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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rootcoord
import (
const (
MaxPendingCount = 32
delimiter = "/"
// checkPendingTasksInterval is the default interval to check and send out pending tasks,
// default 60*1000 milliseconds (1 minute).
var checkPendingTasksInterval = 60 * 1000
// cleanUpLoopInterval is the default interval to (1) loop through all in memory tasks and expire old ones and (2) loop
// through all failed import tasks, and mark segments created by these tasks as `dropped`.
// default 5*60*1000 milliseconds (5 minutes)
var cleanUpLoopInterval = 5 * 60 * 1000
// flipTaskStateInterval is the default interval to loop through tasks and check if their states needs to be
// flipped/updated, for example, from `ImportPersisted` to `ImportCompleted`.
// default 15 * 1000 milliseconds (15 seconds)
var flipTaskStateInterval = 15 * 1000
// importManager manager for import tasks
type importManager struct {
ctx context.Context // reserved
taskStore kv.TxnKV // Persistent task info storage.
busyNodes map[int64]int64 // Set of all current working DataNode IDs and related task create timestamp.
// TODO: Make pendingTask a map to improve look up performance.
pendingTasks []*datapb.ImportTaskInfo // pending tasks
workingTasks map[int64]*datapb.ImportTaskInfo // in-progress tasks
pendingLock sync.RWMutex // lock pending task list
workingLock sync.RWMutex // lock working task map
busyNodesLock sync.RWMutex // lock for working nodes.
lastReqID int64 // for generating a unique ID for import request
startOnce sync.Once
idAllocator func(count uint32) (typeutil.UniqueID, typeutil.UniqueID, error)
callImportService func(ctx context.Context, req *datapb.ImportTaskRequest) (*datapb.ImportTaskResponse, error)
getCollectionName func(collID, partitionID typeutil.UniqueID) (string, string, error)
callMarkSegmentsDropped func(ctx context.Context, segIDs []typeutil.UniqueID) (*commonpb.Status, error)
callDescribeIndex func(ctx context.Context, colID UniqueID) (*indexpb.DescribeIndexResponse, error)
callGetSegmentIndexState func(ctx context.Context, collID UniqueID, indexName string, segIDs []UniqueID) ([]*indexpb.SegmentIndexState, error)
callUnsetIsImportingState func(context.Context, *datapb.UnsetIsImportingStateRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
// newImportManager helper function to create a importManager
func newImportManager(ctx context.Context, client kv.TxnKV,
idAlloc func(count uint32) (typeutil.UniqueID, typeutil.UniqueID, error),
importService func(ctx context.Context, req *datapb.ImportTaskRequest) (*datapb.ImportTaskResponse, error),
markSegmentsDropped func(ctx context.Context, segIDs []typeutil.UniqueID) (*commonpb.Status, error),
getCollectionName func(collID, partitionID typeutil.UniqueID) (string, string, error),
describeIndex func(ctx context.Context, colID UniqueID) (*indexpb.DescribeIndexResponse, error),
getSegmentIndexState func(ctx context.Context, collID UniqueID, indexName string, segIDs []UniqueID) ([]*indexpb.SegmentIndexState, error),
unsetIsImportingState func(context.Context, *datapb.UnsetIsImportingStateRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)) *importManager {
mgr := &importManager{
ctx: ctx,
taskStore: client,
pendingTasks: make([]*datapb.ImportTaskInfo, 0, MaxPendingCount), // currently task queue max size is 32
workingTasks: make(map[int64]*datapb.ImportTaskInfo),
busyNodes: make(map[int64]int64),
pendingLock: sync.RWMutex{},
workingLock: sync.RWMutex{},
busyNodesLock: sync.RWMutex{},
lastReqID: 0,
idAllocator: idAlloc,
callImportService: importService,
callMarkSegmentsDropped: markSegmentsDropped,
getCollectionName: getCollectionName,
callDescribeIndex: describeIndex,
callGetSegmentIndexState: getSegmentIndexState,
callUnsetIsImportingState: unsetIsImportingState,
return mgr
func (m *importManager) init(ctx context.Context) {
m.startOnce.Do(func() {
// Read tasks from Etcd and save them as pending tasks and mark them as failed.
if _, err := m.loadFromTaskStore(true); err != nil {
log.Error("importManager init failed, read tasks from Etcd failed, about to panic")
// Send out tasks to dataCoord.
if err := m.sendOutTasks(ctx); err != nil {
log.Error("importManager init failed, send out tasks to dataCoord failed")
// sendOutTasksLoop periodically calls `sendOutTasks` to process left over pending tasks.
