mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
314 lines
8.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer
314 lines
8.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package milvus.proto.query;
option go_package = "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/querypb";
import "common.proto";
import "milvus.proto";
import "internal.proto";
import "schema.proto";
import "data_coord.proto";
import "index_coord.proto";
service QueryCoord {
rpc GetComponentStates(internal.GetComponentStatesRequest) returns (internal.ComponentStates) {}
rpc GetTimeTickChannel(internal.GetTimeTickChannelRequest) returns(milvus.StringResponse) {}
rpc GetStatisticsChannel(internal.GetStatisticsChannelRequest) returns(milvus.StringResponse){}
rpc ShowCollections(ShowCollectionsRequest) returns (ShowCollectionsResponse) {}
rpc ShowPartitions(ShowPartitionsRequest) returns (ShowPartitionsResponse) {}
rpc LoadPartitions(LoadPartitionsRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc ReleasePartitions(ReleasePartitionsRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc LoadCollection(LoadCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc ReleaseCollection(ReleaseCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc CreateQueryChannel(CreateQueryChannelRequest) returns (CreateQueryChannelResponse) {}
rpc GetPartitionStates(GetPartitionStatesRequest) returns (GetPartitionStatesResponse) {}
rpc GetSegmentInfo(GetSegmentInfoRequest) returns (GetSegmentInfoResponse) {}
rpc LoadBalance(LoadBalanceRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
// https://wiki.lfaidata.foundation/display/MIL/MEP+8+--+Add+metrics+for+proxy
rpc GetMetrics(milvus.GetMetricsRequest) returns (milvus.GetMetricsResponse) {}
service QueryNode {
rpc GetComponentStates(internal.GetComponentStatesRequest) returns (internal.ComponentStates) {}
rpc GetTimeTickChannel(internal.GetTimeTickChannelRequest) returns(milvus.StringResponse) {}
rpc GetStatisticsChannel(internal.GetStatisticsChannelRequest) returns(milvus.StringResponse){}
rpc AddQueryChannel(AddQueryChannelRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc RemoveQueryChannel(RemoveQueryChannelRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc WatchDmChannels(WatchDmChannelsRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc WatchDeltaChannels(WatchDeltaChannelsRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc LoadSegments(LoadSegmentsRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc ReleaseCollection(ReleaseCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc ReleasePartitions(ReleasePartitionsRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc ReleaseSegments(ReleaseSegmentsRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
rpc GetSegmentInfo(GetSegmentInfoRequest) returns (GetSegmentInfoResponse) {}
// https://wiki.lfaidata.foundation/display/MIL/MEP+8+--+Add+metrics+for+proxy
rpc GetMetrics(milvus.GetMetricsRequest) returns (milvus.GetMetricsResponse) {}
//--------------------QueryCoord grpc request and response proto------------------
message ShowCollectionsRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
// Not useful for now
int64 dbID = 2;
repeated int64 collectionIDs = 3;
message ShowCollectionsResponse {
common.Status status = 1;
repeated int64 collectionIDs = 2;
repeated int64 inMemory_percentages = 3;
message ShowPartitionsRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 dbID = 2;
int64 collectionID = 3;
repeated int64 partitionIDs = 4;
message ShowPartitionsResponse {
common.Status status = 1;
repeated int64 partitionIDs = 2;
repeated int64 inMemory_percentages = 3;
message LoadCollectionRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 dbID = 2;
int64 collectionID = 3;
schema.CollectionSchema schema = 4;
message ReleaseCollectionRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 dbID = 2;
int64 collectionID = 3;
int64 nodeID = 4;
message LoadPartitionsRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 dbID = 2;
int64 collectionID = 3;
repeated int64 partitionIDs = 4;
schema.CollectionSchema schema = 5;
message ReleasePartitionsRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 dbID = 2;
int64 collectionID = 3;
repeated int64 partitionIDs = 4;
int64 nodeID = 5;
message CreateQueryChannelRequest {
int64 collectionID = 1;
int64 proxyID = 2;
message CreateQueryChannelResponse {
common.Status status = 1;
string query_channel = 2;
string query_result_channel = 3;
message GetPartitionStatesRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 dbID = 2;
int64 collectionID = 3;
repeated int64 partitionIDs = 4;
message GetPartitionStatesResponse {
common.Status status = 1;
repeated PartitionStates partition_descriptions = 2;
message GetSegmentInfoRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
repeated int64 segmentIDs = 2; // deprecated
int64 collectionID = 3;
message GetSegmentInfoResponse {
common.Status status = 1;
repeated SegmentInfo infos = 2;
//-----------------query node grpc request and response proto----------------
message AddQueryChannelRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 nodeID = 2;
int64 collectionID = 3;
string query_channel = 4;
string query_result_channel = 5;
internal.MsgPosition seek_position = 6;
repeated SegmentInfo global_sealed_segments = 7;
message RemoveQueryChannelRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 nodeID = 2;
int64 collectionID = 3;
string query_channel = 4;
string query_result_channel = 5;
message WatchDmChannelsRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 nodeID = 2;
int64 collectionID = 3;
repeated int64 partitionIDs = 4;
repeated data.VchannelInfo infos = 5;
schema.CollectionSchema schema = 6;
repeated data.SegmentInfo exclude_infos = 7;
message WatchDeltaChannelsRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 nodeID = 2;
int64 collectionID = 3;
repeated data.VchannelInfo infos = 4;
message SegmentLoadInfo {
int64 segmentID = 1;
int64 partitionID = 2;
int64 collectionID = 3;
int64 dbID = 4;
int64 flush_time = 5;
repeated data.FieldBinlog binlog_paths = 6;
int64 num_of_rows = 7;
repeated data.FieldBinlog statslogs = 8;
repeated data.FieldBinlog deltalogs = 9;
repeated int64 compactionFrom = 10; // segmentIDs compacted from
bool enable_index = 11;
repeated index.IndexFilePathInfo index_path_infos = 12;
message LoadSegmentsRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 dst_nodeID = 2;
repeated SegmentLoadInfo infos = 3;
schema.CollectionSchema schema = 4;
int64 source_nodeID = 5;
int64 collectionID = 6;
message ReleaseSegmentsRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 nodeID = 2;
// Not useful for now
int64 dbID = 3;
int64 collectionID = 4;
repeated int64 partitionIDs = 5;
repeated int64 segmentIDs = 6;
//----------------request auto triggered by QueryCoord-----------------
message HandoffSegmentsRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
repeated SegmentInfo segmentInfos = 2;
message LoadBalanceRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
repeated int64 source_nodeIDs = 2;
TriggerCondition balance_reason = 3;
repeated int64 dst_nodeIDs = 4;
repeated int64 sealed_segmentIDs = 5;
//-------------------- internal meta proto------------------
enum PartitionState {
NotExist = 0;
NotPresent = 1;
OnDisk = 2;
PartialInMemory = 3;
InMemory = 4;
PartialInGPU = 5;
InGPU = 6;
enum TriggerCondition {
UnKnowCondition = 0;
Handoff = 1;
LoadBalance = 2;
GrpcRequest = 3;
NodeDown = 4;
enum LoadType {
UnKnowType = 0;
LoadPartition = 1;
loadCollection = 2;
message DmChannelWatchInfo {
int64 collectionID = 1;
string dmChannel = 2;
int64 nodeID_loaded = 3;
message QueryChannelInfo {
int64 collectionID = 1;
string query_channel = 2;
string query_result_channel = 3;
repeated SegmentInfo global_sealed_segments = 4;
internal.MsgPosition seek_position = 5;
message PartitionStates {
int64 partitionID = 1;
PartitionState state = 2;
int64 inMemory_percentage = 3;
message SegmentInfo {
int64 segmentID = 1;
int64 collectionID = 2;
int64 partitionID = 3;
int64 nodeID = 4;
int64 mem_size = 5;
int64 num_rows = 6;
string index_name = 7;
int64 indexID = 8;
string dmChannel = 9;
repeated int64 compactionFrom = 10;
bool createdByCompaction = 11;
common.SegmentState segment_state = 12;
bool enable_index = 13;
repeated index.IndexFilePathInfo index_path_infos = 14;
message CollectionInfo {
int64 collectionID = 1;
repeated int64 partitionIDs = 2;
repeated PartitionStates partition_states = 3;
LoadType load_type = 4;
schema.CollectionSchema schema = 5;
repeated int64 released_partitionIDs = 6;
int64 inMemory_percentage = 7;
//---- synchronize messages proto between QueryCoord and QueryNode -----
message SegmentChangeInfo {
int64 online_nodeID = 1;
repeated SegmentInfo online_segments = 2;
int64 offline_nodeID = 3;
repeated SegmentInfo offline_segments = 4;
message SealedSegmentsChangeInfo {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
repeated SegmentChangeInfo infos = 2;