
914 lines
39 KiB

import logging
import time
import pdb
import copy
import threading
from multiprocessing import Pool, Process
import numpy
import pytest
import sklearn.preprocessing
from utils import *
from constants import *
uid = "test_index"
field_name = default_float_vec_field_name
binary_field_name = default_binary_vec_field_name
query, query_vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, default_entities, default_top_k, 1)
default_index = {"index_type": "IVF_FLAT", "params": {"nlist": 128}, "metric_type": "L2"}
class TestIndexBase:
def get_simple_index(self, request, connect):
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "CPU":
# if request.param["index_type"] in index_cpu_not_support():
# pytest.skip("sq8h not support in CPU mode")
return copy.deepcopy(request.param)
def get_nq(self, request):
yield request.param
The following cases are used to test `create_index` function
def test_create_index(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
if get_simple_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(get_simple_index, field_name)
assert index == get_simple_index
def test_create_index_on_field_not_existed(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index on field not existed
expected: error raised
tmp_field_name = gen_unique_str()
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.create_index(collection, tmp_field_name, get_simple_index)
def test_create_index_on_field(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index on other field
expected: error raised
tmp_field_name = "int64"
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.create_index(collection, tmp_field_name, get_simple_index)
def test_create_index_no_vectors(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
if get_simple_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(get_simple_index, field_name)
assert index == get_simple_index
def test_create_index_partition(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection, create partition, and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities, partition_tag=default_tag)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
if get_simple_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(get_simple_index, field_name)
assert index == get_simple_index
def test_create_index_partition_flush(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection, create partition, and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities, partition_tag=default_tag)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
if get_simple_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(get_simple_index, field_name)
assert index == get_simple_index
def test_create_index_without_connect(self, dis_connect, collection):
target: test create index without connection
method: create collection and add entities in it, check if added successfully
expected: raise exception
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
dis_connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
def test_create_index_search_with_query_vectors(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_nq):
target: test create index interface, search with more query vectors
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
logging.getLogger().info(connect.describe_index(collection, ""))
nq = get_nq
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, default_entities, default_top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
res =, query)
assert len(res) == nq
def test_create_index_multithread(self, connect, collection, args):
target: test create index interface with multiprocess
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
def build(connect):
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, default_index)
if default_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(default_index, field_name)
assert index == default_index
threads_num = 8
threads = []
for i in range(threads_num):
m = get_milvus(host=args["ip"], port=args["port"], handler=args["handler"])
t = MyThread(target=build, args=(m,))
for t in threads:
def test_create_index_collection_not_existed(self, connect):
target: test create index interface when collection name not existed
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
, make sure the collection name not in index
expected: create index failed
collection_name = gen_unique_str(uid)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.create_index(collection_name, field_name, default_index)
def test_create_index_insert_flush(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index
method: create collection and create index, add entities in it
expected: create index ok, and count correct
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats["row_count"] == default_nb
if get_simple_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(get_simple_index, field_name)
assert index == get_simple_index
def test_create_same_index_repeatedly(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: check if index can be created repeatedly, with the same create_index params
method: create index after index have been built
expected: return code success, and search ok
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
if get_simple_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(get_simple_index, field_name)
assert index == get_simple_index
def test_create_different_index_repeatedly(self, connect, collection):
target: check if index can be created repeatedly, with the different create_index params
method: create another index with different index_params after index have been built
expected: return code 0, and describe index result equals with the second index params
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
indexs = [default_index, {"metric_type":"L2", "index_type": "FLAT", "params":{"nlist": 1024}}]
for index in indexs:
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, index)
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
# assert index == indexs[-1]
assert not index # FLAT is the last index_type, drop all indexes in server
def test_create_different_index_repeatedly_B(self, connect, collection):
target: check if index can be created repeatedly, with the different create_index params
method: create another index with different index_params after index have been built
expected: return code 0, and describe index result equals with the second index params
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
indexs = [default_index, {"metric_type": "L2", "index_type": "IVF_SQ8", "params": {"nlist": 1024}}]
for index in indexs:
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, index)
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(indexs[-1], field_name)
assert index == indexs[-1]
# assert not index # FLAT is the last index_type, drop all indexes in server
def test_create_index_ip(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
if get_simple_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(get_simple_index, field_name)
assert index == get_simple_index
def test_create_index_no_vectors_ip(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
if get_simple_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(get_simple_index, field_name)
assert index == get_simple_index
def test_create_index_partition_ip(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection, create partition, and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities, partition_tag=default_tag)
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
if get_simple_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(get_simple_index, field_name)
assert index == get_simple_index
def test_create_index_partition_flush_ip(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection, create partition, and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities, partition_tag=default_tag)
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
if get_simple_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(get_simple_index, field_name)
assert index == get_simple_index
def test_create_index_search_with_query_vectors_ip(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_nq):
target: test create index interface, search with more query vectors
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
metric_type = "IP"
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = metric_type
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
logging.getLogger().info(connect.describe_index(collection, ""))
nq = get_nq
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, default_entities, default_top_k, nq, metric_type=metric_type, search_params=search_param)
res =, query)
assert len(res) == nq
def test_create_index_multithread_ip(self, connect, collection, args):
target: test create index interface with multiprocess
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
def build(connect):
default_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, default_index)
if default_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(default_index, field_name)
assert index == default_index
threads_num = 8
threads = []
for i in range(threads_num):
m = get_milvus(host=args["ip"], port=args["port"], handler=args["handler"])
t = MyThread(target=build, args=(m,))
for t in threads:
def test_create_index_collection_not_existed_ip(self, connect, collection):
