mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
416 lines
18 KiB
416 lines
18 KiB
import time
import pdb
import threading
import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool, Process
import pytest
from utils import *
from constants import *
uid = "get_collection_stats"
class TestGetCollectionStats:
The following cases are used to test `collection_stats` function
def get_invalid_collection_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_simple_index(self, request, connect):
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "CPU":
# if request.param["index_type"] in index_cpu_not_support():
# pytest.skip("CPU not support index_type: ivf_sq8h")
return request.param
def get_jaccard_index(self, request, connect):
if request.param["index_type"] in binary_support():
request.param["metric_type"] = "JACCARD"
return request.param
pytest.skip("Skip index Temporary")
def insert_count(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_get_collection_stats_name_not_existed(self, connect, collection):
target: get collection stats where collection name does not exist
method: call collection_stats with a random collection_name, which is not in db
expected: status not ok
collection_name = gen_unique_str(uid)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
def test_get_collection_stats_name_invalid(self, connect, get_invalid_collection_name):
target: get collection stats where collection name is invalid
method: call collection_stats with invalid collection_name
expected: status not ok
collection_name = get_invalid_collection_name
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
def test_get_collection_stats_empty(self, connect, collection):
target: get collection stats where no entity in collection
method: call collection_stats in empty collection
expected: segment = []
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == 0
def test_get_collection_stats_without_connection(self, collection, dis_connect):
target: test count_entities, without connection
method: calling count_entities with correct params, with a disconnected instance
expected: count_entities raise exception
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
def test_get_collection_stats_batch(self, connect, collection):
target: get row count with collection_stats
method: add entities, check count in collection info
expected: count as expected
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
assert len(ids) == default_nb
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert int(stats[row_count]) == default_nb
def test_get_collection_stats_single(self, connect, collection):
target: get row count with collection_stats
method: add entity one by one, check count in collection info
expected: count as expected
nb = 10
for i in range(nb):
connect.insert(collection, default_entity)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == nb
def _test_get_collection_stats_after_delete(self, connect, collection):
target: get row count with collection_stats
method: add and delete entities, check count in collection info
expected: status ok, count as expected
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
status = connect.flush([collection])
delete_ids = [ids[0], ids[-1]]
connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats["row_count"] == default_nb - 2
assert stats["partitions"][0]["row_count"] == default_nb - 2
assert stats["partitions"][0]["segments"][0]["data_size"] > 0
# TODO: enable
def _test_get_collection_stats_after_compact_parts(self, connect, collection):
target: get row count with collection_stats
method: add and delete entities, and compact collection, check count in collection info
expected: status ok, count as expected
delete_length = 1000
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
status = connect.flush([collection])
delete_ids = ids[:delete_length]
connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats["row_count"] == default_nb - delete_length
compact_before = stats["partitions"][0]["segments"][0]["data_size"]
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
compact_after = stats["partitions"][0]["segments"][0]["data_size"]
assert compact_before == compact_after
def _test_get_collection_stats_after_compact_delete_one(self, connect, collection):
target: get row count with collection_stats
method: add and delete one entity, and compact collection, check count in collection info
expected: status ok, count as expected
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
status = connect.flush([collection])
delete_ids = ids[:1]
connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, delete_ids)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
compact_before = stats["partitions"][0]["row_count"]
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
compact_after = stats["partitions"][0]["row_count"]
# pdb.set_trace()
assert compact_before == compact_after
def test_get_collection_stats_partition(self, connect, collection):
target: get partition info in a collection
method: call collection_stats after partition created and check partition_stats
expected: status ok, vectors added to partition
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities, partition_name=default_tag)
assert len(ids) == default_nb
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
def test_get_collection_stats_partitions(self, connect, collection):
target: get partition info in a collection
method: create two partitions, add vectors in one of the partitions, call collection_stats and check
expected: status ok, vectors added to one partition but not the other
new_tag = "new_tag"
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, new_tag)
connect.insert(collection, default_entities, partition_name=default_tag)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
connect.insert(collection, default_entities, partition_name=new_tag)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb * 2
connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb * 3
def test_get_collection_stats_partitions_A(self, connect, collection, insert_count):
target: test collection rows_count is correct or not
method: create collection, create partitions and add entities in it,
assert the value returned by count_entities method is equal to length of entities
expected: the count is equal to the length of entities
new_tag = "new_tag"
entities = gen_entities(insert_count)
