mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
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464 lines
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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package proxy
import (
clientv3 "go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3"
// UniqueID is alias of typeutil.UniqueID
type UniqueID = typeutil.UniqueID
// Timestamp is alias of typeutil.Timestamp
type Timestamp = typeutil.Timestamp
// const sendTimeTickMsgInterval = 200 * time.Millisecond
// const channelMgrTickerInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond
// make sure Proxy implements types.Proxy
var _ types.Proxy = (*Proxy)(nil)
var Params paramtable.ComponentParam
// Proxy of milvus
type Proxy struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel func()
wg sync.WaitGroup
initParams *internalpb.InitParams
ip string
port int
stateCode atomic.Value
etcdCli *clientv3.Client
rootCoord types.RootCoord
indexCoord types.IndexCoord
dataCoord types.DataCoord
queryCoord types.QueryCoord
chMgr channelsMgr
sched *taskScheduler
chTicker channelsTimeTicker
idAllocator *allocator.IDAllocator
tsoAllocator *timestampAllocator
segAssigner *segIDAssigner
metricsCacheManager *metricsinfo.MetricsCacheManager
session *sessionutil.Session
msFactory msgstream.Factory
searchResultCh chan *internalpb.SearchResults
retrieveResultCh chan *internalpb.RetrieveResults
// Add callback functions at different stages
startCallbacks []func()
closeCallbacks []func()
// NewProxy returns a Proxy struct.
func NewProxy(ctx context.Context, factory msgstream.Factory) (*Proxy, error) {
ctx1, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
n := 1024 // better to be configurable
node := &Proxy{
ctx: ctx1,
cancel: cancel,
msFactory: factory,
searchResultCh: make(chan *internalpb.SearchResults, n),
retrieveResultCh: make(chan *internalpb.RetrieveResults, n),
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("create a new Proxy instance", zap.Any("state", node.stateCode.Load()))
return node, nil
// Register registers proxy at etcd
func (node *Proxy) Register() error {
go node.session.LivenessCheck(node.ctx, func() {
log.Error("Proxy disconnected from etcd, process will exit", zap.Int64("Server Id", node.session.ServerID))
if err := node.Stop(); err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to stop server", zap.Error(err))
if node.session.TriggerKill {
if p, err := os.FindProcess(os.Getpid()); err == nil {
// TODO Reset the logger
return nil
// initSession initialize the session of Proxy.
func (node *Proxy) initSession() error {
node.session = sessionutil.NewSession(node.ctx, Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath, node.etcdCli)
if node.session == nil {
return errors.New("new session failed, maybe etcd cannot be connected")
node.session.Init(typeutil.ProxyRole, Params.ProxyCfg.NetworkAddress, false, true)
Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID = node.session.ServerID
return nil
// Init initialize proxy.
func (node *Proxy) Init() error {
log.Debug("init session for Proxy")
if err := node.initSession(); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to init Proxy's session", zap.Error(err))
return err
log.Debug("init session for Proxy done")
if node.queryCoord != nil {
log.Debug("create query channel for Proxy")
resp, err := node.queryCoord.CreateQueryChannel(node.ctx, &querypb.CreateQueryChannelRequest{})
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to create query channel for Proxy", zap.Error(err))
return err
if resp.Status.ErrorCode != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
log.Warn("failed to create query channel for Proxy",
zap.String("error_code", resp.Status.ErrorCode.String()),
zap.String("reason", resp.Status.Reason))
return errors.New(resp.Status.Reason)
// TODO SearchResultChannelNames and RetrieveResultChannelNames should not be part in the Param table
// we should maintain a separate map for search result
Params.ProxyCfg.SearchResultChannelNames = []string{resp.QueryResultChannel}
Params.ProxyCfg.RetrieveResultChannelNames = []string{resp.QueryResultChannel}
log.Debug("Proxy CreateQueryChannel success", zap.Any("SearchResultChannelNames", Params.ProxyCfg.SearchResultChannelNames))
log.Debug("Proxy CreateQueryChannel success", zap.Any("RetrieveResultChannelNames", Params.ProxyCfg.RetrieveResultChannelNames))
log.Debug("create query channel for Proxy done", zap.String("QueryResultChannel", resp.QueryResultChannel))
m := map[string]interface{}{
"PulsarAddress": Params.PulsarCfg.Address,
"PulsarBufSize": 1024}
