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1223 lines
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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rootcoord
import (
type reqTask interface {
Ctx() context.Context
Type() commonpb.MsgType
Execute(ctx context.Context) error
Core() *Core
type baseReqTask struct {
ctx context.Context
core *Core
func (b *baseReqTask) Core() *Core {
return b.core
func (b *baseReqTask) Ctx() context.Context {
return b.ctx
func executeTask(t reqTask) error {
errChan := make(chan error)
go func() {
err := t.Execute(t.Ctx())
errChan <- err
select {
case <-t.Core().ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("context canceled")
case <-t.Ctx().Done():
return fmt.Errorf("context canceled")
case err := <-errChan:
if t.Core().ctx.Err() != nil || t.Ctx().Err() != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("context canceled")
return err
// CreateCollectionReqTask create collection request task
type CreateCollectionReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.CreateCollectionRequest
// Type return msg type
func (t *CreateCollectionReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
func hasSystemFields(schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema, systemFields []string) bool {
for _, f := range schema.GetFields() {
if funcutil.SliceContain(systemFields, f.GetName()) {
return true
return false
// Execute task execution
func (t *CreateCollectionReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_CreateCollection {
return fmt.Errorf("create collection, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
var schema schemapb.CollectionSchema
err := proto.Unmarshal(t.Req.Schema, &schema)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unmarshal schema error= %w", err)
if t.Req.CollectionName != schema.Name {
return fmt.Errorf("collection name = %s, schema.Name=%s", t.Req.CollectionName, schema.Name)
if t.Req.ShardsNum <= 0 {
t.Req.ShardsNum = common.DefaultShardsNum
log.Debug("CreateCollectionReqTask Execute", zap.Any("CollectionName", t.Req.CollectionName),
zap.Int32("ShardsNum", t.Req.ShardsNum),
zap.String("ConsistencyLevel", t.Req.ConsistencyLevel.String()))
if hasSystemFields(&schema, []string{RowIDFieldName, TimeStampFieldName}) {
log.Error("failed to create collection, user schema contain system field")
return fmt.Errorf("schema contains system field: %s, %s", RowIDFieldName, TimeStampFieldName)
for idx, field := range schema.Fields {
field.FieldID = int64(idx + StartOfUserFieldID)
rowIDField := &schemapb.FieldSchema{
FieldID: int64(RowIDField),
Name: RowIDFieldName,
IsPrimaryKey: false,
Description: "row id",
DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64,
timeStampField := &schemapb.FieldSchema{
FieldID: int64(TimeStampField),
Name: TimeStampFieldName,
IsPrimaryKey: false,
Description: "time stamp",
DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64,
schema.Fields = append(schema.Fields, rowIDField, timeStampField)
collID, _, err := t.core.IDAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("alloc collection id error = %w", err)
partID, _, err := t.core.IDAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("alloc partition id error = %w", err)
log.Debug("collection name -> id",
zap.String("collection name", t.Req.CollectionName),
zap.Int64("collection_id", collID),
zap.Int64("default partition id", partID))
vchanNames := make([]string, t.Req.ShardsNum)
deltaChanNames := make([]string, t.Req.ShardsNum)
//physical channel names
chanNames := t.core.chanTimeTick.getDmlChannelNames(int(t.Req.ShardsNum))
for i := int32(0); i < t.Req.ShardsNum; i++ {
vchanNames[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%dv%d", chanNames[i], collID, i)
deltaChanNames[i], err = funcutil.ConvertChannelName(chanNames[i], Params.CommonCfg.RootCoordDml, Params.CommonCfg.RootCoordDelta)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to generate delta channel name",
zap.String("dmlChannelName", chanNames[i]),
return fmt.Errorf("failed to generate delta channel name from %s, %w", chanNames[i], err)
// schema is modified (add RowIDField and TimestampField),
// so need Marshal again
schemaBytes, err := proto.Marshal(&schema)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("marshal schema error = %w", err)
ddCollReq := internalpb.CreateCollectionRequest{
Base: t.Req.Base,
DbName: t.Req.DbName,
CollectionName: t.Req.CollectionName,
