mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package meta
import (
type TargetScope = int32
const (
CurrentTarget TargetScope = iota + 1
type TargetManagerInterface interface {
UpdateCollectionCurrentTarget(collectionID int64) bool
UpdateCollectionNextTarget(collectionID int64) error
PullNextTargetV1(broker Broker, collectionID int64, chosenPartitionIDs ...int64) (map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo, map[string]*DmChannel, error)
PullNextTargetV2(broker Broker, collectionID int64, chosenPartitionIDs ...int64) (map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo, map[string]*DmChannel, error)
RemoveCollection(collectionID int64)
RemovePartition(collectionID int64, partitionIDs ...int64)
GetGrowingSegmentsByCollection(collectionID int64, scope TargetScope) typeutil.UniqueSet
GetGrowingSegmentsByChannel(collectionID int64, channelName string, scope TargetScope) typeutil.UniqueSet
GetSealedSegmentsByCollection(collectionID int64, scope TargetScope) map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo
GetSealedSegmentsByChannel(collectionID int64, channelName string, scope TargetScope) map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo
GetDroppedSegmentsByChannel(collectionID int64, channelName string, scope TargetScope) []int64
GetSealedSegmentsByPartition(collectionID int64, partitionID int64, scope TargetScope) map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo
GetDmChannelsByCollection(collectionID int64, scope TargetScope) map[string]*DmChannel
GetDmChannel(collectionID int64, channel string, scope TargetScope) *DmChannel
GetSealedSegment(collectionID int64, id int64, scope TargetScope) *datapb.SegmentInfo
GetCollectionTargetVersion(collectionID int64, scope TargetScope) int64
IsCurrentTargetExist(collectionID int64, partitionID int64) bool
IsNextTargetExist(collectionID int64) bool
SaveCurrentTarget(catalog metastore.QueryCoordCatalog)
Recover(catalog metastore.QueryCoordCatalog) error
type TargetManager struct {
rwMutex sync.RWMutex
broker Broker
meta *Meta
// all read segment/channel operation happens on current -> only current target are visible to outer
// all add segment/channel operation happens on next -> changes can only happen on next target
// all remove segment/channel operation happens on Both current and next -> delete status should be consistent
current *target
next *target
func NewTargetManager(broker Broker, meta *Meta) *TargetManager {
return &TargetManager{
broker: broker,
meta: meta,
current: newTarget(),
next: newTarget(),
// UpdateCollectionCurrentTarget updates the current target to next target,
// WARN: DO NOT call this method for an existing collection as target observer running, or it will lead to a double-update,
// which may make the current target not available
func (mgr *TargetManager) UpdateCollectionCurrentTarget(collectionID int64) bool {
defer mgr.rwMutex.Unlock()
log := log.With(zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID))
log.Debug("start to update current target for collection")
newTarget := mgr.next.getCollectionTarget(collectionID)
if newTarget == nil || newTarget.IsEmpty() {
log.Info("next target does not exist, skip it")
return false
mgr.current.updateCollectionTarget(collectionID, newTarget)
log.Debug("finish to update current target for collection",
zap.Int64s("segments", newTarget.GetAllSegmentIDs()),
zap.Strings("channels", newTarget.GetAllDmChannelNames()),
zap.Int64("version", newTarget.GetTargetVersion()),
for channelName, dmlChannel := range newTarget.dmChannels {
ts, _ := tsoutil.ParseTS(dmlChannel.GetSeekPosition().GetTimestamp())
return true
// UpdateCollectionNextTarget updates the next target with new target pulled from DataCoord,
// WARN: DO NOT call this method for an existing collection as target observer running, or it will lead to a double-update,
// which may make the current target not available
func (mgr *TargetManager) UpdateCollectionNextTarget(collectionID int64) error {
partitions := mgr.meta.GetPartitionsByCollection(collectionID)
partitionIDs := lo.Map(partitions, func(partition *Partition, i int) int64 {
return partition.PartitionID
allocatedTarget := NewCollectionTarget(nil, nil, partitionIDs)
