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398 lines
14 KiB
Protocol Buffer
398 lines
14 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package milvus.proto.streaming;
option go_package = "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/streamingpb";
import "milvus.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
// Common
// MessageID is the unique identifier of a message.
message MessageID {
bytes id = 1;
// Message is the basic unit of communication between publisher and consumer.
message Message {
bytes payload = 1; // message body
map<string, string> properties = 2; // message properties
// PChannelInfo is the information of a pchannel info, should only keep the basic info of a pchannel.
// It's used in many rpc and meta, so keep it simple.
message PChannelInfo {
string name = 1; // channel name
int64 term =
2; // A monotonic increasing term, every time the channel is recovered or moved to another streamingnode, the term will increase by meta server.
// PChannelMetaHistory is the history meta information of a pchannel, should only keep the data that is necessary to persistent.
message PChannelMetaHistory {
int64 term = 1; // term when server assigned.
StreamingNodeInfo node =
2; // streaming node that the channel is assigned to.
// PChannelMetaState
enum PChannelMetaState {
PCHANNEL_META_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // should never used.
1; // channel is uninitialized, never assgined to any streaming node.
2; // new term is allocated, but not determined to be assgined.
3; // channel is assigned to a streaming node.
4; // channel is unavailable at this term.
// PChannelMeta is the meta information of a pchannel, should only keep the data that is necessary to persistent.
// It's only used in meta, so do not use it in rpc.
message PChannelMeta {
PChannelInfo channel = 1; // keep the meta info that current assigned to.
StreamingNodeInfo node = 2; // nil if channel is not uninitialized.
PChannelMetaState state = 3; // state of the channel.
repeated PChannelMetaHistory histories =
4; // keep the meta info history that used to be assigned to.
// VersionPair is the version pair of global and local.
message VersionPair {
int64 global = 1;
int64 local = 2;
// Milvus Service
service StreamingCoordStateService {
rpc GetComponentStates(milvus.GetComponentStatesRequest)
returns (milvus.ComponentStates) {
service StreamingNodeStateService {
rpc GetComponentStates(milvus.GetComponentStatesRequest)
returns (milvus.ComponentStates) {
// StreamingCoordAssignmentService
// StreamingCoordAssignmentService is the global log management service.
// Server: log coord. Running on every log node.
// Client: all log publish/consuming node.
service StreamingCoordAssignmentService {
// AssignmentDiscover is used to discover all log nodes managed by the streamingcoord.
// Channel assignment information will be pushed to client by stream.
rpc AssignmentDiscover(stream AssignmentDiscoverRequest)
returns (stream AssignmentDiscoverResponse) {
// AssignmentDiscoverRequest is the request of Discovery
message AssignmentDiscoverRequest {
oneof command {
ReportAssignmentErrorRequest report_error =
1; // report streaming error, trigger reassign right now.
CloseAssignmentDiscoverRequest close = 2; // close the stream.
// ReportAssignmentErrorRequest is the request to report assignment error happens.
message ReportAssignmentErrorRequest {
PChannelInfo pchannel = 1; // channel
StreamingError err = 2; // error happend on log node
// CloseAssignmentDiscoverRequest is the request to close the stream.
message CloseAssignmentDiscoverRequest {
// AssignmentDiscoverResponse is the response of Discovery
message AssignmentDiscoverResponse {
oneof response {
FullStreamingNodeAssignmentWithVersion full_assignment =
1; // all assignment info.
// TODO: may be support partial assignment info in future.
CloseAssignmentDiscoverResponse close = 2;
// FullStreamingNodeAssignmentWithVersion is the full assignment info of a log node with version.
message FullStreamingNodeAssignmentWithVersion {
VersionPair version = 1;
repeated StreamingNodeAssignment assignments = 2;
message CloseAssignmentDiscoverResponse {
// StreamingNodeInfo is the information of a streaming node.
message StreamingNodeInfo {
int64 server_id = 1;
string address = 2;
// StreamingNodeAssignment is the assignment info of a streaming node.
message StreamingNodeAssignment {
StreamingNodeInfo node = 1;
repeated PChannelInfo channels = 2;
// DeliverPolicy is the policy to deliver message.
message DeliverPolicy {
oneof policy {
google.protobuf.Empty all = 1; // deliver all messages.
google.protobuf.Empty latest = 2; // deliver the latest message.