func (m *importManager) sendOutTasksLoop(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(checkPendingTasksInterval) * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-m.ctx.Done():
log.Debug("import manager context done, exit check sendOutTasksLoop")
case <-ticker.C:
if err := m.sendOutTasks(m.ctx); err != nil {
log.Error("importManager sendOutTasksLoop fail to send out tasks")
// flipTaskStateLoop periodically calls `flipTaskState` to check if states of the tasks need to be updated.
func (m *importManager) flipTaskStateLoop(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(flipTaskStateInterval) * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-m.ctx.Done():
log.Debug("import manager context done, exit check flipTaskStateLoop")
case <-ticker.C:
log.Debug("start trying to flip task state")
if err := m.flipTaskState(m.ctx); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to flip task state", zap.Error(err))
// cleanupLoop starts a loop that checks and expires old tasks every `cleanUpLoopInterval` seconds.
// There are two types of tasks to clean up:
// (1) pending tasks or working tasks that existed for over `ImportTaskExpiration` seconds, these tasks will be
// removed from memory.
// (2) any import tasks that has been created over `ImportTaskRetention` seconds ago, these tasks will be removed from Etcd.
// cleanupLoop also periodically calls removeBadImportSegments to remove bad import segments.
func (m *importManager) cleanupLoop(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(cleanUpLoopInterval) * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-m.ctx.Done():
log.Debug("(in cleanupLoop) import manager context done, exit cleanupLoop")
case <-ticker.C:
log.Debug("(in cleanupLoop) trying to expire old tasks from memory and Etcd")
log.Debug("(in cleanupLoop) start removing bad import segments")
log.Debug("(in cleanupLoop) start cleaning hanging busy DataNode")
// sendOutTasks pushes all pending tasks to DataCoord, gets DataCoord response and re-add these tasks as working tasks.
func (m *importManager) sendOutTasks(ctx context.Context) error {
defer m.pendingLock.Unlock()
defer m.busyNodesLock.Unlock()
// Trigger Import() action to DataCoord.
for len(m.pendingTasks) > 0 {
log.Debug("try to send out pending tasks", zap.Int("task_number", len(m.pendingTasks)))
task := m.pendingTasks[0]
// TODO: Use ImportTaskInfo directly.
it := &datapb.ImportTask{
CollectionId: task.GetCollectionId(),
PartitionId: task.GetPartitionId(),
ChannelNames: task.GetChannelNames(),
TaskId: task.GetId(),
Files: task.GetFiles(),
Infos: task.GetInfos(),
// Get all busy dataNodes for reference.
var busyNodeList []int64
for k := range m.busyNodes {
busyNodeList = append(busyNodeList, k)
// Send import task to dataCoord, which will then distribute the import task to dataNode.
resp, err := m.callImportService(ctx, &datapb.ImportTaskRequest{
ImportTask: it,
WorkingNodes: busyNodeList,
if resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
log.Warn("import task is rejected",
zap.Int64("task ID", it.GetTaskId()),
zap.Any("error code", resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode()),
zap.String("cause", resp.GetStatus().GetReason()))
if err != nil {
log.Error("import task get error", zap.Error(err))
// Successfully assigned dataNode for the import task. Add task to working task list and update task store.
task.DatanodeId = resp.GetDatanodeId()
log.Debug("import task successfully assigned to dataNode",
zap.Int64("task ID", it.GetTaskId()),
zap.Int64("dataNode ID", task.GetDatanodeId()))
// Add new working dataNode to busyNodes.
m.busyNodes[resp.GetDatanodeId()] = task.GetCreateTs()
err = func() error {
defer m.workingLock.Unlock()
log.Debug("import task added as working task", zap.Int64("task ID", it.TaskId))
task.State.StateCode = commonpb.ImportState_ImportStarted
task.StartTs = time.Now().Unix()
// first update the import task into meta store and then put it into working tasks
if err := m.persistTaskInfo(task); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to update import task",
zap.Int64("task ID", task.GetId()),
return err
m.workingTasks[task.GetId()] = task
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// Remove this task from head of pending list.
m.pendingTasks = append(m.pendingTasks[:0], m.pendingTasks[1:]...)
return nil
// flipTaskState checks every import task and flips their import state if eligible.
func (m *importManager) flipTaskState(ctx context.Context) error {
var importTasks []*datapb.ImportTaskInfo
var err error
if importTasks, err = m.loadFromTaskStore(false); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to load from task store", zap.Error(err))
return err
for _, task := range importTasks {
if task.GetState().GetStateCode() == commonpb.ImportState_ImportPersisted {
log.Info("<ImportPersisted> task found, checking if it is eligible to become <ImportCompleted>",
zap.Int64("task ID", task.GetId()))
// TODO: if collection or partition has been dropped before the task complete,
// we need to set the task to failed, because the checkIndexingDone() cannot know
// whether the collection has been dropped.
