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2479 lines
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2479 lines
67 KiB
// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datacoord
import (
mockkv "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/kv/mocks"
catalogmocks "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/metastore/mocks"
func TestServerId(t *testing.T) {
s := &Server{session: &sessionutil.Session{SessionRaw: sessionutil.SessionRaw{ServerID: 0}}}
assert.Equal(t, int64(0), s.serverID())
func TestServer_CreateIndex(t *testing.T) {
var (
collID = UniqueID(1)
fieldID = UniqueID(10)
// indexID = UniqueID(100)
typeParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DimKey,
Value: "128",
indexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "IVF_FLAT",
req = &indexpb.CreateIndexRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexName: "",
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
Timestamp: 100,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: indexParams,
ctx = context.Background()
catalog := catalogmocks.NewDataCoordCatalog(t)
catalog.EXPECT().CreateIndex(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Maybe()
mock0Allocator := newMockAllocator(t)
indexMeta := newSegmentIndexMeta(catalog)
s := &Server{
meta: &meta{
catalog: catalog,
collections: map[UniqueID]*collectionInfo{
collID: {
ID: collID,
Partitions: nil,
StartPositions: nil,
Properties: nil,
CreatedAt: 0,
indexMeta: indexMeta,
allocator: mock0Allocator,
notifyIndexChan: make(chan UniqueID, 1),
b := mocks.NewMockRootCoordClient(t)
t.Run("get field name failed", func(t *testing.T) {
b.EXPECT().DescribeCollectionInternal(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil, fmt.Errorf("mock error"))
s.broker = broker.NewCoordinatorBroker(b)
resp, err := s.CreateIndex(ctx, req)
assert.Error(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err))
assert.Equal(t, "mock error", resp.GetReason())
b.ExpectedCalls = nil
b.EXPECT().DescribeCollectionInternal(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(&milvuspb.DescribeCollectionResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: 0,
Reason: "",
Code: 0,
Retriable: false,
Detail: "",
Schema: &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
Name: "test_index",
Description: "test index",
AutoID: false,
Fields: []*schemapb.FieldSchema{
FieldID: 0,
Name: "pk",
IsPrimaryKey: false,
Description: "",
DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64,
TypeParams: nil,
IndexParams: nil,
AutoID: false,
State: 0,
ElementType: 0,
DefaultValue: nil,
IsDynamic: false,
IsPartitionKey: false,
FieldID: fieldID,
Name: "FieldFloatVector",
IsPrimaryKey: false,
Description: "",
DataType: schemapb.DataType_FloatVector,
TypeParams: nil,
IndexParams: nil,
AutoID: false,
State: 0,
ElementType: 0,
DefaultValue: nil,
IsDynamic: false,
IsPartitionKey: false,
EnableDynamicField: false,
CollectionID: collID,
}, nil)
t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.CreateIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err))
t.Run("success with index exist", func(t *testing.T) {
req.IndexName = ""
resp, err := s.CreateIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err))
t.Run("server not healthy", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.CreateIndex(ctx, req)
assert.Error(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err))
req.IndexName = "FieldFloatVector"
t.Run("index not consistent", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.CreateIndex(ctx, req)
assert.Error(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err))
t.Run("alloc ID fail", func(t *testing.T) {
req.FieldID = fieldID
alloc := allocator.NewMockAllocator(t)
alloc.EXPECT().AllocID(mock.Anything).Return(0, errors.New("mock")).Maybe()
alloc.EXPECT().AllocTimestamp(mock.Anything).Return(0, nil).Maybe()
s.allocator = alloc
s.meta.indexMeta.indexes = map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{}
resp, err := s.CreateIndex(ctx, req)
assert.Error(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err))
t.Run("not support disk index", func(t *testing.T) {
s.allocator = mock0Allocator
s.meta.indexMeta.indexes = map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{}
req.IndexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "DISKANN",
s.indexNodeManager = session.NewNodeManager(ctx, defaultIndexNodeCreatorFunc)
resp, err := s.CreateIndex(ctx, req)
assert.Error(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err))
t.Run("disk index with mmap", func(t *testing.T) {
s.allocator = mock0Allocator
s.meta.indexMeta.indexes = map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{}
req.IndexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "DISKANN",
Key: common.MmapEnabledKey,
Value: "true",
nodeManager := session.NewNodeManager(ctx, defaultIndexNodeCreatorFunc)
s.indexNodeManager = nodeManager
mockNode := mocks.NewMockIndexNodeClient(t)
nodeManager.SetClient(1001, mockNode)
mockNode.EXPECT().GetJobStats(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(&workerpb.GetJobStatsResponse{
Status: merr.Success(),
EnableDisk: true,
}, nil)
resp, err := s.CreateIndex(ctx, req)
assert.Error(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err))
t.Run("save index fail", func(t *testing.T) {
metakv := mockkv.NewMetaKv(t)
metakv.EXPECT().Save(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(errors.New("failed")).Maybe()
s.meta.indexMeta.indexes = map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{}
s.meta.catalog = &datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: metakv}
s.meta.indexMeta.catalog = s.meta.catalog
req.IndexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "IVF_FLAT",
resp, err := s.CreateIndex(ctx, req)
assert.Error(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err))
func TestServer_AlterIndex(t *testing.T) {
var (
collID = UniqueID(1)
partID = UniqueID(2)
fieldID = UniqueID(10)
indexID = UniqueID(100)
segID = UniqueID(1000)
