mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
1858 lines
79 KiB
1858 lines
79 KiB
import time
import pdb
import copy
import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool, Process
import pytest
import numpy as np
from pymilvus import DataType
from utils import *
from constants import *
uid = "test_search"
nq = 1
epsilon = 0.001
field_name = default_float_vec_field_name
binary_field_name = default_binary_vec_field_name
search_param = {"nprobe": 1}
entity = gen_entities(1, is_normal=True)
entities = gen_entities(default_nb, is_normal=True)
raw_vectors, binary_entities = gen_binary_entities(default_nb)
default_query, default_query_vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq)
default_binary_query, default_binary_query_vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, binary_entities, default_top_k,
def init_data(connect, collection, nb=3000, partition_names=None, auto_id=True):
Generate entities and add it in collection
global entities
if nb == 3000:
insert_entities = entities
insert_entities = gen_entities(nb, is_normal=True)
if partition_names is None:
ids = connect.insert(collection, insert_entities)
ids = connect.insert(collection, insert_entities, partition_name=partition_names)
return insert_entities, ids
def init_binary_data(connect, collection, nb=3000, insert=True, partition_names=None):
Generate entities and add it in collection
ids = []
global binary_entities
global raw_vectors
if nb == 3000:
insert_entities = binary_entities
insert_raw_vectors = raw_vectors
insert_raw_vectors, insert_entities = gen_binary_entities(nb)
if insert is True:
if partition_names is None:
ids = connect.insert(collection, insert_entities)
ids = connect.insert(collection, insert_entities, partition_name=partition_names)
return insert_raw_vectors, insert_entities, ids
class TestSearchBase:
generate valid create_index params
def get_index(self, request, connect):
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "CPU":
# if request.param["index_type"] in index_cpu_not_support():
# pytest.skip("sq8h not support in CPU mode")
return request.param
def get_simple_index(self, request, connect):
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "CPU":
# if request.param["index_type"] in index_cpu_not_support():
# pytest.skip("sq8h not support in CPU mode")
return copy.deepcopy(request.param)
def get_jaccard_index(self, request, connect):
if request.param["index_type"] in binary_support():
return request.param
# else:
# pytest.skip("Skip index Temporary")
def get_hamming_index(self, request, connect):
if request.param["index_type"] in binary_support():
return request.param
# else:
# pytest.skip("Skip index Temporary")
def get_structure_index(self, request, connect):
if request.param["index_type"] == "FLAT":
return request.param
# else:
# pytest.skip("Skip index Temporary")
generate top-k params
params=[1, 10]
def get_top_k(self, request):
yield request.param
params=[1, 10, 1100]
def get_nq(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_search_flat(self, connect, collection, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, change top-k value
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq)
if top_k <= max_top_k:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] <= epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_search_flat_top_k(self, connect, collection, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, change top-k value
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = 16385
nq = get_nq
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq)
if top_k <= max_top_k:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] <= epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def _test_search_field(self, connect, collection, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, change top-k value
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq)
if top_k <= max_top_k:
res = connect.search(collection, query, fields=["float_vector"])
assert len(res[0]) == top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] <= epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
res = connect.search(collection, query, fields=["float"])
for i in range(nq):
assert entities[1]["values"][:nq][i] in [r.entity.get('float') for r in res[i]]
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.search(collection, query)
def _test_search_after_delete(self, connect, collection, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function before and after deletion, all the search params is
correct, change top-k value.
check issue <a href="https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/issues/4200">#4200</a>
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the deleted entities do not exist in the result.