// if this method failed, skip this task, try again in next round
m.flipTaskIndexState(ctx, task.GetId())
return nil
func (m *importManager) flipTaskIndexState(ctx context.Context, taskID int64) error {
resp := m.getTaskState(taskID)
ok, err := m.checkIndexingDone(ctx, resp.GetCollectionId(), resp.GetSegmentIds())
if err != nil {
log.Error("an error occurred while checking index state of segments",
zap.Int64("task ID", taskID),
// Failed to check indexing state of segments
return err
if ok {
if err := m.setImportTaskState(resp.GetId(), commonpb.ImportState_ImportCompleted); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to set import task state",
zap.Int64("task ID", resp.GetId()),
zap.Any("target state", commonpb.ImportState_ImportCompleted),
// Failed to update task's state
return err
log.Info("indexes are successfully built and the import task has complete!",
zap.Int64("task ID", resp.GetId()))
log.Info("now start unsetting isImporting state of segments",
zap.Int64("task ID", resp.GetId()),
zap.Int64s("segment IDs", resp.GetSegmentIds()))
// Remove the `isImport` states of these segments only when the import task reaches `ImportState_ImportCompleted` state.
if m.callUnsetIsImportingState == nil {
log.Error("callUnsetIsImportingState function of importManager is nil")
return fmt.Errorf("failed to describe index: segment state method of import manager is nil")
status, err := m.callUnsetIsImportingState(ctx, &datapb.UnsetIsImportingStateRequest{
SegmentIds: resp.GetSegmentIds(),
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to unset importing state of all segments (could be partial failure)",
return err
if status.GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
log.Error("failed to unset importing state of all segments (could be partial failure)",
return errors.New(status.GetReason())
return nil
// checkIndexingDone checks if indexes are successfully built on segments in `allSegmentIDs`.
// It returns error on errors. It returns true if indexes are successfully built on all segments and returns false otherwise.
func (m *importManager) checkIndexingDone(ctx context.Context, collID UniqueID, allSegmentIDs []UniqueID) (bool, error) {
if m.callDescribeIndex == nil {
log.Error("callDescribeIndex function of importManager is nil")
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to describe index: describe index method of import manager is nil")
// Check if collection has indexed fields.
var descIdxResp *indexpb.DescribeIndexResponse
var err error
if descIdxResp, err = m.callDescribeIndex(ctx, collID); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to describe index",
zap.Int64("collection ID", collID),
return false, err
if descIdxResp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success &&
descIdxResp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_IndexNotExist {
log.Error("failed to describe index",
zap.Int64("collection ID", collID),
zap.String("reason", descIdxResp.GetStatus().GetReason()))
return false, errors.New(descIdxResp.GetStatus().GetReason())
log.Info("index info retrieved for collection",
zap.Int64("collection ID", collID),
zap.Any("index info", descIdxResp.GetIndexInfos()))
if descIdxResp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() == commonpb.ErrorCode_IndexNotExist ||
len(descIdxResp.GetIndexInfos()) == 0 {
log.Info("index doesn't exist for collection",
zap.Int64("collection ID", collID))
return true, nil
indexedSegmentCount := len(allSegmentIDs)
for _, indexInfo := range descIdxResp.GetIndexInfos() {
states, err := m.callGetSegmentIndexState(ctx, collID, indexInfo.GetIndexName(), allSegmentIDs)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get index state in checkIndexingDone", zap.Error(err))
return false, err
// Count the # of segments with finished index.
ct := 0
for _, s := range states {
if s.State == commonpb.IndexState_Finished {
if ct < indexedSegmentCount {
indexedSegmentCount = ct
log.Info("segment indexing state checked",
zap.Int64s("segments checked", allSegmentIDs),
zap.Int("# of segments with complete index", indexedSegmentCount),
zap.Int64("collection ID", collID),
return len(allSegmentIDs) == indexedSegmentCount, nil
func (m *importManager) isRowbased(files []string) (bool, error) {
isRowBased := false
for _, filePath := range files {
_, fileType := importutil.GetFileNameAndExt(filePath)
if fileType == importutil.JSONFileExt {
isRowBased = true
} else if isRowBased {
log.Error("row-based data file type must be JSON, mixed file types is not allowed", zap.Strings("files", files))
return isRowBased, fmt.Errorf("row-based data file type must be JSON, file type '%s' is not allowed", fileType)
// for row_based, we only allow one file so that each invocation only generate a task
if isRowBased && len(files) > 1 {
log.Error("row-based import, only allow one JSON file each time", zap.Strings("files", files))
return isRowBased, fmt.Errorf("row-based import, only allow one JSON file each time")
return isRowBased, nil
// importJob processes the import request, generates import tasks, sends these tasks to DataCoord, and returns
// immediately.