log.Debug("set parameters for ms factory", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.Any("parameters", m))
if err := node.msFactory.SetParams(m); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to set parameters for ms factory",
zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole),
zap.Any("parameters", m))
return err
log.Debug("set parameters for ms factory done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.Any("parameters", m))
log.Debug("create id allocator", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.Int64("ProxyID", Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID))
idAllocator, err := allocator.NewIDAllocator(node.ctx, node.rootCoord, Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to create id allocator",
zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.Int64("ProxyID", Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID))
return err
node.idAllocator = idAllocator
log.Debug("create id allocator done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.Int64("ProxyID", Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID))
log.Debug("create timestamp allocator", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.Int64("ProxyID", Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID))
tsoAllocator, err := newTimestampAllocator(node.ctx, node.rootCoord, Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to create timestamp allocator",
zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.Int64("ProxyID", Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID))
return err
node.tsoAllocator = tsoAllocator
log.Debug("create timestamp allocator done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.Int64("ProxyID", Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID))
log.Debug("create segment id assigner", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.Int64("ProxyID", Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID))
segAssigner, err := newSegIDAssigner(node.ctx, node.dataCoord, node.lastTick)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to create segment id assigner",
zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.Int64("ProxyID", Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID))
return err
node.segAssigner = segAssigner
node.segAssigner.PeerID = Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID
log.Debug("create segment id assigner done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.Int64("ProxyID", Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID))
log.Debug("create channels manager", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
dmlChannelsFunc := getDmlChannelsFunc(node.ctx, node.rootCoord)
dqlChannelsFunc := getDqlChannelsFunc(node.ctx, node.session.ServerID, node.queryCoord)
chMgr := newChannelsMgrImpl(dmlChannelsFunc, defaultInsertRepackFunc, dqlChannelsFunc, nil, node.msFactory)
node.chMgr = chMgr
log.Debug("create channels manager done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
log.Debug("create task scheduler", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
node.sched, err = newTaskScheduler(node.ctx, node.idAllocator, node.tsoAllocator, node.msFactory,
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to create task scheduler", zap.Error(err), zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
return err
log.Debug("create task scheduler done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
syncTimeTickInterval := Params.ProxyCfg.TimeTickInterval / 2
log.Debug("create channels time ticker",
zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.Duration("syncTimeTickInterval", syncTimeTickInterval))
node.chTicker = newChannelsTimeTicker(node.ctx, Params.ProxyCfg.TimeTickInterval/2, []string{}, node.sched.getPChanStatistics, tsoAllocator)
log.Debug("create channels time ticker done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
log.Debug("create metrics cache manager", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
node.metricsCacheManager = metricsinfo.NewMetricsCacheManager()
log.Debug("create metrics cache manager done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
log.Debug("init meta cache", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
if err := InitMetaCache(node.rootCoord); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to init meta cache", zap.Error(err), zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
return err
log.Debug("init meta cache done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
return nil
// sendChannelsTimeTickLoop starts a goroutine that synchronizes the time tick information.
