mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
1246 lines
46 KiB
1246 lines
46 KiB
import time
import random
import pdb
import threading
import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool, Process
import pytest
from milvus import Milvus, IndexType, MetricType
from utils import *
dim = 128
index_file_size = 10
table_id = "test_add"
nprobe = 1
epsilon = 0.0001
class TestAddBase:
The following cases are used to test `add_vectors / index / search / delete` mixed function
def get_simple_index_params(self, request, args):
if "internal" not in args:
if request.param["index_type"] == IndexType.IVF_SQ8H:
pytest.skip("sq8h not support in open source")
return request.param
def test_add_vector_create_table(self, connect, table):
target: test add vector, then create table again
method: add vector and create table
expected: status not ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
param = {'table_name': table,
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
assert not status.OK()
def test_add_vector_has_table(self, connect, table):
target: test add vector, then check table existence
method: add vector and call HasTable
expected: table exists, status ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
assert assert_has_table(connect, table)
def test_delete_table_add_vector(self, connect, table):
target: test add vector after table deleted
method: delete table and add vector
expected: status not ok
status = connect.delete_table(table)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
assert not status.OK()
def test_delete_table_add_vector_another(self, connect, table):
target: test add vector to table_1 after table_2 deleted
method: delete table_2 and add vector to table_1
expected: status ok
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
status = connect.delete_table(table)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(param['table_name'], vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_delete_table(self, connect, table):
target: test delete table after add vector
method: add vector and delete table
expected: status ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
status = connect.delete_table(table)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_delete_another_table(self, connect, table):
target: test delete table_1 table after add vector to table_2
method: add vector and delete table
expected: status ok
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_sleep_delete_table(self, connect, table):
target: test delete table after add vector for a while
method: add vector, sleep, and delete table
expected: status ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
status = connect.delete_table(table)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_sleep_delete_another_table(self, connect, table):
target: test delete table_1 table after add vector to table_2 for a while
method: add vector , sleep, and delete table
expected: status ok
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
status = connect.delete_table(param['table_name'])
assert status.OK()
def test_create_index_add_vector(self, connect, table, get_simple_index_params):
target: test add vector after build index
method: build index and add vector
expected: status ok
index_param = get_simple_index_params
status = connect.create_index(table, index_param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_create_index_add_vector_another(self, connect, table, get_simple_index_params):
target: test add vector to table_2 after build index for table_1
method: build index and add vector
expected: status ok
index_param = get_simple_index_params
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
status = connect.create_index(table, index_param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_create_index(self, connect, table, get_simple_index_params):
target: test build index add after vector
method: add vector and build index
expected: status ok
index_param = get_simple_index_params
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
status = connect.create_index(table, index_param)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_create_index_another(self, connect, table, get_simple_index_params):
target: test add vector to table_2 after build index for table_1
method: build index and add vector
expected: status ok
index_param = get_simple_index_params
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
status = connect.create_index(param['table_name'], index_param)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_sleep_create_index(self, connect, table, get_simple_index_params):
target: test build index add after vector for a while
method: add vector and build index
expected: status ok
index_param = get_simple_index_params
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
status = connect.create_index(table, index_param)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_sleep_create_index_another(self, connect, table, get_simple_index_params):
target: test add vector to table_2 after build index for table_1 for a while
method: build index and add vector
expected: status ok
index_param = get_simple_index_params
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
status = connect.create_index(param['table_name'], index_param)
assert status.OK()
def test_search_vector_add_vector(self, connect, table):
target: test add vector after search table
method: search table and add vector
expected: status ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(table, 1, nprobe, vector)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_search_vector_add_vector_another(self, connect, table):
target: test add vector to table_1 after search table_2
method: search table and add vector
expected: status ok
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(table, 1, nprobe, vector)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(param['table_name'], vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_search_vector(self, connect, table):
target: test search vector after add vector
method: add vector and search table
