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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package compaction
import (
// Not concurrent safe.
type MultiSegmentWriter struct {
binlogIO io.BinlogIO
allocator *compactionAlloactor
writers []*SegmentWriter
current int
maxRows int64
segmentSize int64
// segmentSize in Bytes
// segmentSize might be changed dynamicly. To make sure a compaction plan is static,
// The target segmentSize is defined when creating the compaction plan.
schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema
partitionID int64
collectionID int64
channel string
cachedMeta map[typeutil.UniqueID]map[typeutil.UniqueID]*datapb.FieldBinlog
// segID -> fieldID -> binlogs
res []*datapb.CompactionSegment
// DONOT leave it empty of all segments are deleted, just return a segment with zero meta for datacoord
bm25Fields []int64
type compactionAlloactor struct {
segmentAlloc allocator.Interface
logIDAlloc allocator.Interface
func NewCompactionAllocator(segmentAlloc, logIDAlloc allocator.Interface) *compactionAlloactor {
return &compactionAlloactor{
segmentAlloc: segmentAlloc,
logIDAlloc: logIDAlloc,
func (alloc *compactionAlloactor) allocSegmentID() (typeutil.UniqueID, error) {
return alloc.segmentAlloc.AllocOne()
func (alloc *compactionAlloactor) getLogIDAllocator() allocator.Interface {
return alloc.logIDAlloc
func NewMultiSegmentWriter(binlogIO io.BinlogIO, allocator *compactionAlloactor, plan *datapb.CompactionPlan, maxRows int64, partitionID, collectionID int64, bm25Fields []int64) *MultiSegmentWriter {
return &MultiSegmentWriter{
binlogIO: binlogIO,
allocator: allocator,
writers: make([]*SegmentWriter, 0),
current: -1,
maxRows: maxRows, // For bloomfilter only
segmentSize: plan.GetMaxSize(),
schema: plan.GetSchema(),
partitionID: partitionID,
collectionID: collectionID,
channel: plan.GetChannel(),
cachedMeta: make(map[typeutil.UniqueID]map[typeutil.UniqueID]*datapb.FieldBinlog),
res: make([]*datapb.CompactionSegment, 0),
bm25Fields: bm25Fields,
func (w *MultiSegmentWriter) finishCurrent() error {
writer := w.writers[w.current]
allBinlogs, ok := w.cachedMeta[writer.segmentID]
if !ok {
allBinlogs = make(map[typeutil.UniqueID]*datapb.FieldBinlog)
if !writer.FlushAndIsEmpty() {
kvs, partialBinlogs, err := serializeWrite(context.TODO(), w.allocator.getLogIDAllocator(), writer)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := w.binlogIO.Upload(context.TODO(), kvs); err != nil {
return err
mergeFieldBinlogs(allBinlogs, partialBinlogs)
sPath, err := statSerializeWrite(context.TODO(), w.binlogIO, w.allocator.getLogIDAllocator(), writer)
if err != nil {
return err
result := &datapb.CompactionSegment{
SegmentID: writer.GetSegmentID(),
InsertLogs: lo.Values(allBinlogs),
Field2StatslogPaths: []*datapb.FieldBinlog{sPath},
NumOfRows: writer.GetRowNum(),
Channel: w.channel,
if len(w.bm25Fields) > 0 {
bmBinlogs, err := bm25SerializeWrite(context.TODO(), w.binlogIO, w.allocator.getLogIDAllocator(), writer)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("compact wrong, failed to serialize write segment bm25 stats", zap.Error(err))
return err
result.Bm25Logs = bmBinlogs
w.res = append(w.res, result)
log.Info("Segment writer flushed a segment",
zap.Int64("segmentID", writer.GetSegmentID()),
zap.String("channel", w.channel),
zap.Int64("totalRows", writer.GetRowNum()),
zap.Int64("totalSize", writer.GetTotalSize()))
w.cachedMeta[writer.segmentID] = nil
return nil
func (w *MultiSegmentWriter) addNewWriter() error {
newSegmentID, err := w.allocator.allocSegmentID()
if err != nil {
return err
writer, err := NewSegmentWriter(w.schema, w.maxRows, compactionBatchSize, newSegmentID, w.partitionID, w.collectionID, w.bm25Fields)
if err != nil {
return err
w.writers = append(w.writers, writer)
return nil
func (w *MultiSegmentWriter) getWriter() (*SegmentWriter, error) {
if len(w.writers) == 0 {
if err := w.addNewWriter(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return w.writers[w.current], nil
if w.writers[w.current].GetTotalSize() > w.segmentSize {
if err := w.finishCurrent(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := w.addNewWriter(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return w.writers[w.current], nil
func (w *MultiSegmentWriter) writeInternal(writer *SegmentWriter) error {
if writer.IsFull() {
// init segment fieldBinlogs if it is not exist
if _, ok := w.cachedMeta[writer.segmentID]; !ok {