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=10000)
first_int64_value = entities[0]["values"][0]
first_vector = entities[2]["values"][0]
search_param = get_search_param("FLAT")
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
vecs[:] = []
res = None
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception):
connect.search(collection, query, fields=['int64'])
# pytest.skip("top_k value is larger than max_topp_k")
res = connect.search(collection, query, fields=['int64'])
assert len(res) == 1
assert len(res[0]) >= top_k
assert res[0][0].id == ids[0]
assert res[0][0].entity.get("int64") == first_int64_value
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
connect.delete_entity_by_id(collection, ids[:1])
res2 = connect.search(collection, query, fields=['int64'])
assert len(res2) == 1
assert len(res2[0]) >= top_k
assert res2[0][0].id != ids[0]
if top_k > 1:
assert res2[0][0].id == res[0][1].id
assert res2[0][0].entity.get("int64") == res[0][1].entity.get("int64")
def test_search_after_index(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) >= top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
def test_search_after_index_different_metric_type(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index):
target: test search with different metric_type
method: build index with L2, and search using IP
expected: search ok
search_metric_type = "IP"
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq, metric_type=search_metric_type,
if index_type == "FLAT":
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] > res[0]._distances[default_top_k - 1]
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_search_index_empty_partition(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: add vectors into collection, search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k, search collection with partition tag return empty
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) >= top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
connect.load_partitions(collection, [default_tag])
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=[default_tag])
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_search_index_partition(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, partition_names=default_tag)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=[default_tag])
connect.load_partitions(collection, [default_tag])
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=[default_tag])
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
def test_search_index_partition_not_existed(self, connect, collection, get_top_k, get_nq, get_simple_index):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search with the given vectors and tag (tag name not existed in collection), check the result
expected: error raised
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq)
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=["new_tag"])
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=["new_tag"])
def test_search_index_partitions(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search collection with the given vectors and tags, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = 2
new_tag = "new_tag"
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, new_tag)
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, partition_names=default_tag)
new_entities, new_ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=6001, partition_names=new_tag)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
assert not check_id_result(res[1], new_ids[0])
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert res[1]._distances[0] < epsilon
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=[new_tag])
assert res[0]._distances[0] > epsilon
assert res[1]._distances[0] > epsilon
def test_search_index_partitions_B(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search collection with the given vectors and tags, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = 2
tag = "tag"
new_tag = "new_tag"
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
connect.create_partition(collection, tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, new_tag)
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, partition_names=tag)
new_entities, new_ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=6001, partition_names=new_tag)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
print(f'entities[-1]["values"][:1]: {entities[-1]["values"][:1]}')
print(f'new_entities[-1]["values"][:1]: {new_entities[-1]["values"][:1]}')
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, new_entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param,
replace_vecs=[entities[-1]["values"][:1][0], new_entities[-1]["values"][:1][0]])
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=["(.*)tag"])
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
assert check_id_result(res[0], new_ids[0])
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert res[1]._distances[0] < epsilon
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=["new(.*)"])
assert not check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
assert check_id_result(res[1], new_ids[0])
assert res[0]._distances[0] > epsilon
assert res[1]._distances[0] < epsilon
def test_search_ip_flat(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, change top-k value
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, metric_type="IP")
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] >= 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[0]._distances[0])
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
def test_search_ip_after_index(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = "IP"
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, metric_type="IP", search_params=search_param)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) >= top_k
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
assert res[0]._distances[0] >= 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[0]._distances[0])
def test_search_ip_index_empty_partition(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k, get_nq):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: add vectors into collection, search with the given vectors, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k, search collection with partition tag return empty
top_k = get_top_k
nq = get_nq
metric_type = "IP"
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = metric_type
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, metric_type=metric_type,
if top_k > max_top_k:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) >= top_k
assert res[0]._distances[0] >= 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[0]._distances[0])