expected: status ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(table, 1, nprobe, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_search_vector_another(self, connect, table):
target: test add vector to table_1 after search table_2
method: search table and add vector
expected: status ok
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(param['table_name'], 1, nprobe, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_sleep_search_vector(self, connect, table):
target: test search vector after add vector after a while
method: add vector, sleep, and search table
expected: status ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(table, 1, nprobe, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_sleep_search_vector_another(self, connect, table):
target: test add vector to table_1 after search table_2 a while
method: search table , sleep, and add vector
expected: status ok
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(param['table_name'], 1, nprobe, vector)
assert status.OK()
The following cases are used to test `add_vectors` function
def test_add_vectors_ids(self, connect, table):
target: test add vectors in table, use customize ids
method: create table and add vectors in it, check the ids returned and the table length after vectors added
expected: the length of ids and the table row count
nq = 5; top_k = 1; nprobe = 1
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
ids = [i for i in range(nq)]
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vectors, ids)
assert status.OK()
assert len(ids) == nq
# check search result
status, result = connect.search_vectors(table, top_k, nprobe, vectors)
assert len(result) == nq
for i in range(nq):
assert result[i][0].id == i
def test_add_vectors_twice_ids_no_ids(self, connect, table):
target: check the result of add_vectors, with params ids and no ids
method: test add vectors twice, use customize ids first, and then use no ids
expected: status not OK
nq = 5; top_k = 1; nprobe = 1
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
ids = [i for i in range(nq)]
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vectors, ids)
assert status.OK()
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vectors)
assert not status.OK()
def test_add_vectors_twice_not_ids_ids(self, connect, table):
target: check the result of add_vectors, with params ids and no ids
method: test add vectors twice, use not ids first, and then use customize ids
expected: status not OK
nq = 5; top_k = 1; nprobe = 1
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
ids = [i for i in range(nq)]
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vectors)
assert status.OK()
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vectors, ids)
assert not status.OK()
def test_add_vectors_ids_length_not_match(self, connect, table):
target: test add vectors in table, use customize ids, len(ids) != len(vectors)
method: create table and add vectors in it
expected: raise an exception
nq = 5
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
ids = [i for i in range(1, nq)]
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vectors, ids)
def get_vector_id(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_add_vectors_ids_invalid(self, connect, table, get_vector_id):
target: test add vectors in table, use customize ids, which are not int64
method: create table and add vectors in it
expected: raise an exception
nq = 5
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
vector_id = get_vector_id
ids = [vector_id for i in range(nq)]
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vectors, ids)
def test_add_vectors(self, connect, table):
target: test add vectors in table created before
method: create table and add vectors in it, check the ids returned and the table length after vectors added
expected: the length of ids and the table row count
nq = 5
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vectors)
assert status.OK()
assert len(ids) == nq
def test_add_vectors_without_connect(self, dis_connect, table):
target: test add vectors without connection
method: create table and add vectors in it, check if added successfully
expected: raise exception
nq = 5
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
status, ids = dis_connect.add_vectors(table, vectors)
def test_add_table_not_existed(self, connect):
target: test add vectors in table, which not existed before
method: add vectors table not existed, check the status
expected: status not ok
nq = 5
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(gen_unique_str("not_exist_table"), vector)
assert not status.OK()
assert not ids
def test_add_vector_dim_not_matched(self, connect, table):
target: test add vector, the vector dimension is not equal to the table dimension
method: the vector dimension is half of the table dimension, check the status
expected: status not ok
vector = gen_single_vector(int(dim)//2)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
assert not status.OK()
def test_add_vectors_dim_not_matched(self, connect, table):
target: test add vectors, the vector dimension is not equal to the table dimension
method: the vectors dimension is half of the table dimension, check the status
expected: status not ok
nq = 5
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, int(dim)//2)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vectors)
assert not status.OK()
def test_add_vector_query_after_sleep(self, connect, table):
target: test add vectors, and search it after sleep
method: set vector[0][1] as query vectors
expected: status ok and result length is 1
nq = 5
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vectors)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(table, 1, nprobe, [vectors[0]])
assert status.OK()
assert len(result) == 1
# @pytest.mark.repeat(5)
def _test_add_vector_multi_threading(self, connect, table):
target: test add vectors, with multi threading
method: 10 thread add vectors concurrently
expected: status ok and result length is equal to the length off added vectors
thread_num = 4
