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1922 lines
65 KiB
// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package httpserver
import (
mhttp "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/http"
func HTTPReturn(c *gin.Context, code int, result gin.H) {
c.Set(HTTPReturnCode, result[HTTPReturnCode])
if errorMsg, ok := result[HTTPReturnMessage]; ok {
c.Set(HTTPReturnMessage, errorMsg)
c.JSON(code, result)
// HTTPReturnStream uses custom jsonRender that encodes JSON data directly into the response stream,
// it uses less memory since it does not buffer the entire JSON structure before sending it,
// unlike c.JSON in HTTPReturn, which serializes the JSON fully in memory before writing it to the response.
func HTTPReturnStream(c *gin.Context, code int, result gin.H) {
c.Set(HTTPReturnCode, result[HTTPReturnCode])
if errorMsg, ok := result[HTTPReturnMessage]; ok {
c.Set(HTTPReturnMessage, errorMsg)
c.Render(code, jsonRender{Data: result})
func HTTPAbortReturn(c *gin.Context, code int, result gin.H) {
c.Set(HTTPReturnCode, result[HTTPReturnCode])
if errorMsg, ok := result[HTTPReturnMessage]; ok {
c.Set(HTTPReturnMessage, errorMsg)
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(code, result)
func ParseUsernamePassword(c *gin.Context) (string, string, bool) {
username, password, ok := c.Request.BasicAuth()
if !ok {
token := GetAuthorization(c)
i := strings.IndexAny(token, util.CredentialSeperator)
if i != -1 {
username = token[:i]
password = token[i+1:]
} else {
c.Header("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="restricted", charset="UTF-8"`)
return username, password, username != "" && password != ""
func GetAuthorization(c *gin.Context) string {
auth := c.Request.Header.Get("Authorization")
return strings.TrimPrefix(auth, "Bearer ")
// find the primary field of collection
func getPrimaryField(schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema) (*schemapb.FieldSchema, bool) {
for _, field := range schema.Fields {
if field.IsPrimaryKey {
return field, true
return nil, false
func joinArray(data interface{}) string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
arr := reflect.ValueOf(data)
for i := 0; i < arr.Len(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", arr.Index(i)))
return buffer.String()
func convertRange(field *schemapb.FieldSchema, result gjson.Result) (string, error) {
var resultStr string
fieldType := field.DataType
if fieldType == schemapb.DataType_Int64 {
dataArray := make([]int64, 0, len(result.Array()))
for _, data := range result.Array() {
if data.Type == gjson.String {
value, err := cast.ToInt64E(data.Str)
if err != nil {
return "", err
dataArray = append(dataArray, value)
} else {
value, err := cast.ToInt64E(data.Raw)
if err != nil {
return "", err
dataArray = append(dataArray, value)
resultStr = joinArray(dataArray)
} else if fieldType == schemapb.DataType_VarChar {
dataArray := make([]string, 0, len(result.Array()))
for _, data := range result.Array() {
value, err := cast.ToStringE(data.Str)
if err != nil {
return "", err
dataArray = append(dataArray, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, value))
resultStr = joinArray(dataArray)
return resultStr, nil
// generate the expression: $primaryFieldName in [1,2,3]
func checkGetPrimaryKey(coll *schemapb.CollectionSchema, idResult gjson.Result) (string, error) {
primaryField, ok := getPrimaryField(coll)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("collection: %s has no primary field", coll.Name)
resultStr, err := convertRange(primaryField, idResult)
if err != nil {
return "", err
filter := primaryField.Name + " in [" + resultStr + "]"
return filter, nil
// --------------------- collection details --------------------- //
func printFields(fields []*schemapb.FieldSchema) []gin.H {
res := make([]gin.H, 0, len(fields))
for _, field := range fields {
if field.Name == common.MetaFieldName {
fieldDetail := printFieldDetail(field, true)
res = append(res, fieldDetail)
return res
func printFieldsV2(fields []*schemapb.FieldSchema) []gin.H {
res := make([]gin.H, 0, len(fields))
for _, field := range fields {
if field.Name == common.MetaFieldName {
fieldDetail := printFieldDetail(field, false)
res = append(res, fieldDetail)
return res
func printFieldDetail(field *schemapb.FieldSchema, oldVersion bool) gin.H {
fieldDetail := gin.H{
HTTPReturnFieldName: field.Name,
HTTPReturnFieldPrimaryKey: field.IsPrimaryKey,
HTTPReturnFieldPartitionKey: field.IsPartitionKey,
HTTPReturnFieldClusteringKey: field.IsClusteringKey,
HTTPReturnFieldAutoID: field.AutoID,
HTTPReturnDescription: field.Description,
HTTPReturnFieldNullable: field.Nullable,
if field.DefaultValue != nil {
fieldDetail[HTTPRequestDefaultValue] = field.DefaultValue
if field.GetIsFunctionOutput() {
fieldDetail[HTTPReturnFieldIsFunctionOutput] = true
if typeutil.IsVectorType(field.DataType) {
fieldDetail[HTTPReturnFieldType] = field.DataType.String()
if oldVersion {
dim, _ := getDim(field)
fieldDetail[HTTPReturnFieldType] = field.DataType.String() + "(" + strconv.FormatInt(dim, 10) + ")"
} else if field.DataType == schemapb.DataType_VarChar {
fieldDetail[HTTPReturnFieldType] = field.DataType.String()
if oldVersion {
maxLength, _ := parameterutil.GetMaxLength(field)
fieldDetail[HTTPReturnFieldType] = field.DataType.String() + "(" + strconv.FormatInt(maxLength, 10) + ")"
} else {
fieldDetail[HTTPReturnFieldType] = field.DataType.String()
if !oldVersion {
fieldDetail[HTTPReturnFieldID] = field.FieldID
if field.TypeParams != nil {
fieldDetail[Params] = field.TypeParams
if field.DataType == schemapb.DataType_Array {
fieldDetail[HTTPReturnFieldElementType] = field.GetElementType().String()
return fieldDetail
func printFunctionDetails(functions []*schemapb.FunctionSchema) []gin.H {
res := make([]gin.H, 0, len(functions))
for _, function := range functions {
res = append(res, gin.H{
HTTPReturnFunctionName: function.Name,
HTTPReturnDescription: function.Description,
HTTPReturnFunctionType: function.Type,
HTTPReturnFunctionID: function.Id,
HTTPReturnFunctionInputFieldNames: function.InputFieldNames,
HTTPReturnFunctionOutputFieldNames: function.OutputFieldNames,
HTTPReturnFunctionParams: function.Params,
return res
func getMetricType(pairs []*commonpb.KeyValuePair) string {
metricType := DefaultMetricType
for _, pair := range pairs {
if pair.Key == common.MetricTypeKey {
metricType = pair.Value
return metricType
func printIndexes(indexes []*milvuspb.IndexDescription) []gin.H {
res := make([]gin.H, 0, len(indexes))
for _, index := range indexes {
res = append(res, gin.H{
HTTPIndexName: index.IndexName,
HTTPIndexField: index.FieldName,
HTTPReturnIndexMetricType: getMetricType(index.Params),
return res
// --------------------- insert param --------------------- //
func checkAndSetData(body string, collSchema *schemapb.CollectionSchema) (error, []map[string]interface{}, map[string][]bool) {
var reallyDataArray []map[string]interface{}
validDataMap := make(map[string][]bool)
dataResult := gjson.Get(body, HTTPRequestData)
dataResultArray := dataResult.Array()
if len(dataResultArray) == 0 {
return merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters, reallyDataArray, validDataMap
fieldNames := make([]string, 0, len(collSchema.Fields))
for _, field := range collSchema.Fields {
