mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package httpserver
import (
var RestRequestInterceptorErr = errors.New("interceptor error placeholder")
func checkAuthorization(ctx context.Context, c *gin.Context, req interface{}) error {
username, ok := c.Get(ContextUsername)
if !ok || username.(string) == "" {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusUnauthorized, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrNeedAuthenticate), HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrNeedAuthenticate.Error()})
return RestRequestInterceptorErr
_, authErr := proxy.PrivilegeInterceptor(ctx, req)
if authErr != nil {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusForbidden, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(authErr), HTTPReturnMessage: authErr.Error()})
return RestRequestInterceptorErr
return nil
type RestRequestInterceptor func(ctx context.Context, ginCtx *gin.Context, req any, handler func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error)) (any, error)
// HandlersV1 handles http requests
type HandlersV1 struct {
proxy types.ProxyComponent
interceptors []RestRequestInterceptor
// NewHandlers creates a new HandlersV1
func NewHandlersV1(proxyComponent types.ProxyComponent) *HandlersV1 {
h := &HandlersV1{
proxy: proxyComponent,
interceptors: []RestRequestInterceptor{},
if proxy.Params.CommonCfg.AuthorizationEnabled.GetAsBool() {
h.interceptors = append(h.interceptors,
// authorization
func(ctx context.Context, ginCtx *gin.Context, req any, handler func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error)) (any, error) {
err := checkAuthorization(ctx, ginCtx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return handler(ctx, req)
h.interceptors = append(h.interceptors,
// check database
func(ctx context.Context, ginCtx *gin.Context, req any, handler func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error)) (any, error) {
value, ok := requestutil.GetDbNameFromRequest(req)
if !ok {
return handler(ctx, req)
err := h.checkDatabase(ctx, ginCtx, value.(string))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return handler(ctx, req)
h.interceptors = append(h.interceptors,
// trace request
func(ctx context.Context, ginCtx *gin.Context, req any, handler func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error)) (any, error) {
return proxy.TraceLogInterceptor(ctx, req, &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
FullMethod: ginCtx.Request.URL.Path,
}, handler)
return h
func (h *HandlersV1) checkDatabase(ctx context.Context, c *gin.Context, dbName string) error {
if dbName == DefaultDbName {
return nil
if proxy.CheckDatabase(ctx, dbName) {
return nil
response, err := h.proxy.ListDatabases(ctx, &milvuspb.ListDatabasesRequest{})
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(response.GetStatus())
if err != nil {
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
return RestRequestInterceptorErr
for _, db := range response.DbNames {
if db == dbName {
return nil
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrDatabaseNotFound),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrDatabaseNotFound.Error() + ", database: " + dbName,
return RestRequestInterceptorErr
func (h *HandlersV1) describeCollection(ctx context.Context, c *gin.Context, dbName string, collectionName string) (*schemapb.CollectionSchema, error) {
collSchema, err := proxy.GetCachedCollectionSchema(ctx, dbName, collectionName)
if err == nil {
return collSchema.CollectionSchema, nil
req := milvuspb.DescribeCollectionRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
response, err := h.proxy.DescribeCollection(ctx, &req)
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(response.GetStatus())
if err != nil {
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
return nil, err
primaryField, ok := getPrimaryField(response.Schema)
if ok && primaryField.AutoID && !primaryField.AutoID {
log.Warn("primary filed autoID VS schema autoID", zap.String("collectionName", collectionName), zap.Bool("primary Field", primaryField.AutoID), zap.Bool("schema", primaryField.AutoID))
response.Schema.AutoID = EnableAutoID
return response.Schema, nil
func (h *HandlersV1) hasCollection(ctx context.Context, c *gin.Context, dbName string, collectionName string) (bool, error) {
req := milvuspb.HasCollectionRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
response, err := h.proxy.HasCollection(ctx, &req)
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(response.GetStatus())
if err != nil {
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
return false, err
return response.Value, nil
func (h *HandlersV1) RegisterRoutesToV1(router gin.IRouter) {
router.GET(VectorCollectionsPath, h.listCollections)
router.POST(VectorCollectionsCreatePath, h.createCollection)