PartitionName: Params.CommonCfg.DefaultPartitionName,
DbID: 0, //TODO,not used
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
Schema: schemaBytes,
VirtualChannelNames: vchanNames,
PhysicalChannelNames: chanNames,
reason := fmt.Sprintf("create collection %d", collID)
ts, err := t.core.TSOAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("tso alloc fail, error = %w", err)
// build DdOperation and save it into etcd, when ddmsg send fail,
// system can restore ddmsg from etcd and re-send
ddCollReq.Base.Timestamp = ts
ddOpStr, err := EncodeDdOperation(&ddCollReq, CreateCollectionDDType)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("encodeDdOperation fail, error = %w", err)
collInfo := model.Collection{
CollectionID: collID,
Name: schema.Name,
Description: schema.Description,
AutoID: schema.AutoID,
Fields: model.UnmarshalFieldModels(schema.Fields),
VirtualChannelNames: vchanNames,
PhysicalChannelNames: chanNames,
ShardsNum: t.Req.ShardsNum,
ConsistencyLevel: t.Req.ConsistencyLevel,
FieldIDToIndexID: make([]common.Int64Tuple, 0, 16),
CreateTime: ts,
Partitions: []*model.Partition{
PartitionID: partID,
PartitionName: Params.CommonCfg.DefaultPartitionName,
PartitionCreatedTimestamp: ts,
// use lambda function here to guarantee all resources to be released
createCollectionFn := func() error {
// lock for ddl operation
defer t.core.ddlLock.Unlock()
t.core.chanTimeTick.addDdlTimeTick(ts, reason)
// clear ddl timetick in all conditions
defer t.core.chanTimeTick.removeDdlTimeTick(ts, reason)
// add dml channel before send dd msg
ids, err := t.core.SendDdCreateCollectionReq(ctx, &ddCollReq, chanNames)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("send dd create collection req failed, error = %w", err)
for _, pchan := range collInfo.PhysicalChannelNames {
collInfo.StartPositions = append(collInfo.StartPositions, &commonpb.KeyDataPair{
Key: pchan,
Data: ids[pchan],
// update meta table after send dd operation
if err = t.core.MetaTable.AddCollection(&collInfo, ts, ddOpStr); err != nil {
// it's ok just to leave create collection message sent, datanode and querynode does't process CreateCollection logic
return fmt.Errorf("meta table add collection failed,error = %w", err)
// use addDdlTimeTick and removeDdlTimeTick to mark DDL operation in process
t.core.chanTimeTick.removeDdlTimeTick(ts, reason)
errTimeTick := t.core.SendTimeTick(ts, reason)
if errTimeTick != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send timetick", zap.Error(errTimeTick))
return nil
if err = createCollectionFn(); err != nil {
return err
if err = t.core.CallWatchChannels(ctx, collID, vchanNames, collInfo.StartPositions); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DropCollectionReqTask drop collection request task
type DropCollectionReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.DropCollectionRequest
// Type return msg type
func (t *DropCollectionReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *DropCollectionReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_DropCollection {
return fmt.Errorf("drop collection, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
if t.core.MetaTable.IsAlias(t.Req.CollectionName) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot drop the collection via alias = %s", t.Req.CollectionName)
collMeta, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetCollectionByName(t.Req.CollectionName, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
ddReq := internalpb.DropCollectionRequest{
Base: t.Req.Base,
DbName: t.Req.DbName,
CollectionName: t.Req.CollectionName,
DbID: 0, //not used
CollectionID: collMeta.CollectionID,
reason := fmt.Sprintf("drop collection %d", collMeta.CollectionID)
ts, err := t.core.TSOAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("TSO alloc fail, error = %w", err)
//notify query service to release collection
if err = t.core.CallReleaseCollectionService(t.core.ctx, ts, 0, collMeta.CollectionID); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to CallReleaseCollectionService", zap.Error(err))
return err
// drop all indices
for _, tuple := range collMeta.FieldIDToIndexID {
if err := t.core.CallDropIndexService(t.core.ctx, tuple.Value); err != nil {
log.Error("DropCollection CallDropIndexService fail", zap.String("collName", t.Req.CollectionName),
zap.Int64("indexID", tuple.Value), zap.Error(err))
return err
// Allocate a new ts to make sure the channel timetick is consistent.