func (node *Proxy) sendChannelsTimeTickLoop() {
go func() {
defer node.wg.Done()
timer := time.NewTicker(Params.ProxyCfg.TimeTickInterval)
for {
select {
case <-node.ctx.Done():
log.Info("send channels time tick loop exit")
case <-timer.C:
stats, ts, err := node.chTicker.getMinTsStatistics()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("sendChannelsTimeTickLoop.getMinTsStatistics", zap.Error(err))
if ts == 0 {
log.Warn("sendChannelsTimeTickLoop.getMinTsStatistics default timestamp equal 0")
channels := make([]pChan, 0, len(stats))
tss := make([]Timestamp, 0, len(stats))
maxTs := ts
for channel, ts := range stats {
metrics.ProxySyncTimeTick.WithLabelValues(strconv.FormatInt(Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID, 10), channel).Set(float64(ts))
channels = append(channels, channel)
tss = append(tss, ts)
if ts > maxTs {
maxTs = ts
req := &internalpb.ChannelTimeTickMsg{
Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{
MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_TimeTick, // todo
MsgID: 0, // todo
Timestamp: 0, // todo
SourceID: node.session.ServerID,
ChannelNames: channels,
Timestamps: tss,
DefaultTimestamp: maxTs,
metrics.ProxySyncTimeTick.WithLabelValues(strconv.FormatInt(Params.ProxyCfg.ProxyID, 10), "DefaultTimestamp").Set(float64(maxTs))
status, err := node.rootCoord.UpdateChannelTimeTick(node.ctx, req)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("sendChannelsTimeTickLoop.UpdateChannelTimeTick", zap.Error(err))
if status.ErrorCode != 0 {
zap.Any("ErrorCode", status.ErrorCode),
zap.Any("Reason", status.Reason))
// Start starts a proxy node.
func (node *Proxy) Start() error {
log.Debug("start task scheduler", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
if err := node.sched.Start(); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to start task scheduler", zap.Error(err), zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
return err
log.Debug("start task scheduler done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
log.Debug("start id allocator", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
if err := node.idAllocator.Start(); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to start id allocator", zap.Error(err), zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
return err
log.Debug("start id allocator done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
log.Debug("start segment id assigner", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
if err := node.segAssigner.Start(); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to start segment id assigner", zap.Error(err), zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
return err
log.Debug("start segment id assigner done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
log.Debug("start channels time ticker", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
if err := node.chTicker.start(); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to start channels time ticker", zap.Error(err), zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
return err
log.Debug("start channels time ticker done", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
// Start callbacks
for _, cb := range node.startCallbacks {
now := time.Now()
Params.ProxyCfg.CreatedTime = now
Params.ProxyCfg.UpdatedTime = now
log.Debug("update state code", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole), zap.String("State", internalpb.StateCode_Healthy.String()))
return nil
// Stop stops a proxy node.
func (node *Proxy) Stop() error {
if node.idAllocator != nil {
log.Info("close id allocator", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
if node.segAssigner != nil {
log.Info("close segment id assigner", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
if node.sched != nil {
log.Info("close scheduler", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
if node.chTicker != nil {
err := node.chTicker.close()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info("close channels time ticker", zap.String("role", typeutil.ProxyRole))
for _, cb := range node.closeCallbacks {
// https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/issues/12282
return nil
// AddStartCallback adds a callback in the startServer phase.
func (node *Proxy) AddStartCallback(callbacks ...func()) {
node.startCallbacks = append(node.startCallbacks, callbacks...)
// lastTick returns the last write timestamp of all pchans in this Proxy.
func (node *Proxy) lastTick() Timestamp {
return node.chTicker.getMinTick()
// AddCloseCallback adds a callback in the Close phase.
func (node *Proxy) AddCloseCallback(callbacks ...func()) {
node.closeCallbacks = append(node.closeCallbacks, callbacks...)
// SetEtcdClient sets etcd client for proxy.
func (node *Proxy) SetEtcdClient(client *clientv3.Client) {
node.etcdCli = client
// SetRootCoordClient sets RootCoord client for proxy.
func (node *Proxy) SetRootCoordClient(cli types.RootCoord) {
node.rootCoord = cli
// SetIndexCoordClient sets IndexCoord client for proxy.
func (node *Proxy) SetIndexCoordClient(cli types.IndexCoord) {
node.indexCoord = cli
// SetDataCoordClient sets DataCoord client for proxy.
func (node *Proxy) SetDataCoordClient(cli types.DataCoord) {
node.dataCoord = cli
// SetQueryCoordClient sets QueryCoord client for proxy.
func (node *Proxy) SetQueryCoordClient(cli types.QueryCoord) {
node.queryCoord = cli