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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package compaction
import (
sio "io"
type LevelZeroCompactionTask struct {
allocator allocator.Interface
cm storage.ChunkManager
plan *datapb.CompactionPlan
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
done chan struct{}
tr *timerecord.TimeRecorder
// make sure compactionTask implements compactor interface
var _ Compactor = (*LevelZeroCompactionTask)(nil)
func NewLevelZeroCompactionTask(
ctx context.Context,
binlogIO io.BinlogIO,
cm storage.ChunkManager,
plan *datapb.CompactionPlan,
) *LevelZeroCompactionTask {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
alloc := allocator.NewLocalAllocator(plan.GetBeginLogID(), math.MaxInt64)
return &LevelZeroCompactionTask{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
BinlogIO: binlogIO,
allocator: alloc,
cm: cm,
plan: plan,
tr: timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("levelzero compaction"),
done: make(chan struct{}, 1),
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) Complete() {
t.done <- struct{}{}
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) Stop() {
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) GetPlanID() typeutil.UniqueID {
return t.plan.GetPlanID()
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) GetChannelName() string {
return t.plan.GetChannel()
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) GetCompactionType() datapb.CompactionType {
return t.plan.GetType()
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) GetCollection() int64 {
// The length of SegmentBinlogs is checked before task enqueueing.
return t.plan.GetSegmentBinlogs()[0].GetCollectionID()
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) Compact() (*datapb.CompactionPlanResult, error) {
ctx, span := otel.Tracer(typeutil.DataNodeRole).Start(t.ctx, "L0Compact")
defer span.End()
log := log.Ctx(t.ctx).With(zap.Int64("planID", t.plan.GetPlanID()), zap.String("type", t.plan.GetType().String()))
log.Info("L0 compaction", zap.Duration("wait in queue elapse", t.tr.RecordSpan()))
if !funcutil.CheckCtxValid(ctx) {
log.Warn("compact wrong, task context done or timeout")
return nil, ctx.Err()
l0Segments := lo.Filter(t.plan.GetSegmentBinlogs(), func(s *datapb.CompactionSegmentBinlogs, _ int) bool {
return s.Level == datapb.SegmentLevel_L0
targetSegments := lo.Filter(t.plan.GetSegmentBinlogs(), func(s *datapb.CompactionSegmentBinlogs, _ int) bool {
return s.Level != datapb.SegmentLevel_L0
if len(targetSegments) == 0 {
log.Warn("compact wrong, not target sealed segments")
return nil, errors.New("illegal compaction plan with empty target segments")
err := binlog.DecompressCompactionBinlogs(l0Segments)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("DecompressCompactionBinlogs failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
var (
memorySize int64
totalDeltalogs = []string{}
for _, s := range l0Segments {
for _, d := range s.GetDeltalogs() {
for _, l := range d.GetBinlogs() {
totalDeltalogs = append(totalDeltalogs, l.GetLogPath())
memorySize += l.GetMemorySize()
resultSegments, err := t.process(ctx, memorySize, targetSegments, totalDeltalogs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := &datapb.CompactionPlanResult{
PlanID: t.plan.GetPlanID(),
State: datapb.CompactionTaskState_completed,
Segments: resultSegments,
Channel: t.plan.GetChannel(),
Type: t.plan.GetType(),
metrics.DataNodeCompactionLatency.WithLabelValues(fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID()), t.plan.GetType().String()).
log.Info("L0 compaction finished", zap.Duration("elapse", t.tr.ElapseSpan()))
return result, nil
// BatchSize refers to the L1/L2 segments count that in one batch, batchSize controls the expansion ratio
// of deltadata in memory.
func getMaxBatchSize(baseMemSize, memLimit float64) int {
batchSize := 1
if memLimit > baseMemSize {
batchSize = int(memLimit / baseMemSize)
maxSizeLimit := paramtable.Get().DataNodeCfg.L0CompactionMaxBatchSize.GetAsInt()
// Set batch size to maxSizeLimit if it is larger than maxSizeLimit.