if field.IsDynamic {
fieldNames = append(fieldNames, field.Name)
for _, data := range dataResultArray {
reallyData := map[string]interface{}{}
if data.Type == gjson.JSON {
for _, field := range collSchema.Fields {
if field.IsDynamic {
fieldType := field.DataType
fieldName := field.Name
if field.Nullable || field.DefaultValue != nil {
value := gjson.Get(data.Raw, fieldName)
if value.Type == gjson.Null {
validDataMap[fieldName] = append(validDataMap[fieldName], false)
} else {
validDataMap[fieldName] = append(validDataMap[fieldName], true)
dataString := gjson.Get(data.Raw, fieldName).String()
// if has pass pk than just to try to set it
if field.IsPrimaryKey && field.AutoID && len(dataString) == 0 {
// if field is a function output field, user must not provide data for it
if field.GetIsFunctionOutput() {
if dataString != "" {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("", "not allowed to provide input data for function output field: "+fieldName), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
switch fieldType {
case schemapb.DataType_FloatVector:
if dataString == "" {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], "", "missing vector field: "+fieldName), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
var vectorArray []float32
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dataString), &vectorArray)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = vectorArray
case schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector:
if dataString == "" {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], "", "missing vector field: "+fieldName), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
vectorStr := gjson.Get(data.Raw, fieldName).Raw
var vectorArray []byte
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(vectorStr), &vectorArray)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = vectorArray
case schemapb.DataType_SparseFloatVector:
if dataString == "" {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], "", "missing vector field: "+fieldName), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
sparseVec, err := typeutil.CreateSparseFloatRowFromJSON([]byte(dataString))
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = sparseVec
case schemapb.DataType_Float16Vector:
case schemapb.DataType_BFloat16Vector:
if dataString == "" {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], "", "missing vector field: "+fieldName), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
vectorJSON := gjson.Get(data.Raw, fieldName)
// Clients may send float32 vector because they are inconvenient of processing float16 or bfloat16.
// Float32 vector is an array in JSON format, like `[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]`, `[1, 2, 3]`, etc,
// while float16 or bfloat16 vector is a string in JSON format, like `"4z1jPgAAgL8="`, `"gD+AP4A/gD8="`, etc.
if vectorJSON.IsArray() {
// `data` is a float32 vector
// same as `case schemapb.DataType_FloatVector`
var vectorArray []float32
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dataString), &vectorArray)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = vectorArray
} else if vectorJSON.Type == gjson.String {
// `data` is a float16 or bfloat16 vector
// same as `case schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector`
vectorStr := gjson.Get(data.Raw, fieldName).Raw
var vectorArray []byte
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(vectorStr), &vectorArray)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = vectorArray
} else {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, "invalid vector field: "+fieldName), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
case schemapb.DataType_Bool:
result, err := cast.ToBoolE(dataString)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = result
case schemapb.DataType_Int8:
result, err := cast.ToInt8E(dataString)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = result
case schemapb.DataType_Int16:
result, err := cast.ToInt16E(dataString)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = result
case schemapb.DataType_Int32:
result, err := cast.ToInt32E(dataString)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = result
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
result, err := json.Number(dataString).Int64()
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = result
case schemapb.DataType_Array:
switch field.ElementType {
case schemapb.DataType_Bool:
arr := make([]bool, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dataString), &arr)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)]+
" of "+schemapb.DataType_name[int32(field.ElementType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_BoolData{
BoolData: &schemapb.BoolArray{
Data: arr,
case schemapb.DataType_Int8:
arr := make([]int32, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dataString), &arr)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)]+
" of "+schemapb.DataType_name[int32(field.ElementType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_IntData{
IntData: &schemapb.IntArray{
Data: arr,
case schemapb.DataType_Int16:
arr := make([]int32, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dataString), &arr)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)]+
" of "+schemapb.DataType_name[int32(field.ElementType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_IntData{
IntData: &schemapb.IntArray{
Data: arr,
case schemapb.DataType_Int32:
arr := make([]int32, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dataString), &arr)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)]+
" of "+schemapb.DataType_name[int32(field.ElementType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_IntData{
IntData: &schemapb.IntArray{
Data: arr,
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
arr := make([]int64, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dataString), &arr)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)]+
" of "+schemapb.DataType_name[int32(field.ElementType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_LongData{
LongData: &schemapb.LongArray{
Data: arr,
case schemapb.DataType_Float:
arr := make([]float32, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dataString), &arr)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)]+
" of "+schemapb.DataType_name[int32(field.ElementType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_FloatData{
FloatData: &schemapb.FloatArray{
Data: arr,
case schemapb.DataType_Double:
arr := make([]float64, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dataString), &arr)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)]+
" of "+schemapb.DataType_name[int32(field.ElementType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_DoubleData{
DoubleData: &schemapb.DoubleArray{
Data: arr,
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
arr := make([]string, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dataString), &arr)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)]+
" of "+schemapb.DataType_name[int32(field.ElementType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_StringData{
StringData: &schemapb.StringArray{
Data: arr,
case schemapb.DataType_JSON:
reallyData[fieldName] = []byte(dataString)
case schemapb.DataType_Float:
result, err := cast.ToFloat32E(dataString)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = result
case schemapb.DataType_Double:
result, err := cast.ToFloat64E(dataString)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], dataString, err.Error()), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
reallyData[fieldName] = result
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
reallyData[fieldName] = dataString
case schemapb.DataType_String:
reallyData[fieldName] = dataString
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("", schemapb.DataType_name[int32(fieldType)], "fieldName: "+fieldName), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
// fill dynamic schema
for mapKey, mapValue := range data.Map() {
if !containsString(fieldNames, mapKey) {
if collSchema.EnableDynamicField {
if mapKey == common.MetaFieldName {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg(fmt.Sprintf("use the invalid field name(%s) when enable dynamicField", mapKey)), nil, nil
mapValueStr := mapValue.String()
switch mapValue.Type {
case gjson.True, gjson.False:
reallyData[mapKey] = cast.ToBool(mapValueStr)
case gjson.String:
reallyData[mapKey] = mapValueStr
case gjson.Number:
if strings.Contains(mapValue.Raw, ".") {
reallyData[mapKey] = cast.ToFloat64(mapValue.Raw)
} else {
reallyData[mapKey] = cast.ToInt64(mapValueStr)
case gjson.JSON:
reallyData[mapKey] = mapValue.Value()
case gjson.Null:
// skip null
log.Warn("unknown json type found", zap.Int("mapValue.Type", int(mapValue.Type)))
} else {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("has pass more field without dynamic schema, please check it"), nil, nil
reallyDataArray = append(reallyDataArray, reallyData)
} else {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(gjson.JSON, data.Type, "NULL:0, FALSE:1, NUMBER:2, STRING:3, TRUE:4, JSON:5"), reallyDataArray, validDataMap
return nil, reallyDataArray, validDataMap
func containsString(arr []string, s string) bool {
for _, str := range arr {
if str == s {
return true
return false
func getDim(field *schemapb.FieldSchema) (int64, error) {
dimensionInSchema, err := funcutil.GetAttrByKeyFromRepeatedKV(common.DimKey, field.TypeParams)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
dim, err := strconv.Atoi(dimensionInSchema)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return int64(dim), nil
func convertFloatVectorToArray(vector [][]float32, dim int64) ([]float32, error) {
floatArray := make([]float32, 0)
for _, arr := range vector {
if int64(len(arr)) != dim {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("[]float32 size %d doesn't equal to vector dimension %d of %s",
len(arr), dim, schemapb.DataType_name[int32(schemapb.DataType_FloatVector)])
for i := int64(0); i < dim; i++ {
floatArray = append(floatArray, arr[i])
return floatArray, nil
func convertBinaryVectorToArray(vector [][]byte, dim int64, dataType schemapb.DataType) ([]byte, error) {
var bytesLen int64
switch dataType {
case schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector:
bytesLen = dim / 8
case schemapb.DataType_Float16Vector:
bytesLen = dim * 2
case schemapb.DataType_BFloat16Vector:
bytesLen = dim * 2
binaryArray := make([]byte, 0, len(vector)*int(bytesLen))
for _, arr := range vector {
if int64(len(arr)) != bytesLen {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("[]byte size %d doesn't equal to vector dimension %d of %s",
len(arr), dim, schemapb.DataType_name[int32(dataType)])
for i := int64(0); i < bytesLen; i++ {
binaryArray = append(binaryArray, arr[i])
return binaryArray, nil
type fieldCandi struct {
name string
v reflect.Value
options map[string]string
func reflectValueCandi(v reflect.Value) (map[string]fieldCandi, error) {
if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
v = v.Elem()
result := make(map[string]fieldCandi)
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Map: // map[string]interface{}
iter := v.MapRange()
for iter.Next() {
key := iter.Key().String()
result[key] = fieldCandi{
name: key,
v: iter.Value(),
return result, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupport row type: %s", v.Kind().String())
func convertToIntArray(dataType schemapb.DataType, arr interface{}) []int32 {
var res []int32
switch dataType {
case schemapb.DataType_Int8:
for _, num := range arr.([]int8) {
res = append(res, int32(num))
case schemapb.DataType_Int16:
for _, num := range arr.([]int16) {
res = append(res, int32(num))
return res
func anyToColumns(rows []map[string]interface{}, validDataMap map[string][]bool, sch *schemapb.CollectionSchema, inInsert bool) ([]*schemapb.FieldData, error) {
rowsLen := len(rows)
if rowsLen == 0 {
return []*schemapb.FieldData{}, fmt.Errorf("no row need to be convert to columns")
isDynamic := sch.EnableDynamicField
nameColumns := make(map[string]interface{})
nameDims := make(map[string]int64)
fieldData := make(map[string]*schemapb.FieldData)
for _, field := range sch.Fields {
if (field.IsPrimaryKey && field.AutoID && inInsert) || field.IsDynamic {
// skip function output field
if field.GetIsFunctionOutput() {
var data interface{}
switch field.DataType {
case schemapb.DataType_Bool:
data = make([]bool, 0, rowsLen)
case schemapb.DataType_Int8:
data = make([]int8, 0, rowsLen)
case schemapb.DataType_Int16:
data = make([]int16, 0, rowsLen)
case schemapb.DataType_Int32:
data = make([]int32, 0, rowsLen)
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
data = make([]int64, 0, rowsLen)
case schemapb.DataType_Float:
data = make([]float32, 0, rowsLen)
case schemapb.DataType_Double:
data = make([]float64, 0, rowsLen)
case schemapb.DataType_String:
data = make([]string, 0, rowsLen)
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
data = make([]string, 0, rowsLen)
case schemapb.DataType_Array:
data = make([]*schemapb.ScalarField, 0, rowsLen)
case schemapb.DataType_JSON:
data = make([][]byte, 0, rowsLen)
case schemapb.DataType_FloatVector:
data = make([][]float32, 0, rowsLen)
dim, _ := getDim(field)
nameDims[field.Name] = dim
case schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector:
data = make([][]byte, 0, rowsLen)
dim, _ := getDim(field)
nameDims[field.Name] = dim
case schemapb.DataType_Float16Vector:
data = make([][]byte, 0, rowsLen)
dim, _ := getDim(field)
nameDims[field.Name] = dim
case schemapb.DataType_BFloat16Vector:
data = make([][]byte, 0, rowsLen)
dim, _ := getDim(field)
nameDims[field.Name] = dim
case schemapb.DataType_SparseFloatVector:
data = make([][]byte, 0, rowsLen)
nameDims[field.Name] = int64(0)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the type(%v) of field(%v) is not supported, use other sdk please", field.DataType, field.Name)
nameColumns[field.Name] = data
fieldData[field.Name] = &schemapb.FieldData{
Type: field.DataType,
FieldName: field.Name,
FieldId: field.FieldID,
IsDynamic: field.IsDynamic,
if len(nameDims) == 0 && len(sch.Functions) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("collection: %s has no vector field or functions", sch.Name)
dynamicCol := make([][]byte, 0, rowsLen)
for _, row := range rows {
// collection schema name need not be same, since receiver could have other names
v := reflect.ValueOf(row)
set, err := reflectValueCandi(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for idx, field := range sch.Fields {
if field.IsDynamic {
