
459 lines
15 KiB

// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datacoord
import (
type indexTaskState int32
const (
// when we receive a index task
indexTaskInit indexTaskState = iota
// we've sent index task to scheduler, and wait for building index.
// task done, wait to be cleaned
// index task need to retry.
reqTimeoutInterval = time.Second * 10
var TaskStateNames = map[indexTaskState]string{
0: "Init",
1: "InProgress",
2: "Done",
3: "Retry",
func (x indexTaskState) String() string {
ret, ok := TaskStateNames[x]
if !ok {
return "None"
return ret
type indexBuilder struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
wg sync.WaitGroup
taskMutex sync.RWMutex
scheduleDuration time.Duration
// TODO @xiaocai2333: use priority queue
tasks map[int64]indexTaskState
notifyChan chan struct{}
meta *meta
policy buildIndexPolicy
nodeManager *IndexNodeManager
chunkManager storage.ChunkManager
indexEngineVersionManager *IndexEngineVersionManager
func newIndexBuilder(
ctx context.Context,
metaTable *meta, nodeManager *IndexNodeManager,
chunkManager storage.ChunkManager,
indexEngineVersionManager *IndexEngineVersionManager,
) *indexBuilder {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
ib := &indexBuilder{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
meta: metaTable,
tasks: make(map[int64]indexTaskState),
notifyChan: make(chan struct{}, 1),
scheduleDuration: Params.DataCoordCfg.IndexTaskSchedulerInterval.GetAsDuration(time.Millisecond),
policy: defaultBuildIndexPolicy,
nodeManager: nodeManager,
chunkManager: chunkManager,
indexEngineVersionManager: indexEngineVersionManager,
return ib
func (ib *indexBuilder) Start() {
go ib.schedule()
func (ib *indexBuilder) Stop() {
func (ib *indexBuilder) reloadFromKV() {
segments := ib.meta.GetAllSegmentsUnsafe()
for _, segment := range segments {
for _, segIndex := range segment.segmentIndexes {
if segIndex.IsDeleted {
if segIndex.IndexState == commonpb.IndexState_Unissued {
ib.tasks[segIndex.BuildID] = indexTaskInit
} else if segIndex.IndexState == commonpb.IndexState_InProgress {
ib.tasks[segIndex.BuildID] = indexTaskInProgress
// notify is an unblocked notify function
func (ib *indexBuilder) notify() {
select {
case ib.notifyChan <- struct{}{}:
func (ib *indexBuilder) enqueue(buildID UniqueID) {
defer ib.notify()
defer ib.taskMutex.Unlock()
if _, ok := ib.tasks[buildID]; !ok {
ib.tasks[buildID] = indexTaskInit
log.Info("indexBuilder enqueue task", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID))
func (ib *indexBuilder) schedule() {
// receive notifyChan
// time ticker
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Info("index builder schedule loop start")
defer ib.wg.Done()
ticker := time.NewTicker(ib.scheduleDuration)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ib.ctx.Done():
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Warn("index builder ctx done")
case _, ok := <-ib.notifyChan:
if ok {
// !ok means indexBuild is closed.
case <-ticker.C:
func (ib *indexBuilder) run() {
buildIDs := make([]UniqueID, 0, len(ib.tasks))
for tID := range ib.tasks {
buildIDs = append(buildIDs, tID)
if len(buildIDs) > 0 {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Info("index builder task schedule", zap.Int("task num", len(buildIDs)))
for _, buildID := range buildIDs {
ok := ib.process(buildID)
if !ok {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Info("there is no IndexNode available or etcd is not serviceable, wait a minute...")