router.GET(VectorCollectionsDescribePath, h.getCollectionDetails)
router.POST(VectorCollectionsDropPath, h.dropCollection)
router.POST(VectorQueryPath, h.query)
router.POST(VectorGetPath, h.get)
router.POST(VectorDeletePath, h.delete)
router.POST(VectorInsertPath, h.insert)
router.POST(VectorUpsertPath, h.upsert)
router.POST(VectorSearchPath, h.search)
func (h *HandlersV1) executeRestRequestInterceptor(ctx context.Context,
ginCtx *gin.Context,
req any, handler func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error),
) (any, error) {
f := handler
for i := len(h.interceptors) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
f = func(j int, handlerFunc func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error)) func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error) {
return func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error) {
return h.interceptors[j](reqCtx, ginCtx, req, handlerFunc)
}(i, f)
return f(ctx, req)
func (h *HandlersV1) listCollections(c *gin.Context) {
dbName := c.DefaultQuery(HTTPDbName, DefaultDbName)
req := &milvuspb.ShowCollectionsRequest{
DbName: dbName,
c.Set(ContextRequest, req)
username, _ := c.Get(ContextUsername)
ctx := proxy.NewContextWithMetadata(c, username.(string), req.DbName)
resp, err := h.executeRestRequestInterceptor(ctx, c, req, func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error) {
return h.proxy.ShowCollections(reqCtx, req.(*milvuspb.ShowCollectionsRequest))
if err == RestRequestInterceptorErr {
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(resp.(*milvuspb.ShowCollectionsResponse).GetStatus())
if err != nil {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
response := resp.(*milvuspb.ShowCollectionsResponse)
var collections []string
if response.CollectionNames != nil {
collections = response.CollectionNames
} else {
collections = []string{}
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: collections})
func (h *HandlersV1) createCollection(c *gin.Context) {
httpReq := CreateCollectionReq{
DbName: DefaultDbName,
MetricType: metric.L2,
PrimaryField: DefaultPrimaryFieldName,
VectorField: DefaultVectorFieldName,
EnableDynamicField: EnableDynamic,
if err := c.ShouldBindWith(&httpReq, binding.JSON); err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, the parameter of create collection is incorrect", zap.Any("request", httpReq), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
if httpReq.CollectionName == "" || httpReq.Dimension == 0 {
log.Warn("high level restful api, create collection require parameters: [collectionName, dimension], but miss", zap.Any("request", httpReq))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters.Error() + ", required parameters: [collectionName, dimension]",
req := &milvuspb.CreateCollectionRequest{
DbName: httpReq.DbName,
CollectionName: httpReq.CollectionName,
ShardsNum: ShardNumDefault,
ConsistencyLevel: commonpb.ConsistencyLevel_Bounded,
c.Set(ContextRequest, req)
schema, err := proto.Marshal(&schemapb.CollectionSchema{
Name: httpReq.CollectionName,
Description: httpReq.Description,
AutoID: EnableAutoID,
Fields: []*schemapb.FieldSchema{
FieldID: common.StartOfUserFieldID,
Name: httpReq.PrimaryField,
IsPrimaryKey: true,
DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64,
AutoID: EnableAutoID,
}, {
FieldID: common.StartOfUserFieldID + 1,
Name: httpReq.VectorField,
IsPrimaryKey: false,
DataType: schemapb.DataType_FloatVector,
TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: Dim,
Value: strconv.FormatInt(int64(httpReq.Dimension), 10),
AutoID: DisableAutoID,
EnableDynamicField: httpReq.EnableDynamicField,
if err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, marshal collection schema fail", zap.Any("request", httpReq), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrMarshalCollectionSchema),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrMarshalCollectionSchema.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
req.Schema = schema
username, _ := c.Get(ContextUsername)
ctx := proxy.NewContextWithMetadata(c, username.(string), req.DbName)
response, err := h.executeRestRequestInterceptor(ctx, c, req, func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error) {
return h.proxy.CreateCollection(reqCtx, req.(*milvuspb.CreateCollectionRequest))
if err == RestRequestInterceptorErr {
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(response.(*commonpb.Status))
if err != nil {
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
statusResponse, err := h.proxy.CreateIndex(ctx, &milvuspb.CreateIndexRequest{
DbName: httpReq.DbName,
CollectionName: httpReq.CollectionName,
FieldName: httpReq.VectorField,
IndexName: DefaultIndexName,
ExtraParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: common.MetricTypeKey, Value: httpReq.MetricType}},