candi, ok := set[field.Name]
if field.IsPrimaryKey && field.AutoID && inInsert {
if ok {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg(fmt.Sprintf("no need to pass pk field(%s) when autoid==true in insert", field.Name))
if (field.Nullable || field.DefaultValue != nil) && !ok {
if field.GetIsFunctionOutput() {
if ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("row %d has data provided for function output field %s", idx, field.Name)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("row %d does not has field %s", idx, field.Name)
switch field.DataType {
case schemapb.DataType_Bool:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([]bool), candi.v.Interface().(bool))
case schemapb.DataType_Int8:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([]int8), candi.v.Interface().(int8))
case schemapb.DataType_Int16:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([]int16), candi.v.Interface().(int16))
case schemapb.DataType_Int32:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([]int32), candi.v.Interface().(int32))
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([]int64), candi.v.Interface().(int64))
case schemapb.DataType_Float:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([]float32), candi.v.Interface().(float32))
case schemapb.DataType_Double:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([]float64), candi.v.Interface().(float64))
case schemapb.DataType_String:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([]string), candi.v.Interface().(string))
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([]string), candi.v.Interface().(string))
case schemapb.DataType_Array:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([]*schemapb.ScalarField), candi.v.Interface().(*schemapb.ScalarField))
case schemapb.DataType_JSON:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([][]byte), candi.v.Interface().([]byte))
case schemapb.DataType_FloatVector:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([][]float32), candi.v.Interface().([]float32))
case schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([][]byte), candi.v.Interface().([]byte))
case schemapb.DataType_Float16Vector:
switch candi.v.Interface().(type) {
case []byte:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([][]byte), candi.v.Interface().([]byte))
case []float32:
vec := typeutil.Float32ArrayToFloat16Bytes(candi.v.Interface().([]float32))
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([][]byte), vec)
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type(%v) of field(%v) ", field.DataType, field.Name))
case schemapb.DataType_BFloat16Vector:
switch candi.v.Interface().(type) {
case []byte:
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([][]byte), candi.v.Interface().([]byte))
case []float32:
vec := typeutil.Float32ArrayToBFloat16Bytes(candi.v.Interface().([]float32))
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([][]byte), vec)
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type(%v) of field(%v) ", field.DataType, field.Name))
case schemapb.DataType_SparseFloatVector:
content := candi.v.Interface().([]byte)
rowSparseDim := typeutil.SparseFloatRowDim(content)
if rowSparseDim > nameDims[field.Name] {
nameDims[field.Name] = rowSparseDim
nameColumns[field.Name] = append(nameColumns[field.Name].([][]byte), content)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the type(%v) of field(%v) is not supported, use other sdk please", field.DataType, field.Name)
delete(set, field.Name)
// if is not dynamic, but pass more field, will throw err in /internal/distributed/proxy/httpserver/utils.go@checkAndSetData
if isDynamic {
m := make(map[string]interface{})
for name, candi := range set {
m[name] = candi.v.Interface()
bs, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal dynamic field %w", err)
dynamicCol = append(dynamicCol, bs)
columns := make([]*schemapb.FieldData, 0, len(nameColumns))
for name, column := range nameColumns {
colData := fieldData[name]
switch colData.Type {
case schemapb.DataType_Bool:
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Scalars{
Scalars: &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_BoolData{
BoolData: &schemapb.BoolArray{
Data: column.([]bool),
case schemapb.DataType_Int8:
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Scalars{
Scalars: &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_IntData{
IntData: &schemapb.IntArray{
Data: convertToIntArray(colData.Type, column),
case schemapb.DataType_Int16:
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Scalars{
Scalars: &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_IntData{
IntData: &schemapb.IntArray{
Data: convertToIntArray(colData.Type, column),
case schemapb.DataType_Int32:
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Scalars{
Scalars: &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_IntData{
IntData: &schemapb.IntArray{
Data: column.([]int32),
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Scalars{
Scalars: &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_LongData{
LongData: &schemapb.LongArray{
Data: column.([]int64),
case schemapb.DataType_Float:
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Scalars{
Scalars: &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_FloatData{
FloatData: &schemapb.FloatArray{
Data: column.([]float32),
case schemapb.DataType_Double:
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Scalars{
Scalars: &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_DoubleData{
DoubleData: &schemapb.DoubleArray{
Data: column.([]float64),
case schemapb.DataType_String:
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Scalars{
Scalars: &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_StringData{
StringData: &schemapb.StringArray{
Data: column.([]string),
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Scalars{
Scalars: &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_StringData{
StringData: &schemapb.StringArray{
Data: column.([]string),
case schemapb.DataType_Array:
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Scalars{
Scalars: &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_ArrayData{
ArrayData: &schemapb.ArrayArray{
Data: column.([]*schemapb.ScalarField),
case schemapb.DataType_JSON:
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Scalars{
Scalars: &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_JsonData{
JsonData: &schemapb.JSONArray{
Data: column.([][]byte),
case schemapb.DataType_FloatVector:
dim := nameDims[name]
arr, err := convertFloatVectorToArray(column.([][]float32), dim)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Vectors{
Vectors: &schemapb.VectorField{
Dim: dim,
Data: &schemapb.VectorField_FloatVector{
FloatVector: &schemapb.FloatArray{
Data: arr,
case schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector:
dim := nameDims[name]
arr, err := convertBinaryVectorToArray(column.([][]byte), dim, colData.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Vectors{
Vectors: &schemapb.VectorField{
Dim: dim,
Data: &schemapb.VectorField_BinaryVector{
BinaryVector: arr,
case schemapb.DataType_Float16Vector:
dim := nameDims[name]
arr, err := convertBinaryVectorToArray(column.([][]byte), dim, colData.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Vectors{