// When maxSizeLimit <= 0, it means no limit.
if maxSizeLimit > 0 && batchSize > maxSizeLimit {
return maxSizeLimit
return batchSize
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) serializeUpload(ctx context.Context, segmentWriters map[int64]*SegmentDeltaWriter) ([]*datapb.CompactionSegment, error) {
traceCtx, span := otel.Tracer(typeutil.DataNodeRole).Start(ctx, "L0Compact serializeUpload")
defer span.End()
allBlobs := make(map[string][]byte)
results := make([]*datapb.CompactionSegment, 0)
for segID, writer := range segmentWriters {
blob, tr, err := writer.Finish()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("L0 compaction serializeUpload serialize failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
logID, err := t.allocator.AllocOne()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("L0 compaction serializeUpload alloc failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
blobKey, _ := binlog.BuildLogPath(storage.DeleteBinlog, writer.GetCollectionID(), writer.GetPartitionID(), writer.GetSegmentID(), -1, logID)
allBlobs[blobKey] = blob.GetValue()
deltalog := &datapb.Binlog{
EntriesNum: writer.GetRowNum(),
LogSize: int64(len(blob.GetValue())),
MemorySize: blob.GetMemorySize(),
LogPath: blobKey,
LogID: logID,
TimestampFrom: tr.GetMinTimestamp(),
TimestampTo: tr.GetMaxTimestamp(),
results = append(results, &datapb.CompactionSegment{
SegmentID: segID,
Deltalogs: []*datapb.FieldBinlog{{Binlogs: []*datapb.Binlog{deltalog}}},
Channel: t.plan.GetChannel(),
if len(allBlobs) == 0 {
return nil, nil
if err := t.Upload(traceCtx, allBlobs); err != nil {
log.Warn("L0 compaction serializeUpload upload failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
return results, nil
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) splitDelta(
ctx context.Context,
allDelta *storage.DeleteData,
segmentBfs map[int64]*pkoracle.BloomFilterSet,
) map[int64]*SegmentDeltaWriter {
traceCtx, span := otel.Tracer(typeutil.DataNodeRole).Start(ctx, "L0Compact splitDelta")
defer span.End()
allSeg := lo.Associate(t.plan.GetSegmentBinlogs(), func(segment *datapb.CompactionSegmentBinlogs) (int64, *datapb.CompactionSegmentBinlogs) {
return segment.GetSegmentID(), segment
// spilt all delete data to segments
retMap := t.applyBFInParallel(traceCtx, allDelta, io.GetBFApplyPool(), segmentBfs)
targetSegBuffer := make(map[int64]*SegmentDeltaWriter)
retMap.Range(func(key int, value *BatchApplyRet) bool {
startIdx := value.StartIdx
pk2SegmentIDs := value.Segment2Hits
for segmentID, hits := range pk2SegmentIDs {
for i, hit := range hits {
if hit {
writer, ok := targetSegBuffer[segmentID]
if !ok {
segment := allSeg[segmentID]
writer = NewSegmentDeltaWriter(segmentID, segment.GetPartitionID(), segment.GetCollectionID())
targetSegBuffer[segmentID] = writer
writer.Write(allDelta.Pks[startIdx+i], allDelta.Tss[startIdx+i])
return true
return targetSegBuffer
type BatchApplyRet = struct {
StartIdx int
Segment2Hits map[int64][]bool
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) applyBFInParallel(ctx context.Context, deltaData *storage.DeleteData, pool *conc.Pool[any], segmentBfs map[int64]*pkoracle.BloomFilterSet) *typeutil.ConcurrentMap[int, *BatchApplyRet] {
_, span := otel.Tracer(typeutil.DataNodeRole).Start(ctx, "L0Compact applyBFInParallel")
defer span.End()
batchSize := paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.BloomFilterApplyBatchSize.GetAsInt()
batchPredict := func(pks []storage.PrimaryKey) map[int64][]bool {
segment2Hits := make(map[int64][]bool, 0)
lc := storage.NewBatchLocationsCache(pks)
for segmentID, bf := range segmentBfs {
hits := bf.BatchPkExist(lc)
segment2Hits[segmentID] = hits
return segment2Hits
retIdx := 0
retMap := typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int, *BatchApplyRet]()
var futures []*conc.Future[any]
pks := deltaData.Pks
for idx := 0; idx < len(pks); idx += batchSize {
startIdx := idx
endIdx := startIdx + batchSize
if endIdx > len(pks) {
endIdx = len(pks)
retIdx += 1
tmpRetIndex := retIdx
future := pool.Submit(func() (any, error) {
ret := batchPredict(pks[startIdx:endIdx])
retMap.Insert(tmpRetIndex, &BatchApplyRet{
StartIdx: startIdx,
Segment2Hits: ret,
return nil, nil
futures = append(futures, future)
return retMap