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(statusResponse)
if err != nil {
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
statusResponse, err = h.proxy.LoadCollection(ctx, &milvuspb.LoadCollectionRequest{
DbName: httpReq.DbName,
CollectionName: httpReq.CollectionName,
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(statusResponse)
if err != nil {
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: gin.H{}})
func (h *HandlersV1) getCollectionDetails(c *gin.Context) {
collectionName := c.Query(HTTPCollectionName)
if collectionName == "" {
log.Warn("high level restful api, desc collection require parameter: [collectionName], but miss")
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters.Error() + ", required parameters: [collectionName]",
dbName := c.DefaultQuery(HTTPDbName, DefaultDbName)
username, _ := c.Get(ContextUsername)
ctx := proxy.NewContextWithMetadata(c, username.(string), dbName)
req := &milvuspb.DescribeCollectionRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
c.Set(ContextRequest, req)
response, err := h.executeRestRequestInterceptor(ctx, c, req, func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error) {
return h.proxy.DescribeCollection(reqCtx, req.(*milvuspb.DescribeCollectionRequest))
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(response.(*milvuspb.DescribeCollectionResponse).GetStatus())
if err != nil {
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
coll := response.(*milvuspb.DescribeCollectionResponse)
primaryField, ok := getPrimaryField(coll.Schema)
if ok && primaryField.AutoID && !primaryField.AutoID {
log.Warn("primary filed autoID VS schema autoID", zap.String("collectionName", collectionName), zap.Bool("primary Field", primaryField.AutoID), zap.Bool("schema", primaryField.AutoID))
coll.Schema.AutoID = EnableAutoID
stateResp, err := h.proxy.GetLoadState(ctx, &milvuspb.GetLoadStateRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
collLoadState := ""
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(stateResp.GetStatus())
if err != nil {
log.Warn("get collection load state fail",
zap.String("collection", collectionName),
} else {
collLoadState = stateResp.State.String()
vectorField := ""
for _, field := range coll.Schema.Fields {
if typeutil.IsVectorType(field.DataType) {
vectorField = field.Name
indexResp, err := h.proxy.DescribeIndex(ctx, &milvuspb.DescribeIndexRequest{
DbName: dbName,
CollectionName: collectionName,
FieldName: vectorField,
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(indexResp.GetStatus())
var indexDesc []gin.H
if err != nil {
indexDesc = []gin.H{}
log.Warn("get indexes description fail",
zap.String("collection", collectionName),
zap.String("vectorField", vectorField),
} else {
indexDesc = printIndexes(indexResp.IndexDescriptions)
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: gin.H{
HTTPCollectionName: coll.CollectionName,
HTTPReturnDescription: coll.Schema.Description,
"fields": printFields(coll.Schema.Fields),
"indexes": indexDesc,
"load": collLoadState,
"shardsNum": coll.ShardsNum,
"enableDynamicField": coll.Schema.EnableDynamicField,
func (h *HandlersV1) dropCollection(c *gin.Context) {
httpReq := DropCollectionReq{
DbName: DefaultDbName,
if err := c.ShouldBindWith(&httpReq, binding.JSON); err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, the parameter of drop collection is incorrect", zap.Any("request", httpReq), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
if httpReq.CollectionName == "" {
log.Warn("high level restful api, drop collection require parameter: [collectionName], but miss")
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters.Error() + ", required parameters: [collectionName]",
req := &milvuspb.DropCollectionRequest{
DbName: httpReq.DbName,
CollectionName: httpReq.CollectionName,
c.Set(ContextRequest, req)
username, _ := c.Get(ContextUsername)
ctx := proxy.NewContextWithMetadata(c, username.(string), req.DbName)
response, err := h.executeRestRequestInterceptor(ctx, c, req, func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error) {
has, err := h.hasCollection(ctx, c, httpReq.DbName, httpReq.CollectionName)
if err != nil {
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
if !has {
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrCollectionNotFound),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrCollectionNotFound.Error() + ", database: " + httpReq.DbName + ", collection: " + httpReq.CollectionName,
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
return h.proxy.DropCollection(reqCtx, req.(*milvuspb.DropCollectionRequest))
if err == RestRequestInterceptorErr {
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(response.(*commonpb.Status))
if err != nil {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