log := log.With(zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID),
zap.Int64s("PartitionIDs", partitionIDs))
segments, channels, err := mgr.PullNextTargetV2(mgr.broker, collectionID, partitionIDs...)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to get next targets for collection", zap.Error(err))
return err
if len(segments) == 0 && len(channels) == 0 {
log.Debug("skip empty next targets for collection")
return nil
allocatedTarget.segments = segments
allocatedTarget.dmChannels = channels
defer mgr.rwMutex.Unlock()
mgr.next.updateCollectionTarget(collectionID, allocatedTarget)
log.Debug("finish to update next targets for collection",
zap.Int64s("segments", allocatedTarget.GetAllSegmentIDs()),
zap.Strings("channels", allocatedTarget.GetAllDmChannelNames()))
return nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) PullNextTargetV1(broker Broker, collectionID int64, chosenPartitionIDs ...int64) (map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo, map[string]*DmChannel, error) {
if len(chosenPartitionIDs) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil
channelInfos := make(map[string][]*datapb.VchannelInfo)
segments := make(map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo, 0)
dmChannels := make(map[string]*DmChannel)
fullPartitions, err := broker.GetPartitions(context.Background(), collectionID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// we should pull `channel targets` from all partitions because QueryNodes need to load
// the complete growing segments. And we should pull `segments targets` only from the chosen partitions.
for _, partitionID := range fullPartitions {
log.Debug("get recovery info...",
zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID),
zap.Int64("partitionID", partitionID))
vChannelInfos, binlogs, err := broker.GetRecoveryInfo(context.TODO(), collectionID, partitionID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
for _, info := range vChannelInfos {
channelInfos[info.GetChannelName()] = append(channelInfos[info.GetChannelName()], info)
if !lo.Contains(chosenPartitionIDs, partitionID) {
for _, binlog := range binlogs {
segments[binlog.GetSegmentID()] = &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: binlog.GetSegmentID(),
CollectionID: collectionID,
PartitionID: partitionID,
InsertChannel: binlog.GetInsertChannel(),
NumOfRows: binlog.GetNumOfRows(),
Binlogs: binlog.GetFieldBinlogs(),
Statslogs: binlog.GetStatslogs(),
Deltalogs: binlog.GetDeltalogs(),
for _, infos := range channelInfos {
merged := mgr.mergeDmChannelInfo(infos)
dmChannels[merged.GetChannelName()] = merged
return segments, dmChannels, nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) PullNextTargetV2(broker Broker, collectionID int64, chosenPartitionIDs ...int64) (map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo, map[string]*DmChannel, error) {
log.Debug("start to pull next targets for collection",
zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID),
zap.Int64s("chosenPartitionIDs", chosenPartitionIDs))
if len(chosenPartitionIDs) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil
channelInfos := make(map[string][]*datapb.VchannelInfo)
segments := make(map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo, 0)
dmChannels := make(map[string]*DmChannel)
getRecoveryInfo := func() error {
var err error
vChannelInfos, segmentInfos, err := broker.GetRecoveryInfoV2(context.TODO(), collectionID)
if err != nil {
// if meet rpc error, for compatibility with previous versions, try pull next target v1
if errors.Is(err, merr.ErrServiceUnimplemented) {
segments, dmChannels, err = mgr.PullNextTargetV1(broker, collectionID, chosenPartitionIDs...)
return err
return err
for _, info := range vChannelInfos {
channelInfos[info.GetChannelName()] = append(channelInfos[info.GetChannelName()], info)
for _, segmentID := range info.GetLevelZeroSegmentIds() {
segments[segmentID] = &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segmentID,
CollectionID: collectionID,
InsertChannel: info.GetChannelName(),
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
Level: datapb.SegmentLevel_L0,
partitionSet := typeutil.NewUniqueSet(chosenPartitionIDs...)