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) process(ctx context.Context, l0MemSize int64, targetSegments []*datapb.CompactionSegmentBinlogs, deltaLogs ...[]string) ([]*datapb.CompactionSegment, error) {
_, span := otel.Tracer(typeutil.DataNodeRole).Start(ctx, "L0Compact process")
defer span.End()
ratio := paramtable.Get().DataNodeCfg.L0BatchMemoryRatio.GetAsFloat()
memLimit := float64(hardware.GetFreeMemoryCount()) * ratio
if float64(l0MemSize) > memLimit {
return nil, errors.Newf("L0 compaction failed, not enough memory, request memory size: %v, memory limit: %v", l0MemSize, memLimit)
log.Info("L0 compaction process start")
allDelta, err := t.loadDelta(ctx, lo.Flatten(deltaLogs))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("L0 compaction loadDelta fail", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
batchSize := getMaxBatchSize(float64(allDelta.Size()), memLimit)
batch := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(targetSegments)) / float64(batchSize)))
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("planID", t.plan.GetPlanID()),
zap.Int("max conc segment counts", batchSize),
zap.Int("total segment counts", len(targetSegments)),
zap.Int("total batch", batch),
results := make([]*datapb.CompactionSegment, 0)
for i := 0; i < batch; i++ {
left, right := i*batchSize, (i+1)*batchSize
if right >= len(targetSegments) {
right = len(targetSegments)
batchSegments := targetSegments[left:right]
segmentBFs, err := t.loadBF(ctx, batchSegments)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("L0 compaction loadBF fail", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
batchSegWriter := t.splitDelta(ctx, allDelta, segmentBFs)
batchResults, err := t.serializeUpload(ctx, batchSegWriter)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("L0 compaction serialize upload fail", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
log.Info("L0 compaction finished one batch",
zap.Int("batch no.", i),
zap.Int("total deltaRowCount", int(allDelta.RowCount)),
zap.Int("batch segment count", len(batchResults)))
results = append(results, batchResults...)
log.Info("L0 compaction process done")
return results, nil
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) loadDelta(ctx context.Context, deltaLogs []string) (*storage.DeleteData, error) {
_, span := otel.Tracer(typeutil.DataNodeRole).Start(ctx, "L0Compact loadDelta")
defer span.End()
blobBytes, err := t.Download(ctx, deltaLogs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blobs := make([]*storage.Blob, 0, len(blobBytes))
for _, blob := range blobBytes {
blobs = append(blobs, &storage.Blob{Value: blob})
reader, err := storage.CreateDeltalogReader(blobs)
if err != nil {
log.Error("malformed delta file", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
defer reader.Close()
dData := &storage.DeleteData{}
for {
err := reader.Next()
if err != nil {
if err == sio.EOF {
log.Error("compact wrong, fail to read deltalogs", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
dl := reader.Value()
dData.Append(dl.Pk, dl.Ts)
return dData, nil
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) loadBF(ctx context.Context, targetSegments []*datapb.CompactionSegmentBinlogs) (map[int64]*pkoracle.BloomFilterSet, error) {
_, span := otel.Tracer(typeutil.DataNodeRole).Start(ctx, "L0Compact loadBF")
defer span.End()
var (
futures = make([]*conc.Future[any], 0, len(targetSegments))
pool = io.GetOrCreateStatsPool()
mu = &sync.Mutex{}
bfs = make(map[int64]*pkoracle.BloomFilterSet)
for _, segment := range targetSegments {
segment := segment
innerCtx := ctx
future := pool.Submit(func() (any, error) {
_ = binlog.DecompressBinLog(storage.StatsBinlog, segment.GetCollectionID(),
segment.GetPartitionID(), segment.GetSegmentID(), segment.GetField2StatslogPaths())
pks, err := LoadStats(innerCtx, t.cm,
t.plan.GetSchema(), segment.GetSegmentID(), segment.GetField2StatslogPaths())
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to load segment stats log",
zap.Int64("planID", t.plan.GetPlanID()),
zap.String("type", t.plan.GetType().String()),
return err, err
bf := pkoracle.NewBloomFilterSet(pks...)
defer mu.Unlock()
bfs[segment.GetSegmentID()] = bf
return nil, nil
futures = append(futures, future)
err := conc.AwaitAll(futures...)
return bfs, err
func (t *LevelZeroCompactionTask) GetSlotUsage() int64 {
return t.plan.GetSlotUsage()