Vectors: &schemapb.VectorField{
Dim: dim,
Data: &schemapb.VectorField_Float16Vector{
Float16Vector: arr,
case schemapb.DataType_BFloat16Vector:
dim := nameDims[name]
arr, err := convertBinaryVectorToArray(column.([][]byte), dim, colData.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Vectors{
Vectors: &schemapb.VectorField{
Dim: dim,
Data: &schemapb.VectorField_Bfloat16Vector{
Bfloat16Vector: arr,
case schemapb.DataType_SparseFloatVector:
colData.Field = &schemapb.FieldData_Vectors{
Vectors: &schemapb.VectorField{
Dim: nameDims[name],
Data: &schemapb.VectorField_SparseFloatVector{
SparseFloatVector: &schemapb.SparseFloatArray{
Dim: nameDims[name],
Contents: column.([][]byte),
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the type(%v) of field(%v) is not supported, use other sdk please", colData.Type, name)
colData.ValidData = validDataMap[name]
columns = append(columns, colData)
if isDynamic {
columns = append(columns, &schemapb.FieldData{
Type: schemapb.DataType_JSON,
FieldName: "",
Field: &schemapb.FieldData_Scalars{
Scalars: &schemapb.ScalarField{
Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_JsonData{
JsonData: &schemapb.JSONArray{
Data: dynamicCol,
IsDynamic: true,
return columns, nil
func serializeFloatVectors(vectorStr string, dataType schemapb.DataType, dimension, bytesLen int64, fpArrayToBytesFunc func([]float32) []byte) ([][]byte, error) {
var fp32Values [][]float32
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(vectorStr), &fp32Values)
if err != nil {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(dataType)], vectorStr, err.Error())
values := make([][]byte, 0, len(fp32Values))
for _, vectorArray := range fp32Values {
if int64(len(vectorArray)) != dimension {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(dataType)], vectorStr,
fmt.Sprintf("dimension: %d, but length of []float: %d", dimension, len(vectorArray)))
vectorBytes := fpArrayToBytesFunc(vectorArray)
values = append(values, vectorBytes)
return values, nil
func serializeByteVectors(vectorStr string, dataType schemapb.DataType, dimension, bytesLen int64) ([][]byte, error) {
values := make([][]byte, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(vectorStr), &values)
if err != nil {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(dataType)], vectorStr, err.Error())
for _, vectorArray := range values {
if int64(len(vectorArray)) != bytesLen {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(dataType)], string(vectorArray),
fmt.Sprintf("dimension: %d, bytesLen: %d, but length of []byte: %d", dimension, bytesLen, len(vectorArray)))
return values, nil
// serializeFloatOrByteVectors serializes float32/float16/bfloat16 vectors.
// `[[1, 2, 3], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]] is float32 vector,
// `["4z1jPgAAgL8=", "gD+AP4A/gD8="]` is float16/bfloat16 vector.
func serializeFloatOrByteVectors(jsonResult gjson.Result, dataType schemapb.DataType, dimension int64, fpArrayToBytesFunc func([]float32) []byte) ([][]byte, error) {
firstElement := jsonResult.Get("0")
// Clients may send float32 vector because they are inconvenient of processing float16 or bfloat16.
// Float32 vector is an array in JSON format, like `[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]`, `[1, 2, 3]`, etc,
// while float16 or bfloat16 vector is a string in JSON format, like `"4z1jPgAAgL8="`, `"gD+AP4A/gD8="`, etc.
if firstElement.IsArray() {
return serializeFloatVectors(jsonResult.Raw, dataType, dimension, dimension*2, fpArrayToBytesFunc)
} else if firstElement.Type == gjson.String || !firstElement.Exists() {
// consider corner case: `[]`
return serializeByteVectors(jsonResult.Raw, dataType, dimension, dimension*2)
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(dataType)], jsonResult.Raw, "invalid type")
func serializeSparseFloatVectors(vectors []gjson.Result, dataType schemapb.DataType) ([][]byte, error) {
values := make([][]byte, 0, len(vectors))
for _, vector := range vectors {
vectorBytes := []byte(vector.String())
sparseVector, err := typeutil.CreateSparseFloatRowFromJSON(vectorBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(schemapb.DataType_name[int32(dataType)], vector.String(), err.Error())
values = append(values, sparseVector)
return values, nil
func convertQueries2Placeholder(body string, dataType schemapb.DataType, dimension int64) (*commonpb.PlaceholderValue, error) {
var valueType commonpb.PlaceholderType
var values [][]byte
var err error
switch dataType {
case schemapb.DataType_FloatVector:
valueType = commonpb.PlaceholderType_FloatVector
values, err = serializeFloatVectors(gjson.Get(body, HTTPRequestData).Raw, dataType, dimension, dimension*4, typeutil.Float32ArrayToBytes)
case schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector:
valueType = commonpb.PlaceholderType_BinaryVector
values, err = serializeByteVectors(gjson.Get(body, HTTPRequestData).Raw, dataType, dimension, dimension/8)
case schemapb.DataType_Float16Vector:
valueType = commonpb.PlaceholderType_Float16Vector
values, err = serializeFloatOrByteVectors(gjson.Get(body, HTTPRequestData), dataType, dimension, typeutil.Float32ArrayToFloat16Bytes)
case schemapb.DataType_BFloat16Vector:
valueType = commonpb.PlaceholderType_BFloat16Vector
values, err = serializeFloatOrByteVectors(gjson.Get(body, HTTPRequestData), dataType, dimension, typeutil.Float32ArrayToBFloat16Bytes)
case schemapb.DataType_SparseFloatVector:
valueType = commonpb.PlaceholderType_SparseFloatVector
values, err = serializeSparseFloatVectors(gjson.Get(body, HTTPRequestData).Array(), dataType)
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
valueType = commonpb.PlaceholderType_VarChar
res := gjson.Get(body, HTTPRequestData).Array()
values = make([][]byte, 0, len(res))
for _, v := range res {
values = append(values, []byte(v.String()))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &commonpb.PlaceholderValue{
Tag: "$0",
Type: valueType,
Values: values,
}, nil
// todo: support [][]byte for BinaryVector
func vectors2PlaceholderGroupBytes(vectors [][]float32) []byte {
var placeHolderType commonpb.PlaceholderType
ph := &commonpb.PlaceholderValue{
Tag: "$0",
Values: make([][]byte, 0, len(vectors)),
if len(vectors) != 0 {
placeHolderType = commonpb.PlaceholderType_FloatVector
ph.Type = placeHolderType
for _, vector := range vectors {
ph.Values = append(ph.Values, typeutil.Float32ArrayToBytes(vector))
phg := &commonpb.PlaceholderGroup{
Placeholders: []*commonpb.PlaceholderValue{
bs, _ := proto.Marshal(phg)
return bs
// --------------------- get/query/search response --------------------- //
func genDynamicFields(fields []string, list []*schemapb.FieldData) []string {
nonDynamicFieldNames := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, field := range list {
if !field.IsDynamic {
nonDynamicFieldNames[field.FieldName] = struct{}{}
dynamicFields := []string{}
for _, fieldName := range fields {
if _, exist := nonDynamicFieldNames[fieldName]; !exist {
dynamicFields = append(dynamicFields, fieldName)
return dynamicFields
func buildQueryResp(rowsNum int64, needFields []string, fieldDataList []*schemapb.FieldData, ids *schemapb.IDs, scores []float32, enableInt64 bool) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) {
columnNum := len(fieldDataList)
if rowsNum == int64(0) { // always