func (m *importManager) importJob(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.ImportRequest, cID int64, pID int64) *milvuspb.ImportResponse {
returnErrorFunc := func(reason string) *milvuspb.ImportResponse {
return &milvuspb.ImportResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_UnexpectedError,
Reason: reason,
if req == nil || len(req.Files) == 0 {
return returnErrorFunc("import request is empty")
if m.callImportService == nil {
return returnErrorFunc("import service is not available")
resp := &milvuspb.ImportResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success,
Tasks: make([]int64, 0),
log.Debug("receive import job",
zap.String("collection name", req.GetCollectionName()),
zap.Int64("collection ID", cID),
zap.Int64("partition ID", pID))
err := func() error {
defer m.pendingLock.Unlock()
capacity := cap(m.pendingTasks)
length := len(m.pendingTasks)
isRowBased, err := m.isRowbased(req.GetFiles())
if err != nil {
return err
taskCount := 1
if isRowBased {
taskCount = len(req.Files)
// task queue size has a limit, return error if import request contains too many data files, and skip entire job
if capacity-length < taskCount {
err := fmt.Errorf("import task queue max size is %v, currently there are %v tasks is pending. Not able to execute this request with %v tasks", capacity, length, taskCount)
return err
// convert import request to import tasks
if isRowBased {
// For row-based importing, each file makes a task.
taskList := make([]int64, len(req.Files))
for i := 0; i < len(req.Files); i++ {
tID, _, err := m.idAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to allocate ID for import task", zap.Error(err))
return err
newTask := &datapb.ImportTaskInfo{
Id: tID,
CollectionId: cID,
PartitionId: pID,
ChannelNames: req.ChannelNames,
Files: []string{req.GetFiles()[i]},
CreateTs: time.Now().Unix(),
State: &datapb.ImportTaskState{
StateCode: commonpb.ImportState_ImportPending,
Infos: req.Options,
// Here no need to check error returned by setCollectionPartitionName(),
// since here we always return task list to client no matter something missed.
// We make the method setCollectionPartitionName() returns error
// because we need to make sure coverage all the code branch in unittest case.
_ = m.setCollectionPartitionName(cID, pID, newTask)
resp.Tasks = append(resp.Tasks, newTask.GetId())
taskList[i] = newTask.GetId()
log.Info("new task created as pending task",
zap.Int64("task ID", newTask.GetId()))
if err := m.persistTaskInfo(newTask); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to update import task",
zap.Int64("task ID", newTask.GetId()),
return err
m.pendingTasks = append(m.pendingTasks, newTask)
log.Info("row-based import request processed", zap.Any("task IDs", taskList))
} else {
// TODO: Merge duplicated code :(
// for column-based, all files is a task
tID, _, err := m.idAllocator(1)
if err != nil {
return err
newTask := &datapb.ImportTaskInfo{
Id: tID,
CollectionId: cID,
PartitionId: pID,
ChannelNames: req.ChannelNames,
Files: req.GetFiles(),
CreateTs: time.Now().Unix(),
State: &datapb.ImportTaskState{
StateCode: commonpb.ImportState_ImportPending,
Infos: req.Options,
// Here no need to check error returned by setCollectionPartitionName(),
// since here we always return task list to client no matter something missed.
// We make the method setCollectionPartitionName() returns error
// because we need to make sure coverage all the code branch in unittest case.
_ = m.setCollectionPartitionName(cID, pID, newTask)
resp.Tasks = append(resp.Tasks, newTask.GetId())
log.Info("new task created as pending task",
zap.Int64("task ID", newTask.GetId()))
if err := m.persistTaskInfo(newTask); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to update import task",
zap.Int64("task ID", newTask.GetId()),
return err
m.pendingTasks = append(m.pendingTasks, newTask)
log.Info("column-based import request processed",
zap.Int64("task ID", newTask.GetId()))
return nil
if err != nil {
return returnErrorFunc(err.Error())
if sendOutTasksErr := m.sendOutTasks(ctx); sendOutTasksErr != nil {
log.Error("fail to send out tasks", zap.Error(sendOutTasksErr))
return resp
// updateTaskInfo updates the task's state in in-memory working tasks list and in task store, given ImportResult
// result. It returns the ImportTaskInfo of the given task.
