mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
4058 lines
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4058 lines
184 KiB
import utils.util_pymilvus as ut
from utils.util_log import test_log as log
from common.common_type import CaseLabel, CheckTasks
from common import common_type as ct
from common import common_func as cf
from common.code_mapping import CollectionErrorMessage as clem
from common.code_mapping import ConnectionErrorMessage as cem
from base.client_base import TestcaseBase
import threading
from pymilvus import DefaultConfig
from datetime import datetime
import time
import pytest
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option("expand_frame_repr", False)
prefix = "query"
exp_res = "exp_res"
count = "count(*)"
default_term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [0, 1]'
default_mix_expr = "int64 >= 0 && varchar >= \"0\""
default_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} >= 0'
default_invalid_expr = "varchar >= 0"
default_string_term_expr = f'{ct.default_string_field_name} in [\"0\", \"1\"]'
default_index_params = ct.default_index
binary_index_params = ct.default_binary_index
default_entities = ut.gen_entities(ut.default_nb, is_normal=True)
default_pos = 5
json_field = ct.default_json_field_name
default_int_field_name = ct.default_int64_field_name
default_float_field_name = "float"
default_string_field_name = "varchar"
class TestQueryParams(TestcaseBase):
test Query interface
query(collection_name, expr, output_fields=None, partition_names=None, timeout=None)
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", params=[True, False])
def enable_dynamic_field(self, request):
yield request.param
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", params=[True, False])
def random_primary_key(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_query_invalid(self):
target: test query with invalid term expression
method: query with invalid term expr
expected: raise exception
collection_w, entities = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True, nb=10)[0:2]
term_expr = f'{default_int_field_name} in {entities[:default_pos]}'
error = {ct.err_code: 1100, ct.err_msg: "cannot parse expression: int64 in .."}
collection_w.query(term_expr, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
def test_query(self, enable_dynamic_field):
target: test query
method: query with term expr
expected: verify query result
# create collection, insert default_nb, load collection
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
pos = 5
if enable_dynamic_field:
int_values = []
for vector in vectors[0]:
vector = vector[ct.default_int64_field_name]
res = [{ct.default_int64_field_name: int_values[i]} for i in range(pos)]
int_values = vectors[0][ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
res = vectors[0].iloc[0:pos, :1].to_dict('records')
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values[:pos]}'
collection_w.query(term_expr, check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_no_collection(self):
target: test the scenario which query the non-exist collection
method: 1. create collection
2. drop collection
3. query the dropped collection
expected: raise exception and report the error
# 1. initialize without data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix)[0]
# 2. Drop collection
log.info("test_query_no_collection: drop collection %s" %
# 3. Search without collection
log.info("test_query_no_collection: query without collection ")
check_items={"err_code": 1,
"err_msg": "collection not found"})
def test_query_empty_collection(self):
target: test query empty collection
method: query on an empty collection
expected: empty result
c_name = cf.gen_unique_str(prefix)
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=c_name)
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
res, _ = collection_w.query(default_term_expr)
assert len(res) == 0
def test_query_auto_id_collection(self):
target: test query with auto_id=True collection
method: test query with auto id
expected: query result is correct
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
df[ct.default_int64_field_name] = None
insert_res, _, = self.collection_wrap.construct_from_dataframe(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), df,
assert self.collection_wrap.num_entities == ct.default_nb
ids = insert_res[1].primary_keys
pos = 5
res = df.iloc[:pos, :1].to_dict('records')
self.collection_wrap.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# query with all primary keys
term_expr_1 = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {ids[:pos]}'
for i in range(5):
res[i][ct.default_int64_field_name] = ids[i]
self.collection_wrap.query(term_expr_1, check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
# query with part primary keys
term_expr_2 = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {[ids[0], 0]}'
self.collection_wrap.query(term_expr_2, check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results,
check_items={exp_res: res[:1]})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dup_times", [1, 2, 3])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim", [8, 128])
def test_query_with_dup_primary_key(self, dim, dup_times):
target: test query with duplicate primary key
method: 1.insert same data twice
expected: query results are de-duplicated
nb = ct.default_nb
collection_w, insert_data, _, _ = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, nb, dim=dim)[0:4]
# insert dup data multi times
for i in range(dup_times):
# query
res, _ = collection_w.query(default_term_expr)
# assert that query results are de-duplicated
res = [m["int64"] for m in res]
assert sorted(list(set(res))) == sorted(res)
def test_query_auto_id_not_existed_primary_values(self):
target: test query on auto_id true collection
method: 1.create auto_id true collection
2.query with not existed primary keys
expected: query result is empty
schema = cf.gen_default_collection_schema(auto_id=True)
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), schema=schema)
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(ct.default_nb)
df.drop(ct.default_int64_field_name, axis=1, inplace=True)
mutation_res, _ = collection_w.insert(data=df)
assert collection_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [0, 1, 2]'
res, _ = collection_w.query(term_expr)
assert len(res) == 0
def test_query_expr_none(self):
target: test query with none expr
method: query with expr None
expected: raise exception
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
error = {ct.err_code: 0, ct.err_msg: "The type of expr must be string"}
collection_w.query(None, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
def test_query_non_string_expr(self):
target: test query with non-string expr
method: query with non-string expr, eg 1, [] ..
expected: raise exception
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
exprs = [1, 2., [], {}, ()]
error = {ct.err_code: 0, ct.err_msg: "The type of expr must be string"}
for expr in exprs:
collection_w.query(expr, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
def test_query_expr_invalid_string(self):
target: test query with invalid expr
method: query with invalid string expr
expected: raise exception
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
error = {ct.err_code: 1100, ct.err_msg: "cannot parse expression"}
exprs = ["12-s", "中文", "a"]
for expr in exprs:
collection_w.query(expr, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="repeat with test_query, waiting for other expr")
def test_query_expr_term(self):
target: test query with TermExpr
method: query with TermExpr
expected: query result is correct
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
res = vectors[0].iloc[:2, :1].to_dict('records')
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_expr_not_existed_field(self):
target: test query with not existed field
method: query by term expr with fake field
expected: raise exception
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
term_expr = 'field in [1, 2]'
error = {ct.err_code: 65535,
ct.err_msg: "cannot parse expression: field in [1, 2], error: field field not exist"}
collection_w.query(term_expr, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
def test_query_expr_non_primary_fields(self):
target: test query on non-primary non-vector fields
method: query on non-primary non-vector fields
expected: verify query result
# construct dataframe and inert data
df = pd.DataFrame({
ct.default_int64_field_name: pd.Series(data=[i for i in range(ct.default_nb)]),
ct.default_int32_field_name: pd.Series(data=[np.int32(i) for i in range(ct.default_nb)], dtype="int32"),
ct.default_int16_field_name: pd.Series(data=[np.int16(i) for i in range(ct.default_nb)], dtype="int16"),
ct.default_float_field_name: pd.Series(data=[np.float32(i) for i in range(ct.default_nb)], dtype="float32"),
ct.default_double_field_name: pd.Series(data=[np.double(i) for i in range(ct.default_nb)], dtype="double"),
ct.default_string_field_name: pd.Series(data=[str(i) for i in range(ct.default_nb)], dtype="string"),
ct.default_float_vec_field_name: cf.gen_vectors(ct.default_nb, ct.default_dim)
self.collection_wrap.construct_from_dataframe(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), df,
assert self.collection_wrap.num_entities == ct.default_nb
self.collection_wrap.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# query by non_primary non_vector scalar field
non_primary_field = [ct.default_int32_field_name, ct.default_int16_field_name,
ct.default_float_field_name, ct.default_double_field_name, ct.default_string_field_name]
# exp res: first two rows and all fields expect last vec field
res = df.iloc[:2, :].to_dict('records')
for field in non_primary_field:
filter_values = df[field].tolist()[:2]
if field is not ct.default_string_field_name:
term_expr = f'{field} in {filter_values}'
term_expr = f'{field} in {filter_values}'
term_expr = term_expr.replace("'", "\"")
self.collection_wrap.query(term_expr, output_fields=["*"],
check_items={exp_res: res, "with_vec": True})
def test_query_expr_by_bool_field(self):
target: test query by bool field and output bool field
method: 1.create and insert with [int64, float, bool, float_vec] fields
2.query by bool field, and output all int64, bool fields
expected: verify query result and output fields
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
bool_values = pd.Series(data=[True if i % 2 == 0 else False for i in range(ct.default_nb)], dtype="bool")
df.insert(2, ct.default_bool_field_name, bool_values)
self.collection_wrap.construct_from_dataframe(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), df,
assert self.collection_wrap.num_entities == ct.default_nb
self.collection_wrap.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# output bool field
res, _ = self.collection_wrap.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_bool_field_name])
assert set(res[0].keys()) == {ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_bool_field_name}
# not support filter bool field with expr 'bool in [0/ 1]'
not_support_expr = f'{ct.default_bool_field_name} in [0]'
error = {ct.err_code: 65535,
ct.err_msg: "cannot parse expression: bool in [0], error: value '0' in list cannot be casted to Bool"}
self.collection_wrap.query(not_support_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_bool_field_name],
check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
# filter bool field by bool term expr
for bool_value in [True, False]:
exprs = [f'{ct.default_bool_field_name} in [{bool_value}]',
f'{ct.default_bool_field_name} == {bool_value}']
for expr in exprs:
res, _ = self.collection_wrap.query(expr, output_fields=[ct.default_bool_field_name])
assert len(res) == ct.default_nb / 2
for _r in res:
assert _r[ct.default_bool_field_name] == bool_value
def test_query_expr_by_int64(self):
target: test query through int64 field and output int64 field
method: use int64 as query expr parameter
expected: verify query output number
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=ct.default_nb*10)
self.collection_wrap.construct_from_dataframe(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), df,
assert self.collection_wrap.num_entities == ct.default_nb * 10
self.collection_wrap.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# filter on int64 fields
expr_list = [f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} > 8192 && {ct.default_int64_field_name} < 8194',
f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} > 16384 && {ct.default_int64_field_name} < 16386']
for expr in expr_list:
res, _ = self.collection_wrap.query(expr, output_fields=[ct.default_int64_field_name])
assert len(res) == 1
def test_query_expr_by_int8_field(self):
target: test query by int8 field
method: 1.create and insert with [int64, float, int8, float_vec] fields
2.query by int8 field, and output all scalar fields
expected: verify query result
# construct collection from dataFrame according to [int64, float, int8, float_vec]
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
int8_values = pd.Series(data=[np.int8(i) for i in range(ct.default_nb)], dtype="int8")
df.insert(2, ct.default_int8_field_name, int8_values)
self.collection_wrap.construct_from_dataframe(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), df,
assert self.collection_wrap.num_entities == ct.default_nb
# query expression
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int8_field_name} in {[0]}'
# expected query result
res = []
# int8 range [-128, 127] so when nb=1200, there are many repeated int8 values equal to 0
for i in range(0, ct.default_nb, 256):
res.extend(df.iloc[i:i + 1, :-2].to_dict('records'))
self.collection_wrap.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
self.collection_wrap.query(term_expr, output_fields=["float", "int64", "int8", "varchar"],
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", params=cf.gen_normal_expressions())
def get_normal_expr(self, request):
if request.param == "":
pytest.skip("query with "" expr is invalid")
yield request.param
def test_query_with_expression(self, get_normal_expr, enable_dynamic_field):
target: test query with different expr
method: query with different boolean expr
expected: verify query result
# 1. initialize with data
nb = 1000
collection_w, _vectors, _, insert_ids = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, nb,
# filter result with expression in collection
_vectors = _vectors[0]
expr = get_normal_expr
expression = expr.replace("&&", "and").replace("||", "or")
filter_ids = []
for i, _id in enumerate(insert_ids):
if enable_dynamic_field:
int64 = _vectors[i][ct.default_int64_field_name]
float = _vectors[i][ct.default_float_field_name]
int64 = _vectors.int64[i]
float = _vectors.float[i]
if not expression or eval(expression):
# query and verify result
res = collection_w.query(expr=expression)[0]
query_ids = set(map(lambda x: x[ct.default_int64_field_name], res))
assert query_ids == set(filter_ids)
def test_query_expr_wrong_term_keyword(self):
target: test query with wrong term expr keyword
method: query with wrong keyword term expr
expected: raise exception
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
expr_1 = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} inn [1, 2]'
error_1 = {ct.err_code: 65535, ct.err_msg: "cannot parse expression: int64 inn [1, 2], "
"error: invalid expression: int64 inn [1, 2]"}
collection_w.query(expr_1, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error_1)
expr_3 = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in not [1, 2]'
error_3 = {ct.err_code: 65535, ct.err_msg: "cannot parse expression: int64 in not [1, 2], "
"error: line 1:9 no viable alternative at input 'innot'"}
collection_w.query(expr_3, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error_3)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("field", [ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_float_field_name])
def test_query_expr_not_in_term(self, field):
target: test query with `not in` expr
method: query with not in expr
expected: verify query result
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
self.collection_wrap.construct_from_dataframe(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), df,
assert self.collection_wrap.num_entities == ct.default_nb
self.collection_wrap.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
values = df[field].tolist()
pos = 100
term_expr = f'{field} not in {values[pos:]}'
res = df.iloc[:pos, :3].to_dict('records')
self.collection_wrap.query(term_expr, output_fields=["float", "int64", "varchar"],
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pos", [0, ct.default_nb])
def test_query_expr_not_in_empty_and_all(self, pos):
target: test query with `not in` expr
method: query with `not in` expr for (non)empty collection
expected: verify query result
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
self.collection_wrap.construct_from_dataframe(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), df,
assert self.collection_wrap.num_entities == ct.default_nb
self.collection_wrap.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
int64_values = df[ct.default_int64_field_name].tolist()
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} not in {int64_values[pos:]}'
res = df.iloc[:pos, :1].to_dict('records')
self.collection_wrap.query(term_expr, check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_expr_random_values(self):
target: test query with random filter values
method: query with random filter values, like [0, 2, 4, 3]
expected: correct query result
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=100)
self.collection_wrap.construct_from_dataframe(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), df,
assert self.collection_wrap.num_entities == 100
self.collection_wrap.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# random_values = [random.randint(0, ct.default_nb) for _ in range(4)]
random_values = [0, 2, 4, 3]
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {random_values}'
res = df.iloc[random_values, :1].to_dict('records')
self.collection_wrap.query(term_expr, check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_expr_not_in_random(self):
target: test query with fixed filter values
method: query with fixed filter values
expected: correct query result
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=50)
self.collection_wrap.construct_from_dataframe(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), df,
assert self.collection_wrap.num_entities == 50
self.collection_wrap.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
random_values = [i for i in range(10, 50)]
log.debug(f'random values: {random_values}')
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} not in {random_values}'
res = df.iloc[:10, :1].to_dict('records')
self.collection_wrap.query(term_expr, check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_expr_non_array_term(self):
target: test query with non-array term expr
method: query with non-array term expr
expected: raise exception
exprs = [f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in 1',
f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in "in"',
f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in (mn)']
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
error = {ct.err_code: 1100, ct.err_msg: "cannot parse expression: int64 in 1, "
"error: line 1:9 no viable alternative at input 'in1'"}
for expr in exprs:
collection_w.query(expr, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
def test_query_expr_empty_term_array(self):
target: test query with empty array term expr
method: query with empty term expr
expected: empty result
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in []'
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
res, _ = collection_w.query(term_expr)
assert len(res) == 0
def test_query_expr_inconsistent_mix_term_array(self):
target: test query with term expr that field and array are inconsistent or mix type
method: 1.query with int field and float values
2.query with term expr that has int and float type value
expected: raise exception
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
int_values = [[1., 2.], [1, 2.]]