loops = 100
threads = []
total_ids = []
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
def add():
i = 0
while i < loops:
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, vector)
i = i + 1
for i in range(thread_num):
x = threading.Thread(target=add, args=())
for th in threads:
assert len(total_ids) == thread_num * loops
# make sure ids not the same
assert len(set(total_ids)) == thread_num * loops
# TODO: enable
# @pytest.mark.repeat(5)
def _test_add_vector_with_multiprocessing(self, args):
target: test add vectors, with multi processes
method: 10 processed add vectors concurrently
expected: status ok and result length is equal to the length off added vectors
table = gen_unique_str("test_add_vector_with_multiprocessing")
uri = "tcp://%s:%s" % (args["ip"], args["port"])
param = {'table_name': table,
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size}
# create table
milvus = Milvus()
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
process_num = 4
loop_num = 10
processes = []
# with dependent connection
def add(milvus):
i = 0
while i < loop_num:
status, ids = milvus.add_vectors(table, vector)
i = i + 1
for i in range(process_num):
milvus = Milvus()
p = Process(target=add, args=(milvus,))
for p in processes:
status, count = milvus.get_table_row_count(table)
assert count == process_num * loop_num
def test_add_vector_multi_tables(self, connect):
target: test add vectors is correct or not with multiple tables of L2
method: create 50 tables and add vectors into them in turn
expected: status ok
nq = 100
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
table_list = []
for i in range(20):
table_name = gen_unique_str('test_add_vector_multi_tables')
param = {'table_name': table_name,
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
for j in range(5):
for i in range(20):
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table_name=table_list[i], records=vectors)
assert status.OK()
class TestAddIP:
The following cases are used to test `add_vectors / index / search / delete` mixed function
def get_simple_index_params(self, request, args):
if "internal" not in args:
if request.param["index_type"] == IndexType.IVF_SQ8H:
pytest.skip("sq8h not support in open source")
return request.param
def test_add_vector_create_table(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vector, then create table again
method: add vector and create table
expected: status not ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
param = {'table_name': ip_table,
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
assert not status.OK()
def test_add_vector_has_table(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vector, then check table existence
method: add vector and call HasTable
expected: table exists, status ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
assert assert_has_table(connect, ip_table)
def test_delete_table_add_vector(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vector after table deleted
method: delete table and add vector
expected: status not ok
status = connect.delete_table(ip_table)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
assert not status.OK()
def test_delete_table_add_vector_another(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vector to table_1 after table_2 deleted
method: delete table_2 and add vector to table_1
expected: status ok
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
status = connect.delete_table(ip_table)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(param['table_name'], vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_delete_table(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test delete table after add vector
method: add vector and delete table
expected: status ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
status = connect.delete_table(ip_table)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_delete_another_table(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test delete table_1 table after add vector to table_2
method: add vector and delete table
expected: status ok
param = {'table_name': 'test_add_vector_delete_another_table',
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
status = connect.delete_table(param['table_name'])
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_sleep_delete_table(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test delete table after add vector for a while
method: add vector, sleep, and delete table
expected: status ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
status = connect.delete_table(ip_table)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_sleep_delete_another_table(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test delete table_1 table after add vector to table_2 for a while
method: add vector , sleep, and delete table
expected: status ok
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
status = connect.delete_table(param['table_name'])
assert status.OK()
def test_create_index_add_vector(self, connect, ip_table, get_simple_index_params):
target: test add vector after build index
method: build index and add vector
expected: status ok
index_param = get_simple_index_params
status = connect.create_index(ip_table, index_param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_create_index_add_vector_another(self, connect, ip_table, get_simple_index_params):
target: test add vector to table_2 after build index for table_1
method: build index and add vector
expected: status ok
index_param = get_simple_index_params
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
status = connect.create_index(ip_table, index_param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_create_index(self, connect, ip_table, get_simple_index_params):
target: test build index add after vector
method: add vector and build index
expected: status ok
index_param = get_simple_index_params
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
status = connect.create_index(ip_table, index_param)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_create_index_another(self, connect, ip_table, get_simple_index_params):
