
974 lines
37 KiB

import copy
import threading
import pytest
from pymilvus import DataType, ParamError, BaseException
from utils import util_pymilvus as ut
from common.constants import default_entity, default_entities, default_binary_entity, default_binary_entities, \
from common.common_type import CaseLabel
from utils.util_log import test_log as log
uid = "test_insert"
field_name = ut.default_float_vec_field_name
binary_field_name = ut.default_binary_vec_field_name
default_nb = ut.default_nb
row_count = ut.row_count
default_tag = ut.default_tag
default_single_query = {
"data": ut.gen_vectors(1, ut.default_dim),
"anns_field": ut.default_float_vec_field_name,
"param": {"metric_type": "L2", "params": {"nprobe": 10}},
"limit": 10,
class TestInsertBase:
The following cases are used to test `insert` function
def get_simple_index(self, request, connect):
if request.param["index_type"] in ut.index_cpu_not_support():
pytest.skip("CPU not support index_type: ivf_sq8h")
return request.param
def get_filter_field(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_vector_field(self, request):
yield request.param
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_collection_not_existed(self, connect):
target: test insert, with collection not existed
method: insert entity into a random named collection
expected: raise a BaseException
collection_name = ut.gen_unique_str(uid)
with pytest.raises(BaseException) as e:
connect.insert(collection_name, default_entities)
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_search(self, connect, collection):
target: test search entity after insert entity after a while
method: insert entity, sleep, and search collection
expected: no error raised
result = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
res =, **default_single_query)
assert len(res[0]) == ut.default_top_k
def _test_insert_segment_row_count(self, connect, collection):
nb = ut.default_segment_row_limit + 1
result = connect.insert(collection, ut.gen_entities(nb))
assert len(result.primary_keys) == nb
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert len(stats['partitions'][0]['segments']) == 2
for segment in stats['partitions'][0]['segments']:
assert segment['row_count'] in [ut.default_segment_row_limit, 1]
def insert_count(self, request):
yield request.param
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_ids(self, connect, id_collection, insert_count):
target: test insert entities in collection, use customize ids
method: create collection and insert entities in it, check the ids returned and
the collection length after entities inserted
expected: the length of ids and the collection row count
nb = insert_count
ids = [i for i in range(nb)]
entities = ut.gen_entities(nb)
entities[0]["values"] = ids
result = connect.insert(id_collection, entities)
assert len(result.primary_keys) == nb
assert result.primary_keys == ids
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(id_collection)
assert stats[row_count] == nb
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_ids_fields(self, connect, get_filter_field, get_vector_field):
target: test create normal collection with different fields, insert entities into id with ids
method: create collection with diff fields: metric/field_type/..., insert, and count
expected: row count correct
nb = 5
filter_field = get_filter_field
vector_field = get_vector_field
collection_name = ut.gen_unique_str("test_collection")
fields = {
"fields": [ut.gen_primary_field(), filter_field, vector_field],
"auto_id": False
connect.create_collection(collection_name, fields)
ids = [i for i in range(nb)]
entities = ut.gen_entities_by_fields(fields["fields"], nb, ut.default_dim, ids)
result = connect.insert(collection_name, entities)
assert result.primary_keys == ids
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection_name)
assert stats[row_count] == nb
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_ids_not_match(self, connect, id_collection, insert_count):
target: test insert entities in collection without ids
method: create id_collection and insert entities without
expected: exception raised
nb = insert_count
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
entities = ut.gen_entities(nb)
del entities[0]
connect.insert(id_collection, entities)
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_twice_ids_no_ids(self, connect, id_collection):
target: check the result of insert, with params ids and no ids
method: test insert vectors twice, use customize ids first, and then use no ids
expected: BaseException raised
ids = [i for i in range(default_nb)]
entities = copy.deepcopy(default_entities)
entities[0]["values"] = ids
connect.insert(id_collection, entities)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
del entities[0]
connect.insert(id_collection, entities)
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_not_ids(self, connect, id_collection):
target: check the result of insert, with params ids and no ids
method: test insert vectors twice, use not ids first, and then use customize ids
expected: error raised
entities = copy.deepcopy(default_entities)
del entities[0]
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.insert(id_collection, entities)
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_ids_length_not_match_batch(self, connect, id_collection):
target: test insert vectors in collection, use customize ids, len(ids) != len(vectors)
