
276 lines
10 KiB

import json
import os.path
import time
import requests
from pymilvus import connections
from kubernetes import client, config
from import ApiException
from common.milvus_sys import MilvusSys
from utils.util_log import test_log as log
def wait_pods_ready(namespace, label_selector, expected_num=None, timeout=360):
wait pods with label selector all ready
:param namespace: the namespace where the release
:type namespace: str
:param label_selector: labels to restrict which pods are waiting to be ready
:type label_selector: str
:param expected_num: expected the minimum number of pods to be ready if not None
:type expected_num: int
:param timeout: limits the duration of the call
:type timeout: int
>>> wait_pods_ready("default", "", expected_num=9)
api_instance = client.CoreV1Api()
all_pos_ready_flag = False
time_cnt = 0
while not all_pos_ready_flag and time_cnt < timeout:
api_response = api_instance.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=namespace, label_selector=label_selector)
all_pos_ready_flag = True
if expected_num is not None and len(api_response.items) < expected_num:
all_pos_ready_flag = False
for item in api_response.items:
if item.status.phase != 'Running':
all_pos_ready_flag = False
for c in item.status.container_statuses:
log.debug(f"{} status is {c.ready}")
if c.ready is False:
all_pos_ready_flag = False
if not all_pos_ready_flag:
log.debug("all pods are not ready, please wait")
time_cnt += 30
if all_pos_ready_flag:"all pods in namespace {namespace} with label {label_selector} are ready")
else:"timeout for waiting all pods in namespace {namespace} with label {label_selector} ready")
except ApiException as e:
log.error("Exception when calling CoreV1Api->list_namespaced_pod: %s\n" % e)
raise Exception(str(e))
return all_pos_ready_flag
def get_pod_list(namespace, label_selector):
get pod list with label selector
:param namespace: the namespace where the release
:type namespace: str
:param label_selector: labels to restrict which pods to list
:type label_selector: str
>>> get_pod_list("chaos-testing", ", component=proxy")
api_instance = client.CoreV1Api()
api_response = api_instance.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=namespace, label_selector=label_selector)
return api_response.items
except ApiException as e:
log.error("Exception when calling CoreV1Api->list_namespaced_pod: %s\n" % e)
raise Exception(str(e))
def get_pod_ip_name_pairs(namespace, label_selector):
get pod ip name pairs with label selector
:param namespace: the namespace where the release
:type namespace: str
:param label_selector: labels to restrict which pods to list
:type label_selector: str
>>> get_pod_ip_name_pairs("chaos-testing", ", component=querynode")
m = dict()
items = get_pod_list(namespace, label_selector)
for item in items:
ip = item.status.pod_ip
name =
m[ip] = name
return m
def get_querynode_id_pod_pairs(namespace, label_selector):
get milvus node id and corresponding pod name pairs with label selector
:param namespace: the namespace where the release
:type namespace: str
:param label_selector: labels to restrict which pods to list
:type label_selector: str
>>> querynode_id_pod_pair = get_querynode_id_pod_pairs("chaos-testing", ", component=querynode")
5: 'milvus-multi-querynode-querynode-7b8f4b5c5-4pn42',
9: 'milvus-multi-querynode-querynode-7b8f4b5c5-99tx7',
1: 'milvus-multi-querynode-querynode-7b8f4b5c5-w9sk8',
3: 'milvus-multi-querynode-querynode-7b8f4b5c5-xx84j',
6: 'milvus-multi-querynode-querynode-7b8f4b5c5-x95dp'
# TODO: extend this function to other worker nodes, not only querynode
querynode_ip_pod_pair = get_pod_ip_name_pairs(namespace, label_selector)
querynode_id_pod_pair = {}
ms = MilvusSys()
for node in ms.query_nodes:
ip = node["infos"]['hardware_infos']["ip"].split(":")[0]
querynode_id_pod_pair[node["identifier"]] = querynode_ip_pod_pair[ip]
return querynode_id_pod_pair
def get_milvus_instance_name(namespace, host, port="19530"):
get milvus instance name after connection
