
282 lines
8.2 KiB

import logging
import pytest
import mock
import faker
import random
import struct
from faker.providers import BaseProvider
from client.Client import MegaSearch, Prepare
from client.Abstract import IndexType, TableSchema
from client.Status import Status
from client.Exceptions import (
from megasearch.thrift import ttypes, MegasearchService
from thrift.transport.TSocket import TSocket
from thrift.transport import TTransport
from thrift.transport.TTransport import TTransportException
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FakerProvider(BaseProvider):
def table_name(self):
return 'table_name' + str(random.randint(1000, 9999))
def name(self):
return 'name' + str(random.randint(1000, 9999))
def dim(self):
return random.randint(0, 999)
fake = faker.Faker()
def range_factory():
param = {
'start': str(random.randint(1, 10)),
'end': str(random.randint(11, 20)),
return Prepare.range(**param)
def ranges_factory():
return [range_factory() for _ in range(5)]
def table_schema_factory():
param = {
'table_name': fake.table_name(),
'dimension': random.randint(0, 999),
'index_type': IndexType.IDMAP,
'store_raw_vector': False
return Prepare.table_schema(**param)
def row_record_factory(dimension):
vec = [random.random() + random.randint(0,9) for _ in range(dimension)]
bin_vec = struct.pack(str(dimension) + "d", *vec)
return Prepare.row_record(vector_data=bin_vec)
def row_records_factory(dimension):
return [row_record_factory(dimension) for _ in range(20)]
class TestConnection:
param = {'host':'localhost', 'port': '5000'}
@mock.patch.object(TSocket, 'open')
def test_true_connect(self, open):
open.return_value = None
cnn = MegaSearch()
assert cnn.status == Status.SUCCESS
assert cnn.connected
with pytest.raises(RepeatingConnectError):
def test_false_connect(self):
cnn = MegaSearch()
assert cnn.status != Status.SUCCESS
@mock.patch.object(TTransport.TBufferedTransport, 'close')
@mock.patch.object(TSocket, 'open')
def test_disconnected(self, close, open):
close.return_value = None
open.return_value = None
cnn = MegaSearch()
assert cnn.disconnect() == Status.SUCCESS
def test_disconnected_error(self):
cnn = MegaSearch()
cnn.connect_status = Status(Status.PERMISSION_DENIED)
with pytest.raises(DisconnectNotConnectedClientError):
class TestTable:
@mock.patch.object(TSocket, 'open')
def client(self, open):
param = {'host': 'localhost', 'port': '5000'}
open.return_value = None
cnn = MegaSearch()
return cnn
@mock.patch.object(MegasearchService.Client, 'CreateTable')
def test_create_table(self, CreateTable, client):
CreateTable.return_value = None
param = table_schema_factory()
res = client.create_table(param)
assert res == Status.SUCCESS
def test_false_create_table(self, client):
param = table_schema_factory()
with pytest.raises(TTransportException):
res = client.create_table(param)
assert res != Status.SUCCESS
@mock.patch.object(MegasearchService.Client, 'DeleteTable')
def test_delete_table(self, DeleteTable, client):
DeleteTable.return_value = None
table_name = 'fake_table_name'
res = client.delete_table(table_name)
assert res == Status.SUCCESS
def test_false_delete_table(self, client):
table_name = 'fake_table_name'
res = client.delete_table(table_name)
assert res != Status.SUCCESS
class TestVector:
@mock.patch.object(TSocket, 'open')
def client(self, open):
param = {'host': 'localhost', 'port': '5000'}
open.return_value = None
cnn = MegaSearch()
return cnn
@mock.patch.object(MegasearchService.Client, 'AddVector')
def test_add_vector(self, AddVector, client):
AddVector.return_value = None
param ={
'table_name': fake.table_name(),
'records': row_records_factory(256)
res, ids = client.add_vectors(**param)
assert res == Status.SUCCESS
def test_false_add_vector(self, client):
param ={
'table_name': fake.table_name(),
'records': row_records_factory(256)
res, ids = client.add_vectors(**param)
assert res != Status.SUCCESS
@mock.patch.object(MegasearchService.Client, 'SearchVector')
def test_search_vector(self, SearchVector, client):
SearchVector.return_value = None, None
param = {
'table_name': fake.table_name(),
'query_records': row_records_factory(256),
'query_ranges': ranges_factory(),
'top_k': random.randint(0, 10)
res, results = client.search_vectors(**param)
assert res == Status.SUCCESS
def test_false_vector(self, client):
param = {
'table_name': fake.table_name(),
'query_records': row_records_factory(256),
'query_ranges': ranges_factory(),
'top_k': random.randint(0, 10)
res, results = client.search_vectors(**param)
assert res != Status.SUCCESS
@mock.patch.object(MegasearchService.Client, 'DescribeTable')
def test_describe_table(self, DescribeTable, client):
DescribeTable.return_value = table_schema_factory()
table_name = fake.table_name()
res, table_schema = client.describe_table(table_name)
assert res == Status.SUCCESS
assert isinstance(table_schema, TableSchema)
def test_false_decribe_table(self, client):
table_name = fake.table_name()
res, table_schema = client.describe_table(table_name)
assert res != Status.SUCCESS
assert not table_schema
@mock.patch.object(MegasearchService.Client, 'ShowTables')
def test_show_tables(self, ShowTables, client):
ShowTables.return_value = [fake.table_name() for _ in range(10)], None
res, tables = client.show_tables()
assert res == Status.SUCCESS
assert isinstance(tables, list)
def test_false_show_tables(self, client):
res, tables = client.show_tables()
assert res != Status.SUCCESS
assert not tables
@mock.patch.object(MegasearchService.Client, 'GetTableRowCount')
def test_get_table_row_count(self, GetTableRowCount, client):
GetTableRowCount.return_value = 22, None
res, count = client.get_table_row_count('fake_table')
assert res == Status.SUCCESS
def test_false_get_table_row_count(self, client):
res,count = client.get_table_row_count('fake_table')
assert res != Status.SUCCESS
assert not count
def test_client_version(self, client):
res = client.client_version()
assert res == '0.0.1'
class TestPrepare:
def test_table_schema(self):
param = {
'table_name': fake.table_name(),
'dimension': random.randint(0, 999),
'index_type': IndexType.IDMAP,
'store_raw_vector': False
res = Prepare.table_schema(**param)
assert isinstance(res, ttypes.TableSchema)
def test_range(self):
param = {
'start': '200',
'end': '1000'
res = Prepare.range(**param)
assert isinstance(res, ttypes.Range)
assert res.start_value == '200'
assert res.end_value == '1000'
def test_row_record(self):
vec = [random.random() + random.randint(0, 9) for _ in range(256)]
bin_vec = struct.pack(str(256) + "d", *vec)
res = Prepare.row_record(bin_vec)
assert isinstance(res, ttypes.RowRecord)
assert isinstance(bin_vec, bytes)