error = {ct.err_code: 1100,
ct.err_msg: "failed to create query plan: cannot parse expression: int64 in [1, 2.0]"}
for values in int_values:
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {values}'
collection_w.query(term_expr, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
def test_query_expr_non_constant_array_term(self):
target: test query with non-constant array term expr
method: query with non-constant array expr
expected: raise exception
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
constants = [[1], (), {}]
error = {ct.err_code: 1100,
ct.err_msg: "cannot parse expression: int64 in [[1]], error: value '[1]' in "
"list cannot be casted to Int64"}
for constant in constants:
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [{constant}]'
collection_w.query(term_expr, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expr_prefix", ["json_contains", "JSON_CONTAINS",
"array_contains", "ARRAY_CONTAINS"])
def test_query_expr_json_contains(self, enable_dynamic_field, expr_prefix):
target: test query with expression using json_contains
method: query with expression using json_contains
expected: succeed
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, enable_dynamic_field=enable_dynamic_field)[0]
# 2. insert data
array = cf.gen_default_rows_data()
limit = 99
for i in range(ct.default_nb):
array[i][json_field] = {"number": i,
"list": [m for m in range(i, i + limit)]}
# 3. query
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['list'], 1000)"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == limit
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expr_prefix", ["json_contains", "JSON_CONTAINS"])
def test_query_expr_list_json_contains(self, expr_prefix):
target: test query with expression using json_contains
method: query with expression using json_contains
expected: succeed
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, enable_dynamic_field=True)[0]
# 2. insert data
limit = ct.default_nb // 4
array = []
for i in range(ct.default_nb):
data = {
ct.default_int64_field_name: i,
ct.default_json_field_name: [str(m) for m in range(i, i + limit)],
ct.default_float_vec_field_name: cf.gen_vectors(1, ct.default_dim)[0]
# 3. query
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}, '1000')"
res = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=["count(*)"])[0]
assert res[0]["count(*)"] == limit
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expr_prefix", ["json_contains", "JSON_CONTAINS"])
def test_query_expr_json_contains_combined_with_normal(self, enable_dynamic_field, expr_prefix):
target: test query with expression using json_contains
method: query with expression using json_contains
expected: succeed
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, enable_dynamic_field=enable_dynamic_field)[0]
# 2. insert data
array = cf.gen_default_rows_data()
limit = ct.default_nb // 3
for i in range(ct.default_nb):
array[i][ct.default_json_field_name] = {"number": i, "list": [m for m in range(i, i + limit)]}
# 3. query
tar = 1000
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['list'], {tar}) && float > {tar - limit // 2}"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == limit // 2
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expr_prefix", ["json_contains_all", "JSON_CONTAINS_ALL",
"array_contains_all", "ARRAY_CONTAINS_ALL"])
def test_query_expr_all_datatype_json_contains_all(self, enable_dynamic_field, expr_prefix):
target: test query with expression using json_contains
method: query with expression using json_contains
expected: succeed
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, enable_dynamic_field=enable_dynamic_field)[0]
# 2. insert data
array = cf.gen_default_rows_data()
limit = 10
for i in range(ct.default_nb):
content = {
# test for int
"listInt": [m for m in range(i, i + limit)],
# test for string
"listStr": [str(m) for m in range(i, i + limit)],
# test for float
"listFlt": [m * 1.0 for m in range(i, i + limit)],
# test for bool
"listBool": [bool(i % 2)],
# test for list
"listList": [[i, str(i + 1)], [i * 1.0, i + 1]],
# test for mixed data
"listMix": [i, i * 1.1, str(i), bool(i % 2), [i, str(i)]]
array[i][ct.default_json_field_name] = content
# 3. query
# test for int
_id = random.randint(limit, ct.default_nb - limit)
ids = [i for i in range(_id, _id + limit)]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['listInt'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == 1
# test for string
ids = [str(_id), str(_id + 1), str(_id + 2)]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['listStr'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == limit - len(ids) + 1
# test for float
ids = [_id * 1.0]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['listFlt'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == limit
# test for bool
ids = [True]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['listBool'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == ct.default_nb // 2
# test for list
ids = [[_id, str(_id + 1)]]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['listList'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == 1
# test for mixed data
ids = [[_id, str(_id)], bool(_id % 2)]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['listMix'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expr_prefix", ["json_contains_all", "JSON_CONTAINS_ALL"])
def test_query_expr_list_all_datatype_json_contains_all(self, expr_prefix):
target: test query with expression using json_contains_all
method: query with expression using json_contains_all
expected: succeed
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, enable_dynamic_field=True)[0]
# 2. insert data
array = cf.gen_default_rows_data(with_json=False)
limit = 10
for i in range(ct.default_nb):
array[i]["listInt"] = [m for m in range(i, i + limit)] # test for int
array[i]["listStr"] = [str(m) for m in range(i, i + limit)] # test for string
array[i]["listFlt"] = [m * 1.0 for m in range(i, i + limit)] # test for float
array[i]["listBool"] = [bool(i % 2)] # test for bool
array[i]["listList"] = [[i, str(i + 1)], [i * 1.0, i + 1]] # test for list
array[i]["listMix"] = [i, i * 1.1, str(i), bool(i % 2), [i, str(i)]] # test for mixed data
# 3. query
# test for int
_id = random.randint(limit, ct.default_nb - limit)
ids = [i for i in range(_id, _id + limit)]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}(listInt, {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == 1
# test for string
ids = [str(_id), str(_id + 1), str(_id + 2)]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}(listStr, {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == limit - len(ids) + 1
# test for float
ids = [_id * 1.0]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}(listFlt, {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=["count(*)"])[0]
assert res[0]["count(*)"] == limit
# test for bool
ids = [True]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}(listBool, {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == ct.default_nb // 2
# test for list
ids = [[_id, str(_id + 1)]]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}(listList, {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == 1
# test for mixed data
ids = [[_id, str(_id)], bool(_id % 2)]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}(listMix, {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expr_prefix", ["json_contains_any", "JSON_CONTAINS_ANY"])
def test_query_expr_all_datatype_json_contains_any(self, enable_dynamic_field, expr_prefix):
target: test query with expression using json_contains
method: query with expression using json_contains
expected: succeed
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, enable_dynamic_field=enable_dynamic_field)[0]
# 2. insert data
array = cf.gen_default_rows_data()
limit = 10
for i in range(ct.default_nb):
content = {
# test for int
"listInt": [m for m in range(i, i + limit)],
# test for string
"listStr": [str(m) for m in range(i, i + limit)],
# test for float
"listFlt": [m * 1.0 for m in range(i, i + limit)],
# test for bool
"listBool": [bool(i % 2)],
# test for list
"listList": [[i, str(i + 1)], [i * 1.0, i + 1]],
# test for mixed data
"listMix": [i, i * 1.1, str(i), bool(i % 2), [i, str(i)]]
array[i][ct.default_json_field_name] = content
# 3. query
# test for int
_id = random.randint(limit, ct.default_nb - limit)
ids = [i for i in range(_id, _id + limit)]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['listInt'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == 2 * limit - 1
# test for string
ids = [str(_id), str(_id + 1), str(_id + 2)]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['listStr'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == limit + len(ids) - 1
# test for float
ids = [_id * 1.0]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['listFlt'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == limit
# test for bool
ids = [True]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['listBool'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == ct.default_nb // 2
# test for list
ids = [[_id, str(_id + 1)]]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['listList'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == 1
# test for mixed data
ids = [_id, bool(_id % 2)]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['listMix'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == ct.default_nb // 2
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expr_prefix", ["json_contains_any", "JSON_CONTAINS_ANY",
"array_contains_any", "ARRAY_CONTAINS_ANY"])
def test_query_expr_list_all_datatype_json_contains_any(self, expr_prefix):
target: test query with expression using json_contains_any
method: query with expression using json_contains_any
expected: succeed
# 1. initialize with data
nb = ct.default_nb
pk_field = ct.default_int64_field_name
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, enable_dynamic_field=True)[0]
# 2. insert data
array = cf.gen_default_rows_data(with_json=False)
limit = random.randint(10, 20)
int_data = [[m for m in range(i, i + limit)] for i in range(nb)]
str_data = [[str(m) for m in range(i, i + limit)] for i in range(nb)]
flt_data = [[m * 1.0 for m in range(i, i + limit)] for i in range(nb)]
bool_data = [[bool(i % 2)] for i in range(nb)]
list_data = [[[i, str(i + 1)], [i * 1.0, i + 1]] for i in range(nb)]
mix_data = [[i, i * 1.1, str(i), bool(i % 2), [i, str(i)]] for i in range(nb)]
for i in range(nb):
array[i]["listInt"] = int_data[i] # test for int
array[i]["listStr"] = str_data[i] # test for string
array[i]["listFlt"] = flt_data[i] # test for float
array[i]["listBool"] = bool_data[i] # test for bool
array[i]["listList"] = list_data[i] # test for list
array[i]["listMix"] = mix_data[i] # test for mixed data
# 3. query
_id = random.randint(limit, nb - limit)
# test for int
ids = [i for i in range(_id, _id + limit)]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}(listInt, {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert [entity[pk_field] for entity in res] == cf.assert_json_contains(expression, int_data)
# test for string
ids = [str(_id), str(_id + 1), str(_id + 2)]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}(listStr, {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert [entity[pk_field] for entity in res] == cf.assert_json_contains(expression, str_data)
# test for float
ids = [_id * 1.0]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}(listFlt, {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert [entity[pk_field] for entity in res] == cf.assert_json_contains(expression, flt_data)
# test for bool
ids = [True]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}(listBool, {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert [entity[pk_field] for entity in res] == cf.assert_json_contains(expression, bool_data)
# test for list
ids = [[_id, str(_id + 1)]]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}(listList, {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=["count(*)"])[0]
assert res[0]["count(*)"] == 1
# test for mixed data
ids = [str(_id)]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}(listMix, {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=["count(*)"])[0]
assert res[0]["count(*)"] == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expr_prefix", ["json_contains_any", "json_contains_all"])
def test_query_expr_json_contains_list_in_list(self, expr_prefix, enable_dynamic_field):
target: test query with expression using json_contains_any
method: query with expression using json_contains_any
expected: succeed
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, enable_dynamic_field=enable_dynamic_field)[0]
# 2. insert data
array = cf.gen_default_rows_data()
for i in range(ct.default_nb):
array[i][json_field] = {"list": [[i, i + 1], [i, i + 2], [i, i + 3]]}
# 3. query
_id = random.randint(3, ct.default_nb-3)
ids = [[_id, _id + 1]]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['list'], {ids})"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) == 1
ids = [[_id + 4, _id], [_id]]
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['list'], {ids})"
collection_w.query(expression, check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_empty)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expr_prefix", ["json_contains_any", "JSON_CONTAINS_ANY",
"json_contains_all", "JSON_CONTAINS_ALL"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("not_list", ["str", {1, 2, 3}, (1, 2, 3), 10])
def test_query_expr_json_contains_invalid_type(self, expr_prefix, enable_dynamic_field, not_list):
target: test query with expression using json_contains_any
method: query with expression using json_contains_any
expected: succeed
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, enable_dynamic_field=enable_dynamic_field)[0]
# 2. insert data
nb = 10
array = cf.gen_default_rows_data(nb=nb)
for i in range(nb):
array[i][json_field] = {"number": i,
"list": [m for m in range(i, i + 10)]}
# 3. query
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['list'], {not_list})"
error = {ct.err_code: 1100, ct.err_msg: f"failed to create query plan: cannot parse expression: {expression}"}
collection_w.query(expression, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expr_prefix", ["json_contains", "JSON_CONTAINS"])
def test_query_expr_json_contains_pagination(self, enable_dynamic_field, expr_prefix):
target: test query with expression using json_contains
method: query with expression using json_contains
expected: succeed
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, enable_dynamic_field=enable_dynamic_field)[0]
# 2. insert data
array = cf.gen_default_rows_data()
limit = ct.default_nb // 3
for i in range(ct.default_nb):
array[i][json_field] = {"number": i,
"list": [m for m in range(i, i + limit)]}
# 3. query
expression = f"{expr_prefix}({json_field}['list'], 1000)"
offset = random.randint(1, limit)
res = collection_w.query(expression, limit=limit, offset=offset)[0]
assert len(res) == limit - offset
@pytest.mark.parametrize("array_length", ["ARRAY_LENGTH", "array_length"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ["==", "!="])
def test_query_expr_array_length(self, array_length, op, enable_dynamic_field):
target: test query with expression using array_length
method: query with expression using array_length
array_length only support == , !=
expected: succeed
# 1. create a collection
schema = cf.gen_array_collection_schema()
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(schema=schema, enable_dynamic_field=enable_dynamic_field)
# 2. insert data
data = cf.gen_array_dataframe_data()
length = []
for i in range(ct.default_nb):
ran_int = random.randint(50, 53)
data[ct.default_float_array_field_name] = \
[[np.float32(j) for j in range(length[i])] for i in range(ct.default_nb)]