for _, segmentInfo := range segmentInfos {
if partitionSet.Contain(segmentInfo.GetPartitionID()) || segmentInfo.GetPartitionID() == common.AllPartitionsID {
segments[segmentInfo.GetID()] = segmentInfo
for _, infos := range channelInfos {
merged := mgr.mergeDmChannelInfo(infos)
dmChannels[merged.GetChannelName()] = merged
return nil
err := retry.Do(context.TODO(), getRecoveryInfo, retry.Attempts(10))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return segments, dmChannels, nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) mergeDmChannelInfo(infos []*datapb.VchannelInfo) *DmChannel {
var dmChannel *DmChannel
for _, info := range infos {
if dmChannel == nil {
dmChannel = DmChannelFromVChannel(info)
if info.SeekPosition.GetTimestamp() < dmChannel.SeekPosition.GetTimestamp() {
dmChannel.SeekPosition = info.SeekPosition
dmChannel.DroppedSegmentIds = append(dmChannel.DroppedSegmentIds, info.DroppedSegmentIds...)
dmChannel.UnflushedSegmentIds = append(dmChannel.UnflushedSegmentIds, info.UnflushedSegmentIds...)
dmChannel.FlushedSegmentIds = append(dmChannel.FlushedSegmentIds, info.FlushedSegmentIds...)
return dmChannel
// RemoveCollection removes all channels and segments in the given collection
func (mgr *TargetManager) RemoveCollection(collectionID int64) {
defer mgr.rwMutex.Unlock()
log.Info("remove collection from targets",
zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID))
current := mgr.current.getCollectionTarget(collectionID)
if current != nil {
for channelName := range current.GetAllDmChannels() {
// RemovePartition removes all segment in the given partition,
// NOTE: this doesn't remove any channel even the given one is the only partition
func (mgr *TargetManager) RemovePartition(collectionID int64, partitionIDs ...int64) {
defer mgr.rwMutex.Unlock()
log := log.With(zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID),
zap.Int64s("PartitionIDs", partitionIDs))
log.Info("remove partition from targets")
partitionSet := typeutil.NewUniqueSet(partitionIDs...)
oldCurrentTarget := mgr.current.getCollectionTarget(collectionID)
if oldCurrentTarget != nil {
newTarget := mgr.removePartitionFromCollectionTarget(oldCurrentTarget, partitionSet)
if newTarget != nil {
mgr.current.updateCollectionTarget(collectionID, newTarget)
log.Info("finish to remove partition from current target for collection",
zap.Int64s("segments", newTarget.GetAllSegmentIDs()),
zap.Strings("channels", newTarget.GetAllDmChannelNames()))
} else {
log.Info("all partitions have been released, release the collection next target now")
oleNextTarget := mgr.next.getCollectionTarget(collectionID)
if oleNextTarget != nil {
newTarget := mgr.removePartitionFromCollectionTarget(oleNextTarget, partitionSet)
if newTarget != nil {
mgr.next.updateCollectionTarget(collectionID, newTarget)
log.Info("finish to remove partition from next target for collection",
zap.Int64s("segments", newTarget.GetAllSegmentIDs()),
zap.Strings("channels", newTarget.GetAllDmChannelNames()))
} else {
log.Info("all partitions have been released, release the collection current target now")
func (mgr *TargetManager) removePartitionFromCollectionTarget(oldTarget *CollectionTarget, partitionSet typeutil.UniqueSet) *CollectionTarget {
segments := make(map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo)
for _, segment := range oldTarget.GetAllSegments() {
if !partitionSet.Contain(segment.GetPartitionID()) {
segments[segment.GetID()] = segment
// clear partition streaming segment
channels := make(map[string]*DmChannel)
for _, channel := range oldTarget.GetAllDmChannels() {
channels[channel.GetChannelName()] = channel
partitions := lo.Filter(oldTarget.partitions.Collect(), func(partitionID int64, _ int) bool {
return !partitionSet.Contain(partitionID)