func (m *importManager) updateTaskInfo(ir *rootcoordpb.ImportResult) (*datapb.ImportTaskInfo, error) {
if ir == nil {
return nil, errors.New("import result is nil")
log.Debug("import manager update task import result", zap.Int64("taskID", ir.GetTaskId()))
updatedInfo, err := func() (*datapb.ImportTaskInfo, error) {
found := false
var v *datapb.ImportTaskInfo
defer m.workingLock.Unlock()
ok := false
var toPersistImportTaskInfo *datapb.ImportTaskInfo
if v, ok = m.workingTasks[ir.GetTaskId()]; ok {
// If the task has already been marked failed. Prevent further state updating and return an error.
if v.GetState().GetStateCode() == commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailed ||
v.GetState().GetStateCode() == commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailedAndCleaned {
log.Warn("trying to update an already failed task which will end up being a no-op")
return nil, errors.New("trying to update an already failed task " + strconv.FormatInt(ir.GetTaskId(), 10))
found = true
// Meta persist should be done before memory objs change.
toPersistImportTaskInfo = cloneImportTaskInfo(v)
toPersistImportTaskInfo.State.StateCode = ir.GetState()
toPersistImportTaskInfo.State.Segments = ir.GetSegments()
toPersistImportTaskInfo.State.RowCount = ir.GetRowCount()
toPersistImportTaskInfo.State.RowIds = ir.GetAutoIds()
for _, kv := range ir.GetInfos() {
if kv.GetKey() == importutil.FailedReason {
toPersistImportTaskInfo.State.ErrorMessage = kv.GetValue()
} else if kv.GetKey() == importutil.PersistTimeCost {
toPersistImportTaskInfo.Infos = append(toPersistImportTaskInfo.Infos, kv)
// Update task in task store.
if err := m.persistTaskInfo(toPersistImportTaskInfo); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to update import task",
zap.Int64("task ID", v.GetId()),
return nil, err
m.workingTasks[ir.GetTaskId()] = toPersistImportTaskInfo
if !found {
log.Debug("import manager update task import result failed", zap.Int64("task ID", ir.GetTaskId()))
return nil, errors.New("failed to update import task, ID not found: " + strconv.FormatInt(ir.TaskId, 10))
return toPersistImportTaskInfo, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if is ImportState_ImportPersisted, and index is FLAT, set the task to be complated immediately
// this method is called from importWrapper.reportPersisted() to rootCoord.ReportImport(),
// if flipTaskIndexState failed, the outer caller(importWrapper) will retry 3 times
if ir.GetState() == commonpb.ImportState_ImportPersisted {
err = m.flipTaskIndexState(m.ctx, updatedInfo.GetId())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return updatedInfo, nil
// setImportTaskState sets the task state of an import task. Changes to the import task state will be persisted.
func (m *importManager) setImportTaskState(taskID int64, targetState commonpb.ImportState) error {
return m.setImportTaskStateAndReason(taskID, targetState, "")
// setImportTaskStateAndReason sets the task state and error message of an import task. Changes to the import task state
// will be persisted.
func (m *importManager) setImportTaskStateAndReason(taskID int64, targetState commonpb.ImportState, errReason string) error {
log.Info("trying to set the import state of an import task",
zap.Int64("task ID", taskID),
zap.Any("target state", targetState))
found := false
for taskIndex, t := range m.pendingTasks {
if taskID == t.Id {
found = true
// Meta persist should be done before memory objs change.
toPersistImportTaskInfo := cloneImportTaskInfo(t)
toPersistImportTaskInfo.State.StateCode = targetState
tryUpdateErrMsg(errReason, toPersistImportTaskInfo)
// Update task in task store.
if err := m.persistTaskInfo(toPersistImportTaskInfo); err != nil {
return err
m.pendingTasks[taskIndex] = toPersistImportTaskInfo
if v, ok := m.workingTasks[taskID]; ok {
found = true
// Meta persist should be done before memory objs change.
toPersistImportTaskInfo := cloneImportTaskInfo(v)
toPersistImportTaskInfo.State.StateCode = targetState
tryUpdateErrMsg(errReason, toPersistImportTaskInfo)
// Update task in task store.
if err := m.persistTaskInfo(toPersistImportTaskInfo); err != nil {
return err
m.workingTasks[taskID] = toPersistImportTaskInfo
// If task is not found in memory, try updating in Etcd.