} else {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: gin.H{}})
func (h *HandlersV1) query(c *gin.Context) {
httpReq := QueryReq{
DbName: DefaultDbName,
Limit: 100,
OutputFields: []string{DefaultOutputFields},
if err := c.ShouldBindWith(&httpReq, binding.JSON); err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, the parameter of query is incorrect", zap.Any("request", httpReq), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
if httpReq.CollectionName == "" || httpReq.Filter == "" {
log.Warn("high level restful api, query require parameter: [collectionName, filter], but miss")
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters.Error() + ", required parameters: [collectionName, filter]",
req := &milvuspb.QueryRequest{
DbName: httpReq.DbName,
CollectionName: httpReq.CollectionName,
Expr: httpReq.Filter,
OutputFields: httpReq.OutputFields,
GuaranteeTimestamp: BoundedTimestamp,
QueryParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{},
c.Set(ContextRequest, req)
if httpReq.Offset > 0 {
req.QueryParams = append(req.QueryParams, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: ParamOffset, Value: strconv.FormatInt(int64(httpReq.Offset), 10)})
if httpReq.Limit > 0 {
req.QueryParams = append(req.QueryParams, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: ParamLimit, Value: strconv.FormatInt(int64(httpReq.Limit), 10)})
username, _ := c.Get(ContextUsername)
ctx := proxy.NewContextWithMetadata(c, username.(string), req.DbName)
response, err := h.executeRestRequestInterceptor(ctx, c, req, func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error) {
if _, err := CheckLimiter(ctx, req, h.proxy); err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err),
HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
return nil, err
return h.proxy.Query(reqCtx, req.(*milvuspb.QueryRequest))
if err == RestRequestInterceptorErr {
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(response.(*milvuspb.QueryResults).GetStatus())
if err != nil {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
} else {
queryResp := response.(*milvuspb.QueryResults)
allowJS, _ := strconv.ParseBool(c.Request.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderAllowInt64))
outputData, err := buildQueryResp(int64(0), queryResp.OutputFields, queryResp.FieldsData, nil, nil, allowJS)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, fail to deal with query result", zap.Any("response", response), zap.Error(err))
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrInvalidSearchResult),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrInvalidSearchResult.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
} else {
HTTPReturnStream(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: outputData})
func (h *HandlersV1) get(c *gin.Context) {
httpReq := GetReq{
DbName: DefaultDbName,
OutputFields: []string{DefaultOutputFields},
if err := c.ShouldBindBodyWith(&httpReq, binding.JSON); err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, the parameter of get is incorrect", zap.Any("request", httpReq), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
if httpReq.CollectionName == "" || httpReq.ID == nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, get require parameter: [collectionName, id], but miss")
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters.Error() + ", required parameters: [collectionName, id]",
req := &milvuspb.QueryRequest{
DbName: httpReq.DbName,
CollectionName: httpReq.CollectionName,
OutputFields: httpReq.OutputFields,
GuaranteeTimestamp: BoundedTimestamp,
c.Set(ContextRequest, req)
username, _ := c.Get(ContextUsername)
ctx := proxy.NewContextWithMetadata(c, username.(string), req.DbName)
response, err := h.executeRestRequestInterceptor(ctx, c, req, func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error) {
collSchema, err := h.describeCollection(ctx, c, httpReq.DbName, httpReq.CollectionName)
if err != nil || collSchema == nil {
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
body, _ := c.Get(gin.BodyBytesKey)
filter, err := checkGetPrimaryKey(collSchema, gjson.Get(string(body.([]byte)), DefaultPrimaryFieldName))
if err != nil {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrCheckPrimaryKey),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrCheckPrimaryKey.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
queryReq := req.(*milvuspb.QueryRequest)
if _, err := CheckLimiter(ctx, req, h.proxy); err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err),
HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
return nil, err
queryReq.Expr = filter
return h.proxy.Query(reqCtx, queryReq)
if err == RestRequestInterceptorErr {
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(response.(*milvuspb.QueryResults).GetStatus())
