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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package delegator
import (
const (
ForwardPolicyDefault = ``
L0ForwardPolicyBF = `FilterByBF`
L0ForwardPolicyRemoteLoad = `RemoteLoad`
StreamingForwardPolicyBF = `FilterByBF`
StreamingForwardPolicyDirect = `Direct`
func (sd *shardDelegator) forwardL0Deletion(ctx context.Context,
info *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo,
req *querypb.LoadSegmentsRequest,
candidate *pkoracle.BloomFilterSet,
targetNodeID int64,
worker cluster.Worker,
) error {
switch sd.l0ForwardPolicy {
case ForwardPolicyDefault, L0ForwardPolicyBF:
return sd.forwardL0ByBF(ctx, info, candidate, targetNodeID, worker)
case L0ForwardPolicyRemoteLoad:
return sd.forwardL0RemoteLoad(ctx, info, req, targetNodeID, worker)
return merr.WrapErrServiceInternal("Unknown l0 forward policy: %s", sd.l0ForwardPolicy)
func (sd *shardDelegator) forwardStreamingDeletion(ctx context.Context, deleteData []*DeleteData) {
// TODO @congqixia add `auto` policy
// using direct when streaming size is too large
// need some experimental data to support this policy
switch policy := paramtable.Get().QueryNodeCfg.StreamingDeltaForwardPolicy.GetValue(); policy {
case ForwardPolicyDefault, StreamingForwardPolicyBF:
sd.forwardStreamingByBF(ctx, deleteData)
case StreamingForwardPolicyDirect:
// forward streaming deletion without bf filtering
sd.forwardStreamingDirect(ctx, deleteData)
log.Fatal("unsupported streaming forward policy", zap.String("policy", policy))
func (sd *shardDelegator) addL0ForGrowing(ctx context.Context, segment segments.Segment) error {
switch sd.l0ForwardPolicy {
case ForwardPolicyDefault, L0ForwardPolicyBF:
return sd.addL0GrowingBF(ctx, segment)
case L0ForwardPolicyRemoteLoad:
// forward streaming deletion without bf filtering
return sd.addL0ForGrowingLoad(ctx, segment)
log.Fatal("unsupported l0 forward policy", zap.String("policy", sd.l0ForwardPolicy))
return nil
func (sd *shardDelegator) addL0GrowingBF(ctx context.Context, segment segments.Segment) error {
deletedPks, deletedTss := sd.GetLevel0Deletions(segment.Partition(), pkoracle.NewCandidateKey(segment.ID(), segment.Partition(), segments.SegmentTypeGrowing))
if deletedPks == nil || deletedPks.Len() == 0 {
return nil
log.Info("forwarding L0 delete records...", zap.Int64("segmentID", segment.ID()), zap.Int("deletionCount", deletedPks.Len()))
return segment.Delete(ctx, deletedPks, deletedTss)
func (sd *shardDelegator) addL0ForGrowingLoad(ctx context.Context, segment segments.Segment) error {
deltalogs := sd.getLevel0Deltalogs(segment.Partition())
log.Info("forwarding L0 via loader...", zap.Int64("segmentID", segment.ID()), zap.Int("deltalogsNum", len(deltalogs)))
return sd.loader.LoadDeltaLogs(ctx, segment, deltalogs)
func (sd *shardDelegator) forwardL0ByBF(ctx context.Context,
info *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo,
candidate *pkoracle.BloomFilterSet,
targetNodeID int64,
worker cluster.Worker,
) error {
// after L0 segment feature
// growing segemnts should have load stream delete as well
deleteScope := querypb.DataScope_All
switch candidate.Type() {
case commonpb.SegmentState_Sealed:
deleteScope = querypb.DataScope_Historical
case commonpb.SegmentState_Growing:
deleteScope = querypb.DataScope_Streaming
deletedPks, deletedTss := sd.GetLevel0Deletions(candidate.Partition(), candidate)
if deletedPks != nil && deletedPks.Len() > 0 {
log.Info("forward L0 delete to worker...",
zap.Int("deleteRowNum", deletedPks.Len()),
pks, err := storage.ParsePrimaryKeysBatch2IDs(deletedPks)
if err != nil {
return err
err = worker.Delete(ctx, &querypb.DeleteRequest{