var v string
var err error
if !found {
if v, err = m.taskStore.Load(BuildImportTaskKey(taskID)); err == nil && v != "" {
ti := &datapb.ImportTaskInfo{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal([]byte(v), ti); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to unmarshal proto", zap.String("taskInfo", v), zap.Error(err))
} else {
toPersistImportTaskInfo := cloneImportTaskInfo(ti)
toPersistImportTaskInfo.State.StateCode = targetState
tryUpdateErrMsg(errReason, toPersistImportTaskInfo)
// Update task in task store.
if err := m.persistTaskInfo(toPersistImportTaskInfo); err != nil {
return err
found = true
} else {
log.Warn("failed to load task info from Etcd",
zap.String("value", v),
if !found {
return errors.New("failed to update import task state, ID not found: " + strconv.FormatInt(taskID, 10))
return nil
func (m *importManager) setCollectionPartitionName(colID, partID int64, task *datapb.ImportTaskInfo) error {
if m.getCollectionName != nil {
colName, partName, err := m.getCollectionName(colID, partID)
if err == nil {
task.CollectionName = colName
task.PartitionName = partName
return nil
log.Error("failed to setCollectionPartitionName",
zap.Int64("collection ID", colID),
zap.Int64("partition ID", partID),
return errors.New("failed to setCollectionPartitionName for import task")
func (m *importManager) copyTaskInfo(input *datapb.ImportTaskInfo, output *milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse) {
output.Status = &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success,
output.Id = input.GetId()
output.CollectionId = input.GetCollectionId()
output.State = input.GetState().GetStateCode()
output.RowCount = input.GetState().GetRowCount()
output.IdList = input.GetState().GetRowIds()
output.SegmentIds = input.GetState().GetSegments()
output.CreateTs = input.GetCreateTs()
output.Infos = append(output.Infos, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: importutil.Files, Value: strings.Join(input.GetFiles(), ",")})
output.Infos = append(output.Infos, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: importutil.CollectionName, Value: input.GetCollectionName()})
output.Infos = append(output.Infos, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: importutil.PartitionName, Value: input.GetPartitionName()})
output.Infos = append(output.Infos, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: importutil.FailedReason,
Value: input.GetState().GetErrorMessage(),
output.Infos = append(output.Infos, input.Infos...)
// getTaskState looks for task with the given ID and returns its import state.
func (m *importManager) getTaskState(tID int64) *milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse {
resp := &milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse{
Status: &commonpb.Status{
ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_UnexpectedError,
Reason: "import task id doesn't exist",
Infos: make([]*commonpb.KeyValuePair, 0),
log.Debug("getting import task state", zap.Int64("task ID", tID))
// (1) Search in pending tasks list.
found := false
for _, t := range m.pendingTasks {
if tID == t.Id {
m.copyTaskInfo(t, resp)
found = true
if found {
return resp
// (2) Search in working tasks map.
if v, ok := m.workingTasks[tID]; ok {
found = true
m.copyTaskInfo(v, resp)
if found {
return resp
// (3) Search in Etcd.
if v, err := m.taskStore.Load(BuildImportTaskKey(tID)); err == nil && v != "" {
ti := &datapb.ImportTaskInfo{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal([]byte(v), ti); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to unmarshal proto", zap.String("taskInfo", v), zap.Error(err))
} else {
m.copyTaskInfo(ti, resp)
found = true
} else {
log.Warn("failed to load task info from Etcd",
zap.String("value", v),
if found {
return resp
log.Debug("get import task state failed", zap.Int64("taskID", tID))
return resp
// loadFromTaskStore loads task info from task store (Etcd).
// loadFromTaskStore also adds these tasks as pending import tasks, and mark
// other in-progress tasks as failed, when `load2Mem` is set to `true`.
// loadFromTaskStore instead returns a list of all import tasks if `load2Mem` is set to `false`.
func (m *importManager) loadFromTaskStore(load2Mem bool) ([]*datapb.ImportTaskInfo, error) {
log.Info("import manager starts loading from Etcd")
_, v, err := m.taskStore.LoadWithPrefix(Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskSubPath.GetValue())
if err != nil {
log.Error("import manager failed to load from Etcd", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
var taskList []*datapb.ImportTaskInfo
for i := range v {
ti := &datapb.ImportTaskInfo{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal([]byte(v[i]), ti); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to unmarshal proto", zap.String("taskInfo", v[i]), zap.Error(err))
// Ignore bad protos.
if load2Mem {
// Put pending tasks back to pending task list.