target: test create index interface when collection name not existed
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
, make sure the collection name not in index
expected: return code not equals to 0, create index failed
collection_name = gen_unique_str(uid)
default_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.create_index(collection_name, field_name, default_index)
def test_create_index_no_vectors_insert_ip(self, connect, collection):
target: test create index interface when there is no vectors in collection, and does not affect the subsequent process
method: create collection and add no vectors in it, and then create index, add entities in it
expected: return code equals to 0
default_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, default_index)
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats["row_count"] == default_nb
if default_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(default_index, field_name)
assert index == default_index
def test_create_same_index_repeatedly_ip(self, connect, collection):
target: check if index can be created repeatedly, with the same create_index params
method: create index after index have been built
expected: return code success, and search ok
default_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, default_index)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, default_index)
if default_index["index_type"] != "FLAT":
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(default_index, field_name)
assert index == default_index
def test_create_different_index_repeatedly_ip(self, connect, collection):
target: check if index can be created repeatedly, with the different create_index params
method: create another index with different index_params after index have been built
expected: return code 0, and describe index result equals with the second index params
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection)
assert stats["row_count"] == default_nb
default_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
indexs = [default_index, {"index_type": "FLAT", "params": {"nlist": 1024}, "metric_type": "IP"}]
for index in indexs:
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, index)
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
# assert index == indexs[-1]
assert not index
The following cases are used to test `drop_index` function
def test_drop_index(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test drop index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index, call drop index
expected: return code 0, and default index param
# ids = connect.insert(collection, entities)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
connect.drop_index(collection, field_name)
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
assert not index
def test_drop_index_repeatedly(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test drop index repeatedly
method: create index, call drop index, and drop again
expected: return code 0
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
connect.drop_index(collection, field_name)
connect.drop_index(collection, field_name)
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
assert not index
def test_drop_index_without_connect(self, dis_connect, collection):
target: test drop index without connection
method: drop index, and check if drop successfully
expected: raise exception
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
dis_connect.drop_index(collection, field_name)
def test_drop_index_collection_not_existed(self, connect):
target: test drop index interface when collection name not existed
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
, make sure the collection name not in index, and then drop it
expected: return code not equals to 0, drop index failed
collection_name = gen_unique_str(uid)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.drop_index(collection_name, field_name)
def test_drop_index_collection_not_create(self, connect, collection):
target: test drop index interface when index not created
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return code not equals to 0, drop index failed
# no create index
connect.drop_index(collection, field_name)
def test_create_drop_index_repeatedly(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create / drop index repeatedly, use the same index params
method: create index, drop index, four times
expected: return code 0
for i in range(4):
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
connect.drop_index(collection, field_name)
def test_drop_index_ip(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test drop index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index, call drop index
expected: return code 0, and default index param
# ids = connect.insert(collection, entities)
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
connect.drop_index(collection, field_name)
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
assert not index
def test_drop_index_repeatedly_ip(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test drop index repeatedly
method: create index, call drop index, and drop again
expected: return code 0
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
connect.drop_index(collection, field_name)
connect.drop_index(collection, field_name)
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
assert not index
def test_drop_index_without_connect_ip(self, dis_connect, collection):
target: test drop index without connection
method: drop index, and check if drop successfully
expected: raise exception
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
dis_connect.drop_index(collection, field_name)
def test_drop_index_collection_not_create_ip(self, connect, collection):
target: test drop index interface when index not created
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return code not equals to 0, drop index failed
# ids = connect.insert(collection, entities)
# no create index
connect.drop_index(collection, field_name)
def test_create_drop_index_repeatedly_ip(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create / drop index repeatedly, use the same index params
method: create index, drop index, four times
expected: return code 0
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
for i in range(4):
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
connect.drop_index(collection, field_name)
def test_create_PQ_without_nbits(self, connect, collection):
PQ_index = {"index_type": "IVF_PQ", "params": {"nlist": 128, "m": 16}, "metric_type": "L2"}
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, PQ_index)
index = connect.describe_index(collection, "")
create_target_index(PQ_index, field_name)
assert index == PQ_index
class TestIndexBinary:
def get_simple_index(self, request, connect):
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "CPU":
# if request.param["index_type"] in index_cpu_not_support():
# pytest.skip("sq8h not support in CPU mode")
return copy.deepcopy(request.param)
def get_jaccard_index(self, request, connect):
if request.param["index_type"] in binary_support():
request.param["metric_type"] = "JACCARD"
return request.param
pytest.skip("Skip index")
def get_l2_index(self, request, connect):
request.param["metric_type"] = "L2"
return request.param
def get_nq(self, request):
yield request.param
The following cases are used to test `create_index` function
def test_create_index(self, connect, binary_collection, get_jaccard_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
ids = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities)
connect.create_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name, get_jaccard_index)
binary_index = connect.describe_index(binary_collection, "")
create_target_index(get_jaccard_index, binary_field_name)
assert binary_index == get_jaccard_index
def test_create_index_partition(self, connect, binary_collection, get_jaccard_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection, create partition, and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
connect.create_partition(binary_collection, default_tag)
ids = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities, partition_tag=default_tag)
connect.create_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name, get_jaccard_index)
binary_index = connect.describe_index(binary_collection, "")
create_target_index(get_jaccard_index, binary_field_name)
assert binary_index == get_jaccard_index
def test_create_index_search_with_query_vectors(self, connect, binary_collection, get_jaccard_index, get_nq):
target: test create index interface, search with more query vectors
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
nq = get_nq
ids = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities)
connect.create_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name, get_jaccard_index)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, default_binary_entities, default_top_k, nq, metric_type="JACCARD")
search_param = get_search_param(get_jaccard_index["index_type"], metric_type="JACCARD")
res =, query, search_params=search_param)
assert len(res) == nq
def test_create_index_invalid_metric_type_binary(self, connect, binary_collection, get_l2_index):
target: test create index interface with invalid metric type
method: add entitys into binary connection, flash, create index with L2 metric type.