Base: commonpbutil.NewMsgBase(commonpbutil.WithTargetID(targetNodeID)),
CollectionId: info.GetCollectionID(),
PartitionId: info.GetPartitionID(),
SegmentId: info.GetSegmentID(),
PrimaryKeys: pks,
Timestamps: deletedTss,
Scope: deleteScope,
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to apply delete when LoadSegment", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
func (sd *shardDelegator) forwardL0RemoteLoad(ctx context.Context,
info *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo,
req *querypb.LoadSegmentsRequest,
targetNodeID int64,
worker cluster.Worker,
) error {
info = typeutil.Clone(info)
// load l0 segment deltalogs
info.Deltalogs = sd.getLevel0Deltalogs(info.GetPartitionID())
return worker.LoadSegments(ctx, &querypb.LoadSegmentsRequest{
Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{
TargetID: targetNodeID,
DstNodeID: targetNodeID,
Infos: []*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo{
CollectionID: info.GetCollectionID(),
LoadScope: querypb.LoadScope_Delta,
Schema: req.GetSchema(),
IndexInfoList: req.GetIndexInfoList(),
Version: req.GetVersion(),
func (sd *shardDelegator) getLevel0Deltalogs(partitionID int64) []*datapb.FieldBinlog {
defer sd.level0Mut.Unlock()
level0Segments := sd.segmentManager.GetBy(
var deltalogs []*datapb.FieldBinlog
for _, segment := range level0Segments {
if segment.Partition() != common.AllPartitionsID && segment.Partition() != partitionID {
segment := segment.(*segments.L0Segment)
deltalogs = append(deltalogs, segment.LoadInfo().GetDeltalogs()...)
return deltalogs
func (sd *shardDelegator) forwardStreamingByBF(ctx context.Context, deleteData []*DeleteData) {
start := time.Now()
retMap := sd.applyBFInParallel(deleteData, segments.GetBFApplyPool())
// segment => delete data
delRecords := make(map[int64]DeleteData)
retMap.Range(func(key int, value *BatchApplyRet) bool {
startIdx := value.StartIdx
pk2SegmentIDs := value.Segment2Hits
pks := deleteData[value.DeleteDataIdx].PrimaryKeys
tss := deleteData[value.DeleteDataIdx].Timestamps
for segmentID, hits := range pk2SegmentIDs {
for i, hit := range hits {
if hit {
delRecord := delRecords[segmentID]
delRecord.PrimaryKeys = append(delRecord.PrimaryKeys, pks[startIdx+i])
delRecord.Timestamps = append(delRecord.Timestamps, tss[startIdx+i])
delRecords[segmentID] = delRecord
return true
bfCost := time.Since(start)
offlineSegments := typeutil.NewConcurrentSet[int64]()
sealed, growing, version := sd.distribution.PinOnlineSegments()
start = time.Now()
eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(context.Background())
for _, entry := range sealed {
entry := entry
eg.Go(func() error {
worker, err := sd.workerManager.GetWorker(ctx, entry.NodeID)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to get worker",
zap.Int64("nodeID", paramtable.GetNodeID()),
// skip if node down
// delete will be processed after loaded again
return nil
offlineSegments.Upsert(sd.applyDelete(ctx, entry.NodeID, worker, func(segmentID int64) (DeleteData, bool) {
data, ok := delRecords[segmentID]
return data, ok
}, entry.Segments, querypb.DataScope_Historical)...)
return nil
if len(growing) > 0 {
eg.Go(func() error {
worker, err := sd.workerManager.GetWorker(ctx, paramtable.GetNodeID())
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get worker(local)",
zap.Int64("nodeID", paramtable.GetNodeID()),
// panic here, local worker shall not have error
offlineSegments.Upsert(sd.applyDelete(ctx, paramtable.GetNodeID(), worker, func(segmentID int64) (DeleteData, bool) {
data, ok := delRecords[segmentID]
return data, ok
}, growing, querypb.DataScope_Streaming)...)
