mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rootcoord
import (
const (
Bucket = "bucket"
FailedReason = "failed_reason"
Files = "files"
CollectionName = "collection"
PartitionName = "partition"
MaxPendingCount = 32
delimiter = "/"
taskExpiredMsgPrefix = "task has expired after "
// CheckPendingTasksInterval is the default interval to check and send out pending tasks,
// default 60*1000 milliseconds (1 minute).
var checkPendingTasksInterval = 60 * 1000
// ExpireOldTasksInterval is the default interval to loop through all in memory tasks and expire old ones.
// default 2*60*1000 milliseconds (2 minutes)
var expireOldTasksInterval = 2 * 60 * 1000
// import task state
type importTaskState struct {
stateCode commonpb.ImportState // state code
segments []int64 // ID list of generated segments
rowIDs []int64 // ID list of auto-generated is for auto-id primary key
rowCount int64 // how many rows imported
failedReason string // failed reason
// importManager manager for import tasks
type importManager struct {
ctx context.Context // reserved
taskStore kv.MetaKv // Persistent task info storage.
busyNodes map[int64]bool // Set of all current working DataNodes.
// TODO: Make pendingTask a map to improve look up performance.
pendingTasks []*datapb.ImportTaskInfo // pending tasks
workingTasks map[int64]*datapb.ImportTaskInfo // in-progress tasks
pendingLock sync.RWMutex // lock pending task list
workingLock sync.RWMutex // lock working task map
busyNodesLock sync.RWMutex // lock for working nodes.
lastReqID int64 // for generating a unique ID for import request
startOnce sync.Once
idAllocator func(count uint32) (typeutil.UniqueID, typeutil.UniqueID, error)
callImportService func(ctx context.Context, req *datapb.ImportTaskRequest) *datapb.ImportTaskResponse
getCollectionName func(collID, partitionID typeutil.UniqueID) (string, string, error)
// newImportManager helper function to create a importManager
func newImportManager(ctx context.Context, client kv.MetaKv,
idAlloc func(count uint32) (typeutil.UniqueID, typeutil.UniqueID, error),
importService func(ctx context.Context, req *datapb.ImportTaskRequest) *datapb.ImportTaskResponse,
getCollectionName func(collID, partitionID typeutil.UniqueID) (string, string, error)) *importManager {
mgr := &importManager{
ctx: ctx,
taskStore: client,
pendingTasks: make([]*datapb.ImportTaskInfo, 0, MaxPendingCount), // currently task queue max size is 32
workingTasks: make(map[int64]*datapb.ImportTaskInfo),
busyNodes: make(map[int64]bool),
pendingLock: sync.RWMutex{},
workingLock: sync.RWMutex{},
busyNodesLock: sync.RWMutex{},
lastReqID: 0,
idAllocator: idAlloc,
callImportService: importService,
getCollectionName: getCollectionName,
return mgr
func (m *importManager) init(ctx context.Context) {
m.startOnce.Do(func() {
// Read tasks from Etcd and save them as pending tasks or working tasks.
// Send out tasks to dataCoord.
// sendOutTasksLoop periodically calls `sendOutTasks` to process left over pending tasks.
func (m *importManager) sendOutTasksLoop(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(checkPendingTasksInterval) * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-m.ctx.Done():
log.Debug("import manager context done, exit check sendOutTasksLoop")
case <-ticker.C:
// expireOldTasksLoop starts a loop that checks and expires old tasks every `ImportTaskExpiration` seconds.
func (m *importManager) expireOldTasksLoop(wg *sync.WaitGroup, releaseLockFunc func(context.Context, int64, []int64) error) {
defer wg.Done()
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(expireOldTasksInterval) * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-m.ctx.Done():
log.Info("(in loop) import manager context done, exit expireOldTasksLoop")
case <-ticker.C:
log.Debug("(in loop) starting expiring old tasks...",
zap.Duration("cleaning up interval", time.Duration(expireOldTasksInterval)*time.Millisecond))
// sendOutTasks pushes all pending tasks to DataCoord, gets DataCoord response and re-add these tasks as working tasks.
func (m *importManager) sendOutTasks(ctx context.Context) error {
defer m.pendingLock.Unlock()
defer m.busyNodesLock.Unlock()
// Trigger Import() action to DataCoord.
for len(m.pendingTasks) > 0 {
task := m.pendingTasks[0]
// TODO: Use ImportTaskInfo directly.