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=[default_tag])
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_search_ip_index_partitions(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_top_k):
target: test basic search function, all the search params is correct, test all index params, and build
method: search collection with the given vectors and tags, check the result
expected: the length of the result is top_k
top_k = get_top_k
nq = 2
metric_type = "IP"
new_tag = "new_tag"
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in skip_pq():
pytest.skip("Skip PQ")
connect.create_partition(collection, default_tag)
connect.create_partition(collection, new_tag)
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, partition_names=default_tag)
new_entities, new_ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=6001, partition_names=new_tag)
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = metric_type
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, metric_type="IP", search_params=search_param)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert check_id_result(res[0], ids[0])
assert not check_id_result(res[1], new_ids[0])
assert res[0]._distances[0] >= 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[0]._distances[0])
assert res[1]._distances[0] >= 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[1]._distances[0])
res = connect.search(collection, query, partition_names=["new_tag"])
assert res[0]._distances[0] < 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[0]._distances[0])
# assert res[1]._distances[0] >= 1 - gen_inaccuracy(res[1]._distances[0])
def test_search_without_connect(self, dis_connect, collection):
target: test search vectors without connection
method: use dis connected instance, call search method and check if search successfully
expected: raise exception
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = dis_connect.search(collection, default_query)
def test_search_collection_not_existed(self, connect):
target: search collection not existed
method: search with the random collection_name, which is not in db
expected: status not ok
collection_name = gen_unique_str(uid)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection_name, default_query)
def test_search_distance_l2(self, connect, collection):
target: search collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Euclidean
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 2
search_param = {"nprobe": 1}
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=nq)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq, rand_vector=True,
inside_query, inside_vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq,
distance_0 = l2(vecs[0], inside_vecs[0])
distance_1 = l2(vecs[0], inside_vecs[1])
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert abs(np.sqrt(res[0]._distances[0]) - min(distance_0, distance_1)) <= gen_inaccuracy(res[0]._distances[0])
def test_search_distance_l2_after_index(self, connect, id_collection, get_simple_index):
target: search collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Inner product
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
nq = 2
entities, ids = init_data(connect, id_collection, auto_id=False)
connect.create_index(id_collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq, rand_vector=True,
inside_vecs = entities[-1]["values"]
min_distance = 1.0
min_id = None
for i in range(default_nb):
tmp_dis = l2(vecs[0], inside_vecs[i])
if min_distance > tmp_dis:
min_distance = tmp_dis
min_id = ids[i]
res = connect.search(id_collection, query)
tmp_epsilon = epsilon
check_id_result(res[0], min_id)
# if index_type in ["ANNOY", "IVF_PQ"]:
# tmp_epsilon = 0.1
# assert abs(np.sqrt(res[0]._distances[0]) - min_distance) <= tmp_epsilon
def test_search_distance_ip(self, connect, collection):
target: search collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Inner product
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 2
metirc_type = "IP"
search_param = {"nprobe": 1}
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=nq)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq, rand_vector=True,
inside_query, inside_vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq,
distance_0 = ip(vecs[0], inside_vecs[0])
distance_1 = ip(vecs[0], inside_vecs[1])
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert abs(res[0]._distances[0] - max(distance_0, distance_1)) <= epsilon
def test_search_distance_ip_after_index(self, connect, id_collection, get_simple_index):
target: search collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Inner product
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
nq = 2
metirc_type = "IP"
entities, ids = init_data(connect, id_collection, auto_id=False)
get_simple_index["metric_type"] = metirc_type
connect.create_index(id_collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
search_param = get_search_param(index_type)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq, rand_vector=True,
inside_vecs = entities[-1]["values"]
max_distance = 0
max_id = None
for i in range(default_nb):
tmp_dis = ip(vecs[0], inside_vecs[i])
if max_distance < tmp_dis:
max_distance = tmp_dis
max_id = ids[i]
res = connect.search(id_collection, query)
tmp_epsilon = epsilon
check_id_result(res[0], max_id)
# if index_type in ["ANNOY", "IVF_PQ"]:
# tmp_epsilon = 0.1
# assert abs(res[0]._distances[0] - max_distance) <= tmp_epsilon
def test_search_distance_jaccard_flat_index(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with L2
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 1
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
distance_0 = jaccard(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[0])
distance_1 = jaccard(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[1])
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq, metric_type="JACCARD")
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert abs(res[0]._distances[0] - min(distance_0, distance_1)) <= epsilon
def test_search_binary_flat_with_L2(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with L2
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 1
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq, metric_type="L2")
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
connect.search(binary_collection, query)
def test_search_distance_hamming_flat_index(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Inner product
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 1
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
distance_0 = hamming(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[0])
distance_1 = hamming(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[1])
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq, metric_type="HAMMING")