if ti.GetState().GetStateCode() == commonpb.ImportState_ImportPending {
log.Info("task has been reloaded as a pending task", zap.Int64("task ID", ti.GetId()))
m.pendingTasks = append(m.pendingTasks, ti)
} else {
// other non-failed and non-completed tasks should be marked failed, so the bad s egments
// can be cleaned up in `removeBadImportSegmentsLoop`.
if ti.GetState().GetStateCode() != commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailed &&
ti.GetState().GetStateCode() != commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailedAndCleaned &&
ti.GetState().GetStateCode() != commonpb.ImportState_ImportCompleted {
ti.State.StateCode = commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailed
if ti.GetState().GetErrorMessage() == "" {
ti.State.ErrorMessage = "task marked failed as service restarted"
} else {
ti.State.ErrorMessage = fmt.Sprintf("%s; task marked failed as service restarted",
if err := m.persistTaskInfo(ti); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to mark an old task as expired",
zap.Int64("task ID", ti.GetId()),
log.Info("task has been marked failed while reloading",
zap.Int64("task ID", ti.GetId()))
} else {
taskList = append(taskList, ti)
return taskList, nil
// persistTaskInfo stores or updates the import task info in Etcd.
func (m *importManager) persistTaskInfo(ti *datapb.ImportTaskInfo) error {
log.Info("updating import task info in Etcd", zap.Int64("task ID", ti.GetId()))
var taskInfo []byte
var err error
if taskInfo, err = proto.Marshal(ti); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to marshall task info proto",
zap.Int64("task ID", ti.GetId()),
return err
if err = m.taskStore.Save(BuildImportTaskKey(ti.GetId()), string(taskInfo)); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to update import task info in Etcd",
zap.Int64("task ID", ti.GetId()),
return err
return nil
// yieldTaskInfo removes the task info from Etcd.
func (m *importManager) yieldTaskInfo(tID int64) error {
log.Info("removing import task info from Etcd",
zap.Int64("task ID", tID))
if err := m.taskStore.Remove(BuildImportTaskKey(tID)); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to update import task info in Etcd",
zap.Int64("task ID", tID),
return err
return nil
// expireOldTasks removes expired tasks from memory.
func (m *importManager) expireOldTasksFromMem() {
// no need to expire pending tasks. With old working tasks finish or turn into expired, datanodes back to idle,
// let the sendOutTasksLoop() push pending tasks into datanodes.
// expire old working tasks.
func() {
defer m.workingLock.Unlock()
for _, v := range m.workingTasks {
taskExpiredAndStateUpdated := false
if v.GetState().GetStateCode() != commonpb.ImportState_ImportCompleted && taskExpired(v) {
log.Info("a working task has expired and will be marked as failed",
zap.Int64("task ID", v.GetId()),
zap.Int64("startTs", v.GetStartTs()),
zap.Float64("ImportTaskExpiration", Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskExpiration.GetAsFloat()))
taskID := v.GetId()
// Remove DataNode from busy node list, so it can serve other tasks again.
delete(m.busyNodes, v.GetDatanodeId())
if err := m.setImportTaskStateAndReason(taskID, commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailed,
"the import task has timed out"); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to set import task state",
zap.Int64("task ID", taskID),
zap.Any("target state", commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailed))
} else {
taskExpiredAndStateUpdated = true
if taskExpiredAndStateUpdated {
// Remove this task from memory.
delete(m.workingTasks, v.GetId())
// expireOldTasksFromEtcd removes tasks from Etcd that are over `ImportTaskRetention` seconds old.
func (m *importManager) expireOldTasksFromEtcd() {
var vs []string
var err error
// Collect all import task records.
if _, vs, err = m.taskStore.LoadWithPrefix(Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskSubPath.GetValue()); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to load import tasks from Etcd during task cleanup")
// Loop through all import tasks in Etcd and look for the ones that have passed retention period.
for _, val := range vs {
ti := &datapb.ImportTaskInfo{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal([]byte(val), ti); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to unmarshal proto", zap.String("taskInfo", val), zap.Error(err))
// Ignore bad protos. This is just a cleanup task, so we are not panicking.
if taskPastRetention(ti) {
log.Info("an import task has passed retention period and will be removed from Etcd",
zap.Int64("task ID", ti.GetId()),
zap.Int64("createTs", ti.GetCreateTs()),
zap.Float64("ImportTaskRetention", Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskRetention.GetAsFloat()))
if err = m.yieldTaskInfo(ti.GetId()); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to remove import task from Etcd",
zap.Int64("task ID", ti.GetId()),
// releaseHangingBusyDataNode checks if a busy DataNode has been 'busy' for an unexpected long time.