ts, err = t.core.TSOAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("TSO alloc fail, error = %w", err)
// build DdOperation and save it into etcd, when ddmsg send fail,
// system can restore ddmsg from etcd and re-send
ddReq.Base.Timestamp = ts
ddOpStr, err := EncodeDdOperation(&ddReq, DropCollectionDDType)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("encodeDdOperation fail, error = %w", err)
// use lambda function here to guarantee all resources to be released
dropCollectionFn := func() error {
// lock for ddl operation
defer t.core.ddlLock.Unlock()
t.core.chanTimeTick.addDdlTimeTick(ts, reason)
// clear ddl timetick in all conditions
defer t.core.chanTimeTick.removeDdlTimeTick(ts, reason)
if err = t.core.SendDdDropCollectionReq(ctx, &ddReq, collMeta.PhysicalChannelNames); err != nil {
return err
// update meta table after send dd operation
if err = t.core.MetaTable.DeleteCollection(collMeta.CollectionID, ts, ddOpStr); err != nil {
return err
// use addDdlTimeTick and removeDdlTimeTick to mark DDL operation in process
t.core.chanTimeTick.removeDdlTimeTick(ts, reason)
errTimeTick := t.core.SendTimeTick(ts, reason)
if errTimeTick != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send timetick", zap.Error(errTimeTick))
// send tt into deleted channels to tell data_node to clear flowgragh
err := t.core.chanTimeTick.sendTimeTickToChannel(collMeta.PhysicalChannelNames, ts)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to send time tick to channel", zap.Any("physical names", collMeta.PhysicalChannelNames), zap.Error(err))
// remove dml channel after send dd msg
return nil
if err = dropCollectionFn(); err != nil {
return err
// invalidate all the collection meta cache with the specified collectionID
err = t.core.ExpireMetaCache(ctx, nil, collMeta.CollectionID, ts)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// HasCollectionReqTask has collection request task
type HasCollectionReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.HasCollectionRequest
HasCollection bool
// Type return msg type
func (t *HasCollectionReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *HasCollectionReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_HasCollection {
return fmt.Errorf("has collection, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
_, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetCollectionByName(t.Req.CollectionName, t.Req.TimeStamp)
if err == nil {
t.HasCollection = true
} else {
t.HasCollection = false
return nil
// DescribeCollectionReqTask describe collection request task
type DescribeCollectionReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.DescribeCollectionRequest
Rsp *milvuspb.DescribeCollectionResponse
// Type return msg type
func (t *DescribeCollectionReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *DescribeCollectionReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_DescribeCollection {
return fmt.Errorf("describe collection, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
var collInfo *model.Collection
var err error
if t.Req.CollectionName != "" {
collInfo, err = t.core.MetaTable.GetCollectionByName(t.Req.CollectionName, t.Req.TimeStamp)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
collInfo, err = t.core.MetaTable.GetCollectionByID(t.Req.CollectionID, t.Req.TimeStamp)
if err != nil {
return err
t.Rsp.Schema = &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
Name: collInfo.Name,
Description: collInfo.Description,
AutoID: collInfo.AutoID,
Fields: model.MarshalFieldModels(collInfo.Fields),
t.Rsp.CollectionID = collInfo.CollectionID
t.Rsp.VirtualChannelNames = collInfo.VirtualChannelNames
t.Rsp.PhysicalChannelNames = collInfo.PhysicalChannelNames
if collInfo.ShardsNum == 0 {
collInfo.ShardsNum = int32(len(collInfo.VirtualChannelNames))
t.Rsp.ShardsNum = collInfo.ShardsNum
t.Rsp.ConsistencyLevel = collInfo.ConsistencyLevel
t.Rsp.CreatedTimestamp = collInfo.CreateTime
createdPhysicalTime, _ := tsoutil.ParseHybridTs(collInfo.CreateTime)
t.Rsp.CreatedUtcTimestamp = uint64(createdPhysicalTime)
t.Rsp.Aliases = t.core.MetaTable.ListAliases(collInfo.CollectionID)
t.Rsp.StartPositions = collInfo.StartPositions
