms: PLAIN
# securityProtocol: SASL_SSL
# The path where the message is stored in rocksmq
# please adjust in embedded Milvus: /tmp/milvus/rdb_data
path: /var/lib/milvus/rdb_data
lrucacheratio: 0.06 # rocksdb cache memory ratio
rocksmqPageSize: 268435456 # 256 MB, 256 * 1024 * 1024 bytes, The size of each page of messages in rocksmq
retentionTimeInMinutes: 7200 # 5 days, 5 * 24 * 60 minutes, The retention time of the message in rocksmq.
retentionSizeInMB: 8192 # 8 GB, 8 * 1024 MB, The retention size of the message in rocksmq.
compactionInterval: 86400 # 1 day, trigger rocksdb compaction every day to remove deleted data
# Related configuration of rootCoord, used to handle data definition language (DDL) and data control language (DCL) requests
dmlChannelNum: 256 # The number of dml channels created at system startup
maxPartitionNum: 4096 # Maximum number of partitions in a collection
minSegmentSizeToEnableIndex: 1024 # It's a threshold. When the segment size is less than this value, the segment will not be indexed
importTaskExpiration: 900 # (in seconds) Duration after which an import task will expire (be killed). Default 900 seconds (15 minutes).
importTaskRetention: 86400 # (in seconds) Milvus will keep the record of import tasks for at least `importTaskRetention` seconds. Default 86400, seconds (24 hours).
enableActiveStandby: false
port: 53100
serverMaxSendSize: 536870912
serverMaxRecvSize: 536870912
clientMaxSendSize: 268435456
clientMaxRecvSize: 268435456
# Related configuration of proxy, used to validate client requests and reduce the returned results.
timeTickInterval: 200 # ms, the interval that proxy synchronize the time tick
bufSize: 512
maxNameLength: 255 # Maximum length of name for a collection or alias
# Maximum number of fields in a collection.
# As of today (2.2.0 and after) it is strongly DISCOURAGED to set maxFieldNum >= 64.
# So adjust at your risk!
maxFieldNum: 64
maxShardNum: 64 # Maximum number of shards in a collection
maxDimension: 32768 # Maximum dimension of a vector
# Whether to produce gin logs.\n
# please adjust in embedded Milvus: false
ginLogging: true
maxTaskNum: 1024 # max task number of proxy task queue
localPath: /tmp/milvus_accesslog
filename: milvus_access_log.log # Log filename, leave empty to disable file log.
enabled: true # Whether to enable the http server
debug_mode: false # Whether to enable http server debug mode
port: 19530
internalPort: 19529
serverMaxSendSize: 67108864
serverMaxRecvSize: 67108864
clientMaxSendSize: 268435456
clientMaxRecvSize: 268435456
# Related configuration of queryCoord, used to manage topology and load balancing for the query nodes, and handoff from growing segments to sealed segments.
taskMergeCap: 16
taskExecutionCap: 256
autoHandoff: true # Enable auto handoff
autoBalance: true # Enable auto balance
overloadedMemoryThresholdPercentage: 90 # The threshold percentage that memory overload
balanceIntervalSeconds: 60
memoryUsageMaxDifferencePercentage: 30
checkInterval: 1000
channelTaskTimeout: 60000 # 1 minute
segmentTaskTimeout: 120000 # 2 minute
distPullInterval: 500
heartbeatAvailableInterval: 10000 # 10s, Only QueryNodes which fetched heartbeats within the duration are available
loadTimeoutSeconds: 600
checkHandoffInterval: 5000
enableActiveStandby: false
port: 19531
serverMaxSendSize: 536870912
serverMaxRecvSize: 536870912
clientMaxSendSize: 268435456
clientMaxRecvSize: 268435456
# Related configuration of queryNode, used to run hybrid search between vector and scalar data.
maxQueueLength: 1024 # Maximum length of task queue in flowgraph
maxParallelism: 1024 # Maximum number of tasks executed in parallel in the flowgraph
publishInterval: 1000 # Interval for querynode to report node information (milliseconds)
chunkRows: 1024 # The number of vectors in a chunk.