func (ib *indexBuilder) process(buildID UniqueID) bool {
state := ib.tasks[buildID]
updateStateFunc := func(buildID UniqueID, state indexTaskState) {
defer ib.taskMutex.Unlock()
ib.tasks[buildID] = state
deleteFunc := func(buildID UniqueID) {
defer ib.taskMutex.Unlock()
delete(ib.tasks, buildID)
meta, exist := ib.meta.GetIndexJob(buildID)
if !exist {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Debug("index task has not exist in meta table, remove task", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID))
return true
switch state {
case indexTaskInit:
segment := ib.meta.GetSegment(meta.SegmentID)
if !isSegmentHealthy(segment) || !ib.meta.IsIndexExist(meta.CollectionID, meta.IndexID) {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Info("task is no need to build index, remove it", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID))
if err := ib.meta.DeleteTask(buildID); err != nil {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Warn("IndexCoord delete index failed", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID), zap.Error(err))
return false
return true
indexParams := ib.meta.GetIndexParams(meta.CollectionID, meta.IndexID)
if isFlatIndex(getIndexType(indexParams)) || meta.NumRows < Params.DataCoordCfg.MinSegmentNumRowsToEnableIndex.GetAsInt64() {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Info("segment does not need index really", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", meta.SegmentID), zap.Int64("num rows", meta.NumRows))
if err := ib.meta.FinishTask(&indexpb.IndexTaskInfo{
BuildID: buildID,
State: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
SerializedSize: 0,
FailReason: "",
}); err != nil {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Warn("IndexCoord update index state fail", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID), zap.Error(err))
return false
updateStateFunc(buildID, indexTaskDone)
return true
// peek client
// if all IndexNodes are executing task, wait for one of them to finish the task.
nodeID, client := ib.nodeManager.PeekClient(meta)
if client == nil {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).WithRateGroup("dc.indexBuilder", 1, 60).RatedInfo(5, "index builder peek client error, there is no available")
return false
// update version and set nodeID
if err := ib.meta.UpdateVersion(buildID, nodeID); err != nil {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Warn("index builder update index version failed", zap.Int64("build", buildID), zap.Error(err))
return false
binLogs := make([]string, 0)
fieldID := ib.meta.GetFieldIDByIndexID(meta.CollectionID, meta.IndexID)
for _, fieldBinLog := range segment.GetBinlogs() {
if fieldBinLog.GetFieldID() == fieldID {
for _, binLog := range fieldBinLog.GetBinlogs() {
binLogs = append(binLogs, binLog.LogPath)
typeParams := ib.meta.GetTypeParams(meta.CollectionID, meta.IndexID)
var storageConfig *indexpb.StorageConfig
if Params.CommonCfg.StorageType.GetValue() == "local" {
storageConfig = &indexpb.StorageConfig{
RootPath: Params.LocalStorageCfg.Path.GetValue(),
StorageType: Params.CommonCfg.StorageType.GetValue(),
} else {
storageConfig = &indexpb.StorageConfig{
Address: Params.MinioCfg.Address.GetValue(),
AccessKeyID: Params.MinioCfg.AccessKeyID.GetValue(),
SecretAccessKey: Params.MinioCfg.SecretAccessKey.GetValue(),
UseSSL: Params.MinioCfg.UseSSL.GetAsBool(),
BucketName: Params.MinioCfg.BucketName.GetValue(),
RootPath: Params.MinioCfg.RootPath.GetValue(),
UseIAM: Params.MinioCfg.UseIAM.GetAsBool(),
IAMEndpoint: Params.MinioCfg.IAMEndpoint.GetValue(),
StorageType: Params.CommonCfg.StorageType.GetValue(),
Region: Params.MinioCfg.Region.GetValue(),
UseVirtualHost: Params.MinioCfg.UseVirtualHost.GetAsBool(),
CloudProvider: Params.MinioCfg.CloudProvider.GetValue(),
RequestTimeoutMs: Params.MinioCfg.RequestTimeoutMs.GetAsInt64(),
req := &indexpb.CreateJobRequest{
ClusterID: Params.CommonCfg.ClusterPrefix.GetValue(),
IndexFilePrefix: path.Join(ib.chunkManager.RootPath(), common.SegmentIndexPath),
BuildID: buildID,
DataPaths: binLogs,
IndexVersion: meta.IndexVersion + 1,
StorageConfig: storageConfig,
IndexParams: indexParams,
TypeParams: typeParams,
NumRows: meta.NumRows,
CurrentIndexVersion: ib.indexEngineVersionManager.GetCurrentIndexEngineVersion(),
if err := ib.assignTask(client, req); err != nil {
// need to release lock then reassign, so set task state to retry
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Warn("index builder assign task to IndexNode failed", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID),
zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID), zap.Error(err))
updateStateFunc(buildID, indexTaskRetry)
return false
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Info("index task assigned successfully", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", meta.SegmentID), zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID))
// update index meta state to InProgress
if err := ib.meta.BuildIndex(buildID); err != nil {
// need to release lock then reassign, so set task state to retry
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Warn("index builder update index meta to InProgress failed", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID),
zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID), zap.Error(err))
updateStateFunc(buildID, indexTaskRetry)
return false
updateStateFunc(buildID, indexTaskInProgress)
case indexTaskDone:
if !ib.dropIndexTask(buildID, meta.NodeID) {
return true
case indexTaskRetry:
if !ib.dropIndexTask(buildID, meta.NodeID) {
return true
updateStateFunc(buildID, indexTaskInit)
// state: in_progress
updateStateFunc(buildID, ib.getTaskState(buildID, meta.NodeID))
return true
func (ib *indexBuilder) getTaskState(buildID, nodeID UniqueID) indexTaskState {
client, exist := ib.nodeManager.GetClientByID(nodeID)
if exist {
ctx1, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ib.ctx, reqTimeoutInterval)
defer cancel()
response, err := client.QueryJobs(ctx1, &indexpb.QueryJobsRequest{
ClusterID: Params.CommonCfg.ClusterPrefix.GetValue(),
BuildIDs: []int64{buildID},
if err != nil {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Warn("IndexCoord get jobs info from IndexNode fail", zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID),
return indexTaskRetry
if response.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Warn("IndexCoord get jobs info from IndexNode fail", zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID),
zap.Int64("buildID", buildID), zap.String("fail reason", response.GetStatus().GetReason()))
return indexTaskRetry
// indexInfos length is always one.
for _, info := range response.GetIndexInfos() {
if info.GetBuildID() == buildID {
if info.GetState() == commonpb.IndexState_Failed || info.GetState() == commonpb.IndexState_Finished {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Info("this task has been finished", zap.Int64("buildID", info.GetBuildID()),
zap.String("index state", info.GetState().String()))
if err := ib.meta.FinishTask(info); err != nil {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Warn("IndexCoord update index state fail", zap.Int64("buildID", info.GetBuildID()),
zap.String("index state", info.GetState().String()), zap.Error(err))
return indexTaskInProgress
return indexTaskDone
} else if info.GetState() == commonpb.IndexState_Retry || info.GetState() == commonpb.IndexState_IndexStateNone {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Info("this task should be retry", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID), zap.String("fail reason", info.GetFailReason()))
return indexTaskRetry
return indexTaskInProgress
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Info("this task should be retry, indexNode does not have this task", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID),
zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID))
return indexTaskRetry
// !exist --> node down
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Info("this task should be retry, indexNode is no longer exist", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID),
zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID))
return indexTaskRetry
func (ib *indexBuilder) dropIndexTask(buildID, nodeID UniqueID) bool {
client, exist := ib.nodeManager.GetClientByID(nodeID)
if exist {
ctx1, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ib.ctx, reqTimeoutInterval)
defer cancel()
status, err := client.DropJobs(ctx1, &indexpb.DropJobsRequest{
ClusterID: Params.CommonCfg.ClusterPrefix.GetValue(),
BuildIDs: []UniqueID{buildID},
if err != nil {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Warn("IndexCoord notify IndexNode drop the index task fail", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID),
zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID), zap.Error(err))
return false
if status.GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Warn("IndexCoord notify IndexNode drop the index task fail", zap.Int64("buildID", buildID),
zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID), zap.String("fail reason", status.GetReason()))
return false
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Info("IndexCoord notify IndexNode drop the index task success",
zap.Int64("buildID", buildID), zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID))
return true
log.Ctx(ib.ctx).Info("IndexNode no longer exist, no need to drop index task",
zap.Int64("buildID", buildID), zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID))
return true
// assignTask sends the index task to the IndexNode, it has a timeout interval, if the IndexNode doesn't respond within
// the interval, it is considered that the task sending failed.
func (ib *indexBuilder) assignTask(builderClient types.IndexNodeClient, req *indexpb.CreateJobRequest) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), reqTimeoutInterval)
defer cancel()
resp, err := builderClient.CreateJob(ctx, req)
if err == nil {
err = merr.Error(resp)
if err != nil {
log.Error("IndexCoord assignmentTasksLoop builderClient.CreateIndex failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
func (ib *indexBuilder) nodeDown(nodeID UniqueID) {
defer ib.notify()
metas := ib.meta.GetMetasByNodeID(nodeID)
defer ib.taskMutex.Unlock()
for _, meta := range metas {
if ib.tasks[meta.BuildID] != indexTaskDone {
ib.tasks[meta.BuildID] = indexTaskRetry