t.Rsp.CollectionName = t.Rsp.Schema.Name
return nil
// ShowCollectionReqTask show collection request task
type ShowCollectionReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.ShowCollectionsRequest
Rsp *milvuspb.ShowCollectionsResponse
// Type return msg type
func (t *ShowCollectionReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *ShowCollectionReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_ShowCollections {
return fmt.Errorf("show collection, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
coll, err := t.core.MetaTable.ListCollections(t.Req.TimeStamp)
if err != nil {
return err
for name, meta := range coll {
t.Rsp.CollectionNames = append(t.Rsp.CollectionNames, name)
t.Rsp.CollectionIds = append(t.Rsp.CollectionIds, meta.CollectionID)
t.Rsp.CreatedTimestamps = append(t.Rsp.CreatedTimestamps, meta.CreateTime)
physical, _ := tsoutil.ParseHybridTs(meta.CreateTime)
t.Rsp.CreatedUtcTimestamps = append(t.Rsp.CreatedUtcTimestamps, uint64(physical))
return nil
// CreatePartitionReqTask create partition request task
type CreatePartitionReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.CreatePartitionRequest
// Type return msg type
func (t *CreatePartitionReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *CreatePartitionReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_CreatePartition {
return fmt.Errorf("create partition, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
collMeta, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetCollectionByName(t.Req.CollectionName, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
partID, _, err := t.core.IDAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return err
ddReq := internalpb.CreatePartitionRequest{
Base: t.Req.Base,
DbName: t.Req.DbName,
CollectionName: t.Req.CollectionName,
PartitionName: t.Req.PartitionName,
DbID: 0, // todo, not used
CollectionID: collMeta.CollectionID,
PartitionID: partID,
reason := fmt.Sprintf("create partition %s", t.Req.PartitionName)
ts, err := t.core.TSOAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("TSO alloc fail, error = %w", err)
// build DdOperation and save it into etcd, when ddmsg send fail,
// system can restore ddmsg from etcd and re-send
ddReq.Base.Timestamp = ts
ddOpStr, err := EncodeDdOperation(&ddReq, CreatePartitionDDType)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("encodeDdOperation fail, error = %w", err)
// use lambda function here to guarantee all resources to be released
createPartitionFn := func() error {
// lock for ddl operation
defer t.core.ddlLock.Unlock()
t.core.chanTimeTick.addDdlTimeTick(ts, reason)
// clear ddl timetick in all conditions
defer t.core.chanTimeTick.removeDdlTimeTick(ts, reason)
if err = t.core.SendDdCreatePartitionReq(ctx, &ddReq, collMeta.PhysicalChannelNames); err != nil {
return err
// update meta table after send dd operation
if err = t.core.MetaTable.AddPartition(collMeta.CollectionID, t.Req.PartitionName, partID, ts, ddOpStr); err != nil {
return err
// use addDdlTimeTick and removeDdlTimeTick to mark DDL operation in process
t.core.chanTimeTick.removeDdlTimeTick(ts, reason)
errTimeTick := t.core.SendTimeTick(ts, reason)
if errTimeTick != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send timetick", zap.Error(errTimeTick))
return nil
if err = createPartitionFn(); err != nil {
return err
// invalidate all the collection meta cache with the specified collectionID
err = t.core.ExpireMetaCache(ctx, nil, collMeta.CollectionID, ts)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DropPartitionReqTask drop partition request task
type DropPartitionReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.DropPartitionRequest
// Type return msg type
func (t *DropPartitionReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *DropPartitionReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_DropPartition {
return fmt.Errorf("drop partition, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
collInfo, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetCollectionByName(t.Req.CollectionName, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