# 3. load and query
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, ct.default_flat_index)
expression = f"{array_length}({ct.default_float_array_field_name}) {op} 51"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
# 4. check
expression = expression.replace(f"{array_length}(float_array)", "array_length")
filter_ids = []
for i in range(ct.default_nb):
array_length = length[i]
if not expression or eval(expression):
assert len(res) == len(filter_ids)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("op", [">", "<=", "==", "!="])
def test_query_expr_invalid_array_length(self, op):
target: test query with expression using array_length
method: query with expression using array_length
array_length only support == , !=
expected: raise error
# 1. create a collection
schema = cf.gen_array_collection_schema()
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(schema=schema)
# 2. insert data
data = cf.gen_array_dataframe_data()
# 3. load and query
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, ct.default_flat_index)
expression = f"array_length({ct.default_float_array_field_name}) {op} 51"
res = collection_w.query(expression)[0]
assert len(res) >= 0
def test_query_expr_empty_without_limit(self):
target: test query with empty expression and no limit
method: query empty expression without setting limit
expected: raise error
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True)[0]
# 2. query with no limit and no offset
error = {ct.err_code: 1, ct.err_msg: "empty expression should be used with limit"}
collection_w.query("", check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
# 3. query with offset but no limit
collection_w.query("", offset=1, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
def test_query_empty(self):
target: test query empty
method: query empty
expected: return error
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True)[0]
# 2. query
except TypeError as e:
assert "missing 1 required positional argument: 'expr'" in str(e)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("limit", [10, 100, 1000])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("auto_id", [True, False])
def test_query_expr_empty(self, auto_id, limit):
target: test query with empty expression
method: query empty expression with a limit
expected: return topK results by order
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w, _, _, insert_ids = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, auto_id=auto_id)[0:4]
exp_ids, res = insert_ids[:limit], []
for ids in exp_ids:
res.append({ct.default_int64_field_name: ids})
# 2. query with limit
collection_w.query("", limit=limit, check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_expr_empty_pk_string(self):
target: test query with empty expression
method: query empty expression with a limit
expected: return topK results by order
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w, _, _, insert_ids = \
self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, primary_field=ct.default_string_field_name)[0:4]
# string field is sorted by lexicographical order
exp_ids, res = ['0', '1', '10', '100', '1000', '1001', '1002', '1003', '1004', '1005'], []
for ids in exp_ids:
res.append({ct.default_string_field_name: ids})
# 2. query with limit
collection_w.query("", limit=ct.default_limit,
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
# 2. query with limit + offset
res = res[5:]
collection_w.query("", limit=5, offset=5,
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [100, 1000])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("limit", [100, 1000])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("auto_id", [True, False])
def test_query_expr_empty_with_pagination(self, auto_id, limit, offset):
target: test query with empty expression
method: query empty expression with a limit
expected: return topK results by order
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w, _, _, insert_ids = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, auto_id=auto_id)[0:4]
exp_ids, res = insert_ids[:limit + offset][offset:], []
for ids in exp_ids:
res.append({ct.default_int64_field_name: ids})
# 2. query with limit and offset
collection_w.query("", limit=limit, offset=offset,
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [100, 1000])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("limit", [100, 1000])
def test_query_expr_empty_with_random_pk(self, limit, offset):
target: test query with empty expression
method: create a collection using random pk, query empty expression with a limit
expected: return topK results by order
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, with_json=False)[0]
# 2. generate unordered pk array and insert
unordered_ids = [i for i in range(ct.default_nb)]
float_value = [np.float32(i) for i in unordered_ids]
string_value = [str(i) for i in unordered_ids]
vector_value = cf.gen_vectors(nb=ct.default_nb, dim=ct.default_dim)
collection_w.insert([unordered_ids, float_value, string_value, vector_value])
# 3. query with empty expr and check the result
exp_ids, res = sorted(unordered_ids)[:limit], []
for ids in exp_ids:
res.append({ct.default_int64_field_name: ids, ct.default_string_field_name: str(ids)})
collection_w.query("", limit=limit, output_fields=[ct.default_string_field_name],
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
# 4. query with pagination
exp_ids, res = sorted(unordered_ids)[:limit + offset][offset:], []
for ids in exp_ids:
res.append({ct.default_int64_field_name: ids, ct.default_string_field_name: str(ids)})
collection_w.query("", limit=limit, offset=offset, output_fields=[ct.default_string_field_name],
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_expr_with_limit_offset_out_of_range(self):
target: test query with empty expression
method: query empty expression with limit and offset out of range
expected: raise error
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True)[0]
# 2. query with limit > 16384
error = {ct.err_code: 1,
ct.err_msg: "invalid max query result window, (offset+limit) should be in range [1, 16384]"}
collection_w.query("", limit=16385, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
# 3. query with offset + limit > 16384
collection_w.query("", limit=1, offset=16384, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
collection_w.query("", limit=16384, offset=1, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
# 4. query with limit < 0
error = {ct.err_code: 1,
ct.err_msg: "invalid max query result window, offset [-1] is invalid, should be gte than 0"}
collection_w.query("", limit=2, offset=-1,
check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expression", cf.gen_integer_overflow_expressions())
def test_query_expr_out_of_range(self, expression):
target: test query expression out of range
method: query empty expression with limit and offset out of range
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, is_all_data_type=True)[0]
start = ct.default_nb // 2
_vectors = cf.gen_dataframe_all_data_type(start=start)
# increase the value to cover the int range
_vectors["int16"] = \
pd.Series(data=[np.int16(i*40) for i in range(start, start + ct.default_nb)], dtype="int16")
_vectors["int32"] = \
pd.Series(data=[np.int32(i*2200000) for i in range(start, start + ct.default_nb)], dtype="int32")
insert_ids = collection_w.insert(_vectors)[0].primary_keys
# filter result with expression in collection
expression = expression.replace("&&", "and").replace("||", "or")
filter_ids = []
for i, _id in enumerate(insert_ids):
int8 = _vectors.int8[i]
int16 = _vectors.int16[i]
int32 = _vectors.int32[i]
if not expression or eval(expression):
# query
res = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=["int8"])[0]
assert len(res) == len(filter_ids)
def test_query_output_field_none_or_empty(self, enable_dynamic_field):
target: test query with none and empty output field
method: query with output field=None, field=[]
expected: return primary field
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
for fields in [None, []]:
res, _ = collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=fields)
assert res[0].keys() == {ct.default_int64_field_name}
def test_query_output_one_field(self, enable_dynamic_field):
target: test query with output one field
method: query with output one field
expected: return one field
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
res, _ = collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_float_field_name])
assert set(res[0].keys()) == {ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_float_field_name}
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="issue 30437")
def test_query_output_all_fields(self, enable_dynamic_field, random_primary_key):
target: test query with none output field
method: query with output field=None
expected: return all fields
enable_dynamic_field = False
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w, df, _, insert_ids = \
self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, nb=10, is_all_data_type=True,
all_fields = [ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_int32_field_name, ct.default_int16_field_name,
ct.default_int8_field_name, ct.default_bool_field_name, ct.default_float_field_name,
ct.default_double_field_name, ct.default_string_field_name, ct.default_json_field_name,
ct.default_float_vec_field_name, ct.default_float16_vec_field_name,
if enable_dynamic_field:
res = df[0][:2]
res = []
for id in range(2):
num = df[0][df[0][ct.default_int64_field_name] == id].index.to_list()[0]
actual_res, _ = collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=all_fields,
check_items={exp_res: res, "with_vec": True})
assert set(actual_res[0].keys()) == set(all_fields)
def test_query_output_float_vec_field(self):
target: test query with vec output field
method: specify vec field as output field
expected: return primary field and vec field
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
assert collection_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb
fields = [[ct.default_float_vec_field_name],
[ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_float_vec_field_name]]
res = df.loc[:1, [ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_float_vec_field_name]].to_dict('records')
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
for output_fields in fields:
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=output_fields,
check_items={exp_res: res, "with_vec": True})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("wildcard_output_fields", [["*"], ["*", default_float_field_name],
["*", default_int_field_name]])
def test_query_output_field_wildcard(self, wildcard_output_fields):
target: test query with output fields using wildcard
method: query with one output_field (wildcard)
expected: query success
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
assert collection_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb
output_fields = cf.get_wildcard_output_field_names(collection_w, wildcard_output_fields)
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
with_vec = True if ct.default_float_vec_field_name in output_fields else False
actual_res = collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=wildcard_output_fields)[0]
assert set(actual_res[0].keys()) == set(output_fields)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("vec_fields", [[cf.gen_float_vec_field(name="float_vector1")]])
def test_query_output_multi_float_vec_field(self, vec_fields):
target: test query and output multi float vec fields
method: a.specify multi vec field as output
b.specify output_fields with wildcard %
expected: verify query result
# init collection with two float vector fields
schema = cf.gen_schema_multi_vector_fields(vec_fields)
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), schema=schema)
df = cf.gen_dataframe_multi_vec_fields(vec_fields=vec_fields)
assert collection_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb
# query with two vec output_fields
output_fields = [ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_float_vec_field_name]
for vec_field in vec_fields:
res = df.loc[:1, output_fields].to_dict('records')
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=output_fields,
check_items={exp_res: res, "with_vec": True})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("vec_fields", [[cf.gen_binary_vec_field()],
[cf.gen_binary_vec_field(), cf.gen_binary_vec_field("binary_vec1")]])
def test_query_output_mix_float_binary_field(self, vec_fields):
target: test query and output mix float and binary vec fields
method: a.specify mix vec field as output
b.specify output_fields with wildcard %
expected: output binary vector and float vec
# init collection with two float vector fields
schema = cf.gen_schema_multi_vector_fields(vec_fields)
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), schema=schema)
df = cf.gen_dataframe_multi_vec_fields(vec_fields=vec_fields)
assert collection_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb
# query with two vec output_fields
output_fields = [ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_float_vec_field_name]
for vec_field in vec_fields:
res = df.loc[:1, output_fields].to_dict('records')
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=output_fields,
check_items={exp_res: res, "with_vec": True})
# query with wildcard %
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=["*"],
check_items={exp_res: res, "with_vec": True})
def test_query_output_binary_vec_field(self):
target: test query with binary vec output field
method: specify binary vec field as output field
expected: return primary field and binary vec field
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True, is_binary=True)[0:2]
fields = [[ct.default_binary_vec_field_name],
[ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_binary_vec_field_name]]
for output_fields in fields:
res, _ = collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=output_fields)
assert res[0].keys() == set(fields[-1])
def test_query_output_primary_field(self):
target: test query with output field only primary field
method: specify int64 primary field as output field
expected: return int64 field
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
res, _ = collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_int64_field_name])
assert res[0].keys() == {ct.default_int64_field_name}
def test_query_output_not_existed_field(self):
target: test query output not existed field
method: query with not existed output field
expected: raise exception
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
error = {ct.err_code: 65535, ct.err_msg: 'field int not exist'}
output_fields = [["int"], [ct.default_int64_field_name, "int"]]
for fields in output_fields:
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=fields,
check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="exception not MilvusException")
def test_query_invalid_output_fields(self):
target: test query with invalid output fields
method: query with invalid field fields
expected: raise exception
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
output_fields = ["12-s", 1, [1, "2", 3], (1,), {1: 1}]
error = {ct.err_code: 0, ct.err_msg: f'Invalid query format. \'output_fields\' must be a list'}
for fields in output_fields:
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=fields, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res,
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="issue 24637")
def test_query_output_fields_simple_wildcard(self):
target: test query output_fields with simple wildcard (* and %)
method: specify output_fields as "*"
expected: output all scale field; output all fields