invalidSegID = UniqueID(1001)
buildID = UniqueID(10000)
indexName = "default_idx"
typeParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DimKey,
Value: "128",
indexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "IVF_FLAT",
createTS = uint64(1000)
ctx = context.Background()
req = &indexpb.AlterIndexRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
IndexName: "default_idx",
Params: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{
Key: common.MmapEnabledKey,
Value: "true",
catalog := catalogmocks.NewDataCoordCatalog(t)
mock0Allocator := newMockAllocator(t)
indexMeta := &indexMeta{
catalog: catalog,
indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{
collID: {
// finished
indexID: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexName: indexName,
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// deleted
indexID + 1: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 1,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
IndexName: indexName + "_1",
IsDeleted: true,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// unissued
indexID + 2: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 2,
IndexID: indexID + 2,
IndexName: indexName + "_2",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// inProgress
indexID + 3: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 3,
IndexID: indexID + 3,
IndexName: indexName + "_3",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// failed
indexID + 4: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 4,
IndexID: indexID + 4,
IndexName: indexName + "_4",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// unissued
indexID + 5: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 5,
IndexID: indexID + 5,
IndexName: indexName + "_5",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{
segID: {
indexID: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID,
BuildID: buildID,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
indexID + 1: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
BuildID: buildID + 1,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
indexID + 3: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 3,
BuildID: buildID + 3,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_InProgress,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
indexID + 4: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 4,
BuildID: buildID + 4,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Failed,
FailReason: "mock failed",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
indexID + 5: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 5,
BuildID: buildID + 5,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Unissued,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
segID - 1: {
indexID: {
SegmentID: segID - 1,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID,
BuildID: buildID,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
CreateTime: createTS,
indexID + 1: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
BuildID: buildID + 1,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
CreateTime: createTS,
indexID + 3: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 3,
BuildID: buildID + 3,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_InProgress,
CreateTime: createTS,
indexID + 4: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 4,
BuildID: buildID + 4,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Failed,
FailReason: "mock failed",
CreateTime: createTS,
indexID + 5: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 5,
BuildID: buildID + 5,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
CreateTime: createTS,
s := &Server{
meta: &meta{
catalog: catalog,
indexMeta: indexMeta,
segments: &SegmentsInfo{
compactionTo: make(map[int64][]int64),
segments: map[UniqueID]*SegmentInfo{
invalidSegID: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: invalidSegID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumOfRows: 10000,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS,
StartPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{
// timesamp > index start time, will be filtered out
Timestamp: createTS + 1,
segID: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumOfRows: 10000,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS,
StartPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{
Timestamp: createTS,
CreatedByCompaction: true,
CompactionFrom: []int64{segID - 1},
segID - 1: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumOfRows: 10000,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Dropped,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS,
StartPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{
Timestamp: createTS,
allocator: mock0Allocator,
notifyIndexChan: make(chan UniqueID, 1),
t.Run("server not available", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.AlterIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.ErrorIs(t, merr.Error(resp), merr.ErrServiceNotReady)
t.Run("mmap_unsupported", func(t *testing.T) {
indexParams[0].Value = indexparamcheck.IndexRaftCagra
resp, err := s.AlterIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.ErrorIs(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err), merr.ErrParameterInvalid)
indexParams[0].Value = indexparamcheck.IndexFaissIvfFlat
t.Run("param_value_invalied", func(t *testing.T) {
req.Params[0].Value = "abc"
resp, err := s.AlterIndex(ctx, req)
assert.ErrorIs(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err), merr.ErrParameterInvalid)
req.Params[0].Value = "true"
t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.AlterIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err))
describeResp, err := s.DescribeIndex(ctx, &indexpb.DescribeIndexRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
IndexName: "default_idx",
Timestamp: createTS,
assert.NoError(t, merr.CheckRPCCall(describeResp, err))
enableMmap, ok := common.IsMmapDataEnabled(describeResp.IndexInfos[0].GetUserIndexParams()...)