partID, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetPartitionByName(collInfo.CollectionID, t.Req.PartitionName, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
ddReq := internalpb.DropPartitionRequest{
Base: t.Req.Base,
DbName: t.Req.DbName,
CollectionName: t.Req.CollectionName,
PartitionName: t.Req.PartitionName,
DbID: 0, //todo,not used
CollectionID: collInfo.CollectionID,
PartitionID: partID,
reason := fmt.Sprintf("drop partition %s", t.Req.PartitionName)
ts, err := t.core.TSOAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("TSO alloc fail, error = %w", err)
// build DdOperation and save it into etcd, when ddmsg send fail,
// system can restore ddmsg from etcd and re-send
ddReq.Base.Timestamp = ts
ddOpStr, err := EncodeDdOperation(&ddReq, DropPartitionDDType)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("encodeDdOperation fail, error = %w", err)
// use lambda function here to guarantee all resources to be released
dropPartitionFn := func() error {
// lock for ddl operation
defer t.core.ddlLock.Unlock()
t.core.chanTimeTick.addDdlTimeTick(ts, reason)
// clear ddl timetick in all conditions
defer t.core.chanTimeTick.removeDdlTimeTick(ts, reason)
if err = t.core.SendDdDropPartitionReq(ctx, &ddReq, collInfo.PhysicalChannelNames); err != nil {
return err
// update meta table after send dd operation
if _, err = t.core.MetaTable.DeletePartition(collInfo.CollectionID, t.Req.PartitionName, ts, ddOpStr); err != nil {
return err
// use addDdlTimeTick and removeDdlTimeTick to mark DDL operation in process
t.core.chanTimeTick.removeDdlTimeTick(ts, reason)
errTimeTick := t.core.SendTimeTick(ts, reason)
if errTimeTick != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send timetick", zap.Error(errTimeTick))
return nil
if err = dropPartitionFn(); err != nil {
return err
// invalidate all the collection meta cache with the specified collectionID
err = t.core.ExpireMetaCache(ctx, nil, collInfo.CollectionID, ts)
if err != nil {
return err
//notify query service to release partition
// TODO::xige-16, reOpen when queryCoord support release partitions after load collection
//if err = t.core.CallReleasePartitionService(t.core.ctx, ts, 0, collInfo.ID, []typeutil.UniqueID{partID}); err != nil {
// log.Error("Failed to CallReleaseCollectionService", zap.Error(err))
// return err
return nil
// HasPartitionReqTask has partition request task
type HasPartitionReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.HasPartitionRequest
HasPartition bool
// Type return msg type
func (t *HasPartitionReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *HasPartitionReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_HasPartition {
return fmt.Errorf("has partition, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
coll, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetCollectionByName(t.Req.CollectionName, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
t.HasPartition = t.core.MetaTable.HasPartition(coll.CollectionID, t.Req.PartitionName, 0)
return nil
// ShowPartitionReqTask show partition request task
type ShowPartitionReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.ShowPartitionsRequest
Rsp *milvuspb.ShowPartitionsResponse
// Type return msg type
func (t *ShowPartitionReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *ShowPartitionReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_ShowPartitions {
return fmt.Errorf("show partition, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
var coll *model.Collection
var err error
if t.Req.CollectionName == "" {
coll, err = t.core.MetaTable.GetCollectionByID(t.Req.CollectionID, 0)
} else {
coll, err = t.core.MetaTable.GetCollectionByName(t.Req.CollectionName, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, part := range coll.Partitions {
t.Rsp.PartitionIDs = append(t.Rsp.PartitionIDs, part.PartitionID)
t.Rsp.PartitionNames = append(t.Rsp.PartitionNames, part.PartitionName)
t.Rsp.CreatedTimestamps = append(t.Rsp.CreatedTimestamps, part.PartitionCreatedTimestamp)
physical, _ := tsoutil.ParseHybridTs(part.PartitionCreatedTimestamp)
t.Rsp.CreatedUtcTimestamps = append(t.Rsp.CreatedUtcTimestamps, uint64(physical))
return nil
// DescribeSegmentReqTask describe segment request task
type DescribeSegmentReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.DescribeSegmentRequest
Rsp *milvuspb.DescribeSegmentResponse //TODO,return repeated segment id in the future
// Type return msg type
func (t *DescribeSegmentReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *DescribeSegmentReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_DescribeSegment {
return fmt.Errorf("describe segment, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
coll, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetCollectionByID(t.Req.CollectionID, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
segIDs, err := t.core.CallGetFlushedSegmentsService(ctx, t.Req.CollectionID, -1)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("Get flushed segment from data coord failed", zap.String("collection_name", coll.Name), zap.Error(err))
return err
// check if segment id exists
exist := false
for _, id := range segIDs {
if id == t.Req.SegmentID {
exist = true
if !exist {
return fmt.Errorf("segment id %d not belong to collection id %d", t.Req.SegmentID, t.Req.CollectionID)
//TODO, get filed_id and index_name from request
index, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetSegmentIndexInfoByID(t.Req.SegmentID, -1, "")
log.Debug("RootCoord DescribeSegmentReqTask, MetaTable.GetSegmentIndexInfoByID", zap.Any("SegmentID", t.Req.SegmentID),
zap.Any("index", index), zap.Error(err))
if err != nil {
return err
t.Rsp.IndexID = index.IndexID
t.Rsp.BuildID = index.SegmentIndexes[t.Req.SegmentID].BuildID
t.Rsp.EnableIndex = index.SegmentIndexes[t.Req.SegmentID].EnableIndex
t.Rsp.FieldID = index.FieldID
return nil
// ShowSegmentReqTask show segment request task
type ShowSegmentReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.ShowSegmentsRequest
Rsp *milvuspb.ShowSegmentsResponse
// Type return msg type
func (t *ShowSegmentReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *ShowSegmentReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_ShowSegments {
return fmt.Errorf("show segments, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
coll, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetCollectionByID(t.Req.CollectionID, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
exist := false
for _, partition := range coll.Partitions {
if partition.PartitionID == t.Req.PartitionID {
exist = true
if !exist {
return fmt.Errorf("partition id = %d not belong to collection id = %d", t.Req.PartitionID, t.Req.CollectionID)
segIDs, err := t.core.CallGetFlushedSegmentsService(ctx, t.Req.CollectionID, t.Req.PartitionID)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("Get flushed segments from data coord failed", zap.String("collection name", coll.Name), zap.Int64("partition id", t.Req.PartitionID), zap.Error(err))
return err
t.Rsp.SegmentIDs = append(t.Rsp.SegmentIDs, segIDs...)
return nil
type DescribeSegmentsReqTask struct {
Req *rootcoordpb.DescribeSegmentsRequest
Rsp *rootcoordpb.DescribeSegmentsResponse
func (t *DescribeSegmentsReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.GetBase().GetMsgType()
func (t *DescribeSegmentsReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
collectionID := t.Req.GetCollectionID()
segIDs, err := t.core.CallGetFlushedSegmentsService(ctx, collectionID, -1)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get flushed segments",
zap.Int64("collection", collectionID))
return err
t.Rsp.CollectionID = collectionID
t.Rsp.SegmentInfos = make(map[typeutil.UniqueID]*rootcoordpb.SegmentInfos)
segIDsMap := make(map[typeutil.UniqueID]struct{})
for _, segID := range segIDs {
segIDsMap[segID] = struct{}{}
for _, segID := range t.Req.SegmentIDs {
if _, ok := segIDsMap[segID]; !ok {
log.Warn("requested segment not found",
zap.Int64("collection", collectionID),
zap.Int64("segment", segID))
return fmt.Errorf("segment not found, collection: %d, segment: %d",
collectionID, segID)
if _, ok := t.Rsp.SegmentInfos[segID]; !ok {
t.Rsp.SegmentInfos[segID] = &rootcoordpb.SegmentInfos{
BaseInfo: &rootcoordpb.SegmentBaseInfo{
CollectionID: collectionID,
PartitionID: 0, // TODO: change this after MetaTable.partID2IndexedSegID been fixed.