# init collection with fields: int64, float, float_vec, float_vector1
# collection_w, df = self.init_multi_fields_collection_wrap(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
df = vectors[0]
# query with wildcard all fields
res3 = df.iloc[:2].to_dict('records')
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=["*"],
check_items={exp_res: res3, "with_vec": True})
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="issue 24637")
def test_query_output_fields_part_scale_wildcard(self):
target: test query output_fields with part wildcard
method: specify output_fields as wildcard and part field
expected: verify query result
# init collection with fields: int64, float, float_vec
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True, is_index=False)[0:2]
df = vectors[0]
# query with output_fields=["*", float_vector)
res = df.iloc[:2].to_dict('records')
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=["*", ct.default_float_vec_field_name],
check_items={exp_res: res, "with_vec": True})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("output_fields", [["*%"], ["**"], ["*", "@"]])
def test_query_invalid_wildcard(self, output_fields):
target: test query with invalid output wildcard
method: output_fields is invalid output wildcard
expected: raise exception
# init collection with fields: int64, float, float_vec
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True, nb=100)[0]
# query with invalid output_fields
error = {ct.err_code: 65535, ct.err_msg: f"field {output_fields[-1]} not exist"}
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=output_fields,
check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
def test_query_partition(self):
target: test query on partition
method: create a partition and query
expected: verify query result
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
partition_w = self.init_partition_wrap(collection_wrap=collection_w)
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
assert collection_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
res = df.iloc[:2, :1].to_dict('records')
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, partition_names=[partition_w.name],
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_partition_without_loading(self):
target: test query on partition without loading
method: query on partition and no loading
expected: raise exception
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
partition_w = self.init_partition_wrap(collection_wrap=collection_w)
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
assert partition_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb
error = {ct.err_code: 65535, ct.err_msg: "collection not loaded"}
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, partition_names=[partition_w.name],
check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
def test_query_default_partition(self):
target: test query on default partition
method: query on default partition
expected: verify query result
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
res = vectors[0].iloc[:2, :1].to_dict('records')
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, partition_names=[ct.default_partition_name],
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_empty_partition_names(self):
target: test query with empty partition_names
method: query with partition_names=[]
expected: query from all partitions
# insert [0, half) into partition_w, [half, nb) into _default
half = ct.default_nb // 2
collection_w, partition_w, _, _ = self.insert_entities_into_two_partitions_in_half(half)
# query from empty partition_names
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [0, {half}, {ct.default_nb}-1]'
res = [{'int64': 0}, {'int64': half}, {'int64': ct.default_nb - 1}]
collection_w.query(term_expr, partition_names=[], check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results,
check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_empty_partition(self):
target: test query on empty partition
method: query on an empty collection
expected: empty query result
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
partition_w = self.init_partition_wrap(collection_wrap=collection_w)
assert partition_w.is_empty
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
res, _ = collection_w.query(default_term_expr, partition_names=[partition_w.name])
assert len(res) == 0
def test_query_not_existed_partition(self):
target: test query on a not existed partition
method: query on not existed partition
expected: raise exception
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
partition_names = cf.gen_unique_str()
error = {ct.err_code: 65535, ct.err_msg: f'partition name {partition_names} not found'}
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, partition_names=[partition_names],
check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
def test_query_ignore_growing(self):
target: test search ignoring growing segment
method: 1. create a collection, insert data, create index and load
2. insert data again
3. query with param ignore_growing=True
expected: query successfully
# 1. create a collection
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True)[0]
# 2. insert data again
data = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(start=10000)
# 3. query with param ignore_growing=True
res = collection_w.query('int64 >= 0', ignore_growing=True)[0]
assert len(res) == ct.default_nb
for ids in [res[i][default_int_field_name] for i in range(ct.default_nb)]:
assert ids < 10000
def test_query_ignore_growing_after_upsert(self):
target: test query ignoring growing segment after upsert
method: 1. create a collection, insert data, create index and load
2. upsert the inserted data
3. query with param ignore_growing=True
expected: query successfully
# 1. create a collection
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True)[0]
# 2. insert data again
data = cf.gen_default_data_for_upsert()[0]
# 3. query with param ignore_growing=True
res1 = collection_w.query('int64 >= 0', ignore_growing=True)[0]
res2 = collection_w.query('int64 >= 0')[0]
assert len(res1) == 0
assert len(res2) == ct.default_nb
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ignore_growing", [2.3, "str"])
def test_query_invalid_ignore_growing_param(self, ignore_growing):
target: test query ignoring growing segment param invalid
method: 1. create a collection, insert data and load
2. insert data again
3. query with ignore_growing type invalid
expected: raise exception
# 1. create a collection
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True)[0]
# 2. insert data again
data = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(start=100)
# 3. query with param ignore_growing invalid
error = {ct.err_code: 999, ct.err_msg: "parse search growing failed"}
collection_w.query('int64 >= 0', ignore_growing=ignore_growing,
check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", params=[0, 10, 100])
def offset(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_query_pagination(self, offset):
target: test query pagination
method: create collection and query with pagination params,
verify if the result is ordered by primary key
expected: query successfully and verify query result
# create collection, insert default_nb, load collection
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
int_values = vectors[0][ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
pos = 10
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values[offset: pos + offset]}'
res = vectors[0].iloc[offset:pos + offset, :1].to_dict('records')
query_params = {"offset": offset, "limit": 10}
query_res = collection_w.query(term_expr, params=query_params,
check_items={exp_res: res})[0]
key_res = [item[key] for item in query_res for key in item]
assert key_res == int_values[offset: pos + offset]
def test_query_binary_pagination(self, offset):
target: test query binary pagination
method: create collection and query with pagination params,
verify if the result is ordered by primary key
expected: query successfully and verify query result
# create collection, insert default_nb, load collection
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
int_values = vectors[0][ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
pos = 10
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values[offset: pos + offset]}'
res = vectors[0].iloc[offset:pos + offset, :1].to_dict('records')
query_params = {"offset": offset, "limit": 10}
query_res = collection_w.query(term_expr, params=query_params,
check_items={exp_res: res})[0]
key_res = [item[key] for item in query_res for key in item]
assert key_res == int_values[offset: pos + offset]
def test_query_pagination_with_expression(self, offset, get_normal_expr):
target: test query pagination with different expression
method: query with different expression and verify the result
expected: query successfully
# 1. initialize with data
nb = 1000
collection_w, _vectors, _, insert_ids = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, nb)[0:4]
# filter result with expression in collection
_vectors = _vectors[0]
expr = get_normal_expr
expression = expr.replace("&&", "and").replace("||", "or")
filter_ids = []
for i, _id in enumerate(insert_ids):
int64 = _vectors.int64[i]
float = _vectors.float[i]
if not expression or eval(expression):
# query and verify result
query_params = {"offset": offset, "limit": 10}
res = collection_w.query(expr=expression, params=query_params)[0]
key_res = [item[key] for item in res for key in item]
assert key_res == filter_ids
def test_query_pagination_with_partition(self, offset):
target: test query pagination on partition
method: create a partition and query with different offset
expected: verify query result
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
partition_w = self.init_partition_wrap(collection_wrap=collection_w)
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
assert collection_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
res = df.iloc[:2, :1].to_dict('records')
query_params = {"offset": offset, "limit": 10}
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, params=query_params, partition_names=[partition_w.name],
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_pagination_with_insert_data(self, offset):
target: test query pagination on partition
method: create a partition and query with pagination
expected: verify query result
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
assert collection_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
res = df.iloc[:2, :1].to_dict('records')
query_params = {"offset": offset, "limit": 10}
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, params=query_params,
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_pagination_without_limit(self, offset):
target: test query pagination without limit
method: create collection and query with pagination params(only offset),
compare the result with query without pagination params
expected: query successfully
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
int_values = vectors[0][ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
pos = 10
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values[offset: pos + offset]}'
res = vectors[0].iloc[offset:pos + offset, :1].to_dict('records')
query_params = {"offset": offset}
query_res = collection_w.query(term_expr, params=query_params,
check_items={exp_res: res})[0]
res = collection_w.query(term_expr,
check_items={exp_res: res})[0]
assert query_res == res
@pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [3000, 5000])
def test_query_pagination_with_offset_over_num_entities(self, offset):
target: test query pagination with offset over num_entities
method: query with offset over num_entities
expected: return an empty list
# create collection, insert default_nb, load collection
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
int_values = vectors[0][ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
pos = 10
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values[10: pos + 10]}'
res = collection_w.query(term_expr, offset=offset, limit=10)[0]
assert len(res) == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize("limit", ["12 s", " ", [0, 1], {2}])
def test_query_pagination_with_invalid_limit_type(self, limit):
target: test query pagination with invalid limit type
method: query with invalid limit tyype
expected: raise exception
# create collection, insert default_nb, load collection
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
int_values = vectors[0][ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
pos = 10
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values[10: pos + 10]}'
collection_w.query(term_expr, offset=10, limit=limit,
check_items={ct.err_code: 1,
ct.err_msg: "limit [%s] is invalid" % limit})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("limit", [-1, 67890])
def test_query_pagination_with_invalid_limit_value(self, limit):
target: test query pagination with invalid limit value
method: query with invalid limit value
expected: raise exception
# create collection, insert default_nb, load collection
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
int_values = vectors[0][ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
pos = 10
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values[10: pos + 10]}'
collection_w.query(term_expr, offset=10, limit=limit,
check_items={ct.err_code: 65535,
ct.err_msg: f"invalid max query result window, (offset+limit) "
f"should be in range [1, 16384], but got {limit}"})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", ["12 s", " ", [0, 1], {2}])
def test_query_pagination_with_invalid_offset_type(self, offset):
target: test query pagination with invalid offset type
method: query with invalid offset type
expected: raise exception
# create collection, insert default_nb, load collection
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
int_values = vectors[0][ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
pos = 10
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values[10: pos + 10]}'
collection_w.query(term_expr, offset=offset, limit=10,
check_items={ct.err_code: 1,
ct.err_msg: "offset [%s] is invalid" % offset})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [-1, 67890])
def test_query_pagination_with_invalid_offset_value(self, offset):
target: test query pagination with invalid offset value
method: query with invalid offset value
expected: raise exception
# create collection, insert default_nb, load collection
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
int_values = vectors[0][ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
pos = 10
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values[10: pos + 10]}'
collection_w.query(term_expr, offset=offset, limit=10,
check_items={ct.err_code: 65535,
ct.err_msg: f"invalid max query result window, (offset+limit) "
f"should be in range [1, 16384], but got {offset}"})
@pytest.mark.skip("not stable")
def test_query_during_upsert(self):
target: test query during upsert
method: 1. create a collection and query
2. query during upsert
3. compare two query results
expected: the two query results is the same
upsert_nb = 1000
expr = f"int64 >= 0 && int64 <= {upsert_nb}"
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True)[0]
res1 = collection_w.query(expr, output_fields=[default_float_field_name])[0]
def do_upsert():
data = cf.gen_default_data_for_upsert(upsert_nb)[0]
t = threading.Thread(target=do_upsert, args=())
res2 = collection_w.query(expr, output_fields=[default_float_field_name])[0]
assert [res1[i][default_float_field_name] for i in range(upsert_nb)] == \
[res2[i][default_float_field_name] for i in range(upsert_nb)]
def test_mmap_query_expr_empty_pk_string(self):
target: turn on mmap to test queries using empty expression
method: enable mmap to query for empty expressions with restrictions.