nlist: 128 # small index nlist, recommend to set sqrt(chunkRows), must smaller than chunkRows/8
nprobe: 16 # nprobe to search small index, based on your accuracy requirement, must smaller than nlist
loadMemoryUsageFactor: 3 # The multiply factor of calculating the memory usage while loading segments
enableDisk: true # enable querynode load disk index, and search on disk index
maxDiskUsagePercentage: 95
enabled: true
memoryLimit: 2147483648 # 2 GB, 2 * 1024 *1024 *1024
enabled: true
maxNQ: 1000
topKMergeRatio: 10
receiveChanSize: 10240
unsolvedQueueSize: 10240
# maxReadConcurrentRatio is the concurrency ratio of read task (search task and query task).
# Max read concurrency would be the value of runtime.NumCPU * maxReadConcurrentRatio.
# It defaults to 2.0, which means max read concurrency would be the value of runtime.NumCPU * 2.
# Max read concurrency must greater than or equal to 1, and less than or equal to runtime.NumCPU * 100.
# (0, 100]
maxReadConcurrentRatio: 2
cpuRatio: 10 # ratio used to estimate read task cpu usage.
maxTimestampLag: 86400
gracefulStopTimeout: 30
port: 21123
serverMaxSendSize: 536870912
serverMaxRecvSize: 536870912
clientMaxSendSize: 268435456
clientMaxRecvSize: 268435456
enable: false
address: localhost:22930
withCred: false
nodeID: 0
minSegmentNumRowsToEnableIndex: 1024 # It's a threshold. When the segment num rows is less than this value, the segment will not be indexed
buildParallel: 1
enableDisk: true # enable index node build disk vector index
maxDiskUsagePercentage: 95
gracefulStopTimeout: 30
port: 21121
serverMaxSendSize: 536870912
serverMaxRecvSize: 536870912
clientMaxSendSize: 268435456
clientMaxRecvSize: 268435456
watchTimeoutInterval: 30 # Timeout on watching channels (in seconds). Datanode tickler update watch progress will reset timeout timer.
maxSize: 512 # Maximum size of a segment in MB
diskSegmentMaxSize: 2048 # Maximun size of a segment in MB for collection which has Disk index
sealProportion: 0.23
assignmentExpiration: 2000 # The time of the assignment expiration in ms
maxLife: 86400 # The max lifetime of segment in seconds, 24*60*60
# If a segment didn't accept dml records in maxIdleTime and the size of segment is greater than
# minSizeFromIdleToSealed, Milvus will automatically seal it.
# The max idle time of segment in seconds, 10*60.
maxIdleTime: 600
minSizeFromIdleToSealed: 16 # The min size in MB of segment which can be idle from sealed.
# The max number of binlog file for one segment, the segment will be sealed if
# the number of binlog file reaches to max value.
maxBinlogFileNumber: 32
smallProportion: 0.5 # The segment is considered as "small segment" when its # of rows is smaller than
# (smallProportion * segment max # of rows).
# A compaction will happen on small segments if the segment after compaction will have
compactableProportion: 0.5
# over (compactableProportion * segment max # of rows) rows.
# MUST BE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO <smallProportion>!!!
# During compaction, the size of segment # of rows is able to exceed segment max # of rows by (expansionRate-1) * 100%.
expansionRate: 1.25
enableCompaction: true # Enable data segment compaction
enableAutoCompaction: true
enableGarbageCollection: true
interval: 3600 # gc interval in seconds
missingTolerance: 86400 # file meta missing tolerance duration in seconds, 60*24
dropTolerance: 3600 # file belongs to dropped entity tolerance duration in seconds. 3600
enableActiveStandby: false
port: 13333
serverMaxSendSize: 536870912
serverMaxRecvSize: 536870912
clientMaxSendSize: 268435456
clientMaxRecvSize: 268435456
maxQueueLength: 1024 # Maximum length of task queue in flowgraph
maxParallelism: 1024 # Maximum number of tasks executed in parallel in the flowgraph
insertBufSize: 16777216 # Max buffer size to flush for a single segment.
deleteBufBytes: 67108864 # Max buffer size to flush del for a single channel
syncPeriod: 600 # The period to sync segments if buffer is not empty.