expected: return create_index failure
# insert 6000 vectors
ids = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.create_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name, get_l2_index)
The following cases are used to test `describe_index` function
@pytest.mark.skip("repeat with test_create_index binary")
def _test_get_index_info(self, connect, binary_collection, get_jaccard_index):
target: test describe index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index, call describe index
expected: return code 0, and index instructure
ids = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities)
connect.create_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name, get_jaccard_index)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(binary_collection)
assert stats["row_count"] == default_nb
for partition in stats["partitions"]:
segments = partition["segments"]
if segments:
for segment in segments:
for file in segment["files"]:
if "index_type" in file:
assert file["index_type"] == get_jaccard_index["index_type"]
@pytest.mark.skip("repeat with test_create_index_partition binary")
def _test_get_index_info_partition(self, connect, binary_collection, get_jaccard_index):
target: test describe index interface
method: create collection, create partition and add entities in it, create index, call describe index
expected: return code 0, and index instructure
connect.create_partition(binary_collection, default_tag)
ids = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities, partition_tag=default_tag)
connect.create_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name, get_jaccard_index)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(binary_collection)
assert stats["row_count"] == default_nb
assert len(stats["partitions"]) == 2
for partition in stats["partitions"]:
segments = partition["segments"]
if segments:
for segment in segments:
for file in segment["files"]:
if "index_type" in file:
assert file["index_type"] == get_jaccard_index["index_type"]
The following cases are used to test `drop_index` function
def test_drop_index(self, connect, binary_collection, get_jaccard_index):
target: test drop index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index, call drop index
expected: return code 0, and default index param
connect.create_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name, get_jaccard_index)
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(binary_collection)
connect.drop_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name)
binary_index = connect.describe_index(binary_collection, "")
assert not binary_index
def test_drop_index_partition(self, connect, binary_collection, get_jaccard_index):
target: test drop index interface
method: create collection, create partition and add entities in it, create index on collection, call drop collection index
expected: return code 0, and default index param
connect.create_partition(binary_collection, default_tag)
ids = connect.insert(binary_collection, default_binary_entities, partition_tag=default_tag)
connect.create_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name, get_jaccard_index)
connect.drop_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name)
binary_index = connect.describe_index(binary_collection, "")
assert not binary_index
class TestIndexInvalid(object):
Test create / describe / drop index interfaces with invalid collection names
def get_collection_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_create_index_with_invalid_collection_name(self, connect, get_collection_name):
collection_name = get_collection_name
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.create_index(collection_name, field_name, default_index)
def test_drop_index_with_invalid_collection_name(self, connect, get_collection_name):
collection_name = get_collection_name
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
def get_index(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_create_index_with_invalid_index_params(self, connect, collection, get_index):
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_index)
class TestIndexAsync:
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def skip_http_check(self, args):
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
The following cases are used to test `create_index` function
def get_simple_index(self, request, connect):
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "CPU":
# if request.param["index_type"] in index_cpu_not_support():
# pytest.skip("sq8h not support in CPU mode")
return copy.deepcopy(request.param)
def check_result(self, res):
logging.getLogger().info("In callback check search result")
The following cases are used to test `create_index` function
def test_create_index(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
logging.getLogger().info("start index")
future = connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index, _async=True)
logging.getLogger().info("before result")
res = future.result()
def test_create_index_drop(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
logging.getLogger().info("start index")
future = connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index, _async=True)
def test_create_index_with_invalid_collection_name(self, connect):
collection_name = " "
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
future = connect.create_index(collection_name, field_name, default_index, _async=True)
res = future.result()
def test_create_index_callback(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test create index interface
method: create collection and add entities in it, create index
expected: return search success
ids = connect.insert(collection, default_entities)
logging.getLogger().info("start index")
future = connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index, _async=True,
logging.getLogger().info("before result")
res = future.result()