assert.True(t, enableMmap, "indexInfo: %+v", describeResp.IndexInfos[0])
assert.True(t, ok)
func TestServer_GetIndexState(t *testing.T) {
var (
collID = UniqueID(1)
partID = UniqueID(2)
fieldID = UniqueID(10)
indexID = UniqueID(100)
segID = UniqueID(1000)
indexName = "default_idx"
typeParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DimKey,
Value: "128",
indexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "IVF_FLAT",
createTS = uint64(1000)
ctx = context.Background()
req = &indexpb.GetIndexStateRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
IndexName: "",
mock0Allocator := newMockAllocator(t)
s := &Server{
meta: &meta{
catalog: &datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: mockkv.NewMetaKv(t)},
indexMeta: newSegmentIndexMeta(&datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: mockkv.NewMetaKv(t)}),
allocator: mock0Allocator,
notifyIndexChan: make(chan UniqueID, 1),
t.Run("server not available", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.GetIndexState(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.ErrorIs(t, merr.Error(resp.GetStatus()), merr.ErrServiceNotReady)
t.Run("index not found", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.GetIndexState(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_IndexNotExist, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
segments := map[UniqueID]*SegmentInfo{
segID: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
InsertChannel: "",
NumOfRows: 10250,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS - 1,
StartPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{
Timestamp: createTS - 1,
currRows: 0,
allocations: nil,
lastFlushTime: time.Time{},
isCompacting: false,
lastWrittenTime: time.Time{},
s.meta = &meta{
catalog: &datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: mockkv.NewMetaKv(t)},
indexMeta: &indexMeta{
catalog: &datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: mockkv.NewMetaKv(t)},
indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{
collID: {
indexID: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexName: indexName,
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{},
segments: NewSegmentsInfo(),
for id, segment := range segments {
s.meta.segments.SetSegment(id, segment)
t.Run("index state is unissued", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.GetIndexState(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.IndexState_InProgress, resp.GetState())
segments = map[UniqueID]*SegmentInfo{
segID: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
InsertChannel: "",
NumOfRows: 10250,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS - 1,
StartPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{
Timestamp: createTS - 1,
currRows: 0,
allocations: nil,
lastFlushTime: time.Time{},
isCompacting: false,
lastWrittenTime: time.Time{},
s.meta = &meta{
catalog: &datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: mockkv.NewMetaKv(t)},
indexMeta: &indexMeta{
indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{
collID: {
indexID: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexName: indexName,
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{
segID: {
indexID: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 3000,
IndexID: indexID,
BuildID: buildID,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_IndexStateNone,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: 0,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
segments: NewSegmentsInfo(),
for id, segment := range segments {
s.meta.segments.SetSegment(id, segment)
t.Run("index state is none", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.GetIndexState(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.IndexState_IndexStateNone, resp.GetState())
t.Run("ambiguous index name", func(t *testing.T) {
s.meta.indexMeta.indexes[collID][indexID+1] = &model.Index{
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
IndexName: "default_idx_1",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
resp, err := s.GetIndexState(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_UnexpectedError, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
func TestServer_GetSegmentIndexState(t *testing.T) {
var (
collID = UniqueID(1)
partID = UniqueID(2)
fieldID = UniqueID(10)
indexID = UniqueID(100)
segID = UniqueID(1000)
indexName = "default_idx"
typeParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DimKey,
Value: "128",
indexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "IVF_FLAT",
createTS = uint64(1000)
ctx = context.Background()
req = &indexpb.GetSegmentIndexStateRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
IndexName: "",
SegmentIDs: []UniqueID{segID},
mock0Allocator := newMockAllocator(t)
indexMeta := newSegmentIndexMeta(&datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: mockkv.NewMetaKv(t)})
s := &Server{
meta: &meta{
catalog: indexMeta.catalog,
indexMeta: indexMeta,
segments: NewSegmentsInfo(),
allocator: mock0Allocator,
notifyIndexChan: make(chan UniqueID, 1),
t.Run("server is not available", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.GetSegmentIndexState(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.ErrorIs(t, merr.Error(resp.GetStatus()), merr.ErrServiceNotReady)