port: 21124
serverMaxSendSize: 536870912
serverMaxRecvSize: 536870912
clientMaxSendSize: 268435456
clientMaxRecvSize: 268435456
forceSyncEnable: true # `true` to force sync if memory usage is too high
forceSyncThreshold: 0.6 # forceSync only take effects when memory usage ratio > forceSyncThreshold. note that should set it a small value like 0.2 for standalone deployment
forceSyncSegmentRatio: 0.3 # ratio of segments to sync, top largest forceSyncSegmentRatio segments will be synced
# Configures the system log output.
level: debug # Only supports debug, info, warn, error, panic, or fatal. Default 'info'.
rootPath: # root dir path to put logs, default "" means no log file will print. please adjust in embedded Milvus: /tmp/milvus/logs
maxSize: 300 # MB
maxAge: 10 # Maximum time for log retention in day.
maxBackups: 20
format: text # text or json
stdout: true # Stdout enable or not
level: WARNING
serverMaxSendSize: 536870912
serverMaxRecvSize: 536870912
compressionEnabled: false
dialTimeout: 5000
keepAliveTime: 10000
keepAliveTimeout: 20000
maxMaxAttempts: 5
initialBackoff: 1
maxBackoff: 60
backoffMultiplier: 2
clientMaxSendSize: 268435456
clientMaxRecvSize: 268435456
# Configure the proxy tls enable.
serverPemPath: configs/cert/server.pem
serverKeyPath: configs/cert/server.key
caPemPath: configs/cert/ca.pem
cluster: by-dev
rootCoordTimeTick: rootcoord-timetick
rootCoordStatistics: rootcoord-statistics
rootCoordDml: rootcoord-dml
rootCoordDelta: rootcoord-delta
search: search
searchResult: searchResult
queryTimeTick: queryTimeTick
dataCoordStatistic: datacoord-statistics-channel
dataCoordTimeTick: datacoord-timetick-channel
dataCoordSegmentInfo: segment-info-channel
proxySubNamePrefix: proxy
rootCoordSubNamePrefix: rootCoord
queryNodeSubNamePrefix: queryNode
dataCoordSubNamePrefix: dataCoord
dataNodeSubNamePrefix: dataNode
defaultPartitionName: _default # default partition name for a collection
defaultIndexName: _default_idx # default index name
retentionDuration: 0 # time travel reserved time, insert/delete will not be cleaned in this period. disable it by default
entityExpiration: -1 # Entity expiration in seconds, CAUTION make sure entityExpiration >= retentionDuration and -1 means never expire
indexSliceSize: 16 # MB
threadCoreCoefficient: 10 # This parameter specify how many times the number of threads is the number of cores
MaxDegree: 56
SearchListSize: 100
PQCodeBudgetGBRatio: 0.125
BuildNumThreadsRatio: 1
SearchCacheBudgetGBRatio: 0.1
LoadNumThreadRatio: 8
BeamWidthRatio: 4
gracefulTime: 5000 # milliseconds. it represents the interval (in ms) by which the request arrival time needs to be subtracted in the case of Bounded Consistency.
gracefulStopTimeout: 30 # seconds. it will force quit the server if the graceful stop process is not completed during this time.
storageType: minio # please adjust in embedded Milvus: local
# Default value: auto
# Valid values: [auto, avx512, avx2, avx, sse4_2]
# This configuration is only used by querynode and indexnode, it selects CPU instruction set for Searching and Index-building.
simdType: auto
authorizationEnabled: false
# The superusers will ignore some system check processes,
# like the old password verification when updating the credential
superUsers: root
tlsMode: 0
ttl: 20 # ttl value when session granting a lease to register service
retryTimes: 30 # retry times when session sending etcd requests
# QuotaConfig, configurations of Milvus quota and limits.
# By default, we enable:
# 1. TT protection;
# 2. Memory protection.
# 3. Disk quota protection.
# You can enable:
# 1. DML throughput limitation;
# 2. DDL, DQL qps/rps limitation;
# 3. DQL Queue length/latency protection;
# 4. DQL result rate protection;
# If necessary, you can also manually force to deny RW requests.
enabled: true # `true` to enable quota and limits, `false` to disable.