w.cachedMeta[writer.segmentID] = make(map[typeutil.UniqueID]*datapb.FieldBinlog)
kvs, partialBinlogs, err := serializeWrite(context.TODO(), w.allocator.getLogIDAllocator(), writer)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := w.binlogIO.Upload(context.TODO(), kvs); err != nil {
return err
mergeFieldBinlogs(w.cachedMeta[writer.segmentID], partialBinlogs)
return nil
func (w *MultiSegmentWriter) WriteRecord(r storage.Record) error {
writer, err := w.getWriter()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := w.writeInternal(writer); err != nil {
return err
return writer.WriteRecord(r)
func (w *MultiSegmentWriter) Write(v *storage.Value) error {
writer, err := w.getWriter()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := w.writeInternal(writer); err != nil {
return err
return writer.Write(v)
func (w *MultiSegmentWriter) appendEmptySegment() error {
writer, err := w.getWriter()
if err != nil {
return err
w.res = append(w.res, &datapb.CompactionSegment{
SegmentID: writer.GetSegmentID(),
NumOfRows: 0,
Channel: w.channel,
return nil
// DONOT return an empty list if every insert of the segment is deleted,
// append an empty segment instead
func (w *MultiSegmentWriter) Finish() ([]*datapb.CompactionSegment, error) {
if w.current == -1 {
if err := w.appendEmptySegment(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return w.res, nil
if !w.writers[w.current].FlushAndIsEmpty() {
if err := w.finishCurrent(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return w.res, nil
func NewSegmentDeltaWriter(segmentID, partitionID, collectionID int64) *SegmentDeltaWriter {
return &SegmentDeltaWriter{
deleteData: &storage.DeleteData{},
segmentID: segmentID,
partitionID: partitionID,
collectionID: collectionID,
tsFrom: math.MaxUint64,
tsTo: 0,
type SegmentDeltaWriter struct {
deleteData *storage.DeleteData
segmentID int64
partitionID int64
collectionID int64
tsFrom typeutil.Timestamp
tsTo typeutil.Timestamp
func (w *SegmentDeltaWriter) GetCollectionID() int64 {
return w.collectionID
func (w *SegmentDeltaWriter) GetPartitionID() int64 {
return w.partitionID
func (w *SegmentDeltaWriter) GetSegmentID() int64 {
return w.segmentID
func (w *SegmentDeltaWriter) GetRowNum() int64 {
return w.deleteData.RowCount
func (w *SegmentDeltaWriter) GetTimeRange() *writebuffer.TimeRange {
return writebuffer.NewTimeRange(w.tsFrom, w.tsTo)
func (w *SegmentDeltaWriter) updateRange(ts typeutil.Timestamp) {
if ts < w.tsFrom {
w.tsFrom = ts
if ts > w.tsTo {
w.tsTo = ts
func (w *SegmentDeltaWriter) Write(pk storage.PrimaryKey, ts typeutil.Timestamp) {
w.deleteData.Append(pk, ts)
func (w *SegmentDeltaWriter) WriteBatch(pks []storage.PrimaryKey, tss []typeutil.Timestamp) {
w.deleteData.AppendBatch(pks, tss)
for _, ts := range tss {
func (w *SegmentDeltaWriter) Finish() (*storage.Blob, *writebuffer.TimeRange, error) {
blob, err := storage.NewDeleteCodec().Serialize(w.collectionID, w.partitionID, w.segmentID, w.deleteData)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return blob, w.GetTimeRange(), nil
type SegmentWriter struct {
writer *storage.SerializeWriter[*storage.Value]
closers []func() (*storage.Blob, error)
tsFrom typeutil.Timestamp
tsTo typeutil.Timestamp
pkstats *storage.PrimaryKeyStats
bm25Stats map[int64]*storage.BM25Stats
segmentID int64
partitionID int64
collectionID int64
sch *schemapb.CollectionSchema
rowCount *atomic.Int64
syncedSize *atomic.Int64
batchSize int
maxBinlogSize uint64
func (w *SegmentWriter) GetRowNum() int64 {
return w.rowCount.Load()
func (w *SegmentWriter) GetCollectionID() int64 {
return w.collectionID
func (w *SegmentWriter) GetPartitionID() int64 {
return w.partitionID
func (w *SegmentWriter) GetSegmentID() int64 {
return w.segmentID
func (w *SegmentWriter) GetPkID() int64 {
return w.pkstats.FieldID
func (w *SegmentWriter) WrittenMemorySize() uint64 {
return w.writer.WrittenMemorySize()
func (w *SegmentWriter) WriteRecord(r storage.Record) error {
tsArray := r.Column(common.TimeStampField).(*array.Int64)
rows := r.Len()
for i := 0; i < rows; i++ {
ts := typeutil.Timestamp(tsArray.Value(i))
if ts < w.tsFrom {
w.tsFrom = ts
if ts > w.tsTo {
w.tsTo = ts
switch schemapb.DataType(w.pkstats.PkType) {
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
pkArray := r.Column(w.GetPkID()).(*array.Int64)
pk := &storage.Int64PrimaryKey{
Value: pkArray.Value(i),
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