// We will then remove these DataNodes from `busy list`.
func (m *importManager) releaseHangingBusyDataNode() {
for nodeID, ts := range m.busyNodes {
log.Info("busy DataNode found",
zap.Int64("node ID", nodeID),
zap.Int64("busy duration (seconds)", time.Now().Unix()-ts),
if Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskExpiration.GetAsFloat() <= float64(time.Now().Unix()-ts) {
log.Warn("release a hanging busy DataNode",
zap.Int64("node ID", nodeID))
delete(m.busyNodes, nodeID)
func rearrangeTasks(tasks []*milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse) {
sort.Slice(tasks, func(i, j int) bool {
return tasks[i].GetId() < tasks[j].GetId()
func (m *importManager) listAllTasks(colID int64, limit int64) ([]*milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse, error) {
var importTasks []*datapb.ImportTaskInfo
var err error
if importTasks, err = m.loadFromTaskStore(false); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to load from task store", zap.Error(err))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load task list from etcd, error: %w", err)
tasks := make([]*milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse, 0)
// filter tasks by collection id
// if colID is negative, we will return all tasks
for _, task := range importTasks {
if colID < 0 || colID == task.GetCollectionId() {
currTask := &milvuspb.GetImportStateResponse{}
m.copyTaskInfo(task, currTask)
tasks = append(tasks, currTask)
// arrange tasks by id in ascending order, actually, id is the create time of a task
// if limit is 0 or larger than length of tasks, return all tasks
if limit <= 0 || limit >= int64(len(tasks)) {
return tasks, nil
// return the newly tasks from the tail
return tasks[len(tasks)-int(limit):], nil
// removeBadImportSegments marks segments of a failed import task as `dropped`.
func (m *importManager) removeBadImportSegments(ctx context.Context) {
var taskList []*datapb.ImportTaskInfo
var err error
if taskList, err = m.loadFromTaskStore(false); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to load from task store",
for _, t := range taskList {
// Only check newly failed tasks.
if t.GetState().GetStateCode() != commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailed {
log.Info("trying to mark segments as dropped",
zap.Int64("task ID", t.GetId()),
zap.Int64s("segment IDs", t.GetState().GetSegments()))
status, err := m.callMarkSegmentsDropped(ctx, t.GetState().GetSegments())
errMsg := "failed to mark all segments dropped, some segments might already have been dropped"
if err != nil {
zap.Int64("task ID", t.GetId()),
zap.Int64s("segments", t.GetState().GetSegments()),
if status.GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success {
zap.Int64("task ID", t.GetId()),
zap.Int64s("segments", t.GetState().GetSegments()),
if err = m.setImportTaskState(t.GetId(), commonpb.ImportState_ImportFailedAndCleaned); err != nil {
zap.Int64("task ID", t.GetId()))
// BuildImportTaskKey constructs and returns an Etcd key with given task ID.
func BuildImportTaskKey(taskID int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%d", Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskSubPath.GetValue(), delimiter, taskID)
// taskExpired returns true if the in-mem task is considered expired.
func taskExpired(ti *datapb.ImportTaskInfo) bool {
return Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskExpiration.GetAsFloat() <= float64(time.Now().Unix()-ti.GetStartTs())
// taskPastRetention returns true if the task is considered expired in Etcd.
func taskPastRetention(ti *datapb.ImportTaskInfo) bool {
return Params.RootCoordCfg.ImportTaskRetention.GetAsFloat() <= float64(time.Now().Unix()-ti.GetCreateTs())
func tryUpdateErrMsg(errReason string, toPersistImportTaskInfo *datapb.ImportTaskInfo) {
if errReason != "" {
if toPersistImportTaskInfo.GetState().GetErrorMessage() == "" {
toPersistImportTaskInfo.State.ErrorMessage = errReason
} else {
toPersistImportTaskInfo.State.ErrorMessage =
fmt.Sprintf("%s; %s",
func cloneImportTaskInfo(taskInfo *datapb.ImportTaskInfo) *datapb.ImportTaskInfo {
cloned := &datapb.ImportTaskInfo{
Id: taskInfo.GetId(),
DatanodeId: taskInfo.GetDatanodeId(),
CollectionId: taskInfo.GetCollectionId(),
PartitionId: taskInfo.GetPartitionId(),
ChannelNames: taskInfo.GetChannelNames(),
Files: taskInfo.GetFiles(),
CreateTs: taskInfo.GetCreateTs(),
State: taskInfo.GetState(),
CollectionName: taskInfo.GetCollectionName(),
PartitionName: taskInfo.GetPartitionName(),
Infos: taskInfo.GetInfos(),
StartTs: taskInfo.GetStartTs(),
return cloned