t.Run("no indexes", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.GetSegmentIndexState(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_IndexNotExist, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
t.Run("unfinished", func(t *testing.T) {
s.meta.indexMeta.indexes[collID] = map[UniqueID]*model.Index{
indexID: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexName: indexName,
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10250,
IndexID: indexID,
BuildID: 10,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_InProgress,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: []string{"file1", "file2"},
IndexSize: 1025,
WriteHandoff: false,
s.meta.segments.SetSegment(segID, &SegmentInfo{
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
InsertChannel: "ch",
currRows: 0,
allocations: nil,
lastFlushTime: time.Time{},
isCompacting: false,
lastWrittenTime: time.Time{},
resp, err := s.GetSegmentIndexState(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
t.Run("finish", func(t *testing.T) {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10250,
IndexID: indexID,
BuildID: 10,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: []string{"file1", "file2"},
IndexSize: 1025,
WriteHandoff: false,
resp, err := s.GetSegmentIndexState(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
func TestServer_GetIndexBuildProgress(t *testing.T) {
var (
collID = UniqueID(1)
partID = UniqueID(2)
fieldID = UniqueID(10)
indexID = UniqueID(100)
segID = UniqueID(1000)
indexName = "default_idx"
typeParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DimKey,
Value: "128",
indexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "IVF_FLAT",
createTS = uint64(1000)
ctx = context.Background()
req = &indexpb.GetIndexBuildProgressRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
IndexName: "",
mock0Allocator := newMockAllocator(t)
s := &Server{
meta: &meta{
catalog: &datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: mockkv.NewMetaKv(t)},
indexMeta: newSegmentIndexMeta(&datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: mockkv.NewMetaKv(t)}),
segments: NewSegmentsInfo(),
allocator: mock0Allocator,
notifyIndexChan: make(chan UniqueID, 1),
t.Run("server not available", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.GetIndexBuildProgress(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.ErrorIs(t, merr.Error(resp.GetStatus()), merr.ErrServiceNotReady)
t.Run("no indexes", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.GetIndexBuildProgress(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_IndexNotExist, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
t.Run("unissued", func(t *testing.T) {
s.meta.indexMeta.indexes[collID] = map[UniqueID]*model.Index{
indexID: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexName: indexName,
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
s.meta.segments = NewSegmentsInfo()
s.meta.segments.SetSegment(segID, &SegmentInfo{
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
InsertChannel: "",
NumOfRows: 10250,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS,
StartPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{
Timestamp: createTS,
currRows: 10250,
allocations: nil,
lastFlushTime: time.Time{},
isCompacting: false,
lastWrittenTime: time.Time{},
resp, err := s.GetIndexBuildProgress(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
assert.Equal(t, int64(10250), resp.GetTotalRows())
assert.Equal(t, int64(0), resp.GetIndexedRows())
t.Run("finish", func(t *testing.T) {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10250,
IndexID: indexID,
BuildID: 10,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: []string{"file1", "file2"},
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
s.meta.segments = NewSegmentsInfo()
s.meta.segments.SetSegment(segID, &SegmentInfo{
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
InsertChannel: "",
NumOfRows: 10250,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS,
StartPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{
Timestamp: createTS,
currRows: 10250,
allocations: nil,
lastFlushTime: time.Time{},
isCompacting: false,
lastWrittenTime: time.Time{},
resp, err := s.GetIndexBuildProgress(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
assert.Equal(t, int64(10250), resp.GetTotalRows())
assert.Equal(t, int64(10250), resp.GetIndexedRows())
t.Run("multiple index", func(t *testing.T) {
s.meta.indexMeta.indexes[collID] = map[UniqueID]*model.Index{
indexID: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexName: indexName,
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
indexID + 1: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 1,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
IndexName: "_default_idx_102",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: 0,
TypeParams: nil,
IndexParams: nil,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
resp, err := s.GetIndexBuildProgress(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_UnexpectedError, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
func TestServer_DescribeIndex(t *testing.T) {
var (
collID = UniqueID(1)
partID = UniqueID(2)
fieldID = UniqueID(10)
indexID = UniqueID(100)
segID = UniqueID(1000)
invalidSegID = UniqueID(1001)
buildID = UniqueID(10000)
indexName = "default_idx"
typeParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DimKey,
Value: "128",
indexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "IVF_FLAT",
createTS = uint64(1000)
ctx = context.Background()
req = &indexpb.DescribeIndexRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
IndexName: "",
Timestamp: createTS,
catalog := catalogmocks.NewDataCoordCatalog(t)
mock0Allocator := newMockAllocator(t)
segments := map[UniqueID]*SegmentInfo{
invalidSegID: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: invalidSegID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumOfRows: 10000,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS,
StartPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{
// timesamp > index start time, will be filtered out
Timestamp: createTS + 1,
segID: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumOfRows: 10000,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS,
StartPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{
Timestamp: createTS,
CreatedByCompaction: true,
CompactionFrom: []int64{segID - 1},
segID - 1: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID - 1,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumOfRows: 10000,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Dropped,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS,
StartPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{
Timestamp: createTS,
s := &Server{
meta: &meta{
catalog: catalog,
indexMeta: &indexMeta{
catalog: catalog,
indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{
collID: {
// finished
indexID: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexName: indexName,
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// deleted
indexID + 1: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 1,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
IndexName: indexName + "_1",
IsDeleted: true,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// unissued
indexID + 2: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 2,
IndexID: indexID + 2,
IndexName: indexName + "_2",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// inProgress
indexID + 3: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 3,
IndexID: indexID + 3,
IndexName: indexName + "_3",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// failed
indexID + 4: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 4,
IndexID: indexID + 4,
IndexName: indexName + "_4",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// unissued
indexID + 5: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 5,
IndexID: indexID + 5,
IndexName: indexName + "_5",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{
segID: {
indexID: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID,
BuildID: buildID,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
indexID + 1: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
BuildID: buildID + 1,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
indexID + 3: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 3,
BuildID: buildID + 3,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_InProgress,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
indexID + 4: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 4,
BuildID: buildID + 4,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Failed,
FailReason: "mock failed",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
indexID + 5: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 5,
BuildID: buildID + 5,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Unissued,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
segID - 1: {
indexID: {
SegmentID: segID - 1,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID,
BuildID: buildID,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
CreateTime: createTS,
indexID + 1: {
SegmentID: segID - 1,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
BuildID: buildID + 1,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
CreateTime: createTS,
indexID + 3: {
SegmentID: segID - 1,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 3,
BuildID: buildID + 3,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_InProgress,
CreateTime: createTS,
indexID + 4: {
SegmentID: segID - 1,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 4,
BuildID: buildID + 4,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Failed,
FailReason: "mock failed",
CreateTime: createTS,
indexID + 5: {
SegmentID: segID - 1,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 5,
BuildID: buildID + 5,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
CreateTime: createTS,
segments: NewSegmentsInfo(),
allocator: mock0Allocator,
notifyIndexChan: make(chan UniqueID, 1),
for id, segment := range segments {
s.meta.segments.SetSegment(id, segment)
t.Run("server not available", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.DescribeIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.ErrorIs(t, merr.Error(resp.GetStatus()), merr.ErrServiceNotReady)
t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.DescribeIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
assert.Equal(t, 5, len(resp.GetIndexInfos()))
t.Run("describe after drop index", func(t *testing.T) {
status, err := s.DropIndex(ctx, &indexpb.DropIndexRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionIDs: nil,
IndexName: "",
DropAll: true,
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, status.GetErrorCode())