pkArray := r.Column(w.GetPkID()).(*array.String)
pk := &storage.VarCharPrimaryKey{
Value: pkArray.Value(i),
panic("invalid data type")
for fieldID, stats := range w.bm25Stats {
field, ok := r.Column(fieldID).(*array.Binary)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bm25 field value not found")
return w.writer.WriteRecord(r)
func (w *SegmentWriter) Write(v *storage.Value) error {
ts := typeutil.Timestamp(v.Timestamp)
if ts < w.tsFrom {
w.tsFrom = ts
if ts > w.tsTo {
w.tsTo = ts
for fieldID, stats := range w.bm25Stats {
data, ok := v.Value.(map[storage.FieldID]interface{})[fieldID]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bm25 field value not found")
bytes, ok := data.([]byte)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bm25 field value not sparse bytes")
return w.writer.Write(v)
func (w *SegmentWriter) Finish() (*storage.Blob, error) {
codec := storage.NewInsertCodecWithSchema(&etcdpb.CollectionMeta{ID: w.collectionID, Schema: w.sch})
return codec.SerializePkStats(w.pkstats, w.GetRowNum())
func (w *SegmentWriter) GetBm25Stats() map[int64]*storage.BM25Stats {
return w.bm25Stats
func (w *SegmentWriter) GetBm25StatsBlob() (map[int64]*storage.Blob, error) {
result := make(map[int64]*storage.Blob)
for fieldID, stats := range w.bm25Stats {
bytes, err := stats.Serialize()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result[fieldID] = &storage.Blob{
Key: fmt.Sprintf("%d", fieldID),
Value: bytes,
RowNum: stats.NumRow(),
MemorySize: int64(len(bytes)),
return result, nil
func (w *SegmentWriter) IsFull() bool {
return w.writer.WrittenMemorySize() > w.maxBinlogSize
func (w *SegmentWriter) FlushAndIsFull() bool {
return w.writer.WrittenMemorySize() > w.maxBinlogSize
func (w *SegmentWriter) IsFullWithBinlogMaxSize(binLogMaxSize uint64) bool {
return w.writer.WrittenMemorySize() > binLogMaxSize
func (w *SegmentWriter) IsEmpty() bool {
return w.writer.WrittenMemorySize() == 0
func (w *SegmentWriter) FlushAndIsEmpty() bool {
return w.writer.WrittenMemorySize() == 0
func (w *SegmentWriter) GetTimeRange() *writebuffer.TimeRange {
return writebuffer.NewTimeRange(w.tsFrom, w.tsTo)
func (w *SegmentWriter) SerializeYield() ([]*storage.Blob, *writebuffer.TimeRange, error) {
fieldData := make([]*storage.Blob, len(w.closers))
for i, f := range w.closers {
blob, err := f()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
fieldData[i] = blob
tr := w.GetTimeRange()
return fieldData, tr, nil
func (w *SegmentWriter) GetTotalSize() int64 {
return w.syncedSize.Load() + int64(w.writer.WrittenMemorySize())
func (w *SegmentWriter) clear() {
writer, closers, _ := newBinlogWriter(w.collectionID, w.partitionID, w.segmentID, w.sch, w.batchSize)
w.writer = writer
w.closers = closers
w.tsFrom = math.MaxUint64
w.tsTo = 0
func NewSegmentWriter(sch *schemapb.CollectionSchema, maxCount int64, batchSize int, segID, partID, collID int64, Bm25Fields []int64) (*SegmentWriter, error) {
writer, closers, err := newBinlogWriter(collID, partID, segID, sch, batchSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkField, err := typeutil.GetPrimaryFieldSchema(sch)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to get pk field from schema")
return nil, err
stats, err := storage.NewPrimaryKeyStats(pkField.GetFieldID(), int64(pkField.GetDataType()), maxCount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
segWriter := SegmentWriter{
writer: writer,
closers: closers,
tsFrom: math.MaxUint64,
tsTo: 0,
pkstats: stats,
bm25Stats: make(map[int64]*storage.BM25Stats),
sch: sch,
segmentID: segID,
partitionID: partID,
collectionID: collID,
rowCount: atomic.NewInt64(0),
syncedSize: atomic.NewInt64(0),
batchSize: batchSize,
maxBinlogSize: paramtable.Get().DataNodeCfg.BinLogMaxSize.GetAsUint64(),
for _, fieldID := range Bm25Fields {
segWriter.bm25Stats[fieldID] = storage.NewBM25Stats()
return &segWriter, nil
func newBinlogWriter(collID, partID, segID int64, schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema, batchSize int,
) (writer *storage.SerializeWriter[*storage.Value], closers []func() (*storage.Blob, error), err error) {
fieldWriters := storage.NewBinlogStreamWriters(collID, partID, segID, schema.Fields)
closers = make([]func() (*storage.Blob, error), 0, len(fieldWriters))
for _, w := range fieldWriters {
closers = append(closers, w.Finalize)
writer, err = storage.NewBinlogSerializeWriter(schema, partID, segID, fieldWriters, batchSize)