expected: return the first K results in order
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w, _, _, insert_ids = \
self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, is_index=False, primary_field=ct.default_string_field_name)[0:4]
collection_w.set_properties({'mmap.enabled': True})
# string field is sorted by lexicographical order
exp_ids, res = ['0', '1', '10', '100', '1000', '1001', '1002', '1003', '1004', '1005'], []
for ids in exp_ids:
res.append({ct.default_string_field_name: ids})
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params, index_name="query_index")
# 2. query with limit
collection_w.query("", limit=ct.default_limit,
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
# 3. query with limit + offset
res = res[5:]
collection_w.query("", limit=5, offset=5,
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_enable_mmap_query_with_expression(self, get_normal_expr, enable_dynamic_field):
target: turn on mmap use different expr queries
method: turn on mmap and query with different expr
expected: verify query result
# 1. initialize with data
nb = 1000
collection_w, _vectors, _, insert_ids = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, nb, is_index=False,
# enable mmap
collection_w.set_properties({'mmap.enabled': True})
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params, index_name="query_expr_index")
collection_w.alter_index("query_expr_index", {'mmap.enabled': True})
# filter result with expression in collection
_vectors = _vectors[0]
expr = get_normal_expr
expression = expr.replace("&&", "and").replace("||", "or")
filter_ids = []
for i, _id in enumerate(insert_ids):
if enable_dynamic_field:
int64 = _vectors[i][ct.default_int64_field_name]
float = _vectors[i][ct.default_float_field_name]
int64 = _vectors.int64[i]
float = _vectors.float[i]
if not expression or eval(expression):
# query and verify result
res = collection_w.query(expr=expression)[0]
query_ids = set(map(lambda x: x[ct.default_int64_field_name], res))
assert query_ids == set(filter_ids)
def test_mmap_query_string_field_not_primary_is_empty(self):
target: enable mmap, use string expr to test query, string field is not the main field
method: create collection , string field is primary
enable mmap
collection load and insert empty data with string field
collection query uses string expr in string field
expected: query successfully
# 1. create a collection
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=False, is_index=False)[0:2]
nb = 3000
df = cf.gen_default_list_data(nb)
df[2] = ["" for _ in range(nb)]
assert collection_w.num_entities == nb
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params, index_name="index_query")
collection_w.set_properties({'mmap.enabled': True})
collection_w.alter_index("index_query", {'mmap.enabled': True})
output_fields = [default_int_field_name, default_float_field_name, default_string_field_name]
expr = "varchar == \"\""
res, _ = collection_w.query(expr, output_fields=output_fields)
assert len(res) == nb
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expression", cf.gen_normal_string_expressions([default_string_field_name]))
def test_mmap_query_string_is_primary(self, expression):
target: test query with output field only primary field
method: specify string primary field as output field
expected: return string primary field
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True, is_index=False,
collection_w.set_properties({'mmap.enabled': True})
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params, index_name="query_expr_index")
res, _ = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=[ct.default_string_field_name])
assert res[0].keys() == {ct.default_string_field_name}
def test_mmap_query_string_expr_with_prefixes(self):
target: test query with prefix string expression
method: specify string is primary field, use prefix string expr
expected: verify query successfully
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,is_index=False,
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params, index_name="query_expr_pre_index")
collection_w.set_properties({'mmap.enabled': True})
collection_w.alter_index("query_expr_pre_index", {'mmap.enabled': True})
res = vectors[0].iloc[:1, :3].to_dict('records')
expression = 'varchar like "0%"'
output_fields = [default_int_field_name, default_float_field_name, default_string_field_name]
collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=output_fields,
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
class TestQueryOperation(TestcaseBase):
The following cases are used to test query interface operations
def test_query_without_connection(self):
target: test query without connection
method: close connect and query
expected: raise exception
# init a collection with default connection
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
# remove default connection
# list connection to check
self.connection_wrap.list_connections(check_task=ct.CheckTasks.ccr, check_items={ct.list_content: []})
# query after remove default connection
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res,
check_items={ct.err_code: 0, ct.err_msg: cem.ConnectFirst})
def test_query_without_loading(self):
target: test query without loading
method: no loading before query
expected: raise exception
# init a collection with default connection
collection_name = cf.gen_unique_str(prefix)
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=collection_name)
# insert data to collection
# check number of entities and that method calls the flush interface
assert collection_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb
# query without load
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res,
check_items={ct.err_code: 65535,
ct.err_msg: "collection not loaded"})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("term_expr", [f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [0]'])
def test_query_expr_single_term_array(self, term_expr):
target: test query with single array term expr
method: query with single array value
expected: query result is one entity
# init a collection and insert data
collection_w, vectors, binary_raw_vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:3]
# query the first row of data
check_vec = vectors[0].iloc[:, [0]][0:1].to_dict('records')
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: check_vec})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("term_expr", [f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [0]'])
def test_query_binary_expr_single_term_array(self, term_expr, check_content):
target: test query with single array term expr
method: query with single array value
expected: query result is one entity
# init a collection and insert data
collection_w, vectors, binary_raw_vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
# query the first row of data
check_vec = vectors[0].iloc[:, [0]][0:1].to_dict('records')
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: check_vec})
def test_query_expr_all_term_array(self):
target: test query with all array term expr
method: query with all array value
expected: verify query result
# init a collection and insert data
collection_w, vectors, binary_raw_vectors = \
self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:3]
# data preparation
int_values = vectors[0][ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values}'
check_vec = vectors[0].iloc[:, [0]][0:len(int_values)].to_dict('records')
# query all array value
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: check_vec})
def test_query_expr_half_term_array(self):
target: test query with half array term expr
method: query with half array value
expected: verify query result
half = ct.default_nb // 2
collection_w, partition_w, df_partition, df_default = \
int_values = df_default[ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values}'
res, _ = collection_w.query(term_expr)
assert len(res) == len(int_values)
def test_query_expr_repeated_term_array(self):
target: test query with repeated term array on primary field with unique value
method: query with repeated array value
expected: return hit entities, no repeated
collection_w, vectors, binary_raw_vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:3]
int_values = [0, 0, 0, 0]
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values}'
res, _ = collection_w.query(term_expr)
assert len(res) == 1
assert res[0][ct.default_int64_field_name] == int_values[0]
def test_query_dup_ids_dup_term_array(self):
target: test query on duplicate primary keys with dup term array
method: 1.create collection and insert dup primary keys
2.query with dup term array
expected: todo
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=100)
df[ct.default_int64_field_name] = 0
mutation_res, _ = collection_w.insert(df)
assert mutation_res.primary_keys == df[ct.default_int64_field_name].tolist()
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {[0, 0, 0]}'
res = df.iloc[:, :2].to_dict('records')
collection_w.query(term_expr, output_fields=["*"], check_items=CheckTasks.check_query_results,
check_task={exp_res: res})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("with_growing", [True])
def test_query_to_get_latest_entity_with_dup_ids(self, with_growing):
target: test query to get latest entity with duplicate primary keys
method: 1.create collection and insert dup primary key = 0
2.query with expr=dup_id
expected: return the latest entity; verify the result is same as dedup entities
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, dim=16, is_flush=False, insert_data=False, is_index=False,
vector_data_type=ct.float_type, with_json=False)[0]
nb = 50
rounds = 10
for i in range(rounds):
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(dim=16, nb=nb, start=i * nb, with_json=False)
df[ct.default_int64_field_name] = i
# re-insert the last piece of data in df to refresh the timestamp
last_piece = df.iloc[-1:]
if not with_growing:
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_index)
# verify the result returns the latest entity if there are duplicate primary keys
expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} == 0'
res = collection_w.query(expr=expr, output_fields=[ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_float_field_name])[0]
assert len(res) == 1 and res[0][ct.default_float_field_name] == (nb - 1) * 1.0
# verify the result is same as dedup entities
expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} >= 0'
res = collection_w.query(expr=expr, output_fields=[ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_float_field_name])[0]
assert len(res) == rounds
def test_query_after_index(self):
target: test query after creating index
method: 1. indexing
2. load
3. query
expected: query result is correct
collection_w, vectors, binary_raw_vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
default_field_name = ct.default_float_vec_field_name
collection_w.create_index(default_field_name, default_index_params)
int_values = [0]
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values}'
check_vec = vectors[0].iloc[:, [0]][0:len(int_values)].to_dict('records')
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: check_vec})
def test_query_after_search(self):
target: test query after search
method: 1. search
2. query without load again
expected: query result is correct
limit = 1000
nb_old = 500
collection_w, vectors, binary_raw_vectors, insert_ids = \
self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, nb_old)[0:4]
# 2. search for original data after load
vectors_s = [[random.random() for _ in range(ct.default_dim)] for _ in range(ct.default_nq)]
collection_w.search(vectors_s[:ct.default_nq], ct.default_float_vec_field_name,
ct.default_search_params, limit, "int64 >= 0",
check_items={"nq": ct.default_nq, "limit": nb_old, "ids": insert_ids})
# check number of entities and that method calls the flush interface
assert collection_w.num_entities == nb_old
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [0, 1]'
check_vec = vectors[0].iloc[:, [0]][0:2].to_dict('records')
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: check_vec})
def test_query_output_vec_field_after_index(self):
target: test query output vec field after index
method: create index and specify vec field as output field
expected: return primary field and vec field
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=5000)
assert collection_w.num_entities == 5000
fields = [ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_float_vec_field_name]
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
res = df.loc[:1, [ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_float_vec_field_name]].to_dict('records')
collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=fields,
check_items={exp_res: res, "with_vec": True})
def test_query_output_binary_vec_field_after_index(self):
target: test query output vec field after index
method: create index and specify vec field as output field
expected: return primary field and vec field
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
is_binary=True, is_index=False)[0:2]
fields = [ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_binary_vec_field_name]
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_binary_vec_field_name, binary_index_params)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
res, _ = collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_binary_vec_field_name])
assert res[0].keys() == set(fields)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("vector_data_type", ["FLOAT_VECTOR", "FLOAT16_VECTOR", "BFLOAT16_VECTOR"])
def test_query_output_all_vector_type(self, vector_data_type):
target: test query output different vector type
method: create index and specify vec field as output field
expected: return primary field and vec field
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True,
fields = [ct.default_int64_field_name, ct.default_float_vec_field_name]
res, _ = collection_w.query(default_term_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_float_vec_field_name])
assert res[0].keys() == set(fields)
def test_query_partition_repeatedly(self):
target: test query repeatedly on partition
method: query on partition twice
expected: verify query result
# create connection
# init collection
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
# init partition
partition_w = self.init_partition_wrap(collection_wrap=collection_w)
# insert data to partition
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
# check number of entities and that method calls the flush interface
assert collection_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb
# load partition
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# query twice
res_one, _ = collection_w.query(default_term_expr, partition_names=[partition_w.name])
res_two, _ = collection_w.query(default_term_expr, partition_names=[partition_w.name])
assert res_one == res_two
def test_query_another_partition(self):
target: test query another partition
method: 1. insert entities into two partitions
2.query on one partition and query result empty
expected: query result is empty
half = ct.default_nb // 2
collection_w, partition_w, _, _ = self.insert_entities_into_two_partitions_in_half(half)