if err != nil {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
} else {
queryResp := response.(*milvuspb.QueryResults)
allowJS, _ := strconv.ParseBool(c.Request.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderAllowInt64))
outputData, err := buildQueryResp(int64(0), queryResp.OutputFields, queryResp.FieldsData, nil, nil, allowJS)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, fail to deal with get result", zap.Any("response", response), zap.Error(err))
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrInvalidSearchResult),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrInvalidSearchResult.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
} else {
HTTPReturnStream(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: outputData})
func (h *HandlersV1) delete(c *gin.Context) {
httpReq := DeleteReq{
DbName: DefaultDbName,
if err := c.ShouldBindBodyWith(&httpReq, binding.JSON); err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, the parameter of delete is incorrect", zap.Any("request", httpReq), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
if httpReq.CollectionName == "" || (httpReq.ID == nil && httpReq.Filter == "") {
log.Warn("high level restful api, delete require parameter: [collectionName, id/filter], but miss")
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters.Error() + ", required parameters: [collectionName, id/filter]",
req := &milvuspb.DeleteRequest{
DbName: httpReq.DbName,
CollectionName: httpReq.CollectionName,
c.Set(ContextRequest, req)
username, _ := c.Get(ContextUsername)
ctx := proxy.NewContextWithMetadata(c, username.(string), req.DbName)
response, err := h.executeRestRequestInterceptor(ctx, c, req, func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error) {
collSchema, err := h.describeCollection(ctx, c, httpReq.DbName, httpReq.CollectionName)
if err != nil || collSchema == nil {
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
deleteReq := req.(*milvuspb.DeleteRequest)
deleteReq.Expr = httpReq.Filter
if deleteReq.Expr == "" {
body, _ := c.Get(gin.BodyBytesKey)
filter, err := checkGetPrimaryKey(collSchema, gjson.Get(string(body.([]byte)), DefaultPrimaryFieldName))
if err != nil {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrCheckPrimaryKey),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrCheckPrimaryKey.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
deleteReq.Expr = filter
if _, err := CheckLimiter(ctx, req, h.proxy); err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err),
HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
return nil, err
return h.proxy.Delete(ctx, deleteReq)
if err == RestRequestInterceptorErr {
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(response.(*milvuspb.MutationResult).GetStatus())
if err != nil {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
} else {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: gin.H{}})
func (h *HandlersV1) insert(c *gin.Context) {
httpReq := InsertReq{
DbName: DefaultDbName,
if err := c.ShouldBindBodyWith(&httpReq, binding.JSON); err != nil {
singleInsertReq := SingleInsertReq{
DbName: DefaultDbName,
if err = c.ShouldBindBodyWith(&singleInsertReq, binding.JSON); err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, the parameter of insert is incorrect", zap.Any("request", httpReq), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
httpReq.DbName = singleInsertReq.DbName
httpReq.CollectionName = singleInsertReq.CollectionName
httpReq.Data = []map[string]interface{}{singleInsertReq.Data}
if httpReq.CollectionName == "" || httpReq.Data == nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, insert require parameter: [collectionName, data], but miss")
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters.Error() + ", required parameters: [collectionName, data]",
req := &milvuspb.InsertRequest{
DbName: httpReq.DbName,
CollectionName: httpReq.CollectionName,
NumRows: uint32(len(httpReq.Data)),
c.Set(ContextRequest, req)
username, _ := c.Get(ContextUsername)
ctx := proxy.NewContextWithMetadata(c, username.(string), req.DbName)
response, err := h.executeRestRequestInterceptor(ctx, c, req, func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error) {
collSchema, err := h.describeCollection(ctx, c, httpReq.DbName, httpReq.CollectionName)
if err != nil || collSchema == nil {
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
body, _ := c.Get(gin.BodyBytesKey)
err, httpReq.Data, _ = checkAndSetData(string(body.([]byte)), collSchema)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, fail to deal with insert data", zap.Any("body", body), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrInvalidInsertData),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrInvalidInsertData.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