method: create collection and insert vectors in it
expected: raise exception
ids = [i for i in range(1, default_nb)]
entities = copy.deepcopy(default_entities)
entities[0]["values"] = ids
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.insert(id_collection, entities)
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_ids_length_not_match_single(self, connect, id_collection):
target: test insert vectors in collection, use customize ids, len(ids) != len(vectors)
method: create collection and insert vectors in it
expected: raise exception
ids = [i for i in range(1, default_nb)]
entity = copy.deepcopy(default_entity)
entity[0]["values"] = ids
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.insert(id_collection, entity)
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_partition(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entities in collection created before
method: create collection and insert entities in it, with the partition_name param
expected: the collection row count equals to nq
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
result = connect.insert(collection, default_entities, partition_name=default_tag)
assert len(result.primary_keys) == default_nb
assert connect.has_partition(collection, default_tag)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_partition_with_ids(self, connect, id_collection):
target: test insert entities in collection created before, insert with ids
method: create collection and insert entities in it, with the partition_name param
expected: the collection row count equals to nq
connect.create_partition(id_collection, default_tag)
ids = [i for i in range(default_nb)]
entities = ut.gen_entities(default_nb)
entities[0]["values"] = ids
result = connect.insert(id_collection, entities, partition_name=default_tag)
assert result.primary_keys == ids
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_default_partition(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entities into default partition
method: create partition and insert info collection without tag params
expected: the collection row count equals to nb
result = connect.insert(collection, default_entities, partition_name=ut.default_partition_name)
assert len(result.primary_keys) == default_nb
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_partition_not_existed(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entities in collection created before
method: create collection and insert entities in it, with the not existed partition_name param
expected: error raised
tag = ut.gen_unique_str()
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.insert(collection, default_entities, partition_name=tag)
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_partition_repeatedly(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entities in collection created before
method: create collection and insert entities in it repeatedly, with the partition_name param
expected: the collection row count equals to nq
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
result = connect.insert(collection, default_entities, partition_name=default_tag)
result = connect.insert(collection, default_entities, partition_name=default_tag)
res = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert res[row_count] == 2 * default_nb
def test_insert_with_field_type_not_match(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entities, with the entity field type updated
method: update entity field type
expected: error raised
tmp_entity = ut.update_field_type(copy.deepcopy(default_entity), "int64", DataType.FLOAT)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(collection, tmp_entity)
def test_insert_with_field_vector_more(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entities, with more fields than collection schema
method: add entity vector field
expected: error raised
tmp_entity = ut.add_vector_field(default_nb, ut.default_dim)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(collection, tmp_entity)
def test_insert_with_no_field_vector_value(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entities, with no vector field value
method: remove entity values of vector field
expected: error raised
tmp_entity = copy.deepcopy(default_entity)
del tmp_entity[-1]["values"]
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(collection, tmp_entity)
def test_insert_with_no_field_vector_type(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entities, with no vector field type
method: remove entity vector field
expected: error raised
tmp_entity = copy.deepcopy(default_entity)
del tmp_entity[-1]["type"]
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(collection, tmp_entity)
def test_insert_with_no_field_vector_name(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entities, with no vector field name
method: remove entity vector field
expected: error raised
tmp_entity = copy.deepcopy(default_entity)
del tmp_entity[-1]["name"]
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(collection, tmp_entity)
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="issue 15416")
# @pytest.mark.timeout(30)
def test_collection_insert_rows_count_multi_threading(self, args, collection):
target: test collection rows_count is correct or not with multi threading
method: create collection and insert entities in it(idmap),
assert the value returned by count_entities method is equal to length of entities
expected: the count is equal to the length of entities