target: test add vector to table_2 after build index for table_1
method: build index and add vector
expected: status ok
index_param = get_simple_index_params
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
status = connect.create_index(param['table_name'], index_param)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_sleep_create_index(self, connect, ip_table, get_simple_index_params):
target: test build index add after vector for a while
method: add vector and build index
expected: status ok
index_param = get_simple_index_params
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
status = connect.create_index(ip_table, index_param)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_sleep_create_index_another(self, connect, ip_table, get_simple_index_params):
target: test add vector to table_2 after build index for table_1 for a while
method: build index and add vector
expected: status ok
index_param = get_simple_index_params
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
status = connect.create_index(param['table_name'], index_param)
assert status.OK()
def test_search_vector_add_vector(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vector after search table
method: search table and add vector
expected: status ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(ip_table, 1, nprobe, vector)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_search_vector_add_vector_another(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vector to table_1 after search table_2
method: search table and add vector
expected: status ok
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(ip_table, 1, nprobe, vector)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(param['table_name'], vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_search_vector(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test search vector after add vector
method: add vector and search table
expected: status ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(ip_table, 1, nprobe, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_search_vector_another(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vector to table_1 after search table_2
method: search table and add vector
expected: status ok
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(param['table_name'], 1, nprobe, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_sleep_search_vector(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test search vector after add vector after a while
method: add vector, sleep, and search table
expected: status ok
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(ip_table, 1, nprobe, vector)
assert status.OK()
def test_add_vector_sleep_search_vector_another(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vector to table_1 after search table_2 a while
method: search table , sleep, and add vector
expected: status ok
param = {'table_name': gen_unique_str(),
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.L2}
status = connect.create_table(param)
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(param['table_name'], 1, nprobe, vector)
assert status.OK()
The following cases are used to test `add_vectors` function
def test_add_vectors_ids(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vectors in table, use customize ids
method: create table and add vectors in it, check the ids returned and the table length after vectors added
expected: the length of ids and the table row count
nq = 5; top_k = 1; nprobe = 1
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
ids = [i for i in range(nq)]
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vectors, ids)
assert status.OK()
assert len(ids) == nq
# check search result
status, result = connect.search_vectors(ip_table, top_k, nprobe, vectors)
assert len(result) == nq
for i in range(nq):
assert result[i][0].id == i
def test_add_vectors_twice_ids_no_ids(self, connect, ip_table):
target: check the result of add_vectors, with params ids and no ids
method: test add vectors twice, use customize ids first, and then use no ids
expected: status not OK
nq = 5; top_k = 1; nprobe = 1
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
ids = [i for i in range(nq)]
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vectors, ids)
assert status.OK()
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vectors)
assert not status.OK()
def test_add_vectors_twice_not_ids_ids(self, connect, ip_table):
target: check the result of add_vectors, with params ids and no ids
method: test add vectors twice, use not ids first, and then use customize ids
expected: status not OK
nq = 5; top_k = 1; nprobe = 1
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
ids = [i for i in range(nq)]
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vectors)
assert status.OK()
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vectors, ids)
assert not status.OK()
def test_add_vectors_ids_length_not_match(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vectors in table, use customize ids, len(ids) != len(vectors)
method: create table and add vectors in it
expected: raise an exception
nq = 5
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
ids = [i for i in range(1, nq)]
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vectors, ids)
def get_vector_id(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_add_vectors_ids_invalid(self, connect, ip_table, get_vector_id):
target: test add vectors in table, use customize ids, which are not int64
method: create table and add vectors in it
expected: raise an exception
nq = 5
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
vector_id = get_vector_id
ids = [vector_id for i in range(nq)]
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vectors, ids)
def test_add_vectors(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vectors in table created before
method: create table and add vectors in it, check the ids returned and the table length after vectors added
expected: the length of ids and the table row count