if columnNum > 0 {
switch fieldDataList[0].Type {
case schemapb.DataType_Bool:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetScalars().GetBoolData().Data))
case schemapb.DataType_Int8:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetScalars().GetIntData().Data))
case schemapb.DataType_Int16:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetScalars().GetIntData().Data))
case schemapb.DataType_Int32:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetScalars().GetIntData().Data))
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetScalars().GetLongData().Data))
case schemapb.DataType_Float:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetScalars().GetFloatData().Data))
case schemapb.DataType_Double:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetScalars().GetDoubleData().Data))
case schemapb.DataType_String:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetScalars().GetStringData().Data))
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetScalars().GetStringData().Data))
case schemapb.DataType_Array:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetScalars().GetArrayData().Data))
case schemapb.DataType_JSON:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetScalars().GetJsonData().Data))
case schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetVectors().GetBinaryVector())*8) / fieldDataList[0].GetVectors().GetDim()
case schemapb.DataType_FloatVector:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetVectors().GetFloatVector().Data)) / fieldDataList[0].GetVectors().GetDim()
case schemapb.DataType_Float16Vector:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetVectors().GetFloat16Vector())/2) / fieldDataList[0].GetVectors().GetDim()
case schemapb.DataType_BFloat16Vector:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetVectors().GetBfloat16Vector())/2) / fieldDataList[0].GetVectors().GetDim()
case schemapb.DataType_SparseFloatVector:
rowsNum = int64(len(fieldDataList[0].GetVectors().GetSparseFloatVector().Contents))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the type(%v) of field(%v) is not supported, use other sdk please", fieldDataList[0].Type, fieldDataList[0].FieldName)
} else if ids != nil {
switch ids.IdField.(type) {
case *schemapb.IDs_IntId:
int64Pks := ids.GetIntId().GetData()
rowsNum = int64(len(int64Pks))
case *schemapb.IDs_StrId:
stringPks := ids.GetStrId().GetData()
rowsNum = int64(len(stringPks))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the type of primary key(id) is not supported, use other sdk please")
if rowsNum == int64(0) {
return []map[string]interface{}{}, nil
queryResp := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, rowsNum)
dynamicOutputFields := genDynamicFields(needFields, fieldDataList)
for i := int64(0); i < rowsNum; i++ {
row := map[string]interface{}{}
if columnNum > 0 {
for j := 0; j < columnNum; j++ {
switch fieldDataList[j].Type {
case schemapb.DataType_Bool:
if len(fieldDataList[j].ValidData) != 0 && !fieldDataList[j].ValidData[i] {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = nil
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().GetBoolData().Data[i]
case schemapb.DataType_Int8:
if len(fieldDataList[j].ValidData) != 0 && !fieldDataList[j].ValidData[i] {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = nil
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = int8(fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().GetIntData().Data[i])
case schemapb.DataType_Int16:
if len(fieldDataList[j].ValidData) != 0 && !fieldDataList[j].ValidData[i] {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = nil
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = int16(fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().GetIntData().Data[i])
case schemapb.DataType_Int32:
if len(fieldDataList[j].ValidData) != 0 && !fieldDataList[j].ValidData[i] {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = nil
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().GetIntData().Data[i]
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
if len(fieldDataList[j].ValidData) != 0 && !fieldDataList[j].ValidData[i] {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = nil
if enableInt64 {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().GetLongData().Data[i]
} else {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = strconv.FormatInt(fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().GetLongData().Data[i], 10)
case schemapb.DataType_Float:
if len(fieldDataList[j].ValidData) != 0 && !fieldDataList[j].ValidData[i] {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = nil
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().GetFloatData().Data[i]
case schemapb.DataType_Double:
if len(fieldDataList[j].ValidData) != 0 && !fieldDataList[j].ValidData[i] {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = nil
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().GetDoubleData().Data[i]
case schemapb.DataType_String:
if len(fieldDataList[j].ValidData) != 0 && !fieldDataList[j].ValidData[i] {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = nil
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().GetStringData().Data[i]
case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
if len(fieldDataList[j].ValidData) != 0 && !fieldDataList[j].ValidData[i] {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = nil
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().GetStringData().Data[i]
case schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector:
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetBinaryVector()[i*(fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetDim()/8) : (i+1)*(fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetDim()/8)]
case schemapb.DataType_FloatVector:
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetFloatVector().Data[i*fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetDim() : (i+1)*fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetDim()]
case schemapb.DataType_Float16Vector:
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetFloat16Vector()[i*(fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetDim()*2) : (i+1)*(fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetDim()*2)]
case schemapb.DataType_BFloat16Vector:
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetBfloat16Vector()[i*(fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetDim()*2) : (i+1)*(fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetDim()*2)]
case schemapb.DataType_SparseFloatVector:
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = typeutil.SparseFloatBytesToMap(fieldDataList[j].GetVectors().GetSparseFloatVector().Contents[i])
case schemapb.DataType_Array:
if len(fieldDataList[j].ValidData) != 0 && !fieldDataList[j].ValidData[i] {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = nil
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().GetArrayData().Data[i]
case schemapb.DataType_JSON:
if len(fieldDataList[j].ValidData) != 0 && !fieldDataList[j].ValidData[i] {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = nil
data, ok := fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().Data.(*schemapb.ScalarField_JsonData)
if ok && !fieldDataList[j].IsDynamic {
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = string(data.JsonData.Data[i])