# quotaCenterCollectInterval is the time interval that quotaCenter
# collects metrics from Proxies, Query cluster and Data cluster.
# seconds, (0 ~ 65536)
quotaCenterCollectInterval: 3
enabled: false
collectionRate: -1 # qps, default no limit, rate for CreateCollection, DropCollection, LoadCollection, ReleaseCollection
partitionRate: -1 # qps, default no limit, rate for CreatePartition, DropPartition, LoadPartition, ReleasePartition
enabled: false
max: -1 # qps, default no limit, rate for CreateIndex, DropIndex
enabled: false
max: -1 # qps, default no limit, rate for flush
enabled: false
max: -1 # qps, default no limit, rate for manualCompaction
# dml limit rates, default no limit.
# The maximum rate will not be greater than max.
enabled: false
max: -1 # MB/s, default no limit
max: -1 # MB/s, default no limit
max: -1 # MB/s, default no limit, not support yet. TODO: limit bulkLoad rate
# dql limit rates, default no limit.
# The maximum rate will not be greater than max.
enabled: false
max: -1 # vps (vectors per second), default no limit
max: -1 # qps, default no limit
# forceDeny false means dml requests are allowed (except for some
# specific conditions, such as memory of nodes to water marker), true means always reject all dml requests.
forceDeny: false
enabled: false
# maxTimeTickDelay indicates the backpressure for DML Operations.
# DML rates would be reduced according to the ratio of time tick delay to maxTimeTickDelay,
# if time tick delay is greater than maxTimeTickDelay, all DML requests would be rejected.
# seconds
maxTimeTickDelay: 300
# When memory usage > memoryHighWaterLevel, all dml requests would be rejected;
# When memoryLowWaterLevel < memory usage < memoryHighWaterLevel, reduce the dml rate;
# When memory usage < memoryLowWaterLevel, no action.
enabled: true
dataNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel: 0.85 # (0, 1], memoryLowWaterLevel in DataNodes
dataNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel: 0.95 # (0, 1], memoryHighWaterLevel in DataNodes
queryNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel: 0.85 # (0, 1], memoryLowWaterLevel in QueryNodes
queryNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel: 0.95 # (0, 1], memoryHighWaterLevel in QueryNodes
enabled: true # When the total file size of object storage is greater than `diskQuota`, all dml requests would be rejected;
diskQuota: -1 # MB, (0, +inf), default no limit
# forceDeny false means dql requests are allowed (except for some
# specific conditions, such as collection has been dropped), true means always reject all dql requests.
forceDeny: false
enabled: false
# nqInQueueThreshold indicated that the system was under backpressure for Search/Query path.
# If NQ in any QueryNode's queue is greater than nqInQueueThreshold, search&query rates would gradually cool off
# until the NQ in queue no longer exceeds nqInQueueThreshold. We think of the NQ of query request as 1.
# int, default no limit
nqInQueueThreshold: -1
# queueLatencyThreshold indicated that the system was under backpressure for Search/Query path.
# If dql latency of queuing is greater than queueLatencyThreshold, search&query rates would gradually cool off
# until the latency of queuing no longer exceeds queueLatencyThreshold.
# The latency here refers to the averaged latency over a period of time.
# milliseconds, default no limit
queueLatencyThreshold: -1
enabled: false
# maxReadResultRate indicated that the system was under backpressure for Search/Query path.
# If dql result rate is greater than maxReadResultRate, search&query rates would gradually cool off
# until the read result rate no longer exceeds maxReadResultRate.
# MB/s, default no limit
maxReadResultRate: -1
# colOffSpeed is the speed of search&query rates cool off.
# (0, 1]
coolOffSpeed: 0.9
# trace exporter type, default is stdout,
# optional values: ['stdout', 'jaeger']
exporter: stdout
# fraction of traceID based sampler,
# optional values: [0, 1]
# Fractions >= 1 will always sample. Fractions < 0 are treated as zero.
sampleFraction: 0
url: # when exporter is jaeger should set the jaeger's URL