resp, err := s.DescribeIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_IndexNotExist, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
func TestServer_ListIndexes(t *testing.T) {
var (
collID = UniqueID(1)
fieldID = UniqueID(10)
indexID = UniqueID(100)
indexName = "default_idx"
typeParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DimKey,
Value: "128",
indexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "IVF_FLAT",
createTS = uint64(1000)
ctx = context.Background()
req = &indexpb.ListIndexesRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
mock0Allocator := newMockAllocator(t)
catalog := catalogmocks.NewDataCoordCatalog(t)
s := &Server{
meta: &meta{
catalog: catalog,
indexMeta: &indexMeta{
catalog: catalog,
indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{
collID: {
// finished
indexID: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexName: indexName,
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// deleted
indexID + 1: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 1,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
IndexName: indexName + "_1",
IsDeleted: true,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// unissued
indexID + 2: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 2,
IndexID: indexID + 2,
IndexName: indexName + "_2",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// inProgress
indexID + 3: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 3,
IndexID: indexID + 3,
IndexName: indexName + "_3",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// failed
indexID + 4: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 4,
IndexID: indexID + 4,
IndexName: indexName + "_4",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// unissued
indexID + 5: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 5,
IndexID: indexID + 5,
IndexName: indexName + "_5",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{},
segments: NewSegmentsInfo(),
allocator: mock0Allocator,
notifyIndexChan: make(chan UniqueID, 1),
t.Run("server not available", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.ListIndexes(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.ErrorIs(t, merr.Error(resp.GetStatus()), merr.ErrServiceNotReady)
t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.ListIndexes(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
assert.Equal(t, 5, len(resp.GetIndexInfos()))
func TestServer_GetIndexStatistics(t *testing.T) {
var (
collID = UniqueID(1)
partID = UniqueID(2)
fieldID = UniqueID(10)
indexID = UniqueID(100)
segID = UniqueID(1000)
invalidSegID = UniqueID(1001)
buildID = UniqueID(10000)
indexName = "default_idx"
typeParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DimKey,
Value: "128",
indexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "IVF_FLAT",
createTS = uint64(1000)
ctx = context.Background()
req = &indexpb.GetIndexStatisticsRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
IndexName: "",
catalog := catalogmocks.NewDataCoordCatalog(t)
mock0Allocator := newMockAllocator(t)
segments := map[UniqueID]*SegmentInfo{
invalidSegID: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumOfRows: 10000,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS,
StartPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{
// timesamp > index start time, will be filtered out
Timestamp: createTS + 1,
segID: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumOfRows: 10000,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS,
StartPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{
Timestamp: createTS,
s := &Server{
meta: &meta{
catalog: catalog,
indexMeta: &indexMeta{
catalog: catalog,
indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{
collID: {
// finished
indexID: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexName: indexName,
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// deleted
indexID + 1: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 1,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
IndexName: indexName + "_1",
IsDeleted: true,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// unissued
indexID + 2: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 2,
IndexID: indexID + 2,
IndexName: indexName + "_2",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// inProgress
indexID + 3: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 3,
IndexID: indexID + 3,
IndexName: indexName + "_3",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// failed
indexID + 4: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 4,
IndexID: indexID + 4,
IndexName: indexName + "_4",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// unissued
indexID + 5: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 5,
IndexID: indexID + 5,
IndexName: indexName + "_5",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{
segID: {
indexID: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID,
BuildID: buildID,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
indexID + 1: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
BuildID: buildID + 1,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
indexID + 3: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 3,
BuildID: buildID + 3,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_InProgress,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