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [{half}]'
# half entity in _default partition rather than partition_w
collection_w.query(term_expr, partition_names=[partition_w.name],
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: []})
def test_query_multi_partitions_multi_results(self):
target: test query on multi partitions and get multi results
method: 1.insert entities into two partitions
2.query on two partitions and query multi result
expected: query results from two partitions
half = ct.default_nb // 2
collection_w, partition_w, _, _ = self.insert_entities_into_two_partitions_in_half(half)
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [{half - 1}, {half}]'
# half entity in _default, half-1 entity in partition_w
res, _ = collection_w.query(term_expr,
partition_names=[ct.default_partition_name, partition_w.name])
assert len(res) == 2
def test_query_multi_partitions_single_result(self):
target: test query on multi partitions and get single result
method: 1.insert into two partitions
2.query on two partitions and query single result
expected: query from two partitions and get single result
half = ct.default_nb // 2
collection_w, partition_w, df_partition, df_default = \
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [{half}]'
# half entity in _default
res, _ = collection_w.query(term_expr,
partition_names=[ct.default_partition_name, partition_w.name])
assert len(res) == 1
assert res[0][ct.default_int64_field_name] == half
def test_query_growing_segment_data(self):
target: test query data in the growing segment
method: 1. create collection
2.load collection
3.insert without flush
expected: Data can be queried
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
# load collection
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
tmp_nb = 100
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(tmp_nb)
res = df.iloc[1:2, :1].to_dict('records')
collection_w.query(f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [1]',
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
@pytest.mark.skip("not support default_value now")
def test_query_using_all_types_of_default_value(self):
target: test create collection with default_value
method: create a schema with all fields using default value and query
expected: query results are as expected
fields = [
cf.gen_int64_field(name='pk', is_primary=True),
schema = cf.gen_collection_schema(fields)
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(schema=schema)
data = [
[i for i in range(ct.default_nb)],
cf.gen_vectors(ct.default_nb, ct.default_dim)
expr = "pk in [0, 1]"
res = collection_w.query(expr, output_fields=["*"])[0][0]
assert res[ct.default_int8_field_name] == 8
assert res[ct.default_int16_field_name] == 16
assert res[ct.default_int32_field_name] == 32
assert res[ct.default_int64_field_name] == 64
assert res[ct.default_float_field_name] == np.float32(3.14)
assert res[ct.default_double_field_name] == 3.1415
assert res[ct.default_bool_field_name] is False
assert res[ct.default_string_field_name] == "abc"
def test_query_multi_logical_exprs(self):
target: test the scenario which query with many logical expressions
method: 1. create collection
3. query the expr that like: int64 == 0 || int64 == 1 ........
expected: run successfully
c_name = cf.gen_unique_str(prefix)
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=c_name)
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
multi_exprs = " || ".join(f'{default_int_field_name} == {i}' for i in range(60))
_, check_res = collection_w.query(multi_exprs, output_fields=[f'{default_int_field_name}'])
assert(check_res == True)
def test_search_multi_logical_exprs(self):
target: test the scenario which search with many logical expressions
method: 1. create collection
3. search with the expr that like: int64 == 0 || int64 == 1 ........
expected: run successfully
c_name = cf.gen_unique_str(prefix)
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=c_name)
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
multi_exprs = " || ".join(f'{default_int_field_name} == {i}' for i in range(60))
vectors_s = [[random.random() for _ in range(ct.default_dim)] for _ in range(ct.default_nq)]
limit = 1000
_, check_res = collection_w.search(vectors_s[:ct.default_nq], ct.default_float_vec_field_name,
ct.default_search_params, limit, multi_exprs)
assert(check_res == True)
class TestQueryString(TestcaseBase):
The following cases are used to test query with string
def test_query_string_is_not_primary(self):
target: test query data with string field is not primary
method: create collection and insert data
query with string expr in string field is not primary
expected: query successfully
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
res = vectors[0].iloc[:2, :3].to_dict('records')
output_fields = [default_float_field_name, default_string_field_name]
collection_w.query(default_string_term_expr, output_fields=output_fields,
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expression", cf.gen_normal_string_expressions([default_string_field_name]))
def test_query_string_is_primary(self, expression):
target: test query with output field only primary field
method: specify string primary field as output field
expected: return string primary field
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
res, _ = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=[ct.default_string_field_name])
assert res[0].keys() == {ct.default_string_field_name}
def test_query_string_with_mix_expr(self):
target: test query data
method: create collection and insert data
query with mix expr in string field and int field
expected: query successfully
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
res = vectors[0].iloc[:, 1:3].to_dict('records')
output_fields = [default_float_field_name, default_string_field_name]
collection_w.query(default_mix_expr, output_fields=output_fields,
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expression", cf.gen_invalid_string_expressions())
def test_query_with_invalid_string_expr(self, expression):
target: test query data
method: create collection and insert data
query with invalid expr
expected: Raise exception
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0]
collection_w.query(expression, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res,
check_items={ct.err_code: 1100,
ct.err_msg: f"failed to create query plan: cannot parse expression: {expression}, "
f"error: value '1' in list cannot be casted to VarChar: invalid parameter"})
def test_query_string_expr_with_binary(self):
target: test query string expr with binary
method: query string expr with binary
expected: verify query successfully
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
is_binary=True, is_index=False)[0:2]
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_binary_vec_field_name, binary_index_params)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
res, _ = collection_w.query(default_string_term_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_binary_vec_field_name])
assert len(res) == 2
def test_query_string_expr_with_prefixes(self):
target: test query with prefix string expression
method: specify string is primary field, use prefix string expr
expected: verify query successfully
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
res = vectors[0].iloc[:1, :3].to_dict('records')
expression = 'varchar like "0%"'
output_fields = [default_int_field_name, default_float_field_name, default_string_field_name]
collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=output_fields,
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_string_expr_with_prefixes_auto_index(self):
target: test query with prefix string expression and indexed with auto index
expected: verify query successfully
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,is_index=False,
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params, index_name="query_expr_pre_index")
collection_w.create_index("varchar", index_name="varchar_auto_index")
expression = 'varchar like "0%"'
result , _ = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=['varchar'])
res_len = len(result)
result , _ = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=['varchar'])
res_len_1 = len(result)
assert res_len_1 == res_len
def test_query_string_expr_with_prefixes_bitmap(self):
target: test query with prefix string expression and indexed with bitmap
expected: verify query successfully
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,is_index=False,
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params, index_name="query_expr_pre_index")
collection_w.create_index("varchar", index_name="bitmap_auto_index")
expression = 'varchar like "0%"'
result , _ = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=['varchar'])
res_len = len(result)
result , _ = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=['varchar'])
res_len_1 = len(result)
assert res_len_1 == res_len
def test_query_string_expr_with_match_auto_index(self):
target: test query with match string expression and indexed with auto index
expected: verify query successfully
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,is_index=False,
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params, index_name="query_expr_pre_index")
collection_w.create_index("varchar", index_name="varchar_auto_index")
expression = 'varchar like "%0%"'
result , _ = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=['varchar'])
res_len = len(result)
result , _ = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=['varchar'])
res_len_1 = len(result)
assert res_len_1 == res_len
def test_query_string_expr_with_match_bitmap(self):
target: test query with match string expression and indexed with bitmap
expected: verify query successfully
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,is_index=False,
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params, index_name="query_expr_pre_index")
collection_w.create_index("varchar", index_name="bitmap_auto_index")
expression = 'varchar like "%0%"'
result , _ = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=['varchar'])
res_len = len(result)
result , _ = collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=['varchar'])
res_len_1 = len(result)
assert res_len_1 == res_len
def test_query_string_with_invalid_prefix_expr(self):
target: test query with invalid prefix string expression
method: specify string primary field, use invalid prefix string expr
expected: raise error
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0]
expression = 'float like "0%"'
check_items={ct.err_code: 65535,
ct.err_msg: f"cannot parse expression: {expression}, error: like "
f"operation on non-string or no-json field is unsupported"})
def test_query_compare_two_fields(self):
target: test query with bool expression comparing two fields
method: specify string primary field, compare two fields
expected: verify query successfully
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
res = []
expression = 'float > int64'
output_fields = [default_int_field_name, default_float_field_name, default_string_field_name]
collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=output_fields,
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_compare_invalid_fields(self):
target: test query with
method: specify string primary field, compare string and int field
expected: raise error
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
expression = 'varchar == int64'
collection_w.query(expression, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res,
check_items={ct.err_code: 1100, ct.err_msg:
f"failed to create query plan: cannot parse expression: {expression}, "
f"error: comparisons between VarChar and Int64 are not supported: invalid parameter"})
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="issue 24637")
def test_query_after_insert_multi_threading(self):
target: test data consistency after multi threading insert
method: multi threads insert, and query, compare queried data with original
expected: verify data consistency
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
thread_num = 4
threads = []
primary_keys = []
df_list = []
# prepare original data for parallel insert
for i in range(thread_num):
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(ct.default_nb, start=i * ct.default_nb)
primary_key = df[ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
def insert(thread_i):
log.debug(f'In thread-{thread_i}')
mutation_res, _ = collection_w.insert(df_list[thread_i])
assert mutation_res.insert_count == ct.default_nb
assert mutation_res.primary_keys == primary_keys[thread_i]
for i in range(thread_num):
x = threading.Thread(target=insert, args=(i,))
for t in threads:
assert collection_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb * thread_num
# Check data consistency after parallel insert
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
df_dict_list = []
for df in df_list:
df_dict_list += df.to_dict('records')
output_fields = ["*"]
expression = "int64 >= 0"
collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=output_fields,
check_items={exp_res: df_dict_list,
"primary_field": default_int_field_name,
"with_vec": True})
def test_query_string_field_pk_is_empty(self):
target: test query with string expr and string field is primary
method: create collection , string field is primary
collection load and insert empty data with string field
collection query uses string expr in string field
expected: query successfully
# 1. create a collection
schema = cf.gen_string_pk_default_collection_schema()
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), schema=schema)
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
nb = 3000
df = cf.gen_default_list_data(nb)
df[2] = ["" for _ in range(nb)]
assert collection_w.num_entities == nb
string_exp = "varchar >= \"\""
output_fields = [default_int_field_name, default_float_field_name, default_string_field_name]
res, _ = collection_w.query(string_exp, output_fields=output_fields)
assert len(res) == 1
def test_query_string_field_not_primary_is_empty(self):
target: test query with string expr and string field is not primary
method: create collection , string field is primary
collection load and insert empty data with string field
collection query uses string expr in string field
expected: query successfully
# 1. create a collection
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=False, is_index=False)[0:2]
nb = 3000
df = cf.gen_default_list_data(nb)
df[2] = ["" for _ in range(nb)]
assert collection_w.num_entities == nb
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
output_fields = [default_int_field_name, default_float_field_name, default_string_field_name]
expr = "varchar == \"\""
res, _ = collection_w.query(expr, output_fields=output_fields)
assert len(res) == nb
def test_query_with_create_diskann_index(self):
target: test query after create diskann index
method: create a collection and build diskann index
expected: verify query result
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True, is_index=False)[0:2]
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, ct.default_diskann_index)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