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert abs(res[0][0].distance - min(distance_0, distance_1).astype(float)) <= epsilon
def test_search_distance_substructure_flat_index(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: search with new random binary entities and SUBSTRUCTURE metric type
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 1
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
distance_0 = substructure(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[0])
distance_1 = substructure(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[1])
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq,
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_search_distance_substructure_flat_index_B(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: search with entities that related to inserted entities
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
top_k = 3
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_vecs = gen_binary_sub_vectors(int_vectors, 2)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, entities, top_k, nq, metric_type="SUBSTRUCTURE",
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert res[0][0].distance <= epsilon
assert res[0][0].id == ids[0]
assert res[1][0].distance <= epsilon
assert res[1][0].id == ids[1]
def test_search_distance_superstructure_flat_index(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Inner product
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 1
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
distance_0 = superstructure(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[0])
distance_1 = superstructure(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[1])
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq,
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_search_distance_superstructure_flat_index_B(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with SUPER
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
top_k = 3
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_vecs = gen_binary_super_vectors(int_vectors, 2)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, entities, top_k, nq, metric_type="SUPERSTRUCTURE",
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == 2
assert len(res[1]) == 2
assert res[0][0].id in ids
assert res[0][0].distance <= epsilon
assert res[1][0].id in ids
assert res[1][0].distance <= epsilon
def test_search_distance_tanimoto_flat_index(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: search binary_collection, and check the result: distance
method: compare the return distance value with value computed with Inner product
expected: the return distance equals to the computed value
nq = 1
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=2)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
distance_0 = tanimoto(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[0])
distance_1 = tanimoto(query_int_vectors[0], int_vectors[1])
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq, metric_type="TANIMOTO")
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
assert abs(res[0][0].distance - min(distance_0, distance_1)) <= epsilon
def test_search_concurrent_multithreads(self, connect, args):
target: test concurrent search with multiprocessess
method: search with 10 processes, each process uses dependent connection
expected: status ok and the returned vectors should be query_records
nb = 100
top_k = 10
threads_num = 4
threads = []
collection = gen_unique_str(uid)
uri = "tcp://%s:%s" % (args["ip"], args["port"])
# create collection
milvus = get_milvus(args["ip"], args["port"], handler=args["handler"])
milvus.create_collection(collection, default_fields)
entities, ids = init_data(milvus, collection)
def search(milvus):
res = milvus.search(collection, default_query)
assert len(res) == 1
assert res[0]._entities[0].id in ids
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
for i in range(threads_num):
milvus = get_milvus(args["ip"], args["port"], handler=args["handler"])
t = MyThread(target=search, args=(milvus,))
for t in threads:
def test_search_concurrent_multithreads_single_connection(self, connect, args):
target: test concurrent search with multiprocessess
method: search with 10 processes, each process uses dependent connection
expected: status ok and the returned vectors should be query_records
nb = 100
top_k = 10
threads_num = 4
threads = []
collection = gen_unique_str(uid)
uri = "tcp://%s:%s" % (args["ip"], args["port"])
# create collection
milvus = get_milvus(args["ip"], args["port"], handler=args["handler"])
milvus.create_collection(collection, default_fields)
entities, ids = init_data(milvus, collection)
def search(milvus):
res = milvus.search(collection, default_query)
assert len(res) == 1
assert res[0]._entities[0].id in ids
assert res[0]._distances[0] < epsilon
for i in range(threads_num):
t = MyThread(target=search, args=(milvus,))
for t in threads:
def test_search_multi_collections(self, connect, args):
target: test search multi collections of L2
method: add vectors into 10 collections, and search
expected: search status ok, the length of result
num = 10
top_k = 10
nq = 20
collection_names = []
for i in range(num):
collection = gen_unique_str(uid + str(i))
connect.create_collection(collection, default_fields)
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
assert len(ids) == default_nb
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params=search_param)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
for i in range(nq):
assert check_id_result(res[i], ids[i])
assert res[i]._distances[0] < epsilon
assert res[i]._distances[1] > epsilon
for i in range(num):
def _test_query_entities_with_field_less_than_top_k(self, connect, id_collection):
target: test search with field, and let return entities less than topk
method: insert entities and build ivf_ index, and search with field, n_probe=1
entities, ids = init_data(connect, id_collection, auto_id=False)
simple_index = {"index_type": "IVF_FLAT", "params": {"nlist": 200}, "metric_type": "L2"}
connect.create_index(id_collection, field_name, simple_index)
# logging.getLogger().info(connect.get_collection_info(id_collection))
top_k = 300
default_query, default_query_vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, top_k, nq,
search_params={"nprobe": 1})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query)]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(id_collection, query, fields=["int64"])
assert len(res) == nq
for r in res[0]:
assert getattr(r.entity, "int64") == getattr(r.entity, "id")
class TestSearchDSL(object):
# The following cases are used to build invalid query expr
def test_query_no_must(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without must expr