SegmentID: segID,
IndexInfos: nil,
ExtraIndexInfos: make(map[typeutil.UniqueID]*etcdpb.IndexInfo),
index, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetSegmentIndexInfos(segID)
if err != nil {
segIdxMeta, ok := index.SegmentIndexes[segID]
if !ok {
log.Error("requested segment index not found",
zap.Int64("collection", collectionID),
zap.Int64("indexID", index.IndexID),
zap.Int64("segment", segID))
return fmt.Errorf("segment index not found, collection: %d, segment: %d", collectionID, segID)
t.Rsp.SegmentInfos[segID].IndexInfos = append(
CollectionID: index.CollectionID,
PartitionID: segIdxMeta.Segment.PartitionID,
SegmentID: segIdxMeta.Segment.SegmentID,
FieldID: index.FieldID,
IndexID: index.IndexID,
BuildID: segIdxMeta.BuildID,
EnableIndex: segIdxMeta.EnableIndex,
t.Rsp.SegmentInfos[segID].ExtraIndexInfos[index.IndexID] = model.MarshalIndexModel(&index)
return nil
// CreateIndexReqTask create index request task
type CreateIndexReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.CreateIndexRequest
// Type return msg type
func (t *CreateIndexReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *CreateIndexReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_CreateIndex {
return fmt.Errorf("create index, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
indexName := t.Req.GetIndexName()
if len(indexName) <= 0 {
indexName = Params.CommonCfg.DefaultIndexName //TODO, get name from request
indexID, _, err := t.core.IDAllocator(1)
log.Debug("RootCoord CreateIndexReqTask", zap.Any("indexID", indexID), zap.Error(err))
if err != nil {
return err
createTS, err := t.core.TSOAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return err
idxInfo := &model.Index{
IndexName: indexName,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexParams: t.Req.ExtraParams,
CreateTime: createTS,
log.Info("create index for collection",
zap.String("collection", t.Req.GetCollectionName()),
zap.String("field", t.Req.GetFieldName()),
zap.String("index", indexName),
zap.Int64("index_id", indexID),
zap.Any("params", t.Req.GetExtraParams()))
collMeta, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetCollectionByName(t.Req.CollectionName, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
segID2PartID, segID2Binlog, err := t.core.getSegments(ctx, collMeta.CollectionID)
flushedSegs := make([]typeutil.UniqueID, 0, len(segID2PartID))
for k := range segID2PartID {
flushedSegs = append(flushedSegs, k)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("get flushed segments from data coord failed", zap.String("collection_name", collMeta.Name), zap.Error(err))
return err
alreadyExists, err := t.core.MetaTable.AddIndex(t.Req.CollectionName, t.Req.FieldName, idxInfo, flushedSegs)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("add index into metastore failed", zap.Int64("collection_id", collMeta.CollectionID), zap.Int64("index_id", idxInfo.IndexID), zap.Error(err))
return err
// backward compatible with support create the same index
if alreadyExists {
return nil
segIDs, field, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetNotIndexedSegments(t.Req.CollectionName, t.Req.FieldName, idxInfo, flushedSegs)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("get not indexed segments failed", zap.Int64("collection_id", collMeta.CollectionID), zap.Error(err))
return err
for _, segID := range segIDs {
segmentIndex := model.SegmentIndex{
Segment: model.Segment{
SegmentID: segID,
PartitionID: segID2PartID[segID],
EnableIndex: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
segmentIndex.BuildID, err = t.core.BuildIndex(ctx, segID, segID2Binlog[segID].GetNumOfRows(), segID2Binlog[segID].GetFieldBinlogs(), &field, idxInfo, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if segmentIndex.BuildID != 0 {
segmentIndex.EnableIndex = true
index := &model.Index{
CollectionID: collMeta.CollectionID,
FieldID: field.FieldID,
IndexID: idxInfo.IndexID,
SegmentIndexes: map[int64]model.SegmentIndex{segID: segmentIndex},
if err := t.core.MetaTable.AlterIndex(index); err != nil {
log.Error("alter index into meta table failed", zap.Int64("collection_id", collMeta.CollectionID), zap.Int64("index_id", index.IndexID), zap.Int64("build_id", segmentIndex.BuildID), zap.Error(err))