int_values = [0]
term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values}'
check_vec = vectors[0].iloc[:, [0]][0:len(int_values)].to_dict('records')
check_items={exp_res: check_vec})
def test_query_with_create_diskann_with_string_pk(self):
target: test query after create diskann index
method: create a collection with string pk and build diskann index
expected: verify query result
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True,
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, ct.default_diskann_index)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
res = vectors[0].iloc[:, 1:3].to_dict('records')
output_fields = [default_float_field_name, default_string_field_name]
collection_w.query(default_mix_expr, output_fields=output_fields,
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
def test_query_with_scalar_field(self):
target: test query with Scalar field
method: create collection , string field is primary
collection load and insert empty data with string field
collection query uses string expr in string field
expected: query successfully
# 1. create a collection
collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=False, is_index=False)[0:2]
nb = 3000
df = cf.gen_default_list_data(nb)
df[2] = ["" for _ in range(nb)]
assert collection_w.num_entities == nb
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, default_index_params)
assert collection_w.has_index()[0]
index_params = {}
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_int64_field_name, index_params=index_params)
output_fields = [default_int_field_name, default_float_field_name]
expr = "int64 in [2,4,6,8]"
res, _ = collection_w.query(expr, output_fields=output_fields)
assert len(res) == 4
class TestQueryCount(TestcaseBase):
test query count(*)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("consistency_level", [CONSISTENCY_BOUNDED, CONSISTENCY_STRONG, CONSISTENCY_EVENTUALLY])
def test_count_consistency_level(self, consistency_level):
target: test count(*) with bounded level
method: 1. create collection with different consistency level
2. load collection
3. insert and count
4. verify count
expected: expected count
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix),
# load collection
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
if consistency_level == CONSISTENCY_BOUNDED:
elif consistency_level == CONSISTENCY_STRONG:
elif consistency_level == CONSISTENCY_EVENTUALLY:
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb}]})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_output_field", ["count", "count(int64)", "count(**)"])
def test_count_invalid_output_field(self, invalid_output_field):
target: test count with invalid
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
# load collection
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# insert
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=2)
insert_res, _ = collection_w.insert(df)
collection_w.query(expr=default_term_expr, output_fields=[invalid_output_field],
check_items={"err_code": 1,
"err_msg": f"field {invalid_output_field} not exist"})
def test_count_without_loading(self):
target: test count without loading
method: count without loading
expected: exception
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
collection_w.query(expr=default_term_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={"err_code": 65535,
"err_msg": "collection not loaded"})
def test_count_duplicate_ids(self):
target: test count duplicate ids
method: 1. insert duplicate ids
2. count
3. delete duplicate ids
4. count
expected: verify count
# create
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# insert duplicate ids
tmp_nb = 100
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(tmp_nb)
df[ct.default_int64_field_name] = 0
# query count
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: tmp_nb}]}
# delete and verify count
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: 0}]}
def test_count_multi_partitions(self):
target: test count multi partitions
method: 1. init partitions: p1, _default
2. count p1, _default, [p1, _default]
3. delete _default entities and count _default, [p1, _default]
4. drop p1 and count p1, [p1, _default]
expected: verify count
half = ct.default_nb // 2
# insert [0, half) into partition_w, [half, nb) into _default
collection_w, p1, _, _ = self.insert_entities_into_two_partitions_in_half(half=half)
# query count p1, [p1, _default]
for p_name in [p1.name, ct.default_partition_name]:
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output], partition_names=[p_name],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: half}]})
# delete entities from _default
delete_expr = f"{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {[i for i in range(half, ct.default_nb)]} "
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: 0}]})
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
partition_names=[p1.name, ct.default_partition_name],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: half}]})
# drop p1 partition
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={"err_code": 65535,
"err_msg": f'partition name {p1.name} not found'})
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: 0}]})
def test_count_partition_duplicate(self):
target: test count from partitions which have duplicate ids
method: 1. insert same ids into 2 partitions
2. count
3. delete some ids and count
expected: verify count
# init partitions: _default and p1
p1 = "p1"
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
collection_w.insert(df, partition_name=ct.default_partition_name)
collection_w.insert(df, partition_name=p1)
# index and load
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# count
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb * 2}]}
# delete some duplicate ids
delete_res, _ = collection_w.delete(default_term_expr)
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb - delete_res.delete_count}]}
def test_count_growing_sealed_segment(self):
target: test count growing and sealed segment
method: 1. insert -> index -> load
2. count
3. new insert
4. count
expected: verify count
tmp_nb = 100
# create -> insert -> index -> load -> count sealed
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(insert_data=True, nb=tmp_nb)[0]
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: tmp_nb}]}
# new insert and growing count
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=tmp_nb, start=tmp_nb)
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: tmp_nb * 2}]})
def test_count_during_handoff(self):
target: test count during handoff
method: 1. index -> load
2. insert
3. flush while count
expected: verify count
# create -> index -> load
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# flush while count
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
t_flush = threading.Thread(target=collection_w.flush, args=())
t_count = threading.Thread(target=collection_w.query, args=(default_expr,),
"output_fields": [ct.default_count_output],
"check_task": CheckTasks.check_query_results,
"check_items": {exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb}]}
def test_count_delete_insert_duplicate_ids(self):
target: test count after delete and re-insert same entities
method: 1. insert and delete
2. count
3. re-insert deleted ids with different vectors
4. count
expected: verify count
tmp_nb = 100
# create -> insert ids [0, default_nb + tmp) -> index -> load
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(insert_data=True)[0]
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=tmp_nb, start=ct.default_nb)
insert_res, _ = collection_w.insert(df)
# delete growing and sealed ids -> count
collection_w.delete(f"{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {[i for i in range(ct.default_nb)]}")
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: tmp_nb}]}
# re-insert deleted ids [0, default_nb) with different vectors
df_same = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb + tmp_nb}]}
def test_count_compact_merge(self):
target: test count after compact merge segments
method: 1. init 2 segments with same channel
2. compact
3. count
expected: verify count
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), shards_num=1)
# init two segments
tmp_nb = 100
segment_num = 2
for i in range(segment_num):
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=tmp_nb, start=i * tmp_nb)
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, ct.default_index)
segment_info, _ = self.utility_wrap.get_query_segment_info(collection_w.name)
assert len(segment_info) == 1
# count after compact
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: tmp_nb * segment_num}]})
def test_count_compact_delete(self):
target: test count after delete-compact
method: 1. init segments
2. delete half ids and compact
3. count
expected: verify count
# create -> index -> insert
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), shards_num=1)
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data()
insert_res, _ = collection_w.insert(df)
# delete half entities, flush
half_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {[i for i in range(ct.default_nb // 2)]}'
assert collection_w.num_entities == ct.default_nb
# compact
# load and count
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb // 2}]}
def test_count_during_compact(self):
target: test count during compact merge many small segments
method: 1. init many small segments
2. compact while count
expected: verify count
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix), shards_num=1)
# init 2 segments
tmp_nb = 100
for i in range(10):
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(tmp_nb, start=i * tmp_nb)
# compact while count
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, ct.default_index)
t_compact = threading.Thread(target=collection_w.compact, args=())
t_count = threading.Thread(target=collection_w.query, args=(default_expr,),
"output_fields": [ct.default_count_output],
"check_task": CheckTasks.check_query_results,
"check_items": {exp_res: [{count: tmp_nb * 10}]}
def test_count_with_expr(self):
target: test count with expr
method: count with expr
expected: verify count
# create -> insert -> index -> load
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(insert_data=True)[0]
# count with expr
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb}]})
collection_w.query(expr=default_term_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: 2}]})
def test_query_count_expr_json(self):
target: test query with part json key value
method: 1. insert data and some entities doesn't have number key
2. query count with number expr filet
expected: succeed
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, enable_dynamic_field=True, with_json=True)[0]
# 2. insert data
array = cf.gen_default_rows_data( with_json=False)
for i in range(ct.default_nb):
if i % 2 == 0:
array[i][json_field] = {"string": str(i), "bool": bool(i)}
array[i][json_field] = {"string": str(i), "bool": bool(i), "number": i}
# 3. query
expression = f'{ct.default_json_field_name}["number"] < 100'
collection_w.query(expression, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: 50}]})
def test_json_expr_on_search_n_query(self):
target: verify more expressions of json object, json array and json texts are supported in search and query
method: 1. insert data with vectors and different json format
2. verify insert successfully
3. build index and load
4. search and query with different expressions
5. verify search and query successfully
expected: succeed
# 1. initialize with data
c_name = cf.gen_unique_str()
json_int = "json_int"
json_float = "json_float"
json_string = "json_string"
json_bool = "json_bool"
json_array = "json_array"
json_embedded_object = "json_embedded_object"
json_objects_array = "json_objects_array"
dim = 16
fields = [cf.gen_int64_field(), cf.gen_float_vec_field(dim=dim),
cf.gen_json_field(json_int), cf.gen_json_field(json_float), cf.gen_json_field(json_string),
cf.gen_json_field(json_bool), cf.gen_json_field(json_array),
cf.gen_json_field(json_embedded_object), cf.gen_json_field(json_objects_array)]
schema = cf.gen_collection_schema(fields=fields, primary_field=ct.default_int64_field_name, auto_id=True)
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=c_name, schema=schema)
# 2. insert data
nb = 500
for i in range(10):
data = [
cf.gen_vectors(nb, dim),
cf.gen_json_data_for_diff_json_types(nb=nb, start=i*nb, json_type=json_int),
cf.gen_json_data_for_diff_json_types(nb=nb, start=i*nb, json_type=json_float),
cf.gen_json_data_for_diff_json_types(nb=nb, start=i*nb, json_type=json_string),
cf.gen_json_data_for_diff_json_types(nb=nb, start=i*nb, json_type=json_bool),
cf.gen_json_data_for_diff_json_types(nb=nb, start=i*nb, json_type=json_array),
cf.gen_json_data_for_diff_json_types(nb=nb, start=i*nb, json_type=json_embedded_object),
cf.gen_json_data_for_diff_json_types(nb=nb, start=i*nb, json_type=json_objects_array)
# 3. build index and load
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=default_index_params)
# 4. search and query with different expressions. All the expressions will return 10 results
query_exprs = [f'{json_int} < 10 ', f'{json_float} <= 200.0 and {json_float} > 190.0',
f'{json_string} in ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"]',
f'{json_bool} == true and {json_float} <= 10',
f'{json_array} == [4001,4002,4003,4004,4005,4006,4007,4008,4009,4010] or {json_int} < 9',
f'{json_embedded_object}["{json_embedded_object}"]["number"] < 10',
f'{json_objects_array}[0]["level2"]["level2_str"] like "99%" and {json_objects_array}[1]["float"] > 100']
search_data = cf.gen_vectors(2, dim)
search_param = {}
for expr in query_exprs:
collection_w.query(expr=expr, output_fields=[count],
check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: [{count: 10}]})
collection_w.search(data=search_data, anns_field=ct.default_float_vec_field_name,
param=search_param, limit=10, expr=expr,
check_items={"nq": 2, "limit": 10})
def test_count_with_pagination_param(self):
target: test count with pagination params
method: count with pagination params: offset, limit
expected: exception
# create -> insert -> index -> load
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(insert_data=True)[0]
# only params offset is not considered pagination
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output], offset=10,
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb}]}
# count with limit
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output], limit=10,
check_items={ct.err_code: 1, ct.err_msg: "count entities with pagination is not allowed"}
# count with pagination params
collection_w.query(default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output], offset=10, limit=10,
check_items={ct.err_code: 1, ct.err_msg: "count entities with pagination is not allowed"})
def test_count_alias_insert_delete_drop(self):
target: test count after alias insert and load
method: 1. init collection
2. alias insert more entities
3. count and alias count
expected: verify count
# create -> insert -> index -> load
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(insert_data=True)[0]