MessageID start_from =
3; // deliver message from this message id. [startFrom, ...]
MessageID start_after =
4; // deliver message after this message id. (startAfter, ...]
// DeliverFilter is the filter to deliver message.
message DeliverFilter {
oneof filter {
DeliverFilterTimeTickGT time_tick_gt = 1;
DeliverFilterTimeTickGTE time_tick_gte = 2;
DeliverFilterVChannel vchannel = 3;
// DeliverFilterTimeTickGT is the filter to deliver message with time tick greater than this value.
message DeliverFilterTimeTickGT {
uint64 time_tick =
1; // deliver message with time tick greater than this value.
// DeliverFilterTimeTickGTE is the filter to deliver message with time tick greater than or equal to this value.
message DeliverFilterTimeTickGTE {
uint64 time_tick =
1; // deliver message with time tick greater than or equal to this value.
// DeliverFilterVChannel is the filter to deliver message with vchannel name.
message DeliverFilterVChannel {
string vchannel = 1; // deliver message with vchannel name.
// StreamingCode is the error code for log internal component.
enum StreamingCode {
STREAMING_CODE_CHANNEL_EXIST = 1; // channel already exist
STREAMING_CODE_CHANNEL_NOT_EXIST = 2; // channel not exist
STREAMING_CODE_CHANNEL_FENCED = 3; // channel is fenced
STREAMING_CODE_ON_SHUTDOWN = 4; // component is on shutdown
STREAMING_CODE_INVALID_REQUEST_SEQ = 5; // invalid request sequence
STREAMING_CODE_UNMATCHED_CHANNEL_TERM = 6; // unmatched channel term
STREAMING_CODE_IGNORED_OPERATION = 7; // ignored operation
STREAMING_CODE_INNER = 8; // underlying service failure.
STREAMING_CODE_EOF = 9; // end of stream, generated by grpc status.
STREAMING_CODE_INVAILD_ARGUMENT = 10; // invalid argument
STREAMING_CODE_UNKNOWN = 999; // unknown error
// StreamingError is the error type for log internal component.
message StreamingError {
StreamingCode code = 1;
string cause = 2;
// StreamingNodeHandlerService
// StreamingNodeHandlerService is the service to handle log messages.
// All handler operation will be blocked until the channel is ready read or write on that log node.
// Server: all log node. Running on every log node.
// Client: all log produce or consuming node.
service StreamingNodeHandlerService {
// Produce is a bi-directional streaming RPC to send messages to a channel.
// All messages sent to a channel will be assigned a unique messageID.
// The messageID is used to identify the message in the channel.
// The messageID isn't promised to be monotonous increasing with the sequence of responsing.
// Error:
// If channel isn't assign to this log node, the RPC will return error CHANNEL_NOT_EXIST.
// If channel is moving away to other log node, the RPC will return error CHANNEL_FENCED.
rpc Produce(stream ProduceRequest) returns (stream ProduceResponse) {
// Consume is a server streaming RPC to receive messages from a channel.
// All message after given startMessageID and excluding will be sent to the client by stream.
// If no more message in the channel, the stream will be blocked until new message coming.
// Error:
// If channel isn't assign to this log node, the RPC will return error CHANNEL_NOT_EXIST.
// If channel is moving away to other log node, the RPC will return error CHANNEL_FENCED.
rpc Consume(stream ConsumeRequest) returns (stream ConsumeResponse) {
// ProduceRequest is the request of the Produce RPC.
// Channel name will be passthrough in the header of stream bu not in the request body.
message ProduceRequest {
oneof request {
ProduceMessageRequest produce = 2;
CloseProducerRequest close = 3;
// CreateProducerRequest is the request of the CreateProducer RPC.
// CreateProducerRequest is passed in the header of stream.
message CreateProducerRequest {
PChannelInfo pchannel = 1;
// ProduceMessageRequest is the request of the Produce RPC.
message ProduceMessageRequest {
int64 request_id = 1; // request id for reply.