nq = 5
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vectors)
assert status.OK()
assert len(ids) == nq
def test_add_vectors_without_connect(self, dis_connect, ip_table):
target: test add vectors without connection
method: create table and add vectors in it, check if added successfully
expected: raise exception
nq = 5
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
status, ids = dis_connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vectors)
def test_add_vector_dim_not_matched(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vector, the vector dimension is not equal to the table dimension
method: the vector dimension is half of the table dimension, check the status
expected: status not ok
vector = gen_single_vector(int(dim)//2)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
assert not status.OK()
def test_add_vectors_dim_not_matched(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vectors, the vector dimension is not equal to the table dimension
method: the vectors dimension is half of the table dimension, check the status
expected: status not ok
nq = 5
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, int(dim)//2)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vectors)
assert not status.OK()
def test_add_vector_query_after_sleep(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vectors, and search it after sleep
method: set vector[0][1] as query vectors
expected: status ok and result length is 1
nq = 5
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vectors)
status, result = connect.search_vectors(ip_table, 1, nprobe, [vectors[0]])
assert status.OK()
assert len(result) == 1
# @pytest.mark.repeat(5)
def _test_add_vector_multi_threading(self, connect, ip_table):
target: test add vectors, with multi threading
method: 10 thread add vectors concurrently
expected: status ok and result length is equal to the length off added vectors
thread_num = 4
loops = 100
threads = []
total_ids = []
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
def add():
i = 0
while i < loops:
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, vector)
i = i + 1
for i in range(thread_num):
x = threading.Thread(target=add, args=())
for th in threads:
assert len(total_ids) == thread_num * loops
# make sure ids not the same
assert len(set(total_ids)) == thread_num * loops
# TODO: enable
# @pytest.mark.repeat(5)
def _test_add_vector_with_multiprocessing(self, args):
target: test add vectors, with multi processes
method: 10 processed add vectors concurrently
expected: status ok and result length is equal to the length off added vectors
table = gen_unique_str("test_add_vector_with_multiprocessing")
uri = "tcp://%s:%s" % (args["ip"], args["port"])
param = {'table_name': table,
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size}
# create table
milvus = Milvus()
vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
process_num = 4
loop_num = 10
processes = []
# with dependent connection
def add(milvus):
i = 0
while i < loop_num:
status, ids = milvus.add_vectors(table, vector)
i = i + 1
for i in range(process_num):
milvus = Milvus()
p = Process(target=add, args=(milvus,))
for p in processes:
status, count = milvus.get_table_row_count(table)
assert count == process_num * loop_num
def test_add_vector_multi_tables(self, connect):
target: test add vectors is correct or not with multiple tables of IP
method: create 50 tables and add vectors into them in turn
expected: status ok
nq = 100
vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dim)
table_list = []
for i in range(20):
table_name = gen_unique_str('test_add_vector_multi_tables')
param = {'table_name': table_name,
'dimension': dim,
'index_file_size': index_file_size,
'metric_type': MetricType.IP}
for j in range(10):
for i in range(20):
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table_name=table_list[i], records=vectors)
assert status.OK()
class TestAddAdvance:
pytest.param(5000 - 1, marks=pytest.mark.xfail),
pytest.param(5000, marks=pytest.mark.xfail),
pytest.param(5000 + 1, marks=pytest.mark.xfail),
def insert_count(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_insert_much(self, connect, table, insert_count):
target: test add vectors with different length of vectors
method: set different vectors as add method params
expected: length of ids is equal to the length of vectors
nb = insert_count
insert_vec_list = gen_vectors(nb, dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(table, insert_vec_list)
assert len(ids) == nb
assert status.OK()
def test_insert_much_ip(self, connect, ip_table, insert_count):
target: test add vectors with different length of vectors
method: set different vectors as add method params
expected: length of ids is equal to the length of vectors
nb = insert_count
insert_vec_list = gen_vectors(nb, dim)
status, ids = connect.add_vectors(ip_table, insert_vec_list)
assert len(ids) == nb
assert status.OK()
class TestAddTableNameInvalid(object):
Test adding vectors with invalid table names
def get_table_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_add_vectors_with_invalid_tablename(self, connect, get_table_name):
table_name = get_table_name
vectors = gen_vectors(1, dim)
status, result = connect.add_vectors(table_name, vectors)
assert not status.OK()
class TestAddTableVectorsInvalid(object):
single_vector = gen_single_vector(dim)
vectors = gen_vectors(2, dim)
Test adding vectors with invalid vectors
def gen_vector(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_add_vector_with_invalid_vectors(self, connect, table, gen_vector):
tmp_single_vector = copy.deepcopy(self.single_vector)
tmp_single_vector[0][1] = gen_vector
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
status, result = connect.add_vectors(table, tmp_single_vector)
def test_add_vectors_with_invalid_vectors(self, connect, table, gen_vector):
tmp_vectors = copy.deepcopy(self.vectors)
tmp_vectors[1][1] = gen_vector
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
status, result = connect.add_vectors(table, tmp_vectors) |