return NewCollectionTarget(segments, channels, partitions)
func (mgr *TargetManager) getCollectionTarget(scope TargetScope, collectionID int64) []*CollectionTarget {
switch scope {
case CurrentTarget:
ret := make([]*CollectionTarget, 0, 1)
current := mgr.current.getCollectionTarget(collectionID)
if current != nil {
ret = append(ret, current)
return ret
case NextTarget:
ret := make([]*CollectionTarget, 0, 1)
next := mgr.next.getCollectionTarget(collectionID)
if next != nil {
ret = append(ret, next)
return ret
case CurrentTargetFirst:
ret := make([]*CollectionTarget, 0, 2)
current := mgr.current.getCollectionTarget(collectionID)
if current != nil {
ret = append(ret, current)
next := mgr.next.getCollectionTarget(collectionID)
if next != nil {
ret = append(ret, next)
return ret
case NextTargetFirst:
ret := make([]*CollectionTarget, 0, 2)
next := mgr.next.getCollectionTarget(collectionID)
if next != nil {
ret = append(ret, next)
current := mgr.current.getCollectionTarget(collectionID)
if current != nil {
ret = append(ret, current)
return ret
return nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) GetGrowingSegmentsByCollection(collectionID int64,
scope TargetScope,
) typeutil.UniqueSet {
defer mgr.rwMutex.RUnlock()
targets := mgr.getCollectionTarget(scope, collectionID)
for _, t := range targets {
segments := typeutil.NewUniqueSet()
for _, channel := range t.GetAllDmChannels() {
if len(segments) > 0 {
return segments
return nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) GetGrowingSegmentsByChannel(collectionID int64,
channelName string,
scope TargetScope,
) typeutil.UniqueSet {
defer mgr.rwMutex.RUnlock()
targets := mgr.getCollectionTarget(scope, collectionID)
for _, t := range targets {
segments := typeutil.NewUniqueSet()
for _, channel := range t.GetAllDmChannels() {
if channel.ChannelName == channelName {
if len(segments) > 0 {
return segments
return nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) GetSealedSegmentsByCollection(collectionID int64,
scope TargetScope,
) map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo {
defer mgr.rwMutex.RUnlock()
targets := mgr.getCollectionTarget(scope, collectionID)
for _, t := range targets {
return t.GetAllSegments()
return nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) GetSealedSegmentsByChannel(collectionID int64,
channelName string,
scope TargetScope,
) map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo {
defer mgr.rwMutex.RUnlock()
targets := mgr.getCollectionTarget(scope, collectionID)
for _, t := range targets {
ret := make(map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo)
for k, v := range t.GetAllSegments() {
if v.GetInsertChannel() == channelName {
ret[k] = v
if len(ret) > 0 {
return ret
return nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) GetDroppedSegmentsByChannel(collectionID int64,
channelName string,
scope TargetScope,
) []int64 {
defer mgr.rwMutex.RUnlock()
targets := mgr.getCollectionTarget(scope, collectionID)
for _, t := range targets {
if channel, ok := t.dmChannels[channelName]; ok {
return channel.GetDroppedSegmentIds()
return nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) GetSealedSegmentsByPartition(collectionID int64,
partitionID int64,
scope TargetScope,
) map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo {
defer mgr.rwMutex.RUnlock()
targets := mgr.getCollectionTarget(scope, collectionID)
for _, t := range targets {
segments := make(map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo)
for _, s := range t.GetAllSegments() {
if s.GetPartitionID() == partitionID {
segments[s.GetID()] = s
if len(segments) > 0 {
return segments
return nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) GetDmChannelsByCollection(collectionID int64, scope TargetScope) map[string]*DmChannel {