it := &datapb.ImportTask{
CollectionId: task.GetCollectionId(),
PartitionId: task.GetPartitionId(),
ChannelNames: task.GetChannelNames(),
RowBased: task.GetRowBased(),
TaskId: task.GetId(),
Files: task.GetFiles(),
Infos: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: Bucket,
Value: task.GetBucket(),
// Get all busy dataNodes for reference.
var busyNodeList []int64
for k := range m.busyNodes {
busyNodeList = append(busyNodeList, k)
// Send import task to dataCoord, which will then distribute the import task to dataNode.
resp := m.callImportService(ctx, &datapb.ImportTaskRequest{
ImportTask: it,
WorkingNodes: busyNodeList,
if resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
log.Warn("import task is rejected",
zap.Int64("task ID", it.GetTaskId()),
zap.Any("error code", resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode()),
zap.String("cause", resp.GetStatus().GetReason()))
// Successfully assigned dataNode for the import task. Add task to working task list and update task store.
task.DatanodeId = resp.GetDatanodeId()
log.Debug("import task successfully assigned to dataNode",
zap.Int64("task ID", it.GetTaskId()),
zap.Int64("dataNode ID", task.GetDatanodeId()))
// Add new working dataNode to busyNodes.
m.busyNodes[resp.GetDatanodeId()] = true
func() {
defer m.workingLock.Unlock()
log.Debug("import task added as working task", zap.Int64("task ID", it.TaskId))
task.State.StateCode = commonpb.ImportState_ImportPending
m.workingTasks[task.GetId()] = task
// Erase this task from head of pending list.
m.pendingTasks = append(m.pendingTasks[:0], m.pendingTasks[1:]...)
return nil
// genReqID generates a unique id for import request, this method has no lock, should only be called by importJob()
func (m *importManager) genReqID() int64 {
if m.lastReqID == 0 {
m.lastReqID = time.Now().Unix()
} else {
id := time.Now().Unix()
if id == m.lastReqID {
m.lastReqID = id
return m.lastReqID
// importJob processes the import request, generates import tasks, sends these tasks to DataCoord, and returns
// immediately.
func (m *importManager) importJob(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.ImportRequest, cID int64, pID int64) *milvuspb.ImportResponse {
if req == nil || len(req.Files) == 0 {
return &milvuspb.ImportResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_UnexpectedError,
Reason: "import request is empty",
if m.callImportService == nil {
return &milvuspb.ImportResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_UnexpectedError,
Reason: "import service is not available",
resp := &milvuspb.ImportResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success,
Tasks: make([]int64, 0),
log.Debug("request received",
zap.String("collection name", req.GetCollectionName()),
zap.Int64("collection ID", cID),
zap.Int64("partition ID", pID))
err := func() (err error) {
defer m.pendingLock.Unlock()
capacity := cap(m.pendingTasks)
length := len(m.pendingTasks)
taskCount := 1
if req.RowBased {
taskCount = len(req.Files)
// task queue size has a limit, return error if import request contains too many data files, and skip entire job
if capacity-length < taskCount {
err = fmt.Errorf("import task queue max size is %v, currently there are %v tasks is pending. Not able to execute this request with %v tasks", capacity, length, taskCount)
return err
bucket := ""
for _, kv := range req.Options {
if kv.Key == Bucket {
bucket = kv.Value
reqID := m.genReqID()
// convert import request to import tasks
if req.RowBased {
// For row-based importing, each file makes a task.