Message message = 2; // message to be sent.
// CloseProducerRequest is the request of the CloseProducer RPC.
// After CloseProducerRequest is requested, no more ProduceRequest can be sent.
message CloseProducerRequest {
// ProduceResponse is the response of the Produce RPC.
message ProduceResponse {
oneof response {
CreateProducerResponse create = 1;
ProduceMessageResponse produce = 2;
CloseProducerResponse close = 3;
// CreateProducerResponse is the result of the CreateProducer RPC.
message CreateProducerResponse {
int64 producer_id =
1; // A unique producer id on streamingnode for this producer in streamingnode lifetime.
// Is used to identify the producer in streamingnode for other unary grpc call at producer level.
message ProduceMessageResponse {
int64 request_id = 1;
oneof response {
ProduceMessageResponseResult result = 2;
StreamingError error = 3;
// ProduceMessageResponseResult is the result of the produce message streaming RPC.
message ProduceMessageResponseResult {
MessageID id = 1; // the offset of the message in the channel
// CloseProducerResponse is the result of the CloseProducer RPC.
message CloseProducerResponse {
// ConsumeRequest is the request of the Consume RPC.
// Add more control block in future.
message ConsumeRequest {
oneof request {
CloseConsumerRequest close = 1;
// CloseConsumerRequest is the request of the CloseConsumer RPC.
// After CloseConsumerRequest is requested, no more ConsumeRequest can be sent.
message CloseConsumerRequest {
// CreateConsumerRequest is the request of the CreateConsumer RPC.
// CreateConsumerRequest is passed in the header of stream.
message CreateConsumerRequest {
PChannelInfo pchannel = 1;
DeliverPolicy deliver_policy = 2; // deliver policy.
repeated DeliverFilter deliver_filters = 3; // deliver filter.
// ConsumeResponse is the reponse of the Consume RPC.
message ConsumeResponse {
oneof response {
CreateConsumerResponse create = 1;
ConsumeMessageReponse consume = 2;
CloseConsumerResponse close = 3;
message CreateConsumerResponse {
message ConsumeMessageReponse {
MessageID id = 1; // message id of message.
Message message = 2; // message to be consumed.
message CloseConsumerResponse {
// StreamingNodeManagerService
// StreamingNodeManagerService is the log manage operation on log node.
// Server: all log node. Running on every log node.
// Client: log coord. There should be only one client globally to call this service on all streamingnode.
service StreamingNodeManagerService {
// Assign is a unary RPC to assign a channel on a log node.
// Block until the channel assignd is ready to read or write on the log node.
// Error:
// If the channel already exists, return error with code CHANNEL_EXIST.
rpc Assign(StreamingNodeManagerAssignRequest)
returns (StreamingNodeManagerAssignResponse) {
// Remove is unary RPC to remove a channel on a log node.
// Data of the channel on flying would be sent or flused as much as possible.
// Block until the resource of channel is released on the log node.
// New incoming request of handler of this channel will be rejected with special error.
// Error:
// If the channel does not exist, return error with code CHANNEL_NOT_EXIST.
rpc Remove(StreamingNodeManagerRemoveRequest)
returns (StreamingNodeManagerRemoveResponse) {
// rpc CollectStatus() ...
// CollectStatus is unary RPC to collect all avaliable channel info and load balance info on a log node.
// Used to recover channel info on log coord, collect balance info and health check.
rpc CollectStatus(StreamingNodeManagerCollectStatusRequest)
returns (StreamingNodeManagerCollectStatusResponse) {
// StreamingManagerAssignRequest is the request message of Assign RPC.
message StreamingNodeManagerAssignRequest {
PChannelInfo pchannel = 1;
message StreamingNodeManagerAssignResponse {
message StreamingNodeManagerRemoveRequest {
PChannelInfo pchannel = 1;
message StreamingNodeManagerRemoveResponse {
message StreamingNodeManagerCollectStatusRequest {
message StreamingNodeBalanceAttributes {
// TODO: traffic of pchannel or other things.
message StreamingNodeManagerCollectStatusResponse {
StreamingNodeBalanceAttributes balance_attributes = 1;