# create alias
alias = cf.gen_unique_str("alias")
self.utility_wrap.create_alias(collection_w.name, alias)
collection_w_alias = self.init_collection_wrap(name=alias)
# new insert partitions and count
p_name = cf.gen_unique_str("p_alias")
collection_w_alias.insert(cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(start=ct.default_nb), partition_name=p_name)
collection_w_alias.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb * 2}]})
# release collection and alias drop partition
collection_w_alias.drop_partition(p_name, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res,
check_items={ct.err_code: 65535,
ct.err_msg: "partition cannot be dropped, "
"partition is loaded, please release it first"})
self.partition_wrap.init_partition(collection_w_alias.collection, p_name)
res, _ = collection_w_alias.has_partition(p_name)
assert res is False
collection_w_alias.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb}]})
# alias delete and count
collection_w_alias.delete(f"{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {[i for i in range(ct.default_nb)]}")
collection_w_alias.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: 0}]})
check_items={ct.err_code: 1,
ct.err_msg: "cannot drop the collection via alias"})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("is_growing", [True, False])
def test_count_upsert_growing_sealed(self, is_growing):
target: test count after upsert growing
method: 1. create -> index -> load -> insert -> delete
2. upsert deleted id and count (+1)
3. upsert new id and count (+1)
4. upsert existed id and count (+0)
expected: verify count
if is_growing:
# create -> index -> load -> insert -> delete
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# delete one entity
single_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [0]'
# create -> insert -> delete -> index -> load
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
# delete one entity
single_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in [0]'
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# upsert deleted id
df_zero = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=1)
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb}]})
# upsert new id and count
df_new = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=1, start=ct.default_nb)
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb + 1}]})
# upsert existed id and count
df_existed = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=1, start=10)
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb + 1}]})
def test_count_upsert_duplicate(self):
target: test count after upsert duplicate
method: 1. insert many duplicate ids
2. upsert id and count
3. delete id and count
4. upsert deleted id and count
expected: verify count
# init collection and insert same ids
tmp_nb = 100
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
df = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=tmp_nb)
df[ct.default_int64_field_name] = 0
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# upsert id and count
df_existed = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=tmp_nb, start=0)
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: tmp_nb}]}
# delete id and count
delete_res, _ = collection_w.delete(default_term_expr)
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: tmp_nb - delete_res.delete_count}]})
# upsert deleted id and count
df_deleted = cf.gen_default_dataframe_data(nb=delete_res.delete_count, start=0)
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: tmp_nb}]})
def test_count_rename_collection(self):
target: test count after rename collection
method: 1. create -> insert -> index -> load
2. rename collection
3. count
expected: verify count
# create -> insert -> index -> load
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(insert_data=True)[0]
new_name = cf.gen_unique_str("new_name")
self.utility_wrap.rename_collection(collection_w.name, new_name)
self.collection_wrap.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb}]})
def test_count_disable_growing_segments(self):
target: test count when disable growing segments
method: 1. create -> index -> load -> insert
2. query count with ignore_growing
expected: verify count 0
# create -> index -> load
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(name=cf.gen_unique_str(prefix))
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, index_params=ct.default_flat_index)
# insert
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[ct.default_count_output], ignore_growing=True,
check_items={exp_res: [{count: 0}]})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expression", cf.gen_normal_expressions())
def test_count_expressions(self, expression):
target: test count with expr
method: count with expr
expected: verify count
# create -> insert -> index -> load
collection_w, _vectors, _, insert_ids = self.init_collection_general(insert_data=True)[0:4]
# filter result with expression in collection
_vectors = _vectors[0]
expression = expression.replace("&&", "and").replace("||", "or")
filter_ids = []
for i, _id in enumerate(insert_ids):
int64 = _vectors.int64[i]
float = _vectors.float[i]
if not expression or eval(expression):
res = len(filter_ids)
# count with expr
collection_w.query(expr=expression, output_fields=[count],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: res}]})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bool_type", [True, False, "true", "false"])
def test_count_bool_expressions(self, bool_type):
target: test count with binary expr
method: count with binary expr
expected: verify count
# create -> insert -> index -> load
collection_w, _vectors, _, insert_ids = \
self.init_collection_general(insert_data=True, is_all_data_type=True)[0:4]
# filter result with expression in collection
filter_ids = []
bool_type_cmp = bool_type
if bool_type == "true":
bool_type_cmp = True
if bool_type == "false":
bool_type_cmp = False
for i in range(len(_vectors[0])):
if _vectors[0][i].dtypes == bool:
num = i
for i, _id in enumerate(insert_ids):
if _vectors[0][num][i] == bool_type_cmp:
res = len(filter_ids)
# count with expr
expression = f"{ct.default_bool_field_name} == {bool_type}"
collection_w.query(expr=expression, output_fields=[count],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: res}]})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expression", cf.gen_normal_expressions_field(default_float_field_name))
def test_count_expression_auto_field(self, expression):
target: test count with expr
method: count with expr
expected: verify count
# create -> insert -> index -> load
collection_w, _vectors, _, insert_ids = self.init_collection_general(insert_data=True)[0:4]
# filter result with expression in collection
_vectors = _vectors[0]
expression = expression.replace("&&", "and").replace("||", "or")
filter_ids = []
for i, _id in enumerate(insert_ids):
float = _vectors.float[i]
if not expression or eval(expression):
res = len(filter_ids)
# count with expr
collection_w.query(expr=expression, output_fields=[count],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: res}]})
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="issue #25841")
def test_count_expression_all_datatype(self):
target: test count with expr
method: count with expr
expected: verify count
# create -> insert -> index -> load
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(insert_data=True, is_all_data_type=True)[0]
# count with expr
expression = "int64 >= 0 && int32 >= 1999 && int16 >= 0 && int8 >= 0 && float <= 1999.0 && double >= 0"
# expression = "int64 == 1999"
collection_w.query(expr=expression, output_fields=[count],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: 1}]})
def test_count_expression_comparative(self):
target: test count with expr
method: count with expr
expected: verify count
# create -> insert -> index -> load
fields = [cf.gen_int64_field("int64_1"), cf.gen_int64_field("int64_2"),
schema = cf.gen_collection_schema(fields=fields, primary_field="int64_1")
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(schema=schema)
nb, res = 10, 0
int_values = [random.randint(0, nb) for _ in range(nb)]
data = [[i for i in range(nb)], int_values, cf.gen_vectors(nb, ct.default_dim)]
for i in range(nb):
res = res + 1 if i >= int_values[i] else res
# count with expr
expression = "int64_1 >= int64_2"
collection_w.query(expr=expression, output_fields=[count],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: res}]})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index", ct.all_index_types[9:11])
def test_counts_expression_sparse_vectors(self, index):
target: test count with expr
method: count with expr
expected: verify count
c_name = cf.gen_unique_str(prefix)
schema = cf.gen_default_sparse_schema()
collection_w = self.init_collection_wrap(c_name, schema=schema)
data = cf.gen_default_list_sparse_data()
params = cf.get_index_params_params(index)
index_params = {"index_type": index, "metric_type": "IP", "params": params}
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_sparse_vec_field_name, index_params, index_name=index)
collection_w.query(expr=default_expr, output_fields=[count],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: ct.default_nb}]})
expr = "int64 > 50 && int64 < 100 && float < 75"
collection_w.query(expr=expr, output_fields=[count],
check_items={exp_res: [{count: 24}]})
batch_size = 100
collection_w.query_iterator(batch_size=batch_size, expr=default_expr,
check_items={"count": ct.default_nb,
"batch_size": batch_size})
class TestQueryIterator(TestcaseBase):
The following cases are used to test query iterator
def test_query_iterator_normal(self):
target: test query iterator normal
method: 1. query iterator
2. check the result, expect pk
expected: query successfully
# 1. initialize with data
batch_size = 100
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, is_index=False)[0]
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, {"metric_type": "L2"})
# 2. search iterator
expr = "int64 >= 0"
collection_w.query_iterator(batch_size, expr=expr,
check_items={"count": ct.default_nb,
"batch_size": batch_size})
def test_query_iterator_using_default_batch_size(self):
target: test query iterator normal
method: 1. query iterator
2. check the result, expect pk
expected: query successfully
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True)[0]
# 2. query iterator
check_items={"count": ct.default_nb,
"batch_size": ct.default_batch_size})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [500, 1000, 1777])
def test_query_iterator_with_offset(self, offset):
target: test query iterator normal
method: 1. query iterator
2. check the result, expect pk
expected: query successfully
# 1. initialize with data
batch_size = 300
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, is_index=False)[0]
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, {"metric_type": "L2"})
# 2. search iterator
expr = "int64 >= 0"
collection_w.query_iterator(batch_size, expr=expr, offset=offset,
check_items={"count": ct.default_nb - offset,
"batch_size": batch_size})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("vector_data_type", ["FLOAT_VECTOR", "FLOAT16_VECTOR", "BFLOAT16_VECTOR"])
def test_query_iterator_output_different_vector_type(self, vector_data_type):
target: test query iterator with output fields
method: 1. query iterator output different vector type
2. check the result, expect pk
expected: query successfully
# 1. initialize with data
batch_size = 400
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True,
# 2. query iterator
expr = "int64 >= 0"
collection_w.query_iterator(batch_size, expr=expr,
check_items={"count": ct.default_nb,
"batch_size": batch_size})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("batch_size", [10, 100, 777, 2000])
def test_query_iterator_with_different_batch_size(self, batch_size):
target: test query iterator normal
method: 1. query iterator
2. check the result, expect pk
expected: query successfully
# 1. initialize with data
offset = 500
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, is_index=False)[0]
collection_w.create_index(ct.default_float_vec_field_name, {"metric_type": "L2"})
# 2. search iterator
expr = "int64 >= 0"
collection_w.query_iterator(batch_size=batch_size, expr=expr, offset=offset,
check_items={"count": ct.default_nb - offset,
"batch_size": batch_size})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [0, 10, 100, 1000])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("limit", [0, 100, 1500, 2000, 10000])
def test_query_iterator_with_different_limit(self, limit, offset):
target: test query iterator normal
method: 1. query iterator
2. check the result, expect pk
expected: query successfully
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True)[0]
# 2. query iterator
Count = limit if limit + offset <= ct.default_nb else ct.default_nb - offset
collection_w.query_iterator(limit=limit, expr="", offset=offset,
check_items={"count": max(Count, 0),
"batch_size": ct.default_batch_size})
def test_query_iterator_invalid_batch_size(self):
target: test query iterator invalid limit and offset
method: query iterator using invalid limit and offset
expected: raise exception
# 1. initialize with data
nb = 17000 # set nb > 16384
collection_w = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, nb=nb)[0]
# 2. search iterator
expr = "int64 >= 0"
error = {"err_code": 1, "err_msg": "batch size cannot be less than zero"}
collection_w.query_iterator(batch_size=-1, expr=expr, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items=error)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("batch_size", [100, 500])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("auto_id", [True, False])
def test_query_iterator_empty_expr(self, auto_id, batch_size):
target: test query iterator with empty expression
method: query iterator empty expression with a limit
expected: return topK results by order
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w, _, _, insert_ids = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, auto_id=auto_id)[0:4]
# 2. query with limit
check_items={"batch_size": batch_size,
"count": ct.default_nb,
"exp_ids": insert_ids})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [100, 1000])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("batch_size", [500, 1000])
def test_query_iterator_expr_empty_with_random_pk_pagination(self, batch_size, offset):
target: test query iterator with empty expression
method: create a collection using random pk, query empty expression with a limit
expected: return topK results by order
# 1. initialize with data
collection_w, _, _, insert_ids = self.init_collection_general(prefix, True, random_primary_key=True)[0:4]
# 2. query with empty expr and check the result
exp_ids = sorted(insert_ids)
collection_w.query_iterator(batch_size, output_fields=[ct.default_string_field_name],
check_items={"batch_size": batch_size, "count": ct.default_nb, "exp_ids": exp_ids})
# 3. query with pagination
exp_ids = sorted(insert_ids)[offset:]
collection_w.query_iterator(batch_size, offset=offset, output_fields=[ct.default_string_field_name],
check_items={"batch_size": batch_size, "count": ct.default_nb - offset, "exp_ids": exp_ids})