:param namespace: the namespace where the release
:type namespace: str
:param host: milvus host ip
:type host: str
:param port: milvus port
:type port: str
>>> milvus_instance_name = get_milvus_instance_name("chaos-testing", "")
connections.add_connection(_default={"host": host, "port": port})
ms = MilvusSys()
query_node_ip = ms.query_nodes[0]["infos"]['hardware_infos']["ip"].split(":")[0]
pod_name = ""
if ms.deploy_mode == "STANDALONE":
# get all pods which label is and component=standalone
ip_name_pairs = get_pod_ip_name_pairs(namespace, ", component=standalone")
pod_name = ip_name_pairs[query_node_ip]
if ms.deploy_mode == "DISTRIBUTED":
# get all pods which label is and component=querynode
ip_name_pairs = get_pod_ip_name_pairs(namespace, ", component=querynode")
pod_name = ip_name_pairs[query_node_ip]
api_instance = client.CoreV1Api()
api_response = api_instance.read_namespaced_pod(namespace=namespace, name=pod_name)
except ApiException as e:
log.error("Exception when calling CoreV1Api->list_namespaced_pod: %s\n" % e)
raise Exception(str(e))
milvus_instance_name = api_response.metadata.labels[""]
return milvus_instance_name
def export_pod_logs(namespace, label_selector, release_name=None):
export pod logs with label selector to '/tmp/milvus'
:param namespace: the namespace where the release
:type namespace: str
:param label_selector: labels to restrict which pods logs to export
:type label_selector: str
:param release_name: use the release name as server logs director name
:type label_selector: str
>>> export_pod_logs("chaos-testing", "")
if isinstance(release_name, str):
if len(release_name.strip()) == 0:
raise ValueError("Got an unexpected space release_name")
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected non-string release_name")
pod_log_path = '/tmp/milvus_logs' if release_name is None else f'/tmp/milvus_logs/{release_name}'
if not os.path.isdir(pod_log_path):
# get pods and export logs
items = get_pod_list(namespace, label_selector=label_selector)
for item in items:
pod_name =
os.system(f'kubectl logs {pod_name} > {pod_log_path}/{pod_name}.log 2>&1')
except Exception as e:
log.error(f"Exception when export pod {pod_name} logs: %s\n" % e)
raise Exception(str(e))
def read_pod_log(namespace, label_selector, release_name):
items = get_pod_list(namespace, label_selector=label_selector)
# export log to /tmp/release_name path
pod_log_path = f'/tmp/milvus_logs/{release_name}'
if not os.path.isdir(pod_log_path):
api_instance = client.CoreV1Api()
for item in items:
pod =
log.debug(f'Start to read {pod} log')
logs = api_instance.read_namespaced_pod_log(name=pod, namespace=namespace, async_req=True)
with open(f'{pod_log_path}/{pod}.log', "w") as f:
except ApiException as e:
log.error(f"Exception when read pod {pod} logs: %s\n" % e)
raise Exception(str(e))
def get_metrics_querynode_sq_req_count():
""" get metric milvus_querynode_collection_num from prometheus"""
query_str = 'milvus_querynode_sq_req_count{app_kubernetes_io_instance="mic-replica",' \
response = requests.get(PROMETHEUS + '/api/v1/query', params={'query': query_str})
if response.status_code == 200:
results = response.json()["data"]['result']
# print(results)
# print(type(results))
log.debug(json.dumps(results, indent=4))
milvus_querynode_sq_req_count = {}
for res in results:
if res["metric"]["status"] == "total":
querynode_id = res["metric"]["node_id"]
# pod = res["metric"]["pod"]
value = res["value"][-1]
milvus_querynode_sq_req_count[int(querynode_id)] = int(value)
# log.debug(milvus_querynode_sq_req_count)
return milvus_querynode_sq_req_count
raise Exception(-1, f"Failed to get metrics with status code {response.status_code}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
label = ", component=querynode"
instance_name = get_milvus_instance_name("chaos-testing", "")
res = get_pod_list("chaos-testing", label_selector=label)
m = get_pod_ip_name_pairs("chaos-testing", label_selector=label)
export_pod_logs(namespace='chaos-testing', label_selector=label)