taskList := make([]int64, len(req.Files))
for i := 0; i < len(req.Files); i++ {
tID, _, err := m.idAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return err
newTask := &datapb.ImportTaskInfo{
Id: tID,
RequestId: reqID,
CollectionId: cID,
PartitionId: pID,
ChannelNames: req.ChannelNames,
Bucket: bucket,
RowBased: req.GetRowBased(),
Files: []string{req.GetFiles()[i]},
CreateTs: time.Now().Unix(),
State: &datapb.ImportTaskState{
StateCode: commonpb.ImportState_ImportPending,
DataQueryable: false,
DataIndexed: false,
resp.Tasks = append(resp.Tasks, newTask.GetId())
taskList[i] = newTask.GetId()
log.Info("new task created as pending task", zap.Int64("task ID", newTask.GetId()))
m.pendingTasks = append(m.pendingTasks, newTask)
log.Info("row-based import request processed", zap.Int64("reqID", reqID), zap.Any("taskIDs", taskList))
} else {
// TODO: Merge duplicated code :(
// for column-based, all files is a task
tID, _, err := m.idAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return err
newTask := &datapb.ImportTaskInfo{
Id: tID,
RequestId: reqID,
CollectionId: cID,
PartitionId: pID,
ChannelNames: req.ChannelNames,
Bucket: bucket,
RowBased: req.GetRowBased(),
Files: req.GetFiles(),
CreateTs: time.Now().Unix(),
State: &datapb.ImportTaskState{
StateCode: commonpb.ImportState_ImportPending,
DataQueryable: false,
DataIndexed: false,
resp.Tasks = append(resp.Tasks, newTask.GetId())
log.Info("new task created as pending task", zap.Int64("task ID", newTask.GetId()))
m.pendingTasks = append(m.pendingTasks, newTask)
log.Info("column-based import request processed", zap.Int64("reqID", reqID), zap.Int64("taskID", newTask.GetId()))
return nil
if err != nil {
return &milvuspb.ImportResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_UnexpectedError,
Reason: err.Error(),
return resp
// setTaskDataQueryable sets task's DataQueryable flag to true.
func (m *importManager) setTaskDataQueryable(taskID int64) {
defer m.workingLock.Unlock()
if v, ok := m.workingTasks[taskID]; ok {
v.DataQueryable = true
} else {
log.Error("task ID not found", zap.Int64("task ID", taskID))
// setTaskDataIndexed sets task's DataIndexed flag to true.
func (m *importManager) setTaskDataIndexed(taskID int64) {
defer m.workingLock.Unlock()
if v, ok := m.workingTasks[taskID]; ok {
v.DataIndexed = true
} else {
log.Error("task ID not found", zap.Int64("task ID", taskID))
// updateTaskState updates the task's state in in-memory working tasks list and in task store, given ImportResult
// result. It returns the ImportTaskInfo of the given task.
func (m *importManager) updateTaskState(ir *rootcoordpb.ImportResult) (*datapb.ImportTaskInfo, error) {
if ir == nil {
return nil, errors.New("import result is nil")
log.Debug("import manager update task import result", zap.Int64("taskID", ir.GetTaskId()))
found := false
var v *datapb.ImportTaskInfo
defer m.workingLock.Unlock()
ok := false
if v, ok = m.workingTasks[ir.GetTaskId()]; ok {
// If the task has already been marked failed. Prevent further state updating and return an error.
if v.GetState().GetStateCode() == commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailed {
log.Warn("trying to update an already failed task which will end up being a no-op")
return nil, errors.New("trying to update an already failed task " + strconv.FormatInt(ir.GetTaskId(), 10))
found = true
v.State.StateCode = ir.GetState()
v.State.Segments = ir.GetSegments()
v.State.RowCount = ir.GetRowCount()
v.State.RowIds = ir.AutoIds
for _, kv := range ir.GetInfos() {
if kv.GetKey() == FailedReason {
v.State.ErrorMessage = kv.GetValue()
// Update task in task store.
if !found {
log.Debug("import manager update task import result failed", zap.Int64("task ID", ir.GetTaskId()))
return nil, errors.New("failed to update import task, ID not found: " + strconv.FormatInt(ir.TaskId, 10))
return v, nil
func (m *importManager) getCollectionPartitionName(task *datapb.ImportTaskInfo, resp *milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse) {
if m.getCollectionName != nil {
colName, partName, err := m.getCollectionName(task.GetCollectionId(), task.GetPartitionId())
if err == nil {
resp.Infos = append(resp.Infos, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: CollectionName, Value: colName})
resp.Infos = append(resp.Infos, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: PartitionName, Value: partName})
// appendTaskSegments updates the task's segment lists by adding `segIDs` to it.
func (m *importManager) appendTaskSegments(taskID int64, segIDs []int64) error {
log.Debug("import manager appending task segments",
zap.Int64("task ID", taskID),
zap.Int64s("segment ID", segIDs))
var v *datapb.ImportTaskInfo
ok := false
if v, ok = m.workingTasks[taskID]; ok {
v.State.Segments = append(v.GetState().GetSegments(), segIDs...)