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("Skip test in http mode")
thread_num = 8
threads = []
milvus = ut.get_milvus(host=args["ip"], port=args["port"], handler=args["handler"], try_connect=False)
def insert(thread_i):"In thread-%d" % thread_i)
result = milvus.insert(collection, default_entities)
for i in range(thread_num):
x = threading.Thread(target=insert, args=(i,))
for th in threads:
stats = milvus.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == thread_num * default_nb
# TODO: unable to set config
def _test_insert_disable_auto_flush(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entities, with disable auto-flush
method: disable auto-flush and insert, get entity
expected: the count is equal to 0
delete_nums = 500
result = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
ids = result.primary_keys
res = connect.get_entity_by_id(collection, ids[:delete_nums])
assert len(res) == delete_nums
assert res[0] is None
class TestInsertBinary:
def get_binary_index(self, request):
request.param["metric_type"] = "JACCARD"
return request.param
def test_insert_binary_partition(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: test insert entities and create partition tag
method: create collection and insert binary entities in it, with the partition_name param
expected: the collection row count equals to nb
connect.create_partition(binary_collection, default_tag)
result = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities, partition_name=default_tag)
assert len(result.primary_keys) == default_nb
assert connect.has_partition(binary_collection, default_tag)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(binary_collection)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
def test_insert_binary_multi_times(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: test insert entities multi times and final flush
method: create collection and insert binary entity multi and final flush
expected: the collection row count equals to nb
for i in range(default_nb):
result = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entity)
assert len(result.primary_keys) == 1
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(binary_collection)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
def test_insert_binary_after_create_index(self, connect, binary_collection, get_binary_index):
target: test insert binary entities after build index
method: build index and insert entities
expected: no error raised
connect.create_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name, get_binary_index)
result = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities)
assert len(result.primary_keys) == default_nb
index = connect.describe_index(binary_collection, "")
ut.create_target_index(get_binary_index, binary_field_name)
assert index == get_binary_index
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_binary_create_index(self, connect, binary_collection, get_binary_index):
target: test build index insert after vector
method: insert vector and build index
expected: no error raised
result = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities)
assert len(result.primary_keys) == default_nb
connect.create_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name, get_binary_index)
index = connect.describe_index(binary_collection, "")
ut.create_target_index(get_binary_index, binary_field_name)
assert index == get_binary_index
def test_insert_binary_search(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: test search vector after insert vector after a while
method: insert vector, sleep, and search collection
expected: no error raised
result = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities)
query, _ = ut.gen_search_vectors_params(binary_field_name, default_binary_entities,
ut.default_top_k, 1, metric_type="JACCARD")
res =, **query)
assert len(res[0]) == ut.default_top_k
class TestInsertAsync:
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def skip_http_check(self, args):
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
def insert_count(self, request):
yield request.param
def check_status(self, result):"In callback check status")
assert not result
def check_result(self, result):"In callback check results")
assert result
def test_insert_async_invalid_params(self, connect):
target: test insert vectors with different length of vectors
method: set different vectors as insert method params
expected: length of ids is equal to the length of vectors
collection_new = ut.gen_unique_str()
future = connect.insert(collection_new, default_entities, _async=True)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
result = future.result()
# 1339
def test_insert_async_invalid_params_raise_exception(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert vectors with different length of vectors
method: set different vectors as insert method params
expected: length of ids is equal to the length of vectors
entities = []
future = connect.insert(collection, entities, _async=True)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
class TestInsertMultiCollections:
The following cases are used to test `insert` function
def get_simple_index(self, request, connect):
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "CPU":
# if request.param["index_type"] in index_cpu_not_support():
# pytest.skip("sq8h not support in CPU mode")
return request.param