indexID + 4: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 4,
BuildID: buildID + 4,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Failed,
FailReason: "mock failed",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
indexID + 5: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID + 5,
BuildID: buildID + 5,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Unissued,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
segments: NewSegmentsInfo(),
allocator: mock0Allocator,
notifyIndexChan: make(chan UniqueID, 1),
for id, segment := range segments {
s.meta.segments.SetSegment(id, segment)
t.Run("server not available", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.GetIndexStatistics(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_NotReadyServe, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.GetIndexStatistics(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
assert.Equal(t, 5, len(resp.GetIndexInfos()))
t.Run("describe after drop index", func(t *testing.T) {
status, err := s.DropIndex(ctx, &indexpb.DropIndexRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionIDs: nil,
IndexName: "",
DropAll: true,
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, status.GetErrorCode())
resp, err := s.GetIndexStatistics(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_IndexNotExist, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
func TestServer_DropIndex(t *testing.T) {
var (
collID = UniqueID(1)
partID = UniqueID(2)
fieldID = UniqueID(10)
indexID = UniqueID(100)
segID = UniqueID(1000)
indexName = "default_idx"
typeParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DimKey,
Value: "128",
indexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "IVF_FLAT",
createTS = uint64(1000)
ctx = context.Background()
req = &indexpb.DropIndexRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
IndexName: indexName,
catalog := catalogmocks.NewDataCoordCatalog(t)
mock0Allocator := newMockAllocator(t)
s := &Server{
meta: &meta{
catalog: catalog,
indexMeta: &indexMeta{
catalog: catalog,
indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{
collID: {
// finished
indexID: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexName: indexName,
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// deleted
indexID + 1: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 1,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
IndexName: indexName + "_1",
IsDeleted: true,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// unissued
indexID + 2: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 2,
IndexID: indexID + 2,
IndexName: indexName + "_2",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// inProgress
indexID + 3: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID + 3,
IndexName: indexName + "_3",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
// failed
indexID + 4: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID + 4,
IndexName: indexName + "_4",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{},
segments: NewSegmentsInfo(),
allocator: mock0Allocator,
notifyIndexChan: make(chan UniqueID, 1),
s.meta.segments.SetSegment(segID, &SegmentInfo{
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumOfRows: 10000,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS,
t.Run("server not available", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.DropIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.ErrorIs(t, merr.Error(resp), merr.ErrServiceNotReady)
t.Run("drop fail", func(t *testing.T) {
catalog := catalogmocks.NewDataCoordCatalog(t)
s.meta.indexMeta.catalog = catalog
resp, err := s.DropIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_UnexpectedError, resp.GetErrorCode())
t.Run("drop one index", func(t *testing.T) {
s.meta.indexMeta.catalog = catalog
resp, err := s.DropIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetErrorCode())
t.Run("drop one without indexName", func(t *testing.T) {
req = &indexpb.DropIndexRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionIDs: nil,
IndexName: "",
DropAll: false,
resp, err := s.DropIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_UnexpectedError, resp.GetErrorCode())
t.Run("drop all indexes", func(t *testing.T) {
req = &indexpb.DropIndexRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionIDs: nil,
IndexName: "",
DropAll: true,
resp, err := s.DropIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetErrorCode())
t.Run("drop not exist index", func(t *testing.T) {
req = &indexpb.DropIndexRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionIDs: nil,
IndexName: "",
DropAll: true,
resp, err := s.DropIndex(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetErrorCode())
func TestServer_GetIndexInfos(t *testing.T) {
var (
collID = UniqueID(1)
partID = UniqueID(2)
fieldID = UniqueID(10)
indexID = UniqueID(100)
segID = UniqueID(1000)
buildID = UniqueID(10000)
indexName = "default_idx"
typeParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.DimKey,
Value: "128",
indexParams = []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: "IVF_FLAT",
createTS = uint64(1000)
ctx = context.Background()
req = &indexpb.GetIndexInfoRequest{
CollectionID: collID,
SegmentIDs: []UniqueID{segID},
IndexName: indexName,
chunkManagerFactory := storage.NewChunkManagerFactoryWithParam(Params)