// Update task in task store.
if !ok {
log.Debug("import manager appending task segments failed", zap.Int64("task ID", taskID))
return errors.New("failed to update import task, ID not found: " + strconv.FormatInt(taskID, 10))
return nil
// getTaskState looks for task with the given ID and returns its import state.
func (m *importManager) getTaskState(tID int64) *milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse {
resp := &milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_UnexpectedError,
Reason: "import task id doesn't exist",
Infos: make([]*commonpb.KeyValuePair, 0),
log.Debug("getting import task state", zap.Int64("taskID", tID))
found := false
func() {
defer m.pendingLock.Unlock()
for _, t := range m.pendingTasks {
if tID == t.Id {
resp.Status = &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success,
resp.Id = tID
resp.State = commonpb.ImportState_ImportPending
resp.Infos = append(resp.Infos, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: Files, Value: strings.Join(t.GetFiles(), ",")})
resp.DataQueryable = t.GetDataQueryable()
resp.DataIndexed = t.GetDataIndexed()
m.getCollectionPartitionName(t, resp)
found = true
if found {
return resp
func() {
defer m.workingLock.Unlock()
if v, ok := m.workingTasks[tID]; ok {
found = true
resp.Status = &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success,
resp.Id = tID
resp.State = v.GetState().GetStateCode()
resp.RowCount = v.GetState().GetRowCount()
resp.IdList = v.GetState().GetRowIds()
resp.Infos = append(resp.Infos, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: Files, Value: strings.Join(v.GetFiles(), ",")})
resp.Infos = append(resp.Infos, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: FailedReason,
Value: v.GetState().GetErrorMessage(),
resp.DataQueryable = v.GetDataQueryable()
resp.DataIndexed = v.GetDataIndexed()
m.getCollectionPartitionName(v, resp)
if found {
return resp
log.Debug("get import task state failed", zap.Int64("taskID", tID))
return resp
// loadFromTaskStore loads task info from task store when RootCoord (re)starts.
func (m *importManager) loadFromTaskStore() error {
log.Info("import manager starts loading from Etcd")
_, v, err := m.taskStore.LoadWithPrefix(Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskSubPath)
if err != nil {
log.Error("import manager failed to load from Etcd", zap.Error(err))
return err
defer m.workingLock.Unlock()
defer m.pendingLock.Unlock()
for i := range v {
ti := &datapb.ImportTaskInfo{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal([]byte(v[i]), ti); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to unmarshal proto", zap.String("taskInfo", v[i]), zap.Error(err))
// Ignore bad protos.
// Put tasks back to pending or working task list, given their import states.
if ti.GetState().GetStateCode() == commonpb.ImportState_ImportPending {
log.Info("task has been reloaded as a pending task", zap.Int64("task ID", ti.GetId()))
m.pendingTasks = append(m.pendingTasks, ti)
} else {
log.Info("task has been reloaded as a working tasks", zap.Int64("task ID", ti.GetId()))
m.workingTasks[ti.GetId()] = ti
return nil
// storeImportTask signs a lease and saves import task info into Etcd with this lease.
func (m *importManager) storeImportTask(task *datapb.ImportTaskInfo) error {
log.Debug("saving import task to Etcd", zap.Int64("task ID", task.GetId()))
// Sign a lease. Tasks will be stored for at least `ImportTaskRetention` seconds.
leaseID, err := m.taskStore.Grant(int64(Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskRetention))
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to grant lease from Etcd for data import",
zap.Int64("task ID", task.GetId()),
return err
log.Debug("lease granted for task", zap.Int64("task ID", task.GetId()))
var taskInfo []byte
if taskInfo, err = proto.Marshal(task); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to marshall task proto", zap.Int64("task ID", task.GetId()), zap.Error(err))
return err
} else if err = m.taskStore.SaveWithLease(BuildImportTaskKey(task.GetId()), string(taskInfo), leaseID); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to save import task info into Etcd",
zap.Int64("task ID", task.GetId()),
return err
log.Debug("task info successfully saved", zap.Int64("task ID", task.GetId()))
return nil
// updateImportTaskStore updates the task info in Etcd according to task ID. It won't change the lease on the key.