insertReq := req.(*milvuspb.InsertRequest)
insertReq.FieldsData, err = anyToColumns(httpReq.Data, nil, collSchema, true)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, fail to deal with insert data", zap.Any("data", httpReq.Data), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrInvalidInsertData),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrInvalidInsertData.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
if _, err := CheckLimiter(ctx, req, h.proxy); err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err),
HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
return nil, err
return h.proxy.Insert(ctx, insertReq)
if err == RestRequestInterceptorErr {
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(response.(*milvuspb.MutationResult).GetStatus())
if err != nil {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
} else {
insertResp := response.(*milvuspb.MutationResult)
switch insertResp.IDs.GetIdField().(type) {
case *schemapb.IDs_IntId:
allowJS, _ := strconv.ParseBool(c.Request.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderAllowInt64))
if allowJS {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: gin.H{"insertCount": insertResp.InsertCnt, "insertIds": insertResp.IDs.IdField.(*schemapb.IDs_IntId).IntId.Data}})
} else {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: gin.H{"insertCount": insertResp.InsertCnt, "insertIds": formatInt64(insertResp.IDs.IdField.(*schemapb.IDs_IntId).IntId.Data)}})
case *schemapb.IDs_StrId:
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: gin.H{"insertCount": insertResp.InsertCnt, "insertIds": insertResp.IDs.IdField.(*schemapb.IDs_StrId).StrId.Data}})
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrCheckPrimaryKey),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrCheckPrimaryKey.Error() + ", error: unsupported primary key data type",
func (h *HandlersV1) upsert(c *gin.Context) {
httpReq := UpsertReq{
DbName: DefaultDbName,
if err := c.ShouldBindBodyWith(&httpReq, binding.JSON); err != nil {
singleUpsertReq := SingleUpsertReq{
DbName: DefaultDbName,
if err = c.ShouldBindBodyWith(&singleUpsertReq, binding.JSON); err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, the parameter of upsert is incorrect", zap.Any("request", httpReq), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
httpReq.DbName = singleUpsertReq.DbName
httpReq.CollectionName = singleUpsertReq.CollectionName
httpReq.Data = []map[string]interface{}{singleUpsertReq.Data}
if httpReq.CollectionName == "" || httpReq.Data == nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, upsert require parameter: [collectionName, data], but miss")
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters.Error() + ", required parameters: [collectionName, data]",
req := &milvuspb.UpsertRequest{
DbName: httpReq.DbName,
CollectionName: httpReq.CollectionName,
NumRows: uint32(len(httpReq.Data)),
c.Set(ContextRequest, req)
username, _ := c.Get(ContextUsername)
ctx := proxy.NewContextWithMetadata(c, username.(string), req.DbName)
response, err := h.executeRestRequestInterceptor(ctx, c, req, func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error) {
collSchema, err := h.describeCollection(ctx, c, httpReq.DbName, httpReq.CollectionName)
if err != nil || collSchema == nil {
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
for _, fieldSchema := range collSchema.Fields {
if fieldSchema.IsPrimaryKey && fieldSchema.AutoID {
err := merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("autoID: false", "autoID: true", "cannot upsert an autoID collection")
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
body, _ := c.Get(gin.BodyBytesKey)
err, httpReq.Data, _ = checkAndSetData(string(body.([]byte)), collSchema)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, fail to deal with upsert data", zap.Any("body", body), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrInvalidInsertData),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrInvalidInsertData.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
upsertReq := req.(*milvuspb.UpsertRequest)
upsertReq.FieldsData, err = anyToColumns(httpReq.Data, nil, collSchema, false)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, fail to deal with upsert data", zap.Any("data", httpReq.Data), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrInvalidInsertData),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrInvalidInsertData.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
return nil, RestRequestInterceptorErr
if _, err := CheckLimiter(ctx, req, h.proxy); err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err),
HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
return nil, err
return h.proxy.Upsert(ctx, upsertReq)