return err
idxMeta, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetIndexByID(indexID)
if err == nil {
return nil
// DescribeIndexReqTask describe index request task
type DescribeIndexReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.DescribeIndexRequest
Rsp *milvuspb.DescribeIndexResponse
// Type return msg type
func (t *DescribeIndexReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *DescribeIndexReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_DescribeIndex {
return fmt.Errorf("describe index, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
coll, idx, err := t.core.MetaTable.GetIndexByName(t.Req.CollectionName, t.Req.IndexName)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, i := range idx {
f, err := GetFieldSchemaByIndexID(&coll, typeutil.UniqueID(i.IndexID))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Get field schema by index id failed", zap.String("collection name", t.Req.CollectionName), zap.String("index name", t.Req.IndexName), zap.Error(err))
desc := &milvuspb.IndexDescription{
IndexName: i.IndexName,
Params: i.IndexParams,
IndexID: i.IndexID,
FieldName: f.Name,
t.Rsp.IndexDescriptions = append(t.Rsp.IndexDescriptions, desc)
return nil
// DropIndexReqTask drop index request task
type DropIndexReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.DropIndexRequest
// Type return msg type
func (t *DropIndexReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *DropIndexReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_DropIndex {
return fmt.Errorf("drop index, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
if err := t.core.MetaTable.MarkIndexDeleted(t.Req.CollectionName, t.Req.FieldName, t.Req.IndexName); err != nil {
return err
deleteTS, err := t.core.TSOAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreateAliasReqTask create alias request task
type CreateAliasReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.CreateAliasRequest
// Type return msg type
func (t *CreateAliasReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *CreateAliasReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_CreateAlias {
return fmt.Errorf("create alias, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
ts, err := t.core.TSOAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("TSO alloc fail, error = %w", err)
err = t.core.MetaTable.AddAlias(t.Req.Alias, t.Req.CollectionName, ts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("meta table add alias failed, error = %w", err)
return nil
// DropAliasReqTask drop alias request task
type DropAliasReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.DropAliasRequest
// Type return msg type
func (t *DropAliasReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *DropAliasReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_DropAlias {
return fmt.Errorf("create alias, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
ts, err := t.core.TSOAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("TSO alloc fail, error = %w", err)
err = t.core.MetaTable.DropAlias(t.Req.Alias, ts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("meta table drop alias failed, error = %w", err)
if err := t.core.ExpireMetaCache(ctx, []string{t.Req.Alias}, InvalidCollectionID, ts); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// AlterAliasReqTask alter alias request task
type AlterAliasReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.AlterAliasRequest
// Type return msg type
func (t *AlterAliasReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.Req.Base.MsgType
// Execute task execution
func (t *AlterAliasReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.Type() != commonpb.MsgType_AlterAlias {
return fmt.Errorf("alter alias, msg type = %s", commonpb.MsgType_name[int32(t.Type())])
ts, err := t.core.TSOAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("TSO alloc fail, error = %w", err)
err = t.core.MetaTable.AlterAlias(t.Req.Alias, t.Req.CollectionName, ts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("meta table alter alias failed, error = %w", err)
if err := t.core.ExpireMetaCache(ctx, []string{t.Req.Alias}, InvalidCollectionID, ts); err != nil {
return nil
return nil