expected: error raised
# entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_no_vector_term_only(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without vector only term
expected: error raised
# entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {
"must": [gen_default_term_expr]
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_no_vector_range_only(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without vector only range
expected: error raised
# entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {
"must": [gen_default_range_expr]
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_vector_only(self, connect, collection):
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
res = connect.search(collection, default_query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
def test_query_wrong_format(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without must expr, with wrong expr name
expected: error raised
# entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {
"must1": [gen_default_term_expr]
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_empty(self, connect, collection):
method: search with empty query
expected: error raised
query = {}
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
# The following cases are used to build valid query expr
def test_query_term_value_not_in(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with vector and term expr, with no term can be filtered
expected: filter pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {
"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), gen_default_term_expr(values=[100000])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_term_value_all_in(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with vector and term expr, with all term can be filtered
expected: filter pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), gen_default_term_expr(values=[1])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 1
def test_query_term_values_not_in(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with vector and term expr, with no term can be filtered
expected: filter pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query),
gen_default_term_expr(values=[i for i in range(100000, 100010)])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_term_values_all_in(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with vector and term expr, with all term can be filtered
expected: filter pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), gen_default_term_expr()]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
limit = default_nb // 2
for i in range(nq):
for result in res[i]:
assert result.id in ids[:limit]
def test_query_term_values_parts_in(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with vector and term expr, with parts of term can be filtered
expected: filter pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query),
values=[i for i in range(default_nb // 2, default_nb + default_nb // 2)])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
def test_query_term_values_repeat(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with vector and term expr, with the same values
expected: filter pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {
"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query),
gen_default_term_expr(values=[1 for i in range(1, default_nb)])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 1
def test_query_term_value_empty(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with term value empty
expected: return null
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), gen_default_term_expr(values=[])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_complex_dsl(self, connect, collection):
method: query with complicated dsl
expected: no error raised
expr = {"must": [
{"must": [{"should": [gen_default_term_expr(values=[1]), gen_default_range_expr()]}]},
{"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query)]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
# The following cases are used to build invalid term query expr
def test_query_term_key_error(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with term key error
expected: Exception raised
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query),
gen_default_term_expr(keyword="terrm", values=[i for i in range(default_nb // 2)])]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def get_invalid_term(self, request):
return request.param
def test_query_term_wrong_format(self, connect, collection, get_invalid_term):
method: build query with wrong format term
expected: Exception raised
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term = get_invalid_term
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_term_field_named_term(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with field named "term"
expected: error raised
term_fields = add_field_default(default_fields, field_name="term")
collection_term = gen_unique_str("term")
connect.create_collection(collection_term, term_fields)
term_entities = add_field(entities, field_name="term")
ids = connect.insert(collection_term, term_entities)
assert len(ids) == default_nb
# count = connect.count_entities(collection_term)
# assert count == default_nb
stats = connect.get_collection_stats(collection_term)
assert stats["row_count"] == default_nb
term_param = {"term": {"term": {"values": [i for i in range(default_nb // 2)]}}}
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query),
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection_term, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
def test_query_term_one_field_not_existed(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with two fields term, one of it not existed
expected: exception raised
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term = gen_default_term_expr()
term["term"].update({"a": [0]})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
# The following cases are used to build valid range query expr
def test_query_range_key_error(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with range key error
expected: Exception raised
range = gen_default_range_expr(keyword="ranges")
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def get_invalid_range(self, request):
return request.param
def test_query_range_wrong_format(self, connect, collection, get_invalid_range):
method: build query with wrong format range
expected: Exception raised
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
range = get_invalid_range
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_range_string_ranges(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with invalid ranges
expected: raise Exception