func (m *importManager) updateImportTaskStore(ti *datapb.ImportTaskInfo) error {
log.Debug("updating import task info in Etcd", zap.Int64("Task ID", ti.GetId()))
if taskInfo, err := proto.Marshal(ti); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to marshall task info proto", zap.Int64("Task ID", ti.GetId()), zap.Error(err))
return err
} else if err = m.taskStore.SaveWithIgnoreLease(BuildImportTaskKey(ti.GetId()), string(taskInfo)); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to update import task info info in Etcd", zap.Int64("Task ID", ti.GetId()), zap.Error(err))
return err
log.Debug("task info successfully updated in Etcd", zap.Int64("Task ID", ti.GetId()))
return nil
// expireOldTasks marks expires tasks as failed.
func (m *importManager) expireOldTasks(releaseLockFunc func(context.Context, int64, []int64) error) {
// Expire old pending tasks, if any.
func() {
defer m.pendingLock.Unlock()
for _, t := range m.pendingTasks {
if taskExpired(t) {
// Mark this expired task as failed.
log.Info("a pending task has expired", zap.Int64("task ID", t.GetId()))
t.State.StateCode = commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailed
t.State.ErrorMessage = taskExpiredMsgPrefix +
(time.Duration(Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskExpiration*1000) * time.Millisecond).String()
log.Info("releasing seg ref locks on expired import task",
zap.Int64s("segment IDs", t.GetState().GetSegments()))
err := retry.Do(m.ctx, func() error {
return releaseLockFunc(m.ctx, t.GetId(), t.GetState().GetSegments())
}, retry.Attempts(100))
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to release lock, about to panic!")
// Expire old working tasks.
func() {
defer m.workingLock.Unlock()
for _, v := range m.workingTasks {
if taskExpired(v) {
// Mark this expired task as failed.
log.Info("a working task has expired", zap.Int64("task ID", v.GetId()))
v.State.StateCode = commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailed
v.State.ErrorMessage = taskExpiredMsgPrefix +
(time.Duration(Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskExpiration*1000) * time.Millisecond).String()
log.Info("releasing seg ref locks on expired import task",
zap.Int64s("segment IDs", v.GetState().GetSegments()))
err := retry.Do(m.ctx, func() error {
return releaseLockFunc(m.ctx, v.GetId(), v.GetState().GetSegments())
}, retry.Attempts(100))
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to release lock, about to panic!")
func rearrangeTasks(tasks []*milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse) {
sort.Slice(tasks, func(i, j int) bool {
return tasks[i].GetId() < tasks[j].GetId()
func (m *importManager) listAllTasks() []*milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse {
tasks := make([]*milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse, 0)
func() {
defer m.pendingLock.Unlock()
for _, t := range m.pendingTasks {
resp := &milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success,
Infos: make([]*commonpb.KeyValuePair, 0),
Id: t.GetId(),
State: commonpb.ImportState_ImportPending,
DataQueryable: t.GetDataQueryable(),
DataIndexed: t.GetDataIndexed(),
resp.Infos = append(resp.Infos, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: Files, Value: strings.Join(t.GetFiles(), ",")})
m.getCollectionPartitionName(t, resp)
tasks = append(tasks, resp)
log.Info("tasks in pending list", zap.Int("count", len(m.pendingTasks)))
func() {
defer m.workingLock.Unlock()
for _, v := range m.workingTasks {
resp := &milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success,
Infos: make([]*commonpb.KeyValuePair, 0),
Id: v.GetId(),
State: v.GetState().GetStateCode(),
RowCount: v.GetState().GetRowCount(),
IdList: v.GetState().GetRowIds(),
DataQueryable: v.GetDataQueryable(),
DataIndexed: v.GetDataIndexed(),
resp.Infos = append(resp.Infos, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: Files, Value: strings.Join(v.GetFiles(), ",")})
resp.Infos = append(resp.Infos, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: FailedReason,
Value: v.GetState().GetErrorMessage(),
m.getCollectionPartitionName(v, resp)
tasks = append(tasks, resp)
log.Info("tasks in working list", zap.Int("count", len(m.workingTasks)))
return tasks
// BuildImportTaskKey constructs and returns an Etcd key with given task ID.
func BuildImportTaskKey(taskID int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%d", Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskSubPath, delimiter, taskID)
// taskExpired returns true if the task is considered expired.
func taskExpired(ti *datapb.ImportTaskInfo) bool {
return ti.GetState().GetStateCode() != commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailed &&
ti.GetState().GetStateCode() != commonpb.ImportState_ImportPersisted &&
ti.GetState().GetStateCode() != commonpb.ImportState_ImportCompleted &&
Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskExpiration <= float64(time.Now().Unix()-ti.GetCreateTs())