} else {
var dataMap map[string]interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal(fieldDataList[j].GetScalars().GetJsonData().Data[i], &dataMap)
if err != nil {
log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("[BuildQueryResp] Unmarshal error %s", err.Error()))
return nil, err
if containsString(dynamicOutputFields, fieldDataList[j].FieldName) {
for key, value := range dataMap {
row[key] = value
} else {
for _, dynamicField := range dynamicOutputFields {
if _, ok := dataMap[dynamicField]; ok {
row[dynamicField] = dataMap[dynamicField]
row[fieldDataList[j].FieldName] = ""
if ids != nil {
switch ids.IdField.(type) {
case *schemapb.IDs_IntId:
int64Pks := ids.GetIntId().GetData()
if enableInt64 {
row[DefaultPrimaryFieldName] = int64Pks[i]
} else {
row[DefaultPrimaryFieldName] = strconv.FormatInt(int64Pks[i], 10)
case *schemapb.IDs_StrId:
stringPks := ids.GetStrId().GetData()
row[DefaultPrimaryFieldName] = stringPks[i]
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the type of primary key(id) is not supported, use other sdk please")
if scores != nil && int64(len(scores)) > i {
row[HTTPReturnDistance] = scores[i] // only 8 decimal places
queryResp = append(queryResp, row)
return queryResp, nil
func formatInt64(intArray []int64) []string {
stringArray := make([]string, 0, len(intArray))
for _, i := range intArray {
stringArray = append(stringArray, strconv.FormatInt(i, 10))
return stringArray
func CheckLimiter(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, pxy types.ProxyComponent) (any, error) {
if !paramtable.Get().QuotaConfig.QuotaAndLimitsEnabled.GetAsBool() {
return nil, nil
// apply limiter for http/http2 server
limiter, err := pxy.GetRateLimiter()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Get proxy rate limiter for httpV1/V2 server failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
request, ok := req.(proto.Message)
if !ok {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("wrong req format when check limiter")
dbID, collectionIDToPartIDs, rt, n, err := proxy.GetRequestInfo(ctx, request)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = limiter.Check(dbID, collectionIDToPartIDs, rt, n)
nodeID := strconv.FormatInt(paramtable.GetNodeID(), 10)
metrics.ProxyRateLimitReqCount.WithLabelValues(nodeID, rt.String(), metrics.TotalLabel).Inc()
if err != nil {
metrics.ProxyRateLimitReqCount.WithLabelValues(nodeID, rt.String(), metrics.FailLabel).Inc()
return proxy.GetFailedResponse(req, err), err
metrics.ProxyRateLimitReqCount.WithLabelValues(nodeID, rt.String(), metrics.SuccessLabel).Inc()
return nil, nil
func convertConsistencyLevel(reqConsistencyLevel string) (commonpb.ConsistencyLevel, bool, error) {
if reqConsistencyLevel != "" {
level, ok := commonpb.ConsistencyLevel_value[reqConsistencyLevel]
if !ok {
return 0, false, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg(fmt.Sprintf("parameter:'%s' is incorrect, please check it", reqConsistencyLevel))
return commonpb.ConsistencyLevel(level), false, nil
// ConsistencyLevel_Bounded default in PyMilvus
return commonpb.ConsistencyLevel_Bounded, true, nil
func convertDefaultValue(value interface{}, dataType schemapb.DataType) (*schemapb.ValueField, error) {
if value == nil {
return nil, nil
switch dataType {
case schemapb.DataType_Bool:
v, ok := value.(bool)
if !ok {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("bool", value, "Wrong defaultValue type")
data := &schemapb.ValueField{
Data: &schemapb.ValueField_BoolData{
BoolData: v,
return data, nil
case schemapb.DataType_Int8, schemapb.DataType_Int16, schemapb.DataType_Int32:
// all passed number is float64 type
v, ok := value.(float64)
if !ok {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("number", value, "Wrong defaultValue type")
data := &schemapb.ValueField{
Data: &schemapb.ValueField_IntData{
IntData: int32(v),
return data, nil
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
v, ok := value.(float64)
if !ok {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("number", value, "Wrong defaultValue type")
data := &schemapb.ValueField{
Data: &schemapb.ValueField_LongData{
LongData: int64(v),
return data, nil
case schemapb.DataType_Float:
v, ok := value.(float64)
if !ok {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("number", value, "Wrong defaultValue type")
data := &schemapb.ValueField{
Data: &schemapb.ValueField_FloatData{
FloatData: float32(v),
return data, nil
case schemapb.DataType_Double:
v, ok := value.(float64)
if !ok {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("number", value, "Wrong defaultValue type")
data := &schemapb.ValueField{
Data: &schemapb.ValueField_DoubleData{
DoubleData: v,
return data, nil
case schemapb.DataType_String, schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
v, ok := value.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("string", value, "Wrong defaultValue type")
data := &schemapb.ValueField{
Data: &schemapb.ValueField_StringData{
StringData: v,
return data, nil
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected default value type: %s", dataType.String()))
func convertToExtraParams(indexParam IndexParam) ([]*commonpb.KeyValuePair, error) {
var params []*commonpb.KeyValuePair
if indexParam.IndexType != "" {
params = append(params, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: common.IndexTypeKey, Value: indexParam.IndexType})
if indexParam.IndexType == "" {
for key, value := range indexParam.Params {
if key == common.IndexTypeKey {
params = append(params, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: common.IndexTypeKey, Value: fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)})
if indexParam.MetricType != "" {
params = append(params, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: common.MetricTypeKey, Value: indexParam.MetricType})
if len(indexParam.Params) != 0 {
v, err := json.Marshal(indexParam.Params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
params = append(params, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: common.IndexParamsKey, Value: string(v)})
return params, nil
func getElementTypeParams(param interface{}) (string, error) {
if str, ok := param.(string); ok {
return str, nil
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(param)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(jsonBytes), nil
func MetricsHandlerFunc(c *gin.Context) {
path := c.Request.URL.Path
strconv.FormatInt(paramtable.GetNodeID(), 10), path,
if c.Request.ContentLength >= 0 {
strconv.FormatInt(paramtable.GetNodeID(), 10), path,
start := time.Now()
// Process request
latency := time.Since(start)
strconv.FormatInt(paramtable.GetNodeID(), 10), path,
// see https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/issues/35767, counter cannot add negative value
// when response is not written(say timeout/network broken), panicking may happen if not check
if size := c.Writer.Size(); size > 0 {
strconv.FormatInt(paramtable.GetNodeID(), 10), path,
func LoggerHandlerFunc() gin.HandlerFunc {
return gin.LoggerWithConfig(gin.LoggerConfig{
SkipPaths: proxy.Params.ProxyCfg.GinLogSkipPaths.GetAsStrings(),
Formatter: func(param gin.LogFormatterParams) string {
if param.Latency > time.Minute {
param.Latency = param.Latency.Truncate(time.Second)
traceID, ok := param.Keys["traceID"]