defer mgr.rwMutex.RUnlock()
targets := mgr.getCollectionTarget(scope, collectionID)
for _, t := range targets {
return t.GetAllDmChannels()
return nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) GetDmChannel(collectionID int64, channel string, scope TargetScope) *DmChannel {
defer mgr.rwMutex.RUnlock()
targets := mgr.getCollectionTarget(scope, collectionID)
for _, t := range targets {
if ch, ok := t.GetAllDmChannels()[channel]; ok {
return ch
return nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) GetSealedSegment(collectionID int64, id int64, scope TargetScope) *datapb.SegmentInfo {
defer mgr.rwMutex.RUnlock()
targets := mgr.getCollectionTarget(scope, collectionID)
for _, t := range targets {
if s, ok := t.GetAllSegments()[id]; ok {
return s
return nil
func (mgr *TargetManager) GetCollectionTargetVersion(collectionID int64, scope TargetScope) int64 {
defer mgr.rwMutex.RUnlock()
targets := mgr.getCollectionTarget(scope, collectionID)
for _, t := range targets {
if t.GetTargetVersion() > 0 {
return t.GetTargetVersion()
return 0
func (mgr *TargetManager) IsCurrentTargetExist(collectionID int64, partitionID int64) bool {
defer mgr.rwMutex.RUnlock()
targets := mgr.getCollectionTarget(CurrentTarget, collectionID)
return len(targets) > 0 && (targets[0].partitions.Contain(partitionID) || partitionID == common.AllPartitionsID) && len(targets[0].dmChannels) > 0
func (mgr *TargetManager) IsNextTargetExist(collectionID int64) bool {
newChannels := mgr.GetDmChannelsByCollection(collectionID, NextTarget)
return len(newChannels) > 0
func (mgr *TargetManager) SaveCurrentTarget(catalog metastore.QueryCoordCatalog) {
defer mgr.rwMutex.Unlock()
if mgr.current != nil {
// use pool here to control maximal writer used by save target
pool := conc.NewPool[any](runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) * 2)
defer pool.Release()
// use batch write in case of the number of collections is large
batchSize := 16
var wg sync.WaitGroup
submit := func(tasks []typeutil.Pair[int64, *querypb.CollectionTarget]) {
pool.Submit(func() (any, error) {
defer wg.Done()
ids := lo.Map(tasks, func(p typeutil.Pair[int64, *querypb.CollectionTarget], _ int) int64 { return p.A })
if err := catalog.SaveCollectionTargets(lo.Map(tasks, func(p typeutil.Pair[int64, *querypb.CollectionTarget], _ int) *querypb.CollectionTarget {
return p.B
})...); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to save current target for collection", zap.Int64s("collectionIDs", ids), zap.Error(err))
} else {
log.Info("succeed to save current target for collection", zap.Int64s("collectionIDs", ids))
return nil, nil
tasks := make([]typeutil.Pair[int64, *querypb.CollectionTarget], 0, batchSize)
for id, target := range mgr.current.collectionTargetMap {
tasks = append(tasks, typeutil.NewPair(id, target.toPbMsg()))
if len(tasks) >= batchSize {
tasks = make([]typeutil.Pair[int64, *querypb.CollectionTarget], 0, batchSize)
if len(tasks) > 0 {
func (mgr *TargetManager) Recover(catalog metastore.QueryCoordCatalog) error {
defer mgr.rwMutex.Unlock()
targets, err := catalog.GetCollectionTargets()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to recover collection target from etcd", zap.Error(err))
return err
for _, t := range targets {
newTarget := FromPbCollectionTarget(t)
mgr.current.updateCollectionTarget(t.GetCollectionID(), newTarget)
log.Info("recover current target for collection",
zap.Int64("collectionID", t.GetCollectionID()),
zap.Strings("channels", newTarget.GetAllDmChannelNames()),
zap.Int("segmentNum", len(newTarget.GetAllSegmentIDs())),
// clear target info in meta store
err := catalog.RemoveCollectionTarget(t.GetCollectionID())
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to clear collection target from etcd", zap.Error(err))
return nil