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
ranges = {"GT": "0", "LT": "1000"}
range = gen_default_range_expr(ranges=ranges)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_range_invalid_ranges(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with invalid ranges
expected: 0
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
ranges = {"GT": default_nb, "LT": 0}
range = gen_default_range_expr(ranges=ranges)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def get_valid_ranges(self, request):
return request.param
def test_query_range_valid_ranges(self, connect, collection, get_valid_ranges):
method: build query with valid ranges
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
ranges = get_valid_ranges
range = gen_default_range_expr(ranges=ranges)
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
def test_query_range_one_field_not_existed(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with two fields ranges, one of fields not existed
expected: exception raised
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
range = gen_default_range_expr()
range["range"].update({"a": {"GT": 1, "LT": default_nb // 2}})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
# The following cases are used to build query expr multi range and term
def test_query_multi_term_has_common(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi term with same field, and values has common
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term_first = gen_default_term_expr()
term_second = gen_default_term_expr(values=[i for i in range(default_nb // 3)])
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term_first, term_second]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
def test_query_multi_term_no_common(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi range with same field, and ranges no common
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term_first = gen_default_term_expr()
term_second = gen_default_term_expr(values=[i for i in range(default_nb // 2, default_nb + default_nb // 2)])
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term_first, term_second]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_multi_term_different_fields(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi range with same field, and ranges no common
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term_first = gen_default_term_expr()
term_second = gen_default_term_expr(field="float",
values=[float(i) for i in range(default_nb // 2, default_nb)])
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term_first, term_second]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_single_term_multi_fields(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi term, different field each term
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term_first = {"int64": {"values": [i for i in range(default_nb // 2)]}}
term_second = {"float": {"values": [float(i) for i in range(default_nb // 2, default_nb)]}}
term = update_term_expr({"term": {}}, [term_first, term_second])
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_multi_range_has_common(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi range with same field, and ranges has common
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
range_one = gen_default_range_expr()
range_two = gen_default_range_expr(ranges={"GT": 1, "LT": default_nb // 3})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range_one, range_two]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
def test_query_multi_range_no_common(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi range with same field, and ranges no common
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
range_one = gen_default_range_expr()
range_two = gen_default_range_expr(ranges={"GT": default_nb // 2, "LT": default_nb})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range_one, range_two]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_multi_range_different_fields(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi range, different field each range
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
range_first = gen_default_range_expr()
range_second = gen_default_range_expr(field="float", ranges={"GT": default_nb // 2, "LT": default_nb})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range_first, range_second]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
def test_query_single_range_multi_fields(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with multi range, different field each range
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
range_first = {"int64": {"GT": 0, "LT": default_nb // 2}}
range_second = {"float": {"GT": default_nb / 2, "LT": float(default_nb)}}
range = update_range_expr({"range": {}}, [range_first, range_second])
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
# The following cases are used to build query expr both term and range
def test_query_single_term_range_has_common(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with single term single range
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term = gen_default_term_expr()
range = gen_default_range_expr(ranges={"GT": -1, "LT": default_nb // 2})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term, range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == default_top_k
def test_query_single_term_range_no_common(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with single term single range
expected: pass
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
term = gen_default_term_expr()
range = gen_default_range_expr(ranges={"GT": default_nb // 2, "LT": default_nb})
expr = {"must": [gen_default_vector_expr(default_query), term, range]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
res = connect.search(collection, query)
assert len(res) == nq
assert len(res[0]) == 0
# The following cases are used to build multi vectors query expr
def test_query_multi_vectors_same_field(self, connect, collection):
method: build query with two vectors same field
expected: error raised
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
vector1 = default_query
vector2 = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq=2)
expr = {
"must": [vector1, vector2]
query = update_query_expr(default_query, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
class TestSearchDSLBools(object):
# The following cases are used to build invalid query expr
def test_query_no_bool(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without bool expr
expected: error raised
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
expr = {"bool1": {}}
query = expr
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_should_only_term(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without must, with should.term instead