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, new_tag)
connect.insert(collection, entities)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == insert_count
def test_get_collection_stats_partitions_B(self, connect, collection, insert_count):
target: test collection rows_count is correct or not
method: create collection, create partitions and add entities in one of the partitions,
assert the value returned by count_entities method is equal to length of entities
expected: the count is equal to the length of entities
new_tag = "new_tag"
entities = gen_entities(insert_count)
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, new_tag)
connect.insert(collection, entities, partition_name=default_tag)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == insert_count
def test_get_collection_stats_partitions_C(self, connect, collection, insert_count):
target: test collection rows_count is correct or not
method: create collection, create partitions and add entities in one of the partitions,
assert the value returned by count_entities method is equal to length of entities
expected: the count is equal to the length of vectors
new_tag = "new_tag"
entities = gen_entities(insert_count)
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, new_tag)
connect.insert(collection, entities)
connect.insert(collection, entities, partition_name=default_tag)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == insert_count*2
def test_get_collection_stats_partitions_D(self, connect, collection, insert_count):
target: test collection rows_count is correct or not
method: create collection, create partitions and add entities in one of the partitions,
assert the value returned by count_entities method is equal to length of entities
expected: the collection count is equal to the length of entities
new_tag = "new_tag"
entities = gen_entities(insert_count)
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, new_tag)
connect.insert(collection, entities, partition_name=default_tag)
connect.insert(collection, entities, partition_name=new_tag)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == insert_count*2
# TODO: assert metric type in stats response
def test_get_collection_stats_after_index_created(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test collection info after index created
method: create collection, add vectors, create index and call collection_stats
expected: status ok, index created and shown in segments
connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
connect.create_index(collection, default_float_vec_field_name, get_simple_index)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
# TODO: assert metric type in stats response
def test_get_collection_stats_after_index_created_ip(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test collection info after index created
method: create collection, add vectors, create index and call collection_stats
expected: status ok, index created and shown in segments
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
assert len(ids) == default_nb
get_simple_index.update({"metric_type": "IP"})
connect.create_index(collection, default_float_vec_field_name, get_simple_index)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
# TODO: assert metric type in stats response
def test_get_collection_stats_after_index_created_jac(self, connect, binary_collection, get_jaccard_index):
target: test collection info after index created
method: create collection, add binary entities, create index and call collection_stats
expected: status ok, index created and shown in segments
ids = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities)
connect.create_index(binary_collection, default_binary_vec_field_name, get_jaccard_index)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(binary_collection)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
def test_get_collection_stats_after_create_different_index(self, connect, collection):
target: test collection info after index created repeatedly
method: create collection, add vectors, create index and call collection_stats multiple times
expected: status ok, index info shown in segments
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
for index_type in ["IVF_FLAT", "IVF_SQ8"]:
connect.create_index(collection, default_float_vec_field_name,
{"index_type": index_type, "params": {"nlist": 1024}, "metric_type": "L2"})
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
def test_collection_count_multi_collections(self, connect):
target: test collection rows_count is correct or not with multiple collections of L2
method: create collection and add entities in it,
assert the value returned by count_entities method is equal to length of entities
expected: row count in segments
collection_list = []
collection_num = 10
for i in range(collection_num):
collection_name = gen_unique_str(uid)
connect.create_collection(collection_name, default_fields)
ids = connect.insert(collection_name, default_entities)
for i in range(collection_num):
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection_list[i])
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
def test_collection_count_multi_collections_indexed(self, connect):
target: test collection rows_count is correct or not with multiple collections of L2
method: create collection and add entities in it,
assert the value returned by count_entities method is equal to length of entities
expected: row count in segments
collection_list = []
collection_num = 10
for i in range(collection_num):
collection_name = gen_unique_str(uid)
connect.create_collection(collection_name, default_fields)
res = connect.insert(collection_name, default_entities)
index_1 = {"index_type": "IVF_SQ8", "params": {"nlist": 1024}, "metric_type": "L2"}
index_2 = {"index_type": "IVF_FLAT", "params": {"nlist": 1024}, "metric_type": "L2"}
if i % 2:
connect.create_index(collection_name, default_float_vec_field_name, index_1)
connect.create_index(collection_name, default_float_vec_field_name, index_2)
for i in range(collection_num):
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection_list[i])
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
index = connect.describe_index(collection_list[i], "")
if i % 2:
create_target_index(index_1, default_float_vec_field_name)
assert index == index_1
create_target_index(index_2, default_float_vec_field_name)
assert index == index_2
# break