cli, err := chunkManagerFactory.NewPersistentStorageChunkManager(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
mock0Allocator := newMockAllocator(t)
s := &Server{
meta: &meta{
catalog: &datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: mockkv.NewMetaKv(t)},
indexMeta: &indexMeta{
catalog: &datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: mockkv.NewMetaKv(t)},
indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{
collID: {
// finished
indexID: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexName: indexName,
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
TypeParams: typeParams,
IndexParams: indexParams,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{
segID: {
indexID: {
SegmentID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumRows: 10000,
IndexID: indexID,
BuildID: buildID,
NodeID: 0,
IndexVersion: 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
FailReason: "",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: createTS,
IndexFileKeys: nil,
IndexSize: 0,
WriteHandoff: false,
segments: NewSegmentsInfo(),
chunkManager: cli,
allocator: mock0Allocator,
notifyIndexChan: make(chan UniqueID, 1),
s.meta.segments.SetSegment(segID, &SegmentInfo{
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
NumOfRows: 10000,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
MaxRowNum: 65536,
LastExpireTime: createTS,
t.Run("server not available", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.GetIndexInfos(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.ErrorIs(t, merr.Error(resp.GetStatus()), merr.ErrServiceNotReady)
t.Run("get segment index infos", func(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := s.GetIndexInfos(ctx, req)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode())
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(resp.GetSegmentInfo()))
func TestMeta_GetHasUnindexTaskSegments(t *testing.T) {
segments := map[UniqueID]*SegmentInfo{
segID: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
InsertChannel: "",
NumOfRows: 1025,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed,
segID + 1: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID + 1,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
InsertChannel: "",
NumOfRows: 1025,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Growing,
segID + 2: {
SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{
ID: segID + 2,
CollectionID: collID,
PartitionID: partID,
InsertChannel: "",
NumOfRows: 1025,
State: commonpb.SegmentState_Dropped,
m := &meta{
segments: NewSegmentsInfo(),
indexMeta: &indexMeta{
buildID2SegmentIndex: make(map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex),
segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{},
indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{
collID: {
indexID: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexName: indexName,
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: 0,
TypeParams: nil,
IndexParams: nil,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
indexID + 1: {
TenantID: "",
CollectionID: collID,
FieldID: fieldID + 1,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
IndexName: indexName + "_1",
IsDeleted: false,
CreateTime: 0,
TypeParams: nil,
IndexParams: nil,
IsAutoIndex: false,
UserIndexParams: nil,
for id, segment := range segments {
m.segments.SetSegment(id, segment)
s := &Server{meta: m}
t.Run("normal", func(t *testing.T) {
segments := s.getUnIndexTaskSegments()
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(segments))
assert.Equal(t, segID, segments[0].ID)
m.indexMeta.segmentIndexes[segID] = make(map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex)
CollectionID: collID,
SegmentID: segID,
IndexID: indexID + 2,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(segments))
assert.Equal(t, segID, segments[0].ID)
t.Run("segment partial field with index", func(t *testing.T) {
CollectionID: collID,
SegmentID: segID,
IndexID: indexID,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
segments := s.getUnIndexTaskSegments()
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(segments))
assert.Equal(t, segID, segments[0].ID)
t.Run("segment all vector field with index", func(t *testing.T) {
CollectionID: collID,
SegmentID: segID,
IndexID: indexID + 1,
IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished,
segments := s.getUnIndexTaskSegments()
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(segments))
func TestValidateIndexParams(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("valid", func(t *testing.T) {
index := &model.Index{
IndexParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: indexparamcheck.AutoIndex,
Key: common.MmapEnabledKey,
Value: "true",
err := ValidateIndexParams(index)
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("invalid index param", func(t *testing.T) {
index := &model.Index{
IndexParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: indexparamcheck.AutoIndex,
Key: common.MmapEnabledKey,
Value: "h",
err := ValidateIndexParams(index)
assert.Error(t, err)
t.Run("invalid index user param", func(t *testing.T) {
index := &model.Index{
IndexParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: indexparamcheck.AutoIndex,
UserIndexParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.MmapEnabledKey,
Value: "h",
err := ValidateIndexParams(index)
assert.Error(t, err)