expected: error raised
expr = {"should": gen_default_term_expr}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_should_only_vector(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without must, with should.vector instead
expected: error raised
expr = {"should": default_query["bool"]["must"]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_must_not_only_term(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without must, with must_not.term instead
expected: error raised
expr = {"must_not": gen_default_term_expr}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_must_not_vector(self, connect, collection):
method: build query without must, with must_not.vector instead
expected: error raised
expr = {"must_not": default_query["bool"]["must"]}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=False, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_query_must_should(self, connect, collection):
method: build query must, and with should.term
expected: error raised
expr = {"should": gen_default_term_expr}
query = update_query_expr(default_query, keep_old=True, expr=expr)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
# The following cases are used to test `search` function
# with invalid collection_name, or invalid query expr
class TestSearchInvalid(object):
Test search collection with invalid collection names
def get_collection_name(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_invalid_partition(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_invalid_field(self, request):
yield request.param
def get_simple_index(self, request, connect):
# if str(connect._cmd("mode")) == "CPU":
# if request.param["index_type"] in index_cpu_not_support():
# pytest.skip("sq8h not support in CPU mode")
return request.param
def test_search_with_invalid_collection(self, connect, get_collection_name):
collection_name = get_collection_name
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection_name, default_query)
def test_search_with_invalid_partition(self, connect, collection, get_invalid_partition):
# tag = " "
tag = get_invalid_partition
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, default_query, partition_names=tag)
def test_search_with_invalid_field_name(self, connect, collection, get_invalid_field):
fields = [get_invalid_field]
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, default_query, fields=fields)
def test_search_with_not_existed_field(self, connect, collection):
fields = [gen_unique_str("field_name")]
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, default_query, fields=fields)
Test search collection with invalid query
def get_top_k(self, request):
yield request.param
def test_search_with_invalid_top_k(self, connect, collection, get_top_k):
target: test search function, with the wrong top_k
method: search with top_k
expected: raise an error, and the connection is normal
top_k = get_top_k
default_query["bool"]["must"][0]["vector"][field_name]["topk"] = top_k
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, default_query)
Test search collection with invalid search params
def get_search_params(self, request):
yield request.param
# 1463
def test_search_with_invalid_params(self, connect, collection, get_simple_index, get_search_params):
target: test search function, with the wrong nprobe
method: search with nprobe
expected: raise an error, and the connection is normal
search_params = get_search_params
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if index_type in ["FLAT"]:
# pytest.skip("skip in FLAT index")
if index_type != search_params["index_type"]:
# pytest.skip("skip if index_type not matched")
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection, nb=1200)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, 1,
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_search_with_invalid_params_binary(self, connect, binary_collection):
target: test search function, with the wrong nprobe
method: search with nprobe
expected: raise an error, and the connection is normal
nq = 1
index_type = "BIN_IVF_FLAT"
int_vectors, entities, ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection)
query_int_vectors, query_entities, tmp_ids = init_binary_data(connect, binary_collection, nb=1, insert=False)
connect.create_index(binary_collection, binary_field_name,
{"index_type": index_type, "metric_type": "JACCARD", "params": {"nlist": 128}})
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(binary_field_name, query_entities, default_top_k, nq,
search_params={"nprobe": 0}, metric_type="JACCARD")
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(binary_collection, query)
# #1464
def test_search_with_empty_params(self, connect, collection, args, get_simple_index):
target: test search function, with empty search params
method: search with params
expected: raise an error, and the connection is normal
index_type = get_simple_index["index_type"]
if args["handler"] == "HTTP":
pytest.skip("skip in http mode")
if index_type == "FLAT":
# pytest.skip("skip in FLAT index")
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
connect.create_index(collection, field_name, get_simple_index)
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, 1, search_params={})
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
def test_search_with_empty_vectors(self, connect, collection):
target: test search function, with empty search vectors
method: search
expected: raise an exception
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
assert len(ids) == default_nb
query, vecs = gen_query_vectors(field_name, entities, default_top_k, nq=0)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
res = connect.search(collection, query)
class TestSearchWithExpression(object):
params=[1, 10, 20],
def limit(self, request):
yield request.param
def expression(self, request):
yield request.param
{"index_type": "IVF_FLAT", "metric_type": "L2", "params": {"nlist": 100}},
def index_param(self, request):
return request.param
def search_params(self):
return {"metric_type": "L2", "params": {"nprobe": 10}}
def test_search_with_expression(self, connect, collection, index_param, search_params, limit, expression):
entities, ids = init_data(connect, collection)
assert len(ids) == default_nb
connect.create_index(collection, default_float_vec_field_name, index_param)
nq = 10
query_data = entities[2]["values"][:nq]
res = connect.search_with_expression(collection, query_data, default_float_vec_field_name, search_params,
limit, expression)
assert len(res) == nq
for topk_results in res:
assert len(topk_results) <= limit
def check_id_result(result, id):
limit_in = 5
ids = [entity.id for entity in result]
if len(result) >= limit_in:
return id in ids[:limit_in]
return id in ids