return nil
// not error return in apply delete
_ = eg.Wait()
forwardDeleteCost := time.Since(start)
offlineSegIDs := offlineSegments.Collect()
if len(offlineSegIDs) > 0 {
log.Warn("failed to apply delete, mark segment offline", zap.Int64s("offlineSegments", offlineSegIDs))
metrics.QueryNodeApplyBFCost.WithLabelValues("ProcessDelete", fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID())).Observe(float64(bfCost.Milliseconds()))
metrics.QueryNodeForwardDeleteCost.WithLabelValues("ProcessDelete", fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID())).Observe(float64(forwardDeleteCost.Milliseconds()))
func (sd *shardDelegator) forwardStreamingDirect(ctx context.Context, deleteData []*DeleteData) {
start := time.Now()
// group by partition id
groups := lo.GroupBy(deleteData, func(delData *DeleteData) int64 {
return delData.PartitionID
offlineSegments := typeutil.NewConcurrentSet[int64]()
eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for partitionID, group := range groups {
partitionID := partitionID
group := group
eg.Go(func() error {
partitions := []int64{partitionID}
// check if all partitions
if partitionID == common.AllPartitionsID {
partitions = []int64{}
sealed, growing, version := sd.distribution.PinOnlineSegments(partitions...)
defer sd.distribution.Unpin(version)
for _, entry := range sealed {
entry := entry
worker, err := sd.workerManager.GetWorker(ctx, entry.NodeID)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to get worker",
zap.Int64("nodeID", entry.NodeID),
// skip if node down
// delete will be processed after loaded again
// forward to non level0 segment only
segments := lo.Filter(entry.Segments, func(segmentEntry SegmentEntry, _ int) bool {
return segmentEntry.Level != datapb.SegmentLevel_L0
eg.Go(func() error {
offlineSegments.Upsert(sd.applyDeleteBatch(ctx, entry.NodeID, worker, group, segments, querypb.DataScope_Historical)...)
return nil
if len(growing) > 0 {
worker, err := sd.workerManager.GetWorker(ctx, paramtable.GetNodeID())
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get worker(local)",
zap.Int64("nodeID", paramtable.GetNodeID()),
// panic here, local worker shall not have error
eg.Go(func() error {
offlineSegments.Upsert(sd.applyDeleteBatch(ctx, paramtable.GetNodeID(), worker, group, growing, querypb.DataScope_Streaming)...)
return nil
return nil
// not error return in apply delete
_ = eg.Wait()
forwardDeleteCost := time.Since(start)
offlineSegIDs := offlineSegments.Collect()
if len(offlineSegIDs) > 0 {
log.Warn("failed to apply delete, mark segment offline", zap.Int64s("offlineSegments", offlineSegIDs))
metrics.QueryNodeForwardDeleteCost.WithLabelValues("ProcessDelete", fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID())).Observe(float64(forwardDeleteCost.Milliseconds()))
// applyDeleteBatch handles delete record and apply them to corresponding workers in batch.
func (sd *shardDelegator) applyDeleteBatch(ctx context.Context,
nodeID int64,
worker cluster.Worker,
data []*DeleteData,
entries []SegmentEntry,
scope querypb.DataScope,
) []int64 {
offlineSegments := typeutil.NewConcurrentSet[int64]()
log := sd.getLogger(ctx)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
pool := conc.NewPool[struct{}](runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) * 4)
defer pool.Release()
var futures []*conc.Future[struct{}]
for _, delData := range data {
delData := delData
segmentIDs := lo.Map(entries, func(entry SegmentEntry, _ int) int64 {
return entry.SegmentID
future := pool.Submit(func() (struct{}, error) {
log.Debug("delegator plan to applyDelete via worker")
err := retry.Handle(ctx, func() (bool, error) {
if sd.Stopped() {
return false, merr.WrapErrChannelNotAvailable(sd.vchannelName, "channel is unsubscribing")
resp, err := worker.DeleteBatch(ctx, &querypb.DeleteBatchRequest{
Base: commonpbutil.NewMsgBase(commonpbutil.WithTargetID(nodeID)),
CollectionId: sd.collectionID,
PartitionId: delData.PartitionID,
VchannelName: sd.vchannelName,
SegmentIds: segmentIDs,
PrimaryKeys: storage.ParsePrimaryKeys2IDs(delData.PrimaryKeys),
Timestamps: delData.Timestamps,
Scope: scope,
if errors.Is(err, merr.ErrNodeNotFound) {
log.Warn("try to delete data on non-exist node")
// cancel other request
return false, err
// grpc/network error
if err != nil {
return true, err
if len(resp.GetMissingIds()) > 0 {
log.Warn("try to delete data of released segment", zap.Int64s("ids", resp.GetMissingIds()))
if len(resp.GetFailedIds()) > 0 {
log.Warn("apply delete for segment failed, marking it offline")
return false, nil
}, retry.Attempts(10))
return struct{}{}, err
futures = append(futures, future)
return offlineSegments.Collect()