mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
255 lines
5.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer
255 lines
5.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package milvus.proto.plan;
option go_package = "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/v2/proto/planpb";
import "schema.proto";
enum OpType {
Invalid = 0;
GreaterThan = 1;
GreaterEqual = 2;
LessThan = 3;
LessEqual = 4;
Equal = 5;
NotEqual = 6;
PrefixMatch = 7; // startsWith
PostfixMatch = 8; // endsWith
Match = 9; // like
Range = 10; // for case 1 < a < b
In = 11; // TODO:: used for term expr
NotIn = 12;
TextMatch = 13; // text match
enum ArithOpType {
Unknown = 0;
Add = 1;
Sub = 2;
Mul = 3;
Div = 4;
Mod = 5;
ArrayLength = 6;
enum VectorType {
BinaryVector = 0;
FloatVector = 1;
Float16Vector = 2;
BFloat16Vector = 3;
SparseFloatVector = 4;
message GenericValue {
oneof val {
bool bool_val = 1;
int64 int64_val = 2;
double float_val = 3;
string string_val = 4;
Array array_val = 5;
message Array {
repeated GenericValue array = 1;
bool same_type = 2;
schema.DataType element_type = 3;
message SearchIteratorV2Info {
string token = 1;
uint32 batch_size = 2;
optional float last_bound = 3;
message QueryInfo {
int64 topk = 1;
string metric_type = 3;
string search_params = 4;
int64 round_decimal = 5;
int64 group_by_field_id = 6;
bool materialized_view_involved = 7;
int64 group_size = 8;
bool strict_group_size = 9;
double bm25_avgdl = 10;
int64 query_field_id =11;
string hints = 12;
optional SearchIteratorV2Info search_iterator_v2_info = 13;
message ColumnInfo {
int64 field_id = 1;
schema.DataType data_type = 2;
bool is_primary_key = 3;
bool is_autoID = 4;
repeated string nested_path = 5;
bool is_partition_key = 6;
schema.DataType element_type = 7;
bool is_clustering_key = 8;
bool nullable = 9;
message ColumnExpr {
ColumnInfo info = 1;
message ExistsExpr {
ColumnInfo info = 1;
message ValueExpr {
GenericValue value = 1;
string template_variable_name = 2;
message UnaryRangeExpr {
ColumnInfo column_info = 1;
OpType op = 2;
GenericValue value = 3;
string template_variable_name = 4;
message BinaryRangeExpr {
ColumnInfo column_info = 1;
bool lower_inclusive = 2;
bool upper_inclusive = 3;
GenericValue lower_value = 4;
GenericValue upper_value = 5;
string lower_template_variable_name = 6;
string upper_template_variable_name = 7;
message CallExpr {
string function_name = 1;
repeated Expr function_parameters = 2;
message CompareExpr {
ColumnInfo left_column_info = 1;
ColumnInfo right_column_info = 2;
OpType op = 3;
message TermExpr {
ColumnInfo column_info = 1;
repeated GenericValue values = 2;
bool is_in_field = 3;
string template_variable_name = 4;
message JSONContainsExpr {
ColumnInfo column_info = 1;
repeated GenericValue elements = 2;
// 0: invalid
// 1: json_contains | array_contains
// 2: json_contains_all | array_contains_all
// 3: json_contains_any | array_contains_any
enum JSONOp {
Invalid = 0;
Contains = 1;
ContainsAll = 2;
ContainsAny = 3;
JSONOp op = 3;
bool elements_same_type = 4;
string template_variable_name = 5;
message NullExpr {
ColumnInfo column_info = 1;
enum NullOp {
Invalid = 0;
IsNull = 1;
IsNotNull = 2;
NullOp op = 2;
message UnaryExpr {
enum UnaryOp {
Invalid = 0;
Not = 1;
UnaryOp op = 1;
Expr child = 2;
message BinaryExpr {
enum BinaryOp {
Invalid = 0;
LogicalAnd = 1;
LogicalOr = 2;
BinaryOp op = 1;
Expr left = 2;
Expr right = 3;
message BinaryArithOp {
ColumnInfo column_info = 1;
ArithOpType arith_op = 2;
GenericValue right_operand = 3;
message BinaryArithExpr {
Expr left = 1;
Expr right = 2;
ArithOpType op = 3;
message BinaryArithOpEvalRangeExpr {
ColumnInfo column_info = 1;
ArithOpType arith_op = 2;
GenericValue right_operand = 3;
OpType op = 4;
GenericValue value = 5;
string operand_template_variable_name = 6;
string value_template_variable_name = 7;
message AlwaysTrueExpr {}
message Expr {
oneof expr {
TermExpr term_expr = 1;
UnaryExpr unary_expr = 2;
BinaryExpr binary_expr = 3;
CompareExpr compare_expr = 4;
UnaryRangeExpr unary_range_expr = 5;
BinaryRangeExpr binary_range_expr = 6;
BinaryArithOpEvalRangeExpr binary_arith_op_eval_range_expr = 7;
BinaryArithExpr binary_arith_expr = 8;
ValueExpr value_expr = 9;
ColumnExpr column_expr = 10;
ExistsExpr exists_expr = 11;
AlwaysTrueExpr always_true_expr = 12;
JSONContainsExpr json_contains_expr = 13;
CallExpr call_expr = 14;
NullExpr null_expr = 15;
bool is_template = 20;
message VectorANNS {
VectorType vector_type = 1;
int64 field_id = 2;
Expr predicates = 3;
QueryInfo query_info = 4;
string placeholder_tag = 5; // always be "$0"
message QueryPlanNode {
Expr predicates = 1;
bool is_count = 2;
int64 limit = 3;
message PlanNode {
oneof node {
VectorANNS vector_anns = 1;
Expr predicates = 2; // deprecated, use query instead.
QueryPlanNode query = 4;
repeated int64 output_field_ids = 3;
repeated string dynamic_fields = 5;