if err == RestRequestInterceptorErr {
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(response.(*milvuspb.MutationResult).GetStatus())
if err != nil {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
} else {
upsertResp := response.(*milvuspb.MutationResult)
switch upsertResp.IDs.GetIdField().(type) {
case *schemapb.IDs_IntId:
allowJS, _ := strconv.ParseBool(c.Request.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderAllowInt64))
if allowJS {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: gin.H{"upsertCount": upsertResp.UpsertCnt, "upsertIds": upsertResp.IDs.IdField.(*schemapb.IDs_IntId).IntId.Data}})
} else {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: gin.H{"upsertCount": upsertResp.UpsertCnt, "upsertIds": formatInt64(upsertResp.IDs.IdField.(*schemapb.IDs_IntId).IntId.Data)}})
case *schemapb.IDs_StrId:
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: gin.H{"upsertCount": upsertResp.UpsertCnt, "upsertIds": upsertResp.IDs.IdField.(*schemapb.IDs_StrId).StrId.Data}})
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrCheckPrimaryKey),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrCheckPrimaryKey.Error() + ", error: unsupported primary key data type",
func (h *HandlersV1) search(c *gin.Context) {
httpReq := SearchReq{
DbName: DefaultDbName,
Limit: 100,
if err := c.ShouldBindWith(&httpReq, binding.JSON); err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, the parameter of search is incorrect", zap.Any("request", httpReq), zap.Error(err))
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
if httpReq.CollectionName == "" || httpReq.Vector == nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, search require parameter: [collectionName, vector], but miss")
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrMissingRequiredParameters.Error() + ", required parameters: [collectionName, vector]",
req := &milvuspb.SearchRequest{
DbName: httpReq.DbName,
CollectionName: httpReq.CollectionName,
Dsl: httpReq.Filter,
PlaceholderGroup: vectors2PlaceholderGroupBytes([][]float32{httpReq.Vector}),
DslType: commonpb.DslType_BoolExprV1,
OutputFields: httpReq.OutputFields,
GuaranteeTimestamp: BoundedTimestamp,
Nq: int64(1),
c.Set(ContextRequest, req)
params := map[string]interface{}{ // auto generated mapping
"level": int(commonpb.ConsistencyLevel_Bounded),
if httpReq.Params != nil {
radius, radiusOk := httpReq.Params[ParamRadius]
rangeFilter, rangeFilterOk := httpReq.Params[ParamRangeFilter]
if rangeFilterOk {
if !radiusOk {
log.Warn("high level restful api, search params invalid, because only " + ParamRangeFilter)
HTTPAbortReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrIncorrectParameterFormat.Error() + ", error: invalid search params",
params[ParamRangeFilter] = rangeFilter
if radiusOk {
params[ParamRadius] = radius
bs, _ := json.Marshal(params)
req.SearchParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
{Key: common.TopKKey, Value: strconv.FormatInt(int64(httpReq.Limit), 10)},
{Key: Params, Value: string(bs)},
{Key: ParamRoundDecimal, Value: "-1"},
{Key: ParamOffset, Value: strconv.FormatInt(int64(httpReq.Offset), 10)},
username, _ := c.Get(ContextUsername)
ctx := proxy.NewContextWithMetadata(c, username.(string), req.DbName)
response, err := h.executeRestRequestInterceptor(ctx, c, req, func(reqCtx context.Context, req any) (any, error) {
if _, err := CheckLimiter(ctx, req, h.proxy); err != nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err),
HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
return nil, err
return h.proxy.Search(ctx, req.(*milvuspb.SearchRequest))
if err == RestRequestInterceptorErr {
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(response.(*milvuspb.SearchResults).GetStatus())
if err != nil {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(err), HTTPReturnMessage: err.Error()})
} else {
searchResp := response.(*milvuspb.SearchResults)
if searchResp.Results.TopK == int64(0) {
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: []interface{}{}})
} else {
allowJS, _ := strconv.ParseBool(c.Request.Header.Get(HTTPHeaderAllowInt64))
outputData, err := buildQueryResp(searchResp.Results.TopK, searchResp.Results.OutputFields, searchResp.Results.FieldsData, searchResp.Results.Ids, searchResp.Results.Scores, allowJS)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("high level restful api, fail to deal with search result", zap.Any("result", searchResp.Results), zap.Error(err))
HTTPReturn(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{
HTTPReturnCode: merr.Code(merr.ErrInvalidSearchResult),
HTTPReturnMessage: merr.ErrInvalidSearchResult.Error() + ", error: " + err.Error(),
} else {
HTTPReturnStream(c, http.StatusOK, gin.H{HTTPReturnCode: http.StatusOK, HTTPReturnData: outputData})