if !ok {
traceID = ""
return fmt.Sprintf("[%v] [GIN] [%s] [traceID=%s] [code=%3d] [latency=%v] [client=%s] [method=%s] [error=%s]\n",
param.TimeStamp.Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05.000 Z07:00"),
func RequestHandlerFunc(c *gin.Context) {
_, err := strconv.ParseBool(c.Request.Header.Get(mhttp.HTTPHeaderAllowInt64))
if err != nil {
if paramtable.Get().HTTPCfg.AcceptTypeAllowInt64.GetAsBool() {
c.Request.Header.Set(mhttp.HTTPHeaderAllowInt64, "true")
} else {
c.Request.Header.Set(mhttp.HTTPHeaderAllowInt64, "false")
c.Writer.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
c.Writer.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
c.Writer.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept-Encoding, X-CSRF-Token, Authorization, accept, origin, Cache-Control, X-Requested-With")
c.Writer.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH")
if c.Request.Method == "OPTIONS" {
func generateTemplateArrayData(list []interface{}) *schemapb.TemplateArrayValue {
dtype := getTemplateArrayType(list)
var data *schemapb.TemplateArrayValue
switch dtype {
case schemapb.DataType_Bool:
result := make([]bool, len(list))
for i, item := range list {
result[i] = item.(bool)
data = &schemapb.TemplateArrayValue{
Data: &schemapb.TemplateArrayValue_BoolData{
BoolData: &schemapb.BoolArray{
Data: result,
case schemapb.DataType_String:
result := make([]string, len(list))
for i, item := range list {
result[i] = item.(string)
data = &schemapb.TemplateArrayValue{
Data: &schemapb.TemplateArrayValue_StringData{
StringData: &schemapb.StringArray{
Data: result,
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
result := make([]int64, len(list))
for i, item := range list {
result[i] = int64(item.(float64))
data = &schemapb.TemplateArrayValue{
Data: &schemapb.TemplateArrayValue_LongData{
LongData: &schemapb.LongArray{
Data: result,
case schemapb.DataType_Float:
result := make([]float64, len(list))
for i, item := range list {
result[i] = item.(float64)
data = &schemapb.TemplateArrayValue{
Data: &schemapb.TemplateArrayValue_DoubleData{
DoubleData: &schemapb.DoubleArray{
Data: result,
case schemapb.DataType_Array:
result := make([]*schemapb.TemplateArrayValue, len(list))
for i, item := range list {
result[i] = generateTemplateArrayData(item.([]interface{}))
data = &schemapb.TemplateArrayValue{
Data: &schemapb.TemplateArrayValue_ArrayData{
ArrayData: &schemapb.TemplateArrayValueArray{
Data: result,
case schemapb.DataType_JSON:
result := make([][]byte, len(list))
for i, item := range list {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(item)
// won't happen
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("marshal data(%v) fail, please check it!", item))
result[i] = bytes
data = &schemapb.TemplateArrayValue{
Data: &schemapb.TemplateArrayValue_JsonData{
JsonData: &schemapb.JSONArray{
Data: result,
// won't happen
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected data(%v) type when generateTemplateArrayData, please check it!", list))
return data
func getTemplateArrayType(value []interface{}) schemapb.DataType {
dtype := getTemplateType(value[0])
for _, v := range value {
if getTemplateType(v) != dtype {
return schemapb.DataType_JSON
return dtype
func getTemplateType(value interface{}) schemapb.DataType {
switch v := value.(type) {
case bool:
return schemapb.DataType_Bool
case string:
return schemapb.DataType_String
case float64:
// note: all passed number is float64 type
// if field type is float64, but value in ExpressionTemplate is int64, it's ok to use TemplateValue_Int64Val to store it
// it will convert to float64 in ./internal/parser/planparserv2/utils.go, Line 233
if v == math.Trunc(v) && v >= math.MinInt64 && v <= math.MaxInt64 {
return schemapb.DataType_Int64
return schemapb.DataType_Float
// it won't happen
// case int64:
case []interface{}:
return schemapb.DataType_Array
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected data(%v) when getTemplateType, please check it!", value))
func generateExpressionTemplate(params map[string]interface{}) map[string]*schemapb.TemplateValue {
expressionTemplate := make(map[string]*schemapb.TemplateValue, len(params))
for name, value := range params {
dtype := getTemplateType(value)
var data *schemapb.TemplateValue
switch dtype {
case schemapb.DataType_Bool:
data = &schemapb.TemplateValue{
Val: &schemapb.TemplateValue_BoolVal{
BoolVal: value.(bool),
case schemapb.DataType_String:
data = &schemapb.TemplateValue{
Val: &schemapb.TemplateValue_StringVal{
StringVal: value.(string),
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
data = &schemapb.TemplateValue{
Val: &schemapb.TemplateValue_Int64Val{
Int64Val: int64(value.(float64)),
case schemapb.DataType_Float:
data = &schemapb.TemplateValue{
Val: &schemapb.TemplateValue_FloatVal{
FloatVal: value.(float64),
case schemapb.DataType_Array:
data = &schemapb.TemplateValue{
Val: &schemapb.TemplateValue_ArrayVal{
ArrayVal: generateTemplateArrayData(value.([]interface{})),
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected data(%v) when generateExpressionTemplate, please check it!", data))
expressionTemplate[name] = data
return expressionTemplate
func WrapErrorToResponse(err error) *milvuspb.BoolResponse {
return &milvuspb.BoolResponse{
Status: merr.Status(err),
// after 2.5.2, all parameters of search_params can be written into one layer
// no more parameters will be written searchParams.params
// to ensure compatibility and milvus can still get a json format parameter
// try to write all the parameters under searchParams into searchParams.Params
func generateSearchParams(reqSearchParams map[string]interface{}) ([]*commonpb.KeyValuePair, error) {
var searchParams []*commonpb.KeyValuePair
var params interface{}
if val, ok := reqSearchParams[Params]; ok {
params = val
paramsMap := make(map[string]interface{})
if params != nil {
var ok bool
if paramsMap, ok = params.(map[string]interface{}); !ok {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("searchParams.params must be a dict")
deepEqual := func(value1, value2 interface{}) bool {
// try to handle 10.0==10
switch v1 := value1.(type) {
case float64:
if v2, ok := value2.(int); ok {
return v1 == float64(v2)
case int:
if v2, ok := value2.(float64); ok {
return float64(v1) == v2
return reflect.DeepEqual(value1, value2)
for key, value := range reqSearchParams {
if val, ok := paramsMap[key]; ok {
if !deepEqual(val, value) {
return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg(fmt.Sprintf("ambiguous parameter: %s, in search_param: %v, in search_param.params: %v", key, value, val))
} else if key != Params {
paramsMap[key] = value
bs, _ := json.Marshal(paramsMap)
searchParams = append(searchParams, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: Params, Value: string(bs)})
for key, value := range reqSearchParams {
if key != Params {
// for compatibility
if key == "ignoreGrowing" {
key = common.IgnoreGrowing
searchParams = append(searchParams, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: key, Value: fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)})
// need to exposure ParamRoundDecimal in req?
searchParams = append(searchParams, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: ParamRoundDecimal, Value: "-1"})
return searchParams, nil