def test_insert_entity_multi_collections(self, connect):
target: test insert entities
method: create 10 collections and insert entities into them in turn
expected: row count
collection_num = 10
collection_list = []
for i in range(collection_num):
collection_name = ut.gen_unique_str(uid)
connect.create_collection(collection_name, default_fields)
result = connect.insert(collection_name, default_entities)
assert len(result.primary_keys) == default_nb
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection_name)
assert stats[row_count] == default_nb
for i in range(collection_num):
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_drop_collection_insert_entity_another(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert vector to collection_1 after collection_2 deleted
method: delete collection_2 and insert vector to collection_1
expected: row count equals the length of entities inserted
collection_name = ut.gen_unique_str(uid)
connect.create_collection(collection_name, default_fields)
result = connect.insert(collection_name, default_entity)
assert len(result.primary_keys) == 1
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_create_index_insert_entity_another(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test insert vector to collection_2 after build index for collection_1
method: build index and insert vector
expected: status ok
collection_name = ut.gen_unique_str(uid)
connect.create_collection(collection_name, default_fields)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
result = connect.insert(collection_name, default_entity)
assert len(result.primary_keys) == 1
if get_simple_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
ut.create_target_index(get_simple_index, field_name)
assert index == get_simple_index
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_entity_create_index_another(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test insert vector to collection_2 after build index for collection_1
method: build index and insert vector
expected: status ok
collection_name = ut.gen_unique_str(uid)
connect.create_collection(collection_name, default_fields)
result = connect.insert(collection, default_entity)
connect.create_index(collection_name, field_name, get_simple_index)
if get_simple_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection_name, "")
ut.create_target_index(get_simple_index, field_name)
assert index == get_simple_index
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == 1
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_entity_sleep_create_index_another(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test insert vector to collection_2 after build index for collection_1 for a while
method: build index and insert vector
expected: status ok
collection_name = ut.gen_unique_str(uid)
connect.create_collection(collection_name, default_fields)
result = connect.insert(collection, default_entity)
connect.create_index(collection_name, field_name, get_simple_index)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == 1
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_search_entity_insert_entity_another(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entity to collection_1 after search collection_2
method: search collection and insert entity
expected: status ok
collection_name = ut.gen_unique_str(uid)
connect.create_collection(collection_name, default_fields)
res =, **default_single_query)
assert len(res[0]) == 0
connect.insert(collection_name, default_entity)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection_name)
assert stats[row_count] == 1
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_entity_search_entity_another(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entity to collection_1 after search collection_2
method: search collection and insert entity
expected: status ok
collection_name = ut.gen_unique_str(uid)
connect.create_collection(collection_name, default_fields)
result = connect.insert(collection, default_entity)
res =, **default_single_query)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats[row_count] == 1
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def test_insert_entity_sleep_search_entity_another(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entity to collection_1 after search collection_2 a while
method: search collection, sleep, and insert entity
expected: status ok
collection_name = ut.gen_unique_str(uid)
connect.create_collection(collection_name, default_fields)
result = connect.insert(collection, default_entity)
res =, **default_single_query)
assert len(res[0]) == 0
# @pytest.mark.timeout(ADD_TIMEOUT)
def _test_insert_entity_during_release_collection(self, connect, collection):
target: test insert entity during release
method: release collection async, then do insert operation
expected: insert ok
for i in range(10):
connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
def release():
t = threading.Thread(target=release, args=(collection,))
result = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
assert len(result.primary_keys) == default_nb
class TestInsertInvalid(object):
Test inserting vectors with invalid collection names
def get_collection_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_tag_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_field_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_field_type(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_field_int_value(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_entity_id(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_field_vectors_value(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_insert_ids_invalid(self, connect, id_collection, get_entity_id):
target: test insert, with using customize ids, which are not int64
method: create collection and insert entities in it
expected: raise exception
entity_id = get_entity_id
ids = [entity_id for _ in range(default_nb)]
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(id_collection, default_entities, ids)
def test_insert_with_invalid_collection_name(self, connect, get_collection_name):
target: test insert with invalid scenario
method: insert with invalid collection name
expected: raise exception
collection_name = get_collection_name
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(collection_name, default_entity)
def test_insert_with_invalid_partition_name(self, connect, collection, get_tag_name):
target: test insert with invalid scenario
method: insert with invalid partition name
expected: raise exception
tag_name = get_tag_name
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
if tag_name is not None:
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(collection, default_entity, partition_name=tag_name)
connect.insert(collection, default_entity, partition_name=tag_name)
def test_insert_with_invalid_field_type(self, connect, collection, get_field_type):
target: test insert with invalid field
method: insert with invalid field type
expected: raise exception
field_type = get_field_type
tmp_entity = ut.update_field_type(copy.deepcopy(default_entity), 'float', field_type)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(collection, tmp_entity)
def test_insert_with_invalid_field_value(self, connect, collection, get_field_int_value):
target: test insert with invalid field
method: insert with invalid field value
expected: raise exception
field_value = get_field_int_value
tmp_entity = ut.update_field_type(copy.deepcopy(default_entity), 'int64', field_value)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(collection, tmp_entity)
def test_insert_with_invalid_field_entity_value(self, connect, collection, get_field_vectors_value):
target: test insert with invalid entity
method: insert with invalid entity value
expected: raise exception
tmp_entity = copy.deepcopy(default_entity)
src_vector = tmp_entity[-1]["values"]
src_vector[0][1] = get_field_vectors_value
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(collection, tmp_entity)
class TestInsertInvalidBinary(object):
Test inserting vectors with invalid collection names
def get_collection_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_tag_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_field_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_field_type(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_field_int_value(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_entity_id(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_field_vectors_value(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_insert_with_invalid_field_name(self, connect, binary_collection, get_field_name):
target: test insert with invalid field name
method: insert with invalid field name
expected: raise exception
tmp_entity = ut.update_field_name(copy.deepcopy(default_binary_entity), "int64", get_field_name)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(binary_collection, tmp_entity)
def test_insert_with_invalid_field_value(self, connect, binary_collection, get_field_int_value):
tmp_entity = ut.update_field_type(copy.deepcopy(default_binary_entity), 'int64', get_field_int_value)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(binary_collection, tmp_entity)
def test_insert_with_invalid_field_entity_value(self, connect, binary_collection, get_field_vectors_value):
target: test insert with invalid scenario
method: insert with invalid field entity
expected: raise exception
tmp_entity = copy.deepcopy(default_binary_entity)
src_vectors = tmp_entity[-1]["values"]
src_vectors[0] = get_field_vectors_value
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(binary_collection, tmp_entity)
def test_insert_ids_invalid(self, connect, binary_id_collection, get_entity_id):
target: test insert, with using customize ids, which are not int64
method: create collection and insert entities in it
expected: raise exception
entity_id = get_entity_id
ids = [entity_id for _ in range(default_nb)]
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(binary_id_collection, default_binary_entities, ids)
def test_insert_with_invalid_field_type(self, connect, binary_collection, get_field_type):
target: test insert with invalid field type
method: insert with invalid field type
expected: raise exception
field_type = get_field_type
tmp_entity = ut.update_field_type(copy.deepcopy(default_binary_entity), 'int64', field_type)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(binary_collection, tmp_entity)
def test_insert_with_invalid_field_entities_value(self, connect, binary_collection, get_field_vectors_value):
target: test insert with invalid field
method: insert with invalid field value
expected: raise exception
tmp_entities = copy.deepcopy(default_binary_entities)
src_vector = tmp_entities[-1]["values"]
src_vector[1] = get_field_vectors_